#i simply wanna press one button and bam
baekuras · 1 year
shoutout to re4 remake because i fully intended to simply run circles around the villager for the like 4minutes or so it takes until the bell rings but the combo of that grabbing ganado+dr salvador breaking the...shed? roofing? down+then Leons ribcage was both unexpected but also great because I didn’t know THAT could happen
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Bagels and Bites
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Synopsis: Sebastian likes to flirt with you in interviews
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It all started when you met him on The Late Late Show.
“How are you all feeling tonight?” James asked you and Sebastian Stan as you sat on the guest couch.
“I’m excited.” You beamed as Sebastian rested his arm on the couch behind you.
“So am I. We should probably talk about this later,” Sebastian smiled directly at you, “but we’ve been wanting to meet each other for a long time.”
“Have you?” James chuckled.
“No.” You laughed and playfully hit Sebastian in the chest. “We had one interaction on Twitter and he thinks there’s something between us.”
“It was a very flirty interaction.” Sebastian clarified. “There were sparks flying all over those tweets.”
“So this is your first time actually meeting?” James asked. “Even though you’re in the marvel movies together?”
“It’s weird. I haven’t met half the cast.” You shrugged. “I’ll meet everyone else once the press tour starts but so far I’ve only met the people I’ve filmed with. Just Chris, and Chris, and um, oh yeah. Chris.”
You looked down and smiled to yourself when you heard Sebastian laughing at your joke. Even though you’d never met him, you’d always liked him. It was a well known secret on the Internet that you were his celebrity crush, since he was so inclined on bringing it up in almost every interview of his. Being face to face for the first time now, you were feeling a little intoxicated from his charm. Well, his charm and the white wine you’d been sipping on.
“I hope they stop putting me with Mackie and start putting me with Y/n once this press tour starts.” Sebastian said after taking a sip of his wine. “I love him but I can’t keep babysitting him at 8 in the morning. I’d like to wake up to someone who looks a little more like this one.”
“I know what you mean.” You agreed. “He would show up to set every morning all ready to go and I’m like dude, give me a few hours for my personality to arrive.”
“I was so mad that he got to film with you and I didn’t.” Sebastian shook his head. “We finally get cast in a movie together and we’re never in the same scene.”
“Well,” you put your hand on his knee and patted it, “we’re meeting now. Lucky you.”
“Yeah.” He smirked at you. “Lucky me.”
“Now, Sebastian.” James reminded you both that he was there. “I heard a rumor that you have a little crush on Y/n.”
“Well, I try not to pay attention to rumors.” Sebastian waved his hand. “But that ones pretty accurate.”
“Oh my God.” You put your hand over your heart, which was about to beat out of your chest, and laughed.
“It’s true. I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while, but I feel like I’ve seen you all my life. And here you are in person and you look so great.” Sebastian said through a shy smile. You laughed in shock at his compliment and looked down at your lap.
“You’re fully going for it.” James laughed at how bold Sebastian was being.
“You’re not being a very good wingman.” You teased James as you took a long sip of your drink. The more alcohol you had in you, the easier it would be to flirt with the incredible attractive man next to you.
“I was never known for that.” James agreed. “But I heard your brother is a pretty good one, isn’t he?”
“Oh My God.” You groaned, knowing exactly what James was referring to. “He’s not.”
“What happened?” Sebastian wondered, never taking his eyes off you.
“I took my brother to the Oscars with me last year and we happened to be sitting next to Jake Gyllenhaal.” You explained. “And the whole night, he’s telling Jake about how I used to be in love with him when I was a kid. If there weren’t a bunch of cameras around us, I would’ve rung his neck.”
“So I’m assuming you and Jake aren’t the next celebrity power couple?” James teased.
“We are not.” You shook your head. “I can confidently say that I was still single.”
“I was just gonna and say, there’s still hope for us.” Sebastian gestured between the two of you. You opened your mouth in shock before biting down on your tongue. You playfully hit Sebastian again, signally that you were just as interested as he was.
“You’re really going for it.” James pointed out. “I must say, wow.”
“Why not?” Sebastian grinned. “This is the time.”
“You are pretty cute, I just wanna say.” You flirted back for the hell of it. Sebastian laughed in surprise before covering his face with his hands. You laughed as well as he hunched over to hide his face.
“He’s actually gone red now!” James pointed at him. “He was so sure of himself and now he’s all red.”
“Leave him alone.” You pouted as you rubbed Sebastians back. Sebastian sat back up and rubbed his face with his hands.
“Yeah.” Sebastian said assertively as he wrapped an arm around you. “Leave me alone. I’m trying to flirt here.”
“How would you ask her on a date, then?” James asked. “Since you’re so in love with her.”
“Like this.” Sebastian said as he turned to you “Ce faci?”
“Would you bite me in the neck?” You asked, catching him completely off guard. He took his arm away and laughed in shock at your words.
“Oh my God.” He chuckled as he looked around in embarrassment. Suddenly, he turned back to you and cupped one side of your face, tilting your neck slightly with his hand. He bit down on your exposed neck, making the audience erupt in a series of laughter and gasps. You giggled when you felt his scruff tickling your neck and made no effort to push him off.
“He actually did it.” James looked at the audience to see if they were seeing what he was.
“She asked me to.” Sebastian rolled his eyes playfully. His arm was still around you and neither of you wanted it off.
“It was a hypothetical but I guess I know my answer.” You shrugged as you leaned back on the couch.
“Why would you ask him that?” James wondered.
“Like a vampire.” You explained. “Aren’t vampires from Romania?”
“That’s Transylvania.” Sebastian smiled fondly at you.
“Oh.” You realized. “I still liked it.”
“I’ll do it again later.” Sebastian shrugged, making your hide your face in embarrassment.
“Promise?” You said suddenly as you put your hand back on his knee. It was Sebastians turn to be baffled as he put his free hand on tops of yours.
“Darling.” He choked out, too stunned to form a full sentence.
“This has been an intense experience.” James fans himself with his cards. “What will the two of you do after the show?”
“I’ll probably go home, order a pizza, and pass out while watching all of Sebastian’s episodes of Once Upon a Time.” You joked.
“I was going to do the exact same thing.” Sebastian nodded. “Right after I got a job as a pizza delivery boy so I can go to Y/n’s house.”
“Or you could just come over.” You shrugged, making Sebastian blush.
“I like that idea too.” Sebastian replied.
“I’m trying to imagine what the poor pizza delivery boy is gonna see when he arrives at Y/n’s house later.” James grimaced, making the audience laugh.
“I know, right? They open the door and this is what the get.” Sebastian gestured to you. “It’s you. How lucky they are.”
You leaned into him as you laughed, the alcohol making you feel bolder than usual. You’d never be this flirty with a man you’d just met, but he made it too easy.
The rest of the interview continued in a similar fashion, with you and Sebastian unapologetically flirting with each other every chance you got. By the end of the interview, you were so close that your knees were touching. When it came time to say goodbye, you felt an unexpected pane of sadness.
“Well, thank you both for coming on the show tonight.” James smiled. “I hope I’ll be invited to the wedding.”
“You will. And I wanted to thank you. For this.” Sebastian said as he slipped his fingers through yours and held up your hands. You beamed and squeezed his hand, fully tipsy now the the interview was over.
After thanking James and drinking another glass of wine, you drunkenly pulled Sebastian off the couch.
“Come in the photo booth with me.” You giggled as you tugged him by the hand towards the booth.
“Okay.” He grinned as he climbed inside. He pulled you into his lap and pressed the button before wrapping his arms around your waist. The pictures began to snap away and you posed for all of them. For the first, you just held each other close and smiled. For the second, he leaned up to kiss your cheek. And for the third, he took another bite of your neck.
“That tickles.” You giggled as the camera flashed.
“Good.” He smirked against your skin before pressing a kiss there.
“Stick your tongue out.” You told him, and he obliged. You licked his tongue as the fourth picture was taken, capturing the drunken moment. The fifth flash went off right as Sebastian connected your lips to his. You continued to kiss him, tasting the alcohol on his lips and tongue.
“Oh my God.” You pulled away suddenly. “I have to pee.”
You got off his lap and ran to the restroom, leaving him alone in the photo booth.
The next time you saw Sebastian, neither of you brought the kiss up. Whether you thought the other was too drunk to remember or you were simply too embarrassed to bring it up, it was not mentioned.
The flirting, however, the flirting continued.
“What would you like to see for your characters in the next movies?” The journalist asked you and Sebastian as you sat together in a press junket.
“For our characters specifically, I’d like to see some graphic love making.” Sebastian said seriously. “I think that that’s something the movies have been lacking.”
“Oh my God.” You laughed and shook your head. “Me too, actually. I think it would be really in character and important to the plot.”
“How would that benefit the plot?” The journalist asked.
“It’s simple. I would just change my name to “the plot” and bam.” Sebastian clapped his hands. “I’m benefited.”
“He’s such a flirt.” You said as you rested your elbow on his shoulder. “Can you believe him?”
“I can’t.” The journalist chuckled.
“You know what I’d like to see? Some method acting. Why can’t you be as quiet as Bucky?” You teased Sebastian as you flicked his ear.
“How would I tell you how pretty you are if I wasn’t speaking?” He flirted back.
“This is what I have to put up with.” You shook your head as looked at the camera. “What about you? What do you want to see from our characters?”
“I would like to see Bucky do the knife trick some more.” The journalist answered you.
“What knife trick?” You wondered.
“It’s the thing he does when he flips his knife around and stabs people.” Sebastian explained as he moved his hand in a circle. “It took me forever to learn.”
“Wait, I wanna see it.” You smiled excitedly and turned to him.
“No, no.” He wagged his finger at you. “I’m not doing the knife trick.”
“Please?” You pouted. “For me?”
“All right, all right.” Sebastian broke into a grin. “I’m only doing this because you asked nicely.”
The journalist handed him a pen and he easily flipped it around and caught it before making a stabbing motion. You let out a gasp and stared at him in shock for a long time.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you.
“I wanna to fuck you, that’s what’s wrong.” You replied. “Can you do it again?”
Sebastian laughed at your joke as his face heated up. He knew that was just the way you two liked to tease each other, but it didn’t mean it didn’t make him smile.
“I’ll do it again.” He nodded as picked the pen back up. “Anything for you.”
On a day where the interviews ended early, you spent the night in Sebastians hotel room, getting drunk on his balcony.
“What about you?” Sebastian asked as he took a sip of his beer. “What was your best kissing scene? I know you’ve kissed some pretty great actors. Might be hard to pick.”
“It’s not. I hate kissing actors.” You grimaced. “It’s not even kissing. It’s just like, limp lips on limp lips. There’s no passion when it’s for a scene. I hate it.”
“Maybe you’re just kissing the wrong actors.” Sebastian shrugged playfully as he gazed at you.
“I don’t think so.” You shook your head. “I’ve never felt anything when kissing another actor. You can’t tell me you do.”
“I do.” He shrugged again. “Its not much, but I wouldn’t say it’s nothing.”
“What? How?” You wondered. “If you kissed me right now, you wouldn’t feel anything. I guarantee it.”
“I think I would.” Sebastian disagreed.
“All right.” You turned your chair a little to face him. “Prove me wrong.”
Sebastian tweaked an eyebrow up before leaning in to kiss you. You kissed him back for a few seconds before pulling away. You looked past him for a minute as you mulled the moment over in your head.
“What’s the matter?” He asked quietly.
“I was incorrect.” You chuckled a little. “I guess I did feel something.”
“I told you you would.” He said smugly. “I knew you’d feel something.”
“How’d you know?” You whined as he basked in the glory of being right.
“Because I felt something the last time we kissed.” He said simply. “And I knew you did too.”
“I didn’t realize you remembered that.” You smirked before talking a sip from his beer.
“Course I do.” He replied. “I think about that night all the time. It was the start of a beautiful, sexually frustrating friendship.”
“Oh, I’m sexually frustrating?” You laughed. “Try being your friend. It’s hard to look at you, really.”
“That’s not how I feel about you.” He smiled a little. “I really, really like looking at you.”
“I like you too.” You smiled back.
“That’s not what I said.” He teased. You dropped your jaw and stole his beer again, taking a long sip as you held eye contact.
“It’s what you meant.” You stuck your tongue out at him. You sat in comfortable silence for a minute, listening to the chirps of the crickets as a warm breeze wafted through the air.
“The press tour is ending soon.” You said quietly as you adverted your eyes. “Tomorrow’s the premier. Then, it’s all over.”
“I know.” He said softly. You looked at him and gave him a sad smile, to which he returned.
“We won’t get to see each other every day anymore.” You pointed out.
“Then we better make tomorrow count.” He said simply. He knew what you were implying, that there was no point in starting something when you’d both been going home soon, but he didn’t want to think about that. He just wanted to enjoy his last few days with you.
“Yeah.” You smiled sadly and looked away again. “We better.”
The following night at the premier, you felt an overwhelming sadness knowing that it was all ending. You loved the weeks you’d spent goofing off with Sebastian, even if it never led to a real relationship. It still meant something to you, and you hoped it meant something to him.
To counteract your sadness, you sat with Chris Evans at the bar and let him distract you. After spending a minute with him, you were feeling drunk and ready to find Sebastian. You spotted him on the red carpet, fixed your dress, and went up to him.
“Hi.” You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his torso. You smiled up at him as he wrapped an arm around you, taking an usually loud whiff of his cologne.
“Hey.” He chuckled as he patted your back. “How are you doing?”
“I’m good.” You said as you swayed a little. “Question, is there alcohol in a Shirley Temple? Because I feel like I’ve had alcohol.”
“There is.” He laughed again and steadied you. “Did you know that?”
“Nope.” You sniffed him again. “You smell good.”
“Oh no.” He smiled as your behavior. “How many did you have?”
“I was having a contest with Evans to see who could drink more. I had like 5.” You bragged as you almost fell over.
“Oh dear.” He quickly caught you. “You’re staying with me tonight. I don’t trust drunk you.”
“No, it’s okay. You don’t have to babysit me.” You waved your hand and tried to walk away. You instantly stumbled and neatly fell, but Sebastian wrapped his arms around you and caught you.
“I think I do.” He chuckled as you put you on your feet. “Come on. You’re sticking with me.”
The next morning, you woke up with a throbbing headache. Not feeling the strength to sit up, you opened a single eye and looked around. You were definitely not in your own room, but you recognized who’s room you were in.
“Good morning.” Sebastians voice was usually loud, making you wince.
“Oh God.” You groaned as you sat up. You groggily opened your eyes as Sebastian handed you a cup of coffee.
“Here.” He smiled shyly. “How’s the head?”
“The head is in pain.” You groaned. “So is the rest of the body.”
“Here. Drink this.” He held out a glass of water and some Advil. “And take these.”
“Thanks.” You smiled sheepishly as you accepted his offerings.
“Did you at least win the drinking contest?” He asked as he took a seat on the bed. You took a long sip of water and swallowed the pills before answering his questions.
“I did.” You nodded. “But at what cost?”
“You’ll start to feel better once you get some food in you.” Sebastian said as he rubbed your shoulder. You put your hand over his and stared at him, feeling the guilt set in.
“I’m sorry I got drunk.” You mumbled. “I didn’t mean to ruin the last night.”
“You didn’t ruin anything.” Sebastian shook his head. “Trust me, we still had fun. I’m not sure how much you remember though.”
“I remember sitting with you at the premier.” You recalled. “And eating many, many bagels.”
“Yeah, we stopped at a bakery.” He chuckled. “You ate a dozen. I watched it all.”
“Oh God.” You covered your face with your hands. “That’s not how I wanted to spend our last night together.”
“How did you want to spend it together?” He asked quietly.
“Probably in a way that still ended with me waking up in your bed.” You joked like you usually did. “But I could do without the part where you watched me eat 12 bagels.”
“What do you mean?” He grinned. “That was the best part.”
“How’d I end up in your bed anyway?” You asked before taking another sip of coffee.
“You threw your key card at a seagull who was eyeing your bagel.” He explained. “You couldn’t get into your room so I let your crash in mine.”
You looked around the room and saw his pull out couch was topped with pillows and sheets, evidence of him sleeping there.
“Did you sleep on the pull out?” You pointed to it in disbelief.
“Of course I did.” He shrugged.
“Such a gentleman.” You scrunched your nose at him before finishing the coffee.
“Basic human decency is not exactly being a gentleman.” He pointed out.
“Maybe not.” You agreed. “But you still are one. You prove that to me everyday.”
“That must be why you like me so much.” He teased.
“Must be.” You dished it right back. Sebastians smile fell suddenly as he got a serious look on his face.
“I think you and I need to have a talk.” He said softly.
“Oh God.” You feared. “Did I puke on you last night?”
“No.” He chuckled. “It’s not about last night.”
“Then what’s it about?”
“As much as I love flirting with you, and I do, I think you should know it’s not just a joke to me.” He began. “And I wanted to know if it was just a joke to you or if-“
“It’s not.” You said a little too quickly, which made him smile. “I...I like you. A lot, actually. One might even call it love.”
Upon hearing this, Sebastian leaned forward to kiss you. You held a hand to stop him and gave him an apologetic look.
“I wouldn’t.” You grimaced. “My morning breath is-“
“-something I could get used to.” He cut you off before going in for the kiss. You immediately kissed him back, pulling him by his shirt to have him closer. He climbed over you as you tangled your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I don’t care if its our last day.” He mumbled against your lips. “I want to do this for real. I wanna be with you.”
You kissed him back to tell him you felt the same way, not trusting yourself to say something smooth in the heat of the moment.
“Wait.” You pushed him back suddenly and held him away from you.
“Whats wrong?” He asked as he hovered over you.
“Can we get bagels after this?” You asked seriously before breaking into a smile.
“I seriously can’t stand you.” He said before leaning down to kiss you again. “You’re lucky I love you because I don’t like you at all.”
“12 wasn’t enough.” You giggled between kisses. “I need more. I crave them. I crave the yeast.”
Sebastian stopped kissing you for a moment and looked at you with a fond expression. You stared back at him as a content smile tugged at your lips. The flirting had finally lead to something more and neither of you could be happier.
“You know, you might actually be more annoying than Mackie.” He teased you before leaning down to kiss your neck.
“Shut up.” You laughed. “Shut up and bite me in the neck.”
Tag List 🏷
@awesomebooklover17​ @thebookwormlife​ @imanativeofswlondondahling​ @weirdr-artiest​ @serendipitous-amor​ @dummiesshort​
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tbr-agency · 4 years
after party.
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synopsis ∣ It was a surprise and she had Ahrin as her back-up if things turned out the wrong way but of course happiness doesn’t last long for Hyunji.
timeline ∣ November 2020
characters ∣ Jung Ahrin, Yoon Hyunji (The Bloody Roses), Got7, Gwan Aelia, Hwang Eunbin (Ace of Devils)
a/n ∣ tension between the girls, sad!Got7 especially the maknae line and Mark.
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“Thank you for accompanying me, Ahrin - I’m sure the Got7 members would love your gift! You’re the best!” Hyunji hugged the older girl as they enter JYPE building - causing the leader to giggle as she squeezed the maknae’s cheeks in adore.
“You know I would be glad to accompany any one of my girls if I had available time,”
“Oh really? Or do you low-key wanna see Mark this time?” Hyunji smirked, seeing Ahrin rolling her eyes slightly as they walked past the lobby - the leader had a good eyesight as she immediately pulled Hyunji to the staircase.
“What— Why?! Who did you see?” Hyunji whispered as they had their backs on the walls and by seeing Ahrin’s face, she must have seen the executives or someone who she wanted to avoid talking to.
“Ace of Devils members,” Ahrin muttered and Hyunji’s face went expressionless then giving a roll in the eye.
“Oh… I thought you saw Park Jinyoung as in the PD-nim or someone—
“I don’t mind bumping into him. He’s a nice guy to talk to if the conversation weren’t about work, maknae-ah.” Ahrin explained as she took a peek outside and when the coast was clear, she pulled out Hyunji as they hurriedly went into the elevator.
“I’m avoiding A.O.D because you know… I am not fond of their leader and you know there is that tension going on with our group and their group,” Ahrin added.
“I very well know about that. I heard that Eunhee and their leader recently got into an argument - and it isn’t related to work.” voiced Hyunji while pressing the level of their destination.
A sigh was heard from Ahrin as she shakes her head lightly - assuming what’s the argument was about.
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“Make a wish first, Yugyeom!”
“Yeah! And don’t forget to do super sexy aegyo!”
“Super sexy aegyo pleaassee!”
Laughters came from the other Got7 members as they saw Yugyeom blowing out the candle then making an aegyo face to Jackson, Jinyoung and Bambam since they were recording him.
“I’m gonna send this to Hyunji!” Jackson yelled after seeing Jinyoung and Bambam finish recording - not wanting his voice to be heard in their recordings.
“Hyung! No! Oh god.” Yugyeom whines, kind of panicking if his girlfriend would see his aegyo side. To be honest, Yugyeom rarely shows aegyo towards Hyunji.
He wanted to show his manly side more to Hyunji. He wanted Hyunji to lean on her more - Yugyeom wanted Hyunji to say he is manly instead of a cute guy.
“Everyone, please get back to practice in about 10 minutes times!” An announcement came from their new bodyguard - Gwan Aelia, causing some of the members' expressions to turn slightly sour.
“Noona, can we eat the cake first?” Bambam asked with a little bit of pout to the leader of Ace of Devils, Aelia as she tilted her head slightly.
“The cake can be eaten later, Bam. Practice comes first.” Aelia answered simply.
“No fun!” Bambam whines, running towards Jackson asking the older one to begged Aelia. Jackson somehow whispers towards Bambam.
“Ask Jaebeom hyung or Jinyoungie. She doesn’t listen to me,” Jackson gestured towards Jaebeom and Jinyoung who were in the corner, somehow talking - mainly teasing, to Yugyeom.
The JJP hyungs were teasing Yugyeom on The Bloody Roses’ sending a video message individually, in their own group chat - congratulating and wishing Yugyeom on his birthday.
Yugyeom was very happy - he was loved by his noonas.
“Can we eat the cake, Eunbin? It’s Yugyeom’s birthday. We usually eat the cakes no matter—
“I’m just doing my job, Aelia and I. JYPE said—
“But we are grown ups. We have been in this industry for more than 5 years. I don’t—
“Mark.” Jaebeom called the older one out after seeing and hearing the conversation Mark had with Aelia and another member of Ace of Devils, Eunbin. 
Jaebeom could tell that Mark was pissed for some sort of reason - which was weird, because Mark wasn’t the type to get pissed easily.
“But it’s Yugyeom’s birthday. We always eat cake in the practice room. JYPE doesn’t say anything whenever we do this.” Mark argued, his voice wasn’t loud as he was frowning towards Jaebeom.
“Okay, okay. We will eat cake, alright? Calm down, hyung..” Youngjae sooth the older one, as he was wrapping his arms on Mark's shoulder - pulling him out of the conversation while rambling to Youngjae quietly.
Jaebeom turned towards the 2 girls as they were glaring towards Mark and Youngjae’s way.
“I’ll talk—
“You don’t need to. We will inform the executives.” Aelia coldly cuts off Jaebeom as she walks away from Jaebeom, causing him to frown slightly. Eunbin could only bow towards Jaebeom - following her leader.
“What’s with them?” Jinyoung appeared beside Jaebeom as he just shrugged - his eyes following Eunbin, seeing her stopping right outside the door.
From Jaebeom’s eyes, it seems she was talking to someone and after a few words, she walks away to reveal who was the one who she’s been talking to.
“Oh!” Jaebeom loudly exclaimed, causing the Got7 members to look where he was gazing at to see Hyunji, somehow looking towards Ahrin with a slight frown.
“Noona!” Yugyeom was the first one to run towards Ahrin as he engulfed her into a tight hug.
“Hyunji-ah!” Jackson yelled loudly as he ran towards her for a hug too - following Yugyeom’s way of hugging Ahrin.
“What’s with her?” Hyunji pointed towards the door, as she questioned the other boys who just smiled slightly.
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“That’s weird.” Hyunji muttered as she was sitting in a circle with the rest of Got7 and Ahrin beside her. 
The boys were telling their experience with their new bodyguards and the things they told them were bad.
“They disregard our opinions and feelings - sadly, we can’t express it.” 
Youngjae was the last one to confess as he was looking at Ahrin and Hyunji who somehow had a notepad on their hands and a phone.
Hyunji looked towards Ahrin as the leader was busy writing down and with the last words, she stopped the voice recording. 
As soon as she pressed the button, there was a giggle coming from Bambam - causing the 2 girls to turn towards him.
“I’m sorry! I know it’s a serious situation but you two looked funny when you were serious.” Bambam was covering his mouth, trying not to chuckle - making Jaebeom to cover the younger one’s mouth.
“Of course! You can’t expect us to laugh!” Hyunji dead-panned, earning a slight chuckle from the older ones. 
Her gaze turned towards Yugyeom who was already gazing at her - once he met her eyes, Yugyeom quickly looked away in shyness. 
Yugyeom feels shy because it’s been a while they met although they would always facetime each other - ever since JYPE didn’t allow Got7 to meet up with The Bloody Roses.
“Right! Yugyeom-ah, this is from The Bloody Roses - everyone's gift is all in the bag.” Ahrin already got onto her feet as she ran to a corner to bring 2 large  shopping bags that filled with stuff. She quickly went towards Yugyeom’s side and placed the bags in front of him.
“And this is for the other members! Let’s just say it’s an early Christmas present!” Hyunji added as she pushed the bag towards Mark since he is the eldest.
Mark took a peek towards the bag to sew-knitted scarfs and a bunch of other gifts. He took out one of them and he noticed there were names in it so Mark distributed the gifts with the help of Jinyoung who was just beside him.
Yugyeom on the other hand had already checked what was inside the bag - to see a bunch of stuff like clothes, small boxes, different knitted scarfs and there were letters.
“Hyunji-ah… thank you..” Yugyeom muttered, feeling emotional as he looked up towards Hyunji who was smiling while winking to him. 
“Oh my god! Did you girls knitted the scarfs?! It’s so soft!” Jackson was hugging the material, alongside Bambam. Youngjae was already going facing towards the huge mirror, with Jinyoung and Jaebeom as they were wearing it.
“You have to thank the maknae line for the idea of knitting the scarfs. They wanted to make scarfs for you guys and because there were 7 of you, Haejin, Chaeun, Eunhee and I decided to help.” Ahrin turned towards Hyunji with a proud smile while ruffling the younger one's hair - followed by a bunch of ‘Aww’s from the Got7 members especially the hyung line.
“Got7! Please get back to practice!” A feminine voice was heard causing all of them to turn towards the voice to see Aelia standing by the door. Ahrin and Hyunji immediately stood up, making the other Got7 members stand up.
“I’m surprised that you didn't understand simple english that The Bloody Roses—
“We were about to leave,” Hyunji cuts the older one, causing Aelia to snap towards Hyunji as she turns towards Ahrin.
“It seems you need to teach your members some respect, Ahrin.” 
The Got7 members could only eyed each other as the atmosphere turned 360 degrees.
Hyunji was about to step forward but Ahrin held onto her arm tightly - making Hyunji to turn towards Ahrin, seeing the older one smiling slightly while tilting her head.
The younger one’s eyes went downcast, stepping behind Ahrin slightly. As much as Hyunji wanted to fight Aelia badly, the maknae knew she had to keep herself together - for Ahrin.
Aelia’s eyes somehow traveled towards Mark who was somehow staring towards Ahrin, but somehow his gaze immediately went downcast.
The current Got7’s bodyguard head tilted towards the door.
“The door is waiting for the two of you ladies,” Aelia stated with a hint of sarcasm - this time, Ahrin didn’t hesitate to glare at her slightly before turning towards Hyunji, gesturing to the younger one that they have to go..
Ahrin didn’t hesitate to bow towards the Got7 members while making eye contact with them. A small smile was formed on Ahrin’s lips in an attempt to tell them that she would somehow help them with their worries.
The Bloody Roses’ leader was about to leave but Mark grabbed a hold on her arm, causing Ahrin’s legs to stop abruptly while snapping towards him.
“Thank you… for the gifts,” Mark thanked while making eye contact with him and Ahrin somehow tilted her head to the side so that Aelia wouldn’t saw her face expression - for the first time ever, Ahrin winked towards Mark in public before gazing towards the other members with a slight glare.
“Oh.. noona..”
“Wow.. so cool…” 
Bambam and Youngjae didn’t hesitate to tease the older girl as she turned her back towards them, as she went straight towards the door without even looking towards Ace of Devil’s leader.
Hyunji on the hand simply bowed towards the Got7 members without looking them in the eye. 
It was weird for Hyunji, she felt like she lost - as if she lost to Aelia. Her eyes somehow went downcast as she walked past Got7’s current bodyguard, feeling Aelia smirking towards Hyunji’s way, all the way as she exited the door.
That daughter of a b— urgh
Hyunji groans slightly as she shakes her head slightly.
Yugyeom’s voice made Hyunji turn to the back and by the time she glanced to the back, she was already met with a broad chest covering her sight - knowing he was hugging her tightly.
“Yugyeom! She’s gonna—
“I don’t care! Please do something, Hyunji-ah… The hyungs are having trouble with the new management,” Yugyeom slightly pleaded towards Hyunji, with a slight frown on his face.
Hyunji could only sigh, then planting a kiss on his cheeks.
“Ahrin will try her best - with Eunhee of course,” Hyunji smiled sadly. 
The way Yugyeom looked at her - it was as if he wanted something back.
“Please, Got7 wants their old bodyguards back,”
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masterlist : Got7 Bodyguard Au
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wolf-in-a-suit · 6 years
Soul tax
Show: Supernatural
Summary: So your in hell! Not actual hell, but considering your annoying coworker Kevin and a soul draining boss, that would give Lucifer a run for his money, it's as close as it get's. How are you going to survive corporate purgatory? And why is there a new rich customer asking for the help of an intern? Well, find out...
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You sighed, for what felt like the hundredth time that hour. The busy clicking of your coworker’s fingers, dancing over his keyboard, was the lullaby threatening on rendering you unconscious. Never before, had you been so grateful for the wall of blinding computer monitors separating your desks, but here the annoying things gifted you with a secluded fortress. A bastion against the boredom of corporate life, you - or rather your brothers - had subjected yourself to. So, you continued to try to look busy, 'researching' on your favorite music website. Who knew, the insurance company you worked for could get a client from the music industry any day now, you were just preparing for any eventuality.
Bam - the door flew open and you, along with your heart, jumped into the air. Funny, you had never realized how utterly terrifying the appearance of a boss could be, you would rather go two rounds in the ring with a Vendigo, than face the sharp gaze of your supervisor. Once your guts had settled back into their respected places, you switched the screen with two clicks to the numbers you were so busy working on. Then you turned, to face cooperate doom personified, and were greeted with - a deserted hallway. Weird. Kevin your coworker, was too engrossed into the exciting world of paperwork to pay any attention, or care for that matter. Shapeshifters couldn't turn invisible right? "Are you actually going to get some work done, today?" A sneering voice erupted from behind the mountain of paperwork. 'Shut up, Kevin!' was the first thing shooting through your mind, but of course, an interested intern couldn't say that. So, you settled on the next best remark: "Yeah, right away."
See, that would teach him! You really had to hand it to the normal folks, this was just hell. The hunter life seemed like a walk in a flower field compared to the stacks of paper threatening to bury you here! Anger burned in your stomach, just thinking about your brothers. "Sorry kiddo but you're the responsible one, so it's perfect." Dean’s clap on your shoulder was followed by a wink. Going with the family motto: Offence is the best defense you started: „But Sam was a-" Sam’s voice seemed unusually rushed while cutting you off: "And we're both far too old to apply as an intern, it would look suspicious." To his credit he writhed a little under your smoldering glare. Dean on the other hand, seemed unimpressed. "You don't wanna tip the shapeshifter off, right?" And thus your contract for eternal - one month - suffering was signed. "Today!" The tower of paperwork had grown even more. Oh, how you wished that Kevin was the shifter... That would be so much fun. Bam- this time you didn't react to the door barging open, some draft insisted on gifting you with a possibly fatal scare every ten minutes today. Apparently your survival skills had dulled, this much was clear, when instead of a gust of air your boss, in all her imposing glory rushed into the room. When her sharp eyes focused on your computer screen, currently advertising the newest training trends, her neat shoes clicked to a stop at once. 'Busted! What is she doing here?' According to her neatly plucked eyebrows, just now meeting on the bridge of her nose, she wasn't about to hand you the employee of the month award. Your body tensed, a rabbit preparing to be swallowed whole, though to your surprise the snake didn't bear its fangs, instead: "There is an important, very wealthy-" here her eyes glazed over almost lovingly, as if talking about her boyfriend "-customer, I need help with." With the air of a privet, subjecting himself to a possibly fatal mission - all for the glory of his homeland - Kevin rose from his seat. "So ___, come along!" Pluck, Kevin’s weight falling heavily back into his chair would have been music to you, if you panic hadn’t started to wreaked havoc in your chest. You had no idea how to help! You were just the intern, the glorified doormat of any company! Did they now expect you to take on responsibility, as well, as making coffee? "Mam, do you really think I'm the right person for...?" She scoffed dark hair whipping on her shoulders. "For whatever reason, the client requested the presence of an intern." If your inner alarm bell hadn’t bleared before it now was Quasi Modo having a nervous breakdown in Notre Dames bell tower. Clack, clack your bosses strides echoed down the corridor an urgent beat to them. You simply followed, entering the meeting room meekly behind her. The sight that greeted you there was enough to freeze your whole body.
"Ah how lovely, fresh blood." There, sitting both proudly and relaxed at the same time was none other than Crowley. His devious smirk was accented by his black suit and blood red tie. You settled on the most eloquent and suave approach to handling the situation like a pro: Starring at the demon dumbstruck.
"Not the most extroverted flower in the pot, hmm?" His white teeth gleamed and your boss made a sound probably supposed to be a laugh, while nudging you -rather forceful- into the direction of your 'client'. "Well, ___ here is new and you’re her first client: Stage fright, all part of the rooky year experience." She clapped your shoulder in a seemingly jovial manner, but the tightening of her grip, with nails as sharp as claws, wasn’t lost to your aching flesh. The demon’s eyes followed while you were being ‘respectfully’ manhandled into a seat across from him. His dark eyes gleamed with mirth at the prospect of the Winchester sister being served to him on a silver platter. "So Mr. Johnson, I think you will love our offer of..." but you would never know what exactly was so tempting in making a deal with the devil. Which was for the better, as you had no idea who would claim the soul of whom in this tank full of sharks. "Mrs. Smith, I would prefer your esteemed-" he pressed the word, emitting all it’s sweet juice "-intern here, to handle the hard work." The smile fell, as your boss smelled deceit but was soon replaced with an even broader smile. "Mr. Johnson, surely you want someone familiar with the work to handle your case, in order to avoid any mistakes." Shark teeth shone brightly in the dim light of the room. When Crowley reached out you almost jumped him. Judging by the mocking sideway look he cast you, your murderous intention wasn't lost to him. He didn't deter, however and grasped your boss’s hand.
"I would rest easier if I knew your delicate fingers to not be bothered with such trivial matters." Such foul sweetness was placed into each syllable that you felt the need to empty your lunch into the trash can, next to the desk. The bastard even had the audacity to stroke the woman's hand, while silently enjoying your reaction immensely. "Furthermore, everyone needs to start with some client and I so do love helping people learn from their mistakes." The dark charm rolling over your boss did the rest: "Of course Mr. Johnson, thank you for giving our intern this possibility." All caution and businessman ship forgotten, she almost floated out of the room. Clack, the door fell shut leaving you, glaring at a very satisfied demon. You couldn't keep your eyebrow from climbing farther up your brow. "Johnson? You gotta be kiddin' me!" The king of hell, simply regarded his nails. "Well, I suppose some of that Winchester charm has rubbed off on me." "What do you want? What are you planning?" At this Crowley feigned a hurt expression. "Darling, you wound me! Am I not allowed to visit you at work? I am merely a concerned-" "Like hell you are! Now spill!" He halted in his theatric pose, a hand on his nonexistent heart, and regarded you for a moment. The former mocking quality of his dark eyes froze and an unsettling expression crept into them. "You're just like moose, always looking for the great agenda. But did you ever consider the fact that..." Here, he leaned in, far too close for comfort "... I'm just enjoying seeing you squirm?" He leaned back and continued in a relaxed fashion: "One of the merits of being a demon, is seeing a certain hunter jump each time a door flies open." A roar escaped you "You little son of a..." The demon ignored your outburst and activated a button on the table. "Mrs. Smith, I believe your intern needs help here." His eyes drifted up to you, gesticulating and waving to him: ‘Please don't do this to me!’, but the sadistic expression stretching around his features, spoke volumes about the nose dive your day was about to take. What a day! Crowley had taken every opportunity, and you meant every opportunit, to make your live miserable: Asking for the most complex contract, an exact calculation of every financial way his investment could play out were just love tabs for him. Each time you dared to deviate from your task, mostly by throwing curses at him, he simply called for your boss like a lap dog. At the end the Chi Wawa thanked him for his patience with the untrained intern. You facial muscles still felt sore for trying to hold a smile at that. What had you ever done to deserve this!?
"Hey, Zuckerberg how is going?" Dean greeted, while you were busy throwing the heavy warded door to the bunker with too much force back in it’s place. Sadly, it simply drifted shut with a click. So much for therapeutic, anger reducing, door slamming. You spared your brothers an unamused look, while muttering something about ‘planning to kill someone’. Slam, the door to your room, wasn’t as fortified against a twenty-something’s fury. Sam and Dean exchanged a look, and silently agreed: Whatever it was would settle itself, they put a good amount of distance, between themselves and your room, for good measure. After all, they didn't want to be over bearing brothers! Without changing your clothes you fell into bed, vowing to kill both Crowley and Kevin. The tortured faces of your soon would be victims, lulled you into a restful slumber.
You woke up to the heavenly smell of coffee and the soft sound of a strumming guitar. Carefully opening one eye, you were greeted by the sight of a tablet, laden with croissant, jam and an apple on a stool right next to your bed. “What the actual, …” How did your brother’s get through your closed door. A few moments later, nursing your first cup of coffee you started to wake up. With that came the realization that this wasn’t a very Dean, or Sam-ly fashion of showing support. ‘But who?” That’s when you registered who was singing on the record: "I went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees."
The next minute was filled with you, spluttering, trying to emit coffee from your lungs. When you finally calmed down you sat on your bed, a little shell shocked, but soon a small smile stole itself on your features. To the seemingly empty room you said: ”Well, thank you Mr. Johnson!”
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hyunwoo-archive · 7 years
gif tutorial !!!
hello !!!! it’s me, ur resident shownu stan w a gif tutorial !!! no one really Asked but i wanted 2 make it and also it turns out ppl Are interested in one so :D !!! here i am !!!! so under the cut will b the tutorial nd it’s really picture heavy because i’ll be covering a lot,,,,
we’ll be looking at: 
downloading the video :0 !!
trimming the video to get the clip you want
actually making the gif
some coloring advice :D !!! (i lov coloring Truly!!!!)
and some exporting advice too :D
and this is what i’m using:
ps cc 17
and i use a mac :D
part one. getting the clip !!
(also a quick note !! this isn’t my process for speed giffing or performance giffing as thats,,, thats an entirely Different adventure that makes me scream)
so !!! i will be giffing the dramarama music video and what you want to do is download it first :D so go to vlive, copy the url of the music video and i use two sites to download from vlive just because one of them can get a little buggy ?? but i use soshistagram and savieo !!! savieo is usually what i prefer to use but either is fine :D 
once you downloaded the video, open it in vlc and go to the part you want to gif. i recommend pausing a few seconds before the actual scene because it’s always better to get a little more than you intended than a little less. currently, my screen looks like this:
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and what you wanna do Next is go to playback > record and record the scene you want! when your scene is done playing, just go back to playback and click record again to make it stop.
for me, all my clips end up in my “movie” folder so it’s best to check where your clips go :D i think ?? you can change their destination but i never really played around with that so i’m not sure D: 
part two. making the gif !!!
open up photoshop, then go to file > import > video frames to layers. select your clip and this window should pop up:
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simply adjust the arrows until you get the scene you want and then press OK. a few notes about this part:
some people choose to select “limit to every 2 frames”. i personally don’t do this just because to me, it makes the gif look choppy, but use your intuition and go for whatever you think will suit the gif :D 
i Would recommend not using ‘limit to every 2 frames’ if your clip is really short, as you want every frame possible
make sure ‘make frame animation’ is selected
and also the rule of having a little more than you want is important here too! the arrows aren’t very accurate so it’s better to get frames from scenes you don’t want that you can simply delete later
once you’ve hit ‘ok’, photoshop will then process the clip and give you this :D
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(if you don’t have the timeline, just go to window > timeline. it’s near the bottom :D!!!)
also a quick moment!!! everything in the timeline tab will be called a frame and everything in the layers tab will be called layers :D
moving on! mister kihyun is not part of the scene i want, so i select the frames (not the layers!!!) that i don’t want and hit the trash can button at the bottom. goodbye mister yoo leaving me with this:
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aren’t they just,,,, Beautiful :’( ...... anyways !! now we want to Crop !!!! tumblr has certain width sizes that i recommend you use for Ultra Crispness, and you can see a guide of what to use here !!
because the clip i’m giffing is so short (only 23 frames), i can crop it to 540px by 250px without worrying about file size. simply click crop in the toolbar so you get this setup here
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where it says 268px by 305px, just change it to whatever your dimensions are! also, make sure ‘delete cropped pixels’ is deselected. then, go ahead and select what you want to be cropped and then press enter :D my screen at this point looks like this
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press enter and then :D!! all cropped!!
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now we’re going to sharpen! in the timeline tab, there’s a button made up on three lines. i circled it here :D
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click that and select “convert video to timeline” so you get this
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select all your layers and then convert to smart object! (you can either do this by rightclicking on all the highlighted layers and selecting ‘convert to smart object’ or by going to filters > convert for smart filters 
now your gif is ready to be sharpened! i use actions to sharpen my gif and you can find a few of my favorites on this blog !! download a couple and play around with it :D once your gif has been sharpened, select all the layers again and convert it into a smart object again. then click the 3 lined button and click convert frames > flatten frames into clips. then convert back into frame animation (either by clicking the three lined button again and going convert frames > convert to frame animation or by clicking the three squares in the timeline)
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you should now be back to where you started :D only this time you have one frame D: but don’t worry! what you want to do next is click the three lined button again and select make frames from layers. delete the first frame in the timeline because it’s just the smart object layer and we don’t need it. you should now have this
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and we can officially move onto the best part :D coloring !!!
part three. coloring!!!!!!!!!!
let me preface this Entire Section with saying there is no right or wrong way to color. every gifmaker has their own distinct style, and you’ll develop yours too :D i really recommend looking to see if your favorite gifmakers have any coloring tips and if they don’t, there’s no harm in asking :D (just make sure ur nice abt it nd respect them if they choose not to share their coloring :D)
moving on to actually coloring, you wanna see what kind of colors are in your gif and enhance them. in the case of this gif, it’s very blue toned and blue tends to end up being very grainy in the end. i want to color correct this gif then and there’s a good tutorial that i learned from here :D (i don’t color correct all the time, only when the scene is very heavy in one color)
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now we have a more neutral starting point, and you can color as you want from this point! i’d usually just Slap on my psd and adjust the settings until i get something i want, but i’ll go through some of my favorite adjustment layers and what my general coloring process looks like.
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here is the Holy Grail of photoshop, the adjustments tab :D i use these adjustments the most:
brightness (i usually decrease the brightness and up the contrast just a bit)
levels (i take the black arrow down a bit and the grey arrow either increases or decreases depending on the gif)
curves (i use this sometimes!! if the gif is just a bit too dark, i usually bring this up a tiny bit)
vibrance (i usually bring this up to about +15 or +30 depending on how colorful the gif is)
color balance (another adjustment i absolutely need in all my gifs!! it helps to change the tone of the gif (if it’s too red/too blue/etc and lets you neutralize it more) and a good tutorial that explains how to use color balance can be found here)
selective color (i usually have like,,,, So Many Layers of this but this is a Must Have adjustment!!! i always change reds/yellows/cyans/blues/neutral/black)
gradient maps (just to add some more color)
exposure (usually to darken the gif a little and decrease grain)
and just for the sake of this tutorial, i’ll go through how i would color this gif so you can get an understanding of how i color :D
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so we go from this
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to this
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i use the levels, curves and brightness adjustments to increase the contrast and darken/brighten the gif a little. it’s not a noticeable difference but it’s there :D
then, i use a color balance layer to make it more red-toned. i worked in the order of shadows > midtones > highlights and adjusted each slider until i got a result i wanted. i also thought it was still a bit too dark, so i threw in a curves layer too.
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resulting in this
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and then i added some selective color to enhance/change up some colors!
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and because i thought it looked a little too red, i added another color balance layer.
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and lastly, i add in an exposure layer! 
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and that’s how i would color that gif :D this is just a really basic coloring but you can always build on it and play with all the adjustments !!! now we’re gonna time the gif and then save it :DDD
part four. timing and exporting :D
timing is easy :D select all the frames in the timeline and then click the number so you bring up this menu:
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click other and input the timing. i follow this really rough guide of what timing to use per amount of frames:
15-30 frames: 0.07s
30-60+ frames: 0.05s
i had 23 frames for this gif so i’m using the 0.07s timing :D hit enter and your gif is timed :DDDD !!!!!!
now for exporting!!!
i used to think there was only One Way of exporting gifs but after reading a gazillion tutorials and playing around with the settings myself there’s actually a lot of different ways :D you can ask people what their save settings are and play around with it :D
 so to Finally save your gif, go to file > export > save for web and devices and this window should pop up
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here’s a closer look at the settings i use to save gifs
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make sure the looping option is on forever otherwise it plays once and then you want to Roll into a pool after you upload it and realize you hecked it up. also, make sure the file size is under 3mb. you can check that here
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my gif is 1.08mb so it’s fine :D hit save and then name your gif and bam!!!! you made a gif :DDDDD here’s the final result, with a comparison for coloring :D
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pat urself on the back and go tackle photoshop :D if you have any questions, feel free to send them my way !!!
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riddlesrhinkyfics · 7 years
Inspired by a special friend ❤️
I’d always wanted to see LA. So this time when I was visiting you, you decided to take me all over your beautiful country. “I’m gonna take you to the city of the McLaughlin.” you had said to me. Of course, we weren’t expecting to see Rhett out there. We’d joked about what it would be like to have a threesome with him, but he only had to exist in our fantasies. We were pretty content with taking care of each other’s satisfaction ourselves. My girlfriend knew what got me going, no problem!
 We arrived in LA that morning, and checked into our hotel room. Nothing could stop us from getting our hands on each other. After a giggly, naked, orgasm filled morning, we decided to step out into the beautifully sunny day, in our little shorts and tank tops. We reached outside the hotel, ready to go shopping. And as I saw you put on your sunglasses, I couldn’t help but say, “You look so hot, babe!” And you replied, “No love. WE look hot.” and you pulled out your camera, and hugged me for a selfie. We really did look good, didn’t we? We took a few more pictures of us, laughing, being silly, kissing, posing.
 As we walked through the streets, we went into a number of stores, trying on posh Hollywood dresses that we couldn’t afford, trying on jewellery we didn’t really want to buy. Once we even to a wedding store, pretending to be an engaged couple, looking for wedding stuff. That was our silly idea of having fun. And then at the corner I spot a shop I NEED to go into. “Good Vibrations - Adult Novelty Store”.
 “Let’s go!” I screamed, and pulled you in. You laughed and followed me, making fun of my enthusiasm. We browsed together for a few minutes before I spotted a big, thick, purple dildo (batteries included). “Oh my god, I want this one!”
 “Babe, we got vibrators already!” you reminded me.
 “Yeah, but we don’t have anything big like this one. The vibrators are tiny. They’re not really for… putting IN.” I said, with my eyes wide open at you.
 “Okay.” you said as you picked it up, and walked towards the billing counter. As you handed the cashier the dildo, I looked at him and said with the biggest, “My girlfriend buys me the best presents, doesn’t she?”
 “Oh yes, she’s a keeper.” he winked at me, and I kissed your cheek. You rolled your eyes at me and my drama.
 We decided to stop for a coffee, and you took me to a nearby Starbucks. “Could you be any more American?” I said, teasing you.
 “Says the girl who can’t go five hours without a coffee.” you said, looking at me, and not looking where you were walking and BAM. Running into something tall and bearded.
 “I’m sorry miste…” you began saying, but your mouth fell open as you looked up at the man. I saw your dazed expression, and followed your gaze to the man too. And there we were, staring at the majestically beautiful, Rhett McLaughlin, in the middle of the crowded Starbucks, with his coffee spilled on the floor, thanks to my dear girlfriend.
“Oops. I’m so sorry!” you said.
 “Don’t worry, that’s okay.” he replied back to you, with a smile. It really was him, wasn’t it?
 “Rhett.” I said, stupidly, without realising the redundancy of telling the man his own name.
 “Yes?” he asked me. I had no answer. I had simply stated what was in front of my eyes. I wasn’t calling for attention.
 I muttered a meek “nothing” and he laughed. “Can I know your names?” he had to ask. We had forgotten all courtesies of meeting someone apparently.
 “I’m Riley. And this is my girlfriend Riddhi.” you said confidently. I was glad you had gotten over spilling Rhett’s coffee, and taken over the responsibility of being the confident one.
 “We love you.” I blurted out, and then turned red.
 Rhett’s eyes got even bulgier if that was possible, and he laughed. “Wow! I’m very lucky then. Let me buy you girls coffees too, along with another one for myself.” he said, patting down his shirt. We saw him walk towards the counter, and I immediately grabbed your arm.
 “RILEY! Tell me this is a dream. Pinch me. Right now!” I squealed.
 “Listen Riddhi. Pull it together. The universe wants this to happen okay?” I nodded at you, trying ot brace myself. “This is our chance to make all our fantasies come true. Take a deep breath.” you continued.
 I nodded again, and said, “Okay. Okay! We’re doing this. But how!? How do we indicate that we want this?”
 “We don’t indicate silly! We tell him.” you said, and immediately turned to Rhett, who was carrying three coffees in a tray.
 “Rhett, we had an idea. How would you like to accompany us to our hotel room for a few hours?” you said confidently, and that was so sexy to me, that I wanted to take you right there on that table. I didn’t even care about Rhett for a second.
 “Now that’s an idea. I guess the coffees will have to wait.” he said, placing them down on the table, and placing his large hands on the small of our backs, and I looked at him, dazed, still wondering whether I was dreaming.
It seemed like it only took us two minutes to get to our hotel. Before we knew it, we were inside our room, having no words spoken on the way, but I noticed our breathing getting louder. A fantasy like this coming true had to be savoured. As we entered the room, I felt shy looking at Rhett there with us. So I decided to focus my attention on you. You looked breathtaking as always, even more so because of your radiating confidence.
 “Rhett, why don’t you have a seat?” You said to him, and then turned towards me. “Let’s put on a little show for our guest, sweetie.” and you pulled me towards you. I stumbled on my step, and held your waist. You placed your arms on my shoulders and pulled me in for a kiss. I got more comfortable as our kiss got deeper. I saw Rhett out of the corner of my eye, sat on the big chair, with his knees apart, looking at us and licking his lips.
 You held my hair in your hand, and moved your kisses to my jaw, and then my neck. My hands made their way, involuntarily up your shirt. It felt more than natural to do that.
 “What do you wanna see, big boy?” you asked Rhett, and I saw him smirking at you. He was clearly smitten by you. And I couldn’t blame him. Then he looked at me.
 “Undress her, will you?” he said to me.
 I looked at you, and said, “Gladly.” and smiled. I turned you to face him, and moved behind you. Grazing your skin with my hands, I moved back up your shirt, and slowly pulled it over your head. I kissed your shoulder from behind, glancing at Rhett. “Isn’t she gorgeous?” I say to him, as I see his mouth watering looking at you in your shorts and skimpy blue bra.
 “Oh yes she is.” he said, and then looked at me. “So are you darling. Don’t sell yourself short. Lemme see a little more of you too.” And I immediately take my top off and press my boobs to your back. My hands reach the front button of your shorts, and I unbuttoned it. I slowly pushed down your shorts, and Rhett looked at your skin. And just when it seemed like you’re not wearing any panties, your tiny little blue thong is revealed, which might as well have not been there at all, cuz it wasn’t really covering anything. It just made you even sexier than usual (if that was possible) and I heard Rhett exhale a quiet “oh gosh…”.
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