#silly gang 🤩 silly gang 🤩 silly gang 🤩
dbphantom · 11 months
that one part in film z where it's edited like found footage and luffy is an unstoppable monster to the marines >>>>>>> whatever the fuck was going on during roof piece
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abitohoney · 10 months
So after a recent Big Move™️, I’ve finally gotten my household goods delivered to my new home. WOOT WOOT.
And as I pulled out some baking/muffin pans, I thought
Damn. I’d like to think I’d be rough and tough and a “don’t look at me wrong or I’ll punt your ass over a high-rise” sort of girl boss in the Arcane world.
But realistically all I want is to bake some treats for Sev and Ran. Make sure they’re eating good. Dust off and adjust their collar before they head out on a mission/task or to a meeting or whatever. Pack them little snacks or lunchboxes. Pretend to not be fussy over them since I also have my own work but actually unintentionally show ✨affection✨. Give them a goodbye kith. Be a lil Susie-homemaker in denial.
Also this moonshine is kind of hitting hard send help
OMG congrats on the big move! I still remember my first big move! Exciting (and exhausting)! Hopefully you're past the exhausting part and slipping into chill mode.
Hard same on thinking I'd be a kick ass girl boss in Arcane but really just wanna be Sev and Ran's little Honey homemaker. 🤓
Some silly, cute, fluffy thoughts inspired by this below the cut. SFW believe it or not.
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Fussing over them and packing them lil snacks and lunches sounds like a dream! 🤩 Gosh, just imagine packing them both a little paper sack lunch for the first time. They just give you a look like "Seriously? What am I, 8?" Meanwhile you're just smiling at them adoringly.
Maybe they both sit with the rest of Silco's cronies come lunch time. They're already feeling ridiculous carrying they're matching paper sack lunches, but they're just assuming it's gonna be some lame old bologna sandwiches and stale leftover chips from the last Jericho's dinner.
They simultaneously open their bags to pull out not just any old sandwich, rather it's the freshest looking bread they've ever seen, holding equally fresh greens, meats, and cheeses. And best worst of all, you'd used cookie cutters to cut them into heart shapes. Sevika and Ran exchange glances, brows raised. They both set the sandwiches down, behind their bags, hoping to hide them from the rest of the gang, only to pull out more incriminating lunchables. Several slices of pineapple, cut into disgustingly cute little stars. Then comes the veggies, cause of course you made sure their lunches were a complete balance of nutrition. Chubby little baby carrots arranged on a thick homemade hummus in a flower design. One little cherry tomato decorates the center.
The coup de grâce to their humiliation? Custom, tiny cupcakes decorated in bright pink, red, and purple icing and bedazzled with heart shaped sprinkles of the same colors.
Another exchange of glances, cheeks flushed, then eyes averted downward. Neither dare make eye contact with anyone else at the table. Not that any of them would dare to even so much as snicker at Silco's second in command or top assassin. Not if they valued their life.
So Sevika and Ran consume their entirely too cute lunch in silence. It's an uncomfortable one, but deep down, beneath those hard exteriors, their hearts swell with pride and joy. They have someone like you- who cares so much- to so lovingly select, create, and craft the sweetest of lunches. And just for them. ♥️
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Sending help ASAP! (It's just me in a box with holes so I can 'help' you finish off that moonshine)
Also, every time you send me something ISTG I get such a strong itch to write my poly Sev x Reader x Ran fic. I will some day. (Still anxiously patiently waiting for your writing too! <3)
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sadie-bug345 · 2 months
gang as things my friend have said pt 2
this is so goofy💀🤡
anyone: “and how would you adapt to this?”dally: “death.”
sodapop: “the slut is coming out again😔🤪🤩”
cherry and marcia: “what in the wife beater-🧍‍♀️” *inspired by one of many pics of young matt dillon in a wife beater LMAO he eats tho*
dally: “man! mega pain‼️🤩🤪”
johnny: “what am i doing wrong? living??”
two-butt: “ugh i’m paired up with bob. if you hear screams it’s me😃”
sodapop: “🎶i gotta sing the pain awayyy, don’t wanna think about it todayyy🎤”
two-butt: “now where did my foot cookie go?” *please help i wrote this in my notes like months ago and i forgot the context😭🙏😔*
ANYWAYS i hope you enjoyeddd gimme some silly hcs or imagine ideas or just say hi!!
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y0ur--l0v3r · 1 year
Gamer Gang- headcanons
Characters- Baji, Chifuyu, Kazutora, and you 🫵
On weekends you would invite Kazutora, Baji, and Chifuyu over to play 
When you invite them over you guys all love playing Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros 
Nah but Mario Kart is insane with the 4 of you
Chifuyu surprisingly sucks at Mario Kart, but doesnt mind losing
“Im pretty excellent at this game if I say myself”
Baji would be the one rage quitting whenever he falls off the map and throws the controller 
Kazutora would be on the sideline laughing at the chaos
And you would literally be concentrated as fuck, cause your obviously have to win
Now don't get me started on Rainbow Road…
That map got everyone in tears 
First Chifuyu……… he's actually really good at this map 💀
“Hm…. 3rd place pretty good actually”
Not just is he good hes a fucking pro at this map for some reason 
Like he could easily breeze this map with no falls in ends up like 3rd 💀
Baji…. Well he still rages when he falls obviously 
“One word Baji Tradition”
But this map makes him rage to the max and in the end hands his controller to Chifuyu 
And boom Chifuyu ends up helping Baji get to 10th place 
“YES 10TH, THANKS CHIFUYU” he lightly punches the side of Chifuyu arm
Baji ends up bragging and sides eyes everyone with a smirk acting like he's superior (still love him tho 🤩)
Now for 11th and 12th 💀
It’s with you or Kazutora cause yall suck ass at this for sure
Sometimes Kazutora gets 11th or you 
Istg yall sweat pools trying to beat one another all the time
“Damn you guys need to clean your sweats up” Baji would say as he gets food from the fridge obvi after getting 10th 🙄
In the end if Kazutora wins he will brag and dance in front of all of you guys
“YEA YOU GUYS SAW THAT” processes to do his silly little dance 
If you win you would straight up punch everyone in excitement 
After some competitive ass competitions in the end you guys would play like Just Dance, Dance Central, or Dance Dance Revolution
Yet that ends up to a competition in the end also 💀
But thats for a different time ^^^^^^^
Part 2... 🤔 (super smash bro edition, or Dance Dance revolution)
could add other characters if people wanted me too <3
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mysticmoondancer · 1 year
Damn. I know that Pride Month is almost over, but... I just had a really fun and silly (and possibly even fluffy too) one-shot idea for a MBAV just came to me. The gang attending a Pride Month event/festival together with their gay little asses! 🤩
Of course, that doesn't mean I'm gonna be the one to write it, though. I've got enough fics to work on as is. 😔 But the idea is up for grabs, though, to anyone who wants to do it! 😀 I hope someone does because I think it would be really neat and fun to see. Them all having a good time, just hanging out together. Gay fun with your gay besties! 😊🏳️‍🌈🌈
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gemwing2010 · 8 months
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Cuphead: Mugman! Look!
Mugman: W-wow. Miss Katie’s got about 190 likes on her post of that Cuphead game anniversary artwork and speech she did on September 29th. That’s impressive.
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Cuphead: I know! Right?!? It totally outrank the likes of that funny GIF of King Dice running silly she posted months ago! It’s a new record!
Mugman: Huh… I guess it really did.
Cuphead: 😄😁!!
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Mugman: Gee, I wonder how Mr. King Dice would make of this? I mean, that post of him running kinda funny was pretty popular.
Cuphead: Eh, he shouldn’t be too worried about it. C’mon, let’s go find Chalice and the gang so we can get some ice cream to celebrate!
Mugman: Ooh! And with extra sprinkles! 😄😋
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Devil: 🤩 Ooooh! Isn’t that wonderful, Henchman? My lovely Katie has gotten 190 likes on her charming little post for the anniversary of that Cuphead game! My future queen has so much talent and must be very proud! 😄
Henchman: Oh boy! 😃
King Dice just so happened to strut in, scatting an upbeat tune, minding his own business.
Henchman: Wow. 190 likes. It has broken the record of that funny post of Mr. King Dice running out from the gates of the Underworld when you had sent him to follow after the third finest demons to go after Cuphead at the Autumn Festival last year.
The imps happily nodded and murmured in agreement.
Stickler: I, too, must commend Ms. Gemwing in her hard work and dedication to make such an honourable post to contribute her devotion to the franchise, erm. 😑
Dice: Number one here! Fashionably late and fashionably fashionable as per usual-!
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Devil: Oh! Dice! How good of you to finally join us. Have you seen this? My lovely Katie is certainly popular with all of these mortals on her Tumblr page to get this many likes on this brilliant workpiece. It has certainly outranked the likes of that little post of you. 😌
Dice: 😳🤯 (sputtering in disbelief) Wha-?! H-how?!?
Henchman: Duh, Mr. King Dice? Are you okay?
Overwhelmed with shock and disbelief, Dice promptly fainted.
Dice: 😵‍💫😵‍💫
The imps looked at one another, mumbling in confusion.
Stickler: 😐🫤
Henchman: Aw jeez. 😥
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I just like to thank everyone for liking my post for the Cuphead game Anniversary I had posted on September 29th. I was rather surprised to have THAT many likes. That means a lot.
And I kid you not about my post of that King Dice running GIF I had posted months ago. It had been my most popular post back then… until now that is.
Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You guys are the best as well as all of the amazing characters from this beloved franchise.
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star-critter · 5 months
You will always give me "The Banger Artist" + " Shitposter" cuz into on one hand, very talented artist, on the other, your silly AU moments stay iconic!
Awwww thank you! I put a lot of love & work into my art, no matter the blog ! 😊🎨✨️
Also omg thank you, fhfhfbfg. I love being silly on Tumblr!!!! And I really love hearing that you mortals enjoy my silliness!!!
(We need a silly little cat tongue blep emoji because that's what I'd put next to this)
You give me The Banger Artist because, like, your art is literally amazing - the way you color is just (chef's kiss) 🤩
Also, LGBTQ+ idk your Fangs are very Fruity /pos
I'd robably say a little bit of The Famous One, too, because you got the Fang Gang on your side 😎
[ /gen /pos ]
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cocoabubbelle · 1 year
Watching “Scooby Doo, Where Are You?” (1969-1970 CBS) + Thoughts
Episode 22: Haunted House Hang Up
A headless man?
Shaggy can play the guitar, and Scooby drums.
Asha Shanks, a slouching big guy with a lantern, giving Scooby and Shaggy war flashbacks with the last big guy who held a lantern on their first meeting.
Headless Specter? Was the Dullahan too hard to pronounce??? (Dullahan = Headless Horseman monster from Irish folklore)
“The non-material embodiment or essence or organism that’s seen as a specter, wraith, or apparition has been scientifically proven to be a sheer myth. In other words, there’s no such thing as a ghost.” “Yeah, but does the ghost know that?” I now know why Velma wasn’t chosen to be part of Scooby Doo and the 13 Ghosts.
Floating candle! Will they actually explain it this time?
Cue Old-painting-of-an-older-person-but-if-you-look-away-for-a-moment-then-it-changes-in-a-creepy-way gag.
Is it just me or has the animation/design for the Scooby gang become significantly more wonky since they’ve entered the mansion?
We watch Headless Ghost using secret passageways to travel in the house. Seems interested in a jewelry box?
Shaggy pranking Scoob so that the poor dog accidentally volunteers to open the jewelry box for everyone. Maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on him for swiping Shaggy’s food from now on 😅
Bruh. Is it weird that when I saw a man’s head in the opened box, my first thought was “Oh, that is a nicely rendered head. Look at the details in the lines and values 🤩” , and then “Oh. That’s a HEAD?”
False alarm. ‘Tis a wooden dummy’s head.
“Aren’t you curious [about this mystery]?” “NOT ONE BIT.”
A random though popped into my mind. It is NOT CANON, but I wondered momentarily if Fred kept splitting the gang up the way he usually does because he’s always had some kind of crush on Daphne and was hoping to impress her. Occasionally he invited Velma so no one would notice, but all of them know but don’t want to embarrass him by pointing it out?
Velma shoves Shaggy and Scooby ahead of her into a dark room instead of going in first.
“I feel like I’ve been dipped in ink and let loose in a coal mine.”
Ah, the let’s-hold-hands-in-a-dark-room-so-we-don’t-lose-each-other-only-to-discover-we’ve-gained/lost-a-member-in-our-team-when-the-lights-are-on gag
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: Animation is WONKY this episode.
Cue this episode’s chase scene’s theme song.
“Headless” Specter has to bend super down low to look at specific things bc the guy who made his own costume didn’t think to create incognito areas/fabric to see (and yes I’m saying he made his own costume bc I believe Trick or Treat, Scooby Doo to be part of a different canon universe than the series and the older movies, just like how I view the live action films, the live action series, and the other adaptations. I think some fans arguing over which versions of the Scooby Gang’s are the “true”/“actual”/“correct” interpretations of these characters are a tad silly because even the original show had trouble pinpointing their personalities at times. Have fun and be cool.)
I know it’s in the name of good fun and shenanigans, but seeing all of those books being shoved off the library bookshelf by Shelma and Scooby made the book lover in me wince.
Headless Specter loses whatever little dignity he thought he had by jumping on the bed and angrily bouncing and stomping on the “bodies” (actually pillows) of Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby. Wow, dude.
A spinning wheel also serves as a bicycle. Shenanigans.
The well that was shown earlier has a secret passage.
We finally see what Fraphne is up to, and lo and behold, they are actually looking for clues and being useful as opposed to the writers usually having no clue what to do with them when they split the gang up.
Animation Goof: Daphne’s eyebrows disappear until she speaks.
Oooh! A trapdoor.
“Let’s take a look and be careful.” Me: *immediately begins countdown.* “Whoops!!” Only two seconds for Danger-Prone Daphne to slip 😅
I accidentally paused to talk to someone, and I have to restrain myself from laughing at the horrible twisted wince/scowl face Daphne is making as she is talking. Not sure why the animators are doing more in-betweens here between poses when the earlier episodes were just fine without them. Can’t fault them too much for making an attempt though.
Methinks the artists didn’t want Velma getting hit when Fred and Daphne are about to chuck jars at her, Shag, and Scooby out of self-defense, as we see in previous episodes Shaggy usually gets throttled from a misunderstanding.
I vaguely remember a scene where Shaggy and Scooby accidentally chew on non-inflated balloons thinking they were treats when I was younger; didn’t realize it was from this episode.
Animation Goof: Shaggy’s eyebrows are too thick for any man to handle.
Don’t know why later adaptations dumb Freddy down; he’s just as smart as Velma. There’s room for multiple smart people who are knowledgeable in differing areas! This is why I ship Frelma *gets slapped*
Why on earth would you give a Scooby Snack to a Flytrap, Shaggy? That’s just asking for an early version of Little Shop of Horrors.
Where did the Headless Specter come from?
Show is inconsistent with Shaggy and Scooby’s weights.
No chickens were harmed in the making of this episode (I hope 😅)
Huh. The Headless Specter isn’t Asha Shanks. Also, Headless Specter man isn’t the bad guy? He’s just trying to ward off grave-diggers and robbers?
Asha Shanks is the criminal, but he has nowhere near the same level of creativity or drama as the Headless Specter man.
“And I’d have found [the treasure first] if it weren’t for you snoopers!”
Day 22 of no “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”
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nani-nonny · 10 months
Okay okay, OKAY OKAY!! I read ch 11 and am GIDDY!! WE GOT THE STEP DAD BACK!!
And let me tell you, seeing commander April O'Neill is great treat indeed!! It made me happy knowing that Karai teached her how to communicate with F!Leo.
I even were in complet shock when i knew Commander is there with P!leo! I hope she can see the brothers and talk to them, Same with F!Leo he deserves it.
Now after P!leo left the bedroom, F!leo told CJ to grab a slice, i Couldn't help but think of old people when they try to sneak candy to their grandkids xD
And " i want 4 slices of different pies with garlic bread " Mhm~ April you have a great taste🥰
But as soon as the human of the surface saw F!Leo i couldn't help but mumble " oh... Fuck! " and suck air as i was panicking, Purple seeing pictures of older leo also doesn't help me mentally.
The fact Commander April's asking blue to hurry make me think; will she vanish once older leo get the herb? And switch from blue to it? Because as she said she's a clock to p!leo.
Then comes CJ's selfie, i laughed at it when donnie " we need to work on his selfie game " but i laughed hard when there was a fly on Old peepaw's nose xD
When they teleport to the rooftop and older leo grabbed blue's wrist out of " old habit "? I was excited!! Like damn yeah 🤩 glad no bones were broken.
Then when leo felt April helps him out gather the energy? I could swear i can imagine her gather snow and make snowball with it... Tho my first thought was her patting leo's head.
And the talk about " first personal slice " i couldn't help but Older leo was talking about pizza while blue was thinking of 'Why Commander april's with him only?'.
But i was so so happy seeing older leo knowing april's with blue, now this gives me more room to think about questions of WDS.
Many about the fact peepaw WDS can't get into relationship without his ghost brothers interfere or judge him.. Wonder if blue would feel the same towards Commander April..?
Karai won’t be a part of the turtle gang in F!Leo’s head (lol) but I’ll sprinkle her in like this every once in a while. But I love the idea of her helping them out as she rests.
And, ya know, Commander just casually hitching a ride in Blue’s head. A normal day in the Hamato household as she plays the alarm for F!Leo’s battery recharge /hj
F!Leo is already well on the way to spoiling Casey Jr with all the goodies in the present. *mischievous hand rubbing*
Yellow knows her worth and she’s going to take advantage of F!Leo’s mischievous antics hahah /j
But yeah, the surface stuff is making me nervous too hahah I have an idea where I want it to lead but also don’t. It could go either way at this point
Commander O’Neil in Blue’s head is just a means to help F!Leo get better. She won’t disappear and I don’t plan on making anyone disappear, this story is for the future brothers to live on through F!Leo… literally lol. And to make fun of F!Leo while F!Leo introduces Casey Jr to the present.
Peepaw Leo is a gross old man who’d scratch his ass after a good nap, and after a good while of sleeping in a tub? He probably stinks horrifically, I’m surprised he doesn’t have more flies
And the sudden wrist-grab is a necessary evil /j (totally not my way of sneaking in a sample of how Commander O’Neil watches over the younger turtles)
The idea in my head for Commander O’Neil helping pack the pieces of Blue’s ninpo into a ball was directly inspired by the snow day episode and I thought how cute it would be if Commander O’Neil hummed their snow day song while helping Blue. :)
And I almost ended the chapter without F!Leo knowing that Commander O’Neil is with Blue, mainly because I initially planned on a different ending that leads to the following chapter. Almost didn’t get the silly “I did all the work!”
About the relationship thing, I don’t plan on F!Leo getting into a relationship because my main focus for this fic is family and recovery. And I don’t really prefer me writing in a romance genre when it comes to the turtles. Idk I don’t think I’m confident in understanding how the turtles would be in relationships and I’d rather not bash their characters with my lack of understanding. After all, I absolutely love the familial aspect of tmnt
But Blue’s feeling of being under Commander O’Neil’s watchful eye is currently in awe of how he met the future counterpart of his big sister April.
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artofapeach · 2 years
I kinda want a specific episode for a Helluva Boss season finale. I know it might not happen, but it would be awesome if it did. It would start with fizz and Octavia being captured by a rogue Goetia that is some kind of freedom fighter. Stolas, Stella and Ozzie can’t save them, because they are under the impression that one of the seven deadly sin kidnapped Fizz and Octavia for some unknown reason.
We cut to a scene where all the important leaders in hell are arguing what really happened. Everyone is convinced that it all relates to a series of attacks that have been happening against the nobility, but no one can agree how. Most of the demons present seem to believe that Stolas and Ozzie caused this insanity to happen. Some theorize Stolas and Ozzie to be working together in some sort of coup.
As all these important leaders are arguing, there is one person who is watching it all unfold. She has an idea what who could be behind all of this, but no one wants to listen to her. She isn’t even able to say a word. We do not get to see the face of this mystery figure or hear her voice. However, from looking at her clothes and design, we can guess who it is. She finally leaves the meeting, deciding to take matters in her own hands.
Meanwhile, the imp gang trying to find the rogue Goetia hideout, hoping to save Stolas. They find the hideout and a fight ensues. However, the rogue Goetia and his henchmen gets the upper hand. When all hope seems lost, she comes in. The mystery woman from earlier enters the hideout. The camera pans up to reveal that the mystery woman is Charlie Morningstar.
With a sad expression, she walks closer to the fight. The rogue Goetia taunts the princess, thinking he can overpower her easily and use her as a hostage. However, Charlie manges to effortlessly defeat the rogue Goetia and his henchmen. The imp gang watch in horror as the princess breaks each limb of the powerful Goetia.
Once the bad guys finally fall, she simply walks over to where fizz and Octavia are being held.
( By the way, throughout the episode, their is a running gag where everyone is always interrupting Charlie and not letting her actually speak. The reason would be that Charlie’s voice actor couldn’t be use for an episode of Helluva Boss.)
Charlie releases Octavia and Fizz, completely ignoring the imp gang. They return to the royal castle to clear up the situation and save Stolas and Ozzie.
As they ride, we notice the Charlie’s limo passing several Hazbin hotel characters. Fizz starts annoying Charlie ( I headcannon them having a brother and sister type of relationship.) . He asks her, “ Are you still working that silly project? What is it called?”
Then, we get the logo of Hazbin Hotel and a release date.
Anyway, this was an idea that has been in my head for days. I know that it is really dumb and weird. I just had to share it. What do you think?
I happily gasped at the ending, that would be the PERFECT way to reveal the release date goddddddd
The idea itself is super interesting! It does seem kinda Charlie focused for a Helluva episode, though. Maybe if she and Blitz teamed up, or he needed help finding Stolas and the others and she approached him?
I do like the interruption gag, though! A *very* clever way to avoid using Charlie’s voice actor.
Although, even if it’s not possible, I also love the option of Charlie being interrupted until the end, when Fizz asks about her project, and we hear Charlie’s voice reveal as she says “The Hazbin Hotel!”
Or Happy Hotel. Is she aware that Alastor changed its name? Eh that’s a question for another day.
But yeah, all in all, this was super charming and cool to read 🤩
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thousand autumns, episode 5~
yws: wow that dude just betrayed u, aren't u sad? shen qiao: no :) i'm gonna pass out now and remember how fucking AWESOME i am, excuse me :) yws: lol ppl keep betraying u. wanna be evil with me?? shen qiao: no :) i'm gonna cough prettily and hobble along home now :) SSSSLUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRP OH THEY'RE CALLED LIUHE GANG, that's why i was so confused. i kept remembering the 'liu he shen gong' technique from woh/shl (the one that ruined ye baiyi's life by making him immortal so he could agonise over his heartbreak for all time) lol im so dumb 😅 tee hee, yan wushi is an old fox, it's canon y'all! 'shen qiao is like a walking treasure' LOL EVERYONE WANTS HIM SO BAD??? I DONT BLAME THEM BUT ITS SO FUNNY??? MY SON SHENGYAN IS BACK, HI SWEETIE!! shen qiao: pls stop sending ppl to follow me :) yws: *evil laughs in refusal* THE OLD MAN HIGH-FIVED HIM INTO THE WALL!! noooo don't hurt himmmm, he's so cuuuute, how could u huuurt himmm?? ;A; oh look, the suffering masses are here! HELLO EVERYONE! yan wushi was using his friendly eyebrows for a second there!! he'd better watch out, or he might fall in love with a nice fellow like shen qiao, wouldn't THAT be a tragedy? lol its my fav cdrama lesson, 'never help anyone ever, they'll just get angry and hurt u or each other and then everyone will feel bad ;A;' (for legal purposes, this is hyperbole. birb does NOT believe that all cdrama holds or encourages this value. birb is just being a prick for the craic, purely for the craic.) OH A BABY ;A; shen-langjun?? like 沈郎君 ?? is that what he says?? :O yan wushi does not sit, he SPRAWLS!! wtf is he doing to that rock tho i love his dumb face, he's just so silly looking. like he's trying too hard to be a villain idk. he's definitely Not Nice but he's trying SO HARD to sell the Serious Business For Really Reals Evil that i can't buy it, i just laugh at him lmao 🤣 'FEEDING THE HUNGRY FOR CLOUT, SEE YU AI FOR MORE DETAILS' yws: lol ur friends dont care about u, just like i don't care about this porridge. BOTTOMS UP >:) how do u say 'sláinte' in chinese FFS shen qiao cannot go FIVE MINUTES without being ATTACKED!! LET A MAN EAT HIS DINNER IN PEACE JFC lol yws switched from a bench sprawl to a window sprawl, it doesnt make much of a difference but he looked cool doing it and that's what counts this animation is FIRE, sometimes the models look a wee bit odd but the motion itself is beautiful and fluid imo!! i really love it!! 🤩 HOLY!! HE JUST!!! HE GRABBED SHEN QIAO BY THE WAIST!!! AND WHISKED HIM AWAY OFF??? IN BROAD DAYLIGHT??? what is with this tender heartfelt music?? its making me feel things i dont want to feel, pls stop ;A; yws: hey if ur friend tries to kill u, u should totally call me for help. i might not answer. but it would make me feel good lol *shen qiao stumbles* yu ai: i was gonna help u, but then i thought….nah. ANYWAY! *fake gasp* omg bro, ur so weak and sickly! however could such a terrible and unexpected thing occur?????? shen qiao: u literally poisoned me :) ...and it was in this moment yu ai knew that he had fucked up 😔
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delusional-mishaps · 5 days
YEEEAAAHHH OMG ALL YOUR HEADCANNONS ARE REALLY GOOD! 🤩And I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT MOFO IS SMART ENOUGH TO POSSIBLE BE A LITERAL DOCTOR EITHER. Everyone at the hospital thinks he’s just here waiting for someone or to flirt with the nurse when reality he goes nerd mode and is really good at his job also. And writing stuff about Epic has to be the worst and best at the same time??? He is so funny but also cringe. AND ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME THAT HE WOULD NOT GIVE THE DUMBEST NICKNAMES EVER-
With his s/o he would also probably compare there relationship to a fictional couple like ”we’re just like ___ and ____“🥰 depending on what show he is forcing you to watch (he def takes his partner to anime conventions also) AND he uses those cringe Japanese terms like yandere and tsundere and baka but mostly ironically, AUAUAGAH HE IS SO 😭😭💖💖💕🔥💥‼️‼️‼️
I could ramble about him all day but I think that’s enough simping, but it’s just he’s so auaghaugah. THE OLD COMICS YUGOGEER MADE ABOUT HIM ARE ALSO REALLY GOOD, FOUND ONE WHERE HE IS WEARING AN ANIME SCHOOL GIRL OUTFIT! Most of them are deleted and it makes me so angry like ggrrrrr. I had to scroll through the depths of an old tumblr account to find them all, I saw so much fontsecst… I saw the comics, but at what cost? 😔😔😔
OH AND BACK ON TOPIC, THE HEADACHE HEADCANNON FOR EPIC IS CHEFS KISS!!! Never even thought about how technically all his power is stored in that socket, and it must really hurt him. Mah poor boi 😖 AND SANSES WITH GLASSES ARE THE BEST! Error does have glasses canonically I can confirm. One sans that wears glasses could also be NIGHTMARE. I think this because he has all that goop in front of his one eye and also since he has been around for a loooong time, which could play a part in bad eye sight. And it’s also funny to see him all grandpa mode EHEHEHH!
I APPRECIATE THE EXTRA PICS OF THE CROCHET BOIS, TYSM! They are the DEFINITION of scrunkly 💕 AND CRAM AND JAM ARE AAAAHHH!!! Those names make me wanna go crazy. I want the LOOOORREEEE! I can be MatPat and you can be Scott Cawthon and this could be like fnaf if you get my super duper awesome metaphor! 😎😎😎
And are legiterally so cool fr fr. Kissing you platonically also 😙 MWAH! Love seeing your rants and headcannons omg, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon! 😈😈😈 sorry for very very long ask just realized I went kinda off the rails here lmao
anon don't apologize for the long ask im in love /p
BYT AUUUQGQGG DINT EVEN TALK ABOUT HIW EPIC USES THOSE ANIME TERMS.. youre mad at him for something and he calls you a tsundere AS IF THATLL MAKE ANYTHING BETTER.. BABE I WANNA BEAT YOU STOP TALKING LIKE THAT OMGG but we just like that anime couple he said we were like fr idk i zone out when he turns on anime
BAJSNKSNSK THE FONTCEST im so sorry.. the lengths youll go for epic 💔💔
nightmare deffo has glasses because he is literally a grandpa. he needs his spectacles to see. he can't tell his gang apart otherwise (we aren't talking about canon here ok i love murder time trio theyre soso silly and special to me :3 ) because they all look the same LMAOO
OMG FNAF REFERENCE ‼️‼️‼️‼️ OK OK OK CRAM AND JAM LORE!!! they had an old "owner" who was lowkey kinda neglectful.. bitties are sentient so OBVIOUSLY they can just take care of themself, right? pfft, yeah. so anyway one day they're taken out on the town with their owner and they're trying to come up with a PLAN on how to escape and find a better life (cram was, anyway) and jam just saw my sona (who has other bitties too btw.. i like to make a bitty anytime i get merch of a character like keychains/pins/plushies etc.. it's kinda cringe LMFAOO I LOVE BEING CRINGE‼️‼️) and he's just like "wow that person could take care of us" so they're STOW AWAYS!!! hence the names cram and jam because they crammed and jammed their way into my got damn pockets 😭
I AM GLAD YOU ARE HERE TO STAY !!!!!! answering asks is like enrichment time in my enclosure BAJSKDKCKF
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shotorozu · 3 years
without actual confirmation
— how their friends know they’re no longer single, without much verbal confirmation
character(s) : sano “mikey” manjiro, sano shinichiro, mitsuya takashi, tachibana naoto (tokyo revengers)
bnha version.
legend : [Y/N = your name] gender neutral, you guys are in your late teens (uhh, pretend toman didn’t disband in their last year of middle school)
possible ooc because this is my second tokrev post 🧎‍♀️
note(s) : my second tokrev post 🤩 i did 4 characters i has inspo for i was gonna do fuyu but nothing came up?!?!?? damn it all might make a second part for this?? idk. but what i AM certain of, is that there’s gonna be a bnha version 😼
»»————- ♡ ————-««
toman! mikey, who doesn’t exhibit any drastic changes when he’s no longer a single, and significant other-less guy.
toman! mikey— who’s really still him, and considering that mikey overall, was in the top 3 worst boyfriend/husband contest, his friends wouldn’t have guessed.
toman! mikey’s friends just aren’t sure how his behavior would change, or if it would even change at all. 💀
that was until mikey was spot leaving an adjourned toman meeting alone— and, with a helmet in his clutches. but wait, mikey normally doesn’t wear his helmet.
toman! mikey— who has his friends speculating on who’s helmet that belonged to. their second guess was that this helmet belonged to takemichi— but wait (again), this helmet was a different color, and takemichi doesn’t recognize it.
and it all makes sense, when they see their leader patting a spot on his bike, when they see you hop on his bike with his assistance— lifting you onto his bike. and, when they— for a split second —see mikey press his lips against yours, checking the security of your helmet’s buckle over and over again.
it then, dawns onto them all, that mikey’s someone’s boyfriend now— your boyfriend, to be specific. (they have lots of questions)
because toman! mikey, cannot afford for you to fall off, and get hurt on his watch— knowing how fast he likes to go on his bike.
shinichiro— who normally has his hair slicked up to the heavens, and coated in ten tons of gel, shows up one day with his hair down.
shinichiro— who gets a lot of concerned questions from his fellow gang members, asking if something bad happened today, as he shows up to a meeting with his hair down, AND with a red face.
shinichiro— with a sheepish chuckle, just says that he simply “ran out of gel, and woke up on the wrong side of the bed” but, no one exactly buys this answer, especially takeomi
shinichiro— who receives even more questions, this time from his little brothers plus friends, after they notice the lack of that silly hairstyle for two whole weeks.
shinichiro— who shouts “no!” when he’s offered to go on a shopping trip for more hair gel. the reason behind this reaction is unknown to all of them for now.
after a while— they decided to put aside all of these burning questions, and just accept that shinichiro’s a “changed man” that had a “change of style”
but shinichiro— who’s behavior all makes sense now, when his little brother and sister catches him happily talking to himself, about how you like it when his hair’s down, and in it’s rawest form more.
and that’s when it all clicks inside of his little siblings’ heads— remembering that shinichiro said some time ago, that he’d change his hair “if my significant other told me to.” and if that significant other is in fact, you.
mitsuya— who, never struggled in making clothes and finalizing design drafts— struggles for the first time ever.
mitsuya— who has his friends staring at the scene in awe, as they see his usually on-set, and decisive friend, being the exact opposite.
mitsuya— who erases pencil markings upon pencil markings in his sketch book, groaning about how “it doesn’t look quite right.”
mitsuya— who starts staying overtime instead of going home, mind set on finishing whatever needed to be finished in his sketchbook.
mitsuya— who struggles at using his laptop, asks hakkai to help him figure something out, which ends up in hakkai accidentally see his gallery filled with your pictures, along with his search history of aesthetics you so happen to like (but the purpose of these? hakkai doesn’t know.)
mitsuya— that has his sisters peeking over his shoulder, curious as to why he’s been smiling at his sketchbook like a lovesick fool.
but lovesick fool indeed is he— when mitsuya’s friends all realize that he’s been making a customized outfit just for you, which explains why he’s been stricter on himself by tenfolds
mitsuya’s friends then realize that their friend is indeed no longer the single man they once knew, when they realize that you haven’t asked him to make you an outfit, which means he did this on his own accord. and, when they see him spinning you around happily— while you wore the outfit he made just for you.
naoto— who went from paying little to no mind about romance, to being subtly interested in it, all seemingly overnight.
naoto— who came to realize how much he didn’t KNOW about romance when he became certain of his own feelings for his long time friend (you). sure, there was his sister, and takemichi. but, he was always the official third wheel, and never the second party in a relationship.
naoto— who’s smart enough decide that he needs help, and is also smart enough to rule out the concept of seeking help from the internet. he’s seen corny, and he knows what corny sounds like.
naoto— who reluctantly, starts asking lots and lots of ‘what if’ questions to his older sister. “how do you know if you want to date someone long term or short term?” “how did you ask hanagaki out?” “what was it like when you asked him out?” all of these questions were awfully vague, but hina still answered all of them.
naoto— who decides to take a step even further, by asking his sister’s boyfriend for help. he honestly didn’t want to, but considering how his older sister appears to be on cloud nine with takemichi, it’s his only option.
naoto— who is asked by takemichi, if he has a crush, and if he’s planning on asking someone out. naoto, who says that he “doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” (but doesn’t flat out deny the crush part) and, says nothing to the advice he had to offer, because it made some sense.
naoto— who finally starts to pull the moves on you, but in his own revised way. who isn’t great with grand romantic gestures that are ripped out of a romcom, but is amazing with words, and making his intentions clear.
naoto— who comes home one day, and is jokingly asked by hina and takemichi, if he “asked you out already” the shock that rushes over takemichi, and hina’s faces— when naoto only replies with a smile.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own tokyo revengers and it’s characters. tokyo revengers/tokrev does not belong to me, it belongs to wakui ken. i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby.
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission :))
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deerstar4 · 2 years
Hi I’m orion, 🤩 This is my blog
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(animation by @lowpolyparrot)
Dni nazis terfs maps etc and anyone who can’t handle weed or sex jokes. AND ALSO TENNIS PLAYERS DO NOT FUCKING INTERACT I HATE YALL /hj. Also lmk if I reblog from any freaks
More about me and fursona pics under the cut :33
If you know any other names I go by outside of tumblr, that’s cool but I’d prefer to be called Orion here on the tungler
26 years old ♏️☀️♉️🌙♌️⬆️
some kind of gender, your guess is as good as mine (they/any), bi, demiromantic, probably poly
I have adhd, a bit of autism, and probably other silly things going on
American from Arizona (mst)🌵
Working towards a career in music therapy!!
I’m a lifeguard
Former touring performer: I’ve performed in America, Japan, Germany, Hong Kong, Poland, The Netherlands, and Lithuania
Trying my damnedest to learn music production (link to my soundcloud in my blog description)
Novice piano player, baritone, wind chime owner
My dream in life is to hear a stranger sing a song I wrote!!
Music (edm, hyperpop, indie, rock, orchestral/choral, jpop, dance/club) some favs include Adam Tell, underscores, Former Hero, Porter Robinson, deadmau5, Wolfgang Gartner, Mord Fustang, AIKA, Wave Racer, The 1975, CHVRCHES, Puppet, The Midnight, six impala, Astrale, Vylet Pony, Daft Punk, Fox Stevenson, Glass Animals, I The Mighty, Muse
Gamez 😈 (fps and rpg are the big ones) Destiny 2, Borderlands 3, Fallout 4, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, Town of Salem, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Apex Legends, Dead by Daylight, Dishonored, Pokémon, Danganronpa, Among Us, D&D, TF2, Fall Guys, Cult of the Lamb, Warframe, sigh.... ovw 2, Disco Elysium
Netflix shows and movies (1899, Delicious in Dungeon, kdramas, anime)
Furries, and yes…deers
Science (physics; both astro and quantum, psychology, computer science)
Cinema4d and other digitally rendered art
Ghosts and the paranormal
Japanese culture
Space and celestial bodies
Retro technology
Poetry and other forms of written art
Halberds, and other polearms
I mostly tag posts for organizational reasons, lmk if you need anything tagged! Here’s a tag list:
#ori - original posts
#fur - pictures of furries
#aesthetic - posts i want to upload my brain into
#typography - cool lettering and word art
#joak - attempts at being funny
#asks - asks
#music talk - music talk, usually about edm
#deers! - deers
#schrödinger the cat - the cyclops that lives in my house
#currently listening - songs im fixating on and have to share (please interact)
#deer songs - original music
#deer poems - original poetry
#polearm gang - polearms
Feel free to send asks, dms, or song recs👀, it might just take me a bit to gather my thoughts for a response
some more serious things: please include my url if you’re going to screenshot my tags or replies, don’t show me dead or graphically injured deers, and please dont bring up sexual vore with me
Here’s the sona:
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ref by @zannadoodles
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by @catjest3r
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By @popfizzles
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by @mo0nsides
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by @dnadonna
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by my friend @clubhousecocoa
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by @extrasentientrat
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by my friend @jesterpup
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by my friend @pirogieses
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by my friend @notsoaverageviiya
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by @prisma-bunny
Bonus evil fursona, Onion:
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola 👋 espero que estés muy pero muy bien!!
The motherfucking mansion... let's gooo!!
Oh no, is Magnus having nightmares??
And of course, Magnus seems to be speaking in Indonesian.
Ok now I don't want Alec to learn Indonesian so Magnus can keep his privacy...
I want Magnus to be fully conscious when he shares his secrets
How can Alec call Magnus ‘baby’ so naturally and yet have a fucking existential crisis over calling him ‘boyfriend’?
Because is hard... baby is a simple expression of love whereas boyfriend is a label to the world the other person might not be willing accept, I've been there 😫
Magnus had said something like “Of course, I have friends, Alexander. Don’t be silly.”
He has the best gang ever 😌
Alec hums. He decides to give it a shot. “Can I ask you for a Thanksgiving gift?”
Ask for his hand in marriage
Magnus looks excited. He jumps off the bed. “Oh wait. We need to shower first.”
“I’d like to cash in that blow job you mentioned before,” Alec grins.
Magnus sweeps his hand dramatically towards the ensuite bathroom. “Right this way, sir.”
Adsjskq!!! I LOVE THEM!!!
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Leslie seems immediately charmed. Just by a fucking wave. “Hello, Magnus. Mr. Lightwood-”
Stop judging Leslie when we all know you fell in love at first sight!
Although the banging bit doesn’t sound that bad either. Alec files it away for later. 
“I want to live here one day,” Alec says softly.
Magnus’ mouth goes ‘o’ and he lets out a little gasp. “You want to be governor?”
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“Do you think they’ll vote for me, Magnus?” Alec asks in a whisper. “If they know who and what I am, do you think they’ll vote for me?”
Yes! They will..!!
He takes Magnus’ hand in his own. Magnus tenses and looks around. But he doesn’t take his hand away.
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Alec takes Magnus’ hand to his mouth and kisses it.
He can see someone watching.
But he realizes that he doesn’t give a flying fuck about it
Look at my child, he is so brave 🥺😍
He pulls Magnus closer and kisses him.
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Leslie seems to be whistling loudly.
What a queen!!!
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“It’s my dad.”
Oh no... where did all my happiness go??
I'm already in pain, it's been 3 lines
Ooh no poor Leslie, I've never related to a character so fast before
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This…This is supposed to feel good.
But it doesn’t.
Of course it doesn't, we're all dying 😭😭😭
There is a scream, like the howl of a wounded animal. Then something crashes on the door loudly and breaks into pieces.
Max 😭😭 I can't 😭😭 my babies are all in pain 😭
That’s the point of this whole thing, isn’t it?
I think the point of this was to make me cry cause that's was happening 😭😭😭
I'm glad I waited to read this one cause I'm a mess right now 😭😭
I need to know exactly what happened to make Magnus think there wasn't any other choice 🤔
He needs Alec’s love. In any capacity he can get.
He needs it, for Magnus knows he will die without it.
Then stay, don't go 😭
The other man looks so offended as if Magnus had said the worst possible thing.
What did you expect?? 😒
“I don’t want to lose you,” Magnus says because those words are true and he needs Alec to know. “I still need you in my life.”
This makes me so sad, I feel like Magnus has no idea how divorces work and what actually happens afterwards, he needs to be protected because he is going to be in a lot of pain now, they all are
Poor Alec, how horrible it must be to hear the love of his life saying he wants to be friends after everything 😭😭
“You don’t get to call me that anymore,” Alec says - no, commands. “From now on, I am just Alec to you. Do you understand?”
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And every single tear he had been holding back since waking up that morning breaks through him all at once.
But Alexander - no, Alec - is not there to see it.
He is gone.
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Rafael POV 🤩!!!
Yes, I needed this after the pain fest that was the middle
[To: Anjali Amor🌹]
Buenos días, amor. ♥️
Que tierno mi pequeño príncipe 💕 ♥
Alec honey relax, let him come to you!
I wish I was that organized
Step 5 – Take His Anti-Anxiety Meds
😳 are you Okey sweetie?
Rafael hates it. He is partly glad they don't do the weekly hangouts anymore. 
This shouldn't feel special. 
Family shouldn't feel special. 
It should feel normal.
It can't be normal because those idiots won't communicate and compromise
When he opens the door, it’s her.
😠😠 doesn't she have a life??
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“I’m flying to Paris in a couple of hours,” she informs, walking into the apartment. “I thought I’d see Magnus before I go.”
And stay there, you won't be missed!!
But Max is…well, Max.
Max is Chaos 😎
She is quiet for a moment. “May I ask why?”
Because you're a shady well dressed bitch and we don't trust you 😒
“You don’t seem to like me very much.”
No one likes you!!
“I always thought you were like Magnus,” Shinyun hums. “But you are like him, aren’t you? The governor.”
He is, so back off and leave the tickets 🤭
“You remind me so much of the governor,” she says again. “It’s no wonder I like your brother better.”
Fuck Shinyun!!
That conversation was so beautiful, I love to see characters communicating...
“Rafael, I will not pretend like I am okay with his relationship with Shinyun. That’s asking for too much. There is a lot of history between the three of us. So, don’t ask me to be okay with it.”
Ok... WHAT??? what history?? What happened???
“You know bapak is going to London too, right?”
Dad nods and then he grins like a mischievous child.
Are we gonna get sexy times in London?? If we do it will most likely end up in PAIN but knowing our idiots I think is possible 😏
Although Magnus is very loyal so maybe it won't happen 🤔
Can't wait!!!
Another amazing chapter, I actually cried with this one, so thank you for the pain it was perfect 👌
Thanks ❤
Like every single response of yours to Shinyun bits is just Alec.
I died laughing.
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu.
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