#i say this completely unironically
moshpitgirlfriend · 7 months
i love sitting in call completely silent while my friends talk
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literallyjustanerd · 1 year
Hi it's @clone-anon and I heard you're soft for Dogma
Dogma asked you to go on a walk with him. It took a lot of courage for him to ask because, well, you knew Dogma. You smiled and agreed, walking calmly next to him, both of you taking your time. He had already decided to take you to a park, believing that planning ahead would make it a little less stressful for him.
When you got there, you both felt a sense of peace. There was a butterfly garden in the middle of the park. Lots of flowers of various sizes and every color possible blanketed the space. Time seemed to stand still.
You both stood and looked out at your surroundings. You couldn't help but smile. You decided to snake one arm around his waist. You felt him stiffen up at first, but as he felt you calmly standing next to him and sensed your steady breathing, he began to calm too. Several minutes went by before he placed his arm around you, smiling at you like the bravest man in the galaxy. You smiled back at him, your eyes lighting up in a way that made him sigh.
I'm over here smiling like an idiot and feeling like a giddy 14 year old fangirl again this is so sweet. Thank you so so much for this it has made my entire week :') I love my soft boy
'smiling at you like the bravest man in the galaxy'
That line is going to be tattooed on my brain for the rest of my life it's so raw but so cute
I just wanna make this man feel safe and loved
Also your entire blog is just???? So nice?? Thank you for existing and brightening people's days
(PS if we're allowed to return the favour please let me know)
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classicdaisycalico · 1 year
Hve you watched the mario movie yet? 👀 Thoughts?
For starters, this film is visually STUNNING. I also adore all the musical references scattered throughout the film score. I love how some parts are just thematic medleys, but other sections have a single motif worked into the film score. It's a cool way to breathe new life into some familiar themes like Bob-Omb Battlefield, for example. When we're not being flooded with musical references from the games, I like how the rest of the score is padded out with 80's music. Some people may not like that, but I do. I was raised on classic rock thanks to my parents, and putting 80's music in the film makes sense, since the series got its start in the 80's!
Now let's move on to the characters. OH MY GOD. The way their personalities were so fleshed out was incredible. Mario and Luigi's wholesome twin sibling bond was everything I envisioned it to be. I was also very pleasantly surprised by how Peach and Toad's characters were handled. Peach's personality, to me, could best be described as a fusion of Diana from the first "Wonder Woman" film (a girlboss who is still unfailingly kind and protective) and Ariel from "The Little Mermaid" (an ever-curious princess who is super curious about humans and wanting to learn more about their world and way of life). Toad was amazing because the writers could have exploited his character as this little guy who was hungry for adventure but ended up as the incompetent comic relief...but that didn't happen. They played up Toad's capability and loyalty to Peach and Mario super well, and it showcases great acting range on Keegan-Michael Key's part.
Speaking of actors, HOLY SHIT. I couldn't hear any of the actor's regular voices at ALL in the characters they played. I thought I'd have a massive problem with Chris Pratt as Mario, but that ended up not being the case. Jack Black also did an incredible job voicing Bowser. Probably the only time I heard Jack Black and not Bowser was during his "Peaches" song, but I don't mind that. Bowser has been known to have some goofy moments and dialogue before in the "Mario and Luigi" and "Paper Mario" games, so it's easy to let slide. If anything, Donkey Kong was the only character whose voice I had issues with. It was just Seth Rogen being Seth Rogen, typecast once again as a comic dudebro who gets knocked down a peg at some point to learn a little about humility.
Slight aside, by the way, I also like how Bowser is animated when he's angry. When he's angry in the film, you can literally see the insanity in his eyes. It's a fantastic little touch that the games don't normally have. (Yeah, he's full of rage, but his eyes don't show it anywhere near as well.)
Probably the only real issue I had was with the film's pacing. Just when we think we're going somewhere interesting in a scene, all of a sudden we're immediately transported elsewhere. The transitions are kind of jarring and I feel like a lot loose ends in the previous scenes aren't tied up properly. Hopefully the sequel will fix that. (And let's be real. There WILL be a sequel with how much money this film is making. This film is sooooo much more successful than that 1993 monstrosity lmao)
Overall, VERY solid film and a job very well done. 4 out of 5 (Super) Stars from me 🌟🌟🌟🌟
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uncanny-tranny · 4 months
Not to keep body positivity posting, but this unironically cured all my body ails and I need everyone to see this, too
[Video Description: A Tik Tok posted originally by user trevor_wagner_
The video is captioned: My current body type is that you can tell I workout but you can also tell I don't say no when someone offers me a cookie
Trevor is sitting in a truck, and he lifts the sleeve of his shirt to flex his bicep. He then lifts his shirt by the hem to show off his stomach, which, where he then pats it. The song Half on a Stack by Three 6 Mafia is playing in the background. /End of Video Description]
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Been thinking a lot about how lesbians have to pretend they never experience any adverse feelings to rejection in order to avoid the "predator" stereotype. When we get rejected by a straight woman or even just get hit with the reality that most women are straight, we're not allowed to be upset or angry or hurt about it.
I am not saying that lesbians should be allowed to verbally abuse a straight woman for saying no, but I don't feel like we're allowed to be angry at all. Even privately. Having those feelings at all makes us 'bad'.
The truth is that it very much so sucks to watch women you love choose men over you. It sucks to know that no matter how attractive and sweet and kind you are, most women will simply not be attracted to you in the slightest and there's nothing you can do about it. It sucks to know that men get to freely love women while you have to hide from bigots. It sucks to have strong, tender feelings for women that they simply do not return.
It's perfectly normal to feel deep sadness and anger over this. I'm talking bubbling violent anger that leaves you feeling like you're a descendant of the Greek goddess Lyssa. Wishing deeply that your feelings for women were returned doesn't make you a predator. Having extremely negative feelings towards the men that catch your crush's attention doesn't make you a bad person. That is all incredibly normal.
Straight men get rejected one too many times and commit mass shootings... You feeling private rage doesn't make you a bad person at all.
I just really hate that it seems like the only appropriate reaction lesbians are allowed to have to heartbreak is demure acceptance.
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halfdeadwallfly · 3 months
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luobingmeis · 1 year
my jgy thoughts have been expanding and adapting and roiling and toiling etc etc etc and all of it is coming down to me affectionately marveling at this character. he’s cut-throat. he’s cunning. his kindness leaves lasting impressions. his mercy is what predates his demise. he’s one of the few cultivators who helps those in need. he will sacrifice them if it benefits him. he loved. it didn’t last. it killed him. it orchestrated his downfall. he’s a genius. he’s paranoid. he compartmentalizes. he splits the world into who he would sacrifice and who he would not. people he loves and people he would sacrifice are not mutually exclusive. he’s filial to a fault. it was all for his mother. he is a study in assimilating to survive. the results vary. he manipulates the herd mentality to his benefit. it is turned against him. he is killed for the one thing he didn’t do by the one person he wouldn’t sacrifice. it is still somehow better than what the hive-mind cultivation world would have done. i love this tragic kaleidoscope of a character.
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cassettedec · 10 months
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in-a-cave-with · 2 months
our glorious rtd, david tennant, and catherine tate coming back for the 60th anniversary of doctor who vs their barbarous russo brothers and rdj coming back for avengers 5
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i'm sure you've talked about this kinda thing before but what do you think about people saying, like, "stampede wolfwood characterization is bad and doesn't even feel like wolfwood"?
this feels like bait to get me to say something inflammatory, because my opinion on people dismissing stampede wolfwood out of hand is definitely something i've posted before, but i fucking love to talk about my opinions, so. [cracks knuckles]
basically. 1. he's a different version of the character in a different set of circumstances, of course he's going to be different. and 2. the thing most people imagine in their heads as wolfwood... is not the wolfwood that appears in any canon, lol.
i don't think that's even a notable observation. a lot of the trigun fandom is the "the vash and wolfwood collectively hallucinated out of a blend of all three canons, It's Free Real Estate" fandom now. it's a tale as old as time. fandom as we currently know it was built on slash and cherrypicking from canon.
i'm not going to be the fun police about it, or act like my way of engaging with trigun (keeping the individual canons separate and distinct in my head, analyzing small details, thinking really hard about the characters and the circumstances of creation) is the 'correct' or the only way to have fun in a fandom. like, i think i am engaging more with the canon, but some people just aren't interested in the actual specific details of canon as more than a jumping off point, and while i don't get it, i support making your own fun. go wild.
but, man, there sure is something. interesting. about how the platonic ideal of wolfwood that's been developed by the Vashwood Fandom completely diverges from wolfwood's actual personality in canon (it's happened to vash too, but that's an entirely different can of worms) and then people get irritated at the actual canons for wolfwood not being the guy in their head. stampede especially, because stampede wolfwood is a traumatized disaster, and that doesn't really work for the most common flavor of vashwood, where vash is the one who needs reassurance and comfort.
i just.... yall, wolfwood is so fucking awkward. he's always been awkward and messy and unsure of himself outside of the two specific situations he can manage (combat and dealing with children). stampede didn't invent the fact that he has no idea what he's doing and doesn't really know how to act around other adults because he's spent most of his life a deeply repressed assassin. i really have no idea where the idea of him as suave and romantic and self-assured came from...
anyway. i'm not going to tell anyone they shouldn't have the fun they're having. it's fandom. god knows there are more important things to worry about. but i have been noticing some patterns, is all.
tl;dr: anyone is welcome to dislike stampede wolfwood if they want, but wolfwood has always been most of the things i see people criticize about stampede wolfwood's characterization. stampede wolfwood is just harder to fit into the box fandom built for him.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 4 months
Actually I'll say more about the Drakes; I hate how people kinda like. Forget Doofus literally had a financial hold over them. 'Oh, why couldn't they just do [x] or [y] to stop him' or 'Maybe they were actually terrible and that's why he turned out that way!' I mean, maybe, but financial abuse is a very real thing and the show outright states HE was left all the money that their family owned.
Could they have reacted sooner and potentially pushed him towards a better life path. I mean, sure! And maybe they could've been better parents up until that point. But I dunno, it feels very in-line with Gideon's mom from Gravity Falls; yes, she's the adult here but also assuming she could've just done [x] or [y] feels very...victim-blamey, to a degree.
'Are you saying these kids abused their parents?' I'm saying these kids had too much power (Doofus with his money, Gideon with his fame and eventual magical abilities), and their parents ended up in a spot that put them at their mercy. I don't feel right calling it or them abusive, but I'm going to acknowledge that such abuse is a real thing and that those specific parents were in a situation that is very similar to that.
Do I think any of them were bad parents? I also don't know if I'd say that, even if I'd definitely agree with anyone who claims they weren't the best. I think overall, they were in bad situations and the kids with power needed that power either removed completely (Gideon) or shifted to where they were less powerful (Doofus via Boyd getting half his money).
It's a very complicated issue and in any case, I think Doofus getting half that money taken away and Boyd granting their parents the ability to access their finances was actually one of the healthiest things that could've happened to ALL of them.
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eyeoftheaxolotl · 6 months
needles and ink5oul this, ink5oul and needles that. my take is i think ink5oul would be annoyed by or even hate needles and not only that but i think they could hypothetically beat needles in a fight
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bragganhyl · 1 year
One day I'll get my braincells together and put it to paper how the pillars of eternity games manage to make the player feel powerful without making the Watcher a power fantasy character but like... this is not that day
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Maybe it's just me, but part of why I never really felt completely secure in being public about my own artistic endeavors was how... being proud of yourself in any capacity for any reason is almost a faux pas, if that makes sense.
I've noticed how it's almost expected to perform the air of humility, but is that humility? Is it humility to say, "Oh, I'm sorry for clogging your feed with my awful art" or anything to the effect of self-deprecation?
I think that's why I so often gravitate toward those who make "bad art." There's a sense of freedom that is only achieved with the level of hubris that being unashamed in the number of people who hate your art. I wonder, though, how many people don't hate the art as much as they hate that they can't chastise the artist into humility, into recognizing how "terrible" an artist they "actually" are?
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juniperberrypipebomb · 6 months
Decided to log into twitter (hell) and outside of everything going to shit as always i found this piece of shit as my banner
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I dont even remember when i made this but i do remember that i did and i remember how i made it
I saw a picture on twitter w some kind of caption and decided that i could make it look like a banner
i tried to add the fire flaming text that i saw on some reposted to twitter tumblr posts where someome makes a grammatical error and someone corrects them in a form of flaming (sometimes animated) text (never change guys, gals and all of you magnificent pals lol) but at the time i didnt know the website that you all used so i tried to improvise and google
I remember half way thru the making of this text being so upset that it looked like shit but after taking a break for 20 minutes i said "fuck it, it is way funnier this way" and i kinda glad that back then i decided to "fuck it we ball" it
It looks disgusting and i love it
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scoopstomyahoy · 1 year
i think steve and robin would call each other babe
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