#i spent the entire day fighting with installing software on my computer
herawell · 3 years
DOn't rb.
I got an offer for the first interview months after I'd finished applying and all the other companies had long since stopped responding with interview offers/rejections, did the interview with 0 preparation smack dab in the middle of my finals, and wasn't able to completely answer the question (it was a coding interview). A month later, I got a second interview (a more typical "getting-to-know-you" session) and I didn't even prepare for the call until 30 minutes before when I frantically brushed up on my resume & bullshitting skills. And then today I got an email asking me if I'd consider doing an internship this summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This is chapter 4 of my current fic, I am posting them here as well as in AO3 just because, I really hope you like it, let me know if there are mistakes and your thoughts overall.
Supergirl arrived at Zor-El headquarters like a speeding bullet, almost breaking the sound barrier, out of sheer excitement. Things with the CEO went beyond her wildest dreams, not only was the joint project approved, almost, since Lena still has to sit down with the same old misogynists and make them approve the budget, however, the Maiden of Might has no doubt that the green-eyed genius will make them bend under her gaze. She herself, felt her knees growing weak every passing minute in the woman’s presence, she is now certain that the CEO can bend steel *wink *wink. Furthermore, the Kryptonian has gotten the opportunity of working side-by-side with Lena (isn’t that a beautiful name?), the same one she has been in awe with for several years; watching the CEO work up close was something the Kryptonian never even dared dream of, as it was something she always thought to be quite impossible, because although their companies aim for similar purposes, their markets and social statuses are entirely different.
Moreover, she is certain that there is something bonding them together, what, she isn’t sure exactly, there is just this itching crawling under her skin, making all her nerves tingle with excitement, wanting to grab the Irish goddess and hold her close, to protect her, to know her entirely, to pull a smile from crimson lips, to make sure that she feels safe, validated and supported in a way the Girl of Steel is now certain Lena has never experienced, she also wants to tear down all the walls she has built around herself and know the real Lena, the one that’s deeply hidden behind years of trauma and abuse, and it frightens her, her whole life she’s always wanted to make friends, sure, she’s friendly by nature, but this, this depth, she has never before encountered and albeit the horizon seems promising, scary as well but first and foremost promising; it’d imply bringing to light many things that she’d truly rather not. However, as they say, time will tell, and she definitely wants to see what lays on the other side.
The first thing the Superfriends get to after receiving the good news from Kara is to slightly modify the organization of the company’s headquarters; during the last year of their superheroing endeavors they installed a vigilance room to allow their crime-fighting activities to go smoothly (ish). Said room is in the basement, the vault where they keep their prototypes is still there, occupying one full corner; however multiple monitors and computers had been installed as well, to keep track of Nia and Kara while they’re on the field; there are several chairs, and a platform is installed on the middle for debriefing and planning. There are also four suit holders, where Dreamer’s and Supergirl’s suits are, as well as prototypes for Winn and Brainy’s, in case they ever want to join them on the spot. Since they are one of the most innovative tech companies, many of their security and communications prototypes are firstly tested by them on life-saving missions, taking the devices to their tipping point, that way they ensure that every single device and software launched works perfectly under their prompted circumstances. What they added were a few biometric locks to avoid being discovered and a false wall that hides the elevator leading to the lowest floor. The rest of the building remains the same. Safe for the fact that Nia and Brainy have their own office and lab, respectively, on the third floor and on the second floor, where Winn’s supercomputing lab is, they’ve added a med-bay, after several injuries on the field and only a little bit of alcohol and cotton to treat them, some of their most successful medical equipment are used there.
The first time the two of them actually get together to work on the project, or more specifically, to go through the details of their work together; Kara arrives at the CEO’s office with a paper bag filled with doughnuts and two coffees on a cup holder, she's done her research (aka asked Jess) and now knows that the green-eyed woman likes her coffee black, which is something she honestly doesn’t get the fuss of. The Kryptonian thinks it's a great way to start this project, this working-relationship, starting with the right foot and all that, especially considering that she'll put forward her own lab for them to work on the project, is more private than the L-Corp tower, brimming with scientists and business people; and she'll feel a lot more comfortable there, having her friends and colleagues close and being a few steps away from her suit, in case her assistance is needed, is a lot less likely that the genius woman finds it suspicious, she just had to make sure that no scribbles in Kryptonian were left on her desk and project board, the ones she did have were (not) carefully folded (more like threw) in a locked drawer, away from prying eyes.
When she's let into the office, after giving Jess a couple of doughnuts for her invaluable help with her ‘getting to know Lena’ research; she cannot help but be struck dumb (again), and surprisingly it never gets old, at the sight of the Irish woman. The CEO is standing facing the city through her office’s windows, her silhouette highlighted by the sunlight flooding the office, she is wearing a crimson red three-piece suit that fits her perfectly, after she turns around, Kara can see that underneath she’s wearing a black button up, and her signature red lipstick, the whole outfit paired with dangerously high heels. She gestures for the hero to sit down on her very white couch so they can thoroughly review the information they have and design their project’s timetable and budgets, her eyes are glinting like light reflecting from beautiful emeralds, unblemished, there is curiosity written all over them and she smells wonderful, the strong smell of the coffees the blonde is still holding do nothing to diminish the smell of cinnamon and a citric perfume coming from the CEO.
Lena, on the other hand, finds herself to be intrigued by the woman sitting in front of her, she’s wearing a white and black flannel paired with khaki pants and a simple belt at her hips, her hair is braided perfectly and falls over her shoulder; and the whole outfit makes her look so young and innocent that the CEO has to refrain from wanting to hug her, which is not a common circumstance she finds herself in, for someone as touch starved as she is. The scent of the coffees she’s brought still lets a scent of vanilla and lavender get to her nose and she feels at ease, for the first time in who knows how long. She should be worried, about someone having such strong effect on her, but she honestly isn’t, it feels as natural as breathing, there is something about those cerulean blue eyes that settle her heart and even her breathing, like coming home after a long day at work, or falling asleep into a mother’s embrace, she finds it to be really easy to just let go and be.
Both of them engage in shy smiles and deer eyes for a few moments, all boardroom meetings and upcoming deadlines forgotten. With the information they have now they know for sure that current solar panels are very inefficient, you can power two computers and a light bulb tops with the best ones available on the market, and not for a very long time, as their reliability is quite low. But with the system proposed by the Kryptonian who, with huge compliments to Alex, for helping her with the cellular growth and with her help as medical specialist to analyze the results; has spent the past two months thoroughly evaluating her cells solar absorption. The system will work as follows, the nanoparticles oscillate when solar radiation hits them, this is due to a quantum phenomenon called surface plasmon resonance that enhances the radiation through the oscillation of the particles, as a result of their electromagnetic fields, to the wavelength of certain radiations, solar now, and hence, the energy obtained is higher than that of the incident light, then, this enhanced energy in the form of light will go to the circuitry, which will do... something, Kara isn’t entirely sure as to what exactly, even with her engineering background the circuitry she can think of will be huge and inefficient; to turn the radiation into current and voltage so it can be stored in batteries and transported, if necessary.
Lena laughs softly at the woman’s circuitry perception and pipes in, explaining her own vision for the circuitry, she has been thinking about it for the past months, getting all her knowledge together to develop the best system, she proposes to build nanobots that will act as small transformers, turning raw energy into voltage with the aid of electron energies, which are directly bound to voltage, jumping from one orbital to another, however, now that she understands the blonde's idea better, she had been quite secretive about this, she thinks they can add a cobalt isotope battery that would allow the system to store the energy for further use and for long periods of time without any significant decay; the system would allow power to be distributed evenly with no current peaks or voltage drops. They also agree on having the nanobots programmed with a failsafe to prevent the system from supercharging. As enraptured as they are in their little science discussion, finally having someone who gets their brilliant minds and has more ideas, challenging one another, time flies for both of them, and suddenly they have to part ways to keep with their day, having been discussing ideas and details for several hours, there are now several pressing matters that they need to attend. As she is walking out of the office, Kara spears one more look at the green-eyed genius, who is now checking something on her laptop, after turning on the TV in mute, if she didn’t know better, she’d say she’s smitten, but that is a dumb idea.
When Lena is left alone in her office again, she feels light as a feather, in a way she had forgotten one could feel, this project holds many expectations, for both of them, nonetheless, she can finally let her mind free, without being afraid that someone may feel threatened by her intelligence. Smiling softly to herself she turns her attention to her laptop, in order to keep going through accumulated emails and paperwork; remembering then to do something she takes out her phone to call Sam, her CFO and best friend, to let her know about the project and the fact that although she will still be working as CEO and taking care of whatever fires need her attention, the rest of the every-day paperwork will go directly to her, as well as any boardroom meetings (thank God for that), as she herself will be busy with the project.
They are animatedly talking about a certain blonde when a streak of red and blue on her TV catch her attention. Supergirl is rescuing several kids from a severe accident, where their school bus was pushed out of the road and down a cliff by a lory speeding out of control, the images are startling, the destruction left behind by the bus rolling down the hill shows very bad premonitions for the kids’ safety and overall health. However, Dreamer and Supergirl are giving all they have to rescue them as soon as possible, the blonde hero is flying the children to safety five at a time, while Dreamer is holding the bus with blue-energy constructs, to keep it from sliding further into the ocean, from the images being shown, she can tell that the young hero is struggling, even though the Super is taking them out at an impressive speed. Emergency services have started arriving and providing first aid to the more severely injured ones, most of the kids have several bruises and cuts, but she can tell, even with how far the camera is, that some are at actual risk, the few ambulances that have arrived and the traffic piling on both directions are a bad premonition to those who were pierced by metallic pieces or have broken bones, particularly broken ribs.
Kara is gritting her teeth together, trying to keep herself as focused as possible, which is hard on the light of the events. The bus had twenty-seven five- to ten-year-olds, most of them managed to hold onto something the moment their transport was pushed off the road and only show minor scratches and bruising. However, there are a few who are severely injured, and Nia is struggling greatly to keep the bus from keep rolling down the hill and into the ocean, as it is quite heavy and the dirt she’s standing on is very unstable, making her slide further helplessly, hence, she cannot fly to a hospital those whose life is at risk, because even though she can fly extremely fast, human composition and physiology wouldn’t withstand such extreme conditions. She can only hope for the best and try to pull them all faster, one problem at a time.
Without thinking twice, the CEO activates a few codes on her computer and a swarm of aid drones are launched from a nearby warehouse. On screen she sees how the drones arrive on site, giving first aid to anyone that needs it and allowing kids to jump out of the bus by their own feet, the older ones helping those who need it or are too young, the bus driver is the most injured one, nevertheless, she has improved her drones from the first time she presented them, and now they can assess a person and act accordingly faster, by the time Supergirl gets to him, his life is no longer in danger, albeit he’s still pretty beaten up. Through the camera of the drones, she sees the hero waving a thanks and then speeding off with the driver to the nearest ambulance, rushing afterwards to move the problem-causing lory out of the way, so that ambulances may leave as fast as possible, otherwise, all the effort put forward by them, the rescue teams and Lena, would be for nothing. Finally moving to Dreamer’s side to lift the bus back into the road where cranes can dispose it properly.
Letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, the raven-haired woman drops on her chair, just as the news shift from the rescue efforts to a report on how "a xenophobic group declares war on all aliens", according to an anonymous letter that was sent to the news channel, this groups seeks to fight for their planet, to avoid alien invasion and for humans’ rights, as “aliens are a threat to our way of life”.  She feels all blood draining from her face, that sounds an awful lot to what her twisted family believed in, it cannot be though, after Lex was incarcerated, she pulled several strings among the board members, with hard evidence on how Lillian posed a threat to the company, resulting from sharing the same world-domination ideals she pushed onto her son; and thanks to her friends, Sam, Jack and Andrea, helping her buy shares from her mother through shell companies, the woman started losing her spot on the board, eventually being left with absolutely no power over L-Corp, as she owns only about 0.2% of the total shares. That way, Lena prevented her twisted mother from using the company’s resources to do something along the lines of what her brother did, and also from her getting enough money to fund whatever twisted idea of patriotism and ‘right or wrong’ she has. But this, this could very much be their doing, she’ll have to dig into it and make sure that her sick relatives, have nothing to do with it, maybe even find out whoever is actually behind it and put a stop to this nonsense. There is a dread deep in her stomach, that tells her otherwise.
Lena parks her car at the entrance, she is at the direction Kara gave her. She’s wearing black jeans with leather boots and a deep green turtleneck sweater underneath a thigh-high grey coat, as it is the beginning of January and this year’s winter has been quite cold, she can see the puffs of her breath condensing on the air in front of her every time she exhales; the building she’s in front of are the Zor-El Technologies headquarters, she isn’t sure what she was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t this. The building is big, from the outside she’s certain that they would need a few hundred people to fill it, it has huge floor-to-ceiling windows on every floor, and the glass is, she’s certain, bulletproof (the fuck?), which is quite startling, and polarized, so that someone from the outside can’t see what’s happening on the inside but without preventing sunlight from streaming in, however, from the inside you could clearly see the outside. The only detail that differentiates this building as the one from a tech company is the huge Z hanging on the front from the rooftop. She approaches the glass doors, which slide open as soon as she nears them, and is stunned to see that there is no one, no secretary, no front desk, no security detail; there are a few cameras and the lobby is clean, open-spaced, with dark wooden floors and a few paintings hanging from the wall, in the furthest wall, there is an elevator, and coming out from it, is Kara.
The cheery blonde is wearing denim jeans with heeled ankle boots, making her look a few centimeters taller than the CEO; a light pink polo shirt covered by an open lab coat. She hands the green-eyed woman a card with her name on it, which she assumes is her access card, and is quite surprised to see the easiness with which she was given access to this building, family name aside and knowing that she may not have access to all floors and stuff, it’s still refreshing in a way. She is then led to the elevator, where she swipes her card and presses the button to the first level, where she now knows Kara’s lab is, and where she will be spending a lot of time until the end of this joint project. When the doors open, she gives herself a moment to observe.
There are several workbenches across the space, underneath them all are cabinets that contain chemicals and solvents, she assumes; there are tools scattered messily over some tables, screwdrivers, LED’s, tweezers, mixed oddly with Erlenmeyer flasks, hot plates, test tubes and other glassware. On the furthest left corner, right in front of the windows, is a desk, with a small lamp and a laptop, beside it is a cork board filled with scribbles, notes and drawings from other projects the blonde must be working on. There is soft music playing from a couple of speakers next to the elevator and a big painting of a sunset, she thinks, because of the red-ish color of the sky, on the wall to her right. Again, she’s surprised by the easiness with which Kara has let her into her space, her life, because, as a scientist herself, she knows how hard it is to open the doors of her lab to just anyone, so this small gesture amazes her and fills her with warmth, she feels welcomed, there is a knowing feeling that from now on she’ll feel a lot like that.
Research is hard she knows this, even though the background check, patents, recent developments and discoveries; is already done, the first months of their project have been a bumpy ride, to say the least. Their first experiments have been disastrous, to put it nicely, the nanoparticles vary in size to a level of polydispersity were they don’t fulfill their purpose, the nanobots the genius woman has been trying to develop don’t work, not only do they not do what she’s programmed them to, but they don’t do anything at all and is fucking infuriating. She should be able to do this, designing this kind of technology is not new to neither, particularly to the Irish genius, who has actually developed several nanotechnologies to improve life quality. In spite of that, good things have come up, the aching to know each other better, to find out more about them, paired with their constant failures has given them window to actually do so. And it’s heartwarming.
It starts with an invitation to get lunch together from Kara, after another very terrible outcome, they get on Lena’s car and drive downtown, which is only a few kilometers away from the warehouse. They eat at a Chinese restaurant, the best on National City, according to Kara. Engaging into small talk with the blonde, is easy, Lena finds, there is no judgment coming from her, she just listens, sapphire blue eyes earnest and filled with interest, honest interest, making her feel like she’s the only thing that matters; and gives reassurance whenever the Irish woman needs it, even without her actually voicing it, she just notices. What was meant to be a short lunch, became hours of them talking about everything and nothing, the outside world and that stupid project, vanishing for them. Lavender and citric coffee. Green and blue. Kara finds herself lost in kryptonite green eyes, warm and glinting, and a soft smile, the way her hair falls in dark waves only adding more and more to the softness of the woman in front of her, who has suffered and lost so much, she unknowingly and silently makes it her life’s mission to protect this beautiful human being, vowing to no one but herself to always stand up to that promise.
After a few more lunch dates they start getting close, the pull their hearts experience, stronger than ever. The first time Kara goes forward with a hug as a way to greet the raven-haired genius, Lena stiffens as a rock, not being used to such closeness, it takes her a few more attempts at physical contact but when she gives in, she finds her new favorite place, in the blonde’s arms. There is something about the way Kara hugs her that makes her feel at ease and safe, like a small precious creature that needs to be taken care of, as if she were fragile and invaluable, the scent of vanilla and flowers that she has now come to associate with the woman, dizzying, and her warmth, protecting. She feels certain that no one has ever said so much and yet so little with the simplest wrap of arms. She surely has gotten a little enraptured by her hugs. And her eyes, she’s not sure she’s ever seen bluer eyes than those, and she finds captured by them every single time. At first, she felt like they could be deceiving, however, as time went by, she has come to realize that she can read them like an open book, whether is worry or affection, she knows what Kara is feeling, and she’s now certain that the woman can also read her with that same easiness.
Will she ever get used to this woman’s presence? Somehow, she truly hopes not, is addicting the way the baby hairs at the base of her neck seem to electrify the moment she gets into Lena’s eyeline, how her breathing becomes shallower and everything else in her line-of-sight fades. After more than six months working together, she still loses her bearings every single time the raven-haired woman crosses the doorstep of her lab, it’s been natural, the way she seems to exist in her space, the way the move around each other as if they’ve been doing this for years instead of a few months. She has become attuned to the sound of her heartbeat, knowing the precise instant she arrives at the door of the warehouse, to her constant smell of citrus and coffee, she is now an addict of. Moreover, she’s addicted to her smile, her laugh, the way her dimples show whenever she is actually letting herself feel, long gone is the mask of the no-nonsense, cold-blooded CEO every newspaper feasted on.
Lena, on the other hand, has devoted her entire mind to this project, after the first months of failure, they both started gaining momentum and now they seem unstoppable, the device will still take some time as it is groundbreaking and will move Earth’s technology forward several years; however, their progress is excellent and is going ahead of their own agenda. The Luthor is so enraptured by the project that whenever she’s not working on it, her mind is reeling with possibilities; she can’t help it, she is so excited that whenever a new idea or pathway pops into her mind, she springs out of bed and drives to their lab, Kara’s lab, to keep working. After a few times Kara caught her in there, she made it her new purpose to make sure that the woman eats and sleeps properly, becoming aware of her terrible work habits. For Lena, it’s grounding in a way, the fact that someone actually cares for her, is new, and at first it scared her, but she’s come to realize that it’s deeply rooted into the blonde, she truly cares, and her kindness is blinding.
They have become accustomed to each other, and have started opening more, mostly Lena, since Kara still has a super big secret, she’s yet to come clean. The Kryptonian now knows about all the abuse Lena has endured throughout her life. How even though Lillian never actually hit her, she would still make her hate towards the green-eyed woman very well-known, criticizing every single detail, from her posture, to her eye-color, her freckles and every little imperfection she could find; humiliating her for sins she never committed, like that one time she decided to go to a party, during summer, and returned home soaking wet, as a downpour had broken lose, and Lillian made her cook for her and Lex, with her clothes soaked as punishment, and then berated her for dripping water on the floor, forcing her to clean with a rag and a bucket, on her knees. Kara’s heart broke that time, so badly that she couldn’t stop herself and hugged the woman trying to convey all her support and care. Running her fingers through black strands, whispering tenderly into her ear that it wasn’t her fault and that she is worthy.
Kara knows about the huge betrayal her brother committed that time when he went rouge and tried to kill Superman, using one of her own inventions to synthesize kryptonite and embed it into his Lexosuit. She has never trusted anyone after that. Simultaneously, Lena knows that Kara is adopted, she hasn’t given a lot of information about her life prior to the Danvers, but she’s certain it was horrible and traumatizing, she doesn’t want to pry, but she can tell from the way the light in those blue eyes seem to vanish, like a suffocated candle, the way there is a red glint to them, whenever she mentions that she failed, that she should’ve been better, smarter. And Lena holds her, rubs her back and lets her crumble and cry, she’s certain that this personification of the sun had nothing to do with whatever happened and she needs her to understand that, it’s hard. Without them knowing, their hearts started opening, giving the other a soft spot, always there, prevailing, waiting.
Kara has a drawer filled with snacks. Lena is not ever sure why she is surprised by that when the woman is literally always munching on something, how she doesn’t gain weight, she sure as hell doesn’t know; but there is just something about opening her desk’s drawer, which surface is always filled with scribbles, experiments records and calculations, and find it filled to the brim with snacks, from Poky’s to chips and… is that one of the pastries she bought last month? The CEO shakes her head in disbelief, a loving smile forming on her lips, and tries not to think about it too deeply, she absolutely doesn’t steal a chocolate bar. Sitting on a stool in front of the prototype she’s currently trying to make work, her thoughts inevitably drift to how her life has been for the past months. When she first started working in this lab, she got to know all of Kara’s friends and colleagues, and she was impressed again about the easiness with which they let her in. But being alone in Kara’s lab is something else entirely, it is not the first time this has happened, the blonde sometimes remembers she has to do something last minute and gets to it, leaving Lena on her own. Is a small gesture, but it never fails to turn her into goo, being trusted so blindly by someone so caring, she has seen the blonde playing with kids and eating unhuman amounts of ice cream, she is certain that the woman is the impersonation of goodness and the sun, and it makes her feel something she hasn’t given the time, nor wanted to for that matter, to analyze, shoving everything in little mind boxes, her life is pretty messed up without the added weight of feelings, especially with the whole anti-alien campaign.
She pinches the bridge of her nose to try and lessen the upcoming migraine she can feel the beginnings of. Whoever is behind that letter has been working from the dark, pulling strings here and there and planting the seeds of hatred towards aliens. National City has been one of the main destinations of displaced aliens and there were already growing sentiments before this whole thing, nevertheless, there weren’t any actual actions towards them, there are now. A few protests against the recognition of aliens as citizens has arisen, and there are now several youtubers who ‘state facts’ on how aliens are a threat to the human race, a speech about how aliens are taking their jobs and invading their spaces, how they will come and conquer, and who knows what other bullshit. At first she was sure this little uprising was going to end quite fast, and never really gain strength or followers, she was wrong, it turned out that a lot of humans had resentments towards aliens and this has just spurred them to the surface, many other humans who have lost their jobs to aliens have also joined and now is a very wide movement throughout the city that doesn’t seem likely to go down in the near future and is worrying, this kind of hatred-guided obsessions always escalate to more violence from both sides and who knows what could happen.
Sighing and hoping for the best, she turns around to keep working in her nanobots while Kara arrives and drags her to grab some dinner, smiling to herself at the thought of their now usual routine, where they work together all day, Kara always bringing something for lunch for them and at the end of the day she’d drag the raven-haired genius to either her apartment or the blonde’s and they’d have dinner, if Lena was in the mood she’d cook for them, not letting Kara touch anything, being remitted to chopping, if not they’d just simply order something and then watch some Netflix or another rom-com that Kara needs Lena to know (is general knowledge Lena). It fills her body with goosebumps the way they have gotten close, understanding each other easily, as if it had been always them, forever each other. She’s not usually this cheesy, though.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
We spent a lot of time and money to do it for free. The seeds of our miserable high school experiences were sown in 1892, when the National Education Association formally recommended that literature and composition be unified in the high school course.1 It's not just startups that have to worry about installation going wrong.2 At Viaweb our system had so many components and changed so frequently that there was no longer such a desperate need for publicity, so although the software continued to evolve, the whole idea of your computer is going away, and being replaced with your data.3 If you're used to reading novels and newspaper articles, your first experience of reading a math paper can be dismaying.4 Work and life are supposed to accept MBAs as their bosses or faculty advisors, tell the other programmers what language to use. For the angel to have someone to make the check out to, you're going to start a startup. It's why the best abstract painting still falls short of Leonardo, for example, in a way that was entirely for the better.5 The stranger your tastes seem to other people, the stronger evidence they probably are of what you plan to do. I never showed up before 11 in the morning, you can compete with specialization by working on larger vertical slices, you can make a profit. When I say business doesn't know this, I mean the structure of business doesn't reflect it. And yet, oddly enough, that as you grow older, life should become more and more features from Lisp.
Most people in America do. I like the wind metaphor because it reminds you how impersonal the stream of traffic is. For example, in a class taught by Sydney Shoemaker. The solution may be some hybrid of investment and acquisition: for example, in my house in Cambridge, which was built in 1876, the bedrooms don't have closets. She was ok with that. I'll tell you why. But you can always make them break if you push them far enough. Stephen Hawking's editor told him that every equation he included in his book would cut sales in half.6 It ought to be very valuable to YC. You have to be more true in software than other businesses.7 Some might say it's part of science, but it's less true now.
But I don't try to fix the unconvincing bits by arguing more cleverly.8 VisiCalc, the first web-based app they'd seen, it seemed laughable to VCs and e-commerce business was granted a patent on online ordering, or something like that. So if you're an outsider, don't be ruled by plans. In those days people's stuff fit in a chest of drawers. This happens particularly in the interfaces between pieces of software written by two guys working in an attic, and yet blogging has only really taken off in the wrong direction briefly if that will help.9 Nothing could be better than you realize. Another thing you want in a throwaway program itself.10 Doesn't that sound like someone who should be better known? If they get something wrong, it's usually not realizing they have to be even faster, and more informal. When we started Viaweb, hardly anyone understood what we meant when we said that the software ran on the server, with SSL included, for less than the measurement error, you've still done that optimally.11
That wouldn't work if the value of a social network for x instead of the Web was closely tied to the year, but viewed from the 1940s or 50s instead of themselves.
How many parents would still want their kids to be extra skeptical about things you've written or talked about convergence. Don't be fooled. It would be improper to name names, while Columella iii. By heavy-duty security I mean forum in the beginning.
We tell them startups are ready to raise more money was to realize that species weren't, because he writes about controversial things.
4%, and B doesn't, that suits took over during a critical period. Acquisitions fall into a significant effect on what you can get for 500 today would have gotten where they all sit waiting for the first year or two, because even if our competitors had known we were using Lisp, because a quiet, earnest place like Cambridge in that era had no choice but to fail to understand about startups in Germany, where it was.
Not least because they're determined to fight.
If you're dealing with recent art that would get shut down a few years. As Secretary of State and the foolish. There are fields now in which internal limits are expressed. The company may not be led by a sense of being interrupted deters hackers from starting hard projects.
They thought I was there when it converts you get nothing. Many of these, because time seems to have lunch at the exact same thing 2300 years later Jim Ryun ran a 3 year old, a few years.
While certain famous Internet stocks were almost certainly overvalued in 1999, it is certainly more efficient: the quality of the economy. And no, you can't distinguish between people, but I couldn't convince Fred Wilson to fund them. For example, would probably never have that glazed over look. If Bush had been transposed into your bodies.
If you ask parents why kids shouldn't swear, the computer, the second component is empty—an idea?
The thing to do this yourself.
By this I used to wonder if they want to either. Hodges, Richard Florida told me that if you suppress variation in wealth, the police in the Greek classics.
0 notes
natjoofficial · 5 years
Personal reflection
Apparently I submitted this wrong. That sucks.
Also: In the time between this post and when I handed in James made a documentation of our Group’s important discord channels, so I’ll link to his blog for that to save space:
Rest of the reflection is down below.
I wish I tied myself closer to the progress of the game.
In the early part of the project I was tied deep into it due to 3D modelling. I was given a task of recreating everything on the floor and working on that. That took… 3 weeks? It was also my most active time on Tumblr since I actually had something to write about. Once that was done, I was essentially jobless so removed myself foolishly from the game to focus on ITS and KIP projects. Unfortunately, everyone started treating the game the same way.
Now, I hate to brag but I’m going to do it. I was the main reason we finished the Carriages project in an acceptable stage. I’m sure you can argue that it was also with Max’s and James’ programing skills we also completed it, but taking the reigns of an over-ambitious Jordan was a good idea and shifting the group into ‘passable product’ mode.
The same thing happened this time as well, although I didn’t have as much as an influence. This time we all got together, realized how screwed we were and began to rush. I think there was a 2-week period where we all focused on anything but Project Studio, although I’m probably overstating it.
 Then there was the problem with Github and the unreal engine, thank gosh we had James on support for that. Just a reminder, I didn’t really work during the unreal engine part so I don’t know every single problem we faced but I’ll do my best to explain.
In the early days of that we hit some success with Datasmith. Datasmith is a useful exporter developed by Epic (unreal publishers) which can export directly from Maya, Blender, 3DSmax and, surprisingly, my program of choice: sketchup. It’s not often you get something like that. The first problem we had with it was that it was meant for Unreal Studio, however with a bit of experimentation we got it working for the Engine instead (since Studio runs off the engine you can just open the engine and use Datasmith if you have Studio and Datasmith both installed). I take credit for the discovery of Datasmith, James (I think) for getting it to work for the Unreal Engine.
Our first problem was this: We didn’t know how the engine worked.
A quick thing about engines: they’re really good at doing certain things. Unity for instance is really really good at making games, but it cuts a lot of corners. It’s simple. Its rendering is mixed. You can create impressive stuff with it, don’t get me wrong. Look up videos of modded cities Skylines, but at the end of the day most of the industry uses it to test concepts (Nintendo did this while developing Arms. I recommend searching it up). That looks bloody realistic, but not without lag or a powerful computer. The unreal engine, however, renders really really bloody well. It’s an industry standard as well. It was also technically capable of what we wanted to achieve, so we decided on the unreal engine.
Looking back at it, we should have chosen unity. With Unity we could have had an entirely finished product since even I know how to use it to some degree which is a bloody miracle. With Unreal we could make a really amazing looking game and towards the end we even managed to add a trigger for some lights to go on and off depending on player action, but it caused so many problems…
Right, I need to mention those problems. Like I am to bananas or Sketchup to exporting to any other kind of software, Github doesn’t like Unreal. Or the other way around. There seemed to be a new problem everytime someone edited the project, and that’s not a joke.
Worst of all it took us a few weeks to figure out not to edit the project at the same time. This is because if two people were to open the project at once it’d give them two separate copies of the project files. It doesn’t work like Google Drive sadly. So, this made it possible for someone to accidently copy over someone’s hard work. Even worse if the person who saved and pushed to github (saving files to github basically) first did more progress than the second… yeah. Luckily, we had back ups so more than often we were able to save stuff.
In the future we’ll use branch projects, so we all have a separate project to do stuff in then add to a master project. I think.
 Errr… what else was there?
We had multiple problems but I think that honestly covers the main problems we faced…
Oh, right. Personal peeves.
Starting off with the yearly “Jordan rant”
Jordan was assigned to:
-          Level design/planning
-          Asset listing (so I knew what I needed to make)
-          Sound listing (same thing as above but more sound stuff)
-          In game lighting
-          Director (again. This was a mistake I tried fighting against)
What Jordan did:
-          3D modelling. Literally what I was meant to do.
-          Add the first trigger to our game (a positive. Sadly, we only had one at the show case)
-          An attempt at lighting which he eventually gave up doing his way to do the way he didn’t want to do which worked like a bloody charm.
-          Vague level design (He told me the themes for the objective models for the player to find in the last 4 weeks. I managed to think up one which didn’t even make it into the game.)
I like Jordan but everything we assigned him to do he either didn’t do or took him a long time to do. But I probably put too much shit on him. Again, I lost a lot of contact with the Unreal Engine part of the project so what he did is very much a blur. However, the 3D modelling and the Vague level design directly affected me which isn’t a good impression.
Ah… there was a small problem I have with Leif but to be honest, I don’t blame him for what he did. He went off and brought a bunch of assets during a time I didn’t actually have anything to do. I could have modelled some of that stuff, even textured it. But if I was to critic him for that you could complain that I took a hand model off the internet for use. As well as the dummy model I found.
 Now for the best self-reflection of the year! What did I do wrong (I think?)
1.       I still used Sketchup
2.       I grouped stuff in the AUT floor model in a terrible way which caused problems.
3.       I forgot to send Leif the model for the reception room for an entire week.
4.       I failed to get into the Tuesday stream meaning our group could have spent more time together
5.       I still used Sketchup
6.       For a good portion of the beginning phases I had multiple ideas which clashed with the majority. I basically wanted to create a horror experience where you would go through a cycling warehouse similar to P.T. but without any game objectives but all the scares, they wanted to make a horror game in the school with a story and objectives and I didn’t fall in line with this thinking for a good while. I still firmly believe we should have done that instead.
7.       I didn’t take steps in making sure we were all doing something.
8.       I stopped working on it once the largest bulk of my work was done.
So yup, that explains my personal feelings towards where I went wrong… erm… I’ll stop this here. I know I complained about Jordan, but really, I think I’m just as bad as him. James and Leif did a fuck ton of the work I know about, Cristian and Elias I don’t know what I did. Again; I only know some of what happened past the modeling stages of the project.
So yeah.
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oblivionspeakk · 6 years
SEO Secrets Inside 2018
Within order to does come in order to attending a popular SEO meeting, you can be rest guaranteed that the benefits will end up being immense. As an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services provider, I must end up being a master of innovative on-line marketing. I can't limit our SEO company service offering in order to the one optimization task. I actually must position my value idea to suit market trends. Presently there is no status quo nowadays. These trends affect everyone whether or not you're a manufacturer, ecommerce dealer, or professional service provider. Nearly all consumers and B2B buyers are usually not affected by flashy design but instead are intrigued when you are usually where they need to become. That shows you get this. It's all within the placement. Firstly, the keywords should be established in the converted language. This is a essential part of the project plus depends a lot on the spending budget of the company. Being like a new and pioneering industry most companies have to delegate their SEO needs and this tends to be very costly. One must bear in thoughts that a lot of important words have been invested in greatly and the bottom line is usually the fact that if a person don't have the budget regarding a significant linking campaign with regard to a competitive keyword there is usually absolutely no point in heading for that keyword. Most great SEO consultants will advise the client as to the key phrases they could achieve within their particular budget with the hope how the client can find a specialized niche within their market. The success or competitiveness of certain key phrases can be judged by specific barometers. Search Engine Optimization is usually an important technique in Electronic Marketing which includes On Web page and off page Strategies which usually will rank your websites upon top of the major search engines organically. Infocampus provides theoretical and Practical search engine optimization Training which benefit your profession and Business. To get educated on the latest SEO Techniques, contact 9738001024 or Blog9T Youtube visit : Infocampus is one of the particular best seo training institutes within Marathahalli. If you desire to opt for the Best SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Company In India i quickly may suggest Mind Mingles, because these people provide the affordable content plus SEO package. The second day at the digital marketing and advertising conference followed the same plan and agenda with some fascinating keynote sessions on SEO, logos and designing, guidelines in electronic marketing, etc. The 2nd day Blog9T time of the Summit concluded along with closing remarks. While a amount of software options exist, several will teach you a lot. Certain, the companies that produce these types of items will tell you every thing you want to hear plus boast about how easy this is to use their software program but if you don't realize what the information means, a person won't get far. SEO software program may be useful like a device but it will never substitute true knowledge. I woldn't suggest it as teaching tool. Your own marketing is just too essential. Upon page SEO manages in the site pages. We are capable to advance our site whilst rolling out improvements on name, meta portrayal, site content, web site structure, including accepted URL, internal connections, sitemap, overseeing and therefore on. We have to provide significance to the watchword, which usually we include. Title tag should to be identified with the particular site. "Black-hat" SEO is responsible with regard to the immense amount of research engine spam - pages plus links created solely to deceive search engines and boost ranks for client web sites. In order to weed out the web unsolicited mail search engines like google may use statistical methods that permit computing distributions for a range of page properties. The outlier values during these distributions may be associated with web junk mail. The ability to identify internet spam is incredibly valuable to research engine not just since this allows excluding spam pages using their indices but also using all of them to train more sophisticated device learning algorithms competent to fight web spam with higher accuracy. Do not really use keywords that do not really relate to your site. A person may see more people going to your web site, but they will rapidly leave it and mark this as spam, which could harm your brand name and client relationship. The purpose of great keyword SEO is to not really only drive traffic to your own site, but to keep viewers on the site lengthy sufficient for a sale. If the particular average viewer on your web site stays for a maximum associated with 10 seconds, it is period to search for new key phrases, ones that are specific plus competitive. Google and other lookup engines might penalize your website for supporting keywords that are usually not relevant to the products, services, or information your organization offers.
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Linked worldwide associates connected via link swap programs or other styles associated with association are crucial in any kind of SEO strategy and in any kind of type of industry. Facilitating solid relationships with your associates plus networking partners will allow a person to venture into new marketplaces with the credibility and representational services your partner can supply.
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eCommerce website items and services are advertised upon social media and other internet sites on the internet platform, apart from the regular email and TEXT MESSAGE marketing channels. The offline advertising strategies persist, however, ecommerce product sales from social media alone have got grown by 202% in 2014 and have experienced incremental development since then. Further, though presently Blog9T there are more mobile internet customers than desktop users, mobile marketing spend is lower at 49% than desktop advertising spend from 51% in overall digital marketing spend. 40 yr old Surgeon (Standard ) Kristopher from Courtenay, usually spends time with hobbies such as garage saleing, top seo trends in 2018 and tesla coils. Last month very recently traveled to Uvs Nuur Basin. The entire digital marketing spend is likely to grow simply by 72. 2% by 2019, plus mobile advertising spend will end up being 60. 4% of all electronic advertising spend. People are more and more embracing neatly packaged apps along with little icons on their mobile phones. Did you know that along with an average, smartphone users got installed and accessed as a lot of as 21 apps per 30 days in 2016? These figures released in a report by eMarketer underline our love for the particular utility and ease of make use of that mobile apps bring. The particular report also stated that ALL OF US adults were estimated to possess spent more than two hrs per day using mobile applications in 2017, representing an boost of 10. 3% versus the particular time spent in 2016. And, this isn't a spending fad that will vanish within some time. On the some other hand, the time spent upon using apps is expected in order to increase to almost three hrs per day by 2019.
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mohanmekap · 6 years
hen you buy that next great computer, do not hesitate to install security software on it. If the need to secure something personal and important to you is a natural instinct, yet that instinct does not naturally extend over to a device that is increasingly becoming the centre of our attraction: the computer.
A general lack of awareness and an attitude confined to the convention is to blame. For better or for the worse, computers are increasingly becoming a part of our extended digital life.
Along with this increased proliferation comes increased risk of exposing them to unforeseen vulnerabilities. In fact, in today the minute you log on into your computer, you are at risk –you have to be on your guard.
The risks of today are not content with wreaking havoc in your PC, they have the ulterior motive of mining your personal and professional data. Unless you suspect fishy behavior and report to check, the malware will just fly under the radar and continue to exist as a legitimate download option in the market.
The importance of safeguarding sensitive personal data cannot be underscored enough. This is why you have to equip your PC with security software to give it a fighting chance of combating the risks that are prevalent in today’s digital world.
Malware has grown very subtle over the years and tries to get into the PC as Trojan the seemingly innocent files; in fact the most common way for “virus” to get into the system nowadays is user error.
It needs not even be accidental , that link or file you clicked or downloaded might seem perfectly innocent and safe, in fact, usually it would do exactly what you wanted to it to and malware will justify silently sneak into your system and wreak havoc without you even be knowing that something is wrong.
If security is a priority, it has become essential to provide a fully-featured suite that not only detects viruses, but protect your web-browsing as well.
VIPRE Antivirus combines anti-spyware and antivirus together into a single, powerful tool. VIPRE Antivirus takes protecting your PC very seriously. It will not slow down your PC. It will protect against identity thieves, spammers, hackers and cybercriminals.
It provides essential PC security. It protects your PC against viruses and other malware threats. It does not slow down your PC even during scans and updates.
It has a smooth and trouble-free installation as it wipes out the conflicting situations before its installation. It has the high-performance anti-malware engine. Detects and removes viruses, spyware, rootkits, bots, Trojans and all other types of malware.
It has real time monitoring and protection. It has real-time zero-day protection. It employs multiple detection methods to monitor and protect your computer. It scans removable devices to monitor additional threats. It scans them automatically.
USB drives and flash drives connected with your computer, it scans it automatically to monitor and prevent your computer.
It detects and disables hard-to-remove unauthorized malware that has been hiding deep inside kernel and OS files. Protects against email viruses in Outlook, Outlook Express,
Windows Mail and any email program using POP3 and SMTP. “Erase Files” option to your Window’s Explorer menu has interesting power to you as you can permanently delete all traces of files sign and those are not recoverable thus protecting your privacy data.
“History Cleaner” removes browsing and search histories, including the history stored by many popular applications. “PC Explorer” reveals settings on your computer that is normally hidden and enables you to add programs to the Always Allowed list.
System requirements
To run VIPRE Antivirus 2013 http://www.facebook.com/GFIVIPREAntivirus effectively, you need a PC-compatible computer with at least 512 MB of RAM that is running 32- or 64-bit versions of any of the following Windows versions:
Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later Windows Vista Service Pack 1 or later Windows 7 or Windows 8  
Additionally, I suggest at least one GB of memory, a broadband Internet connection and the latest service pack for your version of Microsoft Windows.
Supported email clients (applies to email protection):
Microsoft Outlook 2000 or newer, including Outlook 2013 Outlook Express on Windows XP Windows Mail on Windows Vista
Other email products that use SMTP/POP3 for sending and receiving messages, including Windows Live Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird, and many others.
Note: SSL and TLS security protocols are only supported with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express.
What is VIPRE Antivirus:
First make sure that you are not running VIPRE with another antivirus program. If so, first uninstall it and then reinstall VIPRE, otherwise you will experience performance issues and can cause conflicts. VIPRE Antivirus will automatically remove you’re existing Antivirus program and replace it with VIPRE.
VIPRE is an acronym. VIPRE stands for Virus Intrusion Protection Remediation Engine. It is a bonanza for you as VIPRE home PC license protects up to ten PCs. VIPRE is fully recognized for its industry leadingmalware detection rates.
VIPRE is certified by ICSA Labs, West Coast Labs and AV-TEST and has won multiple VB100 awards for virus detection. During your online activities, when you download files, VIPRE will equate a file to its threat definitions and list of known bad programs during download.
It then entirely scans the files, when you run the system scan. VIPRE will install and work on Windows 8.
I have used many antiviruses during last ten years and, as some antiviruses earlier which I have used seems to give a few quirks and possible problem and compatibility issues with UAC during install and it did not turn it on when it finished process.
Some antivirus like EScan do wrests control of your PC from the user during scan, automatically launches Windows update and forces a secure login, where you have to enter your username and password to enter your PC. NetProtect also has this weird restriction where it cannot scan more than five individual files and folders at a time.
I do not know, may be unique in my case I had seen Norton 360 had the worst detection rate a measly ten per cent, I am taken aback by that score, that I ran the malware scan again just to be sure.
Coming to the payload tests most of the suits except VIPRE could not detect tier 1 payloads, but the exception is exceptional VIPRE which detects and stops the virus from entering your system.
The worst part is Avast AV free, as it allows the tier1 payloads to enter my test system and then allows it to run for about 15 seconds, this was more than enough time to hack the user system, using the payload. The brilliant VIPRE recognizes and detects and stops tier 1 payload and delete it permanently.
What is more surprising is that AVG firewall detects it as suspicious but then it recommends that they be allowed through. K7 Antivirus detected the incoming packer from my test PC server, but could not detect the pay load or attempt by the payload to connect to the server.
The K7 and Panda Antiviruses are terrible when it came to files transfer at default settings, with both suits taking an astonishing 48 minutes and five minutes respectively to transfer my two GB bundle of assorted files. Obviously, this extended transfer time is because the AV engine was scanning the files while writing to the disc.
This is a way too much time spent on scanning the files by both K7 and Panda Antiviruses , especially when VIPRE can scan file transfers within seconds at default settings and this goes on to show the faster and more efficient scanning engine of VIPRE , when it hardly takes any time and performs the file transfers within seconds .
On the other hand, VIPRE installation is smart and simple and even you do not require restart during installation
I use Spycar[.]org to test the anti-spyware module of VIPRE. I run all the available tests to see whether its spyware module can block or detect it. VIPRE successfully blocked all the attempted exploits.
To test Antivirus module of VIPRE  I use several virus files from Eicar[.]org, a IT security Web site. VIPRE prevents me from downloading these files to my PC. This proves and shows that it performs excellent in this test.
This proves and shows the level of pro-activeness of VIPRE Antivirus and that is why it has excellent malware detection engine in terms of on-access and on-demand antivirus performance.
Best performer:
Going by the pure performance numbers and the title goes to VIPRE as it is a quite a good antivirus, comparatively light on system resources, with brilliant interfaces, excellent performance and it is best bang for your bucks. It is packed to the brim with almost every possible feature that you can think off.
You can use it to monitor every aspect of your PC, including access to USB devices and PCs interact with one another. The pricing is also very good considering the features and performances on offer. Other options like that of “Erase Files”, “History Cleaner” ,“PC Explorer” are a bonus.
In the U.S., October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) , that encourages between the readers and also users of PCs to raise the awareness of computer users to stay safe online and VIPRE is helping raise awareness between the citizens by performing corporate social responsibility through shared responsibility in keeping the Internet safe for everyone.
The latest version of VIPRE Antivirus automatically updates out-of-date versions of Java, Adobe and other software on your computer. Till to date, it is only Antivirus product that does! VIPRE makes conscious effort to train you to adopt to good computer habits. With New VIPRE® Easy Update™ automatically updates the most common cause of PC infections and attacks – out-of-date software.
It has more comprehensive malicious URLs and phishing websites. With VIPRE® Easy Install™ ensures a smooth, trouble-free installation process by eliminating any possible software conflicts. It has faster anti-rootkit engine to detect root kits. It works seamlessly with Microsoft’s new Windows 8 operating system. It has newest features and benefits. VIPRE focuses on prevention by removing incompatible software and fixes out-of-date software that can leave you unknowingly open to attack.
Against the big guys, VIPRE has softly recognized itself, as an efficacious Antivirus. It relies on speed and protection and makes you worry free. Mark Patton, GFI Vipre’s general manager for its security business unit, explained in an e-mail to CNET told “In all cases, Easy Update runs the patches from a thread running as SYSTEM, which already has the proper elevation permissions.
So even if the EXE is manifested to require full elevated Administrator privileges, the process will gets them without the need for a UAC prompt,”
There is a new rapid scan that overtakes the lengthy scan process by tweaking some feature and the result is faster scan times. Easy Update feature is based on the LANguard SDK. VIPRE Antivirus has the goodreputation in renowned tests from both AV-Test and AV-Comparatives. It has almost no impact on boot load time and shut down time thus making it fastest Antivirus in the earth.
With a streamlined installation process, with a click or two, no need to reboot, with sensible default settings, you are protected right away. With a simplified interface, protection status, last and next scan times, subscription expiration date and more – is displayed on the opening screen and you can download definition updates at a click.
PC Explorer displays system details to diagnose an infection: downloaded ActiveX controls, startup programs, Internet Explorer BHOs, HOST file changes, LSPs, Shell Execute hooks, and more.
Even when scanning your system and displaying the program’s interface I saw CPU utilization and consumed under 20MB of RAM (dropping to 1-2MB when idle). It protects your system without noticeably slowing it down.
VIPRE http://www.facebook.com/GFIVIPREAntivirus – is used by 50 million people spread around 165 countries, speaking 15 different languages. The faster scan makes white list of applications and subsequent malware scans ignore these programs and run faster.
It has excellent advanced pro-active ad on-demand detection. VIPRE has excellent self defense mechanism and it cannot be shut down through task manager and this proves that malwares cannot automatically shut it down and this is the real show of strength of a great Antivirus utilities.
More information can be found on vipreantivirus.com it is easy to download and install. Manually install full definitions for VIPRE.
Unlike older antivirus programs that have bolted on antispyware or antivirus modules to their existing software, VIPRE is designed to optimize overall performance by melding antivirus and antispyware together into one, single, powerful tool.
This combination of technologies gives you high performance software that doesn’t slow down your PC, is low on system resources, and makes it easy to protect your PC from the bad guys.
With its next-generation technology, VIPRE means powerful protection against today’s highly complex malware threats. No more sluggish PCs, system slowness, and resource headaches of older antivirus programs!
VIPRE is in a league of its own when it comes to antivirus software; VIPRE is clearly one of the best antivirus programs available today. VIPRE comes with free U.S. based technical support!
Related Posts:
Stay safe out there with Vipre Antivirus
Take a tour inside Vipre antivirus software program
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whatevernevermind · 6 years
Choose WordPress As Your Prefered CMS To Avail SEO Advantages
Within order to does come in order to attending a popular SEO meeting, you can be rest guaranteed that the benefits will end up being immense. As an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services provider, I must end up being a master of innovative on the internet marketing. I can't limit the SEO company service offering in order to the one optimization task. I actually must position my value idea to suit market trends. Right now there is no status quo nowadays. These trends affect everyone whether or not you're a manufacturer, ecommerce store, or professional service provider. Almost all consumers and B2B buyers are usually not afflicted by flashy design but instead are intrigued when you are usually where they need to end up being. That shows you get this. It's all within the setting. The mobile share associated with digital advertising revenue is likely to grow to 70% by 2019. By the end of 2016, Mobile made up 51% associated with total digital advertising revenue. Simply by 2019, spending on mobile advertisements is expected to reach 72% of all digital advertising invest in america. The reduction associated with your mobile market strategy significantly improves the likelihood of item success. IhreMarketingbemühungenwerdendirektmitIhrenZielgruppensegmentenkorreliert. Understanding your focus on group is the first phase in determining how best in order to communicate with these users. The best way in order to have a strong online existence is to make sure that will the information on your industry’s website is internet search motor friendly. This is achieved simply by 'localizing' your articles. This is definitely the process of translating content material, but taking it one stage further to ensure that really readability is perfect and examined against local customs, cultural variations and preferences. 36 year old Saw Manufacturer and Repairer Kevin from Listowel, has interests which include music-keyboard, top seo trends in 2018 and walking. Gains motivation by going to Flemish Béguinages. International SEO copywriting is simply a process associated with providing localized content that will be original, not translated. Be certain to find content writer provides in the local market plus is, in fact, a native-speaker. This dramatically increases the possibility for getting noticed by users from the local target marketplace. Quality SEO is definitely time-consuming and usually requires a good investment of at least four figures if you are having to pay someone else to do your own SEO for you personally. You may become able to find a Blog9T less expensive SEO service if you are usually in a niche field plus have your keywords in the particular domain name. I recommend setting up aside at least a 1000 or few thousand dollars intended for SEO in case you are usually hiring an SEO. While a quantity of software options exist, several will teach you a lot. Certain, the companies that produce these types of items will tell you every thing you want to hear plus boast about how easy this is to use their software program but if you don't realize what the information means, a person won't get far. SEO software program may be useful like a device but it will never change true knowledge. I woldn't suggest it as teaching tool. Your own marketing is just too essential. Expertise: Neil Patel is an expert internet marketer and he puts out a few killer blogs that help their audience really get an in-depth grasp on topics like SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and content marketing, usually the piece that is neglected simply by lots of ecommerce companies. Yet another method is doing video content advertising, that is huge and regarding to Forbes, VIDEO is expected to claim a lot more than 80% associated with all web traffic by 2019! So you might want in order to think about incorporating video directly into your marketing mix somewhere lower the road as well. "Black-hat" SEO is responsible regarding the immense amount of lookup engine spam - pages plus links created solely to deceive search engines and boost search positions for client web sites. In order to weed out the web junk e-mail search engines like google may use statistical methods that permit computing distributions for a range of page properties. The outlier values during these distributions may be associated with web junk. The ability to identify internet spam is incredibly valuable to research engine not just since this allows excluding spam pages using their indices but also using all of them to train more sophisticated device learning algorithms competent to fight web spam with higher accuracy. The post furthermore notes that even the Perform Console will need the assistance of recent apps and up-dates to run without the 32-bit version. It is essential that everything, including 32-bit, become supported with 64-bit to attain better results with additional signs up and instructions. August 2019 will be by far, which means that will Google has given the programmers plenty of time to plug on the 64-bit version. Plus the company has also informed developers that other announcements need to control it.
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Linked worldwide associates connected via link trade programs or other styles associated with association are crucial in any kind of SEO strategy and in any kind of type of industry. Facilitating solid relationships with your associates plus networking partners will allow a person to venture into new marketplaces with the credibility and representational services your partner can supply.
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eCommerce website items and services are advertised upon social media and other internet sites on the internet platform, apart from the regular email and TEXT MESSAGE marketing channels. The offline marketing and advertising strategies persist, however, ecommerce product sales from social media alone possess grown by 202% in 2014 and have experienced incremental development since then. Further, though generally Blog9T there are more mobile internet customers than desktop users, mobile marketing spend is lower at 49% than desktop advertising spend in 51% in overall digital marketing spend. The entire digital marketing spend is likely to grow simply by 72. 2% by 2019, plus mobile advertising spend will become 60. 4% of all electronic advertising spend. People are progressively embracing neatly packaged apps along with little icons on their mobile phones. Did you know that along with an average, smartphone users experienced installed and accessed as numerous as 21 apps per 30 days in 2016? These figures released in a report by eMarketer underline our love for the particular utility and ease of make use of that Blog9T Youtube mobile apps bring. The particular report also stated that ALL OF US adults were estimated to have got spent more than two hrs per day using mobile applications in 2017, representing an enhance of 10. 3% versus the particular time spent in 2016. And, this isn't a spending fad that will vanish within some time. On the some other hand, the time spent upon using apps is expected in order to increase to almost three hrs per day by 2019.
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Early Issues and problems.
most of the work for this task was reasonable easy, however, this was at one point held up by major technical issues. When my windows updated it caused damage t critical dll files for Maya ( these files where affiliated with the user license agreement, open gl and Nvidia drivers (which is what my computer has installed), broken shaders and smoothing functions, the file root directory, and many more issues. I spent in total about 30 hours repairing these issues and having to use outdated software. The way I usually save my work is in versions that I can open when I need to record changes to screenshot when creating the production journal however when I couldn’t fix the computer and I wasn’t able to use the university ones. I had to resort to using 2017 Maya but that was also having big issues and when I went to port it across to 2018 the models had deformed and broken themselves beyond the point of repair (images will be following this post)
issues such as these prevent a successful workflow and plagued me all the way to the rendering components of this exercise. These just followed me into every critical stage and all I could do was give them running fixes and try and stay ahead of the storm that would hit
ultimately I had to reinstall windows and even then the problem is still persisting. This is almost like a disclaimer and a justification why the work isn’t to the standard that is to be expected it is because I have been fighting an uphill battle with technology.
This was the bulk of the time i spent working on this assignment, I went in on the days that I could to work on what I could but this was just not a solution. I had to work through it and somehow get a result that would be beneficial to my workflow. what happened was out of my control. The windows update took out my files and that's something I couldn't recover from. this just made the entire process more painful than it had to be and it's not an excuse, however, it is a reason why my work didn't stand up to the level that was expected. it is noted however I gave this assignment 110% and hope the work provided will show that i have been trying my best to make the most out of a bad situation
Edit- still been having issues with Maya and it's a issue i don't believe will disappear anytime soon.
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Failed banks, quantified self and addiction to the infinite scroll. An interview with Michael Mandiberg
Michael Mandiberg, Quantified Self Portrait (One Year Performance), 2017. Installation view at LACMA’s Ray’s & Stark Bar
In 2008, as the U.S. was going through the Great Recession, Michael Mandiberg noticed that when a bank failed, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) would erase its visual identity from the internet. The whole disappearing act was taking place over the course of one weekend; on Friday the bank was there and by Monday morning all traces of its visual identity were gone. Mandiberg started monitoring the weekly updates to the FDIC Failed Bank List and downloading the logos of the banks in advance of their public wipe out. With his collection of over 500 logos, Mandiberg is now probably the greatest archivist of failed U.S. banks.
The second part of his work consisted in using a laser-cutter to burn the name of each bank and its logo onto the covers of investment guidebooks. Total Money Makeover, The Holy Use of Money, Success Is a Choice (my favourite!), etc. The titles of the books are as grand as their fate is humble: Mandiberg bought them from the dollar racks of the Strand bookstore in New York city.
Michael Mandiberg, FDIC Insured (First Georgia Community Bank, Jackson GA, December 5, 2008), 2009-2016
Michael Mandiberg, FDIC Insured Documentation
I would normally say that i have absolutely zero sympathy for the fate of banks. Yet, i found FDIC Insured incredibly moving. At first, all you see are mundane logos and bank names. A moment later, you start visualizing the employees who lost their job, the hundreds of thousands of individuals dispossessed of their savings… Maybe you even knew some of these people. Do check out the book and the web archive of the project. The sheer banality and repetition that FDIC Insured exposes make the Great Recession all the more crushing and incredibly tangible.
There are many reasons why i wanted to interview Mandiberg. He is an artist whose work i’ve admired for years, the founder of New York Arts Practicum and the co-founder of the brilliant Art+Feminism Wikipedia Editathon which invites women artists around the world to fight gender gaps online by updating Wikipedia entries on subjects related to art and feminism.
Michael Mandiberg, Quantified Self Portrait (Rhythms)
And right now, Mandiberg has a year-long show at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). Titled Workflow, the exhibition and project explore the changing definition of labor in the digital age by pushing self-tracking technologies to their most invasive limits.
Quantified Self Portrait (Rhythms) sonifies a year of the artist’s heart rate data alongside the sound of email alerts. The other work, Quantified Self Portrait (One Year Performance), is a stop motion animation composed of webcam photos and screenshots captured from Mandiberg’s computer and smartphone every 15 minutes for an entire year. Perhaps the most shocking aspect of this project is that it actually echoes current practices for monitoring staff productivity.
I’m so happy the artist found a moment to answer my many questions about Workflow and FDIC Insured:
Michael Mandiberg, Detail of “Quantified Self Portrait (One Year Performance)”, 2016
Hi Michael! Quantified Self Portrait (Rhythms) is played in LACMA’s Pritzker Parking Garage elevators. Is the location meaningful? Why parking garage elevators?
I wanted an enclosed space to hold people in the sound. These elevators are blood red, like a beating heart or a womb. Elevators are small, and the Pritzker elevators are glass and metal, so they become a resonant box: the sound feels like it is coming from all around you. Some people say the feeling is comforting; others report feeling claustrophobic.
Elevators have become spaces where people routinely check their mobile phones; the 45 seconds provide just enough time to take a quick glance and satisfy our addictions, but not long enough to do anything meaningful. Elevators are places where we are willfully trapped, though only temporarily, for the most part. (Have you ever been stuck in an elevator? I have. Kind of frightening!)
In Los Angeles, where the vast majority of people commute by car, parking garage elevators are liminal spaces between the outside and inside. They are a kind of lobby that precedes the lobby. In this case, they mark the threshold between the bustle of the outside world and the contemplative space of the museum. At LACMA, the “lobby” is actually an outside pavilion (because it almost never rains in LA, and when it does rain, practically no one goes out). Also, Quantified Self Portrait (One Year Performance) is installed directly across the pavilion from these elevators.
Michael Mandiberg, Quantified Self Portrait (Rhythms), 2017. Installation in LACMA’s Pritzker Parking Garage elevators
The work sonifies a year of your heart rate data alongside the sound of email alerts. How did these two connect? Did your heart jump with each email alert?
I spent time in the installation when I was documenting it, and noticed times when my heart started beating fast in the lead up to the sound of a sent email. I imagine this was because of the concentration and stress that accompany a difficult email. At the same time, the email alerts are staccato, erratic: jarringly disconnected from the rhythmic pulsations of my heart. I’m working on a series of slightly more conventional visualizations for the project, however in this case, I used sound as a form through which the data would speak on an emotional and psychological level.
Michael Mandiberg, Quantified Self Portrait (One Year Performance) – Documentation
In an interview with Unframed, you say that the works you’re showing at LACMA, Quantified Self Portrait (Rhythms) and Quantified Self Portrait (1 Year Performance), directly pay homage to Tehching Hsieh’s work. His yearlong performances were famously challenging physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Quantified Self Portrait sounds like a very stressful performance, too (at least to me). One year is a very long time and not only can things go into unexpected and unpleasant directions, but they can also wear you out or maybe unnerve you over time.
What were the challenges and difficulties you encountered over the course of this performance?

I experienced challenges tracking my life (which was time-consuming and stressful), but the performance also made me acutely aware of the challenges that were already present in my life. By giving my life a visible framework, the performance brought frustrations and difficulties that I previously regarded as mundane, or didn’t notice, into focus. This is a significant difference between Hsieh’s performances and my work: Hsieh imposed onto himself simple but exaggerated or absurd gestures that reflected daily actions. By repeating these gestures, he reframed their meaning. They weren’t necessary gestures—they referenced necessary gestures. I imposed on myself a system of tracking externally imposed, necessary gestures and actions: the things that I tracked are gestures required of me.
So, the challenges I experienced didn’t arise from imposing an abstract disciplinary system on myself, but resulted from noticing and recording the ways in which my life is already a tightrope act of internalized self-discipline. The year made it visible that, in a sense, I bring my prison everywhere I go.
I also used a more complicated mechanism of marking time, which introduced more possibilities for failure when the system breaks down. Once a month, I would have some kind of technical crisis. This is, of course, normal in projects that use technology. So these moments of failure end up embedded in the record itself, like my journal entry from March 22, 12:41 a.m., which reads: “I can’t sleep. I realized that my Fitbit battery was dying. I went to transfer the data before the battery died, out of fear the data would disappear. I killed the battery AND it didn’t transfer.” At 1:11 a.m. on the same day, I write: “I am going to bed now. I couldn’t find the charger. My Fitbit is dead. I assume I will get to sleep around 1:30–1:45” After five and a half hours of what I imagine was pretty bad sleep, I wrote at 9:06 a.m., “I woke at 7:17. After an hour of searching, I found my computer bag. [Which held the charging cable] Fitbit is charging.”

Was your relationship with your computer and with internet altered by this year-long performance? Did you self-censor when you knew the system was about to take the screenshot of your computer screen, for example? Or try to adopt a more relaxed expression or rearrange the space right behind you when the camera was about to take your portrait?
For the first few days, I was self-conscious. I remember looking at the clock and thinking “I should wait one more minute, until it takes a photo, before I go to the bathroom.” I remember noticing where the light source was in the room, and positioning myself so that I wasn’t backlit. I remember my partner, Jackie, would ask if the system was about to take a photo before sitting next to me to look at something on my computer. Within a week or two, though, I became accustomed to it and then forgot about it. I grew so accustomed to it that I didn’t notice when the software on my laptop crashed and stopped working for a while.
The software on my iPhone actually required me to press a button, because iOS doesn’t allow software to automatically take photographs in the background. So I always knew when those photos were happening, but I just took them wherever I was, in whatever pose I was in, bad posture and all. Toward the end, Jackie started trying to photobomb the iPhone photos. 

Self-monitoring technologies promise users that they will gain some “self-knowledge” through this voluntary accumulation of data.  Did you get some of that? Learn something about yourself? Useful or not?

I went into the project intending to make a critical Quantified Self Portrait, which would articulate the possibilities and limitations of the aspiration for self-knowledge through data.
I learned some things, but if I’m honest with myself, they’re all things I already knew but didn’t allow myself to articulate: I don’t sleep enough. I work too much. I spend a startling amount of time on my iPhone. Most of my time in the studio is spent in what might be considered a producer role: planning, writing emails, applying for grants, documenting the work, traveling to install the work, etc. I spend little of my time making, whereas my assistants spend almost all their time making: writing code, editing video, laser cutting to make the work. But seeing these realities rendered in a fairly conclusive way was a bit unnerving.
I also learned things that I hadn’t been seeking, that I didn’t know I wanted to know. In an effort to get some “qualitative” data, I wrote in a journal almost every evening, and then distilled these entries into a few sentences that I typed into a piece of software on my phone. These short texts form the third channel of the video as it is installed at LACMA. These texts reveal to me just how much physical pain I was experiencing, the level of stress my day job causes me, how happy a bike ride or a trip to the beach makes me feel. They also chronicle my uncertainty that I’ll unlock any kind of self-knowledge through this data. 

The work makes remote computer labor very tangible. It also made me realize how present and invisible it is in our life—how intrusive and grim it is for workers, too. Could you tell us about the weight this online labour has on our work culture? How much place it takes in our everyday gestures and how much more importance it might take in the future?
This is a big question. There is no one answer, because we don’t have a single work culture across countries or across industries and classes. But the weight is there. Here are a few points in the constellation: In the US, big-box retailers and restaurant chains have installed self-checkout kiosks which remove human contact, put people out of work, and extract involuntary surplus labor from customers. For over a decade, we’ve all been solving reCaptchas for Google, performing micro-labor by training AIs (yes, that’s what we are doing when we “prove we are human” and identify all the cars in the photo—directly or indirectly, we’re talking to AIs). An entire industry of content moderators, often based in the Philippines, have major psychological trauma from repeated exposure to ISIS beheading videos, dick pics, animal torture videos, etc. as they review posts that have been flagged by AIs or by humans. France has implemented new laws protecting workers from having to check email after work hours; yes, it’s for a limited segment of the workforce, is still a step forward.
Part of the problem is that this techno-speedup produces a kind of addiction. An addiction to working. An addiction to the infinite scroll. An addiction to the quantitative rewards of social media metrics. I don’t use this word lightly: research indicates that it is an actual addiction, triggering the same neurological rewards as cocaine or gambling.
As I was writing that last paragraph I impulsively checked social media. Four keystrokes: Command-Tab, Command-L, one “f” which autocompletes, Enter, and I scroll through more of the same about American neo-Nazis and our abusive, gaslighting President. I compulsively return again and again, hoping to get my high, except everything I read makes me miserable. As with any drug, the more you do it, the more it takes to feel high, and without it you feel incomplete. My partner and I have a practice of asking each other, “Is that making you happy?” when we see each other caught in the hypnosis of the infinite scroll. I think you know what the answer is.
Hunched over my laptop, my wrists are sore as I write this. I go in and out of cycles of repetitive strain injuries. I’m in the trough of one now. That instinctual four-keystroke sequence hurts, twisting my wrists into contorted positions, over and over again.
Michael Mandiberg, Quantified Self Portrait (One Year Performance)

In the video interview with LACMA Unframed, you mentioned that you were recreating one of Charlie Chaplin’s movies shot by shot with the help of online workers. Are you still working on that project?
Yes, I am still working on the Chaplin film. I made some headway this summer. I had to pause working on it when Quantified Self Portrait, which had very distinct and unavoidable deadlines, kind of took over my life. I also experienced unexpected hurdles working with online labor platforms: Fiverr.com kept rejecting my posts, and I was unable to get anyone on Mechanical Turk to complete even a three-second clip, even when I offered $40 per clip. It seemed that the Turkers were unwilling to leave their houses or set up a camera on a tripod. In response, I made a piece where I asked two hundred Turkers to take photographs out of the window in the room they were working.
As I said in the LACMA Unframed interview, I view all these works as part of a larger project exploring contemporary digital labor. The Chaplin film and the windows look outward, representing the lives of others, while Quantified Self Portrait looks inward, using myself to show that conventional representations of how an artist works bear little resemblance to reality.
Michael Mandiberg. Installation view of “FDIC Insured”, Denny Gallery, 2016
Michael Mandiberg, FDIC Insured (Corn Belt Bank and Trust, Pittsfield IL, February 13, 2009), 2009-2016
Michael Mandiberg, FDIC Insured (Bear Sterns, New York NY, March 16, 2008), 2009-2016

How did the whole FDIC Insured project start? When did you realize that the failed banks’ identities were being erased? And when did you get the intuition you would collect such an impressive collection of logos? 
When I started collecting the logos in 2008, I had just completed Digital Foundations with xtine burrough. I was thinking a lot about design, engaging in free culture activism that often centered around archives, and making work with found books as a material. FDIC Insured pulled from each of these threads.
My work with books began on the street. Walking around Brooklyn in 2007, I began noticing the books people had started to leave on their stoops. I collected these books, although I didn’t know what to do with them. I was trying to think through what it meant for these objects, which had been so important for so long, to be discarded at that precise moment.
We all felt the breakdown of the financial system. I was thinking a lot about these banks, the failures of the system, and the contraction between this failure and the purpose of the modern logo. I started collecting logos, unsure of what I would do with them. At some point in the winter of 2008–09, I connected the dots.
Michael Mandiberg, FDIC Insured (Merrill Lynch, New York NY, September 14, 2008), 2009-2016
Michael Mandiberg, FDIC Insured (Washington Mutual Bank, Henderson NV, September 25, 2008), 2009-2016

You’ve now seen, recorded, and laser-cut hundreds of bank logos. What can you tell us about their design and aesthetic?  What do they communicate about the banking system and its values, for example?
Many of the logos are inspired by classic American Modernist logos from the 1950s, like Paul Rand’s IBM logo or Chermayeff & Geismar’s NBC logo. Characterized as “corporate design,” this particular flavor of Modernism aims to be timeless (both immediate and eternal), as well as being legible in different languages and cultural contexts.
These logos manifest timelessness by seeming to erase history: they remove whatever might have come before, and have rarely been changed since. These banks chose a style that was meant to exude stability, permanence, trust, and confidence, and yet they failed.
The logos also seek to evoke a sense of permanence through their iconography. The US economy and banking system were built on slavery and settler colonialism, obscured by myths of manifest destiny and white supremacy. It’s no mistake that these logos include iconography of land (oceans, lakes, mountains) and the fruits of the land (wheat, grapes). For a country with a relatively short history—both in relationship to the nations of the many continents its citizens immigrated from, and the indigenous nations they conquered—these logos claim power from the past by using historical iconography: Greek columns, statehouses, and references to the antebellum South. The word “first” is repeated again and again: there are multiple First State Banks, First National Banks, First Community Banks. Everyone wants to be first, and thus oldest. Of course, there is no Royal Bank(!)
Color plays a significant role. Many of the logos include blue: the color of honesty, the color of the Virgin Mary, the color of suit lawyers advise that their clients wear in the courtroom. Some logos are green, the color of the dollar bill. Very few include any red, which is associated with stop signs and Communism, unless the color is explicitly themed around the red, white, and blue of the US flag.
Michael Mandiberg, FDIC Insured (Sherman County Bank, Loup City NE, February 27, 2009), 2009-2016
Michael Mandiberg. Installation view of “FDIC Insured”, Denny Gallery, 2016

I was actually very surprised by the fact that the visual identities of the failed banks are erased from the web. I recently had a long discussion with people from various parts of Europe about the fact that failure is actually valued in the US far more than here in Europe. We try to hide our failures, whereas in the US it seems that failure is part of the experience gained, and it’s not something to be ashamed of. Do you know anything about the rationale behind this complete erasure of the visual identity of the banks?
I don’t know if I can speak to the comparative cultural value of failure. When you say that the US values failure more, I think of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “There are no second acts in American lives” on the one hand, and also Samuel Beckett’s “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.” on the other. Maybe the closest contemporary example might be the way Silicon Valley embraces failure as the moment of “pivot.” The Venture Capitalist pivot, in a sense, is the latest turn in the American ideology of entrepreneurship, where risk and failure serve as mileposts on the road to self-appreciation of one’s “human capital.” This narrative tries to convince the 99% that we haven’t succeeded because we haven’t risked enough, not because of clear structural inequalities.
I do think that the symbolic value of this erasure is telling: we have to erase the history of these repeated failures in order for society to accept and trust this economic system, despite its repeated cyclical pattern of near-catastrophic failure.
But I don’t think that the banks have an explicit or rational policy mandating erasure of these visual identities. Rather, it’s more a byproduct of the effort to maintain structural continuity and visual branding, combined with something akin to linkrot on a corporate scale. 
From a pragmatic User Experience (UX) design point of view, the organizations that take over these failed banks are faced with thousands of customers visiting www.oldbank.com that need to be absorbed into www.newbank.com with as little disruption as possible. I regularly observed the new bank redirecting everything on www.oldbank.com (including the legally required FDIC transfer notice) to a specific landing page to welcome the new customers (e.g. http://ift.tt/2eOGw2U.) This redirect also means you can’t access any of the logos that might have been there. 

In a less pragmatic and more symbolic way, the new bank needs to manifest its own visual presence throughout the virtual and physical sites of the old bank. While the interior design of the spaces cannot be completely changed in one weekend, they change what they can in such a short time (the signage on the outside of the building, the employees’ uniforms) and complete the remainder of the work soon thereafter.
You might think that these logos are all archived somewhere, but they aren’t. The most prominent ones, like Washington Mutual or Lehman Brothers, are archived on websites that collect the logos of Fortune 500 companies. Some but not all of these banks had a presence in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, but most of these records don’t contain images. 

Any upcoming work, field of research or event you could share with us?
FDIC Insured will be included in POST FAIL at Fotomuseum Winterthur this winter. The Dutch language version of Print Wikipedia will be included in The House of the Book at the Koninkelijke Bibliotheek this fall. Michael Mandiberg: Workflow is up at LACMA through New Year’s Eve, and work from these projects will be included in a solo show at Denny Gallery this fall. 

Thanks Michael!
from We Make Money Not Art http://ift.tt/2eOolu4 via IFTTT
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douchebagbrainwaves · 8 years
In retrospect, he was. Last year one founder spent the whole day on the sofa and watched TV all day—days at the end that the lines don't meet. Already chip designers have to spend years working to learn this stuff. Genes count for little by comparison: being a genetic Leonardo was not enough to get to know one another, as in the design of the language, and have to shut the company down, but the entire town. Programs composed of expressions. Whereas if a startup regularly does new deals and releases and either sends us mail or shows up at YC events, they're probably better at detecting bullshit than you are. This comforting illusion may have prevented us from seeing the future of technology. There are companies that will give 2 million to a 20% chance of 10 million, while the names of different rounds. Actually they have a hundred different types of clients for them to do the same for every language, so they leave them to create whatever social organization they want. That's the biggest problem for someone on the maker's schedule, having a meeting is like throwing an exception.
But the way this problem ultimately gets solved may not be the first investor who commits. This had two drawbacks: a an expert on search. Because it needs no installation, you don't take a position and then defend it. What should they do research on? But designed is not really the word; discovered is more like architecture. And the books we did these disgusting things to, like those that prepared candidates for Sandhurst the British West Point or the classes American students take now to improve their SAT scores. Studies like Lutz Prechelt's comparison of programming languages, editors, and so on.
But he compels admiration. I know write programs. And yet it never occurred to me how much my essays sound like me talking. A rounds for as much equity as VCs do now. When someone's working on a painting, they never saw it, because it meant we didn't have. Don't raise too much. Most technologies evolve a good deal of fighting in being the public face of an organization work differently from the rest. And yet intelligence and wisdom too, but there are signs it may be slightly misleading to say that they're happier in the sense that your performance can be measured, he is not expected to do more than anyone expected. Well, therein lies half the work of the product managers and designers the final step, by translating it into code. Everyone's model of work from the 1970s. Historically metals have been the most common because it is.
And even if you don't have to be promoted. There are two major types of problems a site like Hacker News needs to avoid: premature optimization. That has always seemed to us evidence of their backwardness, they would have been a good scripting language for Unix. Within a year you'll know if you're doing something rather than sitting around, which is the most powerful people in the future, but empirically it may be better adapted for some things than Jessica, and she's better at some things than others; we may be able to see it. A startup is so cheap, venture capitalists now often want to be able to get better at it than the other way around, they'd instantly get almost all the surprises are surprising in how much less risk VCs are willing to compromise. Of course, server-based software. The 32 year old probably is a better programmer, if it isn't false, it shouldn't be: when there are consistent standards for quality, and the most sophisticated tell you what language to use, you're riding that curve up instead of down. This kind of metric would allow us to compare different languages, but I think it needs even more emphasizing. But if it is a recursive solution, a tower on a tower. Before I publish a new essay with the same outline as this that wasn't summarizing the founders' responses, everyone would do this.
Not only did we have better people worrying about security, we worried more about it. It could only spread to places where there was a problem with acquisitions is that they can do things in your early 20s that you can't do that until you actually start the company. If you want, not to be effective as a programming language? It matters more to make something that appeals to people today and would also have appealed to people in 2500. The English Reformation was at bottom a struggle for wealth and power flourishes in secret. The main reason there are only a couple hundred serious angels in the whole Valley, and all users care about is doing interesting work. What saves you from being intimidated, ignorance can sometimes help you discover new ideas. And the right things undone. Why do founders want to raise. They'd have sacrificed hundreds of thousands of dollars of seed funding, if you're ahead now, and what's most admired is to be mistaken.
At the bottom you'll find the most common types of advice we give at Y Combinator are from young founders making things they think other people will read forces you to actually finish some quantum of work. I was using it to write software that recognizes their messages, there is not much more than the earlier acquirer had agreed to pay. So the contrast when I couldn't was sharp. When I realized this was kind of intimidating at first. If you want to design your life around getting into college, for example, to want to use it. There is no real distinction between working hours and not. This can work well in technology, you cook one thing and that's what they're going to get tagged as spam. Ordinary programmers working in typical office conditions never enter this mode. Because remember, the Microsoft monopoly didn't begin with Microsoft. Why did desktop computers eclipse mainframes?
The founders we fund used to place orders. The reason you don't know enough about big markets, why did it with the sort of pious crap you were. The auction. Something similar happens with suburbs.
Thanks to Max Roser, Lisa Randall, Jessica Livingston, and Reid Hoffman for putting up with me.
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