#i sneezed like 7 times in a row
unluckywisher · 6 months
I am sick (it's more annoying than anything) to the point that I get dizzy whenever I stand up, and my eyes start to water when I'm with screens, so... No posts until I get better 😔
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whump-and-suffering · 7 months
...Huh. Don't think I've ever sneezed 50 times in a day before.
I'm normally not a sneezy person at all, I've just got such a sneezy cold...
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russo-woso · 5 months
alessia russo, she’s denying being sick, “one more sneeze and i’m taking you home”
Sick || Alessia Russo
Its a short one, sorry :)
“Baby, what’s wrong? You’re being clingier than normal.” You asked your girlfriend, Alessia, who was practically laying on top of you, her head snuggled into your chest.
It was normal for Alessia to be clingy. She was a clingy person at the end of the day, however, the past day she had been extra clingy. Constantly wanting for you to be with her.
“I’m just tired.” She mumbled, moving her whole body onto yours.
“Sure, lessi? You were coughing and sneezing the whole of yesterday.” You pointed out, recalling the constant sneezes in training and at home yesterday.
“Maybe just a cold coming. I’m fine though, just tired. What time is it?” Alessia questioned, trying to change the conversation.
“7:30, which means that we’ve got plenty of time to message Jonas to say we don’t have to come in today.” You responded, looking at less to see her reaction to the suggestion.
“I can go to training, love, I’ll be fine. We’ve got the Conti cup final on Sunday, we need the practice.” Alessia said, stating a well thought fact.
“Okay, but if I feel you need to stop training, we’re going home.” You told Alessia, who nodded before sneezing.
You gave her a look, just to double check that she was feeling fine but with a firm nod, you let it go, getting up to get ready.
“Less, you’ve been sneezing all training. Are you sure you shouldn’t be in bed resting?” Steph asked as you all gathered round for a drinks break.
“There’s no point asking Steph. She’s been sneezing the whole of yesterday and today but apparently if you ask her, she’s perfectly fine. You need rest, Alessia.” You added, rolling your eyes at the thought of less not resting like she should be.
“Don’t call me that.” Alessia mumbled, before sneezing.
“Y/N’s right, mate, you should be in bed resting.” Lotte joined, but before anyone could say anything else, Alessia had dropped her bottle on the floor before jogging off to her original place on the training pitch.
As you followed her, after being allocated to marking Alessia, you heard, what must have been six sneezes in a row.
“Lessi, if you sneeze one more time we’re going home, agreed?” You questioned and Alessia nodded, weakly, knowing that you were right.
Within just seconds, a sneeze was heard from your left and you turned to see Alessia with her hand over her nose.
“Come on, baby. Home we come.” You smiled sympathetically, kissing her head before wrapping your arm around her waist.
The journey home was quiet, purely due to the fact Alessia had fallen asleep.
When you arrived at your house, you carried Alessia upstairs to your bedroom setting her down on the bed.
“Stay, please.” You heard her mumble as you began to walk away.
“Always, baby. I was just going to switch the lights off.” You told her, laying on the bed and before long, she was laying on top of you, all cuddled into your chest. “I’m sorry we had to leave training, lessi, I just wanted what was best for you, and that’s rest.”
“I know, baby. Love you.” Alessia whispered, still half asleep.
“I love you too, less. Sleep well, love.”
Requests are open :)
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sweetnsour1 · 6 months
Fluff, Bakugou x female reader
Part 7 of the Broken Collection
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The sun was invading the room, working its way through shut blinds and tinted skylights. A few random sun-catcher born rainbows danced around, waltzing with your well-fed and usually lethargic cat. Faux thunder bounced around your apartment, filling the space with the usual background noise. The coffee from earlier was long gone, switched for tea so you wouldn’t feel wired. The bottom of the mug was just barely visible through the final liquid attempts of calming. You groaned and let your head rest on the just-scrubbed granite countertop. This…wasn’t…working.
Normally on a weekend morning, you’d have just enough time to get a few things done before heading into the office. But now? Now you were at the mercy of the Balancing Heroes program Ashido had volunteered the agency for. To be fair, you did sign off on it too. As if you could tell an excited Uravity “no”? She was so happy for her first wellness initiative to be in a real testing phase. At the time, you thought that’d make it worth it. But, apparently, this program was designed to unravel you.
“Heroes balancing the weight of responsibility and the benefits of restoration.” You mumbled the pamphlets hook. Essentially they had divided up maps and agencies, triangulating areas that were then put on a rotating schedule. All complicated, but made it so each of three agencies covered the area with five days mandatory and two days off. There were more details you let Ashido take care of, regarding the priority of on call heroes. One thing was unavoidable and set in stone…you had two full days off in a row. You couldn’t go to the agency. You couldn’t be called in. You weren’t allowed to be on duty unless there was a natural disaster. One thing you were allowed to do was to absolutely lose your mind.
You rolled your head to the side at the clicking and clacking of toe nails…claws technically. A whine accompanied a pair of wide and unblinking brown eyes. Her feathered tail stood at attention before shuddering through a low growl.
“You restless too?” You laughed as she sneezed and stamped a paw. “Such a clever girl. A walk’s a great idea.”
You decided on a longer walk with no real destination in mind, letting your canine daughter tug you along. She got her leash wound through a familiar blossom-less tree. She sniffed at a recognizable mail drop-off point. She stopped and took in her reflection of wide windows you walked by every-Fuck…you weren’t being tugged at all. You were walking a fucking patrol route. The leash jerked in the direction you’d just come from.
“You’re right. Let’s get outta here before-“
The furry traitor was already sitting before a pair of black and orange boots. Her tail sweeping the sidewalk like it was her job. You could only imagine the face she was making at the man she was still in love with. Your lips pulled into a smile as she spun her head in small circles, unable to decide where she wanted him to scratch her first. He squatted down to give her both hands and his face. If he were weaker, it might’ve been a mistake. However, the years of training didn’t go to waste against the attempted tackles of excitement. His body stayed put as she lost her god damn mind.
“Knew I was still your fuckin’ favorite.” You clicked your tongue, but didn’t bother getting dragged into this eternal fake argument. He never got tired of this special treatment he received. “And I knew you’d show up.” His eyes were focused on you now as his gloves still worked on a pair of ears.
You scowled, but couldn’t argue that he was wrong. You were literally here…halfway through a patrol route you were not supposed to be anywhere near today.
“She wanted a walk.”
“On route number 26?”
“Coincidence.” You shrugged, shouldering the weight of the lie.
“Obviously.” He looked back down into the other pair of eyes locked onto him. “You’re off tomorrow too.”
It wasn’t a question. Also he seemed to have already moved on, mumbling things you couldn’t hear to the TRAITOR you had raised. Silence pushed its way between you…or what would’ve been silence if it weren’t filled with whines and panting.
“Can you help me with something?”
You heated immediately for a few reasons: You didn’t know if he was talking to you or your dog. You jumped at an unknown task way too quickly. Also, did he have to look at you like that???
These days off were gonna’ ruin you.
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Next part
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pandasnooze · 4 months
People who regularly have long sneezing fits and then act surprised when they sneeze like 3 times in a row. Like, “Ugh, sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me today. Must be something in the air.” Around people who know them well and have seen them have long sneezing fits plenty of times before. Like, it’s okay, you don’t need to explain, just sneeze? You’re so silly?
Or the opposite. The person who is like “Bless you, geez! You done yet?!” After 3 or 4 sneezes when they’ve seen that person sneeze 7-10+ times on a regular basis. Obviously you know they aren’t. That one always gives me a little bit of a cringe “vanillas acting a bit unvanilla” vibe. BUT then when the sneezer gets all flustered feeling pressure to stop when they desperately needed just a few more. Now they’re left sniffling in and out of pre sneeze face for an hour until they finally just have another full fit. It’s just creating a whole charade, dragging out the inevitable for the poor sneezy soul.
Why the charade?
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monkeywiki · 3 months
immuno compromised ppl, myself included, don't have the luxury of just Dealing With getting sick. I had pneumonia in highschool and could've been really close to the end of my rope. When we get sick, we get SICK. And those sicknesses give us risk of getting even sicker next time. People treat sickness like a minor inconvenience to be dealt with, not a debilitating risk that debilitates further. I deserve to maintain what semblance of quality of life I can keep. I'm going to keep masking, because I'm now at a point in my life where I sneeze sequentially on average 6 or 7 times in a row daily. When I was younger I never sneezed more than 2-3 times in a row daily. Knowing I sneeze so much, why would anyone want me to do it in their fcking face? U want my fcking boogers in your mouth so bad?? Bcus that's what a society who stops masking has decided is what they wanted. Even if the mask wasn't to protect me and just to protect others... even if I sneeze in my elbow, that shits going everywhere. Little tinnnyy tiny particles of boogers and shit bacteria i mean hey you can't really see unless there's a reflection of light but hey it's hot out itd probably feel like a nice little misting yeah? U want my nasty immuno compromised germs? Idgaf what you do. I'm Good masking. Thanks & you're welcome
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caassette · 8 months
i actually just sneezed like ten times in a row and my gf from the other room said nothing the first 7 times and the 8th time said "god DAMN what's wrong with you ??" like i'm supposed to know !!!
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stellar-snz · 1 year
hi! do you play sta/r r/ail? if so, i would love to hear your snz headcanons for your favorite sta/r r/ail character(s)! 😊🩵
Hello! 👋 I do play Star Rail and am be open to sharing my UID in DMs if you'd like to play My favourite characters are Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan, Natasha, Yukong, and Welt, so here are some sick/snz headcanons of them! I have some snz HCs abt the rest of the Astral Express crew, but they're not too polished and I'm not so sure anyone would be interested in that, soo,, 😗
Welt ✦ Throaty-ish sneeze that sounds harsh. ✦ When he's talking to someone and he has to sneeze, it can obviously be seen on his face. ✦ He doesn't really hold back, but when he's talking to people and he has to sneeze, he usually holds a finger up before turning to the side. ✦ Sneezes into the crook of his arm. ✦ Very good at hiding sickness. Seriously, he's never sick until he's caught. ✦ Not very sneezy, but some feathers would get him going. ✦ Mid dust allergy ✦ Okay… so I said before that I'm not that into pet/fur allergies… but the thought of March 7th sneaking a stray cat on the express and Welt being confused on why he's suddenly sneezing so much, is… doing things???
Natasha ✦ Her story quest… where she was travelling through the snow plains with the trailblazer, made me think a lot. ✦ Yeah… she probably caught a cold after that. ✦ Sensitive to the cold ✦ Sneezes in threes, each sounding more desperate than the last ✦ Somewhat high pitched and breathy (I'm so not good at snz sounds) ✦ A serial blesser ✦ A little embarrassed about getting sick. (Her line, "…but I'm a doctor!" 😭) ✦ Would love to take a day off when sick, but too much people in the underworld need her help, so the best thing she can do is wear a mask and sneeze away from people.
Jing Yuan ✦ LMAO, the birds living in his hair… or his hair itself has made him sneeze a couple of times. ✦ His sneezes are about a 7/10 in volume. ✦ Sneezes bend him over the waist. ✦ Doesn't get sick a whole bunch, but after that fight with Phantylia… he was immuno-compromised for a little while. ✦ Hehe… since he has a hologram, it flickers when he sneezes. ✦ When he gets sick, he milks the heck out of it, stating that he can't do things because of his ailment… even though it isn't too bad.
Fu Xuan ✦ Seasonal allergies. ✦ 😭 Has probably divined her own future and tried to prevent getting sick/avoid having a sneezing fit… but it never works out for her. It always happens… no matter how much she tries to stop it. ✦ Gets sniffly after the 3rd sneeze in a row. ✦ Soft, high pitched sneezes. ✦ Stifles by pinching her nose shut. ✦ Covers by cupping two hands over her mouth and nose. ✦ So, so bad at hiding illness/allergies because her nose gets really red. ✦ Hologram also flickers when she sneezes. ✦ Trying to hold back never does her any justice because she just turns into an absolute mess with long drawn build-ups and fits that leave her breathless and regretting her choices.
Yukong ✦ Rough and harsh sounding sneezes. ✦ Not really embarrassed about her sneezes, but she doesn't like sneezing in front of people. ✦ Sensitive nose bc… foxian ✦ So stubborn when sick and tries to push through it… but if she really can't, she'll take a sick day ✦ Spice sensitivity. ✦ Long, torturous build-ups sometimes… like, she has confined herself to an isolated room multiple times because she had to sneeze but it wouldn't come out. ✦ Keeps her desk clean because she also has a dust allergy. ✦ Very polite about sneezing(tries to at least stifle) in front of others because of her current position… but when alone, she just lets it all out because of her fighter spirit.
✨ BONUS ✨ The aeons I like are Lan and Yaoshi… so they get to sneeze too
Lan ✦ Lol, destruction and abundance lotus allergy. ✦ Has a harsh and messy sounding sneeze that bends them over the waist. ✦ Has a pollen allergy, which exacerbates their dislike towards Yaoshi even more. ✦ Has probably sneezed while they had their mask on and hissed out "repulsive...." afterwards. ✦ Earth shaking sneezes. Yaoshi ✦ I thought it would be funny if Yaoshi, too had a pollen allergy... but it's milder than Lan's and only sets them off if its certain plants/if there's too much of it/if they were around it for too long. ✦ Whispery/Hushed sounding sneezes... but can still be heard. ✦ Has probably used their veil to wipe or blow their nose. ✦ Flowers sprout up when they sneeze. ✦ Despite being considered "annoying" they actually tend to withdraw and hide away when feeling ill.
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renmackree · 1 year
Hai! Same anon who asked for the original, can we PLEASE have more? Please please PLEASE?!?
Alright, but just because I like you :)
Part One
IL: I want 10.
SS: You're a greedy bastard. Fine.
"Lydia, your stalker wants 10 pictures this time." Stiles walked into the lab and tossed his bag into the little cubby marked "Style-less". Lydia was adjusting her lip gloss in the one next to him, "Queen Bitch" written over it with sparkling purple letters.
"He's getting a little needy." Lydia pulled back from the cubby and adjusted the white lab coat over her perfectly styled skirt and blouse. "You did tell him he could just ask me on a date, right?"
Stiles had NOT told Isaac that Lydia had offered to go out with him, because Isaac and Stiles had a deal. Stiles gave Isaac pictures of Lydia, Isaac gave Stiles the Teenaged Mothman collector buckets and reserved the middle row for him. They had this pact since Stiles' first year of college and he was not going to upset the balance in any way.
Plus Lydia didn't mind the attention.
"What Moth movie is this one?" Lydia leaned against the wall across from the cubbies as she waited for Stiles to change. He slipped the plaid shirt off and grabbed the Batman lab coat from his peg.
"Mothman in Love. This bucket supposedly has Erik and Steven holding each other with Wolfgirl and the new character LizardBoy." Stiles sighed, shaking his head. "God it's so stupid."
Lydia rose her brows as if she agreed, but didn't say anything. Once Stiles was dressed, the two walked through the decontamination chamber and into the main lab area. Greenberg looked up and waved at the two of them before returning back to his slides.
Boyd was finishing up some calculation on the whiteboard, turning around and nodding.
"Alright, are we wanting sexy or candid?" Lydia asked as she hopped up on one of the empty counters. "Because I only did two hours of skincare last night."
"Isaac holding your bucket hostage?" Boyd asked with a smile. "You know I could --"
"Yeah yeah, use whatever connection it is you have to get one, but Isaac works at the theater and this is traditions we're talking about, Vernon. Whoever your connection is, I'm sure she's great but please. Let me get my collector bucket in skeevy and blackmail-ish ways."
Boyd made a face but turned back to his work. The four of them had been in the same degree for nearly 7 years at this point, everyone was used to Stiles.
Lydia cleared her throat and Stiles began snapping pictures to Isaac. Some candid, some posed. One of Lydia almost sneezing to really sell the whole experience. After each one, Stiles was notified of Isaac screenshoting them and saving them in chat.
Stiles snapped the final picture of Lydia, sending it off to Isaac with the message - 'That's ten, give me my bucket Lahey'. He stopped, groaning as he realized he had added that last one to his story as well. He had been about to delete it when another message popped up.
Haleofaguy is typing DH:Who is Lahey and why is he holding your bucket hostage?
Stiles bit his lip. So last night wasn't a fever dream! Derek Hale really had added him to snapchat. oh my god Derek Hale is watching my Snapstories Stiles thought, trying to come up with something smart to say back.
SS: Obviously we're reenacting the war of 1325 between the rival city-states of Bologna and Modena. Isaac has started the War of the Bucket 2: The reckoning DH: Don't tell my manager, that sounds like the title of a good movie. SS: See, I knew watching hours and hours and hours of cheesy b-role films would come in handy. I'm ready to make my first movie.
"Who you chatting with, Stiles?" Lydia asked with an almost predatory grin. "Is it someone special?"
"I mean, yes. But it's none of your business Ms. Sink-my-teeth-in-every-guy. Besides, aren't you dating Aiden?"
"No, we hooked up but he's just a fling. He has two brain functions and that's Fuck and Football. I'm not going to date someone who yells 'touchdown' when I orgasm."
Stiles snorted at that, watching as the snapchat went silent again and Stiles was left on read. He sighed, knowing that Derek was probably busy with interviews for the Mothman Movie.
"Hey, did you guys want to go to a party with me and my fiancée?" Boyd asked, checking his phone. "Apparently the party was moved to Boston last night."
"Party?" Lydia smiled, moving from Stiles to Boyd now. "What type of party?"
"Probably just a cocktail thing, that's what they usually are. But Black Tie is required so. Are you all in?"
"Invite Danny instead of me," Greenberg said from his microscope. "I have a date tonight."
The group oooo'd at that and Lydia texted Danny to let him know the plans. She then launched into Stiles' wardrobe and how she was going to dress him for the party. Stiles honestly wasn't really looking forward to the thought of being around strangers, but this would be the first time Stiles would meet the future Mrs. Boyd and he was excited.
With the way Boyd talked about Ria, she sounded like she hung the moon.
SS: Fit for tonight, tearing up the town with my side bitch IL: Pics or I burn the bucket SS: She's posting on Instagram, calm down Ricardo López IL: Who's Ricardo Lopez? SS: Look him up. BYE
Stiles slid his phone into the pocket of the tight slacks, looking over them again and frowning. "I look like someone going to a movie premier."
"Look, Boyd said Black Tie and I've been DYING to see you in this color. Truly, plum looks good on you." Lydia finished putting her hair up and turning around in her dress. "How do I look?"
"Like someone's trophy wife."
She grinned wide, putting her hands on her hips. "Thank you! That was the look I was going for."
Stiles rolled his eyes but let the woman fuss with his hair a little more. Her phone buzzed to signal Danny and Boyd were here. "Now, as soon as we walk through those doors --"
"--I only know you if I need to order an Angel Shot."
Lydia nodded and brushed her hand over his shoulders. "Mama's getting herself a hunk tonight and you will not fuck this up."
"Do I need to get a hotel for the night or are you going to? I just don't want a repeat of last time where I walked in on you and --"
Lydia pressed her finger against Stiles lips and shook her head. He loved having Lydia as a roommate, but sometimes it was hard to be with her and constantly be reminded he was so, so single.
The phone buzzed again and the two of them made their way out of their apartment and down to where a limo -- LIMO-- was waiting. The four settled in the back now, Boyd chatting about how they would be going through the back so they didn't end up on Just Jared in the morning.
"What does your fiancée do, Boyd?" Danny asked, sipping from one of the champagne flutes.
"Don't ask, we haven't even met her and Boyd won't tell us anything. Says he wants to keep his private life private." Lydia teased. "but not tonight! What changed? You've been going to her parties for years and haven't invited us!"
Boyd rolled his eyes at the chiding, sipping from his own glass. "Ria said that she wanted to meet everyone. And apparently the host of the party is interested in Stiles' research."
Stiles blinked. His mouth dropped open. Was Boyd's fiancée RIa DeLaugh-Moot? The famous wolf biologist from Finland? Suddenly his heart dropped. That would mean this party was for the conservation and repopulation programs. Excitement bubbled under his skin.
"Someone is interested in Stiles? Wow." Danny teased a little, offering a wink to the man. "At least we have someone to thank for this then. Ria and Mysterious Host. Do you think he's like Gatsby?"
The car pulled up outside the venue, the driver getting out and opening the door for them. Stiles' mind was racing as he tried to think of something witty and smart to say for their first meeting. Maybe he'd open up with a joke? Maybe he'd say a little wolf pun to get the mood broken. It was almost a full moon and werewolf jokes were always a good choice.
The Venue backdoor opened and a woman with bright blonde hair and a tight green dress stepped out. Her brown eyes lit up as she launched herself at Boyd and pressed a kiss against his lips.
"Vernny I missed you!" She sighed. "Remind me to never take another project ok?"
"You say that every time, Ria. Just remember that you enjoy your job."
She pouted but nodded before turning to everyone. "Hi! Vernny has told me so much about you all, I'm Erica Reyes."
Stiles' mouth ran dry. Erica. Wolfgirl. Reyes. THE Erica Reyes. Erica Reyes who plays Gretta Hansel in the Teenaged Mothman series. HIS Mothman Series.
But if Erica was here, then the host was --
From behind the corner a man in a crisp black suit and a tie with an obnoxious moth pattern peeked out. His hair was raven black and his hazel eyes were masked by thick rimmed black glasses.
"OH, and this is my good friend Derek Hale. He's the one hosting the party."
And if anyone asked, Stiles did NOT faint.
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whump-and-suffering · 4 months
Feeling sneezy yesterday
My claims that I very rarely sneeze are becoming less and less true...
I sneezed naturally probably 7 or 8 times yesterday. Most were just singles but then I suddenly sneezed 4 times in a row...before I could record it. I was still feeling very sneezy so got my phone out and the next sneeze would not come.
[mess and audio under the cut]
Just those four sneezes got my nose running down my face so I had to blow, and then I was just hitching and rubbing at my nose, desperately needing to sneeze...eventually I gave in and induced. It was very easy to induce, even a slight touch with a rolled-up tissue would immediately make me sneeze--but it took a lot of sneezes before I finally stopped feeling like I needed to sneeze more. Had to blow my nose again afterwards, too.
I'd love if I keep sneezing naturally 5-10 times a day every day from now on instead of the zero I was used to before the past couple of weeks.
(Though today I've only sneezed once so far--though even that one sneeze left me needing to blow my nose, and I've had 5 or 6 false starts, feeling sneezy constantly which is driving me crazy.)
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psychelis-new · 7 months
I suddenly remembered how before the craziest and saddest time of my life I woke up one day and sneezed for like 7-8 times in a row. And many times I get to sneeze once when I need a confirmation... yeah sneezing is a way you might get infos about stuff Ig
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snzinite · 10 months
SNZ STATLINE: 4/10 wetness, 4/10 mess, 7/10 pitch, 5/10 volume
this is a weird one to spell even though i can picture it perfectly. like "(ah)?-TSssssshh(-ew!)" but the 'ah' is virtually silent, you can just barely hear her open her throat but not vocalize it usually.
the 'ew' isn't normally vocalized either, like maybe 20% of the time
sometimes when she does vocalize the start she goes "nya-" because it's haze, of course she does, if you know her you aren't surprised by this
lotta hiss to the sound
doesn't stifle, barely covers. like she'll go into the crook of her elbow and sneeze right above it so you can still see her sneezing. great work haze
sneezes in 2s, sometimes as many as 5 in a row
nothing makes her super sneezy, but she sneezes a lot just naturally throughout the day
if she does happen to sneeze a lot in a row she'll complain about it ("what's wrong with my nyose?" etc)
sneezes with abrupt change in temperature or big change in lighting
also sneezes when things touch her nose but she isn't super sensitive to smells
not really much buildup either--not much sneefies :(
sometimes her hat will fall off her head if she has a big sneeze
nose gets really red after she's done for like a minute
has no opinion on sneezing
doesn't really blow unless people tell her too? she'll just be stuffed/let her nose run
she wipes with her sleeves if there's no tissues around
gets really snotty when sick but her sneezes aren't powerful enough to relieve the congestion
she gets sinus headaches a lot because of these two things
girl just blow your nose...
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mikikunchik · 1 year
My mini sneezing headcanons on bsd.
(Victims: G/ogol, S/igma, F/yodor, D/azai)
(Sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm using Google translator)
Gogol: I think he sneezes many times in a row (about 5-7) his sneezes are very fast and small, quite quiet and weak, also there is a little squeak, I like to imagine him covering his mouth with part of his cloak (I got this idea after I saw Gogol and Atsushi meeting in the anime, he covered his mouth with his cloak for a few seconds, I'll attach a picture) also I think he has quite wet sneezes. He blesses every time someone sneezes, it's like a game to him, sometimes he can bless in Russian, he also rubs his nose after sneezing with his index finger, it would be cool if he was allergic to feathers
Sigma: I think he sneezes 3 times each but they get very stuck, if he is not alone he will try to hide it but when left alone he will walk around for a few minutes and look up to sneeze, he is very hygienic and worries about the people around him, in a business setting he stifles sneezes between his fingers, if alone he can sneeze into his elbow, also says blessing, likes to be blessed in an informal setting his sneezes make him bend, as he has not sneezed so often in his life to get used to them, his nose turns quite red, sneezes dry but loud if not restrained, I think he may be allergic to lavender.
Fedor: sneezes once, but very wet and loud, quite wet, and his nose is clogged afterwards, he has quite an itch before sneezing, but he can control it, I think he has a Russian-sounding sneeze as well as one deep breath before sneezing, doesn't pinch, and doesn't worry about it, I think he might be allergic to flowers and cats.
Dazai: sneezes quite Japanese, always 2 times in a row, don't try to cover much, sniffles after sneezing, but not as much as Fedor, his sneezing is quite sharp, sometimes he doesn't know when it will come to him, although he can control his body well, dirty sneezes, quite a lot of splashing, no build-up, sneezing is loud, also he adds his voice to it, sometimes for fun or to piss someone off, I like to think he's allergic to dust.
Thank you for your attention.💕🫶🌸🥂🌹🤍💐
P. S. I am attaching a photo of Gogol with a raincoat so that you understand what I mean
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nostrildamus · 6 months
4, 5, 7 and 15 for the asks? 💕
why but of course~💕
4. Do you like to induce yourself? If so, how often do you do so?
I actually do sometimes enjoy inducing! Tragically though, I rarely have the time or the privacy to do so, so it's usually relegated to special occasions waaaaahhhh. I enjoy sneezing for others, so any time I induce I sure as hell am gonna try to record it and share with fellow snzfuckers <3 Being induced by someone else tho? Now that's where it's at.
5. Do you have a sneezing pattern? (ex. you always sneeze 3 times)
I think I'm kind of inconsistent tbh!! It's always at least 2 in a row these days though. Sometimes they're rapid and back to back, almost overlapping, sometimes there's a torturous pause between them where my nose is just on fire. At most I'll have 4 in a row (naturally), if I'm inducing or using chinkkni tho then it's all out the window, my sneezes are all over the place haha.
7. If someone gets off to your content, would you wanna know?
Oh 100%! Like I said I enjoy sneezing for others, but also making snz art for people to enjoy! I just like knowing that I can make y'all horny one way or another, what can I say I'm lowkey a slut for attention lol. So if u ever get off to my wavs or my art, please let me know, it is immensely flattering (and sometimes hot) to know someone has nut to my content 😌💕
15. Do you have any other kinks?
Oh man I sure do. A lot of them admittedly I only enjoy in combination with the sneeze kink (my main kink/fetish) but just to give an idea:
-size kink (i.e. macro/micro, size difference, hyper, etc.)
-praise/humiliation (I enjoy receiving both but also giving in some cases)
-exhibitionism/public stuff (works great with the snz kink because you can snz for someone in public and nobody will bat an eye LMAO)
-orgasm denial (probably as nsfw as I'll get on this list)
-medical (something about cold, clinical talk gets to me dfgxsfsfd)
Anyhow, thank u for the asks NT!! Hope my answers are satisfactory 💕
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kaluwa-del-conte · 1 year
(@festival-of-pudding here)
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your mentions, anonymous or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
Hey there @festival-of-pudding~! 🧡
Okay let's see...hmm~
I love fermented/pickled foods.
I do a AMAZING grito yell! lol
When I sneeze it's not just one time, like normal ppl. it's unfortunately a continuous sneezing fit where I sometimes think it will never end. (average 7 in a row) I hate it :<
Thanks again Pudding! :3
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imill · 2 years
I got you coverd, what are your thoughts on emeto ayaka
here’s some general illness as well:
- fragile immune system.
- gets colds frequently
- whenever something is going around you can bet your ass she will catch it
- cries a lot when she’s feverish
- high fevers are with very rapid onset
- cold hands and feet whenever she’s sick
- allergic to like,,, maple leaves ig.
- always carries tissues around
- takes eyedrops frequently
- high pitched sneezes, she can’t hold them back and it’s always like 7 in a row
- excuses herself after every single sneeze too, she’s polite and ashamed
- canonly doesn’t like greasy food >:)
- bloats really easily
- can’t eat a lot, feels full very quickly
- lots of hiccups after eating
- lots of groaning too, like,,,, just miserably going “ohh…” with her hand on her stomach
- gets carsick after a while
- gets carsick even quicker if she has just eaten. like it’s guaranteed but she hasn’t figured that out yet
- starts with breathy burps that turn loud very sudden. and then she can’t stop.
- it feels like she’s super close to puking, she will gag-cough but nothing will come up at first
- first wave is very forceful, like actually spraying from her lips
- lots of tears and snot, cheeks get super red
- she’s very messy
- if she’s with someone, she will shield her face as she vomits
- big stomach movements. you can hear it sloshing
- mouth wide open as it splashes out
- next waves are still forceful but less, strained gurgles
- surprisingly loud (bc i want it that way)
- lots of burpy heaves as well
- her stomach is such a mess tbh
- still burping afterwards, even after everything is out, she will still feel like she’s going to be sick
- sometimes has to be held and ,,, straight up dragged away from the toilet so she can calm down
- cries so much, she’s so upset, even panics some times
- thrown up in her bed a few times, either awake and trying to breathe through nausea or in her sleep. then woke up thoma AND ayato by crying
- also thrown up in the shower and passed out (what happened? i dont know, i wasn’t there)
- aaaand did throw up on the table during a meeting. tried so hard to keep it down but then just projectile vomited as she was trying to talk and excused herself to cry and throw up more at the bathroom
ummmm some scat mentions ig bc i am so goddamn hornt for this woman
- gets diarrhea a lot from food thats too greasy (hence why she doesn’t like it… but still eats it…. let me have this)
- bad stomachaches during meetings with super loud stomach rumbles
- has had thoma hold a bucket under her chin while she was on the toilet from bad food poisoning. extremely humiliated but thoma kept telling her it’s okay
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