#i shld expand that honestly
milkochaa · 1 month
Tumblr media
brain rotting so badly about timmy that I dive right back into making (coughs, wheezes) ...art? I'm actually going back to drawing??? who am I??? tims making me want to draw his stupid ass?? not even writing cld fix this problem!!?? not enough!! *collapses
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evasjacks · 2 years
the '' are there to show i belive u shld j call it a diary
It’s not tho which is the only reason I’m keeping up with it. I. don’t believe in diaries? at least not like t he way we’re taught to write them which is day to day what happened and how u felt ab it etc bc I don’t think your routines are something you’ll miss in the future so I’m not doing that it’s more like thought dump where I just pick something I was thinking about that day and expand on it? Idk but it’s fun honestly. and not a fucking diary 💋
send asks etc
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ginmo · 5 years
What’s your favorite social media platform for ASOIAF fandom? Seems like you are conversant in most of them. I tend to stick to the trash fire of Tumblr but maybe I shld expand? I like that Twitter has more snark.
r/freefolk: lmfao no. Literally the dumbest of the dumb. Before S8 I had to go on that sub to stay updated with leaks and I legit felt my IQ drop. I haven’t been on there since the show aired and thankfully I have recovered. #Isurvivedfreefolk 
r/asoiaf and r/GoT: also no, although I think the asoiaf sub has been a bit better. I don’t hang out on them though and only read threads if they’re shared with me. 
r/jaimebrienne: If you’re looking for a place where the majority of the people have actually opened up Jaime’s and Brienne’s POV chapters and comprehended the words on their pages and aren’t lying about it, that is probably the only sub on reddit. 
I only became active on Twitter within the last year, so I don’t have much of a following there. TBH I used to think Tumblr was the most toxic platform but that title has now gone to Twitter. Because of the character limits, there isn’t really any good discussions because it’s a pain, and the structure enables fandom drama and bullying. Most of the immature people flock there to cyber bully shippers because it’s easy (although Twitter is really good at getting accounts suspended for that bullshit, much better than Tumblr). I used to like watching the drama but now it’s just tiring. Some of the antis are fucking insane and it’s honestly depressing, but the mute button is great haha. I’m still on it though and I still tweet and like stuff often. 
This is probably my favorite platform just because I like meta, discourse, and gifsets. It’s a good platform for fandom activity. However it can get very extreme with views and PC-ness and has way too many people who need to just take a step outside and get some fresh air and get grounded back in reality lol. I have a love-hate relationship with Tumblr and often take breaks from it. 
So yeah, I guess my answer is: r/jaimebrienne and Tumblr 
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