#i spent sooooo damn long trying to figure out how to get a bed area in and have it flow w/ the areas onei did
verysmallcyborg · 5 months
very evil that i've finished putting together the captain's quarters for fornax & ryss' pirate au gpose room....... but can't fuckin gpose or make small adjustments without getting sundered lmao
on the plus side, Bigger Fornax fits on the bed :) custom sized for them to sleep comfortably... can't be an efficient guard dog if you don't get some good sleep!!!!
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r3almellow · 6 years
It Started With A Touch 2 Dabi X F!Reader
I was surprised that you liked the first part! I honestly was super nervous and wasn’t sure if it would be well received! I guess I was wrong! Sooooo  I have here part 2 for you lovely people! Please enjoy and sorry for any typos!
P.s: This is an AU so the timeline is a bit different.
You sat at your desk chewing on the end of your pen absentmindedly. Your eyes were glued to your computer screen as you typed away on your keyboard. You had just finished with two back to back sessions with clients and began responding to the various emails before your next meeting.
You liked your job as an EFT or an emotionally focused therapist for families and heroes, but it was hard at times. You had to talk with families and heroes of all types who were dealing with things like PTSD and so much more. The stories that each person brought to you were mostly gut-wrenching. From the loss of a family member who was killed in the line of duty to a hero continuously reliving traumatic events in their life. Your boss told you, you’d get use to it, but being so in tuned with emotions the way that you were it was highly unlikely.
A small knock sounded from beyond your door before you saw an older man walk through it. “Hello, y/l/n!”
You looked up and smiled softly at your boss.
“Hello, sir! What can I do for you?” You asked.
The man made his way over to you and stopped just short of the chairs that were in front of your desk. “I just wanted to congratulate you on your progress here. You’ve been able to breakthrough to some of our patients that most have had a difficult time with for years!” He exclaimed.
You hated the word patients. You liked to see the people who come here as...well as people. Patients made it sound like there was something wrong with them when all they needed was someone to listen and place where they would not be judged.
Your smile widened trying to hide the slight irritation.
“I do what I can sir. I want people to leave here feeling like they have a new purpose.” You said with pride.
“That’s good to hear. I actually wanted to know if you would be interested in being our spokesperson for an upcoming ambassadors trip.”
You looked at him quizzically. “Ambassadors trip?”
He nods with enthusiasm. “Each year we send our best out to U.A. to speak with the future heroes about mental and physical health. After talking with some of the higher ups we feel that you would be a great fit.”
“M-me?!” It had only be a few months since your start here, so being chosen for something as big as this was something you wouldn’t have expected until you were there for at least a year.
“Oh, yes! Since you are an U.A. alum, we think the students would be able to relate and with your bilingual background you can also communicate with the foreign students as well.”
Bilingual was a bit of stretch. Sure your Japanese was way better than when you were younger, but having to do full on speeches in Japanese was a whole different story. You would need another person there to translate or at least help you not make a fool out of yourself.
Despite the nervous feeling in your gut you accepted the offer. These kids were in for a lot and needed to know that while there were many trials ahead they had a support system behind them every step of the way. Not many had the luxury of having their families or teachers in their corner, so this was the perfect chance to show that there are alternatives.
Your boss’ eyes lit up. “Great! I’ll get the paperwork together! We will send you and a few others out there next week.”
“Looking forward to it!” You leaned back in your chair with a smile once your boss left the room. 
For the rest of the day you were grinning from ear to ear. Even as you made your way home the happiness you felt refused to go away.
You were going back to U.A. after five years. You wondered how much things have changed since then. Were all your old teachers still there?
You heard the Symbol of Peace himself, All Might, had begun teaching there. You’d have to find a discreet way of getting his autograph or risk losing your job over fangirling over such an icon. It would be a small price to pay if you wanted to brag about having a future family heirloom on your wall.
And what about the students? Where they going to like you? From your understanding the freshmen were a very interesting group this year especially the class of 1-A. 
If you weren’t mistaken Todoroki Shouto was one of them. You remembered seeing him on TV during the Sports Festival. He was an extremely talented young man and clearly made a name for himself. Not really surprisign since he was the child of the number two hero Endeavor. Your growing smile quickly faded at the thought.
You saw Shouto only once when he was younger. It was just by chance you saw him with his older brother. There was only a quick introduction and a goodbye on Touya’s part. The child only looked at you with wonder as he followed closely behind his brother. Touya never really brought you around his family which you completely understood. You learned he had other siblings who he didn’t live with because of their “family dynamics.” 
It had been six years since you last saw him. There were rumors circling around that he died in a horrible accident involving fire, but something told you that if that was true it wouldn’t have been an accident. Another rumor was that he ran away from home. You couldn’t blame him, but he could have at least said something to you.
The last time you saw him was the night he revealed he had no intention of returning to school. You had voiced your concerns, but he simply waved you off. You remembered caressing his hair and watching him sleep against your lap. You weren’t sure when you had fallen asleep, but you woke up in the morning and found yourself in bed completely alone. You didn’t think much of it and figured you would see him again that night.
You didn’t realize how wrong you were.
Days had passed and you had yet to see Touya. You would visit the abandoned warehouse where he often spent his time, but there was still no sign of him. You even tried calling his phone which went straight to voicemail for a time and later went out of service by your 50th call.
You muscled up the courage to visit the Todoroki home only to be met with grim expressions, unanswered questions and a door slammed in your face. It was like you were the only one that cared to find out what happened to him.
Days turned into a year and by the time you were ready to go to college, you made the decision to travel back to the states where you spent your college years. There wasn’t a day that went by you didn’t think of him. You had to be honest and say he was part of the reason why you returned to Japan. There was something in your gut that told you there was a chance he might still be out there.
You found yourself at the warehouse where it all began. It seemed you were so lost in thought that your body decided to go on a little joyride. Except without the joy...
Against your better judgement you walked in. You were soon filled with sentimentality as you looked around. Not much changed about the place. It was still a rundown deathtrap that should have been torn down years ago.
With a hand you gently caressed the walls that had scorch marks on them. Some of them you remembered from Touya’s time here, but other marks were unfamiliar to you. You touched one of them and analyzed the black soot by rubbing it between the pad of your fingers.
“I was wondering when I’d see your pretty face here again.” A male voice calls out making you jump slightly. You quickly turn around to see a tall man a few feet away from you with an unreadable expression on his face.
“I thought this place was abandoned. I don’t think you’re supposed to be here.” You say effortlessly hiding the nervousness in your voice. It wasn’t your best response seeing as how you were kind of trespassing too.
He doesn’t answer but circles around you slowly, surveying what you assumed was your appearance. The anxiety in your stomach continued to bubble up with each passing second of silence. 
“You haven’t changed a bit.” He finally said in a low tone. 
He stops next to you facing the opposite direction, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Not a damn bit...” You followed where his gaze fell which was directly on your ass. Your cheeks immediately flared in anger as you take a few steps back from the man. While you were a bit unnerved by this encounter that didn’t stop you from sending him a death glare. “Excuse me?! Who the hell do you think you are?”
While you weren’t the best fighter there wasn’t a doubt in your mind you could get the upper hand if he decided to get handsy.
He straightened himself and frowned at you. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about me already, sweetheart.”
Forgotten? You didn’t keep track of all your old classmates, but you would have remembered this guy. His long coat, casual clothing underneath and his most notable being feature was his skin had weirdly symmetrical burned patches in areas like arms, neck, and under his eyes certainly didn’t ring any bells. The staples that were holding his skin together where the next thing you noticed. Then there was his jet black hair and indifferent blue eyes.
He sighed as the aloof expression he had slipped into annoyance. “Do I really have to tell you?”
You were done trying to play these guessing games. Especially with someone who looked like they kill pretty young women for fun.
“Listen, Frankenstein, I don’t know who you are but I-” Suddenly his hand shot out and grabbed your wrist. You quickly recovered from the gesture and put your quirk to work. If this guy thought he could get away with touching you he had another thing coming.
You were ready to give this guy the worst pain of his life, but something was off. There was a sense of nostalgia that surged through you as you probed through his emotions. A feeling of sadness, anger and loneliness clouded your senses. It was almost suffocating. However, there was a distant feeling of warmth that felt welcoming, safe and...familiar.
Your mouth turned into the shape of an “O” then closed again.
There was no way that this could be...
You looked up at the man and stared into his striking blue eyes. You studied his face long and hard. Seconds passed and your eyes widened as the realization struck you. 
“Missed me, gorgeous?”
No fucking way...
Welp...I think this just turned into a small fanfic. I don’t know whats happening, but I can’t stop typing! Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this part! Please let me know if you want the next part!
And before ya’ll correct me I know the difference between Frankenstein and Frankenstein’s monster! Please comment and tell me what you think!
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tumblunni · 7 years
Phewwwww OKAAAAAY Jesus CHRIST what a day! I ended up not being able to play Dream Daddy for the most unexpected reason, holy shit! I've just experienced my first ever all day migraine and FUCKING HELL I did not know anything about migraines so I thought I was dying! I thought migraines were just another word for headaches! Seriously just imagine experiencing all of that bullshit WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT WAS HAPPENING OR WHY Okay, so I was having a pretty good morning and watching some TV in bed to enjoy my new bed and all. Just had some soup. Was reading the Steven universe artbook, kinda laying down on my stomach so I figured I was just getting a crick in my neck cos it was an awkward position to read. Suddenly my fucking SENSE OF SIGHT deserts me! Words are blurring together on the page, then there's this thing like an honest to goodness glass crack made of light right across my eyeballs. It won't go away even when I close my eyes, so its definitely a Brain Thing! And this really trippy thing started happening where the bottom half of my vision started getting like a reflective effect? The bit under the crack looked upside down, that was how insane and hallucinatory it started getting. Just OUT OF NOWHERE! All I could think was that somehow I'd snapped a nerve in my brain by leaning ky head slightly to read this damn book! So I go stumbling out of the room in a (literal) blind panic, and then suddenly this thunderclap of head pain hits! I had NO IDEA that this was normal for migraines, that vision distortion is quite literally the thunder that tells you you're gonna have one in ten to twenty minutes. No pain at all until the vision thing starts to ease up, it is SO WEIRD?? And then its not even like normal headache pain, its like.. Well, a crick in the neck gone wrong. Its that feeling of pulling a muscle or a nerve going pins and needles, but ALL OVER YOUR HEAD! It feels like pressure and muscle weakness rather than normal pain, its like you're being crushed in a car compactor?? Or its like every vein and nerve in your head has swollen up to twice its size, you can practically feel the blood rush trying to explode you from the inside out! It felt like literally my neck was gonna snap under the weight of my own head, for NO REASON and with NO RATIONAL CAUSE! The only thing that wasn't hurting was the normal rational headache areas! And then the even qworse part is the nausea and other symptoms in unrelated parts of your body! Cos its like an issue with your nerves tensing rather than regular pain, its like all your energy is funnelled there and you get weak and sick everywhere else. Literally sick. The dizziness is so bad that you can't stop throwing up, which just leaves you dehydrated and makes everything worse! And through all this I'm still half blind in a blurry haze that's barely better than before! And then I started having hot and cold flushes from the dizziness and struggling to resist throwing up, so I just ended up half passing out in the frdge for a while. I was in so much pain I couldn't even faint properly, I was just left awake enough to feel it but so out of it that I COULD NOT EVEN THINK let alone process any other input. It started progressing from just vision blur to popped ears and no sense of pain anywhere except the migraine. Like, I was slapping a bag of frozen peas on my head and COULD NOT FEEL IT. its not like I was overheated or anything, I felt like I was burning but my forehead felt freezing cold and clammy! I just could not feel the ice against it, until it started numbing the pain. It was like as soon as the pain stopped the ice would be like YIKES TOO MUCH so I couldn't even hold it there very long. And I tried pinching my arm but everything below my shoulders was going super numb! So I managed to crawl back into my bedroom and chug some painkillers while I waited for my legs to stop being too weak to stand, and then I was stuck just laying here all day waiting for the pills to kick in. Moving even slightly would cause a giant stab to be added to the dull ache of pain, but the muscle weakness made it really hard to even lie down without shaking! And then I kept freezing and boiling and even moving the blankets slightly made my head start going again and I was STILL TRAPPED INSIDE A DIZZY BLIND HEAD CAGE OF TWINGING VEINS AND DEATH My neck veins felt like violin strings! There were these two super raised ones on the sides of my forehead that hurt the worst, holy shitttt So yeah that's how I spent five hours sitting here vaguely browsing tumblr with my one functioning eye and trying yo google any sort of illness that could cause these hell symptoms! I was sooooo fucking relieved to know that these are actually completely normal symptoms of a migraine, which probably happened because of my lack of sleep all week. Also apparently serotonin abnormalities can make it worse, so it was REALLY bad timing that it hit me before I could take my morning antidepressants! This also totally explains a few weird symptoms ive had during panic attacks in the past. I had a smaller level of the vision thing happen once about five years ago. It was only in my left eye, it started rolling about in my head against my control and seeing nothing but blurs for about ten minutes. I didn't actually have a migraine then tho, just a sensory overload attack. Anyway I'm blogging about this in case anyone else is woefully undereducated on how migraines work! This was ten times worse for me cos I didn't know anything could even give you this symptoms, and I thought I was dying of a brain disease! Also, I'm still sitting around feeling awful and tumbleblogging the pain away, wishing I could play my cool new game :P or at least get some sleep to recover from this :P
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