#i really like the shading and highlights on this tho. dont do it often so like yay
muchmossymess · 1 year
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They would get along so awfully <3
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dirtnote · 1 year
weirdly specific asks: 2, 3, 7, 14 (because we love reminding folks to drink water), 19, 25, 28, 30 (Would you ever choose to be immortal, why/not?)
2: thoughts on veganism? i have had thoughts on veganism but my ultimate position is that it's not rlly my business BUT i do think it's something that can only really exist in a world that had an industrial revolution. but also sort of exists as a reaction to it as far as meat products go? it's ironic when people want to go deep with it and claim it's The Way To Be when biologically we are omnivores and therefore need to be very specific with our diets, using grocery store shelf options, if we want to cut out animal byproduct altogether. like i don't think you can be vegan living ~off the grid~ or in literally any survival situation lol. on the other hand a lot of people are vegan because it's the moral thing to be, as far as consumption habits go. you could argue that if you want to consume morally... well you really can't! ALBEIT in this case the focus is on animal cruelty in an industrial context, rather than a goal towards Overall "moral" consumption under capitalism and btw i'm not like, 'critical' of veganism (nor should anyone be because who give a shit. truly. it's just a personal dietary choice) there's just aspects of irony to the mostly fringe internet vegans i'm referring to. and people who attempt to guilt a general audience out of their current eating habits. (i also think there IS a moral way to consume animal byproduct-- like, for example, raising chickens in your backyard and harvesting their eggs... or buying eggs from someone else who raises them that way. not everything is buying from corporations operating thanks to inhumane chicken mills)
3. a specific color that gives you the ick? there are so many colors in the world and i love most of them :) ..
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but i'd have to say like, this general pukey highlighter greenish yellow. OR extremely bright yellow on walls. im so sorry. yes colors look better next to others and im not trying to be a yellow hater i promise. my lockscreen is art with a (different) shade of yellow as the background
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium? omg well i'd have to say the octopus and jellyfish :) I LOVE JELLYFISH and just realized i had a dream about them last night. i get to see them in the gulf sometimes which if they are ouch kind is not so fun but we often get the ones without stingers. like moon jellyfish
14. do you think you're dehydrated? i don't think so, i'm usually sensitive to the feeling of being thirsty and generally go out of my way to make sure i have water all the time :) but i was putting off drinking water just now for a while so thank u
19. the veggie you dislike the most? honestly i am absolutely a veggie lover so i had to think about this for a while until i remembered that i dont really like radishes. a rare exception tho
25. would you say you have good taste in music? yes ^_^
28. last meal on earth? omg. this is the most difficult question cus how do i choose!!! also im hungry and should sleep so im just thinking longingly about chicken chimichangas now. i'm sure if i thought about it longer i'd come up with something else but i WAIT HOMEMADE TACOS WITH SOURCREAM LIME DRESSING. ok done
30. free question: would you choose to be immortal? ahh yes the question with the most endless list of pros and cons! on one hand, i'd like to think i'd handle having to be permanently ambivalent (considering the extreme temporary state of everything that comes with being immortal). i'd be curious to see where humanity goes from here, but if things go to shit like a lot of us think it will then im stuck with that!!!! :( and ive got technical questions as well. like if something globally catastrophic happened and everyone Died would i be the only one left for, like, eternity...?? does it last for the entire life of the universe? i dont think ive ever heard anyone ask that before? like do i end up chilling in the vacuum of space watching the last brown dwarf die off at the end of the universe?? so. all that said my answer is no i think. unless i get to sleep for a veryyyy long time like how a vampire does. but probably not so no </3
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pathos-p · 2 years
"Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game" but i got tagged in it so i am gonna answer all of them 'cause theyre fun
questions by @/i-like-eyes
thanks for the tag @king-chook!! ^^
1. Art programs you have but don't use
i thiiink i have a license for clip studio paint that came with my old wacom tablet but i never rly used it. also used to have krita installed for the longest time but just always felt off to me idk why. don't currently have it installed anymore tho
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
to their right is a bit easier i think. not smth i consciously notice, mostly i'm just thinking abt when im doodling on the margins of stuff they usually are looking to the left of the page
3. What ideas come from when you were little
uhhh idk tbh, i dont think much of my art draws from that
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
cityscapes !!! i love cities they r so pretty and cool looking but goddamn theyre so hard to draw
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
80-20? i post everything that i finish. basically the only stuff that doesnt get posted is sketches i give up on
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
hmmmm not that i can think of rn...
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
watercolour !! i've tried it a few times and Struggled but i love seeing ppl's work in it
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
so many animatics ..................... also many comic ideas ..................... i get so many ideas that i just never start on or start and only do a little before losing the hyperfocus/fixation and just Cannot continue them. it sucks
9. What are your file name conventions
usually the character name, maybe a bit of description of what theyre doing... idk not much of a convention to it
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
hmm i like jackets :)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
yes, usually music. sometimes random youtube videos like stream highlights or video essays.
12. Easiest part of body to draw
uhhh hair? maybe idk. hard question bc it varied a lot depending on what kinda style and just. sometimes smth is hard in a particular drawing then easy later idk
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
i cant think of anything i will edit it in if i think of anyone
14. Any favorite motifs
in my drawings i dont feel like i use any much. mostly i pull motifs from whatever im doing fanart of lol. in music, i like religious motifs (but not like. ones abt christ or bible stories, rather heaven, hell, god/divinity, angels)
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
at home pretty much exclusively. in bed lol
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
idk i feel like the stuff im better at is the stuff i like bc i practice it more for fun lol
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
not usually
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
surprisingly little. mostly bc i do more digital art lol
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
weapons and nature. especially ice for nature
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
i cant think of anything ill add it if i do
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
i love rougher styles, like ones with a lot of visible brushstrokes and bold lines and shit. so cool. idk how to make it look good lol i dont have the confidence in my lines for it
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
none... probably i should change that
23. Do you use different layer modes
yeah, often i use a multiple layer for shading then a variety to colour adjust at the end
24. Do your references include stock images
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
cant think of any
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
there was this poem i wrote about capitalism and how shit it is and someone thought it was abt interpersonal relationships/smth along the lines of a breakup. i rly didnt mind it tho i thought it was cool bc the emotion was not far off, the sense of betrayal and abandonment. just a very very different subject
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
no lol
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i ran a zine (digital only) for the dimension 20 zine jam! and also made art+writing for others in that :D also was part of a polygon yt fanzine a while back
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
spider-man (not the MCU, mostly tasm and a few of the comics)
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
i rly like the cj comic i did i am genuinely so goddamn happy with the result so . even tho it did very well by the standards for the fandom its for and my current follower base it is underrated
alternatively this one https://www.tumblr.com/pathos-p/704380503765221377/tridential-sovereignty?source=share bc it didnt get all that much attention on any social media site but i think its cool !!
(mostly only using recent ones bc i dont wanna dig back further esp onto my old twt acct, too much work lol)
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tunapesto · 3 years
how do you go about coloring your art?? Its so pretty and the color pallets always look so good!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏 i feel that i will ramble for a While so i am going to leave my full explanation under the cut
i often try to use direct opposite colors in the color wheel (i forgot what its called but it's something like complementary colors iirc) as a way of contrasting- usually useful for highlights.
as a general rule of thumb its very useful to try to have a bit of a grasp on color theory, values, warm & cold tones, etc. if i want to add a shadow usually i go for a colder shade (to the left) but if its a highlight i go to the right (the warmer side which has the reds oranges and pinks) but that can also be completely swapped depending on the mood i want to convey. tho to be fair u dont need to be a color connoisseur just like the basic understanding of colors and such. a big help was somenormalartist on YT their vids are nice esp the one about advanced shading.
honestly i dont think too hard on my coloring processes bc a lot of times i can be left unsatisfied with them too dkdhkjfg and my base colors usually look bland so i often play around with layer modes and gradiation maps (!!!! one of my favorite things ever)
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^ this is my base color set for my kris drawing,, i do shade n highlight as i fill in everything else. i like using brushes that sometimes have slight hue shifts per stroke bc it adds an extra flair to the colors. i dont think this specific piece had bad base colors but most of the time my works have really bland ones haha
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then i add a gradiation map to better bring out extra hues etc. make it more appealing ish
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recently a favorite layer mode combo has been darken+multiply and each color for the respective layers *have* to be complementary (at least when i do it) bc it adds better contrast and gets interesting products after. (such as the greenish mood here)
both the grad maps and layer modes are very useful and its also nice for having colored lines without having to manually do it yourself lol
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the brush i used and what my gradiation maps tab looks like haha....
other tidbits:
- i usually color in just one layer (base colors at least)
- sometimes use transparency to have that glass ish kinda look? very useful for a transparent-colorful ish effect
- sometimes i add an overlay or multiply layer on specific parts of the drawing or the whole layer to set a nicer base color (usually salmon, mustard yellow, or baby blue)
- i often overlay layer mods and grad maps on top of each other if im still not satisfied with the colors i end up with
anyway hope this helps lol!!! its very nice to be able to ramble about this so thank u for asking haha....
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pandemique · 4 years
hI!! i love your art and was wondering if you could make a tutorial showing how you paint stuff? only if you can! it's just really pretty !!
hi nonnie! thats very flattering !! i’m sorry i dont think i’ll be very helpful bc i’m a mega noob as well :D but i’ll try my very best <3
my process is very tailored for speed instead of quality (oops soz LOL) so i do suggest this for if u have short doodle breaks ⬇️⬇️⬇️
thumbnailing (for comics) -> lines (sketch who?) -> bucket tool/color drop in the base color -> color in the lines -> one multiply layer for a “base” shadow (in the vid below its purple!) -> one (1) render/paint layer a.k.a lawless no man’s land
full rendering process & more general painting tips below the cut‼️
NOTE: i’ll be focusing more on traditional/fundamental tips for stylized art because i’m sure there’s a much more effective way in digital. I truly do only use one normal layer for render... i think this is bc before i made this blog, my only prior experience in drawing is middle school art class, so all i know is traditional painting on one layer.... pray i can answer this again in the future with something smarter lmao
1. Choose a color scheme!
It doesn’t have to be set in stone like below, but i at least keep in mind the color range i’d like to use depending on what i want to convey (ex. soft pastels for soft fluff, or warm colors for happy vibes). I try to be as limited as possible for base colors because I tend to go ham when painting, you’ll see later AHAHA
2. Base coloring + Base shadow
Base -> bucket tool in the color scheme (I know other artists are against this but when i discovered the bucket tool in digital art I immediately divorced manual coloring i’m sorry i loved you tho bae) (this is why my style and lines are simplistic as they are, so the color drop works!)
Base shadow -> in theory, warm-colored light creates cool-colored shadows and vice versa. because i’m a fluff addict i mainly use warmer light, so i like using blue/purple as the shadow. generally u can’t go wrong with complementary colors!! (yellow light & purple shadows / orange light & blue shadows).
I make a new multiply layer (decreased opacity just bc i like things soft okay) and clip it on the base layer, then block in the areas i think would get blocked from the light.
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3. Color in the lines!
for simplistic styles i swear this works wonders. i just clip a layer to the lineart and manually color the lines with a darker but more saturated version of the base color. it just tends to look more dead i guess with low saturation lol (ex. u can see above i use both peach and red or pink for lines of skin, i guess it implies the blood under the skin too. or something :D)
when i’m not in a rush i just paint things completely (and mindlessly), but here are the things i almost always do:
line the shadows with a saturated color! i’m not sure this is common but i love it lol, in almost all my doodles just check the shadows—on the edges, there’s bound to be a wild color :D (usually its the light color, shadow color or a color scheme color but sometimes i’m just like boY do i loVe piNk)
my art major friend told me about saturated colors on desaturated bases and my life was changed forever lol. u can see below even when my base is very grayyy, my rendering is very gay :D ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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make the shadows darker where i think they should be darker. usually i can just colorpick from that darker, saturated lineart color!
if it’s a more realistic piece i usually make the highlights lighter, but in simple doodles i find it unnecessary, and i dont like how light/white it looks :( i tend to just make the areas exposed to light more saturated
color in the rebound light~ in reality there’s usually not only one primary light source, at least there’d be secondary light from where light bounces off objects. in art we just emphasize that! so in large shadow areas, or in areas close to other objects/colors, i like to ‘splash’ other colors on
yeah this part is less intuitive for beginners and u have to learn a grasp on the concepts over time, like for lighting and structure. values can be more important than color, so i do suggest learning shading first before coloring, but only if u like (u can always be like me and just pull up references when u dont get how the light would fall on some materials :>). i have more general paint tips below! don’t give up okay, i believe in u nons, we’re all still in the eternal learning process together ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧
this step is just me being mesmerized by how easy it is to play with lighting in digital. i play around with the layer settings (multiply for shadow, overlay for light, and often try out the other settings too!). my favorite effect is the highlight glow thing, where u just make a copy layer of the highlights below the original layer, and blur it slightly so it looks like glow ✨✨🤩 overpriced acrylic could never
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Truthfully i usually skip this step, but my more pro friends really vouch for it!! i think definitely an incredible thing with digital is that u can edit proportions and even color after you’re done. i think they usually use like the curves adjustment layer in photoshop until they get colors they like, but for me, well, in a reaally diligent day i like to slap on the “auto” fliter in the iphone’s photos edit button lmaoooo
learn basic theory: i think theres free courses everywhere online, but heres a few things u might like to have a basic understanding of: color, perspective, shape language, lighting, composition. don’t sweat it too much tho, it should be fun to explore the concepts!
and for drawing hoomans: proportion, gesture, expression, and veery basic anatomy. i find that overall forms are so much more important to learn than like detailed anatomy bc u can always look it up lol
but remember, u mostly want to learn the rules so u know better ways to break them :)
uuuuse manyyyyy referencessss every time u draww!
^this includes other people’s art — when u see good stuff, figure out why u like it and apply it to ur own art
get feedback!!!!
draw tons!!! brainrot helps !! ;D
aaand thank u for coming to my ted talk! sorry for the ramble nonnie, i hope u got something out of this lol
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oexen · 3 years
Everything that just happened only further highlighted when I kind of spoke about how intense the Arcana fanbase can be.
Fictif is so chill. ^>w<^ I don't want to go back to the callout posts, toxic discourse and controversies.
No hate though, seriously. The Arcana fandom has many wonderful people and content, but it got pretty tiring because of the fanbase.
I just want to relax and share my love of an otome game with others that share same interest and have fun civilised discussions with others about why we love the characters and stories that we do, but that is too much to ask for within the Arcana fandom.
I still play the game and enjoy making content for it, but I'm keeping most of that private now and steadily distancing myself from the community to let myself breathe.
ok bud like no shade to u, do as u like! im not sure who u are tho lol soz 🧠
personally i havent been around as long as a lot of other people in the fandom and seeing the faction i fell into get baselessly shat on in multiple instances…. not super cool or fun to me, but i also dont just sit here waiting to get into fights or posting about entitlement on the “other side” of the fandom either yanno. i’m offline a lot but having something inspiring to make content for and play in an idea sandbox has been cool
i never really participated much in any fandom before but i’m enjoying my time here and doing my best to stay in my own damn lane lmao
im also not typically terribly bothered by people fabricating things and actually making mountains out of molehills, in reference esp to tone policing people asking for certain content and similar, to be clear, not critiques of how identities and other aspects of the game should be treated better. if it’s something small and is just gonna be about someone mad about something inconsequential like (xyz is annoying) and negging peers and other fans (ie, strangers) over something that isn’t otherwise harmful, i’d rather not waste my time stewing over it.
i know next to nothing about fictif, but from what little i have seen, it’s not particularly enticing to me at all, at least right now. i don’t pick up games and stay interested like i have for the arcana very often. i’m very fond of the arcana and its characters and think it’s tastie conceptually, and i’ve also interacted with some really great people in the fandom who have become very important to me, so im good hanging here tbh. not everyone can get along super well, but we can at least try to be kind and polite in general lol
i think probably in any fandom there will be folks somewhere that build strawmen and try to blast others for no reason, and if you don’t see or don’t want to see it, great, you absolutely don’t have to. ig my point is i don’t like to let others dictate how my time passes or how my experience is in this way over the internet, and to me it’s not fulfilling to agonize over smaller non harmful things, and i’d rather make things that make me happy even if i’m not really interacting with anyone, tho bonding w people who snack upon my own content is def a nice bonus
i’m also not really on other social media either, and while that’s for unrelated reasons, it might help lol
sorry if ur op and i come off mean, that’s not my intent; i’ve seen a couple other posts before w similar issues, buried now and blocked lol. courtier stan negging is not an isolated incident unfortunately, but i hope it doesnt ramp up
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carraville · 7 years
 year in fic review (2017)
using the wonderful @neyvenger​ ‘s template! everyone should do this i wanna read <3
Year at a glance:  Total number of completed stories: 25 (26 if u count hockey) Total word count:  146929
Overall Thoughts:
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?  LOTS MORE it’s probly bc i wrote a hella lot while jumping from train to train traveling all of Europe, and probly bc i gave up on school by mid-sem last year, and probly bc the only thing i can do at work that looks like i’m still doing work when i’m not is write 
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? The fuCKING GERMS i blame it on germs like i 100% would never have thought i’d write 16k of thomasfips who does that also joemilly??? but i luff
What’s your own favorite story of the year? i dont have one i love and hate them all equally... i guess strangeways here we come just bc i took so damn long to write it and tbf i didn’t write a lot of carraville this year so it was kind of like my One and Only 
Did you take any writing risks this year?
writing a lot of people I didn’t know how to write, writing about a lot of Big Things (particularly on the bridge between starshine and clay) that i wasn’t sure about, writing a lot of aus i’d never done before, writing ??? PORN???? even tho ive never banged anyone in my life
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? all 12 months of football prompts! hopefully! and writing more new ships and meeting more people and reading good fic  also finally doing all my historical aus bc if there’s one thing i’ve learnt this year, it’s not to give a shit what other people want and just write what u want even if no one is going to read it xoxo
From my past year of writing, what was…
My best story of this year: from a writing perspective i think an die nachgeborenen just bc it was the most? complete, i guess? and plotty? like if i changed the names and pretended it wasn’t creepy i could probably send it for rejection 
My most popular story of this year:  strangeways, here we come i guess cos i published it around that time the r*dditors were sneaking around lmao
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:  the wonder of my world cos it’s niche and manc but!!!!!!! i love my mancs
Most fun story to write: fuckin.  30 Shades Of Red
Story with the single sexiest moment: The Anonymous Present That Appeared For Sab’s Birthday That Doesn’t Exist 
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: Again, The Anonymous Present that Doesn’t Exist 
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: I’m pretty set when it comes to characters, I guess, because I only like writing when I understand them, but maybe Aubade bc I’d never written Iker till then and I really liked how it turned out
Hardest story to write:  summer sang in me a little while bc it was a) wrestling with a Lot of Football feelings that I didn’t know how to talk about, b) wresting with trashbag xabi alonso and what I thought of him vs. what other people thought of him, c) writing ships and people I had 0 idea about
Biggest surprise:  i like germs! wtf
Favorite Opening Lines (3):
when the world was ours
There's a crunch. There's a crunch and it's over. 
the setting sun is sweetest last
When all the hands have been shaken and hugs exchanged someone presses a microphone into his hands and he fumbles, not quite sure how to put what he's feeling into words. Eventually he settles for something about looking towards the final on Saturday and he sees David from the corner of his eye shaking his head, almost as if to say: god, Gaz, how do you manage to make everything about United when this should be about you.
In the end, it's simple.
cheesed to meet you
Philipp calls Thomas first, because he always calls Thomas first.
"I didn't do it," Thomas says immediately, with the kind of well-practiced plausibility that only comes from doing the things he says he hasn't done.
Favorite Closing Lines (4):
yes, yes, we are magicians
You jog back to the halfway line. Your face must be shining under the lights, and you wonder if mum's in the crowd, smiling. Let's go to Wembley some day. Rooney rolls the ball to you and you're off again, no marcus's ball scribbled into the patchy leather, no divots and pot-holes in a sandy, well-worn pitch.
You're nineteen years old and going to the Euros.
Every blade of grass here is the exact same height.
in this story we belong to ourselves
Liverpool is. A river that runs before two men who used to have numbers on their backs and now have a house no longer empty. A stream of memories and breaking apart and going again. The Mersey, quiet, grey, flowing gently through the Narrows and out into the great big sea, ever so slightly out of reach.
Variation IX
He says I've missed you, mate.
I say You know, I thought you might.
He says I hope you missed me too.
I say Well of course, otherwise where would I go for Christmas this year?
And then he starts laughing and I start laughing and we laugh and laugh and don’t stop until he kisses me again.
yes, there will be song
You step back and turn, take the steps two at a time. Somewhere outside Anfield there's a man with a shirt that's as as red as the names on the back. He's got a scarf around his neck like a docker, and he presses his face to the Shankly gates like he's kissing a trophy. Make us dream, he whispers, a secret he's never told anyone else, his heart heavy and his eyes tired but his body trembling with a belief too full for words. Above him, the sky is golden.
Favorite Lines From Anywhere (5):
strangeways, here we come
It's weak against Paraguay, it's tired against Paraguay, but the England fans are singing and they have to listen. Countries are not clubs. This sinks deeper than loyalty, at once more insular and more ubiquitous than Liverpool or United could ever be. There are little flags hung up in Sainsbury's, strangers with their arms round each other in pubs, the radios of an electronics store tuned in to Radio 5 Live. Come on England. Bandied about like a mantra, a swear word, a secret password offered by old hands who brace themselves for more disappointment with a nudge and a wink. England always - a host of words go here, crash out , fuck up , lose , but -
Believe rises above them all. Maybe it's delusional. Maybe it's arrogant. Beckham takes a free kick that delights and astonishes the way his free kicks do and it ends up in the back of the net. Every four years St George goes back up and people who still remember '66 are bought a pint, and for every we'll go out at the group stages there's an underlying thread of god help me, we might win this yet, because what is hope if not alive?
Come on England. The cup awaits you and is yours.
sekrit yuletide fic
In his dreams he doesn't leave. Salvador Iglesias Sr. doesn't die and Chava doesn't become a dickhead. He keeps the number on his back and the band around his arm. He doesn't cheat on Ximena, but he tells her, and they part as best friends. In his dreams they win the championship. And again the next year, and again the one after that. Each time Potro scores the winning goal and Moi runs to him to celebrate and Potro kisses him for the whole world to see, over and over, until their lips are numb and all they know are themselves.
summer sang in me a little while
Why are you still here? you ask him. It is easier that way. He turns to you, dark circles under his eyes, and doesn't reply. Only reaches over to tangle his calloused fingers in your hair, rests his forehead against yours.  This time you are the one who leans forward to kiss him, immersing yourself in the warmth of his skin. You taste his blood. You taste the salt and iron of his blood.
the wonder of my world
What makes a club? Love, belief, hope - and someone to attach it to, the player everyone grows up watching, whose name is instantly recognisable to the point that you don't have to mention who he plays for next. Who pours his soul into the game and hammers his heart onto the crest. You don't get that kind of player very often. United were lucky to have three.
So here. The last musketeer. He's not looking at the crowd anymore, just the middle distance. Still the thousands sing. Love, belief, hope, and memories. Ryan might never run again but Paul realises that it doesn't matter. It's that he's already run. And in a hundred years from now someone might pull up a grainy youtube video and watch the number eleven on the left wing and fall in love, all over again. The way he was meant to be loved. Ball at his feet. Red.
an die nachgeborenen
"I don't need a plan," Thomas says, like he's talking to a child. "That's the beauty of it. All I have to do is wait and see what happens. It's only – " he smiles again, wan, quiet. "Well. You know."
The refrain arcs, jagged, through Philipp's head.
"I promised you wouldn't die."
"I won't." Thomas stands up, leaves a hand on Philipp's shoulder. His palm is still warm. "I'm invincible, didn't I tell you?"
And with a single, chipper whistling note, he hits the exit button and slips out, the door closing immediately behind him with a gentle click .
Fic Goals for 2018:
i wna write gifts that people will like :> aka MORE NICHE BULLSHIT 
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fromwentzicame · 6 years
all of the emo asks
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ok! here it is, just for you anon! thanks for sending the ask, btw
1. Are you more Scene or Emo?
2. Were you ever into Never Shout Never?
3. Fringes or Coontails?
fringes, hands down
4. Bright and colourful hair, or dark black hair?
both! i personally don’t look good with black hair, so i prefer unnatural hair colours
5. Gloomy bear or Hello Kitty?
hello kitty
6. How often do you shop at a HotTopic?
pretty often, i’d say about once a month (that’s often for me considering that i’m spending my own money)
7. How many band posters do you have up?
only one, actually. it’s fall out boy. i don’t have a lot of wall space.
8. Have you watched Invader Zim? If so, who’s your favourite character?
yes!!! i love invader zim. my favourite character has to be tallest red or zim.
9. Opinion on Gerard Way?
i looooooove gerard way. lately i’ve been worried ‘cause he’s looking kinda…. homeless. his new music is alright but i prefer my chemical romance.
10. Waffles or Tacos?
oh fuck. uh….. tacos! i love waffles, but man i love tacos.
11. Have you played Gaia?
i did for a little bit. i stopped because i wanted to deck my avatar up in cool threads but it cost money in game and i was unwilling to work for it lol
12. Dear Maria or Check Yes Juliet?
this is a super hard one. i’d say check yes juliet because it’s such a classic.
13. Do you drink Monster?
no i dont like carbonated drinks >x
14. Have you had a scene phase before?
yeah, when i was in seventh grade i was scene for about six months? i finally developed into my emo “phase” (im still emo… im 18.. rip)
15. Do you make Kandi?
no i wanted to but i knew that i’d just have a bunch of beads left over and i’d make a mess
16. Do you wear a lot of Kandi?
no not really, i only have two kandi bracelets: one that says “overcast kid” and another that I made that says “lake effect kid”
17. Do you have a Blingee account? And/or make Blingees?
i don’t have an account but i do make them occasionally, i think they’re neat
18. Are you a furry? If so, what’s your fursona like?
19. Do you listen to BVB, AA, or BMTH?
no these bands never appealed to me. too much screaming, too “scene” for me
20. Do you have Funko Pops?
no i hate these things they’re so ugly
21. Do you watch Anime?
yeah i do! not as much as i used to but hetalia will always have a special place in my heart. i’ve watched a lot of other basic anime too
22. Do you play Animal Jam?
i’m gonna be honest, i had to look that up
23. Are you okay?
i’m okay (i promise)
24. Are you Lol Xd Randum??
nah, not in the traditional way. more in an ominous way like, texting my friend at 3 am saying “i have just replaced your socks with the skin of snakes”
25. Opinion on Nyan Cat?
i liked nyan cat a lot when i was in sixth grade. for my 12th birthday my brother made me a nyan cat cake. 
26. Big hair or big accessories?
honestly neither.. i was never into this scene trend
27. Did you ever have a MySpace? Do you still?
yes! well, kinda. i have this thing called “friendproject” which is a myspace 1.0 clone
28. Want any emo/scene tattoos?
i think the only emo tattoo i would get is a minimalist outline of clouds blocking the sun. it’s a play on “overcast kid”
29. Have any emo/scene tattoos?
no not yet!! i dont want them to interfere with me getting a job tho
30. Do you like Furbies?
no those things are so creepy
31. xD, Xd or XD?
32. Do you like Care Bears?
no not really, too cutesy maybe?
33. Is Avril Lavigne a clone?
nah i think that’s silly
34. Do you want fangs?
vampires are so cool but i think i’d be a bad vampire. like the fangs would always get in my way and stuff
35. Does emo/scenecore make you happy?
emocore does, yeah. i wish i was old enough during the mid-2000s to actually experience it. idk what about it that connects with me so much.
36. Have you dyed your hair? If so, what colours and how long ago?
yeah, i’ve dyed my hair shades of brown, black, and one time i even got blonde highlights (i hated them) in mid-november i dyed my hair red, but now i want it to be redder and more vibrant so i’m getting it dyed in two days
37. Do you want/have any piercings?
the only ones i have are standard ear piercings but i want more. i want more in my ear and also a lip ring
38. Do you wish you were in a band?
yeah it seems so fun. i write song lyrics but i have nothing to do with them. i can’t sing very well. i kinda want to play bass but i never get around to it
39. What Warrior Cats clan are you in?
no idea, never seen the show
40. Is Gir annoying?
when i was 12 i loved him, even had a t-shirt with him on it. as i rewatched the series when i was older, i started to think he was just a nuisance. but now i appreciate him, he’s funny in a damaged way. like you have to laugh at how ridiculous he is.
41. Have you ever played Imvu?
i did when i was 10-11. wayyy too inappropriate for me. i haven’t played since then.
42. Are you a Killjoy or a Youngblood?
both, bitch!! but i prefer overcast kid to youngblood
43. Do you have any emo/scene friends irl?
yeah!! i have friends who like the music but don’t dress emo, and i have one friend who listens to the music and dresses emo
44. Who’s your favourite scene/emo blog?
god that’s hard. it has to be @emo-church
45. Do you wear Converse?
yes!! i have black high tops
46. Does “Rawr” mean “I love you” in Dinosaur?
47. Favourite Pokemon?
gengar, duh!
48. Do you like Decora fashion?
it’s kinda cute, but too over the top for me
49. Do you like Sparkle Dogs?
nah i’m not into that stuff
50. Show us the most emo/scene picture of you!
oh man i’m not that emo looking. also, if i attach pictures i think they’ll show up at the top of the ask so look there. i have three.
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ainatravelsto · 7 years
My Makeup Go To’s/What I Use!
I’ve always wanted to share my makeup go to’s in a blog of my own.... since I do  have my own log.... why not hehehehe
Just an fyi, I was never really into makeup UNTIL 2016. I would say it was mostly my mom who made me started wearing makeup. Like after I had prom in late 2015 I just thought why not? I only ever wore foundation and a nude lippie in early 2016 but only late 2016 and 2017 I’ve slowly progressed my makeup game!!!! Here’s a lil comparison below: the first is early 2016 and the second is like the middle of 2017,, 
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Me.... with some foundation... and barely any lipstick??? circa early 2016
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Me now..... better foundation,,, highlight poppin and LIT LIPSTICK (and more stuff on my face too but due to sunlight you can’t see MUCH LOL) (keep reading there’s more)
I give creds to my uni friends too who helped me out with introducing stuff to me like contouring, using highlighters and shit like that. Without further or do let’s start!
The foundation that REALLY worked for me is Tarte’s Amazonian Clay Full Coverage Foundation. Bought it from Sephora in Suria KLCC. It costs RM164 in Sephora and I got it in the shade Medium-Tan Honey. My past foundations made me look kind of blotchy-ish but I found this foundation and I just...... look somewhat natural lmao. Oil free and its true it lasts for 12 hours!!!! & has SPF15!!!!!! I go to uni with this foundation and I stay long hours there and yet my foundation is still presentable!!! Bitch!!!!!!! 10/10 product it’s worth it. 
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Next would be my Laura Mercier Loose Setting Powder!!! i got the translucent one. This one is a popular one and it’s usually sold out in most stores in Malaysia!!! That’s how GOOD it is! It really sets your face perfectly. Luckily my mom pre ordered ours at a Laura Mercier outlet.... in Pavillion Shopping Mall I presume. From the looks of it Laura Mercier is out of Sephora so no price there but I searched up its $38.
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Next my contouring,,,, I use a bronzer jdskkjaskhj. I use Benefit’s Hoola Bronzer. Mom got this in Sephora. It fits most skin colors and personally like the color on me (pics at the end of this post). Its RM80 in Sephora.
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Next up is my very own blusher that I use since my mom doesn’t want it anymore! It’s the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Blush in Coral 3! Ya as you can see it looks pretty used up lmao but it’s a good color on me skin!! Its $30 and my mom most prob got it from a local Bobbi Brown outlet.
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NOWWWW one of my few faves, is this amazing highlighter, ladies and gentlemen,,,, its the Huda Beauty 3D Highlighter Palette. Got this at Sephora while I was in Sydney since Australian Sephora outlets sell Huda Beauty products and it costs 80 AUD. Me and my mom always wanted to try to get ourselves a highlighter palette and we ended up finding this! The one we got is the Golden Sands version btw. The Golden Sands version fits for medium to dark skin tones while lighter skin tones fit the other palette which is the Pink Sands palette.
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As you can see in the second pic, the first one (Fiji), is actually a creamy base and you’re supposed to dab it on your face for sculpting. The second (Seychelles) is a powder base which basically sets Fiji. Tahiti can be used for contouring but tbh I rarely use it since I got the Benefit one. The last one (Zanzibar) is a mix of pink + some gold blusher which really fits this golden sands theme. I wear this all the time when I have outings and I am so happy with the product. Highly recommended!
I also have another palette to highlight my nose and chin, which is the 3CE (3 Concept Eyes) Magic Touch Facemaker. Mom got it from a local Sephora outlet and costs RM61. It comes with 2 powders which are Gold Beige and Brown. There are 2 types, the other has Pink Gold instead of Gold Beige! The Brown can also be used for contouring but I mostly used the Gold Beige to sculpt my nose and chin.
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Now other fave part, lipsticks! Or basically, liquid lipsticks lmao. Let’s get into it:
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These the lippies I got (in early 2016, got more later tho lol) Only 2/3 shades are on this pic above are my go to’s/faves (Lolita II & #OBSESSED) which is (from top to bottom: Lolita II- 4th shade & #OBSESSED- 6th shade). I didn’t swatch Iconic sorry guys :((((
My most overused or my go-to lippie is the Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in Lolita II. Lolita II is described as a terra cotta nude! Bought it in Sephora Mid Valley (?) and costs RM99. I swear to god I almost regretted getting it even though I did like it when I first tried it in Sephora. It was just so bright for me,,,, probably because I’m so used to nudes that getting something like that is just... wild for me lol. However I started wearing it often and I realized how good I look in it, especially with my skin tone. Literally, everyone I know,,, are prob used to me wearing this lol. It’s quite matte unless you eat oily ass food then it might be a problem and you should bring the lipstick with you at all times. :x Either way, love the color and I too love the formula, so props for them!
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Next is Huda Beauty’s Liquid Matte Lipstick in Icon. I initially had the normal one but we also got the same shade in a mini version. It came as a bundle with 3 other shades which are called Gossip Gurl, Trophy Wife & Socialite. All of them are shades of pink and the bundle is called The Pink Edition Liquid Matte Minis. We bought it from Sephora while we were in Sydney too and it costs 59 AUD per bundle.
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I LOVE the color and I wear it on my good days but hoenestly it REALLY doesn’t last at all especially if you’re eating out. Once you eat something, a lot of the lipstick will be smudged off already. Once you use it you’ll realize how watery it is from typical liquid lipsticks. I know we should highlight the liquid part but still.... too liquid for me imo. Like it was so liquid to the point it dripped some on my leather MK bag..... tragic. I think that’s something that Huda Beauty should work on BUT HOWEVER I LOVE THE SHADE WHATSOEVER AND I’LL STILL WEAR IT EVEN THOUGH ITS QUALITY AIN’T SOOOO GREAT. But of course, that’s just my opinion. 
THE LAST WOOOO, is a new fave actually. I’ve owned this for a while but I only used it recently and I LOVED IT SOOOOO MUCH. It’s the 3CE Liquid Lip Color in #OBSESSED. It’s a dark red shade basically. Bought it at Stylenanda in Gangnam I presume while I was in Seoul and it costs 18 USD. Click here to read up my adventures in Seoul in Day 1 hehhehehehehe.
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Before I end this, here are some looks I’ve made with all the products above! 
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YALL probably wonder why I didnt show any eyeshadow palette’s nor even a liner,,,, its bcs I haven’t exactly mastered it... yeah dont laugh pls.... 
So like...... if I ever get to learn,,, I’ll probs post abt the products soon... idk when.. .but sooon
For now, goodbye! I plan to maybe make a post about movies or if I’m rajin enough.... do day 3 of seoul lols,,, ciao!
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