#i really wanted to get in on the Gonchposting but I wanted to do it in a unique way
brokenmachine3553 · 2 years
GONCHAROV (deleted scenes from crime drama film, 1973)
Status: Partially Lost, existence unconfirmed
Goncharov is a 1973 crime drama film directed by Matteo JWHJ0715 and produced by Martin Scorsese, starring Robert De Niro as the titular Goncharov, the heir to a destitute Russian-Italian Mafia family in Naples, Italy. Principally set in the years 1972 and 1952-54, with several interludes taking place in imperial Russia immediately preceding the Bolshevik Revolution, the plot follows Goncharov after an arms deal gone bad, which forces him to seek out the assistance of Andrey Daddano, a member of a rival mob family that is currently in an uneasy truce with the Goncharov family. The pair, as well as their lovers, Katya Goncharova and Sofia Daddano, are being hunted by a semi-mythical mob hitman from New York known only as “Ice Pick Joe.” The film is noted for the in-depth and complex plot, early depictions of both male and female homosexuality on the silver screen, as well as the quality of the practical effects, with some reports of moviegoers fainting at several particularly visceral parts of the film.
First shown on May 17th, 1973 at the 26th annual Cannes Film Festival, the movie was received divisively; the acting, writing, and direction received near-universal praise, but the movie was criticized for questionable sound mixing and staggering length, clocking in at 218 minutes. in order to be more palatable to average moviegoers, as well as to move from an X to an R rating by the MPAA, 31 minutes were cut from the film, with the mass theatrical release clocking in at 187 minutes. This includes several especially violent or sexually explicit sequences alongside minor edits, as well as a subplot related to a character known as “the Father,” in which Goncharov would occasionally confess his sins to an unseen priest.
Lost Scenes
The aforementioned “Father” subplot, in which at various points throughout the movie Goncharov would enter a confessional and confess to an unseen man, presumed to be a priest. Due to the poor sound mixing, the Father’s exact lines are unclear, but it can be inferred that he is pushing Goncharov towards further extreme actions.
A dream sequence in which Goncharov wrestles naked with Daddano, likened to a similar sequence in Ken Russel’s Women in Love.
Several scenes in which Ice Pick Joe tortures various mobsters via increasingly sadistic means for information on Goncharov; the final and most brutal scene, involving pliers and an icepick(the only time the character is seen with one in the movie) was described by several viewers as “just short of a snuff film.”
Two scenes in which Katya and Sofia kiss, once before the climactic bridge scene, and once after, just before the ending narration by Katya.
After the movie was sent to the US, it was edited by Paramount Pictures(the distributor of The Godfather movies) and then lost.
In 2016, an anonymous archivist combing the archives during an attempt by Paramount to digitize some older movies discovered a film case labeled «ГОНЧАРОВ», and on suspicion of it being the lost full cut of the movie, pulled it to have it inspected. It was indeed the 218 minutes of the movie, but due to a combination of improper development and storage, the last three minutes of the film, consisting of most of the credits, were unrecoverable.
On May 17th, 2021(the 48th anniversary of the film’s original release), the Criterion Collection released The Complete Goncharov, which remastered the visuals and the sound mixing, and re-edited the movie to include most, but not all of the deleted scenes. With a runtime of 197 minutes, the Complete Goncharov includes both of the kisses between Katya and Sofia, as well as all of the torture scenes, though the final scene was edited to remove the most graphic shots. However, both the wrestling scene and “the Father” subplot remained removed at the request of the JWHJ0715 estate, stating that Matteo stipulated that were Goncharov ever to be released, both scenes should be removed. The Criterion Collection release can be bought at normal retail today, and it is unlikely that the removed scenes will be made publicly available anytime soon.
Alleged “alternate ending”
There have been unconfirmed rumors of a missing “alternate ending” of the film. Allegedly, after the credits finish rolling, a hand implied to belong to Andrey Daddano can be seen reaching out from the water near the bank of the river, the bridge at which the fatal shootout occurred visible in the background. The only evidence of the alleged stinger comes from a post on 4chan’s /tv/ board, dated October 18th, 2014, in which an anonymous poster posts a blurry image that roughly lines up with the description of the shot, but the image is too low quality to determine its authenticity, and nobody has come forward claiming to be the original poster.
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susiephone · 2 years
If you're into Gonchposting, I genuinely implore you to go to ao3 and give some Goncharov fics a read - maybe even a kudos or a comment! I've noticed that for as many fics as there are, most aren't getting many hits, and that sucks because, despite this all being a meme, basically all of the fics I've read have had a lot of real thought and care put into them.
It's also just super interesting to see, in real time, how this wild-ass fake movie evolves and differs from person to person. What details did they include or invent? What posts and headcanons inspired them? What would they have wanted this movie to be? What themes and motifs do they see? Which characters and relationships do they find particularly interesting? It's like a mini, fast-forwarded version of how we got so much conflicting info on, like, the Arthurian canon.
Even when the meme dies down, the fanfic will still be there, showing how much we all cared and wanted to make this something really fun and cool and intricate, and honestly? We succeeded.
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savrenim · 1 year
OK OK it might be a stupid question, but I can't access patreon because it's blocked in my country, and I wanted to know how long it'll take for wriu to get updated // published at the current rate
not a stupid question at all!
so wriu is very high on my to-do list, simply because it is so close to being done? like, there are five remaining chapters, and then four short epilogue chapters. one of said chapters and one of the epilogue chapters are totally done ready for posting. There Are 14270 Words Of Content Written Just Sitting There Waiting To Be Filled Out.
the problem is that effectively every chapter remaining ends on either a flat-out cliffhanger or just a very bad place to pause for several or more than several months, which means that I am attempting to write the entire fic before starting to post it. my life has also been a shitshow of "I need to get a job lined up before summer or my partner and I are about to be homeless" for the last several months so "sit down and finish a fic" really hasn't been a priority. writing only happened at all in all of a mental breakdown of 'wouldn't it be really funny to gonchpost a fic in the most popular anime fandom on ao3, nothing can go wrong there' as a valve of stress release
that being said there's been hope on several different prongs on the job front? which is also why I have been somewhat getting back to writing and actually able to restart my patreon instead of the several months I put it on hiatus this past fall/ winter. and whether or not people are voting for wriu in the 'I will write and post [x] words of this' monthly polls, it's something that I feel like I could probably complete the whole fic in a month or two tops if I sat down and concentrated on it, and I've really started feeling the "hnng it would be cool to finish my open fics" mood given that..... my only current finished fics are one-shots........
more financial stability would definitely allow me to write faster, because even if I do get a job lined up, there are the several months before said job starts and it means that I can spend time writing instead of looking for part-time tutoring jobs and recording shitty tutoring videos for math homework sites to make up the spare change, which is what a fair amount of my spare time is going to these days. so the current rate is "it isn't being written at all because there are other priorities." if I suddenly didn't have to do any of the other jobs I was picking up? my writing schedule would be much become:
finish ttbotr -- expected to take literally 2-3 days
finish wriu -- expected to take 2-3 months, and then post it over the course of another 1-2 months
my mental health vent time continues to be used to write aiimbp, which will continue to update sporadically with, like, 10-15k chapters as that happens. probably once or twice a month just given the amount of stress venting my brain would like to do.
but at this point the financial stability to concentrate on writing like that seems kind of like a pipe dream? so things just. aren't getting worked on.
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zwoelffarben · 2 years
It's wonderful that you're studying/archiving tumblr culture vis-a-vis fictional film Goncharov (1973) - just wanted to send it to ya in an ask bc any act of archiving can be thankless work. and while I don't think I personally can really help bc I'm not on the gonchposting train I think what you're doing is really, really important to Internet and offline cultures (for reasons you explore really well in academic terms on your blog)
Thank you very much. This isn't meant to be pressure, I'll say that a removed perspective can be helpful when doing archival work; I've gonchposting myself, so my perspective will bias my archival records, and I admit, there have been some points where the archival process prompted me to make a kayfabe on gonchpost, which I then cited on the wiki (looking at you shipping diagram), which is questionable documentary integrity, but I do think as a part of the moment I have a right to both participate and archive at the same time, but if I'm the only one doing the work, historians ain't gonna wind up with a balanced reading of the events.
I'm currently in the process of cateloguing all the people who've made music to the wiki, but like, the compositions masters post just fucking keeps getting longer (affectionate), and I'm not well equipped to analysize musical works, cause I don't have the expertise required to lexicon at them correctly when analysizing. I had the names written down from the post when it had twenty-two entrys and thought I was in a good place. The post now has 62 entries.
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I love it here.
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