#shiny... 👀👀👀👀✨😳😳
just-bendy · 1 year
Is Sammy buff..? The shirt has me questioning things…
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[ Shirtless warning ]
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(( of course 😌👍 ))
(( curvy woman 😍💕))
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Ok OK what about girlcock!Tory with nipple piercings AND dick piercings 👀👀
- gemini sensei
@gemini-sensei ,I don’t have much experience with dick piercings-
But I could see her with one. Or two, or a few. I could see her with one at the tip and maybe one right between her dick and balls?😳
I’m getting vibe, maybe black and silver ones??😈
With nipple piercing I can definitely see her with both done. She switches from darker gothic inspired to more bright and shiny. It deepens on what she’s feeling. Definitely wears some diamond or bright crystal ones if her and Reader go out somewhere fancy. Because a after party always happens afterwards.😈✨
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hysteriak · 1 year
Feel free to skip questions you feel uncomfortable about!
Oh thank you for the many asks-!!
🔐Relationship Status?
Single! Currently I don't feel ready to have a partner yet, but you might never know. I mostly go with the flow.
I've been questioning a bit recently, if I might be a bit Asexual or not but, for the most part I just consider myself to be Pansexual :) 💙
💅Do you wear makeup?
Nope! I've been a make-up dummy for my sibling though and I can do it sometimes for cosplays! But personally I just can't handle the feel of it, but I have nothing against if other's want to do it on me. As long as it's washable haha.
😳Any way to make you blush?
Hmm... I'm actually not sure 👀
✨Favourite aesthetic?
Goth/Pastel goth I think? I just generally dark guro vibes, with perhaps a bit of cute. Trying to look up aesthetics and Glowwave also seems to fit to my liking! Shiny stuff in the dark, how pretty✨✨
💝Favourite Colour(s)?
Neon colors-!! If my eyes don't bleed then it's not bright enough /j My absolute favorite though is blue, but I also love a lot of reds and browns 💙
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punkscowardschampions · 5 months
Lush pt.1
Dash: welcome 👋🏽
Dash: 🤞🏽🤞🏽 you’re digging the scene here 🌱
Lux: Hello, oh, yes, I’m so grateful for the place to stay
Lux: Everyone has been quite welcoming
Dash: I’d’ve rapped at you sooner but I didn’t wanna 🐞🐛 you before you were in the groove
Dash: not my 👜🎒 y’know
Lux: I don’t expect anyone to, I certainly wasn’t thinking you ill-mannered for having not, there are lots of people here I still don’t know the name of
Lux: but you aren’t bugging me, it’s a nice surprise and nice to meet you, virtually, Dash
Dash: I can give the hook up of everyone I’m tight with however you want it
Dash: no biggie 
Lux: I know Hazel, so I know [list her crew of people you would have at least had a convo with including Amber and her dad etc]
Lux: It seems like you know everyone
Dash: right on
Dash: she’s your mama 🐻
Dash: you’re with the freedom riders & I hang with the other dropouts
Lux: She helped me out, even though it wasn’t technically her job, obviously letting me stay here goes beyond
Lux: What do you mean by dropout?
Dash: nah we’re not flakes who’re gone all the time 🚀🪐💫
Dash: means we’re 🏡 here
Lux: I understand
Lux: Home not being where you’re raised, necessarily, that is
Dash: I was born here but 👶🏽 ain’t true for most
Lux: Oh, wow, I didn’t know that
Lux: Who are your parents?
Dash: my da’s Caleb, ma cut out when I was young so you’d not know her
Lux: I’m sorry to hear that
Dash: a downer but she had her reasons 
Lux: People should be there for their kids no matter what
Lux: but they aren’t
Dash: I don’t let her unglue me
Lux: You have to find a way to be you
Dash: you get it 🌷
Lux: And you have your daddy, that’s not nothing
Dash: I’ve a whole family here 
Dash: 👶🏻👧🏼🧒🏽👦🏿👨👩‍🦰👳🏽‍♂️👩🏿‍🦱👴🏼🧓👩🏾‍🦳🐣🐓🐈🌱🍃🍂🍁
Lux: That must be comforting
Dash: it’s far out
Dash: if we were 🟫 only the Ambers would be lucky
Lux: Sorry?
Dash: everyone gets 👶🏻👧🏼🧒🏽👦🏿👨👩‍🦰👳🏽‍♂️👩🏿‍🦱👴🏼🧓👩🏾‍🦳🐣🐓🐈🌱🍃🍂🍁 here & to have a blast
Lux: Oh, right, now I see
Lux: What do you do for fun?
Dash: me or what’s cool about this place?
Lux: I’d been led to believe those would be the same thing
Dash: I can’t take all the credit 
Lux: Less credit, more meaning you seem passionate about this place
Dash: 🏡 sweet 🏡
Lux: You aren’t going to tell me?
Dash: I’ll give a demo, how’s that?
Lux: I’m not sure
Lux: though you’re kind to offer
Dash: you can jet if you don’t feel the passion
Dash: no 💦
Lux: I’m not very confident, if it was awkward, that would be me
Dash: I hang loose
Dash: nothing heavy
Lux: I can tell
Lux: Not everyone is as chill, I fear
Dash: chill with me at the bonfire later
Lux: Really?
Dash: it’s gonna be laid back
Lux: I haven’t talked to anyone our age
Dash: lay it on me til then if you’re feeling uptight about the 💭
Lux: It’s not that I don’t want to, I don’t know what to say
Lux: Everything is heavy, where I’m from
Dash: you don’t have to talk
Dash: there’ll be 🎶🕺🎸🥁🪕🎵💃🌠🎇🎆
Lux: So I’ll just be there?
Dash: if you wanna just 👀 nobody’ll be turned off
Lux: Woah, you’ve made me sound SO creepy! 😰😅
Dash: nah you’re 🍒 & 🦊 
Lux: More slang I’m too lame to know? Oh no
Dash: decoded idk, the meaning’s like, new & hot or shiny & pretty ✨🎀
Lux: No way 😳
Lux: just new, maybe shiny, outfit depending
Dash: yeah way 🐥
Lux: It’s very hard to tell when you’re being serious and when you’re joking, you know
Dash: I don’t joke about 😍
Lux: I remember what boys can be like, remember
Dash: how many boys like me were there where you’re from?
Lux: Fair point
Lux: none that I knew
Dash: welcome to the new 🌎🌍🌏
Lux: Do you go to [the school that Amber goes to]?
Dash: you going? I’ll catch you there 👑
Lux: I get taught here right now, safer, I figured
Lux: but it’s different
Dash: bummer
Dash: school would’ve been way less of a drag with you
Lux: It’s mostly little kids here
Lux: You don’t like school?
Dash: I tune out
Dash: what they try & teach’s lame
Lux: I enjoy learning things, schools, not as much
Dash: I’m learning to make stuff here
Dash: sewing, whittling, cooking, y’know hands on things like that
Lux: I make things too
Lux: Clothes, art
Dash: you 🧵 [an item of clothing he’s seen her wear]?
Lux: Depends if you liked it
Dash: you looked way out
Lux: 😌
Lux: Thank you, I could make you something similar, if you like
Dash: unreal
Lux: I think it could suit you too
Dash: what do you want in trade? I could make you or teach you something
Lux: Whittling sounds cool, I’d like to see how that’s done
Dash: 👌🏽
Lux: When do you want to show me?
Dash: I’ll go look for some wood now & bring my knife tonight
Lux: It’ll take me [however long this garment would, idk but you would is the point] but I’ll start right away
Lux: What colours do you like to wear?
Dash: no discrimination
Lux: 🌈 it is
Dash: but I’ll wear ✨🎀 later for you
Lux: For me?
Dash: yeah
Dash: so you’ll spot me
Lux: Of course
Lux: I wouldn’t say you need the help standing out though
Dash: for you cos I 💭 you’re outta sight then
Lux: Says you
Dash: what do you mean?
Lux: I’ve never seen a boy with hair like yours
Dash: til you got here & laid eyes on ½ the boys
Lux: Yours is still different, it isn’t straight but it isn’t afro hair either
Dash: my ma’s as white as you but 👩🏻‍🦰
Dash: irish as they come
Lux: Is that where you get all the freckles from?
Lux: Well, aside from the sun, obviously
Dash: right on 🌞
Lux: She must be pretty
Dash: I’ll show you a picture
Dash: [scroll and find one from when she was young and lived here, pre-accident obvs, I’m sure you could without having to go home and dig out a literal photograph because the time periods we’re in]
Lux: Oh woah, she is
Dash: I’ve got the same 👃🏽 piercing when school stops forcing me to take it out
Lux: That’s a dumb rule, how’s it getting in the way of you or anyone else learning
Dash: all their rules are, they care about control down to what time you 🚽 & nothing else
Lux: What are your rules? Your personal philosophy
Dash: [I’m not gonna write out all his hippie cliches but we know damn well the kinds of vibe]
Lux: 🌞🌎🌍🌏🌈
Dash: what’s yours?
Lux: I think I’m still working that out
Dash: you could be born here too, I dig that
Lux: Being different makes you have an open mind to everyone else's different, right?
Dash: that’s been my scene
Lux: You’ve been kind to me
Dash: love’s the point
Lux: Who could argue with that particular philosophy
Dash: haters but I’d argue back ✌🏽
Lux: Haters, you’re funny 😅
Dash: knock, knock
Lux: …
Lux: Who’s there?
Dash: honeydew
Lux: honeydew who?
Dash: honeydew you wanna dance at the bonfire?
Lux: Okay
Lux: only because that was an incredible joke, obviously
Dash: 😁
Lux: What kind of music will there be?
Dash: all kinds
Dash: [and then namedrop different peeps who play different instruments and what styles they go for, I’m sure there’s girlies giving full irish folk and lads trying to be rockstars etc etc]
Lux: Do you play?
Dash: want me to play for you?
Lux: I was wondering if you would, at the bonfire
Dash: what music you into?
Lux: [tell him, lord knows I ain’t lmao]
Dash: I’ll play [the easiest song possible from the options she gave lbr because I’m not saying he’s an amazing musician]
Lux: Wow, you really are rolling out the welcome wagon for me
Dash: you really are welcome 🦊
Lux: I’ll have to call you 🐺
Dash: calling us a pack is rad
Lux: Yes, I thought you’d like that
Lux: it does seem rather fitting
Dash: [send her a voice note of you howling and then getting whichever friends you are with/are nearby to join in, turning into lols at the very end]
Lux: Oh my Goodness 🐶 perhaps suits moreso
Dash: nah that was my best 🐺🔊
Lux: Don’t be offended, Mowgli
Dash: [send her you playing a song from the jungle book because just picking up a guitar randomly from wherever you are duh, whichever one would be the easiest idk, but it should probably be bare necessities cos I feel like that’s the only one Mowgli sings on as far as I can remember? Even if you’re only doing the instrumental]
Lux: 😍😍😍
Lux: Are you meant to be giving sneak peeks before tonight?
Dash: idk I felt like you’ve been giving so much
Lux: Most people say I’m closed off
Dash: they gotta be putting their wipe out on you, cos nah
Dash: you’re open to me 🌻
Lux: It’s a learning curve
Lux: I haven’t been me for very long
Dash: jazzed to meet you
Lux: It’s mutual
Dash: it’s a learning curve rapping to someone so 🍒 & 🦊
Lux: No one makes you feel 🍒 I can tell
Dash: I’ve been in this groove for long, my jungle, y’know
Lux: It’s been a while since you had to kill any 🐅s
Dash: yeah, you get it
Lux: And you talk as old as that film
Dash: people say I’m an old soul
Lux: I see it
Dash: I 👀 you living your best, new life here in this brave, new 🌎🌍🌏
Dash: 🦁🐯 & 🐻s
Lux: I’d really, really like that
Dash: 🏡 sweet 🏡 of yours too
Dash: no place like it that film says
Lux: THAT film?
Dash: [send her the wizard of oz clip that’s like lions and tigers and bears, oh my, as you ref-ed above]
Lux: It’s so much more than just a film!
Lux: Shall we watch it so you remember that?
Dash: when?
Lux: Whenever you’re free
Dash: I’m free now
Lux: It’s nearly 2 hours long, won’t the bonfire be happening by then? Or, you’ll be needed to get firewood
Dash: I got some when I found my whittling piece
Dash: but if you’ve gotta get ready
Lux: Do I?
Dash: gimme a twirl 🩰 show me what hip creation you’re wearing today
Lux: [send him a lil self-conscious video]
Dash: you ain’t gotta do zilch 🌟
Dash: split from Hazel & come hog the 📺 with me
Lux: Who else is in there?
Dash: [tell her whoever is because peeps everywhere all the time]
Lux: They’ll all be cool?
Dash: 🧊
Lux: Okay
Dash: 👌🏽 I’m saving you a seat
Lux: Shall I find snacks?
Dash: [send her the song hungry like the wolf as a yes, a clip of them singing that bit lol]
Lux: 🥩 is off the cards
Dash: since I was [an age you’re saying you stopped eating meat even if that’s a barefaced lie, it’s giving toddler or something silly considering you’re not Amber and you don’t have those parents, you probably stole the age from her if anything, which is hilarious cos she’s out here sneakily eating meat and junk food now]
Lux: Committed
Lux: The 🐓🐣 thank you, I’m sure
Dash: lifestyle’s been mine from 👶🏽
Lux: It is pretty easy here
Dash: & the 🐓🐣 are friends of mine too
Lux: Don’t tell them I’m a 🦊
Dash: whole place knows
Lux: I don’t think so, Dash, it’s just you who says it
Dash: they’re all thinking it
Lux: I’d rather everyone was thinking that than the alternatives that seem more plausible 
Dash: they are, trust 
Lux: It’s okay if you’re just being nice, that’s still nice
Lux: You’re a sweet boy
Dash: I know everybody
Dash: you’re in a safe place
Lux: 😌
Dash: 🤗🥰
Lux: I’ve got roped into washing up… bear with
Dash: 🧼🧽 you’ve got 5, Snow White
Lux: You’d offer to help if you were concerned, Dopey 😏
Dash: princesses don’t sit on the floor
Dash: I’m keeping our seats
Lux: Do you have a bed here? 👸🏽 
Dash: I’ve got beds everywhere 🪑🛁🌳🛌🏽
Lux: That’s what I meant, yeah
Lux: I guessed the people who have been here longest had priority though…
Dash: I give mine to the youngest
Lux: That’s good, kids need stability like that
Dash: & elders but they’re rarer here
Lux: Yeah
Lux: I can’t see this being a great place for old people to be
Dash: how long’ve you been crashing with us?
Lux: [however long, probably not long at all is the vibe]
Lux: I’ve been talking to Hazel longer
Dash: she give the tour?
Lux: Sure, showed me all the work that needs to be done
Dash: scope of the sink & dirty dishes, yeah, I heard
Lux: The issues are slightly more than cosmetic 
Dash: issues? 🧦’em to me
Lux: You know, the outside, the stairs could fall through any second, all that stuff
Lux: I don’t mean personal, I’m good, grateful, like I said
Dash: it’s been standing [however long] 
Lux: Sure but nothing lasts without upkeep
Dash: [someone who calls themselves the handyman for this place but clearly doesn’t do fuck all]’s already on that 🔨🧱🧰 trip
Lux: It’s more than a one-man job, how many people live here, come on
Lux: Hazel has lots of plans though, you must know that already
Dash: I know Hazel, sure
Lux: She says the attic could be a whole two bunks, everyone could have beds
Dash: it’d be electric up that high under the 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌙
Lux: Right?
Dash: a choice room, I’m stoked for you
Lux: Don’t you want a real bed too?
Dash: gonna save me one?
Lux: Well, you’d have to be in the guy’s bunk, obviously but why wouldn’t you get one, yeah
Dash: nah I crash where I fall 🍃
Lux: Oh, okay
Dash: tonight we’re in the orchard
Lux: You’re camping out? Cool
Dash: join if you want
Lux: I couldn’t but thank you for the offer, sure it’ll be awesome
Dash: couldn’t?
Lux: Yeah, you know why
Lux: I need privacy, a trusted person, safety measures
Lux: more than any normal girl
Dash: I’ll be your trusted person
Dash: there’s no plastic on me, I’m being real with you
Lux: Don’t you think that’s a lot to ask someone you’ve just met?
Dash: you’re not in a lot of danger
Lux: You say that like you don’t know what I am
Dash: nobody’s looking to hassle you 
Lux: For now, because I’m being quiet and helpful and keeping to myself and doing everything just so
Lux: that’s how it is, I don’t expect you to get that, any cis person
Dash: nah, they wouldn’t be rattled whatever, ain’t the vibe here
Lux: I can never not be careful, that’s all
Lux: It’s my responsibility, not a judgment on anyone here personally
Dash: you’re used to a bad scene
Lux: Guess we could say that
Dash: it’ll blow your mind when you let it all hang out though
Lux: That’s how it is for you? 🤯
Dash: 🤯✨🌠🎇🎆⚡️☄️🪐🌌💫🌟🌞🌝🌛🌜🌚🌱🌳🍄🌼🌻🌷
Dash: magic
Lux: You believe, don’t you, no bullshit
Dash: no fake 🧚‍♀️✨🧞‍♂️🌠🧜🐚🧜🏽‍♂️🧙‍♀️🍄🧙🔮🧝‍♀️
Lux: You’re very lucky
Dash: don’t shut yours down when 🍀 brought you home & us together
Lux: Me and you?
Dash: you & everyone
Lux: Right, totally
Lux: It was entirely by chance, meeting Hazel, that is a kind of 🍀
Dash: right on
Lux: I don’t know why I thought you meant me and you, what a dumb thing to say
Dash: I’m part of it
Dash: one of everyone
Lux: 🌎🌍🌏
Dash: I don’t wanna lay a trip on a girl who just got here
Dash: sweet as she is
Lux: We can be friends
Dash: friends
Lux: 🤝
Lux: I could use all the friends I can get
Dash: beats me why you won’t come to the orchard
Lux: I can come hang, ‘til I need to crash, if that’s okay
Dash: you can crash next to me but I’ll back off & cut you some slack
Lux: Before here, I’d only ever shared a room with my brother
Dash: I’d protect you like a lil sis 
Lux: Do you have any?
Lux: I was oldest, a brother and two sisters
Dash: lost count how many 👶🏽s Caleb has
Dash: [but give it your best guess]?
Lux: That’s insane
Dash: that’s free love
Lux: The pill came with the movement for a reason
Dash: & the babes he scores with are as free to use it
Dash: like Amber must’ve
Lux: What about Amber?
Dash: she’s not showing 🤰🏽
Lux: Are you saying that your dad and Amber… Hazel’s daughter Amber?
Dash: the one & the same
Dash: the Amber
Lux: Your dad is old
Dash: age’s a number
Dash: people want who they want
Lux: Umm, woah
Dash: she made the move
Lux: I don’t think it’s your business to tell me this, I’m sure she doesn’t want everyone talking about it
Dash: we’re talking about the sexual revolution
Lux: No, you’re talking about Amber, for whatever reason
Dash: you know her I didn’t 💭 it’d be news to you
Lux: I don’t know her like that, I only just got here
Dash: 👌🏽 my bad
Lux: Y’all should start the film without me
Dash: don’t be like that
Lux: It’s fine, honestly, the cupboards are super dirty and need organising
Dash: I’ll bring people through with me to help then ✌🏽
Lux: This is really awkward
Dash: I said I was sorry
Lux: You don’t need to be sorry to me
Dash: you don’t need to be off with me but that’s the craic now
Lux: Why would you even bring that up?
Dash: idk 
Dash: like I said, I figured you knew 
Lux: Even if I did, why would we talk about it
Dash: we were rapping about my da, that’s his bag
Lux: That’s really horrible
Dash: I’m not him
Dash: I do my own thing
Lux: No, like, I’m sorry you’re around that
Dash: no 💦
Lux: It can’t feel good
Dash: he can be uncool he ain’t alone 
Lux: Parents shouldn’t be peers, that’s confusing
Dash: takes a village & I’ve got one 
Lux: Nothing can replace the real thing though, can it
Dash: chosen family is real
Lux: But it’ll never be the real one again
Dash: can be better
Lux: I don’t know how that can be true
Dash: bonds are bonds, what’s blood to do with it?
Lux: People back home know me, have known me all my life
Dash: I could know you the rest
Dash: as deep, deeper
Lux: That’s a lot of faith, that anyone will want to
Lux: blood is meant to be indisputable, you can’t help but love your family
Lux: but, here we are
Dash: anyone here would want to, I keep that faith
Lux: I’m scared I don’t belong here either
Dash: I’ve freaked you out
Lux: I’m permanently, it’s really not on you
Dash: take 5 for your cupboards
Dash: it’s been real but got heavy too
Lux: Sorry
Dash: nah, I did it
Lux: I’m heavy
Dash: you’re golden 🐥🌻🍯🌞🌝🌛🌜👼🏼🎇🎺🌟🧚🏼‍♀️⚡️👸🏼📀🔑
Lux: 🐺🕸🦈🐚🪨🐁☄️💨🎤🎧🎼🗿🛸🎡🌁💿📺📻🔩⚙️📡🔦🔭🔬🔗🧷
Lux: you
Dash: what a gas
Lux: You like emojis more than words
Dash: idk what to say sometimes
Lux: pictures say a lot
Dash: & don’t lose it til they’re rapping about downer stuff
Dash: killing the mood
Lux: Forget it happened, seriously, we’re cool
Dash: I’m not cool though
Dash: you make me not
Lux: I think you’re the coolest person I’ve ever met
Dash: 🤯😳🥵
Lux: It makes me wanna never open my mouth again, seriously
Dash: you can’t be serious
Lux: I’ve never heard anyone talk like you
Dash: you must’ve tuned out
Lux: You’re still awesome, no downer changed that
Dash: still friends?
Lux: Definitely
Dash: gonna let me squirrel into the cupboards then? 
Lux: They’re not MINE, so, yes 😳
Dash: but I only wanna help you
Dash: say yes to that
Lux: Yes
Dash: & the rest
Lux: the rest?
Dash: 📺👠🦁 & 🔥💃🏼🕺🏽 & 🌳🍎💤
Lux: Okay, yes x3
Dash: [do come and ‘help’ her with these cupboards even though you’re defs being more of a hindrance and making more mess by messing with stuff instead of cleaning it up]
Lux: [lord knows any attempt is better than the fuck all that has been done here in forever but honestly, at least the shyness this girl is experiencing will mean she is doing double the work for y’all]
Dash: [soz that he’ll make you feel more shy because can’t stop watching her do everything, by which I mean shamelessly checking her out the entire time because he thinks she’s the absolute cutest]
Lux: [very much doing the trying to look at someone without them knowing you are glances because 0 way we are directly meeting your eye right now but we can feel you watching us]
Dash: [we’ll be kind and say he’s looking away sometimes when his interest is piqued by the gross cupboard in some way/he’s attacked by an avalanche of things he then has to pick up etc etc so that she can sneak those glances, probably get a cobweb on you sir those are really sticky and take ages to get off]
Lux: [you can help him deal with that cobweb instinctively, not realising that you’re casually upping proximity and attention like that until you have, flicking your eyes up briefly and doing the smallest smile]
Dash: [the biggest smile back as he’s looking at her with what are essentially heart eyes because can’t not, the kind of laugh you do when you know this is a moment and you’re trying to put her at ease and make the vibes less !!]
Lux: [smile bigger at his smile and then fully grin at his laugh, wiping some of this cobweb onto whatever t-shirt he’s wearing, like you’re playfully pushing him back here but you’re lingering]
Dash: [we all know he’ll be getting this cobweb onto his hand and starting the softest and most flirty playfight of all time like he’s gonna wipe it on her but also like she’s the most delicate beautiful dainty girl and we absolutely can’t and will not play rough about this because gotta validate how she wants to be seen and how we clearly see her]
Lux: [heart eyes yourself as you avoid getting covered in cobwebs in the girliest way imaginable, not quite squealing because you never bring attention to yourself so it’s lowkey like a squeak]
Dash: [1000% live the cliche of getting some dirt off her cheek whether it’s really there or not, simply must because of how his fingers are basically shaking because of how gentle he’s being when he does touch her face and how much he’s holding back when he typically never does]
Lux: [closing your eyes and breathing as shakily because you know how hot your cheeks are gonna feel and you weren’t spring cleaning hard enough for that to remotely be the excuse]
Dash: [STARING at her when her eyes are closed as if she won’t feel it and you can freely be that intense in that aspect at least because whatever dirt has not come off with how lightly he brushed her face but dare not do it more dramatically and so his bright idea is to lick his finger just slightly with the tip of his tongue very quickly and re-do as if that’s any more chill purely because it’s barely wet and he hasn’t fully spat on it in a feral manner, god bless]
Lux: [your eyes SHOOTING open big and wide like he fully just licked your face but you can see his finger and what actually occurred and it’s such a childishly adorable image so you can grin at him again, even if it is a breathless and !! grin in comparison to the former ‘thanks’ as the first thing you’ve said to him out loud, though to call your quiet self-conscious voice loud is misleading]
Dash: [grin back in exactly the same way because it’s infectious and yours has all the !! and mischievousness as if she caught you in the act of doing something way worse ‘it’s chill’ which is misleading because he’s clearly the most not chill he has ever been lol]
Lux: [do that arty thing of framing his face up with your hands, squinting as you line it all up before quickly licking the tip of your thumb and as speedily swiping it across his cheek before he can catch on or stop you, taking several steps back and looking down but with a smile still ‘now we’re even’ like it is now chill even though, yeah, arguable lol]
Dash: [when you’d literally be able to see on his face, after the shock and playful oi! expression has hit and he’s grinning again, that he’s remembering she said she makes art, like yeah okay that tracks, his smile becoming more of a genuine one to mirror that as opposed to his wide grin a sec ago, giving that he’s thinking and wondering about said art as he nods to being even, technically, and then has to run a hand through his hair because it’s in his eyes and in his way] 
Lux: [shaking your head like he’s trying to show off his hair when you’ve already complimented him for it, carrying on with this cleaning/organising task but we’re noticeably less concerned with the task, completing it to a that-will-do level so you can look at him expectantly because was going to watch the film after]
Dash: [gonna say that he very half-heartedly also goes back to this cleaning task, blowing his hair out of his face as if he’s so hard done by and overworked which simply isn’t true because as she’s looking at him expectantly because she’s done he’s messing with a different cupboard and eventually opens it properly, I imagine to get out movie snacks more than to clean lbr, after ages just pissing about swinging the door open and shut, to find there are ants everywhere because ofc there are with all the open food just lying about and so instead of whatever he was gonna say in reply he pulls her behind and into him SO protectively as if these ants were gonna fly at her face and attack her and then pulls her away to the living room like omg we g2g, lowkey running away because it’s such a vibe to flee the scene romantically but also typical irresponsible him]
Lux: [thanks for giving her no time to react because not only would she scream too loudly for her liking but she’d also actually want to deal with this problem that should not just be left, trying to vocalise as much as y’all are running but you’re half laughing half out of breath more from the shock than the running, same for the permanently pink cheeks]
Dash: [sadly y’all don’t have far to run so pull her into the living room, laughing with her and grinning, obvs, but because you’ve lost your saved seats with all these cupboard shenanigans you can enjoy another cliche of having to sit somewhere together that isn’t quite big enough for you both and leaves you in such ridiculously close proximity with all the accidental knee and thigh and arm touching moments etc etc during this film, whether you’re in a beanbag or loveseat or a literal shared seat, whatever]
Lux: [shrugging your oops, sorry at him wordlessly, scrunching your face up in sympathy as if he was always the princess who could not sit on the floor because where’s the lie there, at least it’s not a long old film because you’d be DEAD if you had to sit here that long with all this closeness you’re acting like you don’t notice but clearly do because the hair on your arms is standing up and you have goosebumps all over whenever your bodies accidentally make contact, snack bag hand touch cliches to boot, why not]
Dash: [gotta shrug back as if you’re unphased and don’t mind because clearly or you’d move and sit on the floor to give her the full seat to herself but he is not that gentleman and he’s LIVING for every accidental touch, as am I because I gotta give this gal all the romcom cliches I can while I can to make up for this boy being a flop in so many ways lol, likewise acting like he is just watching this film unaffected but we all know he’s shifting in this seat to make more accidental touches happen, bonus points if it is a beanbag type thing because literally every time he moves she’d lowkey fall into him, and he’s sporadically also moving his hair out of his eyes like he did earlier as if he can’t see otherwise but that’s the same ploy, I’m sure at least a strand of it has fallen onto her somewhere accidentally on purpose because long hair is notorious for that]
Lux: [it’s cruel of us because you are thinking this is a romcom and then you’ll find out it is not and feel like a massive fool who made it all up but you know, tis the point, I’m afraid so be here having all your Moments ™ and developing a bigger crush on him by the second, it’s fine hahah]
Dash: [we are rude, especially because I know there will come a point (idk when because I haven’t seen the film) when the snacks run out and his attention span goes (even though this is a film he probably likes, he’s just that bitch) and he’s looking at her more than he is the screen, soz gal]
Lux: [me like Judy didn’t get abused for this lmao but you’ll just think it’s romantic, obviously, back to peeping at him almost like it’s a game but it isn’t, you’re truly that shy about it all, pulling this strand of hair off your clothes and tying it in a bow and untying it to do it again, repeatedly, assuming he isn’t truly paying THAT much attention to you that he’ll notice that but he clearly will hun]
Dash: [me likewise offended like just watch the film sir please but he isn’t because he’s gotta watch her do that not at all subtly and then use the v flimsy excuse of sharing some blatantly obvious piece of trivia about this film that she 10000% already knows because she’s obvs a fan and I’m talking OBVIOUS trivia here, insert my personal Junie eyeroll, to lean in and whisper in her ear, to get that close to her and tuck a strand of her own hair behind her ear, and for no other reason because there’s 0 need to whisper for anyone else’s benefit, I imagine there’s chaos surrounding y’all in this room]
Lux: [jolting back an inch or so, hair falling fully in front of her eyes, shaking your head to shake it back into place and to shh him, with wide eyes like everyone else in this room is a. Silent and b. Paying any attention to what is on this TV right now, god bless]
Dash: [giving her such an oh you look and smile, so affectionately because she’s adorable, before half-heartedly turning his attention back to the tv again his hippo self like okay I’ll be good, but within minutes this boy is here FIDGETING again on this seat even more than before, cannot keep still soz, meaning all the touches again]
Lux: [when you can’t even be mad, mainly because you’re crushing on him lbr but also because it’s not as if you’ve been able to pay any real attention to the film so you get how much harder that makes it to tune back in when you were never really there in the first place ‘you don’t have to watch this’ practically mouthed you whispered it so quietly but facing him so he’ll be able to get the gist, pulling the corner of your mouth in on itself with your canine teeth awkwardly, as if you really forced him to in the first place]
Dash: [shamelessly pretending like he did not get the gist purely as an excuse to put his ear practically against her lips like go ahead, we see you sir, we see you]
Lux: [making the near cartoonish GULP sound, suddenly SO self-conscious of even breathing never mind saying words when his ear is that close to your lips, hence it takes you a while, the cogs clearly whirring in your head for the simplest of sentences ‘we don’t have to finish watching’]
Dash: [we ALL know he’s enjoying how long this takes and the blatant effect everything he does has on her, mhmm, hence staying ridiculously close when he mouths ‘I’m hip to how it ends but that’s the grooviest part’ translation, I know how it ends but we gotta see it through because the ending slaps, whether it does or not or he’s just saying that for the cliche of giving her her own happy romcom/disney ending I’ll let you decide, I know damn well what I think the answer is]
Lux: [honestly this ending right now is going to be really upsetting in ways you haven’t thought about until you are now thinking about it like oh fuuuuuuuuuck, there’s no place like home?! How could we do this to her, honestly accidentally because you were just thinking about the technicolour of it all but now you’re like oh I don’t actually want to be sat here with these random people experiencing those kinds of emotions; run girl, some excuse of going to the bathroom thrown quietly but carelessly over your shoulder to Dash as you bolt for the exit]
Dash: wanna be followed or backed off of?
Lux: Sorry, I just realised how heavy that was going to be
Lux: I’m cool, I’m just taking some quiet, we’re good
Dash: not 🧠 surgery why you split 
Dash: but take 5 more & I’ll hit you up later
Lux: I’m really sorry, I was having a nice time with you
Dash: there’ll be others
Lux: I’m not like…
Lux: a total wreck
Dash: you’re not in the zone yet either though
Lux: yeah, it’s fresh
Dash: 🌱
Dash: don’t grab for 🌈 cos you’re colouring me gone without 🌷🌹🌼🌻 I’m around
Lux: You’re so cool
Dash: you’ve given me time to find the threads & ✨🎀 to be
Lux: You saved me from bug bites, that could make us equal
Dash: 🐜🐜🐜🐜
Dash: they dig you too, I get it, but I’ve never had to be jealous of no ants before, be a trip
Lux: They dig all the crumbs 🍯 talker
Dash: they’d score a bigger rush from you
Lux: Where’d you learn all this?
Dash: all ??
Lux: You know what
Dash: I know I’m not scamming
Lux: I didn’t accuse you of that
Lux: this is just how you are, all the time
Dash: I don’t meet girls like you all the time
Lux: I see
Dash: you feel it
Lux: I don’t know what this is
Dash: chemistry
Lux: What are you? 
Lux: 🤦‍♀️ like, how do you identify
Dash: what you 👀 is who I am
Lux: It’s okay if you don’t know
Dash: I’m with it
Lux: You’re so vague sometimes
Dash: idk what you’re asking
Lux: If you’re straight or gay or something between
Dash: labels are your 👜🎒 huh?
Lux: Labels keep people like me safe
Dash: hurting you ain’t my action
Dash: but if you need somewhere to put me ~
Lux: Alright, that’s all I was asking
Dash: I’m about the energy, if we vibe 
Dash: 🐥 or 🐈 or whatever, all the animals
Lux: Cool
Dash: yours is
Lux: I’m the least cool person to exist, I’m pretty sure
Dash: nah you’re the most
Lux: I do not feel it now
Dash: bonfire’s a reset, we’ll meet again
Lux: You think I’ll just click into place this time?
Dash: being in the same place’s enough for me
Lux: There’s lots else to do and see
Dash: yeah
Lux: Everyone here is so interesting to look at
Dash: you’re still the most
Lux: Do you have a partner right now?
Dash: I love the words you rap with
Lux: If I’d said boyfriend/girlfriend you’d say oh so the binary is your bag
Dash: the binary is your bag 🦊
Lux: It sounds very accusing 🐺
Dash: nah, I’m hip to that, I’m a boy 💙
Lux: It’s not like I’m phobic
Lux: that would be ridiculous, I’m just a girl and I’ve only ever liked boys before
Dash: I’ve only ever been a boy, it’s cool if you like me
Lux: We’re friends, we already decided that
Dash: just friends?
Lux: Friends means I like you
Dash: 👌🏽
Lux: And you like me?
Dash: before I scoped you out in the kitchen even
Lux: That’s the look
Lux: but I guess we don’t know each other much better than yet
Dash: I wanna get to
Lux: I would like that too
Dash: we’ll be tight by the AM
Lux: Can you see the 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌙 through the 🌳s?
Dash: I’ll show you everything there’s to 👀 through the 🌳s
Lux: I’m looking forward to it
Dash: new heights
Dash: & branches’ll be more laid back to share than [wherever they were sat]
Lux: You won’t rock me out this time?
Dash: I didn’t that time
Lux: Felt like you were trying to
Dash: beats me how anybody wouldn’t be amped up to move closer to you
Lux: You’re 🐒
Dash: I feel it
Dash: 🐒 like outta control
Lux: You’re completely in control though
Dash: tell my 💓
Lux: Woah
Dash: can’t blow your mind you’re a babe
Lux: Shh, you’re ridiculous
Dash: cut me some slack I’m 😍
Lux: I’ve never seen eyes like yours
Dash: that why you can’t look in ‘em?
Lux: Only partly
Dash: no biggie, I’ll look into yours til you’re there
Lux: I don’t know how to be like you
Dash: keep being yourself
Lux: I’ve only kissed one boy
Dash: kissing [however many, I honestly dread to think because that’s mostly what you’ve been doing at this age, kissing and touching] girls don’t mean I wouldn’t be 🤯😳🥵 to kiss you
Dash: that’s fresh
Lux: What if I mess that up too?
Dash: we’d try it again, unless you didn’t wanna
Lux: I’d want to hide under a rock, may have to run away, again
Dash: gotta climb down a 🌳 to jet
Lux: You’ve made it sound like a plan
Dash: cos I can’t quit 💭 about kissing you
Lux: Aren’t other people going to be there?
Dash: not in our 🌳 
Lux: No one will see?
Dash: I’ll 🐒 so you’re covered, if we’re spied on they’ll only see me
Dash: & ⭐️🌙⭐️
Lux: I will have to think about it more 
Lux: but that means you can keep thinking about it too
Dash: 💭🐥🌻🍯🌞🌝🌛🌜👼🏼🎇🎺🌟🧚🏼‍♀️⚡️👸🏼📀🔑💭
Dash: you’re a song playing on repeat in my head
Lux: It would sound like I was just copying the movie to say everything else looks 🖤🤍 right now but…
Dash: it’s the mood
Lux: What kind of thing will people be wearing to the bonfire?
Dash: 🧚🏼‍♀️🪐🩳🧙‍♀️🩰🌻👗👖👼🏽👒🩱👠👑🌌👩🏼‍🎤🥻👸🏾👚🌼👙🦚🦋👢🌈🧜🏻‍♀️🦄🌷✨
Dash: free expression
Lux: 💭🤔
Dash: bring technicolour back
Lux: Oz over Kansas
Dash: be where you are
Lux: It’s another vague brief but I’ll see what I can do
Dash: you’ve got this 👩🏼‍🎨🧵
Lux: I don’t want to be overdressed but it sounds like that’s not possible
Dash: [send her a selfie of you dressing up in as much of those emoji vibes as possible, like a kid raiding a dressing up box and putting on everything lol, not as your finished lewk which we know is gonna be pink and girlie but just for funsies]
Lux: Where did you find all that?
Lux: ✨ the kids will be so mad at you 😅
Dash: [a video of this rabble of kids loling and helping him get dressed in all this and also getting dressed up themselves cos they are clearly his silly besties and have been helping him]
Lux: Sweet 🍧🍨🍦🧁🍰🍭🍬🍫🍩🍪🍯
Dash: how old’s your brother & sisters?
Dash: if the question’s not a drag
Lux: [so we have a sister that is closest in age, giving a year, 18 months apart, then your other sister is giving 3 or 4 years younger than you and then your brother is the youngest probably 5 to 6 years younger]
Dash: were you tight, y’know, before?
Lux: Perfect family, yeah, 2 of each
Lux: I messed up the ratio, the image
Dash: nah 3:1
Dash: & they’ve still got their 💙
Lux: That isn’t how it went
Dash: that bummer’s why you’re here
Lux: For now
Dash: now’s good
Lux: Now is where you always focus, no need to say
Dash: now’s where we met
Lux: No moment is guaranteed, I know
Dash: tonight’s guaranteed far out, trust
Lux: Is Amber coming?
Dash: search me
Lux: Oh, well
Dash: we’ll have a blast
Dash: Amber or no Amber
Lux: Of course, she’s the only other kid our age I vaguely know, that’s why I asked it
Dash: I’ll hook you up with intros, I said so
Lux: I’m nervous
Dash: they’ll dig you & I’ll protect you, like the 🐜s
Lux: What if they want to bite me too?
Dash: that’d eat at me
Dash: but you’re a catch, best thing since 🍞
Lux: Not how I meant it and you know it 😳
Lux: but you’re popular, if I’m with you, people should be pleasant
Dash: 🤴🏽👸🏼
Lux: Hmm, let’s not get carried away…
Dash: I’m not full of it, you’ve got the 👸🏼 look
Lux: That would be quite the costume choice
Dash: you’d be choice in a 👑 babe
Lux: You’ve got all the dressing up on your body, last I saw
Dash: I’ll take it off for you
Lux: You’re terrible! 
Dash: [send her a pic of this crown wherever you’ve left it]
Lux: 🗺 ✖
Dash: 🏴‍☠️🧭
Lux: That seems more legit for you, yes
Dash: you’re a trip
Lux: You’re a pirate
Dash: 🦜 would be a killer pet, I’d dig it
Lux: You could teach it all your old man talk
Dash: old man’s boyfriend in my talk
Dash: 🦜 making a move on you’d be worse 💔 than 🐜s, real uncool of a friend
Lux: It could only mimic what you teach 
Lux: maybe someone can train the ants 🎪
Dash: I can 🤹🏽‍♂️
Lux: Can you do it with 🗡s?
Dash: find [however many he’d need to juggle idk] & I’ll give it a shot
Lux: Someone’d lose an eye before you lost a finger, probably
Dash: you want a pirate, hook hand’s the deal
Lux: When did I say I wanted a pirate? 😏
Dash: when you said 👌🏽 x 3 📺👠🦁 & 🔥💃🏼🕺🏽 & 🌳🍎💤
Lux: Is okay the same as wanting
Dash: don’t you want me?
Lux: You can’t just ask that
Dash: why?
Lux: Okay, you can’t ask and expect an answer
Lux: that’s too much
Dash: that’s an answer
Lux: I can’t be like you, the people you’ve kissed before
Dash: I’m not asking you to be like nobody else
Lux: You are, free, easygoing
Lux: I’ve never been that, wouldn’t know how
Dash: you know we’ve got something
Lux: I know what you look like
Dash: hang a mirror in the attic when Hazel gives the go ahead
Lux: Everything about you is effortless
Dash: everything about you’s more electric than 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌙
Lux: I want to look in your eyes
Dash: yours are like jumping into a river
Lux: Feeling like I could drown is exactly how it feels
Dash: floating ain’t drowning, that’s how I want you to feel
Lux: like in your song, Mowgli
Dash: like I’ve got you & 0’s too deep
Lux: You’re a good friend, I think
Lux: I only had the couple, none now
Dash: pick a number & that’s how many you can have here
Lux: 🤞
Dash: it’s in motion
Dash: first me, then everyone
Lux: First you
Dash: let me stay high for a sec before you cut me low for the others
Lux: Do you think that’s what I’ll do?
Dash: there’s loads of 🐥 & 🐈s doing beautiful things
Lux: Aren’t you too
Dash: I help keep things running smooth but idk if it’s more than that
Lux: If that’s what you want to do, what makes you happy
Dash: the way I was travelling through before today was a straight line but you’ve got me twisted
Lux: I don’t want to 🌀 you
Dash: I’m bent like 🌱🌿🌹🌼🌻🌷 to your ☀️
Lux: Woah, wow 🥺
Lux: You could be a poet
Dash: I know you’re poetry in motion & we ain’t even danced yet
Lux: Will you cover me again?
Dash: totally
Lux: I can’t handle anyone else’s eyes on me if yours are
Dash: beats me how you’re gonna make friends cos my eyes won’t go nowhere else now
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