#i should... probably go back and re-read tsubasa because MAN
meanderfall · 6 years
Now that I've been asked all my fanfic ideas have suddenly fled me haha. Uuhhh, hmm, well, more of that KuroFai animal transformation au would be sweet? But if you're wanting something new... OH! I got one that is hopefully good: Klavier copes with things by making mixed tapes/playlists. He makes ones based on himself, ones based on other people (to both understand them better and to sort out or express his feelings for them). But he's never ever shown anyone them. And then someone finds them.
;;A;; im sorry this took so long anon, work drop-kicked me right in the face, and *gestures vaguely* things happened. Anyway! I give you more KuroFai!!! And you will be pleased to know that I actually thought up of a sort of plot for the conclusion to this sort of fic, though that’s for another part. Lolol I’m actually considering after I finished, cleaning this up and properly posting it to AO3. Though you should tell me if there are things you want to see beforehand!!! I am remarkably uninspired when it comes to thinking up fluffy things and the slow progression of two people getting closer lmao.  Also!!!! holy shit, I love both of those other ideas, and if I can, I will definitely write them for you because omg??? I love it so much.
So without further ado, here’s part two!!!
Sakura watched.
It took her a bit to catch on, longer than ithonestly should’ve taken, but it wasn’t that hard to connect the dots when sheactually thought of the possibility. Likely, she would’ve understood what washappening if Fai’s behaviour as a human and as a cat wasn’t so drasticallydifferent. She was so used to Fai being there for her and Syaoran, encouragingher and supporting her, helping her keep her spirits up. But as a cat, he wasthe exact opposite. And it broke her heart thinking that deep down Fai was justas skittish as he was now, just as in need of protection and support andattention, but never once thought he could show it to them.
Well. Except for Kurogane. In some ways, theirdynamic hadn’t changed at all, and it was that that had actually tipped her offas to what was happening. The two of them were constantly orbiting each other, Kurogane,the steady and passionate sun that Fai couldn’t seem to help circling, gettingcloser and closer before drifting away again. Or maybe it was more like themoon, silently begging the ocean to reach them, coaxing the waters closer, onlyfor the quicksilver sea to change their mind and move away.
Either way, even as a cat, Fai and Kurogane couldn’tseem to step away from each other. He actually spent time in their spaces now,on the table during dinner, and walking side by side when they went out forerrands. But he still shied away from any unexpected touches, and even the oneshe saw coming. And he was tense; every time Sakura petted him, she could feelthe energy just underneath his pelt, on edge, and ready to move at a moment’snotice. But something seemed to settle within him when he was around Kurogane.Or at least when he accepted being around him; some days he seemed even moresuspicious of the tall, dark man than he was of anyone else in the group, andSakura really couldn’t understand why. And Kurogane never really reacted toeither behaviour, though she was sure he noticed it all.
“Sometimes I don’t understand Kurogane at all,Kitty.” She was sitting next to Fai as he ate his supper, staring off into thedistance. She saw Fai’s ears perk up at her words in her periphery, though hedidn’t stop eating. Sakura wondered if he even knew that he reacted andobviously showed his interest. What was it even like being a cat? Did his mindalso shift, and that’s why he didn’t think to hide things as he would before?
“It’s just… It’s hard to tell what he’s reallythinking sometimes, because he seems really obvious about his thoughts andopinions, but he also keeps a lot quiet. And he actually is upfront and honest,Kitty. So you’re left wondering if maybe you’re the one not noticing what he’sthinking.”
By this point, Fai had stopped eating and waswashing up, but he gave soft meow when she stopped talking in what she thoughtsounded like agreement.
She turned to smile at him. “I knew you wouldunderstand, Kitty, since you spend so much time with him. Almost as much as Faidid.” Fai actually paused in his washing, before resuming a tension in his bodythat wasn’t there before.
“You know, I think Fai understood Kurogane betterthan anyone. Probably because Fai loved annoying him and they spend so muchtime together. It’s shame he isn’t here, Kitty, I’m sure he would have youfalling in love with him in a moment, he’s so sweet and caring and fun.”
Fai was actually curling up in a ball at this point,face buried in his paws, and Sakura had to stifle a giggle at his embarrassment.
“Though maybe it’s better this way.” She leanedcloser and dropped her voice to a whisper like she was sharing a big secret. “Theylove each other a lot, though they don’t seem to want to admit it. You’dprobably make the other jealous if you showed either one of them any attentionbecause you’re just so cute and loveable it’s impossible not to lavish you withaffection.”
“Sakura.” A deep voice grabbed her attention and sheautomatically turned before she could see what effect her words had on Fai.Kurogane was glaring at her suspiciously, looking between her and Fai. “Whatare you doing?”
“Just telling Kitty all about Fai since he hasn’tgotten the chance to meet him yet.” She smiled up at Kurogane, and though hereally didn’t seem to believe her, he looked like he would let it go. “Look outfor Kitty, I want to go with a walk with Syaoran.” She got to her feet and wentupstairs humming to herself.
With Fai out of commission, someone had to stir up trouble, and she couldn’t deny that it waspretty fun.
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS Episode 6 commentary (Minato)
The final episode of Part 2!
This was originally my favorite of the three episodes we are shown in the theatrical “Part 2″. But it was also the one I was most awake for at the time haha. Nowadays I think Joji’s is probably my favorite of the Part 2 episodes, but this one still has a very, very special place in my heart......... AS BIG AS THE OCEAN.......... 
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And right off the bat we’re referencing the hidden curry subplot in Pride the Hero. Well, maybe it was obvious to some people, but I definitely wouldn’t have fully known about this subplot without reading about it. Basically early on in Pride the Hero there is a scene where Hiro casually refuses to eat Minato’s curry. Minato can be seen working on his recipe during the movie, but in the end it’s Kouji’s honey/apple curry recipe which gets Hiro back on his feet. Minato sees this as a failure on his part. 
If there is ever a scene where anyone is crying (there will be a few more examples of this before the end of SSS) take a look at Leo. If anyone else is crying, it’s basically guaranteed that Leo is also crying too. He doesn’t even know why Minato is crying here!!! LeoooooOOO..............
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Everyone always cheers for Taiga here! Good job.
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Okay, according to the Part 2 pamphlet, from left to right...
Misaki, Nagisa, Gen, Kou, Shiho. 
They all have sort of marine-related names. (cape, shore, broadside of a ship, sailing, saltwater...)
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And these two we already met in Young of Prism. 
(Ushio means tide, Tsubasa means wing....)
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I really love the voice work on Shiho here. She really sounds so natural. So cute. Favorite Minato sibling.
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I know I said Yukinojo’s grandpa was best King of Prism old man, but I’m not sure anymore. Minato’s grandpa is also in the running ahah. I love his intense drama and yet down to typical old man-ness at the same time. HAVE A FISH.
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Okay this one is forgivable because he says their abbreviated name “O-Ba-Re” which I always struggle to translate. Usually I just spell it all out or put OtR.
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It was established in this episode that Minato can taste when something has been made with love. 
This means that Yamada-san’s ramen noodles were clearly MADE WITH LOVE at least.
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I think at one point I posted a shitty out of context spoiler about the DARK HISTORY of Edel Rose. Here you go ahah. 
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The cheering audience loves Yukinojo’s reaction here. Everyone be like.... nu nu nu nu nu nu..............
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This is the only time I know Taiga has been associated with soba except for when they just kind of decided to make it his food item on Prism Rush........ (because I guess pudding a la mode wasn’t a thing back then..............) 
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Minato’s reaction is notably a bit more low key than the other boys during Kakeru’s turn.
Kakeru’s catering WASNT MADE WITH LOVE 
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Every time I see this I think to myself that I have got to figure out where this is and go there. But I haven’t yet. 
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Shizuoka isn’t that far from me and I go there every few months or so for Love Live stuff or to visit Shizuoka Prism Stone, etc. A few days before Part 2 premiered I was actually in Shizuoka and actually spent a good amount of time thinking of things I might see from Shizuoka in Minato’s episode. I was at a tourist attraction (Izu-Mito Sea Paradise) where I went to the snack bar and noticed they had Mishima croquettes. It was the first time I had heard of them. But I decided on something else instead. 
So every time I see this, I think......... should have got the croquette....... 
(and now I must live with the regret.............. forever......................) 
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I talk a lot about how this or that is art in SSS. 
But Minato meeting Kouji REALLY IS ART 
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In the stream someone called this a “prismgasm” and now I can’t get that out of my head thanks.................................
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I love how Minato is not the first, but SECOND Edel Rose boy just entered into Edel Rose against his will by a family member ahaah. (After Taiga by his sister.) 
Okay so, let’s pause for a minute. 
As you can see here this is a senior high school application. So this means Minato was never in the junior high division of Kakyouin Academy and went straight to senior high. 
If we rewind back to Kakeru’s episode, you’ll remember that there was a flashback where Yukinojo met Kakeru back in the heyday of Edel Rose, and they were both wearing junior high uniforms. So this means that a.) The first member of the seven to enter Edel Rose was probably Yukinojo and b.) Kakeru and Yukinojo are the two who have known each other the longest. 
I don’t think you can make an exact timeline of who joined when, but it’s possible to piece together a rough estimate of the order everyone joined by the end of SSS.
So this actually destroys my headcanon that the reason Minato calls Kakeru “Kazuo” is because they have known each other the longest and he knew him before he was Kakeru. So now I don’t know what to think about that anymore ahah. 
Anyway Minato why are you taking the Shinkansen to Tokyo. It’s only like 3 hours from Shizuoka!!! That is insanely close (...... from my perspective...............) what a waste of money haha. 
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Favorite Minato face of all time by far. 
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Oh gosh this scene. This scene. Where do I even begin. I love, LOVED seeing this side of Minato. He’s always everyone’s rock (excuse me harbor) so it’s really mindblowing to actually see him all nervous and flustered and just oh gosh it made me love him so much more. 
And not to mention Kouji just dragging a boy he’s known for three seconds to eat a children’s lunch......
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Everyone goes nuts for this at cheering and agrees they still want to eat this kind of lunch as an adult. I guess I don’t quite understand because I was never a child in Japan haha. But this was the only moment at the mostly quiet 8am showing (when I saw it for the first time) where I could hear people laughing/freaking out.
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I have mentioned this already but I just have to say I really love this line. This moment. This whole concept. Minato can taste love. 
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I didn’t think it was noticeable from Young of Prism, but when we actually met all of Minato’s siblings and saw that Tsubasa is basically the only one who doesn’t have a marine color scheme or a directly marine-related name.... Even before this scene in the back of my head I was like..... hm...... 
The least they could have done was given her a marine-themed name geez
I had to go back and slightly change some wording in my Young of Prism translation because of this reveal.
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Also his face
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It’s not “a” new dorm, he’s probably talking about the new dorm that the new boys still live in (but our seven moved back here by choice in episode 1 remember........)
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This is another scene where I’m kinda wondering if this plot thread seems sudden or out of place to people who don’t know the side materials. 
Minato’s confidence issues have come up on Prism Rush several times before, and I was actually waiting the entire episode for it to come up here. 
This episode in particular really requires a lot of extracurricular homework doesn’t it....
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I believe this is mistranslated. He used ~すら which I think should be “All I could do is watch......” JLPT N1 textbook grammar Minato why......
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The least they could do would be to leave a note that says “Minato” means “harbor” but that’s TOO MUCH TIME I GUESS GOTTA GET THOSE EPISODES OUT IN AN HOUR CHOP CHOP
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I really like this speech. It’s shockingly down to earth and refreshing. Especially compared to Kakeru and Yukinojo’s episodes. 
Like the other members of the old dudes club, Minato’s family has a tradition too. But Minato is not particularly expected to carry on that tradition since his family realizes it’s no longer viable 
Instead they encourage Minato to enjoy his youth, find himself, and if he doesn’t become a star that’s OK.... of course he can come home anytime. 
Nrrrgggghhaaaaaa such good supportive parents ahhhhhhh
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Been waiting a couple months to read this. In the theater all I can ever catch is Shin’s message. (But still the point comes across.) 
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“Well that was fast” - the cheering audience (about the sunrise, ruining this beautiful scene lol)
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THIS.... SHOW.........
So, a while back I casually mentioned that Kakeru and Taiga’s prism shows were in my top three. Nobody ever asked what the third one was. But. It was this one. I LOVE this show.
From the very moment Minato looks up at the camera here I just get goosebumps from head to toe, and it just stays throughout the entire show. No other prism show has ever made me feel quite this way. 
So towards the end of the Prism Rush Main Story, there is a chapter where the boys are talking about what they want to accomplish in the Prism King Cup. (This is before they know who will be in it.) Minato has a line where he talks about wanting to perform a show like warm soup or something, and as soon as I saw this show I just immediately remembered that line and thought THATS IT. 
Even though there are so many cool colors, somehow, it just makes me feel so.... warm. 
Although it didn’t stay for as aggressively long as Joji’s did, this was the first song from Part 2 which got stuck in my head and it’s just... it’s so nice........
Also, even though I have complained about Minato always getting stuck in chef uniforms for his performance outfits I do kinda like this one. It’s the floating jellyfish scarf thing at the back that makes it I think. (I have no idea how else to describe that.) 
I hope he gets a sailor suit next time though eheh. (I like how Minato has a marine theme now too, not just food. Well, he probably always did but it’s more prominent now.)
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So Minato technically lost to Joji, but the individual match-ups mean nothing in the long run. (Except for you know..... the last one...... when it’s down to the wire and each side has put up their strongest member...............if you remember who that match-up is--)
It may not be obvious at first, but Minato’s prism show was pretty low leveled compared to the other boys. 
(He did start doing prism shows later than most of them after all... Um Shin being a special case.) 
He only did two jumps and they weren’t even connected. So that being considered, this score is pretty amazing for him. It makes me think the Shuffle members must only be doing like one jump per show to be scoring in the 7000s geez. 
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And thus the curry plot goes full circle. Minato, good for you. 
Thus ends what I know as the Part 2 episodes, and also the halfway mark of the series. (There are 12 episodes in all.) Ready or not, on to Part 3.
I really like and have been looking forward to the Part 3 episodes. I think they are a little better than Part 2, but maybe not quite as good as Part 1. I also think Part 3 is possibly the most heart-wrenching collection.... Leo’s episode in particular, which is coming up next week, I have a very strong and personal reaction to. That combined with feeling the need to point out all the PriPara references may mean my post for next week may take some extra time and be frighteningly long ahah..... ha....... 
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] SolidS Drama CD Vol. 4 - Kumo no Mukou ni - Track 4
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Here’s track 4~ I feel like I didn’t do justice with Rikka and Tsubasa’s heartfelt talk because with just words it’s kinda difficult to portray the emotion. Anyway, please enjoy~ 
Track 4
Under the cut, enjoy~
SolidS Kumo no Mukou ni Track 4 Translations
  (clock ticking, Shiki and Tsubasa waiting uneasily)
SHIKI: Tsubasa, if you clench your hands that tightly you’ll draw blood.
TSUBASA: Eh…? A-ah, yeah… (Tsubasa starts pacing)
SHIKI: If you can’t calm down why don’t you try waiting while sitting? It looks like they’ll be a while.
TSUBASA: There’s no way a person who got called out could sit and relax.
SHIKI: I see.
SHIKI: It looks like it’ll rain.
SHIKI: (sighs)
TSUBASA: Ah… I’m sorry.
TSUBASA: You have a lot of work you need to do, don’t you? And now you’re here too because of me…
TSUBASA: Um… that’s why… I’m sorry.
SHIKI: Let me see… It’s true that I had a lot on schedule but I can ask Haiduki to re-schedule them for me.
TSUBASA: That’s so like you.
TSUBASA: Isn’t it the perfect time for you to say, ‘No, that’s not true,’or ‘Don’t worry about it’ ya know~?
SHIKI: Hm? Ah, I see. That might be so but unfortunately I’m bad at lying.
SHIKI: You know that, don’t you?
TSUBASA: That’s right, I know.
(clock continues ticking)
SHIKI: Tsubasa, compared to me you’re doing so much better.
TSUBASA: Eh? That’s… That’s a little complex to say given the situation.
TSUBASA: We’re in the middle of being called out, remember?
SHIKI: If you do your job then what I say will be true.
SHIKI: You’re making a face that says ‘it’s better than getting scolded.’
SHIKI: But, it’s not like you did anything wrong, you know? If that’s the case then you should stay calm.
TSUBASA: Well, that’s true but—
(someone knocks on the door)
STAFF: I’m so sorry for making you wait.
SHIKI: Don’t mind.
STAFF: (uneasy)
SHIKI: Is something wrong?
STAFF: Ah, no. I just didn’t think that Takamura-san would trouble himself to go all the way here.
SHIKI: I thought that it would have been better for me to come as the person responsible for Okui instead of a manager since the topic seems to involve me, too.
STAFF: I understand. It would be rude to make you stand so please, sit down.
SHIKI: Thank you, pardon us.
TSUBASA: Pardon us.
(Shiki and Tsubasa sit down)
STAFF: The reason we called Okui-san here today was because of an article on the internet. We thought that we’d like to hear an explanation from the man himself.
STAFF: We wanted to know if you were maybe hacked or something.
SHIKI: Yes, the situation is…
TSUBASA: (uneasy) …
SHIKI: Tsubasa.
TSUBASA: Eh…? A-ah, yes…!
TSUBASA: It’s about the article from two days ago, right?
SHIKI: Was it the article related to your company’s CM with Okui and the author, Kuriki-san that’s the cause of your worry?
STAFF: Yes. It’s a CM that our company has worked so hard to complete. We’d like to avoid something that would give it a bad image.
SHIKI: Of course. We’re thinking the same as well.
SHIKI: I confirmed it with Okui, too, and I’d like to inform you that the article holds no truth.
SHIKI: I think it would be best to confirm that with Kuriki-san as well.
  SHIKI: We’ll be fine here. Please excuse us. Thank you for giving us your time.
TSUBASA: Thank you very much.
STAFF: Ah, no… I’m really very sorry that it turned out like this. Please do come by again for another project if opportunity arises.
SHIKI: Yes, I’ll be wishing for that, too.
STAFF: We’ll see you then.
SHIKI: Please excuse us.
TSUBASA: Please excuse us…
(rain starts pouring)
SHIKI: Rain, huh. So it didn’t hold until we got home.
SHIKI: Let’s go to the street and call for a taxi, Tsubasa.
TSUBASA: Ah… I’m fine.
TSUBASA: Um… I—I’ll go back home after cooling my head off for a bit.
TSUBASA: So let’s meet somewhere else.
SHIKI: Hm… There’s no truth at all in that article. I know that and I’m pretty sure they know it as well. That’s why they apologized, didn’t they?
TSUBASA: If that’s so then…!
SHIKI: Even if it’s so, you had to be removed just like they said. That’s the decision they came to.
SHIKI: They needed Kuriki-shi to appeal to the younger generation. It’s a strategy. But, he himself is not interested in the CM, isn’t he?
SHIKI: That’s why they wanted to decrease their chances of making a CM without him. And then, that’s when the article appeared.
SHIKI: In the end, even though you did nothing wrong, you were removed. That’s how it is.
SHIKI: It’s irrational, isn’t it? Completely outrageous.
SHIKI: But, you just have to accept it.
SHIKI: Were you shocked at being taken off the project, Tsubasa?
TSUBASA: That’s… Of course I am.
TSUBASA: What…?! Do I really look like a person who’s not really responsible with work?
SHIKI: I don’t think that and I didn’t say that.
SHIKI: It wasn’t your fault this time. But, the agency and I can’t do anything about it.
SHIKI: You just have to let it go, Tsubasa.
TSUBASA: If I’m taken off the project then the people who read that article will think that it’s my fault, huh…
SHIKI: I’m sure that there are people who would think that way.
TSUBASA: And yet I won’t even be able to react. I’m right, aren’t I?
SHIKI: Yeah. If you look at it in the long run, that’s about all you ought to do.
SHIKI: You did nothing wrong. That’s why you shouldn’t let it bother you and just laugh.
TSUBASA: Shiki… You say such carefree things, don’t you?
SHIKI: I’ll admit that.
TSUBASA: (sighs) I really wanna go cool off for a bit. I’ll go back home on my own.
TSUBASA: Don’t worry, I won’t drown my problems with alcohol. I’ll just have some tea somewhere over there and then I’ll go home.
SHIKI: I see… I understand. I’ll see you later.
RIKKA: Eh? So, did you really leave Tsubasa alone and then went home, Shiki?
SHIKI: Yeah.
RIKKA: Aren’t you supposed to be accompanying him for tea at times like this?
RIKKA: That or you could’ve said, ‘I’ll make you some delicious tea when we get back to the dorms,’ or something.
SHIKI: I see… I didn’t think of that.
SHIKI: Hey now, Dai, don’t glare at me. I just thought of what would be best for him in my own way.
SHIKI: I just thought of what I think he would do if I were in his situation.
DAI: What would you do?
SHIKI: I’d think it was completely illogical and I’d want to find out more. But, since the one I’m mad at is unclear I won’t know who to direct the anger to. Plus, I’m prideful so I wouldn’t wanna show something unsightly. That’s why I’d want to be alone for a while and just let time do its job.
DAI: I see.
RIKKA: Now that you mention it… That may be the case…
SHIKI: I know. But, letting the sun set on his anger may not be enough so you guys do your best to support him, too.
DAI: … Yes.
RIKKA: Hey, Shiki. I heard from Dai that Kuriki-san might be the same as you so I imagined a little conflict. That’s why I thought of believing the article at first.
RIKKA: It’s not true, is it?
SHIKI: I heard from both parties that it’s not true. And I believe that.
SHIKI: It’s true that Kuriki-shi’s not good at facing people. I heard from the staff that were around that there was conflict arising but Tsubasa was doing his best to avoid it.
RIKKA: I’m glad to hear that.
RIKKA: I’ll reprimand myself later for even doubting him.
DAI: But there will be people who’ll misunderstand Tsubasa because of what happened, right?
SHIKI: Probably. The agency will probably do its best to try to dispute that but the demerits with possible clients in the future will be huge.
SHIKI: It’s not a good plan but it’s what we have.
DAI: Is that so…?
SHIKI: This is another difficult part of our jobs, huh?
SHIKI: Ah, no. I guess it’s more accurate to say that it is part of our jobs.
SHIKI: The client’s ideas will be top priority of course. I write songs for other things too and from what I’ve seen, it’s something that happens every day.
SHIKI: Even if it’s for the best or if it’s the right thing to do, it’s not always ideal.
(rain continues to pour)
DAI: …
RIKKA: Ah, the rain’s getting stronger…
(Dai suddenly stands up)
DAI: I… I’ll try to go and pick Tsubasa up.
DAI: Among us, I’m the one who’s known him for the longest time. I’ve known him since we were kids so I can sort of imagine what he’s going to do.
  (rain continues to pour)
TSUBASA: (sighs) This is looking bad… Really, a lot of things are looking bad right now.
TSUBASA: I understand that being taken off is the best choice and that I’m being childish by not accepting that… I don’t like that either.
TSUBASA: (sighs) Good grief…
(Tsubasa’s phone rings)
TSUBASA: Hm? Phone?
TSUBASA: (looks at his phone) It’s from Dai-chan…
TSUBASA: He’ll be worried if I don’t answer, huh?
TSUBASA: He’s not calling because he’s sympathizing with me, is he?
TSUBASA: Come on, do it properly, self.
(Tsubasa answers the phone)
TSUBASA: Heya, Dai-chan~
DAI: (over the phone) Tsubasa, where are you right now?
TSUBASA: Where…? I’m pretty nearby actually. I’m gonna go home soon so it’s okay~
DAI: (over the phone) You’re sitting somewhere outside, aren’t you?
DAI: (over the phone) Where exactly?
TSUBASA: … Hey, Dai-chan. I’m really pissed off today and I totally look uncool so… I wanna be alone for a little longer.
DAI: (over the phone) I know that. I heard what happened.
TSUBASA: I see… (beeping sounds begin)
DAI: (over the phone) But…
DAI: (over the phone) It’s fine to get angry if you’re pissed off, isn’t it?
DAI: (over the phone) I wouldn’t think that it’s uncool.
DAI: (over the phone) It’s so much better than acting strangely cool about it or holding it in or being bothered by it by a long time.
TSUBASA: … Dai-chan, you’re really so manly from time to time, aren’t you?
DAI: (over the phone) Stupid. It’s because you’re always trying to act cool.
TSUBASA: Yeah… That may be…
DAI: (over the phone) But… That’s why I think you’re cool. It takes effort just trying to act cool.
DAI: (over the phone) Yet you’ve always done it. I’ve never thought of you as uncool once in my life.
DAI: (over the phone) That’s why…
(footsteps approach Tsubasa)
DAI: That’s why you don’t have to sulk about it in a place like this, Tsubasa.
TSUBASA: Eh…? Dai-chan…? How?
DAI: It was a coincidence, to be honest. I was on my way to the station but I heard the sound of the crossing signal at the same time over the phone.
DAI: I thought that maybe you were close by so I went and checked.
DAI: And then you were there.
TSUBASA: What a coincidence…! It’s like a drama!
DAI: I agree.
DAI: Tsubasa, let’s go home.
DAI: You can’t vent your anger here so let’s do it at the dorms.
DAI: Shiki, Rikka, and I will accompany you so…
DAI: Come on. Let’s go.
TSUBASA: Dai-chan… You’re really cool, huh.
 TSUBASA: Thank you for the food.
TSUBASA: Rikka’s special porridge is so delicious~!
RIKKA: Thank you for enjoying it.
RIKKA: Looks like you have appetite. That’s a relief.
TSUBASA: Even if you say it’s a cold, it’s not really a fever. It’s only a slight one.
TSUBASA: I sorta forgot but I was always like this before. I held a lot of stress in and it ends up into a fever.
TSUBASA: But I didn’t think that I’d still get colds at this age though.
TSUBASA: Sorry for making you worry.
RIKKA: I’m glad.
RIKKA: I wouldn’t say that you’re energetic but I’m relieved that you’re acting like your usual self.
TSUBASA: Ah. (chuckles) I mean, I suddenly got taken off a project and I was thinking about what I did wrong. And now I’m sulking and down with a slight fever.
TSUBASA: I figured I’d probably cry so I guess you could call it keeping up appearances?
RIKKA: There’s no need for you to put up appearances around us. Always, okay?
RIKKA: Now all you have to do is get stronger. Come on, lie down now.
RIKKA: Rest properly.
RIKKA: Even if you say all those bad stuff [about yourself], I still love you even with all your flaws.
RIKKA: I really love you.
RIKKA: I wish you wouldn’t forget that.
TSUBASA: Rikka’s so kind.
TSUBASA: Really… When you treat me so kindly I feel like I’m gonna cry and I don’t like that….
RIKKA: It’s alright to cry. Cry with all your heart, Tsubasa.
TSUBASA: Really… (holding back his tears) I look super uncool.
TSUBASA: I’m sorry for a lot of things. I’m sorry if people would say bad things about SolidS, too.
RIKKA: Never mind that. Well, it probably isn’t but didn’t Shiki say so? You did nothing wrong so continue to smile like you usually do.
RIKKA: Let’s do our best to overcome that bad reputation.
RIKKA: Work isn’t always easy, huh? But that’s what makes it worth doing.
RIKKA: I feel super pumped up now so don’t worry.
RIKKA: I’ll do my best for you, too so rest assured.
TSUBASA: I can’t let you do all the work. I’ll do my best, too.
RIKKA: Yes~ Do your best, Tsubasa. Let’s start with resting, okay?
RIKKA: Alright, I’ll go now so sleep.
(Rikka stands up and opens the door)
TSUBASA: Rikka… I’ll be fine tomorrow so… Definitely…
RIKKA: Definitely~?
TSUBASA: Definitely. If I continue to be bothered by it Dai-chan’ll scold me.
RIKKA: (chuckles) You’re right. Good night, Tsubasa.
TSUBASA: Good night, Rikka. Thank you for the porridge.
(Rikka closes the door)
RIKKA: (sighs in relief) Tsubasa looks like he’s going to be okay, Shiki, Dai.
RIKKA: Though I won’t say he’s completely recovered yet, at least his will to do things is back.
RIKKA: That’s why it’ll be okay.
SHIKI: I see.
DAI: I panicked for real since he suddenly collapsed at the common room.
RIKKA: He was probably worried about a lot of things. His uneasiness was off the roof.
RIKKA: Ah, I guess I could say the same for Shiki. Thank you for your hard work, Shiki.
DAI: Oh, that’s right. I’m sorry [for forgetting]. Thank you for your hard work.
SHIKI: No, it’s part of my job, too.
SHIKI: We’ll probably be dealing with a lot of things from here on so I’m counting on you for support.
RIKKA: Got it. Leave it to me.
RIKKA: Tsubasa declared that he’d be better tomorrow, too.
RIKKA: Although I don’t want to lose to this kind of trouble, I want SolidS to go back to the way it was soon.
RIKKA: Like those days when we were just having fun conversations. It makes you think of how important they really were, huh?
DAI: Yeah. It’s a little difficult when Tsubasa’s not being loud [annoying].
RIKKA: There’s that abusive language again. But, it’s true that it’s quite unsettling.
RIKKA: Tsubasa’s always shining bright and he’s the one who’s facing what our future will be with so much vigour.
SHIKI: The Golden Wing1 huh.
DAI: That’s… Is that how you think of him, Shiki?
SHIKI: Yeah. Even if he gets hit by a storm, he won’t fall easily and will continue to fly great heights.
SHIKI: It’s a strong wing.
Translator’s Notes:
1 Tsubasa’s name when in written in Japanese is [翼] which, when read in normal contexts, is usually translated as ‘wing’.
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission.
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shenanigumi · 7 years
Some thoughts on Harada-hen
I’ll reserve final judgment for a more polished cut, like a DVD rip, but in the meantime…
Not that too many of you care at all, but it’s always easier for me to determine my opinion if I write it down! Throwing it under a read-more because length; sorry to any mobile users out there…
Re: our new actors –
New Chizuru (Isobe Karin): her voice isn’t quite my cup of tea, but she definitely hits the notes, and it’s ultimately just a stylistic difference so I’m ranking her a tentative tied-for-second with Fujikoso Yumi. She is very Chizuru-esque, after all—and props for drawing her sword once in awhile!!—but there’s simply no beating Tanoue Marina.
New Kodo (Kawamoto Hiroyuki): I really don’t have an opinion, other than Edogawa Manji was better and crazier. Although it’s worth noting that Kawamoto-san’s bald cap is on point, if he’s even wearing one.
New Saito (Naya Takeru): he does an awesome job for a newbie!! (Does anyone know whether he’s actually left-handed?) Honestly, he reads more like Saito than Hashimoto Shohei ever did to me, although of course not as much as Matsuda Ryo since we all know there’s no surpassing him.
New Nagakura (Fukuyama Shoudai): I know he was also in LIVE 2, but I resolved to wait until he played a more central role. I remain unimpressed by his singing, mostly because his voice is so gravelly I can’t really hear the tune. However, acting-wise, he’s spot-on, so I’m extremely happy about that.
New Heisuke (Kizu Tsubasa): likewise, I’ve been waiting for him to shine since LIVE 2. He’s not Ikeda Junya, but he’s cute, and he meshes well with the other two. Also, my big sister senses go off whenever any Heisuke at all drinks the Water of Life or gets emotional, so his non-Junyaness doesn’t stop me from tearing up at crucial moments.
New Sanan (Teruma): I know he was in Reimeiroku, but I only watched it once and had no idea what was going on. I personally think he does an amazing, if more than a little theatrical, job with the fury madness.
New Kazama (Sasaki Yoshihide): I will never not see Suzuki Shogo as canon!Kazama, which doesn’t help my impression of anyone else in the role. Sasaki-san carries the part fine and hits the notes he aims for, but it seems to me like he’s trying a little too hard to imitate Tsuda Kenji in his dialogue.
New Amagiri (Soutaro): …he’s good. I still prefer Gomoto Naoya, but Soutaro-san’s good. Like, he has major resting bitch face, which makes him seem a bit more menacing, but that’s fine considering the character.
Re: the soundtrack –
…I’m a little bit concerned about how quickly Higashi Keisuke seems to run out of breath. Not that it interfered with my enjoyment at all, just something I noticed.
It still kinda hurts in some cases to hear the new cast sing old songs, but they kept that to a merciful minimum (Sasaki Yoshihide singing the last part of “Orokamono Domo Yo” was objectively fine since he hit the notes but PLEASE DO NOT REMIND ME THAT SUZUKI SHOGO IS GONE). I loved the leitmotif-references though…
I really like Saito’s first, teeny-tiny song tbh
The “BEAUTIFUL DRUNKARDS” equivalent doesn’t sound quite upbeat enough to be a real party, but I can forgive it due to the adorable as fuck drunk ninja staggering around in the background, and also because Matsuda Gaku’s hips don’t lie. (Also my literal out-loud reaction to Harada taking off his mini-haori-whatever was “OH JESUS”.)
They brought back “Ano Hi no Chikai” AND ADDED SOME OF THAT SWEET HARMONY HELL YES. They’ve totally upped their harmonizing game since the reboot.
OH MY GOD SHIRANUI GETS A FUCKING SOLO THAT ISN’T A VERSE IN SOMEONE ELSE’S SONG. FINALLY. IT ONLY TOOK LITERALLY 10 MUSICALS JFC. Actually, make that two, counting the one close to the end. Also, is it me, or does he only ever sing about Takasugi? That’s a man in love if ever I’ve seen one (although I’m not sure I’ve seen one). I’m just gonna say Shiranui/Takasugi is motherfucking canon at this point. At the very least, it fits in flawlessly.
NEXT GEN “GIVE ME THE POWER” OH YEAH!!! Different Souji, different Saito, and I actually really like the way these two sound together, although Nayu-san’s voice isn’t as ‘strong’ a foundation for the duet/harmony as Hashimoto-san. Honestly, I was happy because it gave me something I could sing along to.
Sano and Shinpachi’s duet when they were dueling was actually awesome, mostly because of all that amazing harmony~
Re: complaints –
Most of my “but y tho” probably stems from a lack of subtitles and understanding of the Japanese language, so I won’t be mentioning too much of that since they’re minor issues anyway.
It’s usual for them to focus on Chizuru’s interactions with the guy whose route it is, but it still jars me a little that her only interaction after joining the Shinsengumi is with Harada even some time after Ikedaya. In fact, the pacing in general seems a little weird in this one, given that Heisuke and Saito barely even leave before they’re brought back—but of course, that’s certainly not to say this is the only musical with an ‘off’ pace. HakuMyu in general seems to be like that in most cases.
I… don’t understand why they had Yamazaki drink the Water of Life at Toba-Fushimi. Like, Harada’s musical is the definitive feel-good route, so why include something from The Darkest route/musical? You could just as easily have offed Yamazaki offstage, or otherwise had him die in passing, the same way he did in Toudou-hen…
I also don’t know why they decided to transition into the epilogue with Hijikata vs Kazama and a Yaisa! reprise. Like, typically that’s a final-battle interlude, not post-final-battle. Also, it’s completely irrelevant to Harada’s route. Although I’ll own that the Yamazaki-Kondou-Sanan dead-people trio was a nice touch.
Re: highlights –
…Okay, I’m never not gonna think Shiranui figuring out Chizuru is a demon first is the most hilarious thing ever. Like, he never even showed up at Ikedaya in the game, yet here he is going “what’s a demon like you doing in a place like this” in Kazama’s stead. Perfect.
It’s kind of a small thing, but I love how subtly Okita’s tuberculosis is introduced. A cough-laugh, then a coughing fit, both quickly cut off by other events, and finally the revelation. Nicely done for a musical that doesn’t focus on him.
I also appreciate how not-prude and curious Chizuru is shown to be from the beginning. Any Chizuru who participates in a drinking song without being coerced, and even carries a sake cup of her own instead of just pouring others’, is 100% fine by me.
I’m in absolute fucking love with how they handle Shiranui’s interactions with Chizuru. Just the right mix of antagonism and playfulness.
Speaking of adorable, Nagakura’s confusion during the “we’re leaving the Shinsengumi” scene is priceless. I have no idea what’s happening, but it’s really fucking cute.
It’s kinda nice to see where Kazama’s loyalties really lie on Harada’s route, since we never see that in-game. Like, Shiranui thinks he’s on Kodo’s side, so that colors our perception, but… evidently not. Of course, it could just be that they’re apparently integrating Sanan’s treachery into Harada’s route too, but…
HOLY SHIT THE EMOTION IN OKITA’S VOICE WHEN HE CONFRONTS HIJIKATA AFTER KONDOU’S DEATH. It takes a lot of skill to make me tear up at a scene I’ve seen acted out like 50,000 times before in the previous installments of HakuMyu. You can really see the 8-year-old Souji shining through. AND THEN THAT PUNCH OUT OF NOWHERE!! ON POINT.
Edit: Oh I guess I should spare a mention for the fact that The Scene actually happened, yup. Not that I’m not happy with what foreplay we were given, since I thought for sure they’d just shove it offstage, but it was so… stationary? Although letting Chizuru top before the fadeout was definitely a nice touch.
I am a-ok with Kazama offing Sanan tbfh although it did leave the non-Junya cinnamon roll an orphan of sorts. Also Hijikata as mama bear is the best thing. Honestly, I really like the interpersonal dynamics between members of the Shinsengumi as they’re portrayed here.
GOOD JOB STABBING YOUR EVIL FATHER CHIZURU!!!!!!!! That’s more than any other Chizuru ever did, even Heisuke’s spunky gal~
CURTAIN CALL MOMENTS: Kazama and Hijikata doing the nightclub two-step and staring into one another’s eyes; the extras jumping around and high-fiving one another and one of them spinning Souji around; some confrontation between Harada and an extra over Chizuru; Shiranui getting really emotional about having been around since the beginning (AW POOR BABY WITH THE BROKEN VOICE); Harada having moments with both Shiranui and Chizuru (I’m beginning to form a polyamorous OT3)
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