#i really should... draw more on my other blogs 😩))
just-bendy · 1 year
Is Sammy buff..? The shirt has me questioning things…
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[ Shirtless warning ]
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(( of course 😌👍 ))
(( curvy woman 😍💕))
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flowersandbigteeth · 5 months
Hiiii 😭New in blog!
Do you have any tips/source in writing orcs?
Bc planning to do some bc got the spark your fics an inspiration 😩😩🙌
Halllooo! Welcome! 🥰 I started answering this question and it got so long 😭 I could honestly write an essay on this, there's so much to think about. So my candid thoughts are below 👇🏽
As far as pop culture goes: I generally like Durotan in the warcraft movie as my favorite Orc "look". I'm not too inspired by Tolkien's Orcs personally, but technically the DnD Orcs are based on that description. I started out basing my Orcs and half Orcs on the DnD races and elder scrolls online (orsimer are an orc like race) and then it grew into developing my own lore.
The DnD community is great because there are a lot of OCs to consider for reference and spin off games and lore, though (not saying you would, just for those who need to be reminded) you shouldn't steal other people's OCs. You can browse OCs on toyhouse and Pinterest, as well. Warhammer, Magic, and Warframe also have orc type characters to look at for character design ideas. Tolkien originally developed his Orcs from old English monsters, so that would be an interesting rabbit hole to jump down for inspiration.
Aside from the aesthetics there is a big pitfall to look out for when writing Orcs specifically:
Orcs started out as a villain race, but I find that extremely reductive. Orcs deserve culture, art, motives, and a spectrum of personalities. Tolkien's Orcs have been criticized as well as DnD rules about Orcs. I'm not going to do a deep dive into that because there is a lot to parse through. You can look it up if it interests you. There is far, far more discussion on it than I'm going to get into right now.
But my ultra, ultra simplified take away from what I've read is it's important to acknowledge the personhood of any character you write. And that's true for any writing really. Not to say you can't write an orc as a villain, but, for example, there is difference between writing a mindless killing machine and a villain with a personality, motive, strengths and weaknesses, and backstory if that makes sense.
If they are a mindless killing machine, there should be a reason other than Orc=bad. What happened to them to make them that way? Is there a societal expectation that they are trying to live up to? Do they have an internal struggle about it or do they feel justified for their violence? Are they under a spell or brainwashed? Why is that?
Villains are tricky because you want a satisfying ending, the villain may be complex, but they have to reach a point of no return where the hero has to act. So what was it that sent them off the edge? Vanity? Greed? Revenge? Etc.
Separate from Orcs it is a good way to look at all monster writing. As the counterpart to "born sexy yesterday" I think "born evil yesterday" is also kinda blah.
I'm not at all going to say I am great at this, it's often hard to create full, complex characters in short fiction but it's something to strive for. I'm sure I have characters on this blog I could have developed better, but I try to keep it in the back of my mind the more I learn about writing.
It's the same for an Orc hero. Orcs aren't dumb, malleable studs. I personally like expanding on Orcs canon skills (strength, loyalty, stamina, leadership) and flesh them out. Saber is strong, but he's also nimble and charming. Reven is big and can be scary, but is skilled in style and fashion, as well as being steadfast and loyal. Cedar is a warrior but studious and kind. Golmad loves weapons and is a leader but also gentle and good humored.
For visual ideas, I look at a lot of different styles and cultures, but it usually has a lot to do with the environment. I like to look at ye olde hairstyle and clothing ideas relevant to the place the Orcs are from, if that makes sense? Like if they lived in the artic you'd look for cultures that live in cold weather and draw inspiration from the materials they would have at hand for processing, sewing, and decorating.
In general, I tend to lean on more traditional depictions of mountain Orcs, but jazzed up? I don't like ripped, careless dirty rags, but clean, utilitarian and neatly cut leather and furs, as they are big hunters there rather than farmers. If they live in a village or town they'd wear whatever is in fashion, cotton or linen. Where are they from, their social class, and what types of clothes would be best for that environment are good questions to ask when developing costumes, next their personality. Whether they are vain, utilitarian, or cocky and like to roll around with their shirt off. 😸 I think keeping the environment and personality at the forefront of your mind, you won't fall into cliche traps. There's nothing wrong with having dirty ripped clothes but if it doesn't make any sense in the context of the world you're building it flattens the character. The assumption that Orcs are filthy or unskilled at tailoring by nature doesn't work for me.
Idk without going on too long, I hope some of that helps?
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tup-ika-5385 · 1 year
For mun- Hi, I've been thinking about making a roleplay blog for my own clone oc. So I wanted to ask what it's like having a roleplay blog and is there anything I should know since this is my first time making one?
// Two years late is better than never 😩
I’ll try to answer this one as best as I can! I really enjoyed having a rp blog, and it’s been fun to ease myself back into it a little bit recently! My favorite part has been interactions with mutuals, and my blog was pretty ask-driven in the past, which was a lot of fun too. I actually have another rp blog @clone-medic-patch, who is probably my biggest OC, in terms of character development, and it’s been fun to write both him and Tup, and decide how I’m characterizing them 😅
I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so I tend to overthink most bits of content I make, so my rp blog is pretty nice in the sense that there’s not a ton to overthink in a basic two-sentence response, and it actually gave me a lot of experience and helped me to learn how to write even better, both for fanfics and irl!
But advice!!!
Don’t overthink it! Blogs are generally made for fun, especially rp blogs. If you’re too worried about getting everything perfect, recognize that the people who really enjoy your blog won’t care about a misplaced comma (and if they do, they can fight me 😅)
Mutuals!!! Doing rp is a million times better when there’s other people to do it with. I am admittedly terrible at keeping in-contact with them, *cough* two-year-hiatus *cough*, but I can’t possibly overstate how much better of an experience they’ve made this whole rp thing!
Lists! This is probably just me, but when I first started, I made a google doc of “Tup notes” including every canon line he’s ever had, how I planned to characterize him, little quirks, fun things, even annoying things about Tup, and my OC’s. For me, this helps me stay consistent with how I portray Tup, more or less!
Personality! One of my favorite things to think about when writing my favorite characters is their flaws. It may be fun to write a character who’s never done anything wrong in their life, but giving your characters mildly annoying habits can add so much to their personality! For example, my OC Patch is a clone medic with the 104th, and he’s basically an old man in the body of a 26-year old. He’s squad Buir, complete with dad jokes, snoring, and calling anyone younger than him “kid,” and I love him so much. Tup, on the other hand, is an absolute pest sometimes, and will use his vod’ika status for all it’s worth, lol. Figuring out stuff like this can help deepen the character development, and give you a deeper well to draw from when answering asks that require a little more thinking 😅
Thanks for the ask, even if the response is super late! I hope you went for it and had lots of fun!
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OH I WAS JUST REMINDED CAUSE the angle on Jo in the last panel is similar to how I remember some shots of Takita + The General Premise Of Being Sick ☠️☠️And also that I was gonna tack it onto my ask about Day with the Sun but I didn't think it was relevant enough... but yeah... We Can Only Hope...
I can't say much about the show mainly because I was in a rut and couldn't engage with any media I tried to watch at all for a while [and with a stream, I couldn't pause to process things]; that said, it was insanely successful for a reason, and if nothing else it'd probably be fun to watch before you play Judgment and see how it influenced the games! I also really love Amamiya [the female lead] and Hiroshi Abe never disappoints :]
DO NOT BE ASHAMED TO ADMIT YOU ALREADY KNEW... I didn't know that's what Krillin's name was derived from... very fun trivia :] But yeah I love Nakai's dogs and his blog posts Dearly... it's actually kinda funny too because I spent ages the other day trying to find any other characters of his who wear unbuttoned shirts for reference [during which I also kept running into media that had no subs or wasn't uploaded at all so ☠️ I'm glad you found A Ghost of a Chance!], and I completely forgot about these pics until now...
Anyway here is a bonus Tsutsumi with his dog :] he got it in 2018 for his daughters...
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LASTLY I think you should give Arakawa his stubble back so I can scritch him under the chin As God Intended and I think you should write a sequel to Sons of Bosses so I can line up with a bowl :]
OH fair fair fair 😩 if its anything, since watching more jdramas and movies ive borrowed how camera angles are done in those SO it is vaguely intentional for it to be reminiscent of dramas :]
once i strongarm time from Life i'll surely give it a watch (❁´◡`❁) im forever grateful a lot of jdramas are only 10-12 episodes long, it makes binging shit HELLA easy and gives me motivation to watch and finish things ♪(´▽`)
it's actually so unfortunate a lot of nakai's movies and shows are practically exclusive to japan (if not myself just constantly being reminded i should be better dedicated to studying japanese..) (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) still, it's what makes finding anythin he's in all the more enjoyable and has me all the more grateful (*^-^*)
BUT OH MY GOD TINY BABY PUPPY HIIIIIIII handsome feller.... what a cute coat... what a silly face pattern ive never seen a dog like that..... epic .........
arakawa-with-stubble has been cooking in the back of my brain for a LONG while (i've Mentally drafted a few comics that take place during a time where he'd reasonably be growing some), im just a lazy bastard who never draws any of those ideas (╯▽╰ ;;) sequel to Sons of Bosses may be a thing... depends on if i can force this goofy brain of mine to work and write three fics in one week..
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batri-jopa · 2 years
Hello mutuals and random visitors!❤ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
I'd like to say that as a visual artist I sometimes like to draw some stuff with undressed human bodies including arms, hands, bellies, buttocks, tights, knees, calves and sometimes even weird looking feet.
Only I do prefer to show them in action...
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...for why should only writers have all the fun?🤷
Anyway, sometimes these drawings turn out good enough to share and if you'd like to check it out you can visit my another blog:
>>> @co-ma-piernik <<<
- that's where I will try and post some of my Adults-Only Stuff (e.g. searching for two pictures hinted above - you can look🔍 for keywords: unbearable and no tomorrow Unless it will get reported and hidden. But then I'll just try to post it again some other way)
Believe me, posting visual art like this on tmblr really is not an easy game: imagine spending one whole day drawing and then - another whole day trying to post it... AND not be hidden right away... numerous times over and over again😩 (Even though it got Community Labels! I really wonder what these are for anyway?!)
And yes, I know that the easiest way seems to be censoring my pics - but at the same time it's the very last thing I want to do!😣 Because what am I supposed to censor in the first place? What piece of your finished work's composition would you consider unimportant? Should I cut out buttocks? Blurr a hand that squeezes? Cover the belly tattoo that was placed too low?
Oh, you fic-writers have it good and you probably don't even realise your luck...😅 I wonder how many times a fic-writer gets blocked for "vulgar" content even when writing about intercourse?
And trust me, I really am not trying to make my visual art vulgar, it's just that... Well, lets say I really have seen worse things here already. Like photographs showing body parts and poses in a much more explicit way than what I want to share. And they are even tagged properly! I have no idea how they made it. Because whenever I try to tag my art the same way, so that it actually could be found - it gets found indeed and... blocked immediately🙄
So, I'm always a rebel. But I just don't like anybody (including myself) to be discriminated against for any reason. Be it nationality, age, gender, skin tone, religion, what one likes, who one loves, height, weight or kind of art. I don't understand that policy can block my visual art while written art stays free (which is absolutely great, don't get me wrong!) AND even visual art pieces are okey if they are "historical" ! (now how does this work, when those ancient pictures from India or China are 10times more explicit than my art??? I have no idea...)
If we want to share our ART, if it is not p o r n, if it hurts nobody and if it's labeled properly - we should have a right to! ✌️
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
❆ henlo jas i have come to give you appreciation:
Y’KNOW! when first getting into DL, Ruki was like?? not a FAVOURITE, but not a character i didn’t like either. i didn’t particularly think to much of him. UNTIL—
i read your portrayal of him. FOR SOME REASON— the way that you write specifically. the way you convey his character. wonderful. spectacular. is so?? compelling?? DEF DRAWS A PERSON IN.
so now everyday i wake up like “ooooo i wonder what shenanigans rooks is gonna get up to on the dash.”
First I just want to say thank you so much for your kind words, from the bottom of my heart. T_T Writing has always been a passion of mine to some degree, but before this blog I never wrote much of anything fictional. In fact, the last time I did any kind of roleplaying was probably 10 years ago if you exclude this blog, so I totally thought it would flop due to my rustiness LMAO. Instead, I made so many wonderful friends on here including yourself and I could not be more grateful for it. Every day I'm trying to improve my language and technique and it's been such a blast exploring that through, hands down, my favorite comfort character of all time. It's definitely entertaining for me to think of how he would react to certain situations, interact with all kinds of people, and problem solve his way out of things. 🧩
WARNING: MAJOR RUKI SIMPERY AHEAD because I just don't know when to stop I guess.
Okay someone stop me because I know I'm going to go on a long Ruki spiel that no one asked for—
Honestly, being indifferent to Ruki is a pretty reasonable conclusion to arrive at for the standard DL fan, assuming you have not read all of his routes, drama CD's, tokutens, etc. like most people probably haven't. The anime only shows a glimpse of his character that doesn't even do him justice, and his first route (MB) barely scratches the surface as well imo. I'll try to keep this short since my Ruki simpery is off the charts, but the breadth of his character for me stems from Dark Fate and Lost Eden which, I assume, most don't really delve that far unless Ruki is already one of your biases.
Basically what I'm trying to say is—I think you flatter me too much because I kind of just take everything I know about his character + how I envision him to act in my head and just… write from there, I guess. HAHAHA. Truth be told I was convinced when I made this blog, people would think my portrayal of Ruki is too exaggerated (which, ngl, he totally is for my own entertainment LMAO) or too sadistic for his own good. BUT violence and torture aside, it's one of my goals of this blog to spread my love for the character and make other people see why he is so dear to my heart.
Too often have I seen people mistake Ruki for someone who is overly serious, dull, or no fun at all. But to me, that couldn't be further from the truth. Anyone who plays through his routes would know that he has some of the biggest snark and sass I've seen of ANY OF THE DL BOYS. Seriously, the cutting edge this man has… OOF. IT HITS HARDER WHEN HE'S ALREADY INTELLIGENT AND KNOWS WHERE IT HURTS MOST TOO. Yes, he is strict, stoic, maybe a bit too aloof for most people's tastes, BUT HE'S ALSO SUPER WITTY, SURPRISINGLY CHARMING, AND HE JUST SOMEHOW GIVES OFF THIS JUXTAPOSING AURA OF "I WANT TO RUIN YOUR LIFE" + "I WANT TO PROTECT YOU AND CARE FOR YOU" and I jUST—GFHFGKHFG okay you can argue probably all of the boys give off that kind of vibe??? But still??
The whole backstory of Ruki being the eldest who leads his brothers despite knowing he is the forbidden choice who should not be chosen, [SPOILERS CROSSED OUT] despite the person he respects so much being the same reason for his own trauma and downfall , and being arguably the most closed off, cold-hearted of all the boys eventually opening up to you and being vulnerable around you? IT DOESN'T GET MORE REWARDING THAN THAT.
It's the reason why I make him quite the sadistic vamp and try to add a cutting wit as sharp as his own fangs in every single reply I write. That's what I take from his character and luckily for me, being someone who knows a lot of idioms and ambiguous sayings with room for double meanings, there is so much for me to work with to go above and beyond the Ruki you would read in say, an English translation of his dialogue, if that makes sense? Probably most of what I'm saying right now doesn't register unless you have Ruki for brains like I do but bottom line is: I love this man too much for my own good that I had to make a blog of him portraying him the way he practically lives in my head rent free.
And you don't know how elated I am that it's more than just the inner fangirling of a crazed Ruki lunatic. I'm so happy that others like this portrayal of him as much as they do... It all feels so surreal to me.
So, yes, when you mention Rooks and his shenanigans... I ask myself the same thing every day too when I first wake up. I wonder what my man will encounter today and what other crazy madness he's gonna stir up on tumblr dot com HAHAHAHAHA. I can only hope it is entertaining for all who happen to stumble across it and dedicate the time to read my posts. T_T <3 Thank you for enjoying the character thanks to how I write him. It means more than you know.
And please take care of yourself as well, Whin. I see how hard you work and it doesn't go unnoticed. We all need breathers from writing even if it's a fun hobby, or so I like to tell myself.
Thanks for coming to my simp talk.
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astrxlis-archive · 2 years
hello Fox~ it was nice knowing that you're doing well!! And i hope you would be able to nap around this day too :D
And yesterday I wasn't able to sleep since I was still up till 5 am+ and then every friday we have classes early at 7 am so I just chose to get through the day— making my mind very hazy like a jellyfish 😅 but i'm alright now dw. I have gotten to sleep nicely and recover already.
Xiao might find your no-respect-to-the-adepti personality quite confusing to him at first, because it was like a rule throughout the years to respect the adepti and gods alike. I am unsure if he knows Keqing or if he has a voiceline about her, but his thoughts might drift towards the Yuheng of the Qixing's beliefs while also trying to understand your own beliefs. He might come into a conclusion that not all mortals do have respect for it, especially people who gets to become close to him. But that's a new one for him, as long as you don't do any trouble it might be just fine~
Plus, remember what i have said on our last convo? One thing i have learned this year is to not be shy in showing or telling your appreciation !! c: so why should i not let you know that i like your writing? :3
I do wish tumblr have a "read more" feature too in asks to save space in the feed and easily scroll through your blog 😌
Honestly i think the mom friend energy is def a good thing- not unless you don't care for yourself the same 😤 and *cough* aha,,, about my assignments— i have managed to pass one yesterday?? Which i'm already very happy about because it's one of the easiest so far tho it took me hours because i really think my mental state can't be pushed more at this point 😅 and i don't really feel bothered 😌 i swear im trying my best 😩 i have also visited my psychiatrist today for our second meeting and i'm finally diagnosed with the actual problem 🤩 this is one step towards improving my mental health + getting my life together again 😤 I have to thank you too for being one of my emotional support people 💗
Also, 😳 i'm glad to achieve being kind with my attempts~ didn't knew you could say that i have a way with words too (*//艸//)♡
I have no favorite quiz in particular but i remember this one titled like, "i psychoanalyze and bully you based on your genshin kin" with raiden as the background. I do also take those in the featured page and ngl i check on the page daily like it's a religion just to look if there's a new quiz that interests me. For the confusing part, yes don't worry i'm always trying~!! If i didn't try, i wouldn't be able to provide my perspective to other people as well as not find people who would be willing to understand :3 and 😳 you think i do? Well *cough cough* thank you for such kind words,, it just happens that we have formed a sort of... Connection? That helps us communicate comfortably~ hmm back then i would usually draw people or maybe fanarts? Yeah i'm interested in those, tho i don't actually draw anymore ;;
It's also alright to feel emotionally vulnerable at some days :> but, no i think you also lowkey brought tears to my eyes when i read your reply?? Because i'm so glad that you felt my words <33 and i am quite overjoyed that you have heard such words that you didn't knew you needed. I'm glad to be of comfort to you. I remember reading some comfort fic with kaeya in it and there's a line saying "I'm proud of you," and i literally cried because of that + i'm def having a bad day too😂 well, to me, the people who care the most are the ones who also need care the most. Very glad to be spot on too about jean and ganyu 🤭 your confirmation is truly unexpected. Worry not about keqing, her leadership is excluded in my description tho her shyness is just quite similar xD and true, noelle (as well as the other charas) are really determined/passionate/motivated, like we could share almost every trait with them except for their hard-working and determined part. I would just honestly quit trying to be a knight and would rather find the cause about why they keep rejecting me if i were noelle. Poor noelle, i hope someday kaeya would tell her about the actual reason she is always being rejected to be a knight. They're basically clowning her smh,, :(( i feel so bad. And i think noelle would reflect on her actions if she knew the truth that she works too hard- and might change for the better that could help her get into the knights.
It's my pleasure to explain thoroughly about what i think because being able to be given an opportunity about it is not something to be missed! it's pretty nice that you could understand me better with it too :3 and yes i could see your point that you wouldn't really think of me as distrusting or emotionally constipated. Think of me as this to you: xiao or diluc warming up to people they are comfortable with and is more open with them. I hope you have realized already that i feel very comfortable around you 😔💖 emotions might be a hindrance to logical decisions but hey, emotional intelligence isn't there for nothing 😉 deciding by thinking alone is quite difficult too, especially when your heart or emotions are needed for the decision rather than what your mind thinks. So i do think you being emotional is actually fine!! 💞💞💞 I find emotionally aligned people quite awesome because i'm usually stunned when the solution for a problem is related to the emotional matters.
It's not bad to laugh about me writing an essay about our similarities even when i stated that im unsure if i kin him!! 😚 I find it pretty funny too- like who knew i would write a long ass essay about it,, and yes~ i'm the eldest and i only have one sibling 👍 having a sibling didn't taught me to understand kids but it made me feel like i'd fight them with no hesitation 😌
Thank you for your friendly reminder too 🥺💗 i'll be sure to keep that in mind <33 thank you for being here with me 🤭
And YES. I also don't know that there's actually mbti assignment stuff for the genshin characters. The site where you could find it is in the personality database website. There are also debates in the comment section of characters such as Lisa's because they are pretty unsure about what her mbti actually is. Also, i don't mind sharing too 😚 it's totally okay! My mbti is INTP, and you're never wrong with that introvert part. Life is hard when groupmates aren't working 😩
Also, medicine as your course?? 😳 That's so cool! As far as i know, studying medicine is kinda hard but really, you're awesome for that 😚 Sharing the same philosophy with hu tao totally makes sense now 🥺 i haven't heard of the term "palliative" care before so i searched it up— it was such a nice coincidence that we have talked about hu tao on our past convo 😳 i actually think that if there's something related to whatever your lesson is (such as our convo) it makes us more motivated to focus on the subject xD besides, i think you're doing nicely about talking more about yourself too ( ˘ω˘ )
Forgot to say this, but to me you ask very nice questions??🥺 Or maybe this is just my subconscious who really wanted to be asked by somebody 🤔 still, genuinely i do love your questions— they're pretty interesting to me 🤭
You have totally said it exactly about the case for the assignments— it's like a cycle for me now 😔 AND YES. WE CAN DO THIS !! 😤😤😤 The copium is indeed strong. Regarding what course i would take, well right now i chose the business strand for my senior years so i might take business at college too, just maybe not the bachelor of accounting stuff,, it might be like business management(?) Tho i'm really undecided 😔 i just want to earn money without doing anything— 😂 i'm also gonna do my best in taking care of myself 😤💞 i will not let you down!! <3
I don't really live in the southern hemisphere but it's more near the equator or quite higher than the southern hemisphere since it's near the equator?? And my country is known for being v hot every summer 😩 it's also fine to not know associations of the genshin charas- so no worries about it ! It's not like we have to know everything 😤
I'm very curious abt the taste of broccoli cooked with rice too 🤔 but that doesn't mean i'll be eating it- i have also searched up the chicken stroganoff and?? IT LOOKS SO GOOD + as a picky eater i would really love it. The flat noodles and button mushrooms ? 😳 It's a dish from heaven to me 😩 moreover, you like sweets :0 i do think it makes sense now since you're also very sweet 😚 *insert "you are what you eat" quote* Getting a treat for yourself every time you shop is actually nice 🥰
It warms my heart that you still try your best even if stuff is difficult for you 🥰💖 i do agree with the failing stuff too— because what can we even do about it if we have already tried your best 😌 Just think of hu tao cheering on you whenever you feel down or unmotivated 💞💞💞
I really don't find anons on the internet 😂 it just so happens that they gave me a clue + their user is too obvious soooo 😏 that's how i found out.
What's more is that i have researched about foxes too xD i've only read the article @ Mental Floss but i have learned a lot already~ Island foxes are so cute 😳 they look like a perfect inspiration if you're ever gonna sculpt something. I have also discovered the existence of pink champagne fox, & there's also a pink fox named Miko... So i thought that what if Miko is the inspiration for Yae's character design ?? Dw too, you didn't disappoint because sometimes we just like things for no reason 😅 😚
Also your new Thoma drabble— if you're a chef i'd say you serve one of the best dishes out there 🥰😤✨ it was really comforting and sweet of you 💗💗💗
Regarding the Nier series, i'm afraid i couldnt play it qwq since i don't have the devices needed to play it;;— i was familiar with automata a bit before during its popularity but it was just a shallow liking about it since i get influenced by the internet 😤 so now after searching about it i do think i could understand it now. And A2 is such a great character?! I remember not liking her bc i saw a vid where she looks like the villain but she's actually a lot more compassionate in personality 💞 kinda touched my heart tbh
I'm also considering if i should make a genshinblr account at this point 🤔 tho i am not confident in my writing 😩 but the main problem right now is what username should i choose, what name should i be called and what theme/concept should i make my blog have 😤
Also it got me curious- do you have any character in mind that you think i kin? xD since i have assumed jean and ganyu for yours, it made me wonder what do you think is mine~
Fun fact, i sometimes get zhongli in personality quizzes too—
i hope i could ask you more but 🤔 what should i even ask 😩
Thank you once again for making me smile!! <333
I hope my ask would bring a sort of comfort for you😚💗 don't forget to eat properly and drink water~
— 🍰.
hellooo 🍰!!!
i'm sorry this took so long, i had to write my reply between breaks from studying 🥲
i think i should start my reply by informing you every time i open my tags it's yours that show up first 😂 i wasn't able to take a nap but that's fine! i'm just going to try and sleep more this week. lack of sleep def explains the hazy feeling 💀 i'm glad you got to sleep and recover already. please try to avoid not sleeping if you can? 🥺 do you have a full day of classes on fridays?
he knows keqing!! i think he first met her during the osial crisis and then she formally introduced herself on this year's lantern rite, very respectfully 😂 personally i would just treat him very casually, so maybe he'd be confused by that because most people are like "omg an adeptus 🤩🤩", something he canonically can't stand (see ganyu's story quest).
i clearly have much to learn from you in that aspect 🙈 was overcoming your shyness a new year's resolution or just something that happened?
about taking care of myself, i can be a hypocrite sometimes 😅 but i'm trying my best, that i can promise. and dude, that's great!!!! i'm glad you're on your way to get better and getting your life together. i kinda wanna ask what your diagnosis was but i don't want to intrude? and take it easy, please – a friend irl reminded me yesterday that nothing on the academic sphere is worth more than my mental health, so i think it's valid to pass the reminder along. one assignment is already something great! it's always better than none 💕💕
and are you kidding me?? ofc you have a way with words, like???? from the interactions i've seen of you on other blogs it's clear people are always happy whenever you're around!!! and so am i in case it's not clear by now– i think we do have a nice connection! i kinda consider you a friend already?? 🤠
oooooh i remember that quiz, but i don't remember who i got 💀 i had a phase like that too, daily entering on uquiz to take the nice ones lmao i took a (18+ apparently???? i dont remember that warning being there but it is now) yandere bnha one once last year and the results explained how they'd lure you in and i've never been more terrified in my entire life because the description would work with me, no joke 🤭 you don't draw anymore?? why? 🥺 what fandoms you used to draw for?
your observation about noelle being clowned by the KoF – i... never thought about it that way?? hoyoverse explain this right this instant!! 😤 i wonder if kaeya would tell her straight up why she's being rejected though...
that was such a sweet mental imagine please 😫🙈 i noticed, and i'm very grateful!! i hope you know i'm becoming more comfortable with you too. and to be fair, i understand your point of view about logic and emotions. the degree of emotional intelligence required to being able to pick one or another when making decisions eludes me though 😂😂 whenever a logical decision in necessary i get stumped, much like you with emotional decisions.
KFNDKSJSKNS THE LINE ABOUT FIGHTING KIDS– my goodness is it bad that i relate to this but kinda want to specialize in pediatrics? ofc i wouldn't go around fighting children but like– 🤭😂 i'm going to check the website out! thank you for telling me uwu also, we have a similar type!! and i think it fits our conversation nicely - i'm more Feeling, and you're more Thinking 👀
thank you!! sometimes i think about sharing cool stuff i leaned in class but then i'm like... should i? eh. also sorry about not explaining what palliative meant! it's such a common word for me i forget it's not usual for other people. and really, you don't have to thank me for asking you questions, please 🥺🥺 i like talking to you and it's nice to know what type of person you are!!
should– should i break it to you about accounting and business management? or do you wanna find out on your own? 🤠 but i share your dream of earning money doing nothing, it's like my dream job 😂😂
me, looking at you localization reply: that absolutely doesn't narrow it down bc so is my country but in a way to respect your privacy (esp. because you're a minor) i will ask no further. at least we can complain about the same type of weather at the same time 😂😂😂😂 also,,, i would not have the courage you had to figure out 🍁's user even with a clue, even if i have the feeling i've interacted with them (or them with me) off anon? an-ee-ways.
listen. listen– if you can try to cook it i 100% advise because it's that good. my sister can make some amazing stroganoff, either with beef or chicken. she adds mustard and shoyu sauce and it's just *chef's kiss*. and i'm really happy you like the new thoma drabble, you seriously flatter me 🙈
oh my gosh 😂😂 i'm flattered you did some research and you actually gave me info i didn't know?? i googled the miko fox and had to laugh at a reddit comment about it. it's super cute!! and yep, it made me wonder too🤭 the coincidence seems too big for it to be just a coincidence... also, this is just me wanting to share cute things, but theres this instagram page i follow... 👀
A2 reminds me a lot of kainé from the original nier (with less cussing), so maybe that's why i'm more biased towards her, but she really is a sweetheart, even if she tries to prove she isn't. i think it's a game you'd enjoy, to be honest, and it's totally alright if you don't have the devices to play it!! maybe someday, who knows?
also yes?!?? you should!!! even if you're not confident or if you don't start writing right away, it's a nice way to start getting (even more?) in touch with the community!! sadly i can't help you with names or themes because i lack the inspiration 🥲 my blog is literally named after a character from another franchise LMAO but these are things you can figure out with time ☺️☺️
honestly i associate you a lot with yoimiya? she's bright and willing to help and to make other people smile, and she's also not afraid to be who she is and love what she loves. she's also kind and understanding and gentle, even if that's not a word you'd first associate with her due to her sunny personality. i'm uh. not very good at understanding characters very well - something i want to work on - so i'm afraid i can't really talk about anyone else right now? but i'll let you know if i associate you with someone else, ehe 🤩
how was your weekend, by the way? also, have you seen turning red? i recently watched it because i was exhausted from studying and man. mannnn, what a good movie (imo).
take care of yourself well too!!! see you soon 💕
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moonhoures · 3 years
today i offer you kyun sending sky pics and saying how seeing the sky makes him think of mbbs and gushing over how pretty sunsets are, to sending a picture of him in a bathrobe asking if he should wear this to midnight idol 😵‍💫 also did you check out the new monchannel update? i am not functioning well after this content also i want to talk about this kyun from his ig stories 😩 i really love it when he smiles like :] or :3 💔 it’s so cute ;_; it’s beginning to make me think of the resemblance of that kind of smile throughout my bias list ??? maybe i really do love kitty boys 🤭
On a side note college has been kicking my ass with all the deadlines and my eyes and fingers are so sore from all my coursework (im an art student btw ^^) but ive been itching to draw fanart to de-stress but my schedule just doesn’t allow it :(( so ive been coping by reading your works before bed <3 ik i say this a lot but i feel like i need to say this more but i really do love your writings so much it really feels like a good warm hug every time i read it, so once again thank you for your efforts, hope u take breaks in between writing so u don’t get burnt out, and as always im looking forward to your future works for other groups too! hope you don’t feel too pressured about putting out work all the time and enjoy writing (bc i really think you have a knack for it and u seem pretty happy to do so and i love seeing people do what they love), hugs and kisses! wish i could send u flowers 💐
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pls i love taking sky pics so now i’m just imagining dating him and we send sky pics to each other as like a love language <3 i am indeed crying… and bestie i’m so bad at keeping up w mx content :/ but i appreciate you for helping keep me in the loop w kyun! bc i love seeing your messages and i especially love kyun being a cutie and a thot ;-; ^_^
awh babe i’m sorry college has been so stressful and takes up your time :( hopefully you can get some time to yourself soon and you can do some drawing and relaxing ✨ i thought abt being an art major before i went for english but i’m kinda glad i didn’t. i like art and i’m afraid doing it as a major would’ve made me hate it tbh :/
and please your words mean so much to me 🥺 i really do love writing a lot so i’m trying not to stress myself and get annoyed when things don’t turn out as good as i want. i’m getting better at it, especially with kind messages like yours! i have a few projects i’m working on and hoping to get posted in the next few weeks. i just hate being a writing blog with barely any writing being posted 😅 feels like i’m slacking a bit…
sending all of my love to you 💌
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