#i saw that and thought ''i can see Jojo doing this at some point just for curiosity sakes''
It's that time of the year again.
Random Sonic Movie headcanon time ✨️
One day, Jojo sees a compilation of that one little trend on Tiktok where people randomly go up to their siblings and hug them to get their reaction, so she tries it on each of the boys to see what happens, also including Shadow, Amy and Silver in on this cause we need as many hugs to give out as much as possible.
All of their reactions vary from awkwardly standing while in the embrace to full heartedly returning the hug and beaming from the affection.
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bokettochild · 3 months
Just saw the update!
So, first thoughts!
Gremlin Legend and Sky is something I am LIVING for. Sky's little look of approval as he stands between Wars and Legend after that little move is sending me!
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(Wild is not impressed)
I also really love that JoJo played with Warriors' cape/scarf being capable of doing that, which is a major risk btw, but I love that we see it's potential now!
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Like, Legend's timing is perfect (and I love that this confirms the Legend v. Wars dynamic we all love) especially considering Hyrule was literally talking about the same thing and you'd THINK Captain-War-Hero over here would be more cautious because of it (although the fact this implies Legend doesn't trigger Warriors danger sense is GREAT for the fluff fic writers like me!)
Time and Wars looking like disappointed parents though is brilliant
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(Warriors with messy hair is so funny to me, help)
The continued portrayal of Time being too harsh with the boys, all tense after what happened to Twilight, that's great. i'm glad the consequences of past events are following them, it really makes this all feel linear!
I also am ALL HERE for the boys finding their differences! Warriors and Wild both admitting to being new to dungeon crawling and the monsters involved is a great thing we've all been playing with in fics, but making it cannon feels like validation :)
Also, Warriors being defensive of that, and maybe a bit prickly about their judgement, I think it shows a lot of him. he's got his pride,a although he's learned to tame it. He's feeling a bit miffed to realize how different he is, but doesn't want them seeing him as lesser as well (although they never would). I can also hear him using a clipped military sort of tone when speaking here. It's just the way his words are selected and strung together that makes it seem he's being very to the point, direct, and cold in his tone, which really sells the whole difference between a soldier and the "average nobody" that the rest of them were (ironic, since he's trying to act like the difference isn't a big deal but only further accentuates it this way).
Twilight being pleased that Epona is fine and just enjoying a meal made me grin so big though. He's all worried for his girl but she is, quite literally, happy as a horse over there LOL
Also, this bit:
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recognition for Sky's right-handedness, my beloved! (JoJo is giving us all the easter eggs!)
The fact that the passage is too small to let them all fight though is a brilliant way of preventing some of our heavy hitters and more skilled heroes from being able to do anything though!
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I like how that gives us the chance to see Time one-shot the foe and also gives him the impression that the rest are maybe not skilled enough to do this alone. WE all know they are, but they're a handicap to each other right now, and it's only further cementing in his mind that they're not ready for all this, which will make his overbearing speech and the judgement he casts on them in combat all the more an issue.
I mean, we all know the hero's shade was like that, but JoJo has shown Time acting this way from the start
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(Deep Shadows P.2)
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So I guess we're in for more of that now, and most likely someone (probably Legend, as it's usually him, or Wind, who is very aware of judgement from teh rest) is definitely going to have to call him on it soon, maybe in the dungeon. Will that lead to some bonding with Time where he has to admit he cares and worries about them as though they're his own? I hope so!
Anyways, all this to say, we really are seeing how much they struggle to work together, so hopefully this dungoen will teach them all how to do that better, as Time mentioned earlier
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(Dawn p.8)
Now, to finish it off!I would like to thank JoJo for giving us so many beautiful shots of Twi this time around. I'll admit it now, he's pretty darn fine <3
That said, I'm loving the Legend content too! i hope we get to see some more starring moments from him going forwards, what with him being the dungeon veteran and all! It's great seeing his childish/playful side these last few updates, but I'm really craving some veteran Legend right now >:)
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majorproblems77 · 5 months
LU Update! So welcome back to the analysis corner with me!
We have another LU update! Called Moving forward we see the heroes leave the town and make their way to the location that Sky found. With learning a little more about the team as a whole.
With 10 pages there's a lot of information to work through so I hope you are sitting comfortably
As always Linked universe (LU) belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, I own none of the pictures I'm using and please give the original post some love. It's very well done and I love this comic so much.
You can find the comic here!
And as always there are spoilers abound for the most recent update!
Now sit back, grab some water and snacks and let's do this!
So before we get started im just gonna say that the brain cell is pinging around this lot so much that I'm bound to miss some stuff. But I shall try my best to get everything I wanna say said.
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It was only some of you, captain, dont forget that.
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(Oblatory look at my blorbo picture, he's so sweet. Blorbo blorbo blorbo)
Okay I'll behave this time
(No i won't)
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I can understand the concern from the captain, as a captain from the army during a time of war secrets are dangerous. He's probably thinking if Twilight has concealed this what else has he concealed.
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And then we get snarky wars again
I missed the snarky captain, he's wonderful.
Also the line about double duty, Come on captain, you know full well that patrol is an important part of a group dynamic like this.
This also confirms that the group have had encounters with monsters outside of what we've seen. As the line from wars about missing fights implies that they've fought a bunch of stuff. But we've only really seen wolfie in a fight back in the sunset arc.
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Twilight fondly mentioning Midna, I'm so proud of him.
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These two are the goddamn brothers ever and I love them dearly. Also, the knowledge we are about to be given about how this works is very exciting.
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The brothers ever
All of them
Twilight thinking Wild had more than two brain cells. I love him. And the hug? The hug gives me life.
Also the captain, the captain is a point to talk about here. This feels like an accusatory sentence. The "You dont say?"
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Me trying to figure out how time travel works in LU.
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Legend, why are you so grumpy about this? Like he looks angry to hear this.
Four thinking about the implications of this sentence. I can literally hear the brain cell bouncing as it pings from hero to hero as they try to figure out this time travel thing.
Wind is a small bean as well look at him. The youngest I love the eyes.
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Ahh, so thats the explanation. A spirit wolf that helped guide him on his journey which he trusted so much that he thought that the wolf he saw here was just another spirit until twi changed in front of him.
But this line from him is so sad. "Right after my resurrection" and "we both would have known the grave." This feels like as a person wild is at peace with it but doesn't want others to have to go through what he did. He's a chill dude and i love him for that to be honest.
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Meanwhile, my blorbo Sky is out here trying to get actual work done. This is 10/10 the sksw dousing experience if you've not played it. You just swing the sword around while it pings at you until you eventually find what you are looking for.
Fi is trying her best.
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Lads all of you need to remember that not all of you have had things that perform transformation magic. Im surprised (But also not surprised) That Time doesn't have anything to say about this. Like my man has used a tone of different transformation masks that change him into various different things and has one that turns him into a god.
The magic users ganging up on the non-magic users, like please behave.
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Ahh Time, Time is the disappointed old man that has to coral a bunch of kids. And Wild is like the most kid of them all. (Tell me why I'd love to know! :D) (Which makes sense if we take LU to be at most a few months after the end of his game. Wild would be 18 at most.)
the sort of conversation you dont want to involve yourself in Time trust me on this one.
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Feels bad for twi man he earned that title and to have it reduced to just some guy.
Wild is gonna get told off by Time if he ain't careful, that's his blood descendant right there and we all know he has a soft spot for him.
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This is important, because I'm pretty sure most of them did at one point.
Another thing that appears to be a constant amongst the team is the need to conceal an identity. Either from them or them to others.
I'm not versed in all of their games so I can't go into full details but these guys ain't the only ones. Pretty much all of them have. The spirit of courage does love secrets, doesn't it?
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Thats my blorbo and he's so sad help he
Blorbo blorbo blorbo
Give him a hug and reboot Fi and it'll be fine.
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To echo the words of Time.
Now this depends on what exactly Sky was dousing, was he dousing the portal, the helmet outside the portal? The postman even?
My money is on the helmet outside the portal, so that Dink came back into this timeline to retrieve it before leaving. But I may be incorrect on that account because Fi is able to track people as well as objects (Sksw would often have you tracking Zelda directly)
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I was wondering how they were going to do it. But with Twilight able to track it they'll be able to use a combination of dousing and him sniffing out Dink's scent to be able to find him no matter where he might be.
It's so distinct, twilight you know by saying that you're gonna have some of these guys asking questions. Just wait for the next campfire story time it's gonna come up.
I can see Wind and Twilight having a conversation like this.
"What does Dink smell like?" "What?" "You heard me."
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Oh he's so excited look at him!
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Oh four.
I wonder if we are gonna have a four and Twilight conversation about this, with four's past he's understandably worried about the use of dark magic in one of his friends.
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Oh come on legend lighten up, the child has never seen something like this before.
I'm glad Hyrule is coming in for his defence and all but 5 minutes ago Hyrule you were with Legend and saying to Wild that there's a load of items that do it.
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Why is wind just so wonderful?
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Look at him go!
Thats gotta be Wind, He's been so excited about this I can't see it being anyone else.
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Bark Bark!
Wolfie beloved.
Im here for more brotherly content from the team, they are wonderful.
Now lets go find us a Lizard, or iron knuckle or whatever he transforms into next.
And thats all from me! I loved this update and there was so much to unpack I know I've missed stuff! But I hope you enjoyed it! :)
(Also apologies for spelling mistakes I'm sick rn but wanted to get this done)
Have a great day!
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layraket · 7 months
there was an update you know the drill. time to go nuts with each pannel.
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Wild with the realisation that he didnt finish this all, not yet. Theres still danger, the same thing that almost killed his brother is still breathing and can if it wants to do the same with the rest of his newfound family
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Twilight i feel like is almost the same as Wild, but for other reasons. The Shadow almost took his life, and after he thought that it was finally dead, boom. That thing is still out there and maybe is gonna be around for some more time.
He wants to believe that theres something else also opening the gates, that the Shadow is really dead and it's just another weird monster who opened the one that Sky saw
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Hyrule confirms it, and reminds Twi that no, the damn thing is still out there and will go in a hunting game with each one of them.
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Wild realised his mistake, he didn't kill it, he destroyed it's defenses. What if he stayed and searched for every piece of the Shadow and destroy it? They will be having this same conversation? He hopes to at least for it to happend in another time
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Wind got a point here, if youre not sure of all it's tricks it looked like it was finally dead. Wild and any of them would have never guessed if it was the end or not. Not even Time
side note but
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Wild looks so sad here, no not sad. Guilty is the word. He feels like he failed, again. If he thought more what to do maybe his brothers will not be in danger
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I know it is maybe something without importance, but the fact that Four is the one who we are focused, how he looks like he's carefull listening Wild's words of auto-inflicted guilt. He looks like hes thinking the statement carefully, Wild didn't failed shit, it wasnt his faoult that they were trapped in this whole mess across time, and Four knows it.
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We are stopping being serious for a moment just to admire this. theyre confused. thinking. out of context even. idk. i love this specific pannel. theyre such a mood.
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we need to stop a second more because goddamn it this pannel slaps
The representation of Time being surronded by the choice of help his descendant or kill the thing that hurted him in the first place, he's just a man who got throught a lot, and even after all thta he's still trapped in this choosing what to do (both options will have consquences) thing
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and here we got more of Wars being the traditional paramedic of the group! I remember a person saying that yeah Hyrule can heal people with magic, but Warriors participated in a war, so he knows basic treathening and i think thats so perfect and true for his character
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theyre still processing the fact that Twilight and Wolfie are the same, it haven't been discussed properly since Twi woke up, and i think it will be in a future when everyone is more settled down
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this man doesn't regret the danger he put himself under, he knows it was for the safety of his brothers and to stop this madness
also he was tired of it running like a total coward from them, if it was going to kill them at least it shouldn't run from what it started!
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oh no. he caught you Twi. now you will suffer the consequences of putting yourself in danger so many times with them not knowing
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oh four. You really know what youre saying
youre the one who know the most that theyre doing better than it could
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if this means that theyre finally using all their items im so in for the whole chaos that it would bring in the fights
Legend has a shit ton of items and weapons, mostly inclined to magic, i need to see that.
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i remembered something
Jojo said that Hyrule will have more importance in the future, if this means something... Oh shit
im not highing up my expectations, but i know that we will see his enemies sooner than we expect
and that will not end up well for the ones who don't know how to manage them
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this background, no words. 10/10.
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These two pannels killed me
Time is directly watching his descendant, and Twilight knows well why. He doesn't blames him, he knows that he scared them all to death. He doesn't want to go throught that with one of them too
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this confirms that Sky can sense what makes Fi react, he can feel when she's upset with something, maybe he felt the anger when Twi got hurt, her fury whne she couldn't defend him. That's her duty right? Protect and serve her masters
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sky i love you this was so unserious and out of place such a perfect ending of update
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(art credits goes to @linkeduniverse ! )
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randoimago · 1 year
Saw your randothoughts thing and so I thought I'd send this to your askbox. My request is for you to write whatever you want here! Like a free space!
JoJo's Part 5 Bucci Gang as Options in a Dating Sim
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Character(s): Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, Guido Mista, Pannacotta Fugo, Narancia, Trish Una
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Ngl, this is a really cute thing to do anon. I can see this eventually being a bit tricky if I have no ideas at the time, but I do appreciate this now! I'll just use this to set up my self-indulgent idea.
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Quiet and keeps to himself. Only seen really enjoying life when he's with his closest friends. All the girls want him, but he is very uninterested (but he's polite about it at least!)
An interested relationship with his dad. It's not bad, but home life is difficult. Giorno recently learned somethings about his father that has made him very iffy. His dad still loves Giorno very much though.
His route probably begins if Player has high Intelligence stat or something. Giorno seems perfect, but his grades aren't there. Which is weird because he is very smart (and you learn the reason his grades are dropping is because he just doesn't turn in his homework or care enough about assignments).
Of course, you have the ClassicTM of some random girl being jealous of your relationship with Giorno, tells you to stay away, Giorno finds out and says to ignore her (he deals with the problem behind your back by calling the girl out, much to her embarrassment)
Maybe random Dio cameo just to freak out Players with how ridiculously hot Giorno's dad is. There're many comments online about "Forget Giorno, I wanna date his dad."
Older student that helps your teacher in class. He's very kind and friendly to all the students (except when they aren't kind back). Very helpful. It's easy to see why several students have crushes on him, but he smiles and waves them off.
I can see his route beginning with you r running into him outside of class and seeing how tired he really is. Like his cheerful facade in school is a mask he wears. He's still kind and patient, but he also has some built up anger from past things.
You learn he lost his parents when he was very young and ended up in the foster system, which definitely affected quite a bit of his upbringing. But he even tried to keep a friendly face to help the other kids there.
You also learn that it's why he's so friendly to a wide range of people. Yeah some of the students in your class are annoying, but Bruno doesn't know what they might have been through/are currently going through.
Probably the easiest one to get romantic points with. At least, you know that you lose points with any option talking down about others so it's a process of elimination from there.
Older student as well, in Bruno's class (has a cameo in Bruno's route and Bruno has a cameo in his later on). You probably end up meeting him from choosing to hang out with Bruno. Abbacchio doesn't really talk to you, mostly ignores you (which Bruno says that Leone is a nice guy, just going through some things).
Probably would be classified as the Bad Boy option, but that's not really what he's going for. His looks and attitude give him that rep.
His route begins by you going to find Bruno's usual spot you hang out in and there's only Abbacchio. You can choose to not talk to him or ask about Bruno. Talking gets points even though his answer is to be annoyed.
Definitely a bit tricky to romance at first until you learn what options to say. Likes being reassured, but not to a "You have done nothing wrong!" level. Also doesn't mind initiating conversations as long as it's not a dumb "So how are you doing?"
His route can seem slow burn or like not a lot is happening as opposed to other routes, but there are subtle things, and his character portrait does have tiny smiles or little ear blushes that people spam about online.
Definitely some grumbling from him if Giorno is another character you have a high relationship stat with.
Ends up being your tutor if your intelligence stat is falling. Absolutely has a crush on you instantly if you're sweet and nice to him, but he doesn't do anything about it.
Tries to keep being the sweet, nice tutor but if your intelligence stat isn't at a certain level on a certain day (I figure this would be a dating sim that does the Day 1 through Day whatever as the ending) then you notice him losing patience and starting to be more of an ass with asking if you even give a damn.
And if your intelligence stat is what you focus on so you don't get the angry Fugo scenes then there's still a scene in his route where you see him going off just so you know how angry he can get. There's a lot of apologies from him with you seeing him that way. Honestly his route can be a bit triggering to some.
Like he'll never be the abusive romance option, but I'm not going to lie and say he immediately gets over his anger or whatever because of you. He will work on it as you advance with his route because he doesn't like the idea of upsetting or scaring you.
If you choose the wrong dialogue option, then you get a "Fugo walked away" because he thinks that's better than showing you his angry side all the time. There are so many memes about it on the internet.
I like the idea of the Player being told rumors of Mista and getting the option to say, "I can change him." and if that option is picked then the Player is instantly locked out of the relationship (flirting can happen and Player can go on one date with Mista, but nothing comes of it).
He's talked about being a playboy but he's really not. Like rumors are that he constantly dates a new girl each day or that he doesn't seem to give a damn about classes, but that's also not true.
Mista does flirt a bit when meeting the Player, but if you tell him off or seem shy then he laughs it off and tells you not to worry and that he'll try to not make you uncomfortable.
He's honestly just a dork and yeah, he's flirty, but it is mostly for fun, and he doesn't mind if nothing comes out of it. Mista does feel guilty if someone does get the wrong idea of his flirting and he does apologize.
While he seems like his route should be easy, it's also one of the more difficult ones. Very much a balance of engaging in his flirtiness but also being able to tell him to focus on other things and genuinely getting to know him.
Kind of like Giorno, his route happens depending on your intelligence stat, but it doesn't have to be as high as it does with Giorno. Narancia just has abysmal grades, and he really has plans for the future that he wants to achieve, but learning is difficult for him.
Narancia is a sweetheart, but you need lots of patience. As you get to know Narancia, he starts bringing you sweets and stuff as thanks for tutoring him. Might ask you out to a movie as well.
He's very quick to crush on you and you do have the option to ask to slow down a bit, but he's just very sweet and does his best to make you proud.
He's the one that introduces you to Fugo, which can lead to the Love Triangle or just Fugo's route.
While Narancia can be a very easy route to complete, going with him causes you to end up in tricky situations due to your intelligence stat not increasing due to Narancia wanting to skip school with you to hang out all the time (if you're romancing Fugo too then it makes things extra tricky).
A lot of dating Sims or games with romance are a lot more inclusive now, but back in the day, Trish would be the Token Lesbian option everyone talked about (for better or worse).
Snotty rich girl, you overhear that her friends don't actually like Trish, but her dad has money.
Getting to know her, she's actually shy and sweet. She's just gone through a lot and finds it difficult to trust others. Very much enjoys relying on you as you gain her trust in the route.
Quick to jump to your defense too. There's probably a moment that other snooty girls start talking shit about her and you can step in and when they start talking crap about you then that's when Trish doesn't hold back.
Honestly at the start of her route, she figures you just want to get on her good side for her money. The first hangout causes her to snap at you at the end and throwing a wad of cash at you because that's obviously what you're really after. It ends with apologies and getting a huge stat jump in your relationship with her (you just need to make the right dialogue choices).
Definitely some kind of Highschool/College setting (character ages would have to be messed with a bit). Giorno and Trish would be freshman; Bruno and Abbacchio would be Upperclassmen; and Mista, Fugo, and Narancia are in the same class with the Player. (Fugo is so smart he skipped a grade and that's why he's not a freshman)
Love triangle route with Bruno + Abbacchio. Abbacchio doesn't want to get in the way and watches you and Bruno interact from afar. Bruno wants Abbacchio to be happy for once in his life, but Bruno can't help being selfish too.
Love Triangle Route Fugo and Narancia. You have to be on Narancia's route and Narancia is the one that mentions Fugo having a crush on you. Fugo doesn't do anything to mess with it since he likes that Narancia is happy, but you can tell by Fugo's actions and his blushing that he's crushing.
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fics-n-stuff · 5 months
Just throwing this out there: does anyone else hope to see some of Sasha's home life in s3?? I was kinda hoping for a redemption for her this season (which they didn't really do, they kinda just doubled down on her shittiness, but you can read my thoughts on her redemption potential post s1 here) but we didn't actually see all that much of her. I mean, yes, we saw her through all the school captain stuff but that wasn't really very substantial, felt like she was kinda just there a lot of the time. But there was one scene - really just two lines - that make me so intrigued to her family and home life. That scene is the one where Quinni ambushes her at home while taking out the bin.
That scene begins with Sasha yelling, we don't know who to but we can presume a parent or perhaps a sibling (does she have any?), and she says "I said I'd do it and so I'm doing it!" She's angry. This is the end of an argument we're hearing, or maybe the start of an argument that Sasha is trying to prevent. Either way, there's conflict there. Then "Ugh, studip idiot." Who is it that she thinks of like that? Why?? What is her home dynamic like???
Then Quinni moves to go into Sasha's house, asking if anyone can verify her alibi for last night and Sasha, very firmly, blocks her way and says "You're not coming inside." Now, of course it's not unreasonable to not want to bring your ex-girlfriend who just ambushed you outside your front door and asked you where you were last night into your home, but Sasha's tone and movement is more defensive and it feels like there's more to it than that, especially considering the previous point. It's less that she's not letting Quinni into the house, but that shes not letting Qunni into the house. For the rest of the interaction she blocks the gate with her body, even holding onto the frame to create a barrier.
I'm really curious about Sasha's home life. I don't think we really know anything about it other than that she caught her parents fucking. What are her parents like? What do they think about the fact that she's a lesbian? What do they think of SLTs and the map? Does she get along with them? Is she embarrassed by them? Theres so many questions, so options for what the truth could be, I really want to see into that. I know we don't get to see all that much of most of their parents, Darren and Harper's dads (in s1) and Ca$h's nan excluded, but I don't think weve even really gotten a glimpse into Sasha's home life yet. We've met Ant's mum and Spider's mum, we've met Missy's brother, we've met Quinni's dads and Malakai's parents, we frequently get a little drop in from Amerie's family, but we've never met anyone in Sasha's family (I even went back and checked s1 after the protest and we don't see any family for her, we just see her talk to Jojo with Missy). I'm so curious!!! Sasha backstory s3 I pray 🙏🕯we better get one omg 🙏🕯🙏🕯
P.S. I didnt realise the "succulent Chinese meal" video was an Aussie exclusive meme. I'm British and I saw that video years ago, basically forgot about it, and then died laughing when Sasha referenced it and brought the memory back.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
That update was SO GOOD- I immediately went to your blog the minute I saw it LMAO (sorry for the like spam)
WARS WARS WARS!!!! HE IS SO PRECIOUS HERE- I love how we get to see a bit of his perspective on the dungeons vs battleground, and how respectful he is. He could’ve called it immoral to loot ruins/temples, but instead he highlights how they went “under Ganon’s snout” and were stealthy and resourceful. In comparison he was constantly in the limelight in his Hyrule, no where to hide or lie low someplace fortified like a temple. He doesn’t discredit their methods, just simply points out the battlefield also had its advantages. He’s a good mans!!!!!
I really hope we get to hear more about his experiences though, both for his character but to also see how the others take it as well. How different it must’ve been for him, what it must’ve been like to constantly be fighting day in and day out, and not just exploring like we often see in other games, how intimidating it must’ve felt for Wars to be the first anomaly in the cycle in quite some time (if he knew of any past legends).
Also!! Do u think there might be some doubts towards Wars from the chain because of this? We saw how Twi and Four (and maybe one more?) were questioning to each other how unusual it was for a warrior of Hyrule to not do a dungeon, and how he may not know certain monsters. That worries me on how that could reflect their view of Warriors. Will they start to doubt his strategies? Will they waste time arguing if they think he hasn’t fought a certain monster? While I don’t think they won’t trust him, I can definitely see some concerns sprouting about what he, and by extension the rest of the chain, truly know about other monsters.
I also like how Time didn’t react negatively at Wars’ statement, beyond just an odd look. It goes to show that it isn’t an issue for him because he’s seen Wars’ skills and trusts that even if he has different experiences, he’s still valuable and knowledgeable. Also- with Wars being right behind Time and sorta backing each other up, I think we’re starting to see more of co-leader/second in command Warriors and I LOVE THAT- PLS PLS MORE CO-LEADER WARS PLS!!!!!
Anyway- thems be my crazy thoughts on the update. I hope this means that Wars can finally get some proper recognition and love as we learn about him through the comic!!!!
ALKSJLKSJ don’t worry about the like spam i dont care at all. Also sorry it took me to long to answer this! I really wanted to make sure i could sit down and read the whole thing, i’ve been a little busy running around today
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, he’s gonna hate the dungeons so much i think… Like I think he’ll like the puzzles and such, but I don’t think he’ll appreciate how cramped everything is or how monsters can drop from the ceilings like that. But yes I also love how he doesn’t like, call their dungeons stupid or anything he’s just kinda like “Am i the weird one for not willingly walking into a death trap- apparently”
I ALSO REALLY WANT TO HEAR MORE ABOUT HIS EXPERIENCES, and I want to see him compare more things about the war to what the others have been through! It’d be so interesting to see Jojo’s take on all that
Personally, I don’t think they’ll necessarily DOUBT him because of his lack of dungeon experience. They’ve seen how fully capable is, how strong and reliable he is, he knows what he’s doing and he’s a strategist and THEY know all that too. However, I can absolutely see him suggesting they do something in the dungeon and everyone else going “you NEVER do that first in a dungeon oh my god??” because he just doesn’t know how dungeons work. I think they might look out for him (?) more, in the sense that he’s out of his element. He has a leader personality, and he’s going to have to let the more experienced people in the group choose what to do in the dungeon and help figure out puzzles or look for hidden hallways and treasure and such, cos he’s not really used to doing that kinda stuff. I don’t think the others will doubt his abilities, I guess I just think they’re more in shock that he’s just never done that?? And it’s something they’ll just be consciously aware of (sorry if that didn’t make sense my brain is mush and my head hurts 🥺)
TIME WAS SO FUCKING OVER IT, I LOVED WARS LOOKIN AT HIM LIKE “Am i weird 🥺” AND TIME STARING BACK AT HIM LIKE “🤨”. I’m genuinely obsessed with that shot of them looking like the disappointed parents. Every time those two interact I do a little spin because i am gods most normal man ever (and i headcanon they’ve met before this. i know it ain’t canon but i still like the idea of them being close in actual lu canon)
the best part of this update was all the people who were like “Wars fans… I get it now.” like we won. we won guys, we won
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linkemon · 2 months
Crazy, noisy, bizzare town (Higashikata Jōsuke x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ᴏꜰ [ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ], ʜɪɢᴀꜱʜɪᴋᴀᴛᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ɪᴄᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ. ᴜɴꜰᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴀꜱ ᴡᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴋɴᴏᴡ, ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴇʀꜱ ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴜꜱᴜᴀʟʟʏ ꜱᴛɪʀꜱ ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ…
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: 1. ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅꜱ ɪɴ ᴊᴏᴊᴏ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 4 ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴀᴍᴇᴅ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴏɴɢꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴀɴᴅꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ 90ꜱ. ɪ ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰᴏʀᴍᴜʟᴀ.
Mori-Mori-Mori-Mori Morioh Cho Radio! This is your favourite neighbour Kai Harada! It's going to be a beautiful, sunny morning. Remember to bring hats and a bottle of water. I wish everyone a tasty coffee accompanied by the best songs from the top of playlists. We'll see you again in an hour. The topic of the day will be the mysterious disappearances of dogs. Stay with us!
Yoshikage Kira stretched. Satisfied, he reached for a cup of dark brown liquid. He took a sip of the pleasantly hot liquid. It burned his tongue a little but that's what he loved. He glanced at the clock. He still had a few minutes to go. As a decent office worker, he did not allow himself to be late.
He thought about what he heard on the radio. Undoubtedly, some stand user has just attracted attention. He smiled happily. This will only distract any attention from him. It was going to be another great day.
— Come on, honey — he said caressingly.
He grabbed a delicate hand, twisted his nose at the rotten stench. The hand was almost completely dead. He sprayed it with flower spray, grabbed his briefcase and left. He will have to find a new woman. But that could wait. Leaning out at this point could end badly. So he went to the office, hugging his beloved.
[Reader] rushed out the school door, clutching her bag tightly. She almost hit a young middle school student. She waited impatiently for the bell to ring and then she was detained after class. No matter how hard she tried, she was fifteen minutes late.
The heat in Morioh was becoming unbearable. The stronger the sun shone, the more tourists came. And that meant ice cream prices were going up. Recently, she and boys found a place where they could get them quite cheaply. In the afternoon, the best ones were often already sold out. Therefore, it was necessary to run as fast as possible.
— [Reader], what's taking you so long? — Okuyasu kicked a pebble impatiently.
— Were you attacked by an enemy stand? — Kōichi looked at her. — Just a moment and we would go looking for you.
— I'm fine. — She waved her hand dismissively. — It's all Kūjō-san's fault.
Higashikata smiled widely when he saw her. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. He was slightly confused, as he always was when she showed him affection in public places. Immediately afterwards, however, he eagerly grabbed her hand and they headed towards the store.
— But what does Mr. Kūjō have to do with you being late? — Nijimura never thought too fast.
The only time he really shined was in fights. Apart from them, he couldn't be expected to handle something his brother always did for him. Now that he had only his father left, he had to rely on his friends. The girl sometimes wondered how he would cope without them.
However, JoJo immediately understood what she meant. He sighed softly and muttered the customary: Yare yare greato daze. He didn't like the situation they were in either. They couldn't do anything with it. As usual, it all came down to Yoshikage Kira and the danger hanging in the air.
— I was late because Shizuka-san asked me to set her up with Jōsuke. You have no idea how difficult it was to get her off. All because your uncle — she pointed an accusing finger at her boyfriend — forbade us to show anyone that we were together.
— I'd rather not hide it either — he admitted — but I guess we don't have a choice.
— You aren't hiding now. — Okuyasu scratched his head thoughtfully.
You could almost hear the gears turning in his mind.
— Because he was only talking about school, so technically we're not breaking the ban at all — [Reader] blurted out.
She high-fived her 'partner in crime'. They had always shared a clever way of dealing with life's awkward situations. Lately, it had come in handy more often than they would have liked.
The heat pouring from the sky was becoming more and more noticeable. She was glad to be walking on the side of the sidewalk where the trees sheltered her. On the right, JoJo was blocking the sun. With his height, he created a perfect shadow the entire way.
When they saw the store, they rushed towards it. There was a nice cool air conditioning coming from inside. For a moment they just stood and breathed in the beneficial, cold air.
— Who pays today? — Hirose asked the usual question.
The three of them turned their eyes towards Higashikata. It was his turn.
— I don't have money anymore. — He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.
— You've just won the lottery! What did you spend that money on? — The short friend looked at him in disbelief.
— My mother froze my account until I was an adult — he sighed.
One million six hundred and sixty-six thousand and six hundred and sixty-six yen had been floating around in his head for two weeks. It was useless to follow Shigechi across half the city. When he finally got the check, Tomoko said she wouldn't let him spend that much money. So he said goodbye to the vision of luxury.
— Fortunately, my father can't take my money. — Nijimura laughed and went inside with Kōichi.
The building was tiny. Four people couldn't fit in it. Maybe that's why the prices are so low. It's also possible that the old man behind the counter simply didn't know much about business.
The girl leaned against the building. There was no one on the street. Most people were at work at this time. Tourists marched to the beach, and school students returned home.
A quiet footstep broke the undisturbed silence. She glanced at the direction it was coming from. A tiny dog ​​was running across the road. Luckily for it, there were no cars. It had a red collar that jingled softly with every step. The white chihuahua moved its paws as fast as it could.
It was only after a while that she noticed the owner chasing him. The breathless woman stopped in front of her. She recognized her as a distant neighbour. She was holding the leash. The hair on her head was already starting to turn gray. By wearing a pencil skirt and high boots, she doomed herself to failure. In such an outfit, she had no chance of catching the animal.
— Have you seen my dog? — she asked, then described his appearance.
JoJo nodded.
— It ran through here a moment ago. — He pointed in the direction.
— How did she get up so quickly? Where did he get so much strength from? — she muttered.
[Reader] exchanged a knowing look with Jōsuke. It wasn't right to leave her in need. There went the quiet afternoon.
— We might help you look for her? — she suggested.
— It would be great. Her name is Kiki. — She left her phone number and then ran away.
They had quite a run in the heat before them.
The girl sent Butterfly ahead. Sometimes she wished she could, like her boyfriend, just punch the enemy. The group of butterflies was great for searching and tracking. However, it could not replace the brutal strength that even Star Platinum had at its disposal. The Joestar family always said that power is only as good as its user. Yet throwing a colourful insect at someone could only disgust them. The only advantage was the distance at which she could control the stand. Fifty meters usually happened with self-controlled entities.
When she finally managed to pick up the trail, she followed him with Higashikata. The other two separated fifteen minutes ago, hoping to find Kiki on the other side of the intersection. They didn't want to waste time. Especially since the whole thing smelled strongly of mysterious disappearances of animals from the area. They called Mr. Kūjō from a nearby payphone to let him know how things were going, and went deeper into the forest.
At first the route looked promising. The wide, beaten path through the trees looked familiar. Sometimes they went for walks here. However, the further they went, the more they had to stray from the well-traveled trail. The soft ground was covered with green needles and moss. The trees cast ominous shadows among the low bushes. They grew more and more densely. The couple stopped running. It became impossible. They responded to every sound of a breaking branch or slight breeze with readiness to attack.
That's why they lost the dog again. She must have gotten far enough away that the butterflies couldn't see her. They came back and started circling around the owner.
So they continued heading in the direction Kiki had been heading before. Morioh is a small town. They should be able to walk through the forest within an hour and come out on the other side. As long as they don't get lost.
— Did you hear that? — [Reader] stopped for the first time in a long time.
She sincerely hoped her ears weren't deceiving her. The rustling of the leaves seemed to increase.
JoJo didn't answer. Slowly and quietly he looked around. He summoned Crazy Diamond and waited.
Butterfly flew forward and stopped nearby. A boar was roaming under one of the spreading trees. For a moment it seemed to be looking for food. It snorted quietly and put its snout to the ground. But when it raised its fangs, it turned towards the travelers. It was as if it had been looking for them all along.
— Back away slowly — she whispered, trying to get out of the boar's way.
But it didn't help. A war cry announced a murderous charge. Several dozen kilograms rushed towards them.
Jōsuke spotted a tree with low-growing branches. Without thinking, he started climbing, aided by his stand. [Reader] wasn't doing that well. The bark tore her fingers until they bled. She mentally cursed her stupid uniform skirt. That's why she was doing so poorly. The boy grabbed her hand just in time. Just after she had safely grabbed onto the thick trunk, the boar hit the wood. Splinters fell. The world staggered slightly for a moment.
— Crazy Diamond!
A purple fist met a brown snout. One attack wasn't enough. Slightly stunned, the animal turned and charged again. Higashikata waited for it to run up and then rained down a barrage of blows on it. It was moments like these that he regretted that his range was only two meters. He had to go lower, risking a close encounter with the fangs.
The tired, battered boar finally gave up. With its tail between its legs, it limped as far away as he could.
— Do you think they are under protection?
— Is that really what you're worried about now? — [Reader] laughed in disbelief.
— I don't have money for a fine. — He rubbed his temple thoughtfully.
Suddenly something white flashed in the bushes.
— Over there! — she shouted, pointing in the direction.
She clumsily slid down the tree and ran towards where she saw movement. She stepped straight into the mud almost immediately. Or at least that's what she preferred to think. She didn't want to assume the worst. Brown, smelly goo stuck to the shoe. Wiping the nasty stuff in the letter didn't do much good. She cursed quietly under her breath.
At least she finally found it.
— There you are, Kiki. — She slowly extended her hand towards her.
The Chihuahua tentatively sniffed her fingers. She nuzzled her trustingly. Satisfied, she took her in her arms. JoJo shouted something but she didn't hear him. She immediately felt a terrible pain in her ear. Blood flooded her eye. Instinctively she reached out her hand towards it. The red liquid was flowing at an alarming rate. Only then did she realize that the dog had bitten her.
— You damn…— She didn't finish the sentence.
The little enemy attacked the ankle. She didn't look down. She was afraid that she would throw up her breakfast at the sight of flesh.
Jōsuke caught Kiki struggling and healed her wounds with Crazy Diamond. However, the momentary peace did not last long. They saw a man in strange fur. Immediately afterwards, a snake rushed towards the boy with stunning speed. He managed to catch it but the two deadly fangs left tiny red wounds. It hurt. He knew he didn't have much time. He squeezed the reptile tightly. The stand user had no choice. He separated himself and stood before them. Higashikata held him by the throat to be sure. Enough that he couldn't move. However, this caused the animal to slip away and crawl away into the trees.
— Don't hurt me! — the enemy squeaked thinly. — You need me. Only I ca-ca-can bring him back. Without the antidote, you'll die from the v-v-venom — he stammered.
JoJo frowned. He always did this when he was worried. This didn't happen often. But now he wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't heal himself. This was the biggest drawback to his power. He had to endure every injury like a normal person.
— We don't need you at all — [Reader] said in a firm voice. — You didn't notice but I chased you to the edge of the forest.
The opponent looked back in panic.
— I also sent butterflies to find Kūjō-san. He'll be here in a minute and it's only ten minutes to the hospital. We'll make it. — She smiled defiantly.
— It can't be... you mean you did it when I was a wild boar? — His eyes widened.
— I'm the one asking the questions here. Who are you? Did Kira's father send you here? — [Reader] stuck her finger into his chest.
— My name is Ka-Ka-Kameko Hiroto — he sobbed. — Yoshihiro-san said I can do whatever I want. He called me a coward because I refused to kill people. I was too a-a-afraid.
The girl looked at him more closely. She seemed to recognize him from somewhere. However, the brown hair, small blue eyes and plain face brought no answer. In Morioh you knew almost everyone, unless they were tourists. The coat attracted the most attention. It consisted of fur pieces. Brown, black, white and gray. Dotted and spotted. They created a strange composition. The longer she looked, the more she felt sick. This is where all the missing dogs from Morioh were. He wore them as hideous clothes.
Hiroto had loved 'One Hundred and One Dalmatians' since he was a child. Every evening, his mother took a worn-out book from the shelf. There were also many others on the bookcase but she read this one to him every day. Otherwise, he simply wouldn't fall asleep. He knew the words by heart. He could recite them at every moment. Any time of day and night.
When he grew up, he started breeding fur ferrets. He studied hard, so he was accepted as an employee in a well-known and respected company. All this to look like Cruella De Vil, his idol. He wanted to create his own coat. Even if it couldn't be with white and black dots. However, it turned out that it was not that simple. He only managed to steal one piece of leather. The business was looked after with the greatest caution. He was fired pretty quickly for financial losses and animal abuse.
Bitter and angry, he moved to Morioh. The small, quiet town was supposed to give him peace. Here, where no one knew him, he decided to forget about his dream. He blended in with the crowd, toiling at the grocery store around the corner. He also rented a tiny apartment and found a fiancée. So he lived a normal life. Until fate gave him a chance — a stand that allowed him to take on the role of animals and control them. Desire overshadowed reason.
— Mercy! — he howled.
Kameko felt salty drops running down his face. Snot was coming out of his nose. He couldn't even wipe it off. He felt terrible. Until now, he had managed to reconcile his passion with the life of an average person. He was so close to achieving his goal and finishing the outfit he dreamed of. He hated the two people in front of him. He sincerely hoped they would die. If not now, then later, at the hands of the city's best assassin.
For a moment he wanted to beg for mercy again. After all, even if that little shit was bluffing, they were almost out of the forest. They outnumbered him. The situation is terrible. But through his tears, he saw his chance. It was floating a few meters away. He could barely contain the smile that spread across his lips.
— Loosen your grip! I'm choking! — he wheezed as hard as he could.
He knew it would work. He met JoJo once in a store. He was actually a soft man. Not like his creepy uncle. The only problem with him was that he never allowed you to owe a yen. He found this type of customer particularly annoying. It wouldn't save them if he let go sometimes. Because of it, he had to go to other cashiers. The brat probably had plenty of money anyway. After all, he was constantly buying hair care lotions. All the sprays and gels must have been quite an expense. Hiroto always thought it made no sense. The customer looked strange. He was wasting money.
— Just no tricks! — the boy warned him.
Kameko reached out with his mind towards a butterfly flying alone. Fate favored him by giving him this opportunity.
— Wild Animal! — He recalled his stand. — Bye, losers! Higashikata, someone must have hit you over the head once because you're a gullible idiot with a crap haircut! — He felt like he was on cloud nine shouting it.
Although he knew that he would not avoid abandoning Morioh but it was better than death. He will start over, somewhere far away. He will fly towards the blue sky and that's all they will see.
To his surprise, however, nothing happened. He should feel connected to his animal. Meanwhile, he was still stuck in Crazy Diamond's iron grip.
The girl held out her hand. The insect calmly sat on it.
— I had a feeling you might want to do that. Did you really think I would let any animal stay around? — The swallowtail butterfly flapped its wings. — I separated that butterfly from the group and changed its species while you weren't looking. You cannot bond with it because it is not a living organism. — She snapped her fingers. — Jōsuke, tell him something.
She saw that he wanted this very much. The Joestar family never left an opponent without a word. She found it funny but she didn't question the habits.
They had to hurry. The venom was slowly taking its toll. Beads of sweat ran down the back of his neck. His legs were starting to tremble slightly.
— First of all, you disrespected my girlfriend. — He pointed an accusing finger at him. — Secondly, you insulted my hair. This is unforgivable!
Crazy Diamond with a joyful Dora dora dora plunged his fist into Hiroto's face. There were screams, protests and pleas for help. However, they were of no use. After damaging his hair, Higashikata became extremely irritable. Blood was shed. It looked like it wouldn't end with a few broken teeth and a terribly bruised cheek.
However, he was interrupted by a quiet but firm voice:
— Yare yare daze.
In front of him, wearing his favourite hat, stood Mr. Kūjō. As always, he handled the situation with stoic calm. He didn't look happy.
JoJo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him. It's true that he has to explain why he and [Reader] are together, since classes have ended a long time ago. However, he will deal with this later. The snake deprived him of his strength. He was barely holding himself together. After all, he could leave everything in the hands of others. He pushed his opponent into a tree. His head was now inside the trunk and his back was sticking out. Immediately after that, his strength left him and he fell to the ground.
Okuyasu and Hirose were the last to arrive. They panicked when they saw their friend's condition. They offered to watch the bastard until the Speedwagon Foundation took him over. They had no doubt that the Star Platinum user would be better able to transport the patient to Budogaoka Hospital. They also called Kiki's owner.
[Reader] shuffled after the older man.
— Don't look at me like that. It's embarrassing — she muttered.
She still couldn't understand how he was so different from the boy he carried on his back. It was hard to read anything in his eyes. No emotions.
— Good job — he said quietly.
She smiled. You couldn't count on more from him.
— But will we still get the lecture? — she asked.
There was a slight chance that they would get away with it. She allowed herself to dream.
— Yare yare daze.
— So we're screwed. — Resigned, she left the forest.
She looked up. The sun was already setting on the horizon. Purple mixed with pink, orange and yellow. The colours painted a beautiful picture. The heat of the day slowly faded away. A light sea breeze blew invitingly. Tourists covered in sand were returning from the beach. They gave her curious glances but said nothing. But the neighbours picked her up faster than she would have liked to tend to her remaining wounds. She had to leave her boyfriend in the hands of her uncle. However, she had no doubt that they would soon be able to spend a quiet afternoon with their friends. She was going to get the ice cream on sale no matter what.
Still, it was a good day in a crazy, noisy, bizzare town.
Landmarks in Morioh:
No. 31 — Haunted Forest — Locals claim that dangerous animals live there. There is also a Tree Spirit roaming around there. Sometimes on hot summer afternoons you can hear his desperate screams and calls for help.
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Hi! So, I’m new to the fandom and I really enjoy playing around with the different Links’ designs, so I clicked immediately with your blog.
When I saw Legend I really did not recognize him. I’d love to know your design process. Where are his clothes from? Afaik Legend was in LTTP, Link’s Awakening and the Oracle games (outside of his cameo as an old man in a later game) and his promo design was pretty generic. This is the first time I see that blue tunic and maroon undergarments. Also, is there a reason you decided to forgo the pink hair and tan skin? Did it clash too much with the blue tunic?
Honestly I love hearing people’s design processes and HCs.
If you already answered this, I’m sorry ^^'
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Hi anon!!! You’re all good, and I’m so glad to hear you like my blog!
this got a little bit long so I’m plopping it under the cut :)
I’m just drawing the @linkeduniverse AU’s Links!!! Jojo (the creator) is very well versed in Loz games, and I’m pretty sure her Legend’s design is drawn from his games, but I’m not very well versed in them, alas… there are some who are, however!!
also, her design does have a little pink in Legend’s hair, on the left side of his head!! It can be hard to spot, especially in my art since I use sort of faded colors.
I don’t have my own design any of the Links at this point, mainly because I don’t feel I know the games well enough! I have made little changes to Jojo’s designs so that they fit my style (and so that I have more fun drawing them hehe), though! That is why I choose the hair and skin colors I do; they just feel right!
I also have some original tloz Link and Zelda designs for a few different story ideas, and I do put a bit more thought into those designs! They’re probably under the tags #character design and #loz au?? I think XD
that’s it, I suppose! Thanks for stopping by :)
anon if you’re talking about that, it’s kinda just me taking the LA Link colors and drawing an outfit I like XD
very much inspired by LU Legend, though, because it isn’t a final design; I just wanted to draw LA Link and threw something together lol
I didn’t make his hair pink because in my mind it would grow out again, but it is a slightly reddish blonde as a sort of homage to that!
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bitethehnd · 7 months
hiii can I request something about a first date with jo??? so excited to read another from a new fic writer 💓
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*₊˚ 🛼 𖦹 first date !
pairing : jo maskin x reader
synopsis : cute first date hcs with jojo!
cw : nothing, just fluff. let’s just pretend kelli doesn’t exist!
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𖦹 i have so many scenarios running through my head but let’s start with the backstory. maybe you and jo met through the boys, you’re another artist or just a met cute at a coffee shop. i don’t know you pick!
𖦹 as soon as jo saw you, they were completely enamored. your hair bounced beautifully as you walked and your smile lit up the room. they just stopped and stared, to which katie saw and laughed loudly.
𖦹 katie went over to you and sparked up a conversation, you two getting along quickly. jo had an internal panic watching katie talk to you, the redhead pointing towards jo’s direction. they walked over to you and introduced herself. katie quietly slipped away as you two hit it off. jo ended up asking for your number and that led to the first date.
𖦹 i feel like jo would plan something so cute for the first date. i can definitely see them taking you to a carnival / amusement park…
𖦹 would try to win a stuffed animal you were not so suddenly eyeing. it was one of those booths with tossing the ring onto a bottle. they’re not the most coordinated (que up all the clips of them falling on stage) so i think they would probably not win and be sad they couldn’t impress you. to you it didn’t matter, you thought jo was absolutely adorable.
𖦹 would scoff when they didn’t win the ring toss, saying “these games are fucking rigged anyway.” you go up to throw next and land every ring on the bottle. they just stand there like🧍😦 as the worker hands you the stuffed animal. you clutch your new prize to your chest and give her a triumphant smile.
𖦹 next up you guys go on some rides. you two go on the tea cups and you were expecting a nice, leisurely ride. you guess wrong! jo spins you guys as fast as she possibly can and you almost throw up. you guys had to take a break after that, jo trying to stifle her giggles at your disheveled state.
𖦹 going on the carousel and trying to pick the prettiest horses <333
𖦹 you guys definitely go in the fun house and take silly pictures. takes a picture of you in those distorted mirrors and posts it to their story. when you guys are in front of a mirror that stretches the reflection, they definitely pull up their sleeve and flex, the muscle appearing bigger in the fun mirror. you laugh and slap their shoulder while they wink at you.
𖦹 they hold your waist as you guys walk through the crowd, trying not to lose you in the swarms of people.
𖦹 they insist on buying you funnel cake, you two sharing one plate. they rip a piece off and hold the end in their mouth, wanting to do the lady and the tramp kiss. you laugh and, of course, comply. who wouldn’t want to kiss jo?
𖦹 lastly, they take you on the ferris wheel when the sun sets. the wheel stops at the top as you gaze at the view, but she’s looking at you. they go over and sit next to you on the other side, slowly leaning in for a soft kiss. it was the perfect way to end your date.
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© bitethehnd
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jokerislandgirl32 · 5 months
Karma’s A B*tch…
So I heard the news surrounding the JoJo version of this song and this version, and I had to listen to both and watch the videos (bit traumatized by JoJo’s ngl… she’s literally looked like Pennywise at one point and he freaks me out, so yeah…).
I am personally crazy about Brit’s version, and the music video for this version fits the lyrics perfectly! So, it made me think about Zach and Violet (of course, lol)! And even though they don’t “cheat” on each other, there are undertones of infidelity in their relationship prior to them getting together because they both pursue other relationships while in love with each other. If that makes sense.
So, I see this as a Zach song because he regrets what he does to Violet, but after finding out she’s dating too he becomes jealous and hopes karma will seek revenge on her. But Zach’s spiteful wish does not play out as he hoped…Violet’s hurt in the process, in ways he never imagined.
See below cut for some fic clips, connections to the song. Please note that there are mentions of infidelity (kind of?), cursing, implied abuse, ill wishes, mentions of alcohol consumption and drunkenness, and implied illness.
“Another late night, another crazy mood And I didn't think twice what it would do to you I was a wild child, you always knew it It was a matter of time before I blew it…”
I stood slumped in the doorway to my hotel room looking at Gourmand with annoyance, he stood in front of me holding something behind his back, “what do you want?”
Gourmand shuffled his feet and produced a tea service tray, “I-I know you left sick…I thought some peppermint tea might help.”
I raised an eyebrow at him, grimacing at the mention of sickness that had landed me under the table and in my room for the entire evening, unknown to him or anyone else in attendance I hadn’t just eaten too many clams…I was so drunk I felt like I’d pass out at any moment, but I wasn’t drunk enough to not know he hadn’t just come to my room to give me tea, “oh yeah? You care about me? You wanna make sure I’m okay, ha! If I didn’t know better I’d say you have a crush on me!”
Gourmand’s eyes met mine, a serious expression on his face, “I do…”
I felt my jaw drop. All I had been thinking about that day was Violet. So much so I’d tried to drink her memory away… and it hadn’t helped, but this…this opportunity…it wasn’t one I could pass up. Maybe I couldn’t drink her memory away, but replacing the relationship I so desired with Violet, for one with Gourmand instead…wasn’t such a bad option.
“Why don’t you come on in,” I purred, giving him my most charming smile.
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Karma's a bitch, I should've known better If I had a wish, I would've never messed around When I saw the pics of you with HIM, I felt the knife twist Karma's a bitch, and HE’S with you right now
I growled as I saw the social media post sent to me from one of Violet’s old schoolmates, Iris. Violet was in bed with another man! That creep Travis who’d tried to hurt her the night I kissed her, the night she let it slip she loved me, the night I fell for her! She was with him and not with me!
How could she do this to me?!? Sure, I’d been with Gourmand, sure I’d stopped any romantic advances toward her, but I loved her! I wanted her! She was meant to be with me, not a creep like him! Well, I decided, she can have him, she can do whatever she wants. I don’t need her! And she’ll get…she’ll get what’s coming to her.
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“And when I lay me down to sleep, it's not your body next to me This lonely room feels so empty, just me and my regrets…”
I lay in bed staring at a picture of Violet and me together from her high school graduation, she looked so happy, vibrant, beautiful. My hand had been resting on her stomach, I’d started tickling her to get her to laugh for the picture and she’d placed her hand over mine to stop me…then her aunt had snapped the photo…it looked like we were a couple.
I turned over trying to get her off my mind: she was with Travis, I’d just broken up with Gourmand, all of this was my fault. At that moment my cellphone rang, I usually would have ignored it at such an hour, but the number said it was coming from North Carolina and that piqued my interest. Violet was in North Carolina, maybe she’d gotten a new number?
I answered the phone trying to keep my voice steady, but it broke from my anticipation, “H-Hello?”
“Zach?” It wasn’t Violet’s voice that greeted me, but that of her cousin Paige.
“PAIGE?” I shouted, jolting up in bed, “why are you calling me now? Do you realize what time it is?!?!”
Paige sounded different, not her usual sassy and sarcastic self, it sounded like she’d been crying, “I’m sorry Zach, but it’s Violet…something is wrong, she won’t talk to me…It’s that boyfriend of hers…”
She paused sniffling, “I know…I know Iris sent you the picture, and I know you are mad and you haven’t been talking to her, but it’s not what it looks like…look at it again…At her back and arms…the scratches…Violet’s being…I think he’s hurting her…Zach, please come down here, she’ll listen to you, she’ll talk to you. Please help her….”
My mouth went dry, I shakily opened the pictures app on my phone and look at the picture I’d cursed at every day since I got it…Paige was right…something was very wrong…and before I broke down in tears of my own I choked out, “I’ll be there tomorrow, we can talk about it more…let me know where to meet you,” before I disconnected the call.
An anguished sob left my throat, “THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!”
Picrew Used
I know this is a lot to take in, but I hope you all enjoyed it! I’m really trying to flesh out Ziolet’s story, and posts like this are part of that process!
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savagebisand · 1 year
I'm gonna say this and make my peace with it but I am frequently reminded as someone watching from week to week when it comes to Only Friends, that it is so easy in a series like this to find yourself accidentally having bias toward some characters, pairings etc. It's very important that we always remain open to alternate perspective and that we remain able to pick out nuances in our favourites. Critique them when they cause trouble or make a bad choice and cheer for them when they find moments of happiness. For today, I am going to speak primarily about Sand because I've already seen a lot of a sentiment on YouTube mostly that he is justified in his scheming to reveal BostonTop and drag Ray into it and yet Ray is vilified for lashing out and pushing Sand off him in the same episode.
We have really got to stop woobifying characters like Nick and Sand and even Ray or Mew because we see them as the most traumatised or the ones with the uncaring lovers. None of them were meant to be the "innocent" character amongst the darkness. JoJo has always said all these characters are flawed and live in shades of grey.
I'm getting real tired of seeing Sand constantly elevated above Ray because one has to be worse than the other for some reason? Or seeing TopMew and SandRay pitted against each other when both have tormented romances. We can note the difference in how the relationships are developing without attacking one or the other. Sand can be the kindest and most sensible character in this series and he can still be morally reprehensible and wrong in other ways. Mew can be caring and hesitant and only want what's best for his friends and still get it wrong sometimes not out of spite but simply because he just doesn't know better.
We do not have to pretend that Sand is in the right when he isn't because we don't want to lose the Sand as a good person label. He IS a good person..he's also wrong for the mess he indirectly caused this ep. Y'all I'm a Sand stan, this blog is sandified all over. The man is me coded. He's a mirror to my soul for me. And I will still sit here and hold him accountable just as much as I would do for Ray when Ray fucks up. He made some Choices this episode and they were Bad. He prioritised his vengeance against Top over Rays emotions regarding Mew and that is Unkind.
Ray was Unkind to lash out at him and push him as well but to act like Ray was unjustified and deserves to be vilified for it is just... it don't sit right with me. He stooped as low as Sand did, he hit right where he knew it would hurt. It was tit for tat. The second Ray went into that meet up where Sand showed him the audio, you could sense Ray knew he was being used as a middle man. That shit hurts. This is the person he's been vulnerable with finally and he just got treated once again, by him, as someone easily influenced and gullible.
Sand used clever words to make it sound like he was doing this for Ray but it was heat of the moment. He was thinking purely of making Top taste his own medicine and eat his words. He wanted Top to lose Mew to prove the point that Top doesn't always get what he wants. Bonus if it meant Sand got Ray and could prove Top even more wrong because "who have you got?" Well now he has him. But honestly Ray was just a prize at the end of a long game Sand wanted to play there for a second.
It can be equally true that when he saw Ray was going to rain hell upon the group, he became more concerned as in his moment of Seeing Red he thought only Top would get hurt. He under estimated the fall out a truth like this would cause for everyone in that clique. Tell one harsh truth and a million more come pouring out. Ray got hurt because of this little ploy and he got a nasty awakening that oh yeah Ray is more important than some contest with Top, it can be equally true that he cares about Ray when Top isn't clouding his judgement and actions. That he didn't want Ray to endanger himself. That he would follow Ray and get him to a hospital safe after Ray angrily tries to take himself home under the influence because he feels betrayed, a black sheep to his friends.
But like it or not some of Sands actions this episode were still laced with calculation and manipulation and involved using others like chess pieces such as Ray and Nick, two people he normally cares about more than anyone. That moment when he smashed up his phone intentionally to get his hands on Nick's? Batshit insane behaviour. He was high tempered and irrational and he made a very big mistake because as I've said before these characters are portrayed as human young adults and it's what we do. No one is perfect 100% of the time. We all have a capacity for bad inside of us that most of the time we tamper. Sand was not able to in this instance. He caused mass destruction in a butterfly effect of one choice he made way before Ray caused more fallout with the truths he spilled.
Sands actions. Sands choices. Not just Rays or Mews. And don't get me wrong Ray was wrong too, he shouldn't have brought April and Cheum into it just to further a point. He should have just let Mew handle Top alone at home. But to be fair he'd spent all day and night being ignored by his friends for not being as blind in love as them, biting his tongue when Ton played along to insinuations over Nick and still got treated kindly after outright saying he had an ice cold heart when Ray knew just how true that was. Dealing with Ton making his emotions for Mew the butt of a joke again, belittling him. Sand using him to get back at Top and lying to Rays face or stonewalling him after they'd spent a week connecting more.
So it's no surprise he went since we're being honest tonight anyway maybe you all need to see you aren't perfect either. Sand set the spark that started this fire this time around. It's alright. All of them went too far and crossed lines. None are worse than the others. This show is not a competition between which partner in this couple is worse or more fucked up than the other. It is showing its audience what it looks like when two fucked up, flawed, morally grey, young adult and queer people fall into relationships and friendships. All of the couples are equally as wrong as each other for behaviours they exhibit when together.
It's subjective of course, everyone's personal level of what's wrong and what's acceptable is different and that's what makes this interesting. Something a character does may not be going too far for one viewer whilst for another it's absolutely appalling. The beauty of media. But let's not get so caught in picking teams that we lose our critical lens when we consume media. You can be rooting for Nick or Boston or Top or Sand or Ray or Mew! A combination! Have favourites! By all means pick people you'd love to see overcome these messy dramas and challenges they face. Just don't throw rocks at glass houses.
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waywardstarfishkid · 5 months
Outragiously long and stupid rant incoming!
I like never make posts on here but I wanted to scream into the void about heartbreak high. Since s1 I've seen like really strange takes and half the time I'm like is it because people don't know how Australian school is different or is it a lack of critical thinking.
Like in s1 I only saw people either hating or loving spider and don't get me wrong either of those is valid but the way people were explaining it was strange to me.
For me I didn't like spider but not because he was some unrepeatable arsehole I actually think he was a great representation of a lot of Australian guys I knew growing up. Like he says dumb shit but then when things are serious he does the right thing like he helped malakai with the cop (then said fucking stupid things after) and he helped amerie at the festival, he wanted to help harper and let her in even though it would mean he and American would have to stop hooking up.
In comparison I swore people liking dusty who in my eyes was way worse than spider. He acted all woke like he said the right things and then did shitty things like shaming harper and deciding to frame jojo.
Like theyrr both shit but I would trust spider with my drink over but maybe not dusty.
Then ant I understand if you like ant and spider together but I think people maybe don't understand how touchy guys are with each other in Australia. Like gay straight bi whatever guy friends hang off each other and I think it's actually healthy to show that. I also saw someone complaining about spider and ant doing gay shit but only as a joke but I never saw that like I don't think any of it was a joke it just wasn't gay. Like spider calling him pet names them cuddling and stuff is just affection which is actually great especially for men who often don't know how to have affection that's not sexual.
Also can we agree that ant just doesn't care about the gender he's hooking up with like I don't think he's bi I think he's just into who he's into (is that pansexual? Sorry).
I was a bit disappointed with all the bisexual characters ending up in straight relationships but that's mostly because I really wanted an ant malakai and I liked Rowan Malaysia before it went to shit. But at the same time I dont like how people critiquing it often feels like Bi erasure. Like I'm a bi woman whos first gay relationship ended because my gf (lesbian) cheated on me with a lesbian because she constantly thought I was cheating on her with my guy friends and for a long time I just dated guys because I didnt know many bi women and lesbian girls kept being horrified that I would go near a dick (not all of them my ex was very understanding and actually encouraged me to embrace my sexualising when I was just a baby bi) but my point is I totally understand how having a straight relationship when bi can actually be more understanding (at least in mine and my friends experiences) and it's totally valid even though the relationship is straight.
Also people angry about not as much quinni (I agree more quinni she and cash are my loves) I'm actually happy they took a back-seat with her on the relationship front like her and Sasha were a big deal/quinnis first relationship and I think it wouldve really messed quinni up with how it ended. I also love that they're not just centring her storyline around being the gay girl you know like she I a multifaceted queen.
Also for the Sasha redemption, I get why people are calling for it but unlike spider and dusty like Sasha didn't really do anything wrong (except for how she treated quinni but they talked at the end of s1 and seem to be moving to a place of good friendahip) shes mostly just annoying and pretentious like the other idiots actually fuvked up. I don't really want a Sasha redemption I just want to see more of her character make her a bit less of a two dimensional hipster, which I honestly think they only didn't fo because they had a lot of characters to juggled Sasha had to take a back-seat so Missy could shine (and I love Missy so I'll allow it also her and malakais friendship means everything to me the indigenous representation that shows not just the aspects of country and family but also shows them as fully formed characters I LOVE)
Sorry for the obscenely long rant this is just all my thoughts from s1 and s2 so ignore it by all means and also if you disagree that's fine and you are probably right lol.
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tlcartist · 2 years
On the matter of Jonathan Joestar
I talked a bit about how JJBA plays around with moral ambiguity with it's protagonists here and briefly mentioned how I'd talk about Jonathan separately and that time has come! There are certain aspects of his personality that I find interesting, but don't often see discussed and I'd like to dig into them a bit. Before we begin I will say that, while I did my best to draw from the source material, this does involve a degree of headcanon so take it with a grain of salt.
The problem with Jonathan is that his character is woefully underdeveloped. This was the result of multiple factors such as, A) Jonathan being the first JoJo and Araki was still developing the story and figuring out what he wanted it to be. B) JoJo pt 1 was a product of it's time and was influenced by works of the period like Fist of the North Star. This was an era of power fantasies and led to stories of big beefy dudes punching things but without much in terms of nuance or broader character development. C) Pt 1 was given a much shorter arc at only 44 chapters and therefore Araki had less time to explore his character than future JoJos. Compare this with Battle Tendency being 69 (nice) chapters and Stardust Crusaders being 152 chapters. Because of all of this we are, unfortunately, limited in what we can glean of his personality from the manga, but there are a couple of things I want to touch on.
Duty vs Concern
While we might not see the type of radical character development from Jonathan that we see in later JoJos, what we do see is a shift in perspective as he matures. This can be seen in his first encounter with Erina.
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This is a boy who was motivated less out of an altruistic motive and genuine concern and more out of a sense of duty. This is something he's been taught is the Right Thing for a Gentleman to do. A woman is in danger and a man swoops in and rescues her. It wasn't so much about protecting Erina as it was about being The Hero.
It isn't until he's able to spend time with Erina that he's able to see her as a real person and not just a damsel in distress. While their time together in those early days was cut short, I think it really helped Jonathan to broaden his perspective and sense of empathy. That's not to say that Jonathan was a bad person, he was just a rich kid who spent the majority of his life being a bit coddled, but each new relationship he gained helped him mature.
We see a shift from the young boy playing the role of The Hero because the thought it was expected of him to a man who puts his life on the line because he wants to, because he'll do anything to protect and avenge the people he cares about.
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This is a man who has become hardened through the experience of loss and pain, and those experiences helped him to really truly care for others, not out of societal expectations or chivalry, but out of love.
Ironically, it's this growth that leads us to the thing you could argue is simultaneously Jonathan's biggest flaw.
Compassion to a fault
Jonathan is a character whose greatest strength is also his greatest weakness, that being his unyielding optimism. He's the type of person who is always wanting to see the best in those around him and it's this flaw that Dio took advantage of from day 1. Regardless of how much of a little shit Dio proved himself to be in their youth, Jonathan wanted to believe that wasn't beyond the point of redemption. He wanted to believe that there was a small part of Dio that had some goodness, that could experience regret and remorse even when all evidence proved to the contrary. And it was that optimism, that compassion which lead to Jonathan lowering his guard which allowed Dio to seize the opportunity and strike.
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This was a quality that we also saw reflected in Jonathan's father, who also had a history of overlooking the glaring red flags in Dario, not because he was oblivious, but because he wanted to believe he'd become a better person. A quality which led to George taking in Dio even though he was under no obligation to do so, and (we can only assume), choosing to overlook any red flags the boy may have shown in his youth.
George's death was the shock Jonathan needed to realize the truth, that Dio was irredeemable and that he'd chosen to strip himself of his humanity long before donning the stone mask.
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In spite of the loss of his father and countless others during his quest to defeat Dio, there's still a small part of Jonathan that holds a bit of fondness for him, even at the end of all things. Jonathan's strength is that unlike Dio, he chooses to retain his goodness and humanity.
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It was the goodness of Jonathan's heart that allowed him to perhaps be the only one who's ever truly known Dio, the only one who's seen beyond his bravado and facade. And it was this goodness that led to their fates being connected forever.
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ameftowriter · 2 years
Clavell with the 3rd starter headcanons.
Here you go @zomandfriends , I may as well share it here.
Under the cut cause it's actually longer than I thought
Clavell with Quaxly:
Office is the neatest place in the academy.
Sometimes there's some wet patches around the office because of Quaxly using water gun to clean around.
Quaxly sees Clavell like a dad/mom.
Quaxly can and will climb on top of Clavell's head and watch him do his work.
Also at times try to fix his hair like it's own.
Quaxwell will copy his gentlemanly actions like bowing, putting its arms behind it's back etc... As it sees Clavell, especially in his Clive disguise as the epitome of style.
With Clive, it also does the hair thing.
Actually Clavell got the Clive hair from Quaxly trying out different hairstyles on his hair and wig for the disguise.
If he didn't have Quaxly, he still saw it move it's hair upwards like a pomp and stuck with it.
With Quaquaval though, sometimes it will dance to cheer him up, especially with stressful days.
Quaquaval will always look to see if Clavell's outfit is perfect and same with the hair.
It will adjust his outfit if it feels it's off even just slightly.
Misses the Clive disguise and would sometimes try to tell him to wear it again, much to Clavell's embarrassment.
Clavell would also embarrassingly learn some dance moves from Quaquaval and get better at it.
Whenever Clavell does a morning jog that Quaquaval joins in too to strengthen its legs.
Also Jojo posing cause why not.
Clavell with Fuecoco:
Fuecoco loves being around Clavell and would run around circling him.
Fuecoco sees Clavell like a dad/mom.
Would also enjoy just watching him work and not really understand, it's kinda empty in the head department there.
Would also bite a lot, mostly bite him and the desk. It came to a point where Clavell managed to train it to bite a specific part of the desk, after replacing about two desks.
People ask why is there a huge bite mark on one side of his desk and normally Fuecoco is there hanging on to it happily.
Fuecoco has unfortunately started a few unintentional small fires, quickly put out by one of his other Pokemon though. Fuecoco feels bad for it too.
Crocalor has mellowed out a bit, still bites the side of the desk sometimes. But most of the time it takes care of the fire egg on its head.
Clavell offers some soothing music to help which Crocalor tries to copy by singing, and failing, but it's getting better.
Skeledirge strangely has developed sort of like a parental desire to protect Clavell and his Pokemon.
Singing has greatly improved of course, and sadly doesn't bite the desk anymore but does look at it happily from time to time with its bird thing.
The bird also sits on the desk and sleeps there sometimes.
Skeledirge will also just come out of the ball and try to either sing or cuddle up with Clavell even during meetings etc.
Clavell with Sprigatito:
There is a special spot on his desk where the sunlight hits just right and Sprigatito sits there and sunbathes regularly, then moves on the windowsill, the floor, on Clavell at times. Sprigatito just sleeps there.
There's a tiny pool where it can sit and bathe itself at times.
Sprigatito sees Clavell like a dad/mom.
Typical cat stuff where it would knock over things just to get his attention.
It was quickly trained to stop as it can get very dangerous with the lab equipment around.
Also typical cat stuff where it would sit on his lap or on his laptop while he's working.
Floragato mostly doesn't do those anymore... Clavell kinda misses it...
And does yo-yo tricks to cheer him up and shows off how awesome it is.
But it's starting to develop a habit on pulling harmless pranks onto him. Sometimes getting more elaborate by the day. Clavell is both impressed and annoyed.
It has pulled pranks on other teachers...
Did it to Tyme once and never again...
Meowscarada's pranks are so elaborate that it looks more like a magic trick. Which it just does to impress Clavell and of course cheer him up on stressful days.
He does it to his guests and even during meetings when it's not needed.
Clavell has sort of appreciated those magic tricks and has trained Meowscarada to use the elaborate ones to get more sneaky with his opponents which shocks everyone and it doesn't seem like he would do. But he is quite a tricky trainer to face anyway.
Once Meowscarada is out on the field, it had already set up it's Flower Trick traps without anyone's notice, other than Clavell and can and will use it on you if you dare hurt his students and teachers.
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izicodes · 9 months
At this point, I'm just designing...
Tuesday 9th January 2024
Yeah, not much coding for my own projects but more designing~! I don't know what I am doing at this point but I like it! I am just putting everything I see in my head into this one Figma file 😂🙌🏾
Then I thought "why not make JOJO-themed projects?" because I have the power to do that 🤷🏾‍♀️ It's kind of the same idea for people find their favourite tv show/movie/book and realize they can draw fanart.
I literally started learning how to draw digital art just because I watched JOJO Part 5 and saw Giorno Giovanna...
Anyhoo, I came up with a blue/Jolyne Kujo (Cujoh) mini desktop portfolio page! Similar to my St Jerome project but more rounded because that's more my style~!
Will I turn this into an actual page? I don't know but I will continue designing it, make some changes - all for fun~! 🥰🙌🏾
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