#i should probably finish my yellow skirt and just make peace with not adding in the gores
dragqueenpentheus · 2 years
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amieravenson · 5 years
Magickal Month- August 2019
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Magickal Month- August 2019 In August our attention pivots from the work of tending our ‘crops’ (literal or metaphorical) to beginning the harvest. We’re seeing the rewards of all the work we’ve put in over the Spring and Summer, and it feels amazing. We’re also now on the downside of Summer, and though Autumn is still 6 weeks away, we can see the light at the end of the very hot, very bright tunnel, and the harvest aesthetic is creeping into everything. I love it. August was originally the 6th month of the year, and was moved to the 8th month when January and February were added to the Julian calendar. In our house, it’s known as DragonCon preparation month. The water lilies are still blooming now and again, and our morning glories are going strong. The apples and Rose of Sharon are done, and we’re starting to eye the basil to see when we should harvest it for pesto. I also spotted some Joe Pye weed, which is always exciting. We’ve been feeding the neighborhood stray cats, and we’ve had a raccoon and an opossum visitor as a result. Otherwise, we haven’t been seeing nearly as many frogs, snakes, or other critters, and I think the kitties have been eating them or scaring them away. Birthstones: peridot, sardonyx, spinel Lunations: August 15- Full Moon in Aquarius, 8:29am EDT August 30- New Moon in Virgo, 6:37am EDT Astronomy: August 1- Mercury goes direct August 4- Southern Iota Aquariids meteor shower begins August 11- Jupiter goes direct August 12- Uranus goes retrograde August 13- Perseids meteor shower begins August 18- Kappa Cygnids meteor shower begins Celtic Tree Month: Holly (July 8- August 4): Protection, enjoying and celebrating success (nearing first harvest), renewal/restoring your direction, rebalancing your energy, moving towards your purpose, energizing. Truth, unconditional love, sacrifice, reincarnation, protection, luck, dream magick, male counterpart to feminine ivy. Hazel (August 5- September 1): Wisdom, intuition, studying ancient knowledge, fertility and good luck, divination (including hazel rods used for divining for water), poetry and science, playfulness and enchantment, healing arts. Holidays (non-Pagan): August 7: Purple Heart Day August 11: Tisha B’Av (Jewish) August 12: Eid al-Adha (Muslim) August 14: Raksha Bandhan (Hindu) August 15: Assumption of Mary (Christian) August 21: Senior Citizens Day August 23: Janmashtami (Hindu) August 26: Women’s Equality Day Holidays (Pagan): August 1: Lammas August 1: Metageitnion Noumenion- Greek festival honoring all the gods August 4: Feast of Aphrodite and Eros August 6: Festival of Artemis August 7: Gaia Consciousness Day August 12: Festival of Athena and Zeus August 19: Vinalia- Roman festival of thanksgiving for the grape harvest August 23: Feast of the Furies August 25: Festival of Ops- Roman Goddess of the harvest August 30: Boedromion Noumenia- Greek festival honoring all the gods Themes for the month: Harvesting grains and herbs, drying herbs, days are getting slightly shorter, sense of impending Autumn, canning and preserving food for the Winter, back to school, wrapping up Summer activities and projects General activities for the month: Cooking with and enjoying Summer veggies, grilling, getting in those last Summer vacations, cleaning up the plants that are already spent for Winter, planning Autumn projects, perusing craft stores for Halloween/Samhain decor Herbs I’m using: I have just enough Rose of Sharon blooms to make one last batch of iced tea, basil, garlic chives from the CSA farm Stones I’m using: Rhodonite for self-love and heart healing, polychrome jasper for rebirth and earth energy, carnelian for energy and motivation Goddess of the Month: I’m working with Athena and Minerva as I’m trying to wrap up and FINALLY publish some projects that I started a while ago. I want them done before DragonCon, and I need her inspiration and wisdom to help me learn what I need to do to format and design the covers, etc.
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August 2019 reading 3 card reading: Astrologically, everyone seems to agree that the eclipse at the end of July marks a transition into a better life in August. Let’s see if the cards agree! First, we see The Ace of Swords reversed. So this is a time when we need to stop thinking, overthinking, and even obsessing. We’ve done all the thinking that needs to be done, and now it’s time to actually take real, concrete action. We aren’t at the beginning phases of a project anymore, we’re fully in it, and we need to see it through to completion. Next, we have the Two of Cups. So we’re going to have a helpful, happy partnership that helps us see this project done. That can be a lover or spouse that supports us through the process, or it can be a business partner that we really jive with. This can even be a friend that we become partners with in our business or other undertakings. Either way, we have lots of support, peace, and harmony this month. And finally, we see the Three of Discs. This is a card of recognition for a job well done, and it comes at a great time! Our work is really coming together and we’re showing some real skill. People are noticing, and we’re setting ourselves up for success. Good news! This is a great card for this time of year, as it shows a harvest of our hard work. Our special guidance card is Sige. So we’re being told that we still need to carve out quiet time for ourselves, no matter how much our plans are coming together right now. This can be self-care and solitude, or this can even mean carving out time for yourself to finish what you’ve started. Sometimes solitude is about taking time away from activity, and sometimes it’s about creating more personal time for activity. It’s your choice how you would like to read this card! In Harvest By Sophie Jewett Mown meadows skirt the standing wheat; I linger, for the hay is sweet, New-cut and curing in the sun. Like furrows, straight, the windrows run, Fallen, gallant ranks that tossed and bent When, yesterday, the west wind went A-rioting through grass and grain. To-day no least breath stirs the plain; Only the hot air, quivering, yields Illusive motion to the fields Where not the slenderest tassel swings. Across the wheat flash sky-blue wings; A goldfinch dangles from a tall, Full-flowered yellow mullein; all The world seems turning blue and gold. Unstartled, since, even from of old, Beauty has brought keen sense of her, I feel the withering grasses stir; Along the edges of the wheat, I hear the rustle of her feet: And yet I know the whole sea lies, And half the earth, between our eyes. My personal tides: We’re FINALLY done with all the housing insecurity, financial insecurity, moving, feeling pulled in two directions, and worrying about all the things we need to do to start our new life. We’re in the new house, done with the old house, and ready to launch a new life. So I’m all about cleansing, purifying, and being completely reborn. I’ve gotten a haircut, done all the shaving I put off because I was too busy, and I’ve been actually unpacking some boxes with a vision of getting our house in order! My personal goals: My main goal for August is to get the book I just finished formatted and published. I also need to revise the Tarot 101 class that I’ll probably be giving at DragonCon again, and beef up the security on my website so that people can order readings or ebooks there. I also need to find a rescue organization who will help me rescue these cats. Read the full article
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animationnut · 7 years
To Gravity Falls, From Piedmont: Chapter 29
Summary: It’s a long way until next summer. Until then, Dipper and Mabel share their daily antics and life problems with their lifelong friends and attentive great-uncles through an endless string of e-mails. Distance makes the heart grow fonder after all, and there’s no place Dipper and Mabel love more than Gravity Falls. 
                                                      Chapter List
To: Wendy Corduroy (Lumberchick); Soos Ramirez (QuestionMarkDude); Grunkle Stan (StantheMan); Grunkle Ford (Highsixer); Dipper Pines (GhostHarasserfan)
From: Mabel Pines (ShootingStarRainbowUnicorn)
We did it, my people!
Dipper and I will be graduating from Piedmont Middle School. Our ceremony takes place on June twenty-third and then we're gonna blow this popsicle stand! We'll film it so everyone can see it!
Much love,
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Dipper Pines: We still have two days before we get our final report cards.
Mabel Pines: Not this again.
Wendy Corduroy: Dude, you have nothing to worry about. Well, not about passing the eighth grade, at least. You should totally be freaking out about high school.
Dipper Pines: Thank you for your poor attempt at making me feel better.
Mabel Pines: It's no use. He won't stop panicking until he has his report card in his hands that tells him that he's once again an honour student.
Dipper Pines: It's irrational, I know. But I'm mostly made up of irrational fears.
Soos Ramirez: Congrats, hambones! I wish I could be there to see you dudes graduate.
Dipper Pines: Us too. But two days after our ceremony we're getting on a bus to Gravity Falls, so we'll be there before you know it!
Mabel Pines: WOO-HOO!
Grunkle Ford: And we'll be there to meet you.
Grunkle Stan: Geez, I can't believe it's been a year already.
Wendy Corduroy: Speak for yourself. It felt like summer would never get here.
Grunkle Stan: That's high school for you. Sorry we won't be there to see your graduation, kiddos. A freak storm got in our way. Darn nature.
Mabel Pines: Don't worry, it's fine! We'll show you the video.
Grunkle Ford: Don't miss a second.
Dipper Pines: She won't. Pretty sure she's going to attach a Go-Pro to her head.
Mabel Pines: Thinking about it.
Dipper Pines: But it's only middle school graduation. It's really not that big of a deal.
Grunkle Stan: We'll be the judge of that. And we say it's a very big deal.
Grunkle Ford: You've successfully finished one stage of your life and are ready for the next. That's a great accomplishment. You should be proud.
Wendy Corduroy: Dominate that stage, dudes. Who's your valedictorian?
Mabel Pines: We actually don't have one at our school.
Soos Ramirez: Boo! You would have made a great valedictorian, hambone.
Mabel Pines: Aw, thanks!
Grunkle Stan: Are your parents going?
Dipper Pines: Yup! They promised they'd be there, and they never make promises they can't keep.
Grunkle Ford: I'm glad they'll be there to see you cross the stage. We'll be with you in spirit.
Grunkle Stan: In the not-dead way.
Wendy Corduroy: I'd be with you physically if I could but my dad would kill me if I skipped my last exam.
Soos Ramirez: Have fun, dudes!
Dipper Pines: We will! Thanks everyone!
Mabel Pines: Class of 2013, we're out! Peace!
White-sandaled feet moving against the scuffed tiles of the mall, Mabel darted her eyes back and forth across the corridor. Pastel sun dresses, flowery shirts and faded shorts lined the store windows, sprucing up mannequins in full summer outfits. Dipper trailed after her, hands shoved into the pockets of his dark blue vest.
"See anything you like?" he asked, trying not to let his boredom show in his voice.
"No. It's not as easy as finding a tie to match a suit," she answered knowingly.
"You could wear a suit, if you wanted," replied Dipper.
"I could," Mabel agreed. "But I'd rather wear a dress. I know I'll find one, I just have to find one that speaks to me."
"It's been two hours," said Dipper with a slight groan. "If nothing is speaking to you yet it's probably because they're not feeling chatty."
"Boo," said Mabel, failing to hold back a laugh. "That was terrible."
"Of course it was. That's the kind of joke Grunkle Stan would make."
It took another hour of searching, but Mabel finally found her graduation dress in the sixth clothing store they visited. It was hanging in the back, among a collection of other prom and graduation dresses of varying styles and colours. It immediately stood out to her and she walked towards it, like a moth attracted to a flame.
The colouring was lilac and it was an A-line sweetheart style. The length was on the shorter side, looking as if it might reach her knees. There was a darker purple bow tied neatly just above the torso, the entire upper part covered in silver rhinestones. With a wide grin on her features, she eased it down from the rack and rushed off to the change room. Dipper sat down on one of the wooden benches to wait, and a couple of minutes later she swept back out, the ruffled layers swishing around her legs.
"What do you think?" she asked, looking at her reflection. The stones glimmered under the fluorescent lighting.
"It's perfect," said Dipper sincerely, who had spent most of the day watching his sister model different dresses.
"I think so too. It's even on sale! Talk about fate." Mabel did a little twirl, watching her movement in the vertical mirror mounted to the wall. "Good news, bro. We are officially done shopping."
"Good, because I'm starved. Want to get something from the food court?"
"Cheap, greasy, low-quality fast-food? Of course."
Mabel changed back into her magenta sweater and white skirt and paid for her dress. She linked arms with her brother and they started for the mall's food court. Dipper glanced at Mabel and remarked, "You know that my dress shirt and tie are also purple, right?"
Mabel stared at the bag he carried, which contained his newly bought clothing items. "I totally forgot," she exclaimed. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"Well, it's not quite matchy-matchy. And I don't mind wearing coordinated colours if you don't mind."
Smiling warmly, Mabel said brightly, "Not in the slightest."
To: Pacifica Northwest (GravityFallsPrincess); Wendy Corduroy (Lumberchick); Candy Chiu (SweetasSugar88); Grenda Gosling (Hugsx0x0)
From: Mabel Pines (ShootingStarRainbowUnicorn)
Subject: My graduation dress
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Hey, girls!
I found my graduation dress and thought you might like to see it. What do you think?
Much love,
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Candy Chiu: It's beautiful, Mabel!
Grenda Gosling: I love it! It's perfect!
Wendy Corduroy: It definitely suits you, babe. You'll rock it.
Pacifica Northwest: You've got better taste than I thought.
Wendy Corduroy: Would it kill you to give a direct compliment?
Pacifica Northwest: It might. I don't want to risk it.
Mabel Pines: Thank you! I love it, and I'm super happy I found it.
Pacifica Northwest: I'm surprised you didn't make your dress.
Mabel Pines: I thought about it. I don't really buy fancy dresses all that often, so I decided to treat myself. I added all the glitter to the bottom part of the dress, though.
Wendy Corduroy: It looks amazing. You better take pictures.
Candy Chiu: And send us them!
Mabel Pines: Will do!
The morning sun shone brightly, bathing the rolling grass field in a golden glow. Dozens and dozens of folding chairs were neatly lined in rows, a wide gap between the two sections to allow for the student procession. Families of the graduating students were already seated, chatting amongst themselves. Silver of flashes of light occurred at random intervals as pictures were taken, from digital cameras and cell phones. The staff of Piedmont Middle School were gathered on the platform set up near the back of the soccer field, seated behind the oak podium. A red banner was hung from the two supporting metal pillars of the platform, and in bold yellow letters it read, 'Piedmont Middle School Class of 2013'.
The school band was situated directly in front of the platform, comprised of the seventh-grade members in full band uniform. The music teacher led her students into Pomp and Circumstance, and soon the graduating students were filing out of the school's side entrance and onto the field. They followed the red carpet that stretched from the entrance all the way to the platform.
Mabel's lilac dress glimmered in the sunlight, but her smile was much brighter. Her long brunette hair was tied into a high ponytail, held in place by a butterfly pin. Her white flats moved in rhythm with her peers. She spotted her parents amongst the crowd, sitting close to the front. Mrs. Pines was in a burgundy dress, her short hair just reaching her chin and framing her face. Mr. Pines wore a dark grey suit with a red tie, the sun casting a glare on the square frames of his glasses. Mabel waved wildly at them and they beamed back, Mrs. Pines raising her camera to snap a picture.
"Dipper, look, it's Mom and Dad! Hi Mom! Hi Dad!"
"Yes, I can see them. Stop waving your arm like that, you're going to hit me in the face. I'd rather not walk up the stage with a black eye."
Mabel stuck her tongue out playfully at him but lowered her arm. They made their way down the aisle and took their seats. Dipper adjusted his tie and glanced around, taking in the scenery. It seemed a bit surreal that he was really graduating middle school. It did not seem like long ago when he was attending his first day of classes.
"What are you looking at?" asked Mabel, leaning over and resting her chin on his shoulder.
"Nothing. Sorry. Just thinking."
"It's officially summer and in about an hour we're going to be officially finished with middle school. The time for thinking is over!"
Dipper was about to retort, but refrained when he saw their principal, Mr. Han, get up from his seat and walk up to the microphone. The audience fell silent and he cleared his throat before speaking.
"Before we get started, I ask you all to please stand for the National Anthem."
There was a slight commotion as everyone got to their feet and then the band struck up the beginning notes of Star-Spangled Banner. When the anthem was finished, everyone took their seats and Mr. Han delivered his opening monologue. When he finished, the presentation of diplomas and subject awards began. It took a bit to reach the twins, and Mabel felt her heart beat with anticipation when her row stood and began towards the stage.
"Here we go, bro."
"Please don't let me fall down the stairs," whispered Dipper.
"Mabel Pines; receiver of the art award."
Mabel let a whoop as she charged onto stage. She shook Mr. Han's hand and accepted her diploma and award with a wide grin. As she started for the other side of the stage, she turned toward her peers and called, "See you on the flip side! Mabel Pines is out!"
"Oh geez," muttered Dipper as their peers and most of the audience dissolved into laughter.
"Mason Pines; receiver of the history award, science award, math award and English award."
After initially flinching at the use of his real name, Dipper crossed the stage with more reservation than his sister. He could help but smile when he heard Mabel's chant of "Dip-per, Dip-per," rise above the applause of the audience. He returned to his seat with his awards, glossy wooden plaques that bore the school's logo and his name engraved below the subject heading.
"Good job, you didn't fall," said Mabel cheerfully, clapping her brother on the shoulder. "Probably because you looked down at each step before you took it."
Dipper sent her a look. "If I hadn't I would have tripped over my own feet. I'm surprised you didn't do a cartwheel across the stage."
"I thought about. But I figured it probably wouldn't go so well considering I'm wearing a dress. Hey, do you have your phone on you?"
Managing not to drop his awards, Dipper removed his phone from his pants pocket. Mabel snatched it from him and held it out, grinning widely. "Graduation selfie!"
She took the picture and studied it. She and Dipper had their heads close together, teeth flashing in large smiles, their diplomas resting on their laps. Mabel happily attached it to an e-mail and typed out a quick message before sending it off.
"I wish Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford could have been here."
"Me too," said Dipper feelingly. "But I think that require a very long explanation, considering Mom and Dad think only one of them is still alive. And I think that's a sit-down, in-person kind of explanation."
"Good point. But hey, we did it. We're middle school graduates."
Dipper glanced around. "I think I might miss it, even though it hasn't always been the greatest. Is that weird?"
"No," answered Mabel honestly. "It's familiar. We always miss what's familiar when it's taken from us."
Dipper stared at her, eyes slightly wide. "Wow. That's deep."
"Thanks! You know, I'm going to miss this place too. There may have been some bad times, but there were good times, too." Mabel closed her eyes, feeling the sun against her neck and listening to the humming chatter of her peers. "That's the great thing about memories. No matter where you go or how much time has gone by, you always carry parts of the past with you."
Dipper went quiet for a moment, knowing just how powerful one's memories could be. "Yeah," he agreed with a smile. "High school might be scary and unfamiliar, but we'll get through it. We have each other."
"Always," said Mabel, reaching and giving his hand an affectionate squeeze.
It took another hour or so for the ceremony to completely finish, and once Mr. Han gave his closing remarks everyone stood up and started to mingle. Mabel went over to speak with her art club friends and Dipper said goodbye Diego, Justin and Len, promising to keep in touch. After a while, Mr. and Mrs. Pines came over to give their children hugs.
"Good job, kids," praised Mr. Pines, ruffling Dipper's hair. "We're very proud of you."
"You look beautiful, the both of you." Mrs. Pines smoothed down a few loose strands of Mabel's hair. "I know there are refreshments in the cafeteria, but how would you like to go out for brunch instead?"
"Yes!" said Mabel instantly. "All the maple syrup!"
"No drinking it from the bottle!" called Mrs. Pines as Mabel raced off towards the parking lot. She let a fond sigh and started after her.
"Make sure she doesn't drink maple syrup from the bottle," muttered Mr. Pines, wrapping an arm around his son's shoulders.
"On it," promised Dipper.
They went out for brunch and when they returned home, it was to see two items on their doorstep. One was a massive flower bouquet, so large that it took up most of the porch space. The petals were of varying shades of pinks, blues, yellows, oranges, reds and greens. They were tied together with a glittery silver bow.
Mabel squealed and rushed over to it. She removed the attached card and opened it, where she found the signatures of everyone from Gravity Falls. "Aw, I love them!"
"How sweet," said Mrs. Pines, gently touching the petals. "You must have made quite an impression on your friends in Gravity Falls."
"I think you could say Gravity Falls made an impression on us," replied Dipper, sharing a secret smile with his sister. "Maybe you could come visit this summer?"
"I don't know, we'd have to see," said Mr. Pines, though he sounded doubtful. "But you kids have a great time. Here, I'll bring this in for you."
He hefted up the flower arrangement and brought it into the house, Mrs. Pines following after him. Dipper and Mabel picked up the package that remained and tore upon the brown paper. Inside were two black jewelry cases. In the one addressed to Dipper was a silver pocket watch, his name engraved on the inside along with the date of his middle school graduation. Mabel received a matching wristwatch, tiny diamonds surrounding the face of the watch, with her name engraved on the strap.
Dipper held the pocket watch against his chest, feeling his heart pound with excitement. "A few more days. Then we'll be there."
Mabel held up the card that came with the watches, which was signed Grunkle Stan Ford, a space between their names so if their parents happened to open the package, they would assume it simply read as Stanford.
"Another summer, another new beginning," she said. "I can't wait."
To: Grunkle Stan (StantheMan); Grunkle Ford (Highsixer); Wendy Corduroy (Lumberchick); Soos Ramirez (QuestionMarkDude); Dipper Pines (GhostHarasserfan)
From: Mabel Pines (ShootingStarRainbowUnicorn)
Subject: We did it!
1 Picture Attachment
We just got our diplomas, which means we are officially done middle school! I'll send other pictures and the video of our ceremony when we get home!
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Soos Ramirez: You guys look great! Congratulations!
Wendy Corduroy: That was the easy part. Wait until high school.
Wendy Corduroy: Just kidding! Sort of. But seriously, you dudes rock and you should be super proud of yourselves.
Grunkle Ford: Congratulations, kids. I know it hasn't always been easy, but you always came through. We're proud of you.
Grunkle Stan: Yeah, those jerks who made fun of you aren't going to be laughing when you become their bosses. Great job, runts. We'll see you in a few days!
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diatasair · 8 years
GOTTA TRASH FOR MY SON WHILE IT’S STILL HIP TO cry about michael at 3 pm
Infallible Creatures (2/?)
They finally get back to Celliwig two weeks later, legs sore and ready to give in.
Celliwig is a small village near the border between Hyland and Rolance, and it’s one tucked into the wilderness so thoroughly that it’s not even weird that sometimes it doesn’t matter if it’s Rolance or Hyland they’re in—either governments don’t really do much to exert their control over them, and they usually can just walk through and back whenever they need to trade with the village over the border. Lately it’s sort of hard to get to Hyland, though—border disputes, the guard tells him, the resident of a village on the border that never really got brought up when talking about border disputes. At least that left them in peace, he supposes. Better forgotten than warred over.
When he stumbles into the premises, everyone looks up.
“Michael! You’re still alive!”
“Oh thank Maotelus, we thought you were dead—”
“—Brother!” And then there’s that patter of feet, and Michael’s eyes feel like they’re five times lighter as he looks up and Muse is running towards him, a stalk of lemongrass in her hand. “You’re back!”
Michael drops to his knees as she hugs him, and he hugs her back, forehead against her stomach. “Yeah. Sorry, I walked.”
Walked is a very innocent way to put it, but he supposes that that is the point. Lailah leaves him and manifests behind him and Muse gasps, letting her grip on his hair go.
“Oh! A lady seraph! Hello, I’m Muse. Were you the one who got Micha home? Thank you very much.”
She takes a step back and brushes her skirt clean, and Lailah giggles. “Such a polite young lady! My name is Lailah, and I’m a fire seraph.”
“Thank you then, Lailah.” Muse does a bit of a bow with one hand gripping her skirt, and huh, where did she learn that? Then she takes a look at him with raised eyebrows and pokes his shoulder with the lemongrass. “Were you lost, Micha? I told you going that far will do that. Good thing Lailah was there, you know, because you probably won’t go tell someone that you’re lost and then you’ll just grow old in Ladylake and be a grilled fish merchant, I bet.”
Michael can’t help but laugh—it sounds a bit helpless, but he can’t help it. “Yeah, me too. I wouldn’t want to be a grilled fish merchant.”
He no longer wants to be the Shepherd now either, but he will see this through anyway—Lailah didn’t save him from the aqueduct dungeon for nothing, after all. They’ve been talking about what to do after he returns to Celliwig, like how they’re going to talk to Valory and Eidhan and eventually Muse. Michael had taken to mulling over the former the entire trip; he’s trying not to think about how he’s going to explain to Muse that he’s going to do something not unlike what Dad did before he died.
He hopes she won’t hate him.
“Michael, good Maotelus, you’re alive, oh seraph—” and Michael looks up to see Eidhan dropping to his knees in front of him, looking ready to cry. “I asked the guards if they’ve seen you, and most of them said they didn’t. There were several who said that you already left with some merchant cart and I thought you’d be back here but—three weeks, Michael. Three weeks. What would your father say, good seraph.”
Michael looks up to Lailah and she shakes her head, an unspoken we’ll talk about it later when Muse isn’t here, and he turns back to Eidhan. “Sorry,” he says. “I didn’t end up on a merchant cart, but I didn’t know if I could find you either, so I went back after it was clear that I wasn’t going to be able to find you in the crowds. They went on for days…”
“And so you walked,” Muse says, amused. “You’re stupid sometimes, Micha.”
“Muse!” Eidhan says, tapping her cheek. “Don’t call your brother stupid.”
“Whatever,” Michael grumbles, letting go of his hug and getting back to his feet. His knees throb and his limbs suddenly surge with fire as he tries, but Eidhan pulls him up and keeps him steady, and it takes a minute but he can stand again alone, now, though his entire body is shaking. Now that he’s back, he feels like he can sleep another five days—he’s got more bruises than he does whenever Muse gets nightmares, because they share a bed and she’s a restless sleeper and she kicks his back a lot. Lailah’s hand is on his back, next to Eidhan’s, and together they push him forward back home, and Michael can only stumble forward like a newborn calf, Muse leading the way with that lemongrass of hers.  
She’s kinda right, honestly. He’s stupid. That’s how he got into this mess.
But sometimes, he can kind of hope that things will turn out fine.
They get back, and Valory feeds him, and he’s pretty sure he’s going to throw up if he’s told to finish his plate, no matter how starving he is. Lailah nestles inside him during the meal, because Valory and Eidhan are there and asking questions and he’s skirting around each of them, because Muse sometimes barges in and out and comes back with things related to her errands. He can’t finish more than the potatoes and bits of chicken—his stomach is too used to the sparse meals during their month on the road, though he eats as much as he physically could. He can feel his arms going limp, after it all. There’s still three fourth of the meat when he’s done.
“What happened, Michael?” Valory asks at last, tapping her ladle on the rim of the metal pot she’s cooking roots for tomorrow’s meals, probably. “You can’t… do that and not tell us.”
He fiddles with his fingers, staring at them and the new stains on the tablecloth and the scratches on the wood. They’ve long been scabbed and lined with dirt underneath his nails, but fighting and things added new marks, pinkish red even after all this time. There was a surprising amount of hellions even out of the way of the main path—no wonder seraphim feel so threatened. “I… can we talk about it when Muse is already asleep?”
They’re both frowning, he can tell. He doesn’t even have to look up to know.
“Michael, what happened?”
Michael pushes the slice of chicken around, saying nothing. “I went to the Sanctuary. There was this… seraph, and I talked to her.”
Eidhan lets out a long sigh. “Michael, you’ve had this conversation before.”
There’s a warm tingle and with a gentle glow Lailah leaves him, manifesting right beside his chair. Her hands are in front of her, all professional and businesslike, but it’s hard to see her expression from down here. Michael hates to admit it, but he’s not exactly tall.
“I know,” he murmurs. “I know.”
His late father told him not to take his gifts for granted, but also not to be too… free with it. There were, are, very few seraphim around, and not all of the ones he met in his father’s trade travels were nice, but some were, and well, they looked lonely, usually. Or angry. In any case, regardless, Father wanted him to be careful about where he was when talking to the seraphim—namely, anywhere outside the public eye is fine. But well, the Sanctuary wasn’t getting emptier considering the festival, and the Lady of the Lake looked ready to be swallowed by malevolence, and…
“We don’t do this because we don’t like you, Michael,” Valory says. “We do this because we care. Though now I guess there’s nothing much to do about it by now.”
“I’m the Shepherd now,” he blurts out. “Lailah she’s—she’s my Prime Lord. She saved me, but I had to. I had to make a Shepherd pact. But it’s okay. I just. I’m the Shepherd, and I.”
Have to leave Celliwig, probably. After there being no Shepherd in so long, or so said Lailah, the world is in desperate need for one; Michael can guess, he supposes, from all those stories they’ve had about what happens at that ruined temple at Aifread’s Hunting Grounds. He’s never been there himself, but he doesn’t know if he wants to. Now he probably has to, though. Sounds like a place with a lot of malevolence.
“Michael,” Eidhan sighs. “Don’t be stupid. You’re young—whatever the Shepherd does, you’re too young to do it. And that means you probably will have to go around the world, leave your home—what would Muse say?”
Eyes widening, he turns to Eidhan. “I—but, but. I. I…”
It was hard enough to even want to leave home like this, and then… Must he really—must they really… Yes, what would Muse say? But at the same time, he’d promised. This isn’t a small promise, and he knows objectively that it’s what he should do, maybe, sort of, but to hear this, to know that in the eyes of others he shouldn’t, it’s. He’s confused. He doesn’t know what to take, in this case, because Lailah’s here too and she’s hearing all this, listening to all of this, and.
“They care for you,” Lailah says, hours later, when he’s back in his room and the sun is setting outside, all yellow and orange through the dingy window pane. He’s sitting on the bed—he wonders if Muse has been sleeping alone these past three weeks. Or maybe not. With a free bed, the others might’ve wanted that extra free space and sleep here instead of the equally crowded other bedroom—at least Muse is smaller than Ilesa, who’s youngest and eleven and lanky. He wonders if they don’t mind her kicks. Sometimes she gets bad dreams, though she rarely remembers it and often shrugs it off moments later, and whenever that happens she’s restless. Whenever he feels particularly patient at midnight after being woken up with a sharp kick to the thigh, he doesn’t restrain her with a hug.
“I know,” Michael sighs. “I just… I don’t know, Lailah. It’s probably most right to go regardless, I guess.”
“Family is important, Michael.” Lailah takes a seat beside him, not minding the fact that she has to bend her knees quite a bit because the bed is low and the room is too small for her extended legs. “I’m not angry or anything. What’s important is that outside of pressures like these, what do you think you should do?”
“I don’t know.”
Why must decisions be this hard? If he leaves, then who’ll be there for Muse? They have Valory and Eidhan and Ilesa and Minea and Dales, but… It’s different, isn’t it? To him it had always been different, in a way—then again, he actually travelled with Father, back when he was. Alive. Muse—Muse grew up with them, he supposes. In her infant years. They’re probably just as family as he is.
“I don’t know…”
“Micha?” As the door creaks open Muse’s head pokes in, and she perks up at seeing him. “Oh, there you are. You really must be tired, huh?”
And with that she enters and closes the door, practically skipping to the bed before taking up the spaces unoccupied—not much, since he’s sitting and Lailah’s sitting and this bed barely fits him and Muse, probably won’t at all once they get older—and leaning against him. Michael leans back against her, too, just a bit; he missed her, and at least she misses him, too. Her arms are around his waist, tight. Lailah politely says nothing as he strokes Muse’s hair, smoothing out the tangles that formed. Her hair is pretty short, but sometimes, when they wake up early enough, she’d make him braid it; it doesn’t get past two or three plaits, but it keeps her hair neat, and she looks a bit less Musetta and more Muse that way.
“Kinda am, yeah,” he says. “Glad to be back again, though. W’re you, Musetta?”
Muse buries her face against the back of his shirt, rubbing her cheek against the fabric. “…Thanks, Lailah.”
Their positions are awkward and his arm is hurting from the strain of reaching back and his waist is locked in a weird position, but he can’t do anything. He doesn’t want to, anyway, because he doesn’t want this moment to ever break.
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