#i reckon i’ll be doing this on redbubble
stuff-with-ceylar · 2 years
im here to offer my great wisdom at 4.49am this fine evening
draw art of ocs. upload art of ocs. get stickers of art of ocs. stick stickers of art of ocs over belongings. profit
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bagofbonesmp3 · 3 years
omg wait could you possibly make your art available as tshirts as well on redbubble 😳🙏🏽
DO PEOPLE WANT THAT.... most of them are available as tshirts i reckon I'll check if i missed any
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writingstudent · 4 years
Mobile Masterlist || Redbubble Store
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A/N: smut & feels.  Victor: winner. We both know there are two winners here. 
1.9k words
There was just something about the way he was looking at you that night. He would always linger his gaze on your curves, looking at the way your hair brushed over your shoulder, teasing your collarbones and framed your breasts in the most beautiful braids and twists he had ever seen. But tonight there was something feral in his gaze, not just wanting, needing. He needed you and he needed you now.
Today had been a bad day – Ivar’s first defeat in battle. It had been a gruesome battle, with casualties running high on both sides. It had ended up with a mutual retreat – the Franks dwindling in battle and Ivar’s ambushing battalion losing more Vikings than it could sustain. To not retreat would mean certain death the next day, and Ivar would not send his soldiers to glooming death for no reason. There is no Valhalla in pretty battles and useless deaths. He had bit his inner cheek, spitting the blood he drew before sounding the order.
Now here he was, after hours of reviewing maps and running through strategies, and he was desperate. There appeared to not be many good options – they would have to take them by surprise in a few days. Play the cowards and then taken them out in their sleep.
He was starving for a win, for glory. That is when he saw you again – Y/N, his beauty and peace.
You were walking towards him with a soft smile, trying to mask your worried expression. You trusted his abilities and knew that the war would turn out with a victory for your people, but you knew not how he would react to today’s battle. His first loss at anything other than life. Life had handed him the short stick at his birth, and he had already too many losses to be able to carry more. That’s what pushed him to be the man he was today – the ruthless ruler who could not afford to bear anything less than glory and victory.  His glory was but a double-edged sword, a blessing and a curse at the same time. He was always tormented, plagued by the idea of not being equal to his peers. He had to put in double, no triple the effort to prove, to both those around him but most importantly himself, that he was a man. You tried to alleviate this burden of his, showing him how much you adored him and needed him. You wished some days that he could see himself through your eyes.
“Hello my prince” You let your fingers run through his scruff, cupping his face and let yourself dive into his blue eyes. He grunted, rolling his eyes slightly at your endearing nickname. You couldn’t help but let out a small giggle – it was still wild to you that one of the most vicious Vikings allowed you to call him cute nicknames and fawn over him when he would rather throw an axe at anyone else who tried to do so.
“Hello.” His curt response made your eyebrows scrunch up in worry.
He took his crutches and made his way back to his tent. You wondered if he was going to review his maps yet again – it was best to leave him be in moments like these. You were a wonderful strategist, another reason he had fallen madly in love with you. He could respect you, not only as a person but as a mind to reckon with his own. He would come to you for advice when he was ready to. You were about to turn back around and return to your own mappings in order to prepare your version of the next possible attack when you saw him look over his shoulder. His gaze left you breathless. You would not be looking at any mappings tonight, or for quite some time tomorrow morning. You quickly followed his steps into the tent.
By the time that you made it in Ivar was already removing the braces off his legs, struggling angrily with frustrated grunts. Your mind couldn’t help but wander. You learned to love each of his grunts – he was not a man of many words, although your favorite will always be the ones that fall out of his lips when he first enters you, dropping his head on your shoulder as you both shudder each time. He was still a prince, yet to be crowned by his bloodied ancestors but in your eyes he was already your king. He owned you, heart and soul.
You let him struggle by himself, to intervene would only mean to hurt his ego more. You could almost sense it – the battered and bruised forms over his heart took more out of him than his actual injuries.
“Were you hurt today?” His tone was always curt, but the storm in his eyes seemed to pause for a second, hesitating. It made your heart swell.
“No, I’m alright.” There was a gash on your left side but it was definitely not the worst beating you had taken – you didn’t need to give him anything more to worry about. Plus, you liked where this was going.
“Did you already have your wounds looked at?” This time it was your time to check in – but you already knew that he must have, there was no point in keeping an army if it had no leader. You both knew better than to risk your lives for senseless things.
“I’m crippled darling, not daft.” He rolled his eyes at you for the second time that night, but something about the way he cracked his neck there made you choke on the giggle threatening to come out of your throat. You lowered your eyes to the floor, thinking of how to approach him. A few moments passed in silence.
“Come here.” He beckoned you over with his hand, his fingers curling in a come-hither motion that made you weak at the knees. You shuffled forward, starting to unbuckle your armor and dropping parts of it to the floor as you went. When you reached him you remained simply in your battle skirt and thin top. He looked you over appreciatively, tongue coming out to swipe quickly over his lips.  Before he could say anything, you had already settled in his lap, straddling him to kiss him senseless. You let your hands run through the short hair at the back of his head, pulling lightly on it to elicit a small growl from Ivar, who in turn bit your lower lip, dragging it towards him.
You could feel the anger in his muscles, all tense underneath you in a way that made you feel so small in his arms, melting against him. He felt up your legs, parting them roughly to snake a hand up your skirt. He toyed with the band of your underwear, snapping them against your skin as he grinned into your messy kiss, teeth clashing for a second. You ground your hips against him, feeling him straining through his pants as you rushed to start undoing the buckle, pulling back from his bruising lips. He only lunged forward again, redirecting his attention towards your neck, already littered with markings from the previous nights, which he seemed intent on renewing. You were his, his ultimate victory and he made sure that everyone knew it. Whether that meant you sat on his lap during a meeting, speaking over the higher-ranked officers when you had a strategy or marking your neck with the prettiest of bruises, he would have it all.
You shrugged off your shirt, nipples pebbling at the cold waft of air coming in from the cracked window.
“Fuck Y/N -” He breathed out, his eyes blown in want. You shivered as his eyes dragged over you, leaving you exposed, taking in your pulse thrumming in your neck and the breath hitched in your throat. His hands took new interest in your thighs, moving with earnest resolution to take off your underwear. The loud ripping sound of fabric filled the cottage – he couldn’t wait anymore. It was like his fingers were made for you. The contrast between his rough and scarred skin from years of battle and training and your soft silken lips set a torturous pace and you had to struggle to keep your breath. Never in Valhalla would you have imagined Ivar as a tender teasing lover, but here he was, the cripple, staring at your face from the corner of his eye with a somewhat awestruck expression, watching the way your chested heaved with uneven breaths as he played lazily with your clit. Norns.  To say that you were falling for the man was an understatement. You needed him, and needed him quickly.
“Do you need anything, pet?”
You outright moaned at the nickname he chose for you. Pet. If it had come from the lips of any other man you would have made him swallow his fist whole. It meant ownership, being somewhat lesser than him, but an object of praise and adoration. But from Ivar… was it wrong that the hairs on your back raised at the thought? That he wanted you, not just for the night but to be his. For he was already yours in every sense of the word – or so you would make sure tonight.
You struggled to get the words out while keeping a poor excuse of a straight face. You were red and starry-eyed, heaving with determined want and desperation. You were a wanton image, a goddess under the dim lighting. Ivar’s pants tightened at the view and he had to bite back the growl growing in his throat. It had been decided there – he would chase you to the edge of the Earth and do your bidding, but he would never settle to rule without you by his side.
He manhandled you into a new position, making you swivel around in his lap. You felt his toned chest press up against your back, making you melt into him as his hot breath fanned on your neck.
“I’ll tell you what I need then.”
His teeth dragged lightly over your neck, biting into it slightly at the junction of your neck and shoulder, feeling your pulse rise quickly as he sucked into it.
“What I need is for you to lift your skirts up and let me crawl between those pretty legs of yours. To kiss up your thighs-”
His fingers brushed on your clit, exerting a soft pressure without moving, teasing you as you buck your hips into his hands.
“To bite into them, marking you as mine.”
Ivar lets out a ragged breath in between his whispers, his own chest heaving in synch with yours as he watched your breasts moving up and down rhythmically, glistening with a sheer thin sweat.
“I want to breathe you in and lick you, running my tongue along your edges before taking your clit into my mouth and sucking on it. ”
You whimpered helplessly, boneless in his arms. Your thighs quivered with his ministrations, tensing as you felt yourself get closer –
“Fuck, Ivar!” You gripped his forearm tightly, digging your fingers into his skin as you came, breathing harshly and feeling all of a sudden faint. He helped you ride out the high, fingers slowly stilling in you but never coming to a proper halt. You could feel his growing smirk between the puffs of air hitting your neck.
You smiled lazily in return at his newfound confidence. You knew – Ivar may have lost a battle, but he would always turn out victor.
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izzym-art · 7 years
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Perfect (Click to read in full resolution)
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I’ve reached a little past 1k followers!! :D
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I spent over 45 accumulated hours on this comic and it is strictly based on Ed Sheeran’s song and lyrics with the same title Perfect! I recently bought his album and that particular song always made me picture Solas & Athelas, post-Trespasser, expecting their first born, just taking a stroll outside of their cottage on a starry, windy night for some intimate time together ; v ; I cried a bit listening to it
(Sorry if it’s small. You can always count on Tumblr for shrinking a massive, freaking high quality image into shit. I’ll find a solution in the meantime!)
So I made this comic to celebrate another milestone!! Thank you so much for following me! 
A quick intro for my newer followers, I’m a starvingandbrokefreelance artist/illustrator based in Southeast Asia. This blog’s content leans heavily on Solavellan as I just got into it more like fell into this hell on October last year. 
I have a side blog where I reblog things that I like, art reference and/or tutorials and things that I find pleasing to my eyes. I also have a FAQ page which you can read, and I do commissions as well! It’s closed as of now but I reckon it’ll be open again soon! You can browse my art by clicking on ‘Saera’s Art’ tag! My other social media handles includes an Instagram and Twitter. Follow me if you’d like, but I’m more active here! If you like what I do and would like to support me, I have a RedBubble store & Ko-Fi! Every little donation means the world to me and always know I appreciate them very much. You can always drop an ask if you’d like, I don’t bite and I’m quite friendly exceptIdohavesomedepressivementalepisodesbutpleasstay ❤
So there it is! Thanks again for following and I hope you’ll stay for more of my art! Hope you’re having a good day or evening, and take care!  ❤ ❤ ❤
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vielmond · 7 years
Eu não fazia ideia que você é do Brasil, amei sua arte e gostaria de saber como faço pra comprar seus prints? Abraços!
(It's a question about prints, English translation below the cut)
Adoro surpreender meus conterrâneos com minha nacionalidade! >D
Fico feliz por ter interesse no meu trabalho. Tenho prints em um punhado de lugares, cada qual com suas vantagens e desvantagens. Leitores, se você já compraram/venderam nestes (e em outros) sites e gostaria de dividir sua experiência ficarei feliz em ajudar. Pode dar um reply/reblog ou mandar um ask caso deseje permanecer no anonimato.
Colab55 – Minha loja. Empresa brasileira voltada para o nosso mercado, trabalha com reais. Aceita cartão de crédito, boleto e Paypal. Minha página está desatualizada devido a um bug que cortou meu acesso ao sistema deles, o qual usa contas em redes sociais (Facebook, G+ etc) para acessar as lojas. Isso não só quebrou minha conta no Colab como é impossível recuperar acesso a ela sem clonarem minha loja inteira para uma nova conta. Sempre que penso em passar pelo processo acabo desistindo. O lado positivo, fora usar reais e ter um frete mais rápido, é que o pagamento é automático. Mesmo se sua conta quebrar você ainda receberá os royalties das vendas atuais.
A última vez que comprei itens foi logo quando lançaram o serviço, há anos. Posso falar um pouco sobre a qualidade de impressão, mas não se esqueça que minha experiência está bem desatualizada. A qualidade das prints em si era fantástica. Eram um pouco mais escuras que os originais, porém as cores e nitidez eram maravilhosos e compensavam. As almofadas também tinham uma qualidade muito legal. As canecas eram nítidas, mas saíam um pouco escuras demais. Já as capas de celular deixavam muito a desejar—baixa nitidez e as cores saíam realmente escuras e azuladas. Na época a Colab prometeu sanar o problema nessas linhas de produtos. Não sei dizer como é atualmente pois não comprei mais nada desde então.
deviantART – Minha loja. Lá dá para comprar vários tipos de prints e alguns itens como canecas e cartões. Pessoas que compraram prints minhas e depois me contaram estavam felizes com a qualidade. O DA trabalha com dólares, aceitando Paypal, cartão de crédito e pontos de um sistema próprio deles.
Society6 – Minha loja. Empresa reconhecida na área de print-on-demand, trabalha com uma variedade imensa de produtos, incluindo cadernos e bolsas. Aceita Paypal e cartão de crédito.
Para quem quer vender no S6: Tenho alguns templates de produtos em PSD para download. O kit está um pouco desatualizado, faltam produtos lançados desde meu último update, mas maioria dos básicos está aí.
Redbubble – Minha loja. Concorrente do Society6, também oferece uma variedade de produtos e aceita PayPal, cartão, Amazon (EUA apenas), Apple Pay e gift cards. Nem todo trabalho que tenho no S6 tenho no RB e vice-versa.
INPRNT – Minha loja. Empresa menor, focada em impressões de alta qualidade. Parece que são tão boas ou melhores que as da Colab. Eles também tem capas de celular e cartões. Aceitam Paypal, cartão e gift cards. Sempre foram muito atenciosos e ágeis comigo, imagino que o suporte ao cliente seja tão maravilhoso como é o ao vendedor. O pagamento ao vendedor é automático a partir de $100, antes disso você pode requisitar ao suporte deles sem custo adicional.
E é isso! Espero que isso não só responda à sua dúvida como ajude quem anda pensando em vender prints.
Q: I had no idea you were from Brazil, I love your work and would like to know how do I buy your prints? Hugs!
A: I love to surprise fellow Brazilians with my nationality! >D
Thanks for your interest in my work. I have prints in a bunch of places, each one with its advantages and disadvantages. Readers, if you bought/sold things in these (or other) sites and wish to share your experience I'll be happy to help. You can reblog/reply or use ask if you wish to remain anonymous.
deviantART – My store. You'll find various types of prints, and some itens like mugs and cards. People who bought my prints and told me later were happy with the quality. DA works with dollars, accepting Paypal, credit card and points of their own system.
Society6 – My store. A well known company in the print-on-demand area, offers a wide variety of products, including notebooks and bags. Accepts Paypal and CC.
For those selling on S6: I have PSD product templates for download. This kit is a bit out of date, it's missing some of the newer products, but the majority of the basic ones is there.
Redbubble – My store. Society6's competitor, also offers a wide variety and accepts Paypal, CC, Amazon (only US), Apple Pay and gift cards. I should say my gallery in all these sites slightly differ, and certain artworks can only be found in one or another service.
INPRNT – My store. A smaller company specializing in high quality prints. Their prints seem as good or better than Colab55's. They also have phone cases and cards. They use Paypal, CC and gift cards. They were always fast and considerate with me, I reckon their consumer support must be as amazing as their seller support. The seller payment is automatic over $100, to withdraw lower amounts contact their support. It'll be done without any additional fees.
Colab55 – My store. Brazilian company focused on our market, works with reais instead of dollars. It accepts Paypal, bank invoices (boleto) and CC. My page is out of date due a bug that cut my access to their system, which uses social network accounts (Facebook, G+ etc) to login. It not only broke my Colab account but it's impossible to recover my store without cloning it to a new account. Every time I think about going through this process I end giving up. The bright side, besides using reais and having a faster shipping (for Brazilians), is that the payment to sellers is automatic. Even if your account breaks you'll still get paid your royalties.
Last time I bought there was just after their service began, years ago. I can talk a little about their quality, but take my out-of-date experience with a grain of salt. Their print quality was amazing. They were slightly darker than the originals, but colors and sharpness were wonderful, making up for any brightness issues. The throw pillows were nice too. The mugs were sharp, but a little on the dark side. The phone cases, though, left a lot to be desired—they were blurred, dark and blueish. At the time Colab promised to work on the issues of this line of products. I don't know how it's today, I haven't bought anything since then.
That's it. I hope this not only answers your question but helps people thinking in selling prints.
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sleepymccoy · 7 years
Hey Sleepy, I just have a question for you. Don't know if you can send me to a place where I can read for myself and get accurate information, but as someone who sells their art online, you're the only Aussie person I can ask in this regard so e/thing is lega within Oz. Do you know where I might be able to find specific information on declaration of income purposes via Redbubble, etc, as obviously any earnings need to be incl on tax returns etc. I want to start one. Thanks, I adore your art!!
i think there are two options when you join redbubble, one being “i expect i’ll be under the tax threshold, so dont tax me” i think the tax threshold is 30 000?? double check that. then there’s “i reckon imma make a killing this year, so tax me”. the 30 000 referes to total income, not redbubble alone, so if you have a job you might wanna get your redbubble taxed, then you can get whatever back when you file your claim. 
when filing claims, i think it falls under independant income or just another job that you have, so just claim it as you would any job. you get monthly income remittance emails from redbubble as they pay out. this’ll be my first year getting taxed from redbubble (got a job, so i gotta think about income now) but i expect that they’ll email you your tax advice to make life easy, most jobs do that.
theres another form you gotta fill out to be taxed aussie style, its called b14 or some shit i dunno, i looks v official but its not scary once you get started
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tothepit · 7 years
Thank you to @lucifersbrightstar, @spice-ghoul and @caligurl32 for tagging me to do this ‘get to know me’ thing! <3 
COUNTRIES YOU’VE LIVED IN : Just the U.K!  FAVE FANDOM : Ghost, definitely! I’ve got to know so many amazing people through this fandom, it feels very warm and homely already<3. Also, honorary mention to the Rammstein fandom which was my first proper fandom because I also got to know lovely people through there and when we all did the live blog of the Echo Awards where they played with Manson? Yeah, that was one of the best evenings I’ve ever had on the internet! I’m emosh!  LANGUAGES YOU SPEAK : English ... I would LOVE to have the patience and motivation to learn another language. I’d love to speak Spanish, French (properly, I mean I could probably hold a really broken, terrible conversation), German and uh, probably Swedish lol.  FAVOURITE FILM OF 2016 : Um… I am terrible at watching films. I don’t think I actually even went to the cinema in 2016? I’m just… not really much of a film person. So, seeing as I haven’t actually been to the cinema to watch anything that came out, I really enjoyed Mad Max Fury Road, and Deadpool, but we watched those at home after they came out. Actually, idk, were those two 2016 or 2015? who knows. LAST ARTICLE YOU READ : A newspaper article in my town paper about road closures. Fuckin….rock and roll, man.  SHUFFLE YOUR MUSIC LIBRARY AND PUT THE FIRST THREE SONGS HERE : Seemann - Rammstein Bodom After Midnight - Children of Bodom Stockholm Syndrome - One Direction LAST THING YOU BOUGHT ONLINE : A shirt from Redbubble!  ANY PHOBIAS OR FEARS : Deep expanses of water, metal touching my skin for a prolonged period of time (belt buckles, metal jewellery etc) HOW WOULD YOUR FRIENDS DESCRIBE YOU : Oooh. Probably: obnoxious, obsessive, hilarious, happy, dedicated, content with life, a total klutz, and idk just really fuckn weird and always hungry, oh and a huge dog lover. HOW WOULD YOUR ENEMIES DESCRIBE YOU : Oh, idk man. Next time I see one, I’ll ask!  WHO WOULD YOU TAKE A BULLET FOR : Most of my friends and family, I reckon, but it would probably depend on the situation, too.  IF YOU HAD MONEY TO SPARE WHAT WOULD YOU BUY FIRST : Probably a new Estee Lauder foundation because the shade i have is too dark rn, or a car.. depending on how MUCH money I had to spare!
Now, I’m pretty sure everyone’s done this? (because i took ages to do this lol) but I’ll tag some people anyway in case you haven’t done it, so @diascordium, @prime6mover, @spookyswedishdaddies and @the-nameless-ghouls, if you wanna do the thing, do the thing! 
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