#i say ''generally'' cuz there Have been instances of some events coming early
actualbird · 1 year
hi :D do you know if there is a date for the empyrean's touch please? i don't know if it has been disclosed yet,,, just so i can see if i start to save s-chips rn or if i can try to get vyn's gilded gloaming ssr card first lol
hi anon! you definitely have time to try for that vyn ssr because the vyn ssr event is on global server, and the empyrean's touch mr series event is on cn server!!!
generally, the cn server is around one year ahead of the global server. since empyrean's touch became available to cn server at around may 15, 2023, us on global server can expect it available for us at around the same time next year, 2024.
so theres ample time to save for schips HAHA. hope this helps!
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gb-patch · 4 years
Ask Answers: January 28th, 2021 (Part 1)
And we’re back with many more ask answers! Thank you for waiting.
Is lizzie/the main character tripping over a rock a random event in barbecue? or does it require certain choices? i picked the same choices in multiple different playthroughs but ended up with three different outcomes (1. nothing happens 2. liz trips 3. i trip)
Yep! It’s completely random. Just a little moment of life you don’t have control over, haha.
wait just double checking you stated that derek would be another romantic interest you can pursue in step 4 right??? im just asking cuz hes my fav character 
oh wait and btw i was the one that asked the question about derek being in the step 4 just now, and will you have to pay extra for like a dlc or something bc i play the free version rn and i just wanted to check!! 
Yeah, you will eventually be able to romance him, but unfortunately it is a paid DLC. Cove is the only love interest who’s entirely free-to-play. You can  follow our social media for when we giveaways for a chance to win a key for it, though.
i know that y’all said the step 3 dlc and step 4 will be released early 2021, is there any update to that? for example, a rough amount of days/weeks until release? no pressure at all, i’m super excited!! <3 
The Step 3 DLC will be about in maybe two-two and half months or so. Step 4, we’re not entirely sure. Maybe a few months after the Step 3. We don’t want to give set dates until we’re really close to the release since otherwise we wouldn’t be able to 100% guarantee them.
First off love the game. Second I'm a little confused on how the nsfw dlc is gonna work. Because based on some stuff you've said it sounds like a patreon only thing and others make me think it could be an itch/steam thing after the fact? Would you mind clarifying for me 😅. Also if it's a patreon only thing do you need to become one before it's released? 
It’s not going to be on Steam/Itch. The actual game of Our Life is safe for teens with no adult content. Any 18+ stuff we’re releasing is separate bonus content. Right now the only for sure plan is having it available through Patreon. If there’s another hosting site that’s not Steam or Itch that’d be easier for people than Patreon we might consider uploading it there too, but nothing else is set.
If you want the bonus Moment you’d have to join once it’s already out or sometime after the release. Joining now would get you our current rewards, but wouldn’t get you future content that’s coming later.
this is probably an awkward question and i apologize, feel free not to answer, but i just wanted to address the elephant in the room....will step 4 acknowledge covid/2020 world events?? i kind of hope not bc i'd like to just exist in a fictional version of the world where things are happy in this quaint seaside town and the world isn't falling apart, but i'd understand if there are some references to it. just thought i'd ask so i can Prepare if that makes sense
Step 4 isn’t going to include Covid or even reference it. When we set Step 4 in that year we definitely didn’t know there’d be a global pandemic during it. It’s too late to move the timeframe earlier or later, but we’re not going to make Step 4 stressful for anyone because the real world became so much more stressful. The universe of Our Life will just be an even more idealized place than it was before.
hiiiii! i'm really sorry if this is a bother. i was just curious if cove has a canon setting for each step, like is it canon that he stays candid the whole game and is super sporty for instance and the rest are variations? thank you for your time!
None of those settings are canon. They’re all equally valid.
I love the game and Cove so much that I ended up spending most of the holidays playing it. Definitely worth it! Idk if you're taking suggestions/criticisms, but I chose the peach skin tone and seeing it written as "my peach skin" in the game broke immersion for me because I kept thinking it was referring to the fruit instead of my skin color. I think that skin color is most commonly referred to as "fair" but "peachy" or "rosy" would work too if you're looking for a different word 
Thank you for sharing your experience. We’ll change it to “peachy” in the next update!
So I accidentally overwrote a save file with a different one, is there any way I can recover that save? 
Sadly, there isn’t. Not unless you had a backup of the actual save file files in a separate location you can get. I’m really sorry. You can try using the skip feature to quickly speed through the game and get back to where you were though.
Do you try to maintain the color scheme for the clothing throughout the years in Our Life? 
Yes, though in hindsight not as much as I wished I did, haha. It could’ve been a little more cohesive. It was a bit too broad in my opinion.
I noticed that Cliff mentions he wasn’t much older than Cove before finding out he was going to be a father when he finds MC in bed with Cove during Part 3 so doesn’t that Cliff and Kyra were teenage/young parents? 
Yeah, Cliff was nineteen and Kyra was eighteen when Cove was born. They were just a couple of kids.
Does Cove have a favourite holiday? 
It changes depending on the year. Around Step 1 he’s not a huge fan of a lot of holidays because he’s not together with his whole family for them. But once he’s older and Kyra comes around more, he starts appreciating major family holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas more than other holidays because he knows how it feels not to have that. Though summer vacation is of course his most favorite all the time, if that counts as a “holiday”.
I tried to join your patreon but I can’t seem to? The website keeps saying something went wrong and to try again. 
I’m sorry you’re having trouble! I think contacting Patreon support would probably be the best option if the joining process itself is having issues.
How much is it to become a part of your Patreon? I don’t have a lot of money currently but would love to help you out more than just buying the games and dlcs. 
Aw, I appreciate you wanting to support but the Patreon is really optional. You don’t need to push yourself to join if you don’t have extra funds for it. To still answer the question, the tiers are $1, $5, $10, $15, and $20 in USD. Each come with different perks.
I had this idea for a future daughter for the MC and Cove being named "Poppy", after the flowers on their hill~
That’s a really sweet idea! I’m sure Cove would be a fan.
So if you don't mind me asking, how do you get Cove to propose to you in Step 4 and not the other way around? 
I’m afraid that’d be too big of a spoiler to give away before the epilogue’s release, at least in terms of specifics. Generally you’ll just have to be patient and try not to propose first, haha.
will we get to move in with cove in step 4 😮?? or is that a secret 
You can be living together with Cove in Step 4! Though you wouldn’t get to see the place itself. That’s up to your imagination.
Is it bad that I'm completely in love with Cove's dad... What I gotta pay to romance Cliff 😭 (I don't mean as Jamie because that would be wack) 
That’ll cost one million 20 twenty dollar bills, haha. I’m really glad you like him, though sadly we aren’t able to make a separate game where you can romance Cliff. I wish we had enough time to make tons of new scenes/extra stories in the Our Life world, but it just takes too long. Maybe people will make fanworks about it.
We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog  
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ladydracarysao3 · 7 years
Fanfic Ask Meme: B,H,N,O,W,X,S
Hi! Thanks... took me a while cuz I kinda... took a nap. t was glorious. I love naps. Anyway, here we go!
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Most definitely. Perhaps not verbatim, but a lot of shit that Abner goes through is representative of shit I did or went through on my way to finding and falling for my Hubs. For instance, Ofred Movranson is a representation of an ex-fiance. He never broke my bones literally, but he did a lot of damage emotionally and psychologically. For a long time after I finally ran away, I thought of him as a terrifying monster that could and might kill me, until I was ultimately able to conquer that fear and move on. (I saw him again in person, with my now Hubs by my side, giving me support. I didn’t kill my ex obviously, but I killed the blown up nightmare of him that had been haunting me for years.)Another one is Hawke’s betrayal/secret, people might read that and think “why TF did she do that?” Well, because Abner is very much me in my early twenties, as is Hawke is my Hubs in his early twenties. I caught him in a similar lie, and writing out that event not only helped me see it in a different perspective, it was something I needed for them to have to work through so early in their relationship to solidify the bond that they have. I needed readers to believe in them and their deep connection for what was coming next. 
There is a way of being that Abner will become in the next half of the story. It is very much representative of a person I was. I need to write it not only to dissect it for myself, but kind of heal. It’s a time period that I don’t know how to feel about, honestly. Moral ambiguity. Deep self loathing. And also some kind of... strength? I’m not sure how readers will react to her and her decisions, but I have to do it. This story has turned into a type of therapy for me, and it’s the next big thing I have to conquer.
 H: How would you describe your style?
@ma-sulevin said this earlier, "I have a habit of absorbing the writing patterns of whoever I read.” I’d say that that is me, too. 
My style has been evolving the more I read of other writers that I admire. I pick out spots and things... oh wow, I love how they said that....can I find words like that? Can I make a sentence or a paragraph feel that way by implementing similar tricks?I guess I’d describe it as evolving, while I find my voice and get inspired from those around me.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?Skyhold Abbey LOL, I’m working on where I want that thing to go...but progress is sloooow. Part of me wants to just hand it over to someone else.I also made @kaoruyogi promise to finish ILS is I died... morbid... but I had a close call while driving one day and freaked out that it’d never be finished if I died.
O: How do you begin a story--with the plot, or the characters?A little of both, but mainly characters. I come up with them and find out what their story is.
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?I’ve been terrible with prompts for months on months. But I think maybe more specific ones, the super ambiguous ones are the ones I’m having the hardest time filling.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.lol... contrary to popular belief, NO ONE!  
I don’t want any of them to suffer, they just do, because we do, and they need to get through it. It’s an important journey to me. I prefer stories where people make bad choices sometimes, and sometimes things don’t work out how they wanted, but they tear their way through the obstacles, and come out stronger on the other side.
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
I love me some enemies to lovers, mutual pining, and strong females resisting falling until they just fall violently and hard :)
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