baekuras · 6 months
can't believe that after multiple rewatched of both the proshot and digital ticket i only now caught this countdown/countup/rhyme i guess happening on the background set
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If you can't decipher them all due to quality here is how it goes
1 2 Jäger's coming for you 3 4 Better lock your door 5 6 Grab your crucifix 7 8 Never graduate 9 10 He's the Jägerman
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dazaithinker · 10 months
its the way that fyodor believes that he and dazai are the same when hes actually everything that dazai does not stand for. it’s the way that fyodor is everything that dazai does not want to be. the way that they mirror each other so well and the way that dazai would hate that etc. i cant man i just cant they make me SICK i was trying to sleep but i CANT their asses are keeping me up
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autumndragons · 2 months
i remember as a kid being worried about something or another, i dont remember what the specific product was, but i very distinctly remember having anxiety about some food-related thing that we bought or were considering buying. and my little kid self went through this whole thought process like, well, if it was really that dangerous, they wouldnt be allowed to sell it, so if its on the shelf at the store, it must be safe, and i dont need to worry!
which should have been a reasonable thought process
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floreios-s · 2 years
ninguém ama com os olhos, se ama com a convivência.
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cacaitos · 4 months
the unholy trinity
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sangue-dolce · 1 year
Also yeah I agree with the feeding-in-the-dream-world-means-you-die-irl concept, but what's significant about it in ep 6 isn't that the baby, finally, fed from Shauna. What's significant is that Lottie was trying/succeeding(?) to breastfeed him while Shauna was sleeping before he got to feed from Shauna at all. And Lottie gave Jackie the hot chocolate. And I'm sure Lottie will continue making the offerings for whoever is next in the wilderness menu.
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esponsal · 1 year
Carta 05 para Helena.
“Esperei seu telefonema até às 23h mas você não me ligou, talvez encontrou algo mais interessante para depositar sua atenção. Sei que esperei até às 23h00 e nada. Nossa última conversa ainda me incomoda, sei que também te incomodou, depois que desligamos o telefone eu sentei-me de frente para a rua, do alto fiquei durante umas horas enxergando o movimento e a agitação das pessoas, acendi um cigarro mas não fumei, não tive vontade alguma, pensei em te retornar mas já haviam se passado algumas muitas horas. O dia estava nublado, o sol estava escondido por detrás das nuvens, mas parecia que ele estava perto o bastante para comemorar Carnaval em Salvador, voltei para a cama, apaguei o cigarro e junto com ele apaguei momentaneamente seu número da minha agenda, pensei: ela que me ligue, ora.” Não sei se estava convicto, mas apaguei na cama e Helena não ligou.
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tocastes · 2 years
Se algum dia soube me expressar em palavras, aconteceu há muito tempo atrás, pois já não me cabe saber falar sobre tantos sentimentos. Acabo pensando que cartas de suicídio pode conter mais sentimentos que algo que eu decida dizer ou escrever. Suponhamos que ainda eu saiba me expressar, quer dizer que entendo sobre o que sinto? Creio que não. Há muitos anos que não me permito debruçar sobre papéis e chorar versos ou até mesmo textos sentimentais ali. Espero que nesse momento, através dessa pequena resenha que fiz até aqui para desbloquear meus pensamentos e meu dom adormecido, algo faça sentido, porque faz algum tempo que nada mais é como antes.
- l, stefani.
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criador · 1 year
não faz sentido tu mentir esses sorrisos. seria mais fácil se tu fizesse tua parte e não me contasse da tua vida. parece até que tu sente, toda vez que a minha mente quer te apagar, tu surge me contando uma novidade. depois de alguns risos, já era, eu tô rendido. já pensei até em mudar de cidade, de vida, de rotina. quem sabe assim eu poderia esquecer de tu. mas será que tu queria?  não tem como eu saber. sabe que é bem óbvio né, esses sorrisos bobos que eu te dou? tem gente comentando, e eu tô fugindo de tu. qual o ponto de tudo isso, mané? se tu não quer. se tu num me fizesse sorrir desse jeito, sabe, eu dormiria melhor, e a lembrança de tu não me tiraria o sono. muito menos me pegava desprevenido num momento qualquer. qual é a tua? quando tu vai fazer tua parte?
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baekuras · 1 year
Thinking about Luis surviving & recovering while Leon gets to sit at his bedside or wherever reading Don Quixote to him <3
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dazaithinker · 10 months
both halves of PM era skk failing to see their own humanity but seeing the other’s so clearly is going to drive me so insane man its so fucked up. dazai loves chuuya for his passion and the look in his eyes and how he’s so fucking compassionate even though he has every reason to hate the world. chuuya hates dazai for the fact that he’s so much more human than him, he knows he looks down upon him for it— he just has to take any chance he can to spit in his face and grind even more salt into the wound, right? (this couldn’t be farther from the truth. in fact, it makes him jealous, sometimes, that the other can feel, live, can be so authentically.) they don’t even realize that everything they see in the other but can’t in themselves is also there, they just can’t recognize it themselves… they make me sick dude. what the hell
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autumndragons · 9 months
lots of things are terrible but i can still pile veggies, tofu, rice, and bouillon into a pot of water and make a big soup that i can put into my cute little soup bowls that have their own lids to sustain me for the first few days of the week. and thats something
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thatspookyagent · 1 year
Everytime I search up a fictional character paired up with a Black reader and get no results, I just sigh, open up my drafts in Tumblr, and think to myself, "Time to do God's work again ig."
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floreios-s · 1 year
Era um alívio imenso estar ali, poder vê-la de novo. Eu me dei conta de que só ficava tranquilo de verdade se pudesse fazer isso. Nada parecia certo quando eu estava longe dela.
Sol da meia noite.
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sangue-dolce · 1 year
Javi's death is so different to those of Jackie and Shauna's son. The wilderness will not claim Javi's death. The wilderness did not choose Javi. And not Nat either. The wilderness was sharpening its teeth for Ben and Misty intervened. It's fitting that it was Misty who offered the next sacrifice by telling Nat not to save Javi, but his death isn't an acceptable substitute. His death was decided doubly by chance (by the proxy of the cards signing Nat's death sentence, then by his running ahead and being the one to fall in the water in his attempt to save her) and single-handedly by the girls. Be the wilderness a sort of god as it might (and Lottie its prophet), the yellowjackets are quick to fall into the false idolatry of their hungerangerfear the moment Lottie isn't there to call for reason. The yellowjackets' eagerness for monstrous acts doesn't overlap entirely with the demands of the wilderness. Some of it is their own alone.
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rabbittrash01 · 7 months
Danger Doodles [pt 1]
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This is me or I guess my persona? Ryan Danger is my full name so I just made this version of me have just the danger part of my name. More so to match with my best friend whose persona's name is Anxiety.
Danger would also respond to Ryan, with the same pronouns as myself [He/They/Pup] He's a proud pansexual and is a trans-masc femboy. He likes his more punk style but doesn't mind dressing like a Hooker from time to time.
He is a wolf rabbit (Wabbit) and demon. All of these are part of my otherkin identity that I'm still exploring. Danger is the me I wish I was and I hope to look more like when I start my medical transition. [Starting T and having Top surgery].
Danger is also Pupgender [If the pronouns weren't clear]
🐾✨Sad Gay Stoner Vibes.✨🐰
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