#i shan’t say more
thechaotichorselord · 6 months
i can give ya some lore for sure, but it’s not gonna be too interesting because spoilers :3
just in case you haven’t read some major lore, it’s here
i’ll give a few facts if ya want. sorry if i didn’t understand something or you wanted to know something specific— feel free to lemme know
some Hilton lore:
despite him being a very bad student in his earlier years and extremely disorganized, he became the head scientist at his workplace, QSOP. he wasn’t treated like he belonged in that position, as nobody, including himself, understood why he was chosen for that area, but Hilton accepted the job so he could try to distract himself from his life.
his daughter’s name was Jess, but he called her Ness because of the name sound alike to the loch-ness monster. his wife didn’t like that.
he doesn’t have long hair because he thinks it looks pretty, he has it because he worked so hard as head scientist he barely had any time to relax or take care of himself, like a haircut. but that didn’t stop him from spending time with his daughter, who he brought with him to work often. she would always pack him a sandwich and a hairbrush.
they had a good relationship! sure would be a shame if there was an alien apocalypse that killed her or something haha
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i am too much of a pussy to share snippets so you get a summary (without too many details or big spoilers because y’know i have to save some shit. sorry i said i wasn’t fitting for this game lol) !!!!!!! 🫵 🫵 🫵 🫵 (<- adding that emoji so i feel braver)
so this is the event that people who have seen a lot of my posts maybe remember as ‘tower arson’ lol. it’s also the event in which gortash realises that zeke is his equal in divinity.
so, the year is about 1483 and gortash and zeke have had many horrific encounters in their weird thing already. (basic version for the early days: zeke is investigating gortash’s schemes/on the hunt for him as a detective and gortash is ruining his life but a bit less fervently than after this event.) after all these zeke is a total wreck, mentally and physically. he hasn’t eaten or slept in weeks and the last time he did also had such a time span in between. gortash is plaguing his nightmares, so how could he? gortash is plaguing the food, so how could he? the fic just before this deals with zeke’s decision to finally make this hunt as a detective a real hunt, so when he hears about gortash having a celebratory dinner/gathering/festivity to honor his work on the finally finished clocktower this dinner is taking place in, he makes completely well-thought out decisions like every sleep-deprived, starving, mental wreck and decides to take out gortash that evening. that’s where i’ll shut up for now but one more thing i should add: this takes place on august/eleasis 14th :]
@rowanisawriter you asked for this one too!!
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booksandpaperss · 1 year
i still haven't actually watched the rwrb movie I need to know if alex has a southern accent that is SOOO important to me does he have a texas drawl. or do I need to blow up amazon prime studios
bestie I think ur gonna wanna get urself some dynamite
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karamamazov · 1 year
Hot take BUT i just know if mischa had survived she and hannibal would’ve had the most deranged sibling relationship
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kiki-strike · 10 months
i’m just getting to the suyin part of tlok……… 😳
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borom1r · 4 months
im fighting for my life today guys -_-
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emmaspolaroid · 9 months
i rotted for the first three days of the new year, obviously, and i am back to being a workaholic today so!!!
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aubreyhepbum · 1 year
critical role
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shepscapades · 4 months
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campbyler · 8 days
Its been 5 months bru
i promise you, there is no one more aware of that than we are! we have been communicating this entire time and have both frequently posted about the demands of our jobs and lives outside of acswy. unfortunately, even when we Do have free time, we try to write and sometimes it still doesn’t work. our chapters average at 27,000 words, the total fic length is already 3x the average novel length, and we lost one of the authors working on this fic. it must be so nice to only have to endure the wait for a chapter to be uploaded so that you can interact with it rather than being the one to actually write it.
we have made several posts talking about how we have both been struggling mentally and emotionally, how we have continued to prioritize this fic over our mental health and how this is the One Time we are not, and you’re still coming in here complaining about the time between uploads? lol.
all of that is to say: fuck off! like actually!
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pattydia · 15 days
photos that make you go hmm
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genderfeel · 11 months
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so like. the golden bachelor.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 3 months
One day I’m going to finish that essay or whatever it was in my drafts that’s about the themes of womanhood/relationships/thirtysomething stuff and TTPD but since part of this discussion has been revived on the dash but also it’s Saturday so this won’t ruffle as many feathers, I think one thing that sometimes gets lost in the shuffle in the conversation about the muses and stories in the lyrics is just why the recurring theme of the broken dreams pops up all over the album, and why they permeate the discussion of both muses, if not *all* the muses in the album.
Not to project things on Taylor, but it feels pretty clear to me* that the dreams she’s talking about specifically are about having a family, and that is the through line in the album, and why the successive blows devastated her. (*I don’t want to presume that anyone else feels this way and this is just my interpretation etc.)
The suburban gothic allegory in Fortnight depicting a miserable, lonely marriage. The ring on the ring finger in TTPD making her explode with joy because it was a shorthand for lifelong commitment. “He saw forever so he smashed it up” in My Boy. “I’m pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free” and dying on the sacrificial altar in So Long London. Marrying her wild boy in But Daddy. “Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge” in Fresh Out the Slammer (as in, she burned her life down). “You shit-talked me under the table talking rings and talking cradles” in loml. “The deflation of our dreaming leaving me bereft and reeling” in How Did It End. “Promises ocean deep and never to keep” in Peter. The allusion in The Manuscript that the man in question made her think he was in it for the potential of a serious commitment only for her to feel used when he moved on. And there are probably more examples I’m not thinking of off the top of my head here.
But what I’m trying to get at delicately is that from what she’s put down in TTPD, as well as what she’s put down in previous albums (“give you my wild, give you my child,” Paper Rings, Lover, renegade, YLM, etc.) building a life and a family with this person (Joe) was not only something she wanted, but seemingly deliberately planning and working towards. So in the death throes of the relationship, her grief was not just about things like losing someone she once loved, the breakdown of this relationship that was once comforting to her, what she gave up to make their life work, etc. but about this important thing she had dreamed of and what she seemed to feel was on the horizon. What I think I’m trying to say is that it had likely shifted at some point (even just based on the album pipeline) from a hypothetical “one day we’ll have ten kids and teach them how to dream” thing you wonder about with a partner to something that felt a lot more… tangible. (Again trying to be sensitive in my word choice/not project or assume things etc.)
I don’t want to make any accusations or assumptions on main, but I think those kind of life plans feeling within reach not only makes it understandable as to why someone would stay in a relationship whose cracks were turning into fault lines, but on the flip side why giving up on something that felt like it was on their doorstep would be so wholly devastating.
But it’s also why what happened in the two successive relationships *was* so devastating in the songs on the album, and why the Matty thing specifically was so twisted. He’d reentered her life and he’d insinuated himself back into her circle and gained her confidence which in turn led her to confide things in him (the “hostile takeovers” of it all, the whole bridge of The Smallest Man with its honey pot spy mission imagery in which like a mark he sweet talked her into sharing her most vulnerable, compromising “secrets” only to then turn it around to use her and ghost her like a trained operative). And given the way the family thing appears in both presumed storylines, it’s again because Muse #2 used the info gleaned about the life with Muse #1 to sell her a con about an alternate path to what she was mourning so deeply. (And why it’s such an unconscionable act because it’s manipulation, at least going by her own words about her experience of it. It’s as cavalier as the organ donor line in The Manuscript, with the same effect.)
The shittalking about rings and cradles is both of them (if not all of them) because in all cases, they ended up raising her hopes only to not plan on following through. One because he maybe couldn’t commit, one because maybe he was never serious about it. (And the one who did it first who was both 🥴.)
If I had to guess (because I am not Taylor so I will obviously never know any of this for sure besides picking up context clues), the dream was like a carrot dangling in her mind, feeling like this is what the “agony” to quote another one of her songs was for — like, things may be hard, but life is hard, and at least they were building towards *something* she felt they both wanted. And as that dream slipped through her fingers, it created a cascading series of events that crippled her emotionally for a time. So when she mourns that life in her songs, it’s almost like it’s the same dream, just in shifting contexts. The conman selling her dream back to her is comforting at first, but hits doubly hard and leaves her broke when it disappears.
The story throughout the muses on the album isn’t “she jumps to the person who promises her these things,” it’s that it’s a whole life she’s built that crumbles under the weight of reality knocking at the door and a foundation that shifts until it disintegrates. And losing that foundation and the dreams built upon it leaves her searching for answers in the wreckage — and looking elsewhere for clarity for a time. And it’s why it’s so hard to remove one muse from the other (or again, all of them), because that central driving force is used by each of them in different ways to build her up and take her down. And why working through the pain of one situation bleeds into that of another.
It’s hard to delve into this more without crossing boundaries or whatever, but it’s just such a palpable open wound in the album, but also why working through the pain in different contexts on TTPD brings to light all these different kinds of hurt but also the emotions that go along with them.
Anyway. That other essay will write itself at some point idk.
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icarianarts · 4 hours
One of the funniest parts about drawings Guts trans is I have had my art reposted onto berserk dudebro meme pages and genuinely none of them notice the top surgery scars. Like I guess it might be more subtle because I just adjust the horizontal scarring he has across his chest but I have seen a couple comments go haha…that looks like mastectomy scars! But do not even bother to question further because Guts as a character is just covered in scars all over so it isn’t even that out of place. It is amusing to watch
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aturnoftheearth · 6 months
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sixtynineinchnails · 2 months
I've been wanting to make this post for months and in light of the recent ex-presidential ear piercing now seems as good a time as any.
As a non-usamerican, as someone who is pro Palestine, as an anarchist: I am begging you with every fibre of my being to go to the fucking polls this fall and
Disclaimer: I don't live in the united states and I never have and I probably never will. I can never truly understand what it's like to be a usamerican and I'm not going to pretend like i could. I fully expect to get called a fascist or some shit for saying your should exercise your right to vote but at this point I don't care. I'm scared, we're all scared, and news like we've just gotten tonight is only going to compound the fear and chaos and conspiracy thought and fearmongering and hopelesspilled doomerism we’re all dealing with rn. I don’t want to make anyone’s day worse. I'm not looking to debate you. I just want to say some things that i’ve been thinking about for a long time now while a couple people might actually stop to listen.
The united states of america is the most powerful country in the world.
What happens in the united states government this fall will affect every single person on the planet, in some way, for better or worse.
You aren't just voting blue to avoid trump turning the united states into an alt-right theocratic dictatorship (which on its own is bad enough). You're also voting to avoid the right from gaining power (where they haven't already) in of other powerful democratic countries. You're voting to stop Palestine (and let’s be real, probably a handful of other places) from being wiped off the face of the planet with nuclear bombs. You're potentially voting to avoid a third world war. I'm not saying this to spread fear of these things happening. I'm saying this because if you're not already aware of how huge the scope is here: you're not voting to save your country, you're very likely voting to save the entire world.
I can't speak to how people feel everywhere (if you’re also a non-usamerican please feel free to share how this is/has/will affect your country in the notes) but I want to speak to my own for a bit. I can confidently say that what happens in america heavily affects the political and social situation here in canada. We would not have had a convoy of thousands of people drive across the country (which takes days to do) to occupy our capital city for a month and halt almost $4 billion in trade to protest, i kid you not, wearing a mask during covid, if trump supporters hadn't paved the way (and directly influenced canadians to follow in their footsteps). We wouldn't have had "concerned parents" protesting against sex-ed and LGBTQ+ inclusivity in schools (protests full of armed+mounted police which they brought their young children to during school hours) if trump supporters hadn't paved the way. There are people waving flags and signs around on street corners along major roads every single week everywhere from the largest city in our country to small towns of under 5000 people. I’ve heard of people who’ve spiraled into such severe conspiracy rabbitholes that their entire lives and personalities have changed in just a few years. Despite being canadian nationalists, these people and their patterns of behaviour are all a direct result of donald j trump and his followers. And no matter your political leaning, pretty much everyone hates our current prime minister, our economy is bad, even people with decent incomes can’t afford to eat, and everyone is frothing at the mouth for something to happen. If america votes trump this fall, I see very little hope that our country won't vote conservative (our main right-wing party). They will backpedal decades of LGBTQ+ rights and Indigenous peoples' rights and climate action funding and children's education and a whole pile of other important stuff. They have made it very clear that they will follow the exact same path as right wing america and there are a scary amount of people here who want that. And even if canada remains centre/left while sharing the largest land border in the world with a trump dictatorship....well I for one can’t see that going over very well either.
And that's just my country. I know a lot of other countries have been battling a similar spike in alt-right groups and conservative ideologies following the last trump presidency. I don't think any of us are truly prepared for what will happen in the event of another one.
Look. I hate biden too. In general I disagree with the very concept of colonial government and money and the division of countries/states/etc and the legal/carceral system and a whole whack of other shit that we have to live with right now. Someone’s said this before but if any of us thought that telling you guys to blow up a walmart would save your country from a fascist dictatorship I for one would encourage it. But none of us are actually going to blow up a walmart, and it wouldn’t solve anything at this point anyways. We all have to take action in whatever ways we actually can and will. Voting is one of many small, simple steps you can take, should take, fucking better be taking. It’s easy, it’s legal, if you mail in you don’t even have to go to the polling station, and if you really can’t vote for whatever reason, encourage everyone you know who can to do so. Hell, if I could vote on november 5th I would crawl my ass over the border on my hands and knees to do it. I'm sorry that the two options are a fascist police state and an even worse fascist police state run by a man who thinks he's a god, but not voting won't fix that problem. You're not going to establish a revolution by purposefully not taking part in social change, and encouraging others not to either. Not voting against trump = voting for trump. If you don't vote and that orange nukefucker takes over your country it is your fault. And we’re all going to pay for your inaction, especially the people in places like Palestine who will be in significantly more danger than they already are if trump gets his fake tanned hands on the situation.
Anyways. Keep fighting. Stay safe. Do what you can. Don't give up. There is always hope for a better future. And for fucks sake go vote.
Oh and if we do end up in the worst timeline this november and I see you anti-voting fuckers making "lmao time to move to canada" jokes...count your fucking days.
TLDR: usamerica is not the only place in the world affected by the actions of usamerica. If you’re still railing against voting at this point you’re pro-trump lmao.
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