#i screenshotted this SO FAST
citrus-soda · 6 months
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insert "turning frogs gay" joke here
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haedalkoo · 2 months
The car conversation and grammar: "When I was busy, you were free but you never called me."
After rewatching the episodes a few times (I just couldn't get enough of them) and reading the opinions floating around, I wanted to add my two cents to the car conversation discourse. This post is mostly about language and interpretations. Keep in mind I'm not 100% fluent in Korean, but I understand the language to a significant degree.
Let's get started!
It's time to put on my Korean-is-an-awfully-ambiguous-language cap. Buckle up.
The conversation starts with Jimin saying they haven't gone somewhere in a long time. I would say it's not that they haven't hung out, but that they haven't traveled together or gone out like that. This is just my interpretation, though. JK tells him, "we were supposed to get a drink" (as in, meet up and go for a drink 만나서 (meet and) 술 한잔 하자 (go get a drink)). Then, Jimin says "원래 그런 거 아니겠니" which loosely translates to "isn't that how it's supposed to be originally?" as in, that's what happens, you talk about doing this or that together and it never ends up happening. Like the travel show, if JM hadn't flown to JK. Like the times he tells Tae to meet up but never happens. Life gets in the way.
But this is the interesting part. Jimin's reply to me comes off a little defensive (in a joking manner), as if saying, "don't blame me for not meeting up (it's not like I didn't want to, I couldn't)." but JK keeps pushing him. He says:
"형 바쁠 땐 / 내가 겁나 한가한데 / 안 찾고. 나 바쁠 땐 / 형 한가한데 / 안 찾고."
This sentence is a grammatical nightmare. He isn't using any particles, which help indicate who's the subject or object of the sentence. So you can only guess based in context. I've marked Jimin (hyung) in orange, JK refering to himself ("me") in purple, and "didn't come looking for" in pink. 찾다 (jatda) means to search for, look for.
Many K-armys have been pointing the same thing out, and I agree. The repetition of 안 찾고, to me, feels like he's making the same point in different situations.
When you were busy, I was so freaking (겁나) free
When I was busy, you were free
And in neither of these cases you came looking for me.
That's why Jimin jumps in immediately to defend himself in a whiny tone.
아니지 찾았지! That's not true, I did go looking for you! (The ending 지 indicates a reiteration, something both the speaker and recipient know as true.)
He took that personally LOL. But this makes so much sense in retrospective, think of all of those 2023 lives were JK was asking JM to come over, to do a live together, and JM's response was always "I'm busy" "Hyung needs to go" "You/I have a schedule." Jungkook was lonely without him. Jimin probably felt bad and did as much as he could to see him ("I did reach out!") - to the point he flew fourteen hours to spend quality time with JK. HOWEVER, this is just an interpretation. The lack of clear pronouns and particles makes this really hard to translate, which is why the show translator interpreted it as "when you were busy and I was free, I didn't call you." Both interpretations are valid, but giving their reactions and context, I feel like this one makes the most sense to me.
If we go with my interpretation, after that, I feel like Jimin tries to ease the conversation/justify himself by saying how him and Tae don't meet up either even if they videocall often. As if saying "I'm not pushing you aside, I'm really not meeting up with anyone else either". This makes Jungkook laugh, but he still wonders lightly "I don't think we would be seeing each other (either) if it weren't for this (trip/shoot)." I want to reiterate how lighthearted this comment is, he's simply wondering (but still teasing a little.)
But again, Jimin feels the need to defend himself "yah, that's why I (hyung) came here!" (again, he uses a grammar that highlights the information being said is something the two of them know, something obvious.) To me this felt very whiny/cute, like, "stop saying I didn't make time to see you! I'm literally right here!!" and I think JK gets the hint that if he keeps pushing JM might get upset, so he smoothes things over by repeating over and over again, "that's right, you came, you came."
It's a response to the previous "you weren't looking for me." You did come looking for me. You found me. We're okay now.
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nordsea-horizons · 6 months
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i made a massive train station on my island🚂🛤️
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lancteu · 7 months
i hate this like. a lot but i spent too long on it [ss under cut]
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martiniwhims · 1 month
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Love & Pop Magazine - Issue No. 1 - "Jelly"
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Wow another screenshot redraw?? It’s almost like I’m obsessed with this movie
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[ID: two screenshots. The first is taken from Danganronpa Despair Time's 13th episode, where Arei smiles and takes David's hand. It is shown from David's perspective. The second is from the Literature Girl Insane MV, where the shot is framed exactly the same way except with a different person in Arei's place. end ID]
hey David what does this mean. hey. hey David. hey Da
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iffasart · 6 months
A really sweet shot that lasted 0.001 seconds
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I just paused at the right time lmao
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
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Holy "Who's Your Daddy?" (Season 4) Dimmadelphia sighting, Catman!
I guess they've always been the tech empire!
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azrael08 · 4 months
So I've been reading a lot of star trek comics lately and I came across this one story with an interesting concept and great art, but also discovered it has a GOLDMINE of Qcard shippy moments to which I immediately collected and wanted to share with the Qcard mutuals on tumblr, below are the most obvious ones in order:
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I love the confirmation from everyone else that yes they are attached at the hip, yes they are in love and mad about it, and yes Q does have an obsession with that old man
(P.S I highly recommend this comic, here's the link if you wanna read: Star Trek: The Q Conflict 001 (2019) | Read All Comics Online)
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thetwiggiesttwig · 1 year
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i feel like more people should talk about the cores being in the end of the portal 2 co-op credits. idk maybe its not canon but the idea that glados somehow retrieved space core but not wheatley is really funny to me.
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enelo · 5 months
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suddenly-stickmin · 6 months
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Another screenshot edit!! This one was definitely a little trickier to put together [I had to keep tinkering with the characters' heads and fixing-up the lines of the car augughuhg] but it was a lot of fun! Definitely gained some new editing experience today!
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the-tea-table · 5 months
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my condolences go out to the kaishin shippers but also may I interest you in heikai in these trying times
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almayver · 1 month
What a lovely shot
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superfamiblog · 1 month
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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Nintendo, 1992)
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