#i say she takes ragatha with her before passing away
miguxadraws · 4 months
hi i'm sharp tgeeth anon. here's an artistic rendition of what i was trying to communicate !!!!!!but badly drawn
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she's 5 seconds away from killign everyone💚 does she have rabies
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whomstress · 6 months
Boxer au Bunnydoll fic
So this was supposed to be shorter but got carried away but I think it's pretty good!
Boxer au belongs to @burrotello and none of this fic is cannon! The au is so great and I can't wait to see more! Go check it out and follow!
You're the Worst
Jax hated Ragatha, and she hated to say she was proud of why. It had been established early that Ragatha was much stronger than she let on. Jax himself didn’t even have to cheat to get past her rank in no time. But Ragatha fought differently when on and off stage. She’d rarely go all out in a fight, if ever on stage, but if one of her friends needed help with an upcoming match and needed a challenge, you’d think she was a completely different person. She wasn’t the quickest by a long shot, but for her main points of attack, focusing on strength, she had some serious speed. That was just her hands. If she got you with her legs, it was about as elegant as getting hit by a freight train. Not to mention she was a major strategist if she was very unmatched.
She thinks she can pinpoint the moment Jax started to hate her. It was a couple days after Jax received his champion belt again. Zooble had been his last opponent to the top, and they were a beast that day, so it was apparent the only thing that had them losing was the overbearing amount of fouls Jax pulled out that day. It was a sloppy win, even for Jax. Zooble, of course, had been beyond aggravated and needed to let some steam off with a real match tired of fighting Jax. 
Ragatha felt for her friend and decided to go all out that day just so they could properly let off steam. It wouldn’t be right not to give Zooble a fair fight when that’s all they wanted. So it was in the last 10 seconds of the third round they’d agreed to. Ragatha was parrying Zooble’s Maul. They could use it in multiple rounds, but Zooble liked to use it as a finishing move with how quick and powerful the blows were. They’d used it in their match with Jax, and it probably would’ve worked if Jax didn’t grapple and rabbit punch to get out of it. However, if you could get through the initial onslaught, there was a window of opportunity for a single second that a skilled boxer could cut through. Ragatha saw it; the opening was right in front of her, and she didn’t waste it. She pulled back her fist as far as she could, adjusting her grip, and pivoted her body to follow through and give as much force as she could. The uppercut smashed straight into Zooble’s jaw with a loud bang and sent them flying onto their backs. Leaving Ragatha standing alone when the bell rang, winning the last of the 3 rounds.
Kinger and Gangle cheered just enough for the room to hear, and Ragatha quickly went to help Zooble up. Apologizing to them even though they’d won the last 2 rounds. But instead of saying anything about that, Zooble started laughing uncontrollably and pointed somewhere off the ring, “Take some lessons, champ! That’s how a REAL fighter does it!”
Ragatha follows their finger to look directly at Jax. The last time she saw him, he was actively laughing at her getting punched in the gut. But now his face was in a hard frown, his teeth were clenched, and he was staring at her like she was a bug he just killed with his shoe. What did she do? Is what Ragatha ended up asking herself before he stormed out. It wasn’t until later that she realized it’s what she doesn’t do that makes him hate her so much. 
The fact that there's a possibility Ragatha could climb to the top on skill alone, but she chooses not to even try, pissed him off more than she’d ever known. His jokes that had always been here and there became an onslaught of insults from there on. Much crueler and more pointed than before. He had a personal vendetta against her.
She hated that about him. Every mess up she made, every slip-up, or sloppy movement didn’t go without a comment from him. God forbid he happened to stay for a match; she let someone pass her. He wouldn’t leave her alone for hours or until his match.
But all the same, she brushed him off as best she could. At times, she couldn’t stand to even look at him, but somehow she felt for him. She knows she has a bleeding heart; it’s her best and worst quality. But they were all stuck here one way or another, and despite his cockiness, she’s sure he wanted to leave just as badly. Staying on top was obviously important enough to him that he’d do anything to stay there. Ragatha knows that’s because the best bet out of here is winning this whole thing. And she may not understand in detail why it upsets him so much that she decides to stay a rookie; she knows it goes much deeper than it’s "annoying,” like he always says.
With all that being said, she still wanted to knock his teeth in some days.
Jax had been on something for the last couple days. Ragatha wasn’t sure what triggered his nonsense; this time, she felt like pulling her hair out. Everywhere she went, he was there with some stupid comment. Honestly, she thinks this is her fault. The other day, he gave her a semi-genuine compliment, if “you actually seemed like a fighter today” counted as a compliment, and she thought to herself, "Wow, maybe this is a new start!” And like a damn monkey’s paw, the universe said, 'Yeah, a start of something alright.’ She was so close to losing it that she had to take a break from training with her new friend Pomni just to blow off some steam. Pomni offered a spar, and though the offer was sweet, she was still a genuine rookie rank, and when Ragatha’s angry, well… she’ll wait a bit until she gets a bit more experience under her belt to take up that offer.
A heavy impact echoes throughout an otherwise still room. An NPC dummy arm goes flying back to slam against the wall, the training pad still attached to the hand. It falls down, broken, and Ragatha doesn’t miss a beat, swerving back to her very abused punching bag that was already spilling sand from her brace knuckles. “There she is! I knew I’d find you moping in one of these old-ass training rooms. Seriously, Doll, I get wanting to go Rocky style, but you have to choose the nastiest gym to match it?”
Ragatha does her best to ignore him, but at the sound of his voice, the next punch to the bag sends it flying farther than before. He laughs at her obvious frustration with him, and she tries to remind herself. Jax is a jerk; nothing he says means anything anyway; it's just another way to make himself feel better, knowing he wouldn’t be where he was if it weren’t for his “tricks.” 
He walks up closer to her and leans against the pole in front of her punching bag, so he’s directly in her view but just out of reach for a “stray” hit. "Damn, Dolly really did a number here, huh? You must be thinking real hard about someone.” She continues to ignore him, like he’s not there. So she doesn’t see the slight slint in his eyebrows with his shit-eating grin. "C'mon, who is it? Tell this old jack rabbit who’s bothering you. Maybe I’ll even beat 'em up for you if you ask nicely. That’s your thing, anyway. Too nice for your own good. As sweet as a ragdoll to hold at night!” He sighs like he’s swooning over her, and she hates this teasing the most, so her punches only get more aggressive.
His smile can’t get any wider, seeing how much he’s getting under her skin, only to go in for the kill. “Probably why you're as capable a fighter as one too.”
That’s it! Ragatha punches the bag, and it breaks completely in half, finally wiping that stupid grin off his face. She walks up to him and gets in his face like he so often does other’s, “You want to see how capable a fighter I am? Let’s go. Right here, right now! I know I’m a capable fighter. But as for you, I’d be surprised if you could hold your own for a single round without cheating.”
Despite the initial shock of her getting in his face for once, he smiles again, but it’s something much more bitter now. He purposely towers over her, getting inches from her face, and flicks a strand of yarn hair out of her face. ”You’re on. Lil’ Lady.” 
She doesn’t know why him saying just her stage name like that pisses her off more, but she stays in his face for a second longer than she needs to, so of course he has to add, “Take a picture, sweetheart. It’ll last longer. Maybe I’ll even sign it for you!”
Her face deapans, and she scoffs, turning fast enough that her ponytail “accidentally” slaps him in the face. She hops in the ring in the middle of the room and is very satisfied to see that his face has turned back to pure annoyance. “Hop to it, Jack Rabbit. Don’t have all day!”
If Jax's teeth weren’t sharp, he’d be grinding them right now. Even her comebacks were pathetic. “Hop to it,” she says, as if that’s not something a literal Ragdoll would say when you hug it. 
Moving into the ring, he re-wound his wraps before putting on his gloves. “Alright, what’s the game, toots?”
Ragatha crossed her arms, unimpressed, finishing setting up the timer. “Don’t call me toots.” He snickers. “1 round, 12 minutes. Basic rules. Whoever’s down more than 10 seconds or taps out by the end loses. You cheat at any time for any reason; it rounds over, and I win. Sounds good?”
He scoffs, “Don’t need to cheat to beat you, Doll.” He finishes putting on his gloves and walks over to her. “And what’s the prize?”
“Excuse me?” She raises an eyebrow.
“The prize, Dollface. C'mon, you don’t expect me to risk my reputation by fighting a little rookie without getting something out of it, do you?” 
As much as she wants to argue, she really just wants to get to rocking his shit and knows he won’t let it go. With an exasperated sigh, she says, "Okay, fine. Whatever you want, okay?”
His crocodile grin comes back bigger than ever before, and he eyes her like a hungry dog eyes a piece of meat. “Anything? Are you sure about that, Ragatha?”
She doesn’t know if it's his look or the fact that he said her actual name for the first time in forever, but she hates to say she gets actual goose bumps for a moment before catching herself, backing away from him to bring herself back to the moment. “Yeah, whatever, Jax. But if I win, you have to leave me alone! No more teasing, no more jokes, no more insults! Unless we have to be together, we’re strangers, got it?”
Something in his expression changes for a moment; his smile dulls and his eyes search hers, and in return, her face softens. Wait. Did she just hurt his feelings? Whatever her face is, it changes Jax’s into a grimace, and he practically spits at her before turning around and saying, “Got it.”
She shakes whatever that was off and gets back in the zone. Why is every conversation with him like being on a rollercoaster? Oh, she better win, or he’s actually going to drive her insane.
Without further stalling, the fight starts. Ragatha still doesn’t trust that Jax won’t cheat, even if it makes him lose, so she goes for focusing on defense. Jax is one of the fastest out of them, so it’s not a bad strategy all together, but as soon as it’s apparent she’s playing the side of caution, his drive seems to go 10 fold. “I thought you were gonna teach me a lesson or some shit?” He says this between an onslaught of rapid punches and kicks. “Weren’t you the one that was going to show me how capable of a fighter you are?” He goes for a left hook, and she barely dodges jumping back. “Seems like you're running away again, like you always do.”
Ragatha grits her teeth and finally throws a jab and then a solid right cross back, just missing his head by an inch, physically feeling a gust of air go along his sweaty chin. “There we go! That’s my girl!”
“Not!” She throws another punch, landing straight in his block, and pulls back only to punch again, “Your!” knocking him back with a much stronger force, “Girl!”
He quickly gets back up and laughs, “Jeez Rags, coulda turned me down a little nicer. Break this poor bunny’s heart, why don’t ya?” She rolls her eyes but regrets letting him distract her because he’s back in her face in a moment, getting a shot straight to her right cheek, almost knocking her down. If Ragatha had anything going for her, it was her strong legs and steady stance, so despite the hard blow, she stayed up right. "Ooooh, that’s gotta hurt. Hope you don’t get a black button.”
She hated that she actually laughed at that, specifically after he just hit her in the face, but his own shock at her laughter left him wide-eyed and open. She was able to fake a jab, causing him to be the one to start dodging her punches and kicks. He was slowly backing up into a corner, and just as he went for an escape, he accidentally moved straight into a full-speed roundhouse, not only knocking him back but also hitting the back of his head on the solid mental poll of the ring. 
“OH SHI-” is the only thing he hears other than a ringing in his head. He suddenly can’t remember why he’s fighting, but he knows he must be because his head is super sweaty. He goes to wipe it, and his hand is covered in red. He stares at it blankly for a moment and offers his hand to whoever is yelling his name right now, like a child showing a cool rock they found, and says, "Well, that’s not good.”
The last thing he hears is his name again as he knocks out.
He wakes up with a headache from hell and a towel over his eyes. Goddammit, he’s been in enough fights to know this means he's been knocked out. He tries to focus on what happened, but his brain feels foggy, and there’s a noise going on in the background that’s distracting him. He tries to ignore it, put his thoughts together, and slowly piece together what happened. He remembers getting into a fight with Ragatha and messing with her the whole time, because why else would he be there? But what else? The noise grew louder, and he realized it was a person but hoped they’d go away if he played dead. 
He made her laugh. Holy shit he made her laugh, and not in an I’m going crazy kind of way. She was smiling. At him. Hmm. 
But of course she had to take advantage of that and knock him out just to win a bet. Oh yeah, they made that stupid bet. That he definitely lost. Ragatha’s words ring through his head, “like strangers.” Well, shit, this was...
The person blew their nose, and Jax realized they were crying and finally snapped, “Do you MIND? We’re all having a bad time here, lady; at least let me think in peace during mine.”
He heard a gasp, and the person suddenly took off his towel to look at him. Light quickly blinds his eyes, and it takes him a second to realize it’s Ragatha above him. She’s rambling so fast it’s bringing on another headache, and he takes a deep breath and says, "Ragatha, stop talking. I’m pretty sure I already have brain damage. I don't need more.”
He expects her to get mad or just roll her eyes, but instead she gets quiet and says a soft “Sorry.” He raises his eyebrow and looks at her, all the fight that was in her earlier completely drained. She won, but she looked miserable. 
“What’s wrong with you?” He says she's sitting up, and her damn mother hen instincts must’ve kicked in because she’s instantly next to him to make sure he moves slowly, holding him as he moves up. 
He looks at her hand on his chest, along with feeling the one on his back, holding him up like she just touched something dirty, and says, “I’m not thanking you. You did this. And if it weren’t for me, literally about to fall, and I might actually die if I tried. I would headbutt you for touching me right now.”
Ragatha's face deadpans. "Well, thanks for that, Jax.”
“Don’t mention it.” He says this, still looking at her hand.
“Hey. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to kick you that hard; well, I did, but I didn’t mean to kick you straight into a poll like that.” She tapered off, obviously embarrassed.
“Uh huh,” He said, rolling his eyes and reaching back to feel the back of his head. Jeez stitches. Well, at least it was Ragatha that did it, so it’d heal right. He once let Caine do it, and the scar it left looks like a fucked-up shoelace.
“I mean it! I know we don’t get along-”
“Understatement of the year, Dollface.”
“BUT- I don’t want to really hurt you, Jax. Believe it or not, we humans only got each other here. Fighting is fun and exciting, but it also leads to things like this. And I just hate it.” Her breath hitches. “I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
Jax's eyes widen. Oh shit it was her crying. It was one thing when he made people cry; that was funny. But when people cried for him, it was just weird. He gets it, bleeding heart, mama bear, yada yada. Whatever, just crying for him is not his thing. “If you’re gonna cry for me, can you take it somewhere else? You’re making me so uncomfortable, I’d actually kinda wish that kick would’ve killed me.”
Ragatha’s jaw actually drops. “You’re actually crazy. You know that?”
He’s about to chew her out when he reaches for his stitches to scratch them, and she grabs his hand away like a kid caught in the cookie jar. 
He glares at her, getting tired of all her "help,” and she gives him an equal glare back before a lightbulb pops in his head. She cautiously watches his expression change to excitement. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
He starts laughing like an evil cartoon villain: “You cheated. I won.”
"No, I didn-” Ragatha started but then thought about it. The way she kicked him even by accident was illegal, and the fact that he got so hurt was, no matter how you look at it, a loss for her. “That’s not fair!”
"Oh, I’m sure you’d know all about fair after you cracked my head open.” His cheshire grin was back on his face.
“Hey! Listen you-”
“No, no, no, sweetheart. The rules were that if there was any cheating for any reason, it was an automatic loss. Or are you only loyal to your word when it’s about me?” Jax knew the answer to that, so when she made an ugly grimace and conceded, he wasn’t surprised in the least.
“What do you want, Jax?” 
“Hmm, let me think about it. Whatever I want is a big wish to grant. Gotta make it worthwhile.” He laughs. Eying her again like meat on a platter with a crocodile grin.
Ragatha squirms under his stare, causing him only more amusement. “You're the worst.”
“That’s my girl.”
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ghastigiggles · 11 months
danse macabre
so uh. uhm. hi. i kept forgetting to post this and i feel really bad about it. i'm so sorry tadc nation here's some food for you
npc oc because i didnt feel comfortable writing anyone as a ler - not yet, anyway. but pomni needed to get wrecked so bad. she's so cute. i get cuteness aggression every time she's on screen
usual disclaimer; sfw tickling fic, very soft and fluffy, even a little goofy and silly.
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"Given that our last adventure took an exciting turn, I thought doing a rerun would be a better idea today!"
A rippling groan passed through the veteran players that Caine seemed to entirely ignore, turning his attention to Pomni with an exaggerated movement.
"Something a little more calm, I'd say! Should help bring you down from any thoughts of the Void from the other day!"
"Ahh… I don't –"
"You'll love it," He interrupted, swooping back into the air with an extravagant gesture; "It's a fan favourite! Everyone knows it, everyone loves it, it's… 'Where in the World is Sir Wigglesburg?'!"
Pomni, of course, didn't miss the way everyone else in the room tensed up – though she didn't catch the way Gangle actually perked instead, immediately shooting sideways glances at everyone else before poorly mirroring their tension. 
"... You're kiddin'," Jax muttered, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. Caine simply continued as though he didn't hear the rabbit while Bubble floated nearby with an empty look in her eyes.
"Sir Wigglesburg is one of our most esteemed citizens –"
"Not an actual player," Ragatha helpfully cut in with a glance to Pomni, trying to give her context.
" – with a terrible habit of wandering off! His dear wife has, once again, asked us – rather, you – to lend a helping hand and bring him home safe! The first to lead Sir Wigglesburg back to the stage shall win a prize! (To be determined, prize may or may not meet or exceed expectations.) Good luck!"
And, with no further context or instruction, their ringmaster and his companion entirely disappeared. There was a brief silence before Zooble grunted, already walking away.
"... Right. I'm going back to my room, then."
"Aww, somebody too chicken to help the poor guy?"
Jax sneered in their direction, and they shot him a searing glare; "Well, if you want a repeat of last time, be my guest. I don't."
"I will also take my leave," Kinger muttered in a hurried fashion, looking askance; "The last time we did this, it was before… Mngh…"
Ragatha offered him a sympathetic smile, nodding as the other two softened just slightly. 
"It's alright, Kinger. We understand."
"Thank you… If you do take on the quest, give Sir my best." 
With that, both Zooble and Kinger headed towards the living quarters, leaving Pomni to finally pipe up again, looking between Ragatha and Jax.
"... So, um… W-what's so upsetting about the rerun, anyway? Is it, um, bad…?"
"Oh – no, not – not per se," The ragdoll replied quickly, tapping her chin; "I mean, Caine wasn't lying… This is one of the calmer adventures."
"Yeah. You should do it, newbie."
Both sets of eyes snapped to Jax, who simply grinned passively. Ragatha squinted.
"... And I don't suppose you'd be coming along?"
"I will, actually. Could be funny. What about you, Rags?"
Though she grimaced, Ragatha sighed in resignation, turning a little to give Pomni a small smile.
"Well, I'm not gonna let her go it alone… Again."
That much, at least, gave Pomni heart, and she almost smiled back – until she realized one of their party wasn't accounted for, and her brow furrowed.
"Uh… Where's Gangle?"
The other two also seemed to only just notice Gangle's absence, and the three of them glanced around briefly before their search was cut short by a distant shriek from the player in question.
"That sounded like her…!"
"Is she getting hurt?! W-what if someone else abstracted?!" Pomni shot them a panicked glance; "Sh-should we –"
"Let's go investigate before anything else," Jax interrupted calmly, barely keeping the amusement from his face as he gestured for Pomni to take the lead. When Ragatha shot him a glare, he simply shrugged, following after her with the ragdoll shortly behind.
They had little more than a vague direction, down a corridor and two left turns that seemed to dim the further along they went; Gangle made no further sounds, giving them little in the way of direction, and eventually Pomni sighed haplessly, squinting into the darkness.
"... It's no use… Should – should we go find Caine again…?"
She was met with silence, and turned around – only to find Ragatha and Jax were nowhere to be seen, and her stomach dropped with dread.
"... Guys…?"
"Ooh? Who is this…? A face I've yet to see and greet?"
At a new voice, Pomni yelped, whipping around – and coming face-to-face with what appeared to be some kind of massive, cartoonish caterpillar. His body appeared to be covered in green fur, disappearing into the darkness past his neck – or so Pomni assumed at first glance, anyway. His face and what could only be described as underbelly were covered in white fur that parted around his features, such as a long purple nose and big black eyes – one of which sported a golden monocle. And, of course, his hands had the same cartoon glove sort of thing that Kinger had going on, though this time with black noodle arms seemingly attached.
In her shock, she entirely lost her voice, merely stammering wordlessly – and earning a chuckle from the caterpillar looming over her. 
"Such a small thing, you are! 'Tis a pleasure, indeed!" 
Smiling, he extended one of his hands for a shake, a gesture that finally managed to pull Pomni from her stupor.
"I am Sir Wigglesburg! And you, my gentile jester, would be…?"
"A-ahhh…" Though hesitant, she extended her own hand, despite it being barely half the size of his own, "P-Pomni – woah –!"
The moment their palms yet, Wigglesburg pulled her closer, twirling her around so suddenly that her eyes spun in alternating directions – and as she was steadied again, pulled along by his sudden movements, she was abruptly made aware of his overwhelming amount of hands, with a second dominant one taking her free hand to hold her steady while two more settled on her back and hip, respectively.
"Pomni, Pomni! A wondrously adorable and charming name! Please, indulge me with a dance – 'tis a formal greeting between my people!"
"I – I'm actually – ah!"
The hand on her hip pinched her side unexpectedly, making her jerk in an attempt to escape – yet Wigglesburg easily moved with her reflexive maneuver like it was a step in her dance.  
"I'm actually – ehh! – l-looking for s – hey! – some – sohome –"
The hand squeezed again, and again, and again; and every time, she tried to sidestep or wiggle away – and every time, it just encouraged their "dance", with Wigglesburg's gentle but firm grip keeping her upright despite the giggles bubbling in her chest and the involuntary smile that had been pulling at her lips. 
"My dear Pomni," Wigglesburg crooned as though she wasn't struggling to articulate a sentence; "You are a wonderful dancer!"
" – Ghhh, thank you…? But I – ah!! – would you plehease –"
She squeaked again as she was suddenly pulled into a dip, very nearly panicking before she realized Wigglesburg was still supporting her gently. His wide smile was kind and sweet, but undercut by the mischief in his eyes as he looked down at her.
"... That said, you are giggling quite a lot! I didn't think dancing with a wyrm would be that much fun for you!"
"I-It's not the dancing – GyaAH –"
"Is it not?" 
Pomni couldn't manage a reply, stuck in a fit of uncontrollable giggles caused by the fingers wiggling at both sides, forcing her to squirm back and forth with no true escape from the unexpected and overwhelming sensation. Wigglesburg hummed, tilting his head with an adoring expression.
"I say, I was under the impression that it was the jester who caused nobles to laugh, not the other way around! Yet, here you are, practically beside yourself…"
For a mercy, he did release her hands, and she immediately brought her arms in – not that they did much, proportionately, to protect her. 
"Aheheh, I can't – I cahahan't –"
"Oh, my poor dear, does it tickle? Are we feeling a little sensitive?"
She hiccuped through her laughter at that, shaking her head and ducking down; it felt like the teasing sent a shot through her nerves, which only made it worse when he started scratching experimentally at her ribs, prompting a few snorts to escape her as well.
"Ngh – nahahaa, not th - thehehere…!"
"What? Here? Or here – oh, dear me."
His hands shot to Pomni's underarms for just a few seconds, but it was enough to prompt a shriek from her, wriggling and kicking fruitlessly with even more vigour than before.
"NnnoOHOHO – gh – $%^@# – I cahAAHAAN'T –!"
"Yes, I can see that! 'Twould seem that 'tis an especially sensitive spot."
She threw back her head with a loud cackle as Wigglesburg doubled down, every stroke of his fingers sending shocks down her arms and through her body – but she only had to endure it a moment longer before he finally laid off, lightly massaging her sides with his thumbs as she gasped for breath – an act that was more instinctual than actually necessary, given that breathing wasn't really a thing anymore – with a goofy, natural smile still stuck on her face.
"I do hope you can forgive my zeal in tormenting you," Wigglesburg offered after a moment, smiling apologetically; "I cannot help myself around the players."
"I – it's… Haah…" With a final breath, Pomni shook out the residual giggles, looking back up at Wigglesburg; "It's alright…"
"Oh, I figured! You never once asked me to stop, after all."
She stiffened at that, her eyes widening as she searched her memory – because, surely not… And yet, he was right.
She had no idea if the digital avatar could blush, but with how hot her face felt upon that realization, she really, really hoped it couldn't.
"But enough of that – you were searching for someone, yes?"
"Uh! Um. Y-yeah. You, actually, but also – Gangle, if you've seen her…"
"Oh! My dear Gangle has been here all along!"
Pomni blinked dumbly, and Wigglesburg chuckled, curling in on himself and cradling her close as his spine arched up to where she could see clearly – and, sure enough, Gangle was splayed out in the wyrm's green fur, seeming a little sleepy and out of it… Yet, content, even as she looked up and waved at Pomni.
"But… Her scream…"
"'Twas a scream of joy and laughter," Wigglesburg assured her; "Gangle is one of my favorite dancing partners – and I, hers! I admit, I went overboard this time, though… It has been too long since the last time."
A lot of things made sense, now. The way everyone had seemed tense and awkward when Wigglesburg's name came up; Gangle's quiet disappearance in the wake of the adventure's start. The little comments everyone was making towards each other… 
"Pomni! Are you alright?!"
Ragatha's voice pulled Pomni from her thoughts, and she looked down to see the ragdoll standing below, looking up with faint relief… And heavy amusement. Shortly behind her stood Jax, smug as ever – yet, notably, keeping a good generous distance between himself and the wyrm.
"Uh. Yeah," Pomni replied; "I found Gangle? And… And Sir Wigglesburg."
"We know. We heard you," Jax chuckled, easily side-stepping to avoid a tiny kick from Ragatha. For her part, the doll smiled.
"That's great! Let's head back to the stage and wrap up this adventure, then!"
Sir Wigglesburg, however, pouted a little, looking down at her.
"Oh, are you sure I can't convince you to share just one dance with me…?"
"Ahh… Maybe next time?"
Ragatha offered him a nervous smile, and Wigglesburg sighed dramatically – but he didn't object, simply setting Pomni on his back near Gangle before he began to crawl along on the path back to the stage. Distantly, Jax grumbled about not being offered a ride as he and Ragatha followed on foot.
In the softness of his fur, Pomni felt a tempting urge to "nod off", partially encouraged by the dance she'd just been through – but Gangle's voice, just barely loud enough to be heard – kept her in the waking world.
"... I'm glad you like his game. I've been the only one for awhile… Knowing someone else likes it makes me feel less weird."
And, with a small nod in response, Pomni hid her smile in the wyrm's fur.
Maybe not every part of the digital circus was terrible or terrifying.
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clemblog · 4 months
Caine’s Lesson - Part 8
A few days had passed, Gummigoo having spent said days slowly chipping away at a pistol for Poms! It was sleek and a lot smaller than what he was used to, perfectly weighted to the sizing of Poms hands! He grinned as he gave it a final check over.
"Nice one Gummi, another perfect piece, just like Pa taught you!" He hummed happily to himself, leaning to pick up a paint brush from his tool kit to write Poms name on it. That way anyone would know from a first glance that it was hers.
He took a few moments to careful write 'Pommy' in curly writing to go along with the rest of the style of the weapon.
Now, all he had to do was go pester his Ma and see if she had any spare holsters lying around!
"Yes Gummigoo?"
"Ya got any old holsters lying around?"
"I'm not sure, we might! If you come stir this pot of soup for me, I can take a look!"
Gummigoo hummed at this, walking into the kitchen. He handed over the pistol to his Ma as he took the ladle from her.
"Ooh! What a beauty, my boy." She cooed, softly as she looked it over. "I'm sure we have a perfect holster for your friend Poms."
"Thanks Ma." Chuckled Gummigoo, stirring the soup his Ma was working on. If he had to guess it was most likely a gummy fish based stew.
A few moments later Ma walked back into the room, holding a ruby red leather holster in her hand.
"Oh! Ma, are you sure?" Spoke Gummigoo, eyes widening slightly.
"You know I don't shoot anymore Gum, besides I trust Poms. She seems like a fine young lady." Nodded Ma, gently placing the holstered pistol in his hands. "Now shoo! Out my kitchen, I got meals to cook."
Pomni was just relaxing in the barn, it was hot day today, so she didn't exactly feel like being out in the sun. She looked up when Gummigoo entered the barn, hands behind his back.
"O-Oh! Hey Gummigoo, what's that?"
"It's a surprise, for you Pommy~" He grinned. "Made it myself."
Pomni's eyes widened slightly as she looked over the item, taking it slowly from his hands.
"W-Wow- Gummigoo- I don't know what to say-" She eeked, slowly.
"How about whether or not you'll be joining me and the lads on our trip tomorrow~?"
"O-Oh absolutely!"
"Snazzy, I'll get Max and Chad to get you a ride before tomorrow-"
"Wait- Gummigoo, do you mean a horse-"
"So, Ragatha, you feeling any better?" Hummed Zooble, curiously.
"A little!" Smiled Ragatha, sheepishly. "I'm not really thinking of Pomni so much anymore- I'm still worried about her- But it's not like taking over my life- Like I’m still worried but I can do other things-“
“We got it Rags, don’t worry.” Mused Zooble.
“Y-Yeah! It’s nice to hear you’re feeling better.” Nodded Gangle in agreement. She was still drawing, but was now drawing things for herself or what she wanted to make or plan out. Apparently it was a break, but Ragatha didn’t really see that as a break in her honest opinion- Gangle was happy though, so she left it be!
It just meant she could start to theorise on what to make Gangle as a present!!
Truth be told, with everyone sat talking together, Caine having been absent from the circus for a week now. Jax was feeling rather… lonely. Even [————-] got lonely- But that was the downside of being, well an [—-]. Nobody stuck around much in situations like this.
So, he’d decided to get even more familiar with the circus, see if their where anymore secrets to find! They might be useful! You never know- You can never do enough slinking around!
He’d been walking around for a few minutes when he found a door he’d never seen before, it looked old and untouched. Except for the disturbed dust on the floor, indicating the door could in fact open.
“Hello door! You don’t mind if I-“ He hummed, opening it and stepping inside.
What Jax wasn’t expecting to find was Caine, however.
“Uh- Caine, buddy? I didn’t realise this was how I got to you-“
“JAX!” Exclaimed Caine with a large grin. “You made it just in time to go on your next adventure!”
“Oh an adventure? Finally~ Let me go get the others-“
“Nono, theirs no time! Off you go!”
Jax found himself being engulfed by a portal before he could get another word on.
“Uh… Max- Chad- I don’t really know how to ride a horse-“
“Don’t worry! It’s easy as riding a bike!”
“Uhm… Okay-“
“You’ve got this!”
Max then proceeded to slap the butt of the horse, causing it to charge off with Pomni sat in the saddle.
That’s to say Gummigoo wouldn’t be leaving Pomni alone with Max and Chad again anytime soon. He took over Pomni’s riding lessons, and after a few laps of the field, Pomni was feeling a lot more confident with her new mare! She decided on naming her jingles. She was a very sweet blue and pink coloured gummy horse. The sweet girl was anxious just like her but she could run fast! Pomni had no doubt that the horse could help her travel and keep up with the trio of bandits on their next adventures!
This was nice, building up a home, some skills and a form of transportation. It helped make her feel more human.
Part 9
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anime-owo-kage-san · 6 months
Mindless Kindness (Freakshow!Funnybunny)
(Pomni is still favored by Caine in this fic, but, not in a Showtime sense. He’s more on just making sure his shiny new addition, isn’t getting ruined too soon.)
Forgive me if they’re out of character, or I got something wrong. I wasn’t sure how to make this work. The characters personalities are moslty from my personal headcannons, and assumptions about them.
Also, while I think hootbon stated Caine is more lenient with both Pomni and AIngle, for this, he just likes Pomni a little bit more.
Jax x Pomni aren’t canon in the AU. I just like the ship.
Freakshow belongs to: @hootbon
Pomni was never one to speak her mind.
Well…maybe she was. But, not anymore.
Because, apparently trying to express your human feelings, can get you killed or demented. (Or in Ragatha’s case; permanently silenced).
Although she’ll just come back, because death isn’t possible in this world (except for one type of dying…), it’s still not a pleasant thing to experience, whether it be by an accident during an adventure, or by the hands of the ringleader, or by the hands of the other trapped members.
After her first encounter with the twins, Pomni avoided Gangle like the plague. The living teary eyed porcelain mask, turned out to be just as violent and murderous as her ‘sister’; resulting in the wooden ballerina’s first ‘Game Over’.
And she never wanted to repeat the mistake she made ever again.
But at the moment; there she was, confused with her own internal debating, of whether to approach the twins once more or not.
Pomni was just planning on sleeping for the rest of the leisure hour, until Caine called them up for showtime again. She wasn’t expecting to pass by, a scene like…. this.
Right before her eyes, were the twisted twins. Gangle wasn’t really doing anything, only silently watching behind her conjoined sister, as she carried on with her sadistic joke.
AIngle was once again puppeteering the lifeless Kaufmo with her ribbons. Making him dance, smile, and wave, at an uncomfortable Jax, who was trying to be nonchalant about the cruel joke.
“Jax ol’ buddy! It’s me! Wanna joke around?” AIngle said, using her Kaufmo voice. “C’mon, let’s do something together!”
“Come on, bunny rabbit. Don’t you think it’s rude to ignore you best friend?” AIngle said using her regular voice, as she shook the clown around.
Gangle tried to intervene, “I-I don’t think you should—“
“I don’t think I asked you to speak.” AIngle cut off her timid half.
Gangle squeaked and stayed quiet.
Jax rolled his eyes to hide his discomfort. Just the thought of his dead friend, being puppeteered for shows made him sick in the stomach. And now this twisted ribbon freak, wants to fuck with his head, even off stage.
“I’m not… in the mood for this…” He tried to sound less in pain, and attempted to walk away.
But just like that, the ribbons holding the clown up, carried him over the rabbit’s head, and blocked his way.
Jax passing through the right, but Kaufmo was dragged and used to block that way as well. He tried to take a step to the left, but it resulted in the same way.
“Not until you gimme a good hug!” After saying that, the clown’s arms were spread open slightly leaning towards the rabbit, who instinctively leaned back.
“Kaufy and I don’t hug.” Jax said, a little too aggressively, when he turned back to the twisted twin.
“Well, Kaufmo back then didn’t. This one does!” AIngle said, inching Kaufmo closer to Jax, who stepped back even more. “I can make him do whatever I want. Including hugging and kissing his pathetic pet bunny.”
As she says that, she dragged the body closer to Jax. The lifeless arms almost touching his shoulders.
Jax, moved back again, unknowingly backing himself against the body of ribbons, until he was trapped in between her and the clown.
AIngle started making kissing sounds, that made Jax cringe, “Mwah mwah! Come on buddy, lemme pet behind your ears! Don’t you miss me?”
‘Kaufmo’ started getting closer, Jax gritted his teeth, and turned his head away.
Pomni continued to watch, her face scrunching in disgust, as she watched the incredibly fucked up scene. A part of her felt bad for the rabbit. Though he wasn’t, nor will ever be, Pomni’s favorite person in the circus, this was too far of a joke. Whether a jackass like Jax deserved it or not.
Nobody deserved to be taunted, with the corpse of someone they were close to.
She wouldn’t want to see this happening to Kinger with his wife, or Gangle with Ragatha, or herself with anyone she might consider close to to her.
You know what? Fuck it.
She died once, it’s bound to happen again.
May as well try and get used to it.
It might even save her of what’s left of her sanity, if she tries to adapt to the feeling.
Feeling uncharacteristically bold, she made her way to them.
Pomni admits, part of her wished she was less brazen with her words, but that spur of the moment part of her, spoke without thinking. “AIngle. Fuck off.”
Understandably caught off guard, the AI sister stopped with her taunting and turned her head to the ballerina.
Gangle and Jax, who were also equally surprised, looked at Pomni with wide eyes.
Confusing changed to irk, as she raised her eyebrow at the wooden doll. “Excuse me? I must’ve misheard you back there.”
“Then let me repeat myself. Fuck off.” Pomni said, more aggressively. No turning back now. It’d be more embarrassing to take it back.
“Puppeteering these bodies are for the show. Not for your entertainment. Put the clown back with the other bodies, and stop messing with Jax.” Pomni said, in a commanding tone.
“And why do you suddenly care about the bunny? Doesn’t everyone hate him? I say, I’m doing something nice for everyone else he messed with.” AIngle said, her lips curling up in a smirk. Though, anyone with eyes could tell, she was still pissed.
“He’s already fucked in the head as it is. There’s no need for you to make him an even bigger psycho, and an even bigger problem.” Pomni replied.
She wasn’t sure if that was her reason. Actually, she not even sure, what her reason for defending Jax could be. Sure she felt bad, but she’s not usually risking her life to defend someone. Even if she won’t be dead forever. Still, that didn’t stop her.
AIngle let go Kaufmo’s body and let it drop to the ground. “And what makes you think, you can tell me what to do?” She jabbed her ribbon hand, at the center of Pomni’s face, where her nose should be.
“You’re not abstracted yet. But, I can still take over your body, and turn you into a real ventriloquist dummy. The best part? You’d be conscious to see how I can easily control you!” She threatens the brunette doll, grinning evilly at her.
“You can….” Pomni said, her voice cracking, her nervousness showing. But quickly as it slipped, she put her brave face back on. “But, you won’t!”
“Remember? I’m Caine’s favorite. If you try to do anything to me before I even abstract, he’d be really pissed at you for ruining his prized possession.”
Pomni internally cringed at herself for that one. She doesn’t usually like playing that card. She never really cared for the favoritism. So long as she’s not on Caine’s bad side, that’s enough for her.
But at this moment, she was doing and saying the exact opposite of what she would usually do.
“Oooh~! Prima Failerina’s suddenly using her princess privileges~?” AIngle said in a mocking tone. Still, Pomni didn’t miss that eye twitch.
She brought her face closer to the doll, staring her down. “Little bitch, suddenly wants to use the ringmaster as a shield, huh.”
She moved her face away, but her eyes remained on her. And continued, “You’re only favored for your pretty face. You’re lucky to be brought into this world, in this body. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be interesting in any way to him. You mean as much to Caine, as a brand new doll means to a child. Once you get tattered and depreciated, he won’t care if you’re safe or not.”
Jax had already moved away from the mask, but was too intrigued by the scene before him to leave.
AIngle let out a dry laugh, “But, you’re right…” She said bitterly. “As Caine’s precious doll, I can’t hurt you on purpose.”
She shrugged. “But, I can ignore you. And do whatever I want with the others. Since, I won’t be in trouble for messing with the already depreciated toys.”
She turned away from Pomni, and picked Kaufmo back up. “Ohhh bunny boy~!” She called out, as her ribbons wrapped around Jax and pulled him back in for another game of dead dolls.
“Would you get off me, freak!” Jax tried to wriggle out of the ribbons.
“Why should I? I’m giving you more time with your friend.” AIngle started letting put sadistic giggles, and she continued her own self-entertainment.
“Let go of him, and put Kaufmo back.” Pomni butted in once again.
“And what are you gonna do? Little miss wooden joints?” AIngle taunted again, looking down at Pomni. “I may not be able to do whatever I want with you, without getting an earful from Caine. But, what can YOU do other than yap at me like a stubborn chihuahua?”
Pomni silently glared at her for a couple of seconds, her eyes narrowed and face infuriated. Her fist clenched and shaking.
She then moved her eyes to an object on the ground.
It was Jax’s bat. A large piece of wood with a disturbing amount of nails hammered into it. He must’ve dropped it in the middle of the trying to avoid Kaufmo’s body.
Pomni didn’t know why, but she walked towards it, and picked it up. She then made her way back to the grinning twin.
“Haha! You wouldn’t.” AIngle said with a confident voice. “Not after the last time.”
Acting without thinking, Pomni replied, “If it’ll get you to finally fuck off… then I’ll take my chances.” And she swung the bat towards the grinning piece of porcelain.
The force of the bat cracked the twin into several pieces, the nails also cutting into the ribbons restraining Jax, setting him free.
Pomni immediately pulled Jax away from Gangle and shoved him away as hard she could.
Just as she had already anticipated, Gangle started having another meltdown. Her face contorted into a horrific frown, and her ribbons lunged at Pomni, wrapping around her neck and waist.
Pomni was brutally thrashed around a few times, before the corrupted Gangle dragged her off somewhere else to slowly murder.
Jax was just there… on the ground. Staring off to where the ballerina was dragged off to.
He looked at Kaufmo, whose body was abandoned on the floor, and little bits of porcelain next to him.
The rabbit stood up and walked towards lifeless clown, picking him up and positioning him in a piggyback ride.
As he carried his friend, the image of the wooden doll’s face flashed back in his mind.
He wasn’t good at saying ‘thank you’, nor did he like saying it. So, he won’t be thanking Pomni.
But, he’ll be sure to say something to her when she comes back.
I’ll probably make a part two.
Tbh, it was pretty hard trying to make them in character in this AU, while still shipping them. I’m a Funnybunny shipper, but when it comes to the Freakshow AU, I lean more towards Showtime. But, I wanted to take up the challenge of trying to make them ‘shippable’ even in this AU.
So what do you guys think….?
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Hear me out on this please
TADC crew x itward like reader
If you want to ignore this request you can I totally understand lol
TADC cast x itward type! Reader
Imma be so real with you anon originally I was gonna save this request for later since I have ZERO ideas (funny since fran bow as a game has had a choke hold on me since it released) but then I realized I can be evil and introduce people to the game
Anyways guys go play fran bow! Or better yet theres a full fandub, as well as several lets plays on YouTube!! I also recommend little misfortune as it's made by the same creators and takes place in the same universe!
Kind of wrote this as their general thoughts and dynamic with you since I struggled a lot with thinking of romantic stuff with them, especially with characters that I dont think would like. Be interested in characters like itward
Tumblr media
You guys. Can talk up a storm, I think. Literally it's just you two "interrogating" one another and learning more about each other. As scared as you are of the current situation at hand, you can't help but be intrigued by everything, including the self proclaimed ring master!
Curiosity is damned, damn you curiosity/ref
Your curiosity ends up with you learning as nearly as much caine is willing to let on about the digital world...
Two well dressed fellows, as well.. bonus if you have a red suit like itward so you kinda match with Caine
Caine loves watching you build your little machines, too, usually hovers over your shoulder
Sure you might not be able to fly away in a flying ship and return to the real world, but who's to say you cant make your own exit..? Possibly manipulate the code or something...! Sure you're main thing is machinery and technology, but theres usually some level of coding in there... so you and pomni team up to try to come up with a plan... honestly you probably lightly scold her when you find out she tried to leave, knowing ragatha needed help. On one hand you cant bring yourself to fully blame her, but on the other you would rather try to escape with everyone, you know? Pomni is sometimes put off by your odd nature, though... not enough to push her away from working with you though!!
You guys bond over your shared interested in sewing! You both make plushes! For you it's more so for gift giving, and for ragatha she does it to pass time! I like to think you guys both have nights where you just hang out, either in her room or yours, and just. Chat and sew! Probably finds your weirdness a little endearing in it's own way; afterall never once were you malicious, in fact you're quite kind to everyone around you and are more than willing to offer second chances even to those who dont deserve it. You and ragatha would be really good friends, I think!
Finds your weirdness a little annoying and he probably asks you a ton of stupid questions on purpose. Probably asks a stream of dumb ones before asking one he knows will peak your interest, but insist he needs to go do something when you start answering. That aside he has probably asked if you could build him a funky little gadget (that he totally wont use for mischief).. probably tries to get all buddybuddy with you because he knows you wont give it to him for the...actual reason he wants
You personally dont hate him, but theres no real solid friendship there I think
Ah, the two strange father figures! Both with funky interests; kingers is bugs and yours is forks! ....okay well it's hard to combine those two interest so I guess we can use a different one, mechanics! You've definitely made kinger wind up robotic bugs before, and the fact it made him happy makes you happy! You guys both have a habit of spacing out, though on different levels and for different reasons...you both mutually keep an eye on one another, though!
You've probably dreamed of building a flying machine and escaping this place at least once, leaving with kinger. Too bad the reality isnt going to be that simple.. besides you'd bring everyone with you anyways
honestly they get annoyed how sometimes you dont give direct answers and be vague when you're asked for a solution. It's not that you're trying to be malicious or incompetent, youre just trying to push for everyone to get creative and explore the world around them themselves, you know? Finds it a little off how you sometimes zone out, as if youre thinking about a dozen things at once... but nonetheless, zooble cant bring themselves to hate you. In fact you have this weird comforting aura around you.
Youre so so nice with her and always trying to build her up. And honestly I think that's so sweet. Hugs. Give hugs! Side note I bet itward gives the most comforting hugs so by extension the reader gives the most comforting hugs!! You're always there to stand up for her, too, when people *cough cough jax* are mean to her. You probably also try to helo her make a new mask... not like "oh you help her fix her masks" no I mean like you try to make her a mask that's made of a stronger material so it's harder to break
Honestly I cant see a romantic relationship between a reader like this and gangle, I personally see it more as close friends or even found family
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hauntaku2 · 5 months
Ragatha: Hey, Pomni? Is it okay if I date the evil- I mean sweet, candy queen?
Pomni: Uh... sure
Ragatha: Really?!
Pomni: Yeah, when you're... um... talking to her, could you ask if she wants to be friends with me? She seemed a bit... off when talking to me...
Ragatha: ...
Pomni: Ragatha?
Ragatha: Oh, Pomni my dear! Sorry... I was a bit lost in thought there for a second. Yes, I'll talk to her. She'll be spoiled!
(some time passes)
Ragatha: Oh, Pomni my dearest! I've asked her.
Pomni: Huh... what did she say?
Ragatha: Oh, she'll be just so happy to talk to the both of us during a big feast.
Pomni: ... ok. Sounds good.
(more time passes)
Candy queen: It's just sour peachy to have you two little gumdrops in my delectable palace!
Ragatha: ...
Pomni: You okay, Ragatha?
Ragatha: Oh! Pomni, my dearest. Sorry, I was a bit distracted. I should never take my eyes away from you.
Pomni: Huh?
Ragatha: Um... anyway, so... These cookies look... good.
Candy queen: Oh, they were! Just the sweetest things.
Pomni: ... This is a bit weird.
Candy queen: Oh, that's nothing! Pastry, could you go to the kitchen and grab a bite or two? They'll be on the table if they haven't escaped! Ahahaha.
Ragatha: Haha... ha
Pomni: My name's Pomni.
Candy queen: That's what I said, Pastry!
Pomni: ... ok.
(Pomni returns)
Candy queen: Did you grab those two?
Pomni: I didn't see anything on the table.
Candy queen: They must've scampered away then... Oh, this is quite the sticky apple, but we'll capture them again later.
Ragatha: Capture?
Candy queen: Yes! The sweets are often very runny. Sometimes... I have to cut off their heads! Ahahaha...
Pomni: Uh... what!?
Candy queen: I'm sure we'll find someone tasty to fill that spot, Pastry!
Ragatha: Pomni, run!
Candy queen: Get her! Grab her! Deep fry her!
(Pomni escapes)
Pomni: Oh, BLEEP! Ragatha is still back there with her. Why do I keep leaving Ragatha behind? I'm stupid! Now's not the time for self pity, I have to go back!
(Pomni returns)
Ragatha: Aha... Hi, Pomni.
Pomni: ...
Ragatha: What's wrong?
Pomni: ...
Ragatha(?): Oh, I thought this disguise would work...
(Candy queen reveals herself)
Pomni: What did you do to Ragatha?!
Candy queen: Oh, nothing yet. I didn't want you to miss out on the show!
Pomni: You don't have to do this.
Candy queen: Oh, but I absolutely must! I can't let you leave without seeing the grand finale! Ragatha flambe!
Pomni: GAH! NO! Don't do this!
(Pomni attacks the Candy queen)
Candy queen: Oh, looks like I've been impaled! That's not very good. Ahahaha!
Pomni: BLEEP this day has gone so very very wrong!
(Ragatha appears and knocks the Candy queen to the ground)
Pomni: Ragatha!? You're safe!?
Ragatha: Yep! I had a feeling that she was going to hurt you before me. That's why I wasn't sure about bringing you on the date.
Pomni: I'm just glad that you're okay. I'm sorry for leaving you behind!
Ragatha: ... Oh... my dear sweet Pomni. It's fine...
Candy queen: Can you two little gumdrops be a dear and remove this fork from my back?
Pomni: I'm not sure that's a good idea.
(Ragatha pulls the fork)
Candy queen: Oh, looks like I'm making quite the mess.
Pomni: ... are you gonna be okay?
Candy queen: I can't see why Ragatha didn't want to devour you whole! You're so sweet! You'd probably taste delicious! Ahaha...
Pomni: Uh... thanks?
Ragatha: She'll be fine, Pomni. Probably...
(The two leave to have a quiet time together)
Ragatha: Today was quite the day, wasn't it?
Pomni: Uh... so... Do you have feelings for anyone in the circus?
Ragatha: I have feelings for everyone, but what do you mean exactly?
Pomni: Um... like... do you... like like anyone?
Ragatha: ... Oh, Pomni! You're so cute when you're blushing.
Pomni: I kinda blush all the time in this... body.
Ragatha: Ahaha... you say the sweetest things.
Pomni: ...
Ragatha: ...
(Jax appears)
Jax: Guys! We've gotta go! Like... now!!
Guards: After them! They attacked the queen!
(The group runs to safety)
Pomni: Uh... so... Is it okay if I hold your hand?
Ragatha: Oh, my dear Pomni. Of course you can.
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myv0resideblog · 11 months
Abstraction Chap 1/? (TW SFW VORE and VOMIT)
Summary: Pomni and Ragatha go on a late night walk around the tent… it does not go as planned
Notes: I'm aware there are most defiantly grammar and spelling mistakes, but eh, I wrote most of this in the middle of the night as that's when I have the most motivation. not sure if there will be more chapters, but we'll see
also this is my first post here.
(words 1316)
Pomni was on her knees wincing as she stared down at Ragatha. Pomni was starting to abstract, a black amorphous shape covering the right side of her face with a large colorful eye within the darkness. Pomni was ten times her normal size and was, at this point, towering over Ragatha. Ragatha looked up at Pomni with a worried expression. She was trying her best to not feel fear but it was hard as she saw more of the darkness cover Pomnis body.
 “Pomni, It will be okay. we’ll get through this,” Ragatha says
“TOGETHER?” Pomni says multiple versions of her voice can be heard as she spoke.
“Together.” Ragatha says as she places a hand on Pomnis' now massive hand. Ragatha feels an electric shock through her arm as she touches Pomnis hand she winces as quietly as she can But Pomni notices as she pulls her hand away from Ragatha.
“I'M SORRY!” Pomni says again with multiple voices. Pomni then sits up and looks at her hand as the darkness starts to envelop her body. Tears stream down what’s left of her face. She looks down at Ragatha when she feels a compulsion, ‘Keep her safe’ Pomni thinks to herself, as she feels her control slip away, rage starting to take over her thoughts. 
Ragatha stands in front of Pomni not able to hold back tears any longer. As she watches Pomni start to lose control. She needed to run, but she couldn’t, she can't just leave Pomni to be put in the cellar with the other people who abstracted. Before Ragatha can even take a step Pomni reaches out and grabs her. She screams in shock, closing her eye, as she prepares for her body to start glitching. But it doesn't come. She slowly opens her eye, just to see all of Pomni’s eyes staring back at her. Ragatha feels a wave of anxiety hit her as Pomni stares at her.
Ragatha whimpers not quite knowing how to react to seeing Pomni open her mouth. As she’s moved closer to Pomni’s open mouth she finds her strength and starts to wiggle in Pomni’s grip.
“Pomni, what are you doing?!” Ragatha yells, Pomni responds by simply shoving Ragatha head first into her mouth. Ragatha yelps as she is squished into the dark, wet maw. Teeth closing behind her. She feels her heart rate increase. She has a moment of disbelief at first not able to react., then the tongue under her starts to move. Ragatha tries to push herself away when she's pinned against the roof of Pomnis' mouth. She panics as she's rolled around in Pomnis month; Getting covered in saliva in the process.
“Bleh! Pomni stop!” Ragatha yells spitting out Saliva as she’s unpinned from the roof of the mouth.
“P-Pomni?” she says as everything seems to stop for a short moment. Then gravity shifts. 
Causing her to start sliding toward the back of the throat. 
“OH F@#K!” Ragatha yells, the swearing still being censored. She goes to push herself away from the throat, when the tongue lifts her up, shoving her back head first into the throat. It's tight making it hard to breathe. She kicks her legs as they are free from the throats tightness. But she hears a loud gulp around her as she is shoved fully into the esophagus. She whimpers, hearing one more gulp as she slides further down. She hears Pomnis’ heart beating rapidly as she passes by it on her way down. Pomni says something but it’s hard to make out with the whoshing of lungs and rapid heart beat around her. 
To Pomni it felt weird the movement as Ragatha slid down her throat; nothing had ever felt like this before. She didn’t dislike it, though she wasn’t sure she liked it either. But she couldn't really focus on it much she needed to keep from Abstracting. 
Ragatha feels the esophagus tighten even more around her, feeling like she’s being crushed. But soon she’s Squeezed into a small but more open space. The Stomach. She tries to sit up in the new environment as best she can. But she can't see anything, it's pitch black.
After a moment of just hearing Pomnis’ heartbeat and panicked breathing. Ragatha see’s a colorful abstracted eye appear across from her. After it looks around it locks onto her. She feels a chill go down her spine as it stares.
“R–RAGATHA? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?” Pomni says in her multiple voices. 
“W-why? Why would you do this?” Ragatha asks, fearful of the answer.
“KEEP SAFE,” is all Pomni says, as she starts wincing in pain. Ragatha knew that in this world the Stomach served no real purpose. But then why was that the first place Pomni thought to put her to keep her safe? 
“Hey, Pomni are you–” Ragatha is cut off by a particularly jerky motion as Pomni seems to have stood up very quickly. 
“What's happening?!” Pomni gave no response, just more wincing.
Pomni could barely hold it together as more of her became abstracted. Feeling more enraged at each passing second. ‘I have to keep it together’ she thought as she held an arm over her stomach. Able to feel every small movement Ragatha made inside her. I cant abstract what would happen to Ragatha if I did? Would it be like what happened to her with Kaufmo? But inside?
As Pomni thought more and more on what bad could happen if she did abstract. She started to notice the abstracted parts going away. Or at least shrinking somewhat. She kept thinking about it until it was only on the right side of her face. Though as she kept thinking on it she noticed the abstraction on the side of her face wouldn't go away. No matter how hard she tried. That’s when she finally heard Ragatha’s yelling. 
“Pomni, what's going on!? The eye that was in here is gone!” 
“Ragatha I somehow got most of the abstracted parts of me to go away!” Pomni noticed her voice was back to normal. Ragatha was silent, seeming to be in shock.
“Okay, that’s great, does that mean you could, you know, let me out?” Pomni then realizes that she probably should, as the moment ate Ragatha she wasn’t thinking clearly. 
“O-Of course!” Pomni says then only a second later realizing she’s not sure how to.
“Do I just like, gag myself or… what?” 
“I guess?” 
Pomni hesitantly sticks her fingers down her throat causing her to instinctively gag. She feels Ragatha’s weight travel up her throat and into her mouth. She quickly spits Ragatha out into her hands. She quivers at the session at first, before looking Ragatha over to make sure she’s okay.
Ragatha shivers at the sudden change of temperature. Then she looked up at Pomni to see half of her face was still abstracted.
“Pomni, your face…”
“Oh yeah I couldn’t get that to go away So i guess I’m stuck with it heh…” there’s an awkward pause at Pomni’s attempt to lighten the mood. 
“Can you see out of it?” Ragatha asks knowing it’s not a great question to ask right now.
“Yeah but everything looks weird. Like things look more saturated through it somehow.”  Ragatha looks away. 
“Maybe Caine could fix it?” 
“I don't know what if he puts me in the cellar anyway because of this?”
“Maybe he won't? I dont Know I’ve never seen this before… everyone I’ve seen begin abstraction didn’t come back from it,” there’s a long pause between them when the lights come on in the tent,
“Is it Morning already?!” Pomni yells, feeling dread fill in her chest. She almost thinks of eating Ragatha again to keep her safe When she hears the unmistakable sound of Caine popping into the tent. What she wasn't expecting was for him to be right in front of her face.
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mouwrites · 11 months
Experimenting a little!! ;P
Word count: 556
The Amazing Digital Circus - Comforting Pomni (a Little)
You were sitting up on a ledge overlooking the saturated landscape. The smooth, textureless simulated environment was bland to the eye, despite the vibrant hues that colored it. And it only grew more bland the longer you stuck around, as you’d come to find out in your—what was it… months? Years?—of dwelling there.
“Hey,” a sheepish voice came from the form beside you. It wasn’t a greeting; she was trying to get your attention.
You hummed in acknowledgment, still gazing with trance-like eyes at the place you’d quite hatefully come to call home. “Yeah, Pomni?”
“Do you remember what you looked like? Like, before…”
You were snapped out of your thoughts. “Before this?” You gestured to your body.
“Um, yeah.”
It would be a lie to say you hadn’t thought about it. It would be another lie to say you hadn’t thought about it often. So, opting for the truth, you nodded slowly.
“I don’t know for sure, but I think I would’ve had h/c hair. Maybe e/c eyes, too. And my face would be sort of like this,” you carefully traced the shape in the air with your fingers, hoping to illustrate these strange bits of speculation (or was it knowledge?).
“And I would’ve been at least (your height) tall.”
Pomni looked you up and down with her round eyes, no emotion visible on her face.
“Sounds like you were beautiful.”
You looked away. “If I’m right, I guess so.”
“Not that you aren’t beautiful now! I just meant—”
You snickered, cutting her off before she could embarrass herself more. “I know. But why do you ask?”
Pomni brought a hand to her cheek. “I don’t know. It’s weird, looking at a mirror and seeing… this. And it’s weird that it feels weird, because I don’t even remember what I’m supposed to see.”
You blinked at her.
“Ah, but that doesn’t make sense, does it?”
“It does.” A defeated sadness filled your countenance, and you were compelled to fall back into your earlier trance. “But you get used to it.” Just like you get used to everything mad around here.
You could see Pomni tense beside you. You wished you had something better to say, but there was nothing. The reality of this disreality was that it was nonsensical, harsh, cruel, and anything else you fancied to call it. The one thing it wasn’t was fair. It wasn’t fair to any of you, to be transported here with no memory of who you used to be; only the sense that you’d forgotten yourself.
“I wish I was at least pretty like Ragatha,” you heard her mutter.
“You’re cute, Pomni,” you reassured her, though your voice came out more hollow than you intended. Then, glancing out of the corner of your eye to see her rather flustered, you smirked.
“Oh, I see what you meant.”
“Um! Nicechatseeyoulaterbyenow!”
You sniggered to yourself as she dashed away. Dreary and horrid as this place was, at least you had company that was less than that. Yes, you concluded, at least you had them.
Far below, you saw Pomni still speed walking as she passed Ragatha, who waved, but Pomni just balled up her fists and walked faster. You felt a sly smirk curve the corner of your lip. Them, and all the drama they can manage.
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Yay! I was having a bit of fun with this one, but lmk if you guys like it/want more tadc content!! Take care pumpkin pies <33
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
An stressed and extremely explosive reader x Kinger, Caine and Ragatha. (The old hags trio haha) let me explain it to ya
Reader is always stressed because of they are pratically stuck in a digital world with (supossedly) no way out, so instead of freaking out and/or getting slowly insane, Reader is very agressive and explosive all the time.
Especially in IHA, because they have to bare the fact that they need to pass through "stressing" situation who sometimes could be a near-abstraction experience.
Everytime reader gets too stressed because of something, Reader explodes and they are screaming around or with the cause of the problem if its a person (AHEM, JAX-) and only calms down when they are stopped by others or when they spend some time alone.
Anyways i just basically wants to see how would they react seeing reader have something similar to female & male rage moment.
(if this makes you uncomfortable, feel free to ignore this request, and im very sorry for making you uncomfortable if thats the case).
- 🐈
Caine, Kinger, and Ragatha w/ a reader who blows up!
WEEEE speed running this request before i have to pop my macarons into the oven eheheheheheh i think i might write itward stuff tonight but idk!! need me some ideas for itward stuff when in doubt for gifs use slime mmm mmm yummy
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he can and he WILL put an immediate pause on the current IHA when he sees its making you really overwhelmed. he may even dismiss the entire event just to make sure youre okay; you mean so much to him and if youre getting this close to abstraction just from getting upset hes going to be there for you. i think it would actually make him tone down the intensity of IHAs , at least a little bit... he doesnt really know what qualifies as "too much" so please be patient with him!
makes sure to do everything he can to help; want him to go away? hes already launching himself to the other side of the grounds. need him to talk to you? hes going to be saying whatever you need him to say for as long as you need him to. very nice very silly i love him chews
similar to the other two she takes you off to the side, probably takes you to her room or yours and lets you work your own feelings out however you need to get them out. this isnt the first time youve have an outburst, but it doesnt make the glitching any less scary. tries to calm you down with her voice, giving you things to squish and mess with.. just as long as youre not hurting yourself she wont intervene with your method of calming down. very sweet about it. if youre anything like me, then youre probably going to be tired afterwards, and she will let you sleep. will crawl into bed with you if you want here around, if not shes going to respect that... if it was someone who riled you up shes going to make sure they get an earful, as well as keeps a closer eye on that person when theyre interacting with you because she doesnt want you to be this miserable all the time
nearly dies when he sees your body momentarily glitch, well at least as close as he can to dying in that moment. hes immediately rushing to you and talking a mile a minute trying to ask if youre okay, which admittedly probably makes you snap at him. overstimulation is one hell of a thing, but as long as you explain yourself and apologize when youre in a better place then its going to work itself out. kinger tries to take you off to the side, away from whatevr it is that was upsetting you. be it an IHA or another circus member, hes going to take you into his pillow fort and leave you be. he waits outside by its entrance, anxiously waiting for you to give him the go ahead to enter... very stressed out man he wants more than anything to comfort you and talk you through it but he knows you need alone time during times like this
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