#i should probably see a therapist
youngroyals-stuff · 10 months
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maddiethedog2 · 22 hours
Hey Maddie, as a dude who also grew up to have limited emotional capacity (yay patriarchy!), I legit found out how to have emotions through music. Like, if it weren’t for some of my favorite bands and their music, I don’t know how I’d have done it.
But I also totally understand - growing up and being taught that emotions are weakness really stunted me for a long, long time! I can empathize with you, 100%
Thanks for reaching out, Shhh! I really appreciate your sentiment and solidarity!
I used to have a lot easier time reaching my emotions. I've played piano for decades, and, like you, music used to be one of the ways I could reach it. I actually grew up knowing what my mom's mood was depending on what she was playing on the piano, actually, and picked up a little bit of that from her.
I feel like I've lost even that over time though. Various life factors have just made it impossible for me to allow myself to feel my own emotions or let them show.
Sorry for the pointless vent today. I just am really feeling how closely tied my kink is with my own emotional dis-regulation today and craving the ability to just let myself have some relief.
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sleepyendymion · 1 year
It’s no secret that I have awful taste in men (I am delusional and I think I could fix them) so I thought I would make the bastards fight to the death for my own amusement
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edgarallenhoe31 · 2 years
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Geniuniely not sure if im still sane anymore, but anyways how are y’all doing?
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watery-melon-baller · 5 months
psychoanalyzing yourself is sooo annoying bc you're like ugh why am I like this and then it's like well. I know exactly why I'm like this. unfortunately having knowledge of what causes your problems doesn't necessarily mean you can fix them :/
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Bro I got new pants (from the men's section, where they allegedly use objective measurements like waist and inseam lengths) and I didn't have time to try them on but they're sized by objective measurements so I thought'no problem,' right? I just grabbed the size and style and brand I already had, that I was wearing a belt with so they'd fit right at that exact moment, and assumed it would be exactly the same BUT IT FUCKING WARNT IT'S TOO SMALL TO GET PAST MY THIGHS BUT IT'S ALLEGEDLY THE EXACT SAME SIZE AS WHAT I ALREADY HAVE THAT PRACTICALLY FALLS OFF WITHOUT A BELT I'M GOING TO BURN DOWN EVERY CLOTHING MANUFACTURER AND DEVOUR EVERYTHING THEY LOVE so now I have to get up early to exchange them before work tomorrow or just wear my same jeans that are starting to rip beyond my ability to fix for another two days before I get a day off :(
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punkpop-streetrat · 11 months
Ugh I hate this I hate customer service I hate social cues I hate being interrupted when doing something
I want a job where I don't have to talk to anybody and just do tasks, where I can have 100% focus on one thing at a time. Social interactions at work make me want to rip my hair out and my anxiety has me worrying about if I forgot to do a task because I was distracted by a customer.
I want to be left a alone when stocking products, lemme please just listen to music or a podcast and put things on a shelf without having to run back and forth from the register. Uggghhhhh and there's really no jobs in my town that let me do that without being in a horrible company
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shambonkel · 11 months
julie stop listening to car seat headrest songs and making yourself feel worse challenge (actually impossible sorry...)
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youngroyals-stuff · 10 months
Really wanna get into writing, I write good in my native and think it'll be same in English but don't know where tf to start. Any tips??
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gayfandomnerd225 · 1 year
I’ve never been able to get much comfort from my parents. I’ve always had a hard time explaining things to them, especially because my dad was/is pretty emotionally unavailable (probably cuz of his mom dying when he was a young adult and no therapy) and my mom always tried to find solutions or give me lectures about things. So I often found, and still find myself going to tv show characters for comfort? Like, imagining them with me in the room, and talking to them. And then understanding and hugging me. And I feel like that isn’t normal? Or there’s something weird about that. I don’t think most people do that. Sometimes it gets so bad that I have a hard time bringing myself back to reality and stopping talking to them. Pretty sure there’s a mental disorder in there somewhere
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crushinglilbones · 1 year
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bibibitchery · 1 year
does thinking “why hasn’t someone euthanized me??” every time i make one (1) single fuckup count as suicidal ideation? asking for a friend
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royposting · 1 year
feeling quiiite overwhelmed and lost atm but at least im hitting PBs @ the gym
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lucile-rants · 1 year
Does anybody have those moments when you're crying but there's no tears and you're hyperventilating and you want to scream and nobody around you seems to feel emotions like you do and them you just immediately become calm when you pretend to be your favorite character but they you don't know how to stop pretending fully because you don't actually know who you are? No? Just me? Alright then.
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platonic-sponge · 1 year
i have a word doc called "if i were more radical, this would be my manifesto" and it's basically a place i can dump my ramblings, thoughts and various ponderings and act like i'm talking to people who care it's great i definitely recommend it
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