#i ship hazel and reyna...
No thoughts.
Just thinking about how Reyna kept her distance from Jason because of Venus, fearing heartbreak, but ended up getting heartbroken anyway.
Just thinking about how Jason felt guilty about Reyna's feelings for him, thinking that he led her on, and felt truly sorry that he didn't love her back.
Just thinking about how bitter Reyna sounded when she said that Jason was no longer fully roman anymore.
Just thinking about how, upon seeing Thalia's eyes, the only thing Reyna can think of is Jason's startling blue stare.
Just thinking about how Jason could tell that Reyna was tired simply by noting how her shoulders move.
Just thinking about how Reyna rarely compliments anyone, but fondly calls Jason an "all American boy".
Just thinking about how Jason would never bet against Reyna under any circumstances, and knows if anyone is capable of completing dangerous missions, it's Reyna.
Just thinking about how Reyna daydreamt of her and Jason holding hands, walking in the garden.
Just thinking about how Reyna and Jason would geek over their shared interest of roman history.
Just thinking about how Jason HATES unkept promises, yet the only unkept promise he'd unintentionally made was that if he and Reyna would go visit Diocletian's sceptre, it would only be them visiting TOGETHER. Not seperately. The fates ruined his chance of keeping that promise.
Just thinking about how Reyna would've felt upon hearing that her once best friend, died tragically saving a god, and that she would never see him again.
Just thinking about how Jason dies with the guilt of not properly reconciling with his old friend.
Just thinking about how Reyna lives with the guilt of keeping her distance from him because of that wretched warning Venus gave her. Maybe if she had not, would they have been together? Would they have atleast remained best friends? Would they have not grown apart?
Just thinking about how Reyna looked like she'd been crying for hours during Jason's funeral.
Just thinking about how they both knew their friendship would never be the same again but refused to confront that bitter reality, so they ran away from it.
Just thinking about how they never even shared one last hug together.
Just thinking about how in the end, both of them most likely only had bittersweet memories of eachother, and that neither of them got to say their final goodbyes.
No thoughts, just the tragic end of Jason Grace and Reyna Avila Ramirez's friendship
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
In all seriousness, TSATS's lack of reference to Hazel, Reyna, and Jason infuriates me.
Is Reyna even mentioned?
Huh. So I guess I was the only one led lost by a delusional friendship?
Hazel wasn't even mentioned throughout Nico's first trip to Tartarus? He misses Percy, Annabeth, and Jason, but not his own sister?
When in fact Hazel was the first one to insist on saving him even if it was a trap?
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mioakem · 5 months
Obviously percabeth is my otp but I also dabble in a bit of pipabeth and I gotta admit I can see the appeal in jercy but I’m actually obsessed with jeyna but I also love valgrace but on that note I also like valdangelo however I actually kinda like caleo and I like solangelo and I can actually get down with valzhang but frazel is rlly cute but also I don’t hate leo x Hazel and pipeyna is a fav of mine but everyone just being single is also appealing
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sweetaspiesammy · 1 year
rereading heroes of olympus and I just discovered the heights of the seven (and a few others) on their wikis and idk how to deal with this-
(Tallest to shortest): Frank is 6’5, Jason is 6’1, Percy is 6’0, Thalia is 5’10, Annabeth is 5’9, Reyna is 5’8, Leo is 5’6, Nico is 5’6, Piper is 5’5, Hazel is 5’2
almost all of them are so TALL and also I’m the same height and nico and leo. what do I do with this info
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mrsoftthoughts · 4 days
Guest the percy jackson ship round one!! But they are animals ( level? Easy... i think)
(Part 2 here)
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1- Frazel
2- Solangelo
3- Percabeth
4- Jeyna
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mixingupthings · 3 months
hey i'm kinda bored rn. send my ur fav pjo/hoo ships and i'll tell u what i think abt them. maybe even ur headcanons
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emeagirnacamps · 1 year
i don't know if i will write it in my switch!au, so i am sharing this–
but jason and nico talking in italian inside the argo ii . i just have so many feelings over the exchange. like, just imagine jason's weird accent when comparing with nico's way of talking. u hear noises and then nico's voice answers it and damn they are actually talking in another language??
(and they are totally doing it cause jason doesn't trust the others since nico is uncomfortable with the greeks and he always does the things that make his pack feel at ease–)
hazel knows some words cause jason is an excited lil shit and needed to practice while nico was away from cj and also because nico shared a little with her, so she can grasp some of the conversation if she wants. reyna would learn it later, when she is going to deliver the athena parthenos to chb, since she wants to know and she doesn't miss on the others things that make jason go all nerdy (he totally is a language nerd, thank u very much) and frank learns it alongside chinese after the war cause he let his became a lil rusty so he need to study more.
i got a little sidetracked but yeah i just think it would be very funny to write jason and nico talking in italian when they are on the argo ii, a lil bit after his rescue and piper & reyna had fallen into tartarus. the greeks would be so curious (leo, percy and annabeth, even if i think she knows a lil bit of it, like some words) while them talk since they would be kinda hidden? and it is not a conscious choice, is more like 'nico doesn't want to be seen by others' choice so they seem sketchy as fuck from the outside pov.
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thestevenuniversehooau · 11 months
So. I forgot time was a thing. But I’m back now with a fusion list! Note: Jason doesn’t fuse often. He was grown on Homeworld, therefore was taught that different gem types shouldn’t fuse. He took a while to adjust, and he fully accepts Leo (who’s a fusion), he just doesn’t really fuse unless it’s really necessary. Nico doesn’t fuse often either, because he used to be permafused with Bianca/Onyx. When Bianca was shattered, he was broken inside, and has only fused with Leo and Reyna since. Annabeth still somewhat holds a grudge against Rachel/Rhodochrosite, so they haven’t fused. Anyway, here you go!
Fire Opal (Leo) + Rhodochrosite (Rachel) = Pyrope
Fire Opal (Leo) + Purple Jasper (Reyna) = Tourmaline
Fire Opal (Leo) + Morganite (Piper) = Rubellite
Fire Opal (Leo) + Sandstone (Frank) = Goldstone
Fire Opal (Leo) + Amber (Hazel) = Paint Rock Agate
Fire Opal (Leo) + Labradorite (Jason) = Unknown
Fire Opal (Leo) + Aquamarine (Percy) = Umbalite
Fire Opal (Leo) + Grey Moonstone (Annabeth) = Carnelian
Fire Opal (Leo) + Arfvedsonite (Nico) = Almandine
Rhodochrosite (Rachel) + Purple Jasper (Reyna) = Kunzite
Rhodochrosite (Rachel) + Morganite (Piper) = Pink Coral
Rhodochrosite (Rachel) + Sandstone (Frank) = Pink Flourite
Rhodochrosite (Rachel) + Amber (Hazel) = Golden Beryl
Rhodochrosite (Rachel) + Labradorite (Jason) = Unknown
Rhodochrosite (Rachel) + Aquamarine (Percy) = Pink Calcite
Rhodochrosite (Rachel) + Grey Moonstone (Annabeth) = Unknown
Rhodochrosite (Rachel) + Arfvedsonite (Nico) = Unknown
Purple Jasper (Reyna) + Morganite (Piper) = Chalcedony
Purple Jasper (Reyna) + Sandstone (Frank) = Ametrine
Purple Jasper (Reyna) + Amber (Hazel) = Lepidolite
Purple Jasper (Reyna) + Labradorite (Jason) = Unknown
Purple Jasper (Reyna) + Auquamarine (Percy) = Tanzenite
Purple Jasper (Reyna) + Grey Moonstone (Annabeth) = Lolite
Purple Jasper (Reyna) + Arfvedsonite (Nico) = Purple Jade
Morganite (Piper) + Sandstone (Frank) = Eudialyte
Morganite (Piper) + Amber (Hazel) = Citrine
Morganite (Piper) + Labradorite (Jason) = Pink Howlite
Morganite (Piper) + Aquamarine (Percy) = Chrysocolla
Morganite (Piper) + Grey Moonstone (Annabeth) = Apatite
Morganite (Piper) + Arfvedsonite (Nico) = Unknown
Sandstone (Frank) + Amber (Hazel) = Lemon Quartz
Sandstone (Frank) + Labradorite (Jason) = Unknown
Sandstone (Frank) + Aquamarine (Percy) = Chrysoberyl
Sandstone (Frank) + Grey Moonstone (Annabeth) = Sphalerite
Sandstone (Frank) + Arfvedsonite (Nico) = Unknown
Amber (Hazel) + Labradorite (Jason) = Danburite
Amber (Hazel) + Aquamarine (Percy) = Turquoise
Amber (Hazel) + Grey Moonstone (Annabeth) = Citrine
Amber (Hazel) + Arfvedsonite (Nico) = Unknown
Labradorite (Jason) + Aquamarine (Percy) = Diopside
Labradorite (Jason) + Grey Moonstone (Annabeth) = Unknown
Labradorite (Jason) + Black Spinal (Nico) = Unknown
Aquamarine (Percy) + Grey Moonstone (Annabeth) = Cassiterite
Aquamarine (Percy) + Arfvedsonite (Nico) = Unknown
Grey Moonstone (Annabeth) + Arfvedsonite (Nico) = Unknown
Red Pearl (name tbd) + Orange Amethyst (name tbd) = Fire Opal (Leo)
Onyx (Bianca) + Arfvedsonite (Nico) = Rainbow Obsidian
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hazellvsq · 5 months
writing hazel/reyna is SO FUN like hazel thinks reyna’s a smug bitch and reyna thinks hazel’s weird as all fuck and then they [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]. and yes the armor stays on.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
No but like. I was still... a little baffled by the fact that Annabeth is Percy’s anchor and not... Sally.
But you know what? Whatever Rick likes to do with his protagonist. And if that gives the Percabeth nation something to rejoice then all power to them,
But Nico.
When I think of Nico, the first thing that comes to mind is always the love he has for those he considers family. Despite a bunch of ships I keep pulling Nico into, it would always - always - be the familial love that exceeds all. 
Bianca. Hazel. Reyna. The mother whose face he can’t even remember. Hades - after everything they have gone through.
Half of his suffering was the result of losing Bianca.
His story started with Bianca - his sister, his world, the only world he knew at that time. His story started again (because up until then all he knew was sadness) with Reyna - not his sister, but one he considered a sister.
When Nico hated being touched, he would still kiss Hazel’s forehead.    
When they encountered Melinoe, the form she chose to taunt Nico was Maria’s.
Even Hades. After every horrible things he had thrown at him, Nico still remained. Even when Hades made it clear he preferred Bianca over him, Nico still believed in his father not to blast him into pieces no matter how much of a brat he was. And he was right.
Before Percy, before The Last Olympian, before anyone else, Nico was the first - in so many years - to talk to Hestia, the goddess of Hearth and Family. I don’t know if it’s intentional in Rick’s part, but I like to think that it’s an implication of how important the thing such as family is to Nico.
And even when I have a bunch of ships for which I’d write a Shakespear-level love story, I would rip my heart off my chest if Rick throws Nico into the River Styx and gives me a love interest instead of Hazel as his anchor.
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kingoftheu · 5 months
I am the world's last Jeyna shipper. I am one of those soldiers who never heard WWII was over and was hiding in the jungle. I understand that canon has moved on but I refuse to surrender. I don't even need the ship itself to be canon, could be totally platonic I don't care but as a matter of principle it has to be maintained.
Jason just flat out ditching Romans never sat right with me. All those backstory hints in TLH ignored. His history comepletely irrelevant. Not once do we see him interact with any old friends who are not otherwise involved. Oh I'm sorry he had never really felt at home at Camp Jupiter than why was he part of the swap. Ooh la la Pontifex Maximus I don't care he should have been the Roman's Roman. They got left with Frank and Hazel who will be great don't get me wrong but they aren't very expirienced as the quest starts. Jason is the only Old Hand who could have countered Percebeth on the Argo 2.
Look as I said above I don't actually need Reyna to wind up with Jason. But...like...something on their backstory. I mean they toppled the Throne of Saturn. Why was she of all people raised alongside him after they were victorious? But nope Romans get screwed over. I also don't like her joining the Hunt. I just don't like the implications of a woman who doesn't want to get involved with romance having to withdraw from the world entirely. Why can't she just be praetor and not have romance.
In conclusion I am the world's last Jason x Reyna shipper who also doesn't actually ship them in particular.
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🐚 Daughter of Neptune headcanons list 🌊 Part Two..
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note: dam this was superrr long aswell, I hope I didn't bore y'all lol, I really enjoyed writing this actually! Again, this is the continuation of my first fic, this mostly includes big brother percy! x reader, and yes there will be a part 3 aswell, that focuses more on reader x bf! Jason, gosh I was not expecting this to become an actual series LOL! This part is mostly Percy centric! Also, i wasn't expecting my first hc list to get that many notes?? Like 72 notes is a LOT for me especially if it's for something that I've never done before! So thank you!
•Jason's disappearance would drive you INSANE. I'm not even kidding, those 6 months would be the worst you've ever had. Almost as bad as Annabeth, and it's not just because your maybe-boyfriend disappeared. It's because your sleep was PLAGUED with nightmares about this mysterious lady who called herself the earth mother. She kept trying to recruit you to her side. Gaia was trying to make you join her. But you didn't even know that it was Gaia, at that point. 
• Since you were linked to the earthen side of Neptune, and Gaia wanted ALL forces of earth to join her against demigods, you were her main target, along with Percy and Jason. You'd be the easiest to manipulate amongst all big three children , since your powers reeked of earth.
•You anxiously told Reyna about these nightmares, but she waved off the suspicion as stress, with you being unnerved about Jason’s whereabouts or something.
•You also got dreams about a teenage boy with black hair, wandering around the streets of San Francisco helplessly, something about this boy felt super tranquil (yes it's Percy lol)
•And don't get me started about the senators' uproar about their praetor’s disappearance. Conspiracies swirled around the whole camp. 
•Octavian was NOT helping the matters, the guy was such a drama king. He cooked up this wild story that YOU were the reason Jason disappeared, taking advantage of the point that Jupiter and Neptune were rivals to give himself an upper hand in his argument. 
•He also latched on to the point that all of these atrocities were happening because YOU were a bad omen to camp, which unfortunately, convinced the whole senate. The whole camp now hates you more than ever. 
•And guess what happened? You weren't even a full centurion anymore. Ppl thought you would lead your cohort to conspire against everyone, so they forced poor Reyna to transfer the centurion-ship to Gwendolyn.
•Octavian also deliberately refused to look for Jason because he was happy to get rid of the son of Jupiter.
•Nico and Reyna were your only support systems at this point. Reyna elected you as the unofficial praetor (not that she told anyone else, of course, this was a secret between you both, she needed another praetor in place of jason, and she badly wanted it to be you, but the senators begged to differ) so you were secretly helping Reyna to help reinforcements to look for Jason.
• Nico would actually be such a big comfort to you. Bringing you coca cola from McDonald’s while you both just sat in silence in pluto's shrine wallowing in sadness lol
•Okay okay I'm yapping so much, so here comes the best part. The most anticipated one. Your brother Percy Jackson's arrival. 
•You actually weren't in camp when he dramatically came by, you were in Temple hill, trying to convince a thick headed octavian to burn his god damn bears and issue a prayer to Jupiter about Jason. That jerk was so stubborn. So you were practically yelling at each other.
•That's also EXACTLY when Percy and Hazel get sent to Octavian by Reyna. So while they were approaching you, you were just in shock and stopped mid way from the argument you and Octavian were currently having and stared at Percy. He was the same boy in your dreams.
• This strange boy had worn the same expression as he stared at you. Shock. Unbeknownst to you, Percy had been having dreams about your wispy face as well. 
• Hazel told Percy about you after he dramatically charged into camp as a child of Neptune. Percy would actually be SO excited when he finds out that he has a sister in this mysterious camp. 
• But TWO children of Neptune? At the same place? Same time? This all brought on such an uproar amongst campers
• Octavian had practically hardwired the whole “Neptune children are unlucky” thing into ppls mind so much that everyone was worried that Percy's arrival meant something bad was happening.
• When Percy met you though, he'd actually find you very closed off and rigid. But he cannot help being soft around you, since you were practically his younger sister.
• You'd deliberately avoided him a little. Because you were SO overwhelmed with everything. How did you dream about your nonexistent brother before you actually knew he existed? You actually had a hard time trusting him with everything going on, so you'd act a little cold around him for the first day. Even Reyna would notice your lack of enthusiasm when you welcomed Percy to your legion.
• But you failed to intimidate Percy. like miserably. You'd shoot him grumpy looks, only to find him smiling back at you. You felt kind of bad now. Since Percy looked like he badly wanted to talk to you.
• so. You planned a secret excursion. You were both in the same cohort, so you had no problem tapping Percy on the shoulder at lunch, and told him to meet you at your dad's shrine at around 12 AM.
• Percy was super confused at your sudden offer but he obliged anyway out of curiosity.
• so he'd be walking around the shrine like a lost puppy, admiring how new his dad's statue looked. Hazel had told him about your efforts to bring glory to Neptune, and how you'd never miss a day to clean his shrine, and percy'd admire that. Like a lot. He knew there's more to you than what people said about you in camp.
• "Good old dad huh?" You'd say as you came inside the shrine, startling Percy so bad that he'd trip on his own shoelace.
• That shit was hilarious as hell lol making you holler with laughter.
• He'd be super embarassed but would totally laugh along with you.
• Okay so the first few minutes would be painfully awkward. I mean, what do you say to your long lost sibling you never knew you had?
• But Percy would interrupt by telling you that he'd had dreams of you. Which shocked you to the core. Because you had them aswell, that piece of information would leave him shocked aswell.
• So after this info dump, the conversation after would flow so naturally?? Like where did all the awkwardness go? You'd both talk about everything, you'd tell Percy about Jason (though you kinda left out the boyfriend bit lolz) and he'd tell you about Annabeth.
• You'd walk Percy around the streets of New Rome, breaking curfew, like you always did, as you told him "well you deserved a proper sisterly tour of the city yesterday, I'm sorry I didn't give you that, I just had a lot on my mind, I DO want to get to know you more, you are my brother, after all".
• All of these words would leave Percy overwhelmed tbh. He'd been so scared that you wouldn't talk to him, and that you may not want have a sibling dynamic with him. But he was wrong. You were still a little awkward, but you were trying. And that made him feel a rush of brotherly affection for you. You were nothing like the scary/grumpy heartless girl you were perceived to be by the other campers.
• the whole excursion-with-your-brother-to-bond with-him thing actually worked. You had no idea what you were doing, but it worked. You got to know stuff about him, even though he barely remembered a thing, and as much as you hated to admit it, you sort of overshared with him. The bullying you faced at camp, how everyone called you names, scoffed at you, how Octavian was being. well. Octavian. Your dad not noticing you, So all in all, you shared basically everything with guy. And no, you still left out the boyfriend detail, he ain't gonna know about that lol
• It actually helped you get those things off of your chest. But at the same time, you had too much fun maintaing the grumpy mean girl persona, and now that you've given him your tragic villian backstory, you no longer had the "mystery" aura around you anymore, and you were sure Percy thought of you as a small marshmallow he needed to protect. You didn't need protecting.
• And you were SO right, Percy got super protective the next day, the change was SO visible, that even Reyna noticed and asked you about it.
• you kept the sibling excursion trip a secret though lol no way were you scrubbing the streets with toothbrushes again. You'd broken enough rules.
• So now, the curfew thing just became an inside joke between you guys lol
• Percy would SO introduce you to blue food. Tell me he wouldn't.
• Okay so after loads of protesting and senate Mayhem, you'd go on the quest to free thanatos, along with Percy, Hazel and Frank, where you also found out that you were a part of the prophecy. You'd discover that you and Percy's powers would work SO well together.
• You both would look like a power duo in all honesty, you'd cause the earth around you to tremble, while Percy made the waves accelerate. Frank and Hazel almost fainted omg
• Octavian was SO sure you were going to fail the quest.
• Jokes on him, his expression when you and Percy rode on Mrs O Leary, carrying the golden eagle together, screaming "Twelfth Legion! Fulminata!" was hilarious. He looked angry, shocked and murderous all at the same time.
• I kid you not, The amount of celebration you and Percy got after you came back was insane. You were both elected as praetor the same day. Yes, I know there can only be 2, but at that point, not even Octavian could deny the fact that you both deserved praetorship. (Sucks that it only lasted a few days before you guys ran off to the argo ii)
• Percy's arrival had helped you as a person, and helped restore glory to your father Neptune and the twelfth legion. All of a sudden, Neptune children, were regarded as lucky charms. You both would definitely go down in the Camp Jupiter history reports as the sibling duo who restored the golden eagle to Rome again, after many many years.
• okay now that the plot centric stuff with Percy is over, lemme just add a few extra stuff.
• you and Percy would have SUCH different auras, it was actually hilarious. You'd be dark and broody, Percy would be calm and serene (well, most of the time) which was GOOD. Bc if you both were mad, then I'll send the world some thoughts and prayers, mostly prayers. Since it would end in an avalanche mess.
• also, i forgot to mention, you broke your imperial gold sword in the quest, that left you shattered. Bc that sword held memories. But in return? You got something SO much better.
• Your good old father, Neptune, had appeared in the praetorship ceremony, (leaving Octavian terrified) and congratulated you and Percy for being "such a pride symbol" for him (Percy got SO mad, like oh. NOW you notice us pops?) but yeah, Neptune, told you that your efforts to restore glory to him was very much noticed ad appreciated, by him.
• Neptune had given you something else as a replacement for your sword. It was a pearl bracelet but when you tapped it twice, It turn into this unique aqua coloured metal, that would transform into any sort of weapon you wanted. But the catch, is that it could only be one weapon at a time. This was eerily similar to Jason's coin-sword and Percy's Riptide.
• Percy had sassed the hell out of Neptune on your behalf though lol I mean, the guy has every right to be angry, His sister was neglected for SO long?
• in a way, percy also felt super guilty bc now tha he got his memories back, he knew Poseidon would visit him a lot, but his Roman side never visited his other child up until this point? He felt like he had a privilege you didn't.
• Sally would totally love you. She'd coddle you as much as she does percy tbh.
Update: part three is just out!
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thestarstoasun · 2 months
Some of my PJO ships & why
Percabeth (Percy/Annabeth - They invented love)
Clarisse/Chris (*I do not know their ship name, my bad - The Labyrinth, need I say more?)
Silena/Beckendorf (*Idk if they ever had an official ship name - They were so tragic)
Clarisse/Beckendorf/Silena/Chris (Polycule, bc multishipper really)
Jake Mason/Michael Yew (I have a thousand reasons and I don't think any are canon)
Conchell (Connor/Mitchell - THE FANFICS PLS, but some of them need to remember these are minors pls)
Connor x Malcolm Pace (I saw really cute ship art 1 time and I was sold)
Connor/Mitchell/Malcolm (I think they'd be really cute together and I don't care if it's impractical)
Luke/Lee Fletcher (Lukelee - Honestly, its more of a crack ship for me, but some people on Tumblr have me considering how much)
Luke/Ethan Nakamura (Lukethan - I can't be alone in this, pls)
Theyna (Thalia/Reyna - They would make an awesome QPR, and I thought this even before Reyna was revealed to be aroace. They flirt endlessly if only to enjoy the confused looks on their friends faces)
Tratie (Travis/Katie Gardner - Is there anyone who read the books in the 2010s when the fandom was like super big that doesn't ship them? It's big now, but like, still.)
Tyson/Ella (They deserve the world)
Solangelo (Nico/Will - Tbf, I shipped them since The Last Olympian AS A CRACK SHIP, but A WIN IS A WIN)
Grover/Juniper (Just yes)
Sally/Paul (The King that our Queen Sally Jackson deserves)
Shelper (Shel/Piper - The plot twist I didn't know I needed)
Valgrace (Leo/Jason - When I read The Lost Hero, I just thought "these two idiots could definitely work well together.")
Jasper (Jason/Piper - It isn't my favorite, but I think they're cute together. I hate that their relationship was built on the Gods interference, because neither of them deserved that. I would probably like it more if it didn't start because of Hera.)
Ethabaster (Ethan Nakamura/Alabaster Torrington - The fandom is the reason I ship them mainly tbh. I ship Ethan with Luke more, but Ethan honestly deserves better)
Jercy (Jason/Percy - I have read a single Jercy fanfiction and its kind of growing on me)
Cecil/Lou Ellen (They are literally the idiots in love that annoy Will until he gets with Nico {personal hc}, Love them)
Sherman/Miranda (I didn't think I would like this as much as I do, but its in so many fics I've read I'm low-key a little attached. Like, yeah Sherman show off, get your girl)
Damien/Chiara (I couldn't see them with anyone else tbh, but honestly could possibly change that one day, they will always hold my heart as #1 together though)
Frazel (Frank/Hazel - They are one of the sweetest pairings in the series)
Jason/Percy/Annabeth/Piper (Yes, another poly ship. I've seen this in a few fics and honestly, I think the way its written has grown on me.)
Castor/Will (Literally, because of a single fanfic. They were probably each other's first crushes and didn't even know it)
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crxss01 · 11 months
— Heartache
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pairing ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ jason grace x reader
summary ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ jason and you were dating before he was taken by hera, when he comes back he chooses piper over you leaving you heartbroken.
warnings ✧˖ ° angst, hurt/no comfort, breaking up (is not even stated, he just dated someone else), curse words, jason is kind of an asshole, i love him but i hate him here, piper was clueless about your existence, no piper bashing.
m. list, main m.list.
a/n . . ◟੭ hey, sweet anon! i found this request so interesting and i really enjoyed (even though it hurt) writing this idea for you!
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you stood stunned, looking at your boyfriend as he stood there having just climb out of the greek ship. you were too shocked to move towards him, almost a year ago you had started dating and then a couple of months ago he completely disappeared but that time he was missing only made your feelings for him grow.
you had grown desperate to find him and when you found out that he had been sent to camp half-blood you had felt relieved because that meant that there was a chance he was still alive and that you would be able to see him again.
you finally got over your surprised and when you took one step to run towards him like the blonde had done for percy, you didn’t know how you hadn’t notice the hand that jason was holding or the way he was looking at you with guilty eyes.
those same eyes that used to look exactly like that when he did something that you didn’t like, for example one time he made your entire cohort have cleaning duty for a week for something only one of you guys did. it pissed you off extremely that all of your cohort had to pay for somebody’s mistake, now that look was there and you didn’t like it one bit.
this couldn’t be happening.
during the feast you watched their interactions quietly and you weren’t dumb so you connected the dots quickly, hazel kept giving you glances full of pity and reyna glanced at you once in a while.
when others started going their separate ways, (ella with tyson, octavian leaving with leo and others just doing whatever.) you finally decided to speak up when jason had the audacity to ask reyna if he could show the girl, piper, around.
“jason, i think that we have something to discuss before you do that. don’t you think?” you raised an eyebrow, using all your strength to pray to the gods that you don’t start to cry right then and there.
“umm, sure..” he appeared uncomfortable, and piper looked confused.
“i’m his girlfriend,” you told her. “or ex? i don’t know, last time i saw him i was pretty sure we were even in love with each other.” you said the word like it physically hurt to say, and it did because he even told you that he loved you so what was this shit he was pulling now.
“hey,” jason said before you can continue saying more stuff. “we’ll talk, you don’t have to put this onto her. she didn’t know.”
you bit the inside of your cheek, trying to stop yourself from crying and nodded, turning and walking away from the group expecting him to follow you which he did but not before telling her that he will explain everything later. the way he defended her hurt you so much, it was like you didn’t matter anymore.
you finally reached a place where you could have some privacy with him, it was actually the thinking tree. the spot where you and jason met, where he met up with you a couple of times before dating you, where he asked you out, where you had your first kiss with him, where you two said your first i love you and where you last saw each other until now.
you were the one to name the tree and you remember jason’s sweet laugh when you told him the name, he found it interesting that you liked to come under a tree so that you would be able to think with nothing else in mind and then go and give it a name.
“you remember this?” you asked him, nodding at the tree.
“yeah…” he looked at it and you hoped he was getting deja vu.
“why are you dating her?” you asked him, straight to the point. “you are dating me, jason. that’s called cheating, something i never expected you to do.”
“listen, i didn’t mean to. it just happened.” jason explained. “i really like her, and i want to stay with her.”
“did you have your memories back at the time this feelings continued to grow?” you asked, still trying to keep your cool.
“yes,” he nodded. “but there was nothing i could do to stop it.”
“jason, i—” your voice broke, the tears started to spill out. “i w—waited for you, all this time…”
“i’m sorry, but i didn’t ask you to do that.” jason said, looking at you with pity which you hated. “i want to stay with her because she makes me happier than i have ever been, i’m sorry that this hurts you.”
“you want to stay with her?” you asked shocked, those words had cut deep.
“yes, and—”
a shrill sound pierced the air. lights flashed in the direction you two had come from.
“piper!” jason rushed in that direction without even glancing back at you.
that single word alone was enough to completely shatter your heart.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
No because it's genuinely flabbergasting how often Rick contradicts himself with calling Percabeth the perfect couple
Poseidon said 'The sea does not like to be restrained' in reference to Percy and Piper said Annabeth 'keeps him in line'.Percy directly said to Annabeth he wishes she'd be nicer to him and she responded 'I am never going to make things easier for you'.Percy straight up insulted Annabeth in his narration for not treating him like Rachel does(the 'unlike some other girls' line)and Annabeth deadass started crying because she hated that Percy's approach to their romance wasn't as direct as hers.They find eachother's interests stupid and lame.Percy is an abuse survivor and has resigned himself to Annabeth's constant hitting he never returns as seen by 'Nah,you'd just beat me up' followed by Annabeth laughing in agreement.Even after they start dating,Annabeth has ZERO trust in Percy's to be faithful to her seeing as she assumed he'd gotten with Hazel literally just for standing next to him in a friendly way and used Rachel as ammo to make him nervous on purpose for her amusement because 'you gotta keep your boyfriend on his toes' and it's topped off by the fact Percy quickly gently letdown Reyna because he remembered her.Annabeth hates her hair and traditional femininity and Percy says it makes her look like a princess and thought she looked better than normal after Circe's makeover
They give eachother ZERO character development,Annabeth intensified Percy's insecurities big time and Percy enabled Annabeth's bad coping mechanisms just as much.Percy hates masculinity and is drawn to femininity but forces himself to act and look like a guy so he can be Annabeth's ideal macho boyfriend and Annabeth quirks herself up into a manic pixie dream girl instead of acting like herself to be Percy's It Girl.Percy hates fate and destiny and he's always told Annabeth is his by people who don't even know him.They don't even have any reasons to be attracted to eachother to begin with seeing as they find the other so annoying it's hard to believe they're not actually found siblings and the fact that all the other campers kept teasing them about liking eachother only adds fuel to it!I'm fucking loosing it,'Percabeth gave me my standards for romances' is one of the most depressing ship related things you can say i'm so serious
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6vaguebook · 3 months
A summary of my journey reading Heroes of Olympus:
Before reading: I've just speed red five books in a row and I'm kinda tired, I don't care about this second great prophecy that much, and I have a long tbr list I wanna get to, but also THE PERCABETH IS FINALLY PERCABETHING I NEED MORE
The lost hero: I don't think I've ever theorised this hard reading Pjo before, but also we're head hoping now??? That's new. More importantly, I love Leo he's my son now.
Son of Neptune: I am very biased in saying that I despise everything about Camp Jupiter without exception for one reason and one reason only: it's not Camp Half-blood. Also Frank and Hazel's romance is very, very boring. On a more positive note, Yay Percy's back!! He called his mom!! That's my boy!!
The mark of Athena: I LOVE LEO. But also is that a love triangle I see? How dare you! I guess the Romans can stay... Annabeth's POV was boring at first but it got fun later :) The final fight scene was fun. Leo saving Hazel and Frank was also fun.
House of Hades: OH MY GOSH I HAVE NEVER SHIPPED ANYTHING IN PJO AS HARD AS I AM SHIPPING LEO AND CALYPSO THEY ARE SOULMATES. I'm starting to warm up to camp Jupiter I guess, but dang I feel bad for Reyna. Also Cupid saying Jason has found true love kinda put me off, like yeah he and Piper have a solid relationship but I wouldn't call it true love, unless they're gonna twist that around and they're actually talking about some other relationship. Also SMALL BOB.
Final thoughts: I have no desire to read trials of Apollo. I have Pjo burn out. It would have been nice to have been given a choice in the matter. Unfortunately, I was not. I guarantee I won't burn through it as fast as Hoo, tho. Cause, y'know. I actually wanted to read those.
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