#i really need some midol rn
Let’s play everyone favorite game called are my cramps going to kill me, or am I just overreacting? :)
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loveandleases · 1 year
I’m on my period rn and I feel like crying, throwing up, and dying all at once... but it got me thinking. How would the ros help f!mc when they’re on their period?
Hope you feel better soon anon ~ Below the cut!
❤️ Cam - Will have all the things. Do you need ice cream, Midol, a heating pad, and take-out menus? Cam will have everything set up for MC. Don't feel like getting up that's fine he will bring things to you. Do you need him to go buy you tampons/pads? Just let him know, he will let MC lounge for days. Don't overexert yourself just feel better!
💙 G - They will be sure to have things ready for MC as well. While they won't be as mother hen as Cam, especially due to being at the clinic all day. They will make sure to have things for MC on hand. When they do finally come back for the night they will let Mc rest their head on their lap while G rubs on Mc's stomach.
💚 Kara - She already has a hot water bottle for MC, already has their favorite ice cream, and whatever trashy movie you want to watch. She will run MC a nice warm bath, and make sure they are comfortable. She will even try doing things for MC that help soothe her when having a bad period.
💛 M - Will only be involved if MC is comfortable. They know not everyone wants to be bothered when on their period. So if you need them they are there, if not they will be there but where you can't see them so as not to bother you further. M will try and keep MC's mind on something so as not to think of their discomfort when having a bad cramp, will even allow MC to look over some of their notes for the upcoming novel.
💜 Isaac - Will try to be helpful, but Isaac isn't entirely sure what to do. Should they give you something to take, maybe offer to rub your back? Just tell them what to do, it will be much easier on the both of you.
🖤 Ardent - Is going to ask so many questions, do you need something? Do you want to eat something? Do you want to punch something? No not him! He will let Cupid keep you company, while he pretends only to check on Cupid, he is really checking to see if you're okay. Oh yeah, the food he set down that is um for you, Cupid can't eat it he forgot.
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chrisevansdaughter · 2 years
Chris evans younger sister gets first period when she’s staying with him and she gets rlly bad craps and is rlly scared
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“I just knew lovebug”
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Pairing: chris x younger! Sister reader
Warnings: period talk, pain meds and hesitation that’s it
Summary: younger! Sister readers gets her first period whilst sleeping over at chris’ house and gets really bad cramps but doesn’t want to tell Chris anything *the duck will come in to play because it’s like me when this happens*
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So when your first period hit you just happened to be staying over at your brother Chris’ house and well to say you were scared was an understatement.
You were petrified.
Forgetting he’s probably dealt with your sister me when their time came. But still your irrational side of your brain didn’t care. To be honest all you cared about was the cramps to leave your lower abdomen, and sour watermelon sharks.
You were debating for hours to go tell Chris that you were hurting and needed some stuff but you thought he’d shout at you but you decided to go for it anyway.
Padding in the living room, you were meet with Chris lounging on the sofa, dodger snoozing in his bed with the fire going and the tv playing reruns of Rick and Morty. He noticed you standing timidly in the doorway of room.
“Hey bubs, what’s wrong, come ‘ere.” He voiced with concerned, patting the couch next to him.
Walking over to him slowly, pain with every step, radiating from your back to your pelvis.
“My stomach hurts, I think I got my first period. I’m sorry I didn’t wanna say anything.” You mumbled scared of his reaction if any.
“Why not lovebug, it’s okay if you got your period I’m not gonna shout at you for it because it’s normal and natural okay?” He smiled softly reassuring her that it was okay hugging her.
“I know i was just worried but-” you replied cut off by a surging pain coursing through your abdomen. *that duck is what you want to do to your body rn*
Chris saw this and just lifted up your hoodie a little to put his hand on your abdomen to massage it whilst the cramp did it’s course.
“Do you want some midol bubs, and maybe some hot chocolate andddd if you really want some watermelon sharks huh?” He said knowing that she needed all of this even before she came down because brother instincts but shh that was just a secret.
“How did you know? How did you know I needed that? Y/n said visible confused on how Chris knew that’s what she wanted like some mind reader.
“I just knew lovebug, I just knew.” Chris replied laughing at her reaction.
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So after pain meds, cuddles with Chris and snacks with hot chocolate with y/f/m playing in the background. It was all well in the world, now you knew it was normal and Chris was okay with it.
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Hey my loves I know I said that I probably wasn’t writing but here we are, I hope you enjoy it and to the anon who requested this thank you so much 💖💖
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meraudurs · 8 years
What do you do to feel better when you're sick? I ask because I'm sick and I'd like to feel better. (I'm not allowed to get my head wet, so showers are out.)
yeah tbh I wouldn’t suggest showering rn because that might get you more sick with your hair being wet! 
drink warm stuff!! tea, coffee, hot chocolate, soup. anything. 
get medicine. cough syrup. tylenol/midol. whichever you need. 
get in bed. with cozy blankets 
if your head is feeling really heavy or like exploding (not literally but you’d know what I mean), get some sleep
breathe in some steam. 
avoid reading pages and pages (for me, it makes me feel worse. idk about anyone else!!)
watch a movie!
in general, make sure you get rest. don’t study. just relax.
ahh hun I hope you get better soon!! just hang in there xx
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