#i should have known guren was in on ferid's plan
amethystcria · 8 years
Translation Ch 55: Coffin Obession
Rip. I was gonna post this earlier but things happen. Ferid continues to be that sick twisted guy that’s entertaining. It’s interesting that yes Mahiru’s presence can be felt by other vampires. 
Pg01 Blurb: Ky Luc surveillance Ferid's torture by exposure and yet he notices an unusual phenomenon...
Ky: Hm? Was that?
Ky: Hey, just now. Did you move?
Pg02 Blurb: The manifestation of Mahiru Hiiragi, her intentions are...
Chapter 55: Coffin Obsession
Pg03 Ky: Why did you moved?
Ky: Tell me what made you stir?
Pg04 Ferid: ...Ah The..the shadow...
Ferid: Oh...Lord Ky. Is the torture over?
Ky: What's with you? What are you up to?
Ferid: None... Nothing at all...
Ky: That's a lie. I sense something unpleasant here.
Ferid: ...
pg05 Ky: ...
Ky: Where are you looking at?
Ky: What? There's that terrible feeling again.
What is going over here?
Ferid: Gyaaaah!
Ky: Is there someone here?
pg06-07 Ky: Could it have been a ghost?
Mahiru: That's right.
Ky: It looks like there's no one. But.
I should deal with this for now.
Mahiru: Oh?
Ky: Sword, drink my blood.
pg08 Ky: ...Oh. That bad feeling suddenly vanish.
Did it died? Ah, well.
Ky: Huh? ...Is that an engine running?
Ky: Right, now should I...
pg09 Ky: Go after it? Or leave it be?
Ky: How irritating. Was that ingenious trap of your doing? Ferid Bathory.
Ky: Or was it the Queen's?
Ky: …Ugh, I was stress just a bit huh. No, it was more that I was coerced to feel victimized.
Ky: ...Guess I'll standby.
Pg10 Mahiru: Oh Guren~ 
pg11 Shinya: Woah!
Shinya: Hey. Wasn't that a bit recklessly?
Pg12 Yuu: Boy I'm so full!!! Even though this was the first time I had meat!
Yoichi: Jeez, you ate a lot Yuu!
Kimizuki: Enough, I literally want to sleep now. I feel so bloated.
Kimizuki: You guys can really eat your desserts.
Mitsuba: There's always room for dessert. Shinoa: Uh-huh. In hindsight being able eat this cake is high-caliber femininity ability, you know.
pg13 Boys: ‘Femininity ability'? Narumi: Are you asking for a fight?!
Mika: ...
Yuu: Mika.
pg14 Yuu: You're not gonna drink?
Mika: ...No. Yuu: Aren't you hungry? Mika: ...Only a little.
Yuu: So what's- Mika: It just, if I take this then it's like I'm Ferid...
Yuu: Okay then have some of my blood after.
Mika: Uh... Yuu: You see that's why I stuffed myself full.
Mika: ...
pg15 Mika: ...I'm sorry. I do want to drink.
Yuu: It's fine.
pg16 [Be caution Crowely.] [If you descend down without the humans a trap I construct will activate.]
Crowley: Hmm. In other words you don't want a vampire to find out.
[You have to stop Yuu-chan when he runs wild after seeing the corpses.] [Or the equipment keeping the corpses contain will be broken.]
pg17 Crowley: What's more. This area is narrow. Wouldn't that make stopping him impossible?
Crowley: In the end the point is to not have him go berserk.
But if I myself made sure how out of hand this shocking sight is... I can also be braced for it.
Crowley: ...
Crowley: A vampire trap. A trap, huh...
Trap: Beep, Beep. Clank. Crowley: Clank?
pg18 Crowley: Whaaa!
Yuu: What was that? Yoichi: I heard someone scream.
Narumi: An enemy?
Yuu: We heard a shriek... Anyway are you okay?
Crowley: No I'm not. I was prank pretty bad.
pg19 Yuu: By who? Crowley: The work of a bully.
Crowley: It doesn't matter, it's done. Did everyone finish up eating already?
Crowley: Ok. Let's head to the cellar then.
Shinoa: The cellar? What is down there?
Crowley: I didn't get a look at it either. So I don't know.
Oh but even so, let me explain first.
Pg20 Crowley: There are corpses in the cellar. 
And I guess... It’s likely the bodies of those important to you.
Pg21 Crowley: Yet, Ferid's ways of doing things are...
Mika: ...After he toys with them into despair, he'll laugh and look upon the faces that are close to tears.
It's no news to me.
Crowely: Then you should know.
What's concerns me about it. If the horrifying sight down in the cellar extends onto another problem then.
Narumi: You mean like Yuu going on a rampage, right?
pg22 Narumi: Okay, Yuu. For now you should remain here.
Yuu: Hah? Like hell I will!
I'm going. It's my family that's there.
Narumi: Are you kidding yourself? My family is there too. It'll be difficult if you destroy the equipment down there.
Yuu: ...Yoichi. Yoichi: Yes?
pg23 Yuu: ...I'll carry Akane.
Yoichi: Yuu-kun Shinoa: Yuu-san
Yuu: ...It's not like I haven't been thinking over this.
The medicine Ferid injected me with is working. My demon isn't festering up anymore.
Narumi: How many times has it been? That your ego winded up putting your comrades at risk?
Yuu: ...
Crowley: No, that's enough.
Pg24 Crowley: In any case he has to come down with us.
Crowley: After all for us to kill the fifth progenitor we need the power inside him. This is practice for controlling it.
If it looks like he gets out of control…
Crowley: I'll slice off his limbs to end it.
pg25 Narumi: ...Damn.
Narumi: And so with that, we're doing this then.
Yuu: ...I'm sorry Narumi.
Yuu: But it's my family. I want to see them.
Mika: ...
pg26 Yuu: So you can stop me if I go berserk. Narumi: Don't run wild instead.
Narumi: Also you don't have to apologize. Yuu: Hm?
Narumi: I know how you feel.
Yuu: Oh.
pg27 Yoichi: Yuu-kun.
Yuu: ...
Yoichi: Uhm, could you hold on?
Just to be safe. Relax first.
Yuu: ...
Pg30 Yuu: ...I'm sorry, Akane.
That I escape all by myself....
Pg31 Yuu: But. I'm definitely going to bring you back.
Mika: ... You shouldn't bring back the dead, Yuu-chan.
Mika: And if you were to for argument’s sake.
Pg32 Mika: Nothing good will come out of it.
And at the airport didn't you see the face that guy, Guren, made? If Ferid's tale is true then it’s that guy’s fault the world ended-
Yuu: Mika.
Yuu: I don't give a damn about the world.
Mika: ...
Yuu: Cause I understand what Guren felt.
Mika: ...This is jumping right into the fire. No, you've just played into Ferid's hands.
pg33 Mika: Yuu-chan, I want to save you from this.
Yuu: Me too. I want to save you too.
Yuu: That's why I promise, even if I sell out the whole world, I'll turn you back to a human.
Mika: That's-
Yuu: For Akane and the other children too. For Narumi's family as well. And I'll also get Kimizuki's little sister back.
Crowley: To sum up, you're saying you'll destroy the world for your ego?
pg34-35 Crowley: That's incredibly greedy.
It's just like a demon's huh.
Flashback: You're a demon! A demon child! So you should die!!
Yuu: I am. Though it doesn't matter if I’m call me that. Be it a demon or monster, either's fine with me.
Yuu: So long, as I'm able to protect my family.
The family who accepted someone like me...
Yuu: The ones here are my family.
Crowely: Well then Let's go see your family.
pg37 Yuu: ...They're here. They're all here...
Mika: Yuu-chan.
pg38 Mika: The tears won't come.
But. I have to protect Yuu-chan only...
Narumi: Shuusaku... I'll definitely...
pg39 Shinoa: Did you know them personally?
Crowley: ...No. ...Oh, I guess I did.
Seeing that Ferid is a rotten guy.
Shinoa: Do you also want to revive them?
Crowley: ...Vampires don't have those desires anymore. That's why we regulate the Seraph of the End.
Shinoa: Then what's the method of controlling the power of the Seraph of the End inside of Yuu?
Is it in here?
Pg40 Shinoa: ... This is the Imperial Demon Army's Crest...
Shinoa: But these research data are kinda complicated.
It would take much time to decipher this just alone.
Crowley: Help should be arriving soon.
From your comrades.
Shinoa: ...Our comrades? But we don't have any other comrades aside...
Pg41 [screech] [bam, bang]
Shinya: Where are we?
Guren: Shouldn't you know from a glance? It's a haunted house.
Blurb: Guren joins in!! Will they unite?
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lostsoulaltair · 3 years
OnS Theories (21S). Eleventh Theory - Unexpected guest, the last defense of humanity
Hello guys, this is a theory I’ve been meaning to write for a really good time, this one touches the unexpected, therefore, let’s begin!
P.S: Theories are held within a neutral view and ships are excluded!
With the recent development of events in chapter 103, humanity is trembling due to how the First managed to set free against the drugs Mahiru used to counter him like she did back in chapter 98 and 99; but then, why do I mention or rather, why does the tittle of the theory talks about unexpected guest or perhaps should I say “guests”?
Indeed, it is at moments like this on which we are reminded of a perfect duo, or rather a comedy relief duo with brains and muscles, of course, I speak of no other duo than Ferid Bathory and Crowley Eusford, but what does this have to do with how the current scenario is going?
If many might recall, the last time we saw those two progenitors were back in chapter 92 after they managed to literally escape from a second Progenitor and technically current leader of the vampires, Urd Geales, along with this, escaping from the 3rd Progenitor Lest Karr and lastly the 5th Progenitor Ky Luc:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 92
Within this, it is unknown where they took off but it’s clear that Ferid is very aware of Guren’s objective and destination, but, how can I state that?
If many might remember, Ferid worked in perfect sync with Guren to counter Rigr Stafford from making them lose their opportunity to trap the First Progenitor with a limited amount of time; furthermore, the very reason why it’s possible those two manage to track Guren is due to the fact that they’re not just going aimlessly but rather, they might be still carrying a rather interesting toy which is nothing else but
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 92 
Indeed, as vampires, it’s true they can’t exactly touch cursed gears since they react as poison for them, but the very fact that Ferid was able to command Jigenso while using the corpse of the Hyakuya soldier speaks a lot about infinite possibilities but nevertheless, why is it possible for them to arrive to the crime scene?
It is very known that Ferid has a taste to constantly face down the impossible, and one of his goals is to face down something that is like God; he’s the type of character that would love to show that not everything dances within Shikama’s hand but rather, humanity and vampires alike can always revert such thing, such thing is highlighted back in chapter 61:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 61 
At such time, Crowley asked Ferid who they were fighting as rougue vampires that betrayed the Vampire Council, to which Ferid responded that they were fighting God and this is not due to the sense of fun Ferid speaks of, but rather, the deep grudge that exists due to the inmortal curse they’ve been living for millenials.
Therefore, it’s possible that Ferid and Crowley end up making their appearance within the dire situation humanity is facing to at least give some sort of hope to humanity before Shikama manages to succeed with his plans.
It’s even possible that Ferid ends up giving away Jigenso due to how it works despite having its wielder dead in order for them to pull a surprise attack on the first, what do I mean?
It is very well know that cursed gears work even within someone’s heart which has been very well reflected with Yuichiro and Shinoa with how both were able to use their weapons along some of their powers back when they were in the depthness of the heart, though, such can be heavily reflected with Yu with how he managed to subdue Asuramaru and command him without giving him any free will:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 102
Despite being in a space where demons had the upper hand, Yuichiro was able to make Asuramaru revert to his cursed gear form, and of course, he was able to use the abilities he carries even if he didn’t use the manifestation powers at hand since his strength was enough to face down Kiseki-O and Gekkouin, but then, what does this mean overall?
It means that it’s even possible that the squad ends up using Jigenso in order to rescue Yuichiro and Mikaela or even trick the first with Jigenso’s portals for it with the thanks of Ferid and Crowley if it were to happen they arrive to such scene and event since both of them work for Guren and have witnessed the unfairness of the First.
What do you think dear readers?
Let me kno!
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vyragosa · 6 years
“ferid has no involvement in the story currently and should not exist anymore”
the entire plot and advancement as it stands now exists because he does, and while dying is definitely the finality of his character in context and what he seeks,(a summary from what i gathered from light novels/catching up the manga, english isn’t my main language either so bear with me)
saito purposefully had the parents of each orphan possessing the seraph gene killed by either sect brainwashing (mika’s mother) or direct involvement (yuu’s mother), he already had a grasp on mika as a child and gave him special treatment due to him being “michaela” by spoiling him while yuu was draggued to the orphanage kicking and screaming and it’s hardly a theory that they were all experimented on in some way or another, mahiru talking to yuu behind bars “we will erase his memories anyway”
the first “michaela” was ferid, the first to be experimented on while human but did not “live up to saito’s expectations so he discarded him” (the justification for this is that ky luc himself found it mysterious that his cut-off lower half was still moving and saito’s body parts are known for still moving, ferid in the michaela novel “no matter how much we beg and shout, god won’t let us die” crowley to ferid “or is it that you were loved by someone but came to hate them?” “it’s just a generalization, all vampire despise their parents to some degree.” self-revealing isn’t it?), 
he got involved with guren the moment he let him end the world by reviving his friends instead of killing him as guren asked, because guren already fought against saito before and was well aware of the situation reguarding the orphans of the “hyakuya experiment laboratory”, they elaborated a plan so that they could get the orphans from the grasp of now kruul and indeed, control the seraphs to use them against saito “so that humanity can fight back against millenia-old monsters” (the way to fight back might not be direct though)
ferid preserves the intact body of numerous people for an eventual revival, and this includes someone that crowley does not know well but does not want to revive, narumi’s team and all the remaining orphans possessing the seraph gene and possibly others, though it’s a fragile mechanism he kept vampires from ever discovering those bodies with traps that even had crowley scream and he wouldn’t have been able to access the room without guren being present
now, as the novel states, he redrew the map despite maps existing so that there would be no place for errors when they would escape, the mansion was a library with a rental service that was administrated by the teenagers visiting themselves and where they could make requests in exchange of their blood, he let yuu shoot him in the head so that “it would give the boy hope” and “his partner outside, would surely take care of him” “the plan always insured that he was to survive” but for mika,
being a michaela meant that saito would be after him and what can a human do against something that isn’t even a vampire anymore? the end of the novel states that ferid purposefully injured him enough to have kruul turn him, meaning that it would guarantee with kruul being a 3rd progenitor that mika would be as strong as possible given the circumstances
vampires have no desires or interest in anything or anyone’s body but blood and it’s repeated countless times, their body and heart long dead and in ferid’s case, he tried to kill saito countless times before by setting up traps with himself as bait, constantly finding the thrill of being potentially killed the most interesting; like orchestrating his own crucifixion
“if i try to kill you it will activate one of your traps again? i won’t be so generous to you and your games next time”
the game indeed sounds like ferid getting back at saito and his trump-cards are about to be crowley, shinoa squad and guren squad
“believe it or not, i have friends”
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Owari no Seraph Chapter 54 Rough Translations:
as usual, if you want to read along, you can find the pages HERE: Part 1,   2,    3,   and 4.
(the quality this time around was really awful so forgive major mistakes and entire lines that were completely blocked/improvised.)
This was done entirely independently for my own personal use, so I’m going ahead and sharing it so others can read too! But it was also done in a single day at 2 AM ( ;n;)
Translation below the Keep Reading
Page 1:
(Crowley has recieved an order from Ferid. And now, Yuuichirou and friends...)
*door opening*
Page 2:
Kimizuki: Whoooah!
What the heck is this?
I've never seen so much food like this in my life!!
Yuu: Is it awesome?
Is it awesomely delicious?
It's Wagyu Beef.
Yoichi: Wagyu Beef!!?
Yuu: Huh? What’s Wagyu Beef? Does it taste good?
Left Page:
  (Will the young maidens wish arrive?)
Page 3:
Narumi: a poor man wouldn't know of this food.
Yuu: 'Poor man'?
Was I the 'Poor Man'?
Narumi: How should I know.
Yuu: Theeeen, were you a rich man?
Narumi: Me?...I wonder.
I'm from a distinguished family retainer house that served the Ichinose family.
Yoichi: Eh? Then... Long ago, you were Lieutenant Colonel Guren's...
Yuu: What does “Distinguished Family” mean?
Kimizuki: a family with Wagyu Beef.
Yuu: Then, does it taste good?
Narumi: I'm gonna murder all of y...!
Left Page:
Kimizuki: Anyway, I'm starving!
Let's cook!
Roasted barbeque!
Yoichi: WhooooOooOoOAH!!
Yuu: Yaaaaay!!
Narumi: For your information, you all are younger than me! 
Have you not forgotten that!?
 Page 4:
Mi-chan! My voice echoes!
Mitsuba: Is it really okay to not help with cooking?
Shinoa: Even when we help Kimizuki-san, he doesn't like it.<difficult reading>
Mitsuba: Well, that guy is pretty particular.
Shinoa: Thaaat's right!
Wearing his glasses like this.
"You're horrible at cooking"
Like that.
 Left Page:
Mitsuba: W-wait just a-You really want to get in? <referring to the baths btw>
Shinoa: Do you not want to?
Mitsuba: Well, no. I'd like to get in too, but...It's been so long.
Shinoa: Well then, let's get in!
 Page 5:
Mitsuba: The bath was already warm.
The food was also prepared.
All of this...
Shinoa: Ferid Bathory is preparing, it seems.
Just like everything you see here.
Has Mi-chan noticed?
Mitsuba: Noticed what?
Shinoa: a change of the Japanese Emperial Army uniform is also prepared.
In other words; Ferid has connections with the Demon Emperial Army.
Left Page:
Mitsuba: That...
Shinoa: Taking it may have been planned, hm?
Mitsuba: As expected as it is...
I'm scared...
Shinoa: Yeah. Honestly...
What on earth does he intend to do?
I'm scared too.
Mitsuba:...If that's the correct size of my Bra, I'm absolutely not going to save Ferid.
Shinoa: !
 Page 6:
Shinoa: If this is the right cup size...
Mitsuba: What cup was it?
Shinoa:....Eh, it says G cup.......
As expected, Mi-chan is the reincarnation of a dairy cow, but can it really be possible?
Hold on!!! That...Whos' bra is that!!?
Mitsuba: I thought you said for sure you're a B, didn't you?
Shinoa: Nononononono!!
Now w...Wait just a minute...!!
 Left Page:
Shinoa: SHUT UP!!
<cut off orz>
 Page 7:
Crowley: If you want to drink, there’s no need to keep an eye on me.
Mika: Who's blood.
Crowley: Well, you know.
But perhaps you have the taste for the blood of a child.
Ferid-kun likes the taste of children's blood, unlike myself.
But you know that well, don't you?
Left Page:
Crowley: It's strange, huh.
Even though they don't mind cooking a cow...
why is there a sense of disgust and an immoral feeling when drinking similar blood?
Well, when I was forcibly made a Vampire by Ferid-kun, I was like that too.
Page 8:
Crowley: That's an interested face.
What do you want to ask?
Mika:...How long will it be until I lose all human emotions...?
 Left Page:
Mika: When did you stop being human?
Page 9:
Shinya:...Hey, Guren.
As expected, you're silence now that it's all over, aren't you.
 Left Page:
Shinya: Just what in the world are you?
Guren: You'll know when we get there.
Shinya: Tell me before we get there.
 Page 10:
Guren: Just wait, Shinya.
Shinya: I can't wait.
No, I've waiting long enough.
Which is fine, because you're going to explain it.
Shinya: What was that experiment in Nagoya?
I saw you killing all your friends.
All of us who are here right now.
That...What's with that?
 Left Page:
Shinya: Explain it.
Norito: N-Now now, Shinya-sama.
Mito: I'm sure Guren has some sort of cause to-
Shinya: I know there is.
Guren wouldn't do such a thing without a reason.
The problem is...
 Page 11:
Shinya: That he hadn't said anything.
Guren is keeping something to himself, but he hasn't told us.
Is that because he doesn't trust us?
 Left Page:
Guren: so friends have to tell each other everything?
Shinya: Exactly.
Guren: Well then,
You go first; What time did you take a shit today?
Goshi, tell him.
Norito: What!? Why me!!?
Ah, well. Earlier I was at the Service Area...
Norito: GWAAH!!
Mito: But, I really think it would be nice to talk about it soon.
Page 12:
Mito: It's been 9 years since we met, and 8 years since the world has been destroyed.
We're all already family, aren't we?
Norito: Ah, right right!
I also say that! <hard to read>
Mito: Is there something you're hiding?
Norito: That! That! That's it!
Mito: Hey, Goshi.
Norito: Hm?
 Left Page:
Norito: But, there's no use talking to him in such a blaming tone.
There IS something, but you won't say it.
Is that right, Guren?
Shigure: Guren-sama
Sayuri: Is that true, Guren-sama?
 Page 13:
(8 years ago, World Destruction Day)
 Left Page:
(People sin)
 Page 14:
(Always, Humans must commit a sin to regain their family.
The price for reviving a life, is every other human life throughout the world.
Even so, the resurrected life will only last 10 years)
Guren: Only ten years...
Still, my family, if you show me a smile...
I will carry this sin.
 Page 15:
*literally destroys the entire world smh guren*
 Page 16:
As expected, That's a face with a secret.
Norito: <says something i can't read but it can't be that important srry>
Shinya: I can't read it. <referring to Gurens beautiful face>
But there was a reaction.
Mito: Which comment did he respond to?
Shinya: I wonder if it was 'Family'.
There was also a reaction to the number '8 years'
What's so meaningful about 8 years?
 Left Page:
Guren: Tch! Why are you reading my facial expressions.
Shinya: 'Cause you won't talk.
But, there's a reason for not saying it, isn't there?
Another reaction!
Shinya: Ha ha!
Don't think you can keep this secret to yourself!
Even if you don't speak, I'll understand everything.
Guren: Don't read it.
 Page 17:
Shinya: If we knew, it would only hurt us.
Am I wrong?
Shinya: But that's-
Guren: Shut up already.
Shinya: I understood the situation.
Left Page:
Shinya: There's something that we shouldn't know.
That kind of game.
Are we also being monitored?
Or is it something that can't be known to us.
Is it a curse that even you don't understand?
Norito: Curse...
Curse, huh?
I see.
But what curse?
Do you know?
Sayuri: I...
 Page 18:
Sayuri: If Hiiragi Mahiru is involved again-
Shinya: Let's stop expecting it.
It's useless to expected Guren to say it.
I believe that.
That's okay, isn't it, Guren?
Ah, but just tell me this...
 Left Page:
Shinya: Are you still looking forwards?
Guren: Looking forwards?
towards what?
Shinya: Regarding saving the world, protecting our family.
Shinya: Ah, enough. You don't have to answer.
Guren:...Did you read my expression again?
Shinya: No, I didn't read it.
 Page 19:
Shinya: Just, I thought it was a foolish question.
Mahiru: As usual you're a good friend, so they can't know, Guren.
Left Page:
Mahiru: If the dead knew that they have been revived, they would once again turn to dust.
 Page 20:
Guren: You're in the way.
I can't see.
Shinya: Huh? Now what?
 Left Page:
Mahiru:...What's this~
So you can see me?
Byakkomaru: Aah...This is the first time I saw you.
What are you?
You're not a "Demon"
Mahiru: Hehehe, so what if I'm not?
Byakkomaru: Doesn't really matter.
But if you hurt Shinya-
 Page 21:
Mahiru: If I talk about what I saw, Shinya will die.
So, keep the beast silent.
Guren: Just leave already.
Shinya: Guren, did you just say something?
Guren: We've arrived at Osaka
 Left Page:
Mahiru:...Ah, I smell Shinoa.
She's near here.
The smell of burning Vampires.
 Page 22:
Mahiru: Haha, it's not roasted barbeque.
(the reaction to Ferid burning in fire...)
Keep in mind this is in no way professional, and I will continue to edit it as I study more, so go easy and take every line with a grain of salt. I’m not making any profit off of this, and I encourage you to buy the manga when it officially releases, guaranteed to be MUCH better than my crappy 2 AM translations.
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salty-yu · 8 years
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winter break 2016 was crazy yall, pero it gave me enough time to catch up on shitloads of mikayuu fic, here’s what ya girl has compiled this time around
Mikayuu Fic Recs 1 Key:  (Status | Chapters | Word Count | Rating)
Blood Moon (complete | 1/1 | 595 | not rated)
Mika adjusts to being a vampire and drinking on a regular basis.
A Bit of a Sticky Situation (complete | 1/1 | 3,562 | no warnings apply)
“Good boy,” Mika praises, and Yuu felt his cock twitch, hanging heavily between his legs. “You’re so wet for me, Yuu. I can slide my fingers into your greedy little hole so nicely when you’re like this. It feels good, doesn’t it? Having my fingers stretching you open, my tongue and lips cleaning up the mess you’ve made of the backs of your thighs and cock.”
Or, alternatively, the painfully clicks omegaverse smutfic no one asked for.
Corner of a Birdcage (wip | 11/? | 168,026 | not rated)
It was then that Yuu took a moment to fully let the situation at hand sink in. There he was, wearing nothing more but an oversized, white T-shirt, his elephant boxer briefs that Shinoa had given him as a gag gift for Christmas last year, and a lot of fatigue while he stared down at the unconscious superhero that saved his life only about an hour ago.
or, Yuu is a university student that tends to live for the moment. Mika is a cynical superhero that’s more super than a hero. Fate is a bit aggressive with intertwining their lives. 
Scented (wip | 19/? | 69,157 | rape/non-con)
In a world ruled by beta neutrality, alphas and omegas are controlled by suppressants which modify their natural inclinations. Under constant surveillance, unproductive members of society are removed in the name of efficiency. Yuichirou Hyakuya is deemed infertile by the Board and is sentenced to certain death. In an act of defiance Yuichirou steals enough suppressants to hide his scent and joins the military under the guise of a beta.
It would be his luck to find himself under the command of his assigned mate, Mikaela Shindo. 
An Endless Desire (complete | 6/6 | 14,788 | graphic depicts. of violence)
Being captured is never a good thing. Yuichirou Hyakuya finds himself waking up to the one place he thought he would never return to. Wanting to escape, and return to the people who need him, there’s one who will not let him go no matter what after being able to see him after four long years. Contains yaoi. 
The smell of Roses (wip | 7/? | 21,280 | major character death, graphic depicts. of violence, rape/non-con)
You're regular florist, hit man love story.
Strangeness and Charm (wip | 16/? | 108,877 | graphic depicts. of violence)
The huntsmen and the werewolves have been at war with each other for centuries.
Krul always told Mika to stay out of the woods and not talk to strangers when he was younger. Now that Mika is older, despite being an omega he became a hunter alongside the alphas and betas to take out the werewolves and keep them from attacking the town and its people. 
When Mika encounters Yuu, a long wolf who has abandoned his pack - Mika learns that there’s no such thing as all wolves being big and bad, regarding their bigs eyes and large teeth. Yuu didn't choose to become a monster and knowing this fact, they must keep their growing bond a secret.
Burden of Good Intentions (wip | 9/17 | 44,270 | graphic depicts. of violence)
After awakening from a horrid nightmare, Yuichirou finds himself in a completely different world. The war against the vampires is non-existent, the Hyakuya orphans are still alive, he and Mikaela are lovers, and JIDA is an organization dedicated to the destruction of monsters by the use of colossal mechs, the Evangelions. Uniting with Mikaela, the two dedicate their lives to piloting the Eva and securing the safety of their family. 
My Treasure (wip | 5/? | 42,322 | not rated)
Mikaela is the captain of the Rosethorn ship, and is known and feared by nobles far and wide as the infamous Golden Fleece who steals riches unnoticed despite the heavy security they have layered.
No one has ever caught him before or knew what he does with their stolen treasures and Mikaela wants it to stay that way. That is... until a certain someone catches his interest, which is a mistake on his part.
...Or maybe not. 
Iridescent (wip | 1/? | 6,683 | no warnings apply)
With the strong will and desire to explore other galaxies and star systems, Mikaela goes completely against the government rules with a belief that his species comes from a long line of space exploration. He didn’t expect to crash into another life form’s house. By utter chance, he gets to learn about a completely different planet while helping Yuuichirou achieve his own goals and dreams.
But with Mikaela’s own kind hot on his tail--literally--both he and Yuuichirou must find a way to solve the issues and conflicts they will come to face.
Afire love (complete | 18/18 | 140,142 | graphic depicts. of violence)
After Nagoya’s failed mission, an unsteady truce is formed between Shinoa’s squad and Mikaela Hyakuya, making Yuu feel conflicted inside. On one hand, he’s got Mika back, his friends are alive, and the seem to be trying to be civil with each other, even if it’s just for his sake. On the other hand, Guren is being held captive by the vampires, Shinya has just given them a mission Yuu doesn’t like, and Mika... Yuu doesn’t really know what Mika is feeling.
Maybe not even Mikaela knows what he's truly feeling after all. 
Waiting for Prince Charming (wip | 7/? | 33,626 | underage)
Mikaela never thought he’d be an omega but there he was, pinned up against the wall by the school’s manwhore: Yuuichirio Hyakuya. And even if that didn’t go as planned, he never thought this would happen. 
Is the Mask Really Hiding Something? (wip | 2/? | 11,121 | graphic depicts. of violence, underage)
This superhero job should be pretty straightforward: protect the city and its people, puffy the Horsemen before they destroy everything, and fix all the damage that’s been done. But when the heroes are Mika and Yuu—two teenage boys already having to deal with family issues, asshole friends, and secret crushes—nothing gets to stay that simple. 
Oh, and they also have to stop the evil, immortal monster sealed under the city from getting enough human blood to break free and take over the entire world. No pressure. 
Chasing Fate (wip | 4/? | 10,199 | not rated)
The yearly Mating Run was mere days away, and Yuu was participating for the second year in a row.
Yuu tired to remain optimistic about finding his true Mate in another alpha, until Shinoa, a first time runner, had told him that this year the Vampire alphas were going to be running as well.
That news was less than thrilling, to say the least.
Mikaela will be running for the first time since he’d been turned into a vampire, 4 years prior. And after crossing paths with the raven haired omega, Mikaela knew that he’d be running for that omega and nobody else.
He could only hope that Yuu would accept him for monster he’d been forced to become. 
Whoever Said Opposites Attract Was a Liar (wip | 5/? | 7,168 | not rated)
“Can I keep him?”
As a child, demon prince Yuichiro was convinced that the angel Mikaela was destined to be his. He thinks they are meant to be.
Mika, not so much.
But when they are now sixteen, the beautiful angel princes gets kidnapped by the fallen angels, Ferid and Crowley, in order to bring war between demons and angels.
Out of the request of his son (actually begging), Demon King Guren sends Yuu to Earth on the journey of getting his true love back.
Meanwhile, Mika must remain on Earth as he escapes his capturers and bunks in with some humans ion a human boarding school until he finds a way back home.
Things Could Be Worse (wip | 17/? | 69,826 | not rated)
Or the one in which Yuu is turned into a vampire and is surprisingly chill about it. Mika, on the other hand, is flipping his shit.
The Institution (wip | 2/? | 3,459 | not rated)
In a beta-ruled society, alphas and omegas are looked at as enemies. So Krul Tepes, a kind and loving soul, started up The Institution where alphas and omegas would live peacefully and happily. As well as being out of the way of the higher class. But things start going downhill when a strange, wild omega is found outside the The Institution, only being able to say one word: Mika. 
Commitment (wip | 10/? | 14,300 | no warnings applied)
Sex to Mika was nothing more than a way to pass time. He has enough notes on his belt to last two lifetimes. But when he starts falling hard for a sexy barista, he thinks maybe - just maybe - he was completely and utterly wrong. 
Check, Please (complete | 1/1 | 4,334 | not rated)
//Or basically, Yuu is the manager and Mika is the new employee. And Yuu makes Mika stay late after work to teach him a lesson.
More Than Just a Dream (wip | 4/? | 12,741 | not rated)
//When Mikaela Shindo, a well-known author, gets thrown into his own book... he accidentally falls in love with the main character, Yuuichirou Amane. 
New Perspective (complete | 1/1 | 6,811 | underage)
Yuu grows up referring to Mika as his brother, unknowing of Mika’s feelings. When he begins to fall in love with Mika, he figures that his feelings are wrong, that they’re taboo and should be kept secret. It isn’t until their court heat, when they’re unable to suppress their hormones, everything come to light.
The Ride of Yuu-Chan’s Life (complete | 1/1 | 2,290 | no warnings apply)
Mika wanted payback for the time Yuu seduced Mika in the car.
Mika got his revenge, with the help of some handcuffs and a cocky attitude.
Somnia (wip | 6/? | 32,123 | not rated)
When Yuuichirou Amane dropped out of uni, he didn’t expect much out of his life. In fact, he expected everything to be boring and bleak. After all, he’s eighteen, still stuck living with Guren, no job, no degree, no future, and no fucks given about anything to be quite honest.
It’s safe to say that he definitely didn’t expect to be whisked away into some parallel world where not only does magic exist, but there's also a very attractive blond prince who is convinced Yuu and him are soulmates. Maybe Yuu should have stayed un university after all. Getting that degree might have been easier than dealing with all this insanity.
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
OnS Theories (14S). Second Theory (Special Theory) - Mikaela’s destiny
Hello everyone, finally the english chapter was released, it was such a surprising chapter but well, let’s get to the theories, a month ago, I promised I’d share a special theory, therefore, this one will be focused on Mika’s destiny, let’s begin!
“To protect justice within your heart, it’s neccesary to master the darkness”
                                               Otto Apocalypse
A beautiful quote form a villian character I love, but, you might ask, what does this quote have to do with Owari?
So far, Mikaela Hyakuya’s destiny or life has been a complete mess, a disaster, literally an unfair life, ever since he was a kid, it was stated in the LNs that his parents believed he could do everything. His parents were afilliated to the Hyakuya Church, until one day they thought he could fly, they literally threw him from a car in movement but luckily he survived.
But now, why does the theory state something about destiny?
First of all, the first time destiny played a huge role on Mika’s life was when he was planning to escape from the vampire capital, of course things didn’t go as planned. Ferid literally slayed the Hyakuya kids along Mika, only Yu managed to survive. 
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But, what does this have to do with destiny?
In the LNs, Guren was tasked by Rigr to retrieve Yuichiro Hyakuya and Mikaela Hyakuya:
“Guren scanned the paper. It contained information on two test subjects. It gave their location, when they could be rescued, even the best way to go about it.
The names of the two test subjects Guren was meant to were listed there as well:
Mikaela Hyakuya Yuichiro Hyakuya
Guren stared at the two names on the page, his lips moving silently.
“Who the hell are they?”
As it can be seen, Rigr’s set goal and task that was given to Guren, was to retrieve Mika and Yu alive; but destiny was cruel, only Yu managed to get out, and this is because Ferid Bathory, interfered with Rigr’s plan on having Mika joining Guren since a kid. But why? What could have happened if Mika made it alive as a human?
In the case the story didn’t start with Mika becoming a vampire; it was likely that Yu and Mika would have awakened their seraphs sleeping within them, but, at the same time, that would have given the upper hand to the First since he was aware Rigr was playing and using his cards to chase him down and stop him, even if it meant playing with the lives of two innocent kids.
Therefore, knowing that Ferid Bathory in a way had daddy issues, interfered with such plan and made Krul Tepes turn Mika into a vampire.
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After that, we see Mika struggling against his vampirism until he meets Yu again and the story unfolds until Mika ends up meeting Guren only to end up distrusting him due to the events with the JIDA and how they used Mirai to defeat the vampires that Krul brought with her.
Furthermore, near the current events, we see Mika fighting Guren, he ends up giving his best shot even if it meant his death.
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Ever since that moment, Mikaela’s fate was written in a way, and with all due respect, have stated that Guren’s guilty over Mika’s fate or destiny since we saw Mika ended up slowly stopped showing he’d get better after unleashing such attack
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Even if he was able to drink blood, the inmense amount of blood loss was a factor that he’d never be able to recover as a vampire, and within the process, he slowly started to fade 
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Lastly, Mika ended up exploding but, at the same time, once his body was left, a void appeared on his face, such void ended up delivering a scream only manifested demons and vampires could hear, which is something called the “Death Wail”
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Of course, with this, we could end up seeing how the corpse of the vampire Mikaela ended up giving such a painful shriek until Guren stated that Mika was turning into a black demon.
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Now, many might believe that Guren’s responsible of Mikaela’s cruel fate but in fact, it’s the latter, you might wonder why, for this, let’s quote something about the latest LNs. World Resurrection at 19, Vol. 2:
Saito looked down at Guren with an almost tender look. “You are my scion. I made you to resist him. To abduct the maiden from the pages of his story.
Of course, that only hints that Saito made a key to fight against the First Progenitor, said key was Guren, but now, what does this have to do with Mika’s destiny?
Mika’s destiny would have been or should have been an end if Guren never interfered, what do I mean?
If Guren never injected Mika the special drug he used with Yu, Mikaela would have died or even he’d have become a lower rank demon, furthermore, the fact that Mika ended up drinking the blood of a demon which was Guren’s blood, only boosted the fact that he’d end up becoming a demon from the black series, but, why is this a good event despite the outcome?
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It is well known that the First Progenitor has control over the world, he chooses what stands or falls, he doesn’t care about someone’s emotions or feelings related towards love, jealously or hatred; furthermore, the fact that Mika’s only suffering speaks loud of what exactly Mikaela Hyakuya represents to the First Progenitor, what do I mean?
Correct. For the FIrst, Mikaela represents something similar to Guren, an obstacle. 
If Guren never appeared as an obstacle to him, he wouldn’t have cursed nor moved the wheels of fate in order to make Guren’s life miserable; same applies to Mika, each time Mika is at the border of death, something else happens; the first time he was at the border of death, Ferid Bathory made Krul Tepes turn Mika into a vampire; furthermore, it’s likely that was estimated within the bargain she had with Mahiru; the second time was against his fight against Guren; if Guren never injected said drug, it was highly possible that Mika would have been dead.
This logic applies to Mikaela as well; Mika’s been an important and valuable key for Rigr Stafford; Shikama is aware that Rigr’s been pulling certain strings to create an opportunity to defeat him, hence why the experiments of the Seraph of the End begun.
Mika was the success of those experiments, hence why Rigr was always treating Mika with care and freedom. But, for someone with power and knowledge of the world itself, the First Progenitor ended up unleashing a chain of events that ended up twisting the whole cast’s lives, though, despite the outcomes, there’s hope for the characters within the story.
Therefore, to conclude, Mikaela’s a key element on the defeat of the First Progenitor, for the reasons, that’ll be stated in another theory.
What do you think guys? 
Let me know!
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
OnS Theories (17S). Ninth Theory - Mahiru’s plan
Hello everyone, I hope you had a great day, I hope you managed to spend time with your loved ones, remember to stay safe!
This theory will explain the rather crazy plan of Mahiru’s agenda. While I’m aware she’s the least loved character by the fandom, it cannot be denied her plan finally has striked down or halted Shikama Doji.
Let’s proceed to discuss such plan.
P.S: Theories exclude ships and remain within a neutral view
As many might be aware, Mahiru Hiragi has been designing a plan to counter the First Progenitor ever since she got tired of having her life controlled by the Hiragi Family and the First Progenitor; her wings were cut down since she was a genious, one of a kind within the Hiragi Family which only made Tenri hold Shinoa as a hostage, which is something Tenri reveals to Kureto in the LNs of the Catastrophe.
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 98
But what exactly has been Mahiru’s plan? What has she been fighting for?
It is finally known that, after she met Guren and was eventually separated from him, she had to endure experiments; but within this, Mahiru’s demanor or attitude turned rather cold until Shinoa was born:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose Catastrophe at 16  - Chapter 18
Shinoa became her happiness but at the same time, the one that would pick Tenri in order to cut the wings of a genious. But then, what was her plan all along?
Her first plan or rather original plan was to betray the Hiragi Family by working together with Rigr Stafford, but of course, what she’d never take in consideration was that her fate would be sealed or set in stone ever since she was born. And thus, the plan began; at first it might seem she was the one behind the experiments but it was Rigr Stafford who began the experiments with young kids; such thing is stated in the World Resurrection LNs:
In the 2nd Volume of the Resurrection; Rigr has conversation with Guren on which he tells him he isn’t sure if his own men or group were working under the First or him; despite everything he proceeded with his own agenda.
Of course, within this, Mahiru eventually got herself involved with the Hyakuya Sect:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose Catastrophe at 16 - Chapter 30
Back in those times, Mahiru was observing the progress of the experiments of the Hyakuya Sect, of course, that didn’t mean she enjoyed seeing kids being experimented upon which was the case with Yu; she saw how he was constantly experimented upon until she told him he should find a reason to live no matter what since he had a right to live.
But what was the purpose of her monitoring the experiments the Hyakuya Sect were performing? Was it only to feed her ego? Was it because she enjoyed them?
Mahiru was aiming to use Rigr’s strategies and plan in order to take them with her and make them work since she was aware that Rigr would eventually dance within the palm of the First Progenitor, and for that, it is most known that the only one being capable of not being an influence from the First was Guren Ichinose, which is something stated by Rigr in the 2nd Vol. World Resurrection at 19 LNs.
It could be said that the original plan of Rigr was to use the old experiments of the First while boosting them with the Seraph of the End project in order to defeat him with a more powerful being; but given how he ended up losing it in the battle against him:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 84
It is promptly to say that Mahiru might have seen an outcome within Rigr/Saito. 
Returning to the chronological order, in order to achieve victory, she needed allies, she was aware if she told Guren and Guren’s friend about everything, the common outcome would be a crazy idea, but furthermore, Shinoa’s life would have been endangered; what do I mean? Is that even possible when everyone in the story and the readers see her as a selfish monster?
First of all, Mahiru needed backup from the least expected zone, and that is with the Queen of Vampires, Krul Tepes:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose Catastrophe at 16 - Chapter 33
But the question goes, why the Queen?
For this, it is clear that Rigr Stafford suggested her the idea mostly because he rejected on turning her into a vampire; therfore, his suggestion went as to ask the Queen Krul Tepes to turn her into one since the plan they had in mind, in order to work, was to execute the First’s in order to remove the sight of the First Progenitor on them; which is why Mahiru Hiragi relied on the transformation of the 3rd Progenitor Krul Tepes; along the knowledge she got from Rigr in order to make the Queen interested:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 98
 These events followed suit to a private deal between the Queen and Mahiru, on which they agreed that there would be a demon within their plan, the birth of a new one related towards test subjects of the Hyakuya Sect:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 94
Such statement of their deal is visible when Krul says: “Just like my deal with Mahiru said, the demon transformation has already begun!”
Among this, Mahiru would eventually reveal the whereabouts of Ashera Tepes in her own time
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 62
In said panel, Krul states that Mahiru upheld her part of their bargain, meaning that when the deal between them was sealed, one of the parts of said bargain would be the whereabouts of her brother
Within the deal, such events would lead to her eventual transformation as a vampire:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose Catastrophe at 16 - Chapter 37
Now, returning to the question about why Mahiru had no choices, this is due to one reason:
The reason comes after the battle she had with Kureto Hiragi in the Catastrophe LNs. After Kureto lost against her, he dialed Tenri Hiragi to inform him about the events going with Mahiru to which Tenri retorts that Kureto would never catch up with Mahiru since he had knowledge of the events due to a deal. Said deal was that if she fulfilled her part, Tenri wouldn’t experiment on Shinoa any further.
Which of course lead to the events of the end of the Catastrophe LN. While those events being the most disturbing ones and one of the reasons the fandom gets triggered, it is to say that tributes were required for the Apocalypse to fall down on Earth.
Now, after the events of the Catastrophe, did Mahiru aim to torment Guren as a floating ghost?
No, they needed to have patience, and one of their missions was to get or rather pick two boys who were enlisted by Rigr Stafford, said boys were of course Yuichiro Hyakuya and Mikaela Hyakuya. But within this, someone came to the plan without the knowledge of the Queen Krul Tepes and that character is Ferid Bathory no less, which would lead to the transformation of Mikaela Hyakuya as a vampire; since it is to be known that Ferid Bathory is quite aware of those who possess the Michaela trait which is still unknown on how he tracked Crowley Eusford in the LNs:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 5
Eventually, the plans into motion would take place after they prepared Yuichiro Hyakuya in order to tame his Seraph powers along with the bond of his demon and the reunion between him and Mikaela Hyakuya.
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 65
Of course, at that time, they were aware Shikama Doji would start making his moves towards Shinoa which would eventually take place in Shibuya and within this, the late transformation of Guren into the most powerful demon would take place in order to face down the First Progenitor and eventually lead to the awakening of the Demon Mikaela which are the events of the latest chapters from the manga story.
But now, why does Mahiru is so eager to make everything work? Is it due to her selfishness?
No.  One of the reasons of her biggest plan is to protect Shinoa and remove the curse that she has carried in all her life, but within this, she also supports Guren’s plan which is to bring back all humanity along the end of the First Progenitor since he alone is the one who can take him down which is stated by Rigr Stafford; due to the fact that Rigr altered the Ichinose Family using his DNA in order to make his scion that would reject the power of the First, that wouldn’t be able to listen to the commands of the First hence why with the latest chapter, they aim to trap the demon Mikaela in order to awaken the key to face down the First and expell it from the World they live.
Said key relies within Yu, Mikaela and Asuramaru:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 79
The first Key being Yuichiro labeled as the Sun God Aten which name means or is reference to the Archangel Michael.
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 85
The second key being Asuramaru labeled as the Sword of Michael but for that, they need to find a way to break the control of the First and lastly:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 98
And of course, the last member to this is Mikaela, the one and only one harboring the Seraph trait and the Michaela trait within him which would give the 3 of them the chance to face down the First Progenitor and banish him forever but then, the controvercy.
Why does Mikaela have to be a demon and why does that even count as saving?
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 99
The First Progenitor’s goal is not to save Mikaela but rather use him by his own goals, and by that, he needs to devour his soul in order to awaken completely with all his real powers and might he once had before he took the current form he has.
Along this, the final goal or plan within Mahiru and Guren’s agenda is to resurrect humanity which was doomed by the First.
While I understand this is one of the most umpleasant thing within the fandom; the story takes in a destroyed world, it takes in an era on which a being with powers close to almighty, close to God, was able to change history and humanity to his own goals and ends.
And for that, for the one that needed to taint his hands with experiments was Rigr Stafford, Mahiru Hiragi that partook in them with the creation of cursed gears along different drugs capable to help the wielders and drugs capable to restrain the First Progenitor to held him or bound him at a certain point which is finally being visible in the story and lastly, give the key to bring back all humanity that perished after the 25th.
In Guren’s case, he is the anti-hero, he is the one that was capable of withstanding the First, he was the scion he needed to face down the First Progenitor admist Guren’s will, he was at the end the guy that was required to trigger down many events but within this, despite all the pain he had to carry on, he needs to fight.
The war is far from over, and just as one of my favorite anti-heroes states. 
“Humanity shall win”
What do you think?
Let me know!
P.S: Theories exclude ships and remain within a neutral view. The theory itself focuses on what the plan has been all about to the current chapter. 
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