#no seriously you Do Not Know how much of a confidence booster this is
ayylovley · 7 months
Could you do some windbreaker characters with a fem s/o that likes to wear lolita dresses :) you can choose the windbreaker characters I can’t decide they are all so hot ^ - ^
Yess hope you enjoy ✨
𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔟𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔯 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔵 𝔏𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔞 𝔣𝔢𝔪 𝔰/𝔬
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✧.* JayJo
Once he saw you for the first time he’s bug-eyed and curious. Normally your style isn’t common so you stand out a lot. Some people around you compliment you and ask where you got your outfits. Others are annoying and mean and want to make fun of you and sometimes it’s very subtle. But Jay is very observant and can see the talking shit behind your back, and he’s not going to have any of it. Even if he doesn’t know you that well your style grabbed his attention, so little by little he’ll start talking to you. Being one of the people that compliment you but something was different with him, his smile was warmer and his body language exposed slight interest. Whatever you wear is his excuse to talk to you, for example if you’re holding an umbrella on a nice day he wants to talk about your outfit and then ends up asking more questions.
Conversations become about what type of music you guys like, what artists, recommendations, anything you recommend he will listen to it once he’s at home while he’s studying. But he can barely concentrate because you’re on his mind constantly. The music turns into eventually exchanging phone numbers to talk more, Jay is trying to stay friends for very long though because a month later he asked you out. Now that you guys are dating anything you wear he loves, even looking up the Lolita style online to search for dresses and accessories and send you pictures of them ‘Do you like this?’ ‘This reminds me of you.’ ‘I think you’d look good in this one’
He’s more protective of you because ain’t no way he’s gonna let anyone make fun of you now. Warnings and threats can turn into physical fights because people are so petty. He teaches them a lesson though, and he’s extra romantic with you afterwards. He admires your confidence and how you embrace yourself he doesn’t want that to end. A confidence booster, for sure. He’s your biggest fan, probably wants to take pictures of you a lot. Even if he doesn’t show it, trust me he’s obsessed with you and wants to be around you every second of every day
(That was long idk what happened just brain meats poured scenarios out of my head)
✧.* Vinny Hong
(This got a bit angsty)
Ok Vinny isn’t going to be as… responsive to how he likes your style, but he still thinks it’s really cool. If you’re dating him since he’s poor he’ll feel guilt for not being able to afford to buy you more outfits but at least he can afford flowers that match the color of what you’re wearing that day on a date. Whatever he can’t afford, he comes up with a plan to give whatever he has. He acts cold but he genuinely cares about you and wouldn’t want to lose you for the world. If you’re still dating him when he’s rich that’s when he’ll spoil you. He doesn’t expect anything back he just wants you to be happy.
You won’t be able to see Vinny as much due to crew business, but once he makes time for you he doesn’t want to leave you. These times are actually the hardest because if he’s going through it he will want to hold you. No need for words when you finally see each other he just wants to be in your arms again. And once he has to leave again he is even worse than before, your smiles just give him peace and comfort again and he needs that more than ever.
✧.* Dom Kang
Dom is simping… you’re a goddess to him that whenever he sees you he gets flustered and embarrasses himself a little. He’s not shy about showing how much he loves you, random kisses, hugs from behind, lots of compliments. He likes to brag and show you off (didn’t mean to reference the Doja Cat song lmao) But seriously he does… Especially when you’re rooting for him during the tournaments and he wins. He’s proud of himself and especially when you shower him with praises and hugs. Watch him melt and turn into a puddle.
✧.* Shelly Scott
One of the most romantic characters and your biggest supporter. If you don’t pull the strings she does and a lot of the times being the flirty one. You got her attention with your stand outish style like Jay. She genuinely wanted to be your friend at first, but she fell first and she fell hard. You fell hard too from how her charismatic personality and caring so much was pulling you in. It’ll take a little longer to confess to each other because you both assume you might not be into girls. But with little hints from Shelly, it started with subtle flirting comments like “If you were my girlfriend I’d spoil you.”
Finally she got the courage for just one date and see how it goes. Pretty much by the second date you’re official. She’s a bit clingy but that’s just her way of showing that she loves you. When she was training hard twitch her dad to help Humming Bird unfortunately she couldn’t reach out to you much but would send occasional texts like ‘😚’ or the cutesy love gifs
✧.* Wooin Yoo
Wooin might fun of you… Especially when he met you, but in his head he thinks he looks good and he can think it’s pretty hot that you don’t care what people think. And just like Dom, I feel like he enjoys when you watch him during his races. But compared to Dom, Wooin is kissing his own ass, “did you see how awesome I am, babe?” So you’d probably be mostly quiet until he’s done talking about himself or notices that you’re not saying anything to hype him up and comments on it
If someone made fun of you that’s when his limit comes because only he can make fun of you. He doesn’t care who it is even if his crew were to make fun of you. Though that wouldn’t really happen because 1. They know Wooin would be pissed 2. They actually don’t care how you dress. Surprisingly when you spend more time with The Sabbath Crew they aren’t as mean as you thought. Well, compared to your own boyfriend. But really when it comes to Wooin he is on high alert when you’re out with him making sure no one is looking at you the wrong way
✧.* Joker
Joker is the quiet type. But he’ll make up with it with physical touch and kisses. Just like Wooin he can’t stand it when people talk shit. Except Wooin doesn’t get into fights unless he’s provoked to, Joker on the other hand is violent. So he isn’t giving any warnings he’s giving a punch to a face. If you tell him that you don’t like when he gets into fights he will just not do it in front of you
On the cutesy side of things you met his brother and he thought you were cool. And his new puppy might finally have a babysitter while he’s in tournaments if you’re ok with it. If not he can just take the puppy with him like usual. Now he has someone to gush over animals with.
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mellybabbles · 7 months
If KOSA pases and tumblr explodes, I'll leave this here.
Thank you all. Seriously, I've managed to pick myself up, and finally become the person I want to be, because of you all. Mutuals, followers, or maybe just some random that popped by and thought "cool, have a like/reblog" You have all helped me recover and actually take that step into becoming a better person. I'm happy, and I can say that with full confidence. You've all given me an unfathomable amount of joy, and let me meet the love of my life, and people I thought I'd never be able to interact with. For my mutuals:
Thank you @italic-doing-random-shit for inadverately helping me take that first step into trying out tumblr properly again, instead of running away. Thank for you being an amazing friend and always being there for me. Thank you @largefound for giving me the pushes I need to get confident on my art, and branch out and try new things. Thank you for being one of the best friends I could've asked for. Thank you @tundra116 for being a mood booster every time I see soem crack fuckin post or ask in my inbox. You motivated me to keep going and give others the same joy you give me, even if for a split moment. Thank you @still-got-no-idea for fulling up my notifs and giving me a big smile every time you begin to like my posts. We don't talk much, but I'm glad we're mutuals. Thank you @panda-of-the-trash for motivating me to actually be creative with my ideas, and inspiring me to properly write. Thank you @godofautism for accidentally teaching me to be more aware of what those around me are feeling, and allowing me to take a step into treatment for my alexithymia. Thank you @systematic-err0r for being the mutual I always really wanted to get to know. You're always giving comments, reblogs and likes to the point the support can be mindbogling at times. Thank you @c00kietin for motivating me to give new people a chance, and to finally work on the relationships I have now. Thank you @phymarsh for giving me that first boost of excitement of an inspiration of mine following me and interacting with me. For giving me a smile every time I see you on my dash. Thank you @switchthedragon for always remaining strong, inspiring me to do so despite all the hate and threats I was receiving. Thank you @liliallowed for inspiring me to try new artstyles and finally figuring out the one I love the most. Thank you @inka-boi for being one of the biggest beams of light, helping me to learn how to sympathize again and love myself and others. For helping me to go back to my roots and mend what was broken. Thank you @juno-punk for inspiring me to make my own OC's and AU's, instead of locking myself up with shame in fear of what others would think if I made them. Thank you @mikerooksi @lust-sans-vios-rpaccount @wonkus-bonkus @doodlenovaa @killersansofficial @dustsansm1 for showing me back to the joys of interacting with new people and finding joy in it, instead of forcing myself into uncomfortable situations. Thank you @safwunnz for making me feel noticed and big in the grand scheme of everything. Allowing me, even if this might all be gone, to feel like I've made enough of an impact to reach out to artists that inspired of me in the first place. Thank you @elizakai for the first step in art. You're the reason I draw and enjoy it, allowing me to actually have something to do when I'm in a pit or rut of depression. Thank you @/swiftmitsu @/artpepkin for making my month by a simple button click. For all the smiles and laughs your art and animations have given me. The joy I once never got to experience. (Too nervous to ping) Thank you @ant1quarian for allowing me to read stories that actually make me feel like I'm there, and escape how horrible reality can be sometimes.
Thank you all for giving me the love and life I'd lost from being beat down. For those who weren't pinged, I was too nervous. Thank you all so much. For all my friends outside of tumblr that are mutuals on here, you all know how much I care for you and I'm happy to have you all in my life. Thank you for everything.
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deadbydangit · 1 year
...Small reader with Pyramid Head, Ghostface, and Knight? Like the other one you did? 😳
Your writing got me kickin my feet fr 😭🙏
Ha! I'm so glad! Coming right up. I hope you enjoy it.
With a reader who is very small. SFW and NSFW
Pyramid Head, Ghostface, Knight
Pyramid Head
Canonically, he's the tallest killer in the realm.
So, it's almost guaranteed that he's going to be bigger than you.
He's bigger than everyone.
He makes you look like a child you're so small.
But he absolutely loves that.
He loves hugs.
You can't wrap your arms all the way around him though.
He thinks that's the cutest thing.
He'll struggle to pick small flowers and put them in your hair.
So make sure you make him a flower crown too.
He can cup your whole head in one of his hands.
He can't really kiss you, so this is the next best thing.
Need help getting something?
He'll get it for you.
But he prefers to pick you up so you can get it.
Make sure to kiss his head as a thank you. That's what he's after.
He can lift you up with one arm and set you on one of his shoulders.
Being close to you like that really helps reassure him that you'll be safe.
He can be over protective and has the tendency to smother just a bit.
But it's just him showing you how much he adores his little flower.
He's big everywhere.
And, if that isn't already plainly obvious, he'll make sure you know before he does anything.
Since he can't talk, he points to himself, then to you.
You have to be safe before he does anything.
He could seriously hurt you by accident.
As much as he'd like to be on top, he is deathly terrified of doing so.
He's always more focused about pleasing you before himself.
Instead, he'd rather you ride him.
You probably won't be able to take him all in.
But watching you try really gets him going.
You can attempt to suck him off.
But that isn't going to fit in your mouth.
It doesn't even fit in both of your hands.
Watching you sputter and gag on his member really concerns him.
He'd rather you not.
If you let him, he can get rough.
He'll almost split you in two.
But he prefers to keep that side of him in control, so don't tease him too much.
He cums, a lot.
You'll almost be soaked in it.
After, he'll clean you up and carry you everywhere you want to go and get you anything you need.
But after, cuddles are a must.
It isn't his fault you're so small and soft.
Danny isn't the tallest in the realm.
That doesn't bother him.
His ego is too big for that.
But he's going to tease the ever living shit out of you for being small.
And he is an ass about it.
In the real world, he'd be that dick who grabs you a kids menu and teases you about being small.
"I just figured since you're so small, you wouldn't eat that much."
And he's super self aware about how much of a dick he's being too.
"I wonder where they went? Oh, there you are! I didn't see you all the way down there."
"Oh, sorry. I can't hear you. You're too far away."
You want a hug? Better start climbing then.
Want something? He's going to hold it up higher.
Don't be afraid to tease him about something.
He needs a little push on his inflated ego once in a while.
He does love being able to carry you.
He'll just kind of throw you over his shoulder.
His favorite thing to do is pick you up into hugs and swing you around.
Sometimes a little too roughly.
You can tell him to stop, but he just can't help it.
You're just the cutest little thing.
He's an average sized guy.
But watching you, being so small, take him in?
Makes him feel like the biggest.
Real confidence booster.
He's also really big into dirty talk.
"You can fit that whole thing in your mouth? But you're so small. You must've practiced. You dirty little whore."
"Aww, is it too much for you baby? Don't worry, I'm almost halfway in."
Don't take it to heart, he really is teasing. Make sure you give him some of that energy back.
He's rough, but just let him know if he's hurting you and he'll ease back.
He's not dumb, if he hurts you, you two can't have fun anymore.
If you ask, he'll get in between your legs.
"This isn't much of a meal here. I'll have to take seconds. Or maybe thirds."
Seeing you get worked up really fires him.
He likes to see how much of your body he can cover in his cum.
It's like his own personal competition with himself.
You're sleeping on top of him after.
You're like a little teddy bear.
And you're all his.
Torhos may be a big person, but he doesn't see the merit in the relevance of size.
Smaller individuals can provide just as much power as larger ones.
It's all about how that power is utilized.
Alejandro isn't that big of a person, but he's still able to wield his abilities.
Durkos showed more aptitude in stealth rather than brute strength.
So you being small doesn't mean a thing to him.
Of course, he doesn't expect you to be able to do the things he and his men are able to do.
You have your own set of skills.
Just don't be over reliant.
Sure, he'll help you reach something.
But don't ask for help all the time.
Independence is important as well.
He finds it humorous that he can just scoop you up and take you anywhere.
He isn't super gentle either.
Right over the shoulder you go.
You can protest all you'd like, but that isn't going to stop him.
It's also his way of showing to others that you're his.
No one would dare mess with Tarhos and his men if they knew what was good for them.
The others like to give you crap too.
But it's just the way they all show how much they care about you.
He has to be the top. No exceptions.
But, if you ask nicely and do a good enough job, he'll let you try to top.
But that's very rare.
He's usually on top.
He likes to grab your hair and pull you down to service him.
He'll use the leverage to force you to take him all in.
The struggle you overcome for him lights a fire in him.
And make sure to swallow, don't waste a drop.
As a reward, he'll dive in between your legs, easily keeping them both open with one hand
Since you're small, it doesn't take him long to get you unraveled.
He isn't going to take his sweet time pushing into you.
It's going to hurt a bit, but once he's set his pace, you'll be in heaven.
He prefers to cum inside of you. It's one of his ways of laying claim.
"You took me well. Very good."
After care isn't really a big thing with him.
But he won't be angry that you can't move. Not after what he just did.
He'll get you what you need, but there isn't much cuddling.
However, he will carry you to bed and join you later.
He may not be the most affectionate, but he does care.
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ma3mae · 1 year
Hi, can I request? I'm actually doing an exam and yeah it almost finished but I didn't finished 100%. Can you do a scenario where the reader is overthinking about the exam that she submitted. When I didn't finished I was like overthinking that I'm useless, failed, worthless, etc. ( i did that because I thought I can upgrade this semester but turns out I'm failed.) Thankyou so much of you can write this thing for me! (Also can I get a cuddle from Chuuya 🥺🥺🥺)
"Exams are a hassle"
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Summary: Exams have been stressing you out for weeks now so how does your boyfriend comfort you? (Chuuya x Reader)
Genre: plenty of fluff but also a bit depressing ^ anon request tells u why
Warnings: a bit of self loathing and sleep deprivation bc exams are the best booster for self confidence I FEEL U ANON
A/N: thank you for your request!! I hope this will somehow be able to lift you up 😩✋ you can do it, anon!! Soon you'll be done and then u can relax and enter bsd brainrot again. Also didnt proofread this bc im writing this in a car so the nausea is lowkey kicking in 😩😩 hope this doesnt seem rushed omggg
Part 2 : In sickness and health
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Nakahara Chuuya
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our cheeto boy finally coming home after a normal day work
Like comepletely annihilating a mini terrorist organisation LMAO 🤡
he comes home to find yourself on the same spot and legit same position on the couch he has last seen you like FKING 12 HOURS AGO???
is instantly baffled and worried because??
"Are you seriously STILL preparing for your exam?? Don't you need a break??"
he immediately shuts himself up tho as he just sees the dark bags under your eyes and the red eyes and oh no :((
a sniffle follows as you bury ur face into your hands and this BOY IS JUMPING across the room to get to you
Jk but hes instantly by your side and cradling you in his arms
h-his light? the love of his life??? HATING HERSELF???? BC OF AN EXAM?????
u know what that means 🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓
Jk no jail
Hes gonna come at you WITH FACTS THO 😤✋
Exhaustion was weighting onto you like nothing else. Your eyes were hurting at this point from having to look at the same screen for weeks now, only taking breaks to go to the toilet or either drown yourself in energy drink or coffee.
Your boyfriend would often be absent because of his work and he'd support you as always. You saw the worry in his eyes and he would ask if you'd like his help or if there's anything he could do for you.
But you kept refusing him since he had already enough on his shoulders in your eyes. He was probably even more tired than you yet still managed to shine so brightly whenever he'd look at you with so much adoration in his eyes for you, no matter how horrible his day went.
Slowly but surely felt something bubbling up inside you.
"No... I can't deal with this right now." you tried to convince yourself as you swallowed the lump inside your throat.
You looked at the time on the screen of your PC, trying to see through the blur infront of your eyes.
Fuck, you were tired. You just wanted to quit everything, cry yourself to sleep and finally be at peace but no. This shitty exam just had to be one of the most important events in your life and you really couldn't fuck this one up.
As you buried your face in your hands, you could faintly hear keys rustling outside the door.
No! I can't let him see me like this!
Yet your tears just wouldn't stop and soon enough you heard him enter.
"Hey, doll. What the hell, you're still awake? I told you to just go to sl-!"
You didn't want to answer him. No, you simply couldn't even if you wanted to.
Only mere seconds passed before you felt gloved hands grasp both of your hands.
"Sweetheart... Listen to me."
You merely shook your head as he watched your shoulders tremble.
Clicking his tounge, he lifted you up with ease, pulling a sudden yelp out of you.
"No, Chuuya. Please put me back, I have to g-"
"Y/N, just listen to me for one damn time."
How could you refuse him? When you could feel his warmth so close to you.
Yet your guilt was frankly consuming your whole being. You could hear it in his voice.
Was he angry? Annoyed?
Because of you?
You just wanted to get through this exam by yourself. How could you burden him when he had already enough on his own plate. He didn't need someome like you just adding more onto it.
"I'm sorry, Chuu..."
You felt him sit down onto the couch, the soft light of the screen illuminating the space.
"For what?" He whispered to you as he began to rub circles onto your back.
"It's just..."
A sigh escaped as you felt his hands grasp yours, finally letting him see you fully for the first time and yet the sight made your heart clench.
"No, none of that shit anymore, alright? If you want to rant about it then rant. If you want to cry about it then cry. But no way in hell can you expect me to sit back any longer. It already went on for long enough these past few weeks. You need a break, Y/N. "
There he was.
The love of your life, wearing his heart on his sleeve for you as he poured it out.
Always being honest with you and laying himself bare.
Its what made you fall in love with him but you couldn't deny that you envied that part of him too.
Yet he always managed to make it a part of you too with words alone.
"But I can't. I'm afraid, Chuuya. Afraid that I'll fail this. Because then what? I don't know what I'm supposed to do if the worst would happen. I just-!"
You couldn't see anything anymore. Eyes so blurry as you tried your best to look at him.
And he still managed to leave you breathless as he wiped your tears away, feeling as if you'd be looking at the sunrise itself.
Always giving the energy to let you see the next day.
"I just don't want to burden you. Anyone. Even myself. But what am I supposed to do? I feel so useless everytime I memorize something and I just keep forgetting it because I just don't want to fail. What should I just d-"
Soft lips met yours, a slight tinge of the cherry chapstick you had gifted him on your taste buds.
"You are not a burden, Y/N. Not to anyone, you or even me. I meant if for every time when I asked if I could help. Yet you would always tell me you'd want to do this yourself and if my girlfriend wants to do that then why shouldn't I let her? But everyone has their limit and you need to understand that. I know you've been crying yourself to sleep these past few weeks and I hated myself for letting something like this happen. "
He let his lips linger on your right cheek.
"It's okay to be afraid."
Linger on your left.
"It's okay to cry.
Linger on your forehead.
"But the last thing I'd let you do..."
And lastly return back to your lips.
"Is you feeling like a burden. Feeling useless and everything that comes with it because you are none of that."
You gently took his face into your hands, letting your shaken eyes gaze into his firm ones.
"But what if I fail?"
"You won't. I know you can do it. I've seen how you are, Y/N. Hell you're one of the strongest people I know. You'll stand up for what's right. Every time I come battered, bruised and everything else, you'd always be there to comfort me, tend to my wounds, even feed me when you have to. Your presence alone would make the weight vanish on my shoulders, yet you always carry it without any complaints. So let me do the same to you and help you. "
You tightly wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his shoulder.
"But it's just an ex-"
"You better not fucking tell me that its JUST an exam. I'm not listening to any of that for tonight."
You felt his lips stretch into a smile as he buried his face into the crook of neck.
"Let's just go to bed and I'll help you rehearse everything, okay?"
"Are you sure about that? Is your patience gonna hold out long enough?"
You let out an "acK!" as he suddenly tightened his arms around you.
"Don't underestimate me, doll. You've seen what I can do so rehearsing for a puny exam won't be a challenge at all. So let's-!"
He lifted the both of you up with his ability, floating towards your bedroom.
"-just sleep already because we both deserve it after tonight, alright?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at his sudden silliness.
"Oi, what are you laughing at"
"No, nothing. Just appreciating my boyfriend, his handy power and the love he'd always give me."
"D-Don't be so sappy. Rest and save that energy for tomorrow."
"Hmm, oh well. But I still wanna say that I love you though."
"Out of nowhere... but I love you too. Always will."
Anyway yall rehearse that shit together and ur boy being the one to take breaks bc bro wtf have u been learning???? This some science level shit?? But he gives u snacks, cuddles, support and everything you need
bro's gonna pamper you as soon as you finally had ur exam and you gotta restrain him from showering you with gifts bc of how happy he is
HIS future wife deserves the best after all 😤😤😤✋✋✋✋
if u tell him that he doesnt need to buy you so much and that you'd be happy with him just being there then oh...
dont expect him to hold back after being so cute 🤡 especially after yall havent done anything for weeks probably so time to catch up 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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nenelonomh · 6 months
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how to create routines (and the benefit of good routines)
let's start with this: what is a routine?
a routine is a set of behaviors that are regularly followed, without much thought or planning. it is a habitual way of doing things that becomes ingrained over time. routines are less structured and more adaptable since they focus on the order in which tasks are done, rather than the specific timing.
routines are consistently mistaken to be the same thing as a schedule, except a schedule is a planned outline of tasks/events that are completed at specific times. essentially, routines focus on establishing consistency and habit whereas schedules are about precise time management and task prioritisation. both have their purposes and benefits--routines are typically better for an effective wake-up or bedtime.
here's some steps to help create better routines:
set clear goals define what you would like to achieve with your routine. maximising productivity? improving health? learning more?
start small begin with small, manageable habits that you can consistently perform and add to these over time.
focus on consistency try to perform your routine at the same time every day and establish it as a habit.
plan for obstacles just because routines require significantly less planning than schedules does not mean that all planning is ignored. think about what may derail your routine and plan ways to overcome these challenges.
track your progress tracking your progress can provide accountability and motivation. for me, once a month i sit down and write my current routine (morning; night) and compare it to my desired routine (morning; night). then i try to close the gaps. other ways to track your progress include keeping a journal or tracking in an app.
be flexible life is unpredictable. be prepared to adjust your routine as needed while staying focused on your goals.
reward yourself celebrate your successes, no matter if they seem small. this is essential as it helps to maintain motivation, and cement your identity as someone who values their routine.
but joanne, what are some good habits to start with?
don't worry! i got you.
☆ wake up early. this helps prevent stressors of time, and gives you the ability to add more things to your morning routine.
☆ exercise. i will forever preach exercise. a quick session can boost your metabolism, focus and mood.
☆ positive affirmations positive affirmations boost your mindset and confidence and will help so much in the long run.
☆ make your bed in the morning so many people don't make their bed in the morning, and i seriously don't understand why. it makes you feel more put together and is a small task that accomplishing can set you up for a day of wins (compounding).
☆ healthy eating opt for nutritious, healthy meals over quick and easy foods that lack to improve daily performance and focus. if you're looking to be more healthy through routine, this is huge change to make-- even if you just start with one homemade meal a day.
☆ spend some time in the sunlight spending time outside (and in the sun, if the weather allows) is a massive mood booster and will improve your entire day. lots of us need the break from screens, so having a mindful sit or walk outside is the perfect habit (morning, throughout the day or in the afternoon).
further reading:
firstly, atomic habits by james clear is THE BEST habit book out there. it provides a step by step on how to create new, good habits and maintain them and also instruction on how to stop bad habits.
the seven habits of highly effective people, by stephen r. covey is another AMAZING nonfiction work that focuses on changing your mindset and views to change your habits.
here's a website link with more of the best books about building habits and structures: click here
i hope today's post is helpful,, if you know any more resources, let me know so that i can create a giant post of self-education on routines, habits and structures.
(images are from pinterest)
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mysticbewitched · 1 year
How to manifest my physical changes without putting much effort please, im sick of slow subliminal results
I just want subliminal results, like others, but I still don't see the case, every time I listen to a week or 21 days as explained in the description in each youtube video, I don't see changes in my results, I tries to be patient/remove my obsession, i've used many resources to supposedly get subliminal results, I've read the solar subs guide, visualized, making own subs (1 or 2 subs) thinking to be positive, act like already get results, using boosters,flushes blockage removers, using loa techniques and researching more about subconscious and it has no effect on me, its like I am immune to subliminal audios for physical changes, or I don't have enough self-concept to be able to manifest what I want, tell me what I can do?,
Also they say that law of Asuncion neville Goddard and his gurus are very good(Like Sammy Ingram) , but who knows if it works every moment because when I use old subliminals for 3 months, I haven't noticed a change in my face body or even D₹ck", I currently use male beauty audios like fk subs viper kottie moza morph cherry subs curio Daniel m.f but who knows if they works, because I have honestly lost a lot of faith in my progress, And I don't want to do an ancestral religious ritual to have those simple changes, I hope someone else can answer me, because i'm fucking tired of repeating the same sh&t, I don't want to be slow results and believe in the subliminals and period
Oh man, there's a whole hell of a lot to unpack here.
You're doing way too much, my friend, and I'm not surprised to hear that you're very frustrated. You're stressing yourself out and looking for the next "shiny object" in order to obtain a certain desire of yours.
You are approaching all of this the wrong way, and you are facing away from your manifestation by doing all of this stressful physical effort. This is not supposed to be a chore. This is supposed to be a fun and beautiful, freeing journey of self-realization and self-empowerment. You are not supposed to work yourself to the bone here.
I have a whole lot of advice for you to help you out in your situation. I advise you to listen to my advice if you want to exit this vicious cycle of frustration.
1. Stop listening to subliminals from other creators on Youtube. It's not a safe idea, first of all, above all things because you have no idea what affirmations are actually being sent to your subconscious mind, and creating your own subliminals are so much more effective. I speak this from experience because I was in your same shoes ages ago. That all changed when I started to create my own subliminals.
2. Change your mindset about manifestation and your abilities to manifest by simply creating your own subliminal and sticking to it for a good while. Be loyal and consistent with listening to it every day. You should see awesome results from solely relying on listening to your own subliminals for results. It takes some serious patience and dedication to take the time to change your mindset through the use of subliminals. { Check out my guide on creating your own subliminals in my masterlist. }
3. For the love of God, please *do not listen* to Sammy Ingram. I respect and admire her confident mindset when it comes to her manifesting abilities, but she does not truly understand the law of consciousness and how manifestation actually works on autopilot. She experiences results in her reality because of her mindset, not the mindless affirming of affirmations. She believes that affirming like a damn parrot for 8 hours straight is the way to go, and it's not. That's just ridiculous. Manifesting should never feel like a chore. Feel free to affirm whenever you want to just as a reminder. Not because you feel "you have to."
4. I assure you that the law of consciousness is working perfectly for you because you are currently aware of seriously struggling with subliminal results, and that's what keeps manifesting for you in your reality on an endless loop. You are the creator of your own reality, and you are the power of all creation. You have the power to change this all for you. Again, follow my advice and change your mindset with creating your own subliminals. It is the answer to your prayers.
5. Check out these sources to help deepen your understanding about manifestation and your true self as the operant power: Neville Goddard, Edward Art, Awaken the Godself With Candace Thoth, and Niclas - Upgrade to Life.
6. As for the physical changes you desire, again, create your own subliminal with affirmations for the physical changes you want. Be consistent with it and listen to the subliminal daily.
Best wishes to you and seriously, take my advice. It will be a game-changer for you.
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raayllum · 3 months
Teach me how to name the bigger light, 11
send me a fic + question
11: What do you like best about this fic?
Everything. Can I say everything?
But in all seriousness: fanon s6 is a blast cause I feel like I get to apply a lot of what I've learned from my original wip here in terms of charting out something long with multiple plot beats / arcs, while also having a very fanfic-y feel of being multi POV which I also adore.
I've loved getting to write everyone's POVs, writing more Terry and Viren than I have in the past, and even Ezran, as well as some that I haven't written much (Corvus) if at all (Aanya, Karim, Kim'Dael) before.
Standout dynamics I've enjoyed exploring has been Ezran and Viren (of course), sowing little discourses between Karim & Miyana as well as Soren and Corvus, and building Callum and Rayla up (so I can make them tear each other to pieces later).
I've also really loved getting to do as much worldbuilding as I've been able to, largely with the Celestial elves in recent chapters. Religious (or quasi) is one of my favourite kinds of worldbuilding to do alongside culture formation (as you well know, friend) so it's been a lot of fun there.
And of course I love a good tragedy. Everyone doing their best with the information and perspectives they have and absolutely nobody's aims are going to amount to enough or anything good? Yes please
I will say Kpp'Ar is going to be here in like two chapters and I am frothing at the mouth for that
But yeah, it's been a lot of fun. Also weirdly enough a confidence booster that if people like this they will indeed, Most Likely, really enjoy my original stuff as well
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needle-noggins · 11 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Game]
I'm so so sooo sleepy but @madnessmadness tagged me and <3
How many works do you have on AO3? 6!
What is your AO3 word count? 26,652
What fandoms do you write for? Trigun only so far, who know where the wind will take me if/when that dies down (at this rate... Trigun is forever)
What are your top five fics by kudos? Bluebells, Funeral Rites, Learn to Count on You, Cigarettes and Saints, and Freaks of Nurture
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! I love talking to people about my work!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Tie between Freaks of Nurture where Vash wonders if getting vivisected maybe was a for the greater good, and Funeral Rites, which is... just canon Vol 10.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Meet in the Middle is so far the happiest. Bluebells will hopefully be happier later, but uh. it's all angst right now.
Do you get hate on fics? This one comment on Bluebells wrecked me. Way to misinterpret the text and be an asshole. Blocked.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeah! It's uh. I've only written a little because it's difficult. But it's fun. So far I've only written vashmeryl and mashwood, but we'll see if i ever branch out.
Do you write crossovers? Nope! Not really my vibe/I'm too anxious about Sticking to Canon for that kind of thing. But I love reading a good crossover.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No????
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Not exactly, but @frappeflamingo and @scoundrels-in-love wrote companion pieces to Ch 7 of Bluebells, and it was a ton of fun to compare our works and wtrite hem alongside each other.
What's your all-time favourite ship? Look at my longfic and take a wild guess.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? My Knives + "The Scarlet Ibis"-inspired character study. It's got great angst potential but Knives POV may be too powerful for my tiny emotional brain.
What are your writing strengths? I take my writing very seriously, lmao. I also love writing characters' inner thoughts and dialogue.
What are your writing weaknesses? Right now, tapping into how a character feels/writing dialogue with enough around it to make the text still flow. Also internal consistency is hard with complicated characters.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Did it for Wolfwood a little bit. My Wolfwood has got some Mexican heritage in honor of a dear friend of mine. Also I HC that Vash is a menace in French sometimes - it came up in Freaks of Nurture and it'll come up again in Bluebells.
First fandom you wrote for? LOL Pirates of the Caribbean in 2008. On FF.net.
Favourite fic you've ever written? Bluebells may be my baby, but I'm sorry... it's Freaks of Nurture. It's unlike anything I've written before and I got to lean into the weirdness and flex my irl knowledge. It came together mostly in one night and was so so so much fun and a huge confidence booster to write and publish completely by myself with no beta/other input.
okay I'll tag @scoundrels-in-love, @ladymaliwan, @frappeflamingo, and @mydetheturk have fun! or don't, i'm not your mom.
This was fun!
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one character covering the other with a blanket when they fall asleep watching a movie on the couch
(tw for talk of drug use)
Midge sighs softly as she drapes a blanket over Lenny.
Things haven't been going well for him. He can't perform in New York anymore, and things in LA are tough too. He's been fighting the convictions, and living no coffee and cigarettes and booze (and probably dope) for at least a month, and this is the first time she's seen him sleep since she's been here.
Sally called in the cavalry. Midge, Jo-Jo and Allen all hopped a plane together to help keep get Lenny out of his own head.
"Oh, thank god," Sally whispers as she steps into the room and sees her son sleeping. "He hasn't slept in weeks."
"No wonder he's lost it," Midge utters as she brushes a curl away from his eyes delicately.
"Kitty keeps making him peanut butter sandwiches, and he pretends to eat them and then throws them out the window," Sally tells her.
"He can't keep going like this," Midge says.
"Believe me, I know," Sally agrees. "I had Jo-Jo and Allen clean out all the drugs today. He'll be pissed when he wakes up for sure, but I don't know what else to do. Everyone out here in LA just wants to use him, or keep him using, and he can't stay in New York because he can't work, but everyone who gives a shit is out there..."
"I'm glad you called," Midge says, taking the older woman's hand. "I'll go grocery shopping in the morning, and make up some meals to keep in the freezer. Allen and Jo-Jo can talk to him about the drugs."
"You know he'll only listen to you," Sally snorts.
Midge frowns. "But-"
"He respects Jo-Jo and Allen, and he'll consider what they have to say, that's why they're out here," Sally explains. "But he loves you, Midge. If it's from you, he'll take it way more seriously."
"The last time I tried, he shut me down so fast my head spun," Midge tells her.
"At least try. Please? At the very least, you could convince him to rehire the lawyers."
Midge nods. "Yeah. I'll try."
"You are a lifesave, sweetie," Sally says. She sighs. I'm going to get some rest."
"G'night, Sally."
She watches the other woman go, and makes to head for the guest bedroom she's staying in, when Lenny's hand reaches out and tugs on hers. She sighs softly, turning to see his half-open eyes. "You are supposed to be sleeping."
"When do I ever do what I'm supposed to do?"
"Never, or I wouldn't be here on a mercy mission," Midge responds, sitting on the edge of the couch next to him, still holding his hand. "How much of that did you hear?"
He doesn't respond.
"Okay. So. All of it."
"Fuckers threw out my stash."
"I don't need lawyers."
It's Midge's turn to stay quiet.
"I don't."
She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes briefly before speaking again. "I cannot believe that I am resorting to this, but here goes: get clean, rehire the lawyers and eat a few real meals and I will fuck you a minimum of twice while I am here."
He stares at her, sitting up, looking bewildered. "I can't believe you resorted to that either."
"Desperate times."
"Gee, that's a confidence booster."
"Lenny, you are destroying your life, and you are scaring the shit out of your family, and your friends and me. So at this point, yes, I will try whatever to get you to agree to pull your shit together."
He stares at her seriously for a long moment without talking.
She waits, turning to watch the test screen on the television.
She turns to look at him softly.
"If I get clean, rehire the lawyers and eat real food, what if we did more than have sex?"
"How much more?"
He lifts an eyebrow.
"I don't do butt stuff."
"That's not-no," he laughs, rubbing his face. "Midge."
"And no bondage"
He laughs harder, slumping back on the couch. "Midge."
She smiles and leans back against his legs. "Lenny."
"You remember that thing we never, ever did that we always thought would be great?" he asks, finally pulling his hands away to gaze at her.
"What, date? Get really serious about being together? Grocery shopping, making dinners together, going to family holidays and the Catskills and all that other shit that you've been telling me you fucking hate for a number of years?" Midge asks.
"How is that incentive?"
"Because maybe...maybe all of this shit has made me change my mind a little."
"Okay, you're starving and exhausted, and clearly you've not thinking-"
He tugs her in, kissing her slowly and softly, his hands cupping her jaw as he keeps the kiss tender and adoring, and her arms wrap around him slowly, stroking the hair at the back of his head.
"I know I'm really fucked up," he admits quietly. "And you have no reason to believe me right now. But...I think I always wanted this. You. I just...fucked it all up."
Midge keeps her eyes closed, her fingers still toying with his hair gently. "Sleep on it. If you still want it after you have some toast tomorrow morning, we'll talk more."
He nods, brushing some hair away from her face. "Deal."
She kisses the corner of his mouth before untangling herself from him and getting to her feet, her fingers stroking his neck. "Goodnight, Lenny."
He nods and lays back again. "Night, Midge."
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coreyww · 2 years
The Owl House Except Everyone Plays Magic the Gathering AU
[Part One: More to come but this post was getting long with just what I have SO FAR]
Luz early-Season One:
Playstyle: “Five Color Good Stuff” / Lots of Janky Bullshit
Takes lands out of her deck to make room for better cards which she cannot play because her mana base ends up being just two tap lands and a Snow Mountain.
“Okay so how does the Stack work again? Okay got it” Doesn’t get it at all.
Says “HAHAHA you’ve activated my Trap Card” whenever she plays anything 100% of the time.
Playstyle: Spellslinger / Storm / "Chaos, if you're feeling nasty"
Runs the game shop
Unclear if she actually owns the building or has just squatted there for God Knows How Long 
Tries to pretend she doesn’t know or care much about playing MtG, is actually a gigantic nerd about it
“Still can’t believe they banned ante just because that’s technically and factually illegal. Pffft. Cowards”
Keeps trying to teach the actual children how to cheat at actual gambling but she’s mostly kidding (…probably)
“Awww it does my heart good to see you kids have a good time hehe…now buy a collectors booster or get out, I’ve got bills to pay, kid”
Playstyle: Tap Forest Followed by Curbstomp
Every deck has Green in it. All of them. If she ever had to play a deck with a land base of only Wastes, she’d somehow find a way to make it generate Green mana.
Her spirit animals are Rampant Growth, Giant Growth, and Llanowar Elves.
Doesn’t look like much at first until does some infinite mana bullshit, does a ridiculous amount of damage, and obliterates an opponent and all the hopes and dreams they ever had without mercy.
“It just makes sproutling tokens, what are you even worried about?” is the sound you hear before you die
Make a shitty comment about her friends during her game and she’ll Trample and Double Strike you in Real Life
Amity early-Season One
Playstyle: Blue Mana / Artifact Shenanigans / All Manner of Control Fuckery
A total Spike
Is rich and thus plays Modern
Good at the game but in an assholy kinda way.
Decks are loaded with $50+ cards.
Memorizes every spoiler card before Prerelease. Not an exaggeration, literally takes the time to actually memorize them.
“Wow, that’s a good spell ... how sad for you” (Casts Counterspell)
Gets cocky and toys with Luz during their first game until Luz gets the win and Amity has a mental breakdown in a very noticeable embarrassing way in the middle of the game store.
Playstyle: Flicker, Bounce, and Enter the Battlefield Triggers for Days
Doesn’t always win, but he has fun just watching something cool go off
Doesn’t have a lot of self confidence so their turns often take like over five minutes
Very excited about showing you the new sleeves and deck box he bought
“LUZ! YOU DID GREAT! I went 0-3 myself but who cares about that, look! I got a deckbox with Yargle on it! I don’t have a frog deck to put in it now, but when I do, watch out” (finger guns)
Playstyle: Thousand Dollar Decks Loaded with Nothing But Bullshit
(Posting on Reddit) “And that’s why proxies and casual play are ruining Magic the Gathering and new product shouldn’t be sent to stores that allow either. Furthermore, women—“
Motherfucker has the Power Nine in a Legacy deck and uses that shit against CHILDREN
He’ll use Mass Land Destruction, he don’t give a fuck
ALL the free Sac outlets, can’t get enough of that shit
“Surely you’re not afraid of a friendly casual game?” (Turn One: Black Lotus into Doomsday)
Seriously, fuck this guy
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softandwildx · 1 year
I have NEVER been a denier, or a dismisser of how much people have suffered from covid. I have always taken it seriously and done my best to prevent myself and my family from getting it.
However, I made the mistake of attending a large gathering in a small space last weekend (the only place I can think of where I might have picked it up), and can confirm pretty confidently that you really don't know how bad it is until you have it for the first time.
I consider myself fortunate that I didn't catch it earlier and that I got a chance to get the vaccine and boosters before this. Because I can't imagine this shit on steroids like it must have been for everyone before them.
I'm terrified that my grandmother with COPD is going to get this from me because our house is so small. I'm trying to stay in my room unless I need something. But she's been in the hospital 3 times for pneumonia and I have no idea what this would do to her.
I'm not trying to get preachy, but like. Please take care of eachother, y'all. It's in everyone's best interest to still be wearing a mask, especially if you feel sick. And just hug your people.
I'm very lucky that I probably won't land in the hospital because of this, but I still wouldn't wish it on anyone.
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vannahfanfics · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💕
I have to pick just five? I've written so much, and so many of them are near and dear to my heart... Well, I'll try, LOL! My ultimate favorite is probably "Daffodils Bloom After Winter." It was my first real fanfic when I started writing seriously, and to date—even with it currently being re-written—it is my most successful.
My next favorite is another ongoing project, "The Dark Side of the Sun." That's more for the circumstances surrounding it; I was inspired by a sub-server that I'm in, and thanks to how much they hyped me and my story up, I have plans for an entire universe of interconnected stories. Who knows if they'll ever end up seeing the light of day, but the brainrot is fun!
I've written a lot of character-study fics in addition to my typical fluffy oneshots and fantasy epics, but "Drinks on Me" has a special place in my heart. Characters don't often get to fully grieve in the media, at least not where we can see it, and it's a facet of characterization that I love to explore!
For the obligatory romance piece on this list, "Galaxia de Primavera" is probably it. I'm just really proud of the language in it. :)
Finally, "How to Insult a Forest God (And Other Misadventures)" is wacky, zany fun. It makes me smile even now!
Seriously, though, this is so hard! I have so many fics that I'm proud of, simply by virtue of having a massive portfolio. But, still, it was nice to scroll through and think about why I like certain pieces more than others. I'm proud of all my work, but some of them really do blow me away sometimes, after all is said and done and I review them. Like, wow, that came out of me? A nice confidence booster for the day! :)
I'd love to hear y'all's favorites of mine :D
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petnews2day · 2 years
Pet vaccine guide - Admiral
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-financial-news/pet-vaccine-guide-admiral/
Pet vaccine guide - Admiral
Many common conditions affecting cats and dogs can be dangerous unless you take the correct precautions.
Thankfully, advances in animal medicine mean that getting your pet vaccinated for most common diseases is easy and inexpensive.
Our guide discusses why it’s important to get your pet vaccinated, how vaccinations work and whether insurance covers them.
Does pet insurance cover vaccinations?
No. Pet insurance doesn’t cover vaccinations.
If you have pet insurance, your insurer requires your pet to have up-to-date vaccinations to keep your policy valid.
This is because insurers (including us) often factor in vaccinations when calculating your pet insurance premium.
Maintaining the terms of your insurance policy helps you pay for a wide range of veterinary care, keeping your animal well cared for in the event of an accident or illness.
Vaccinations keep your pet healthy too, which is always a bonus.
How do pet vaccinations work?
A vaccine is a small and harmless dose of a disease.
This causes their immune system to recognise the threat and create antibodies to fight it, protecting them against the disease in the future.
Most vaccinations are administered as injections, although some may come in a different form, such as nasal drops for kennel cough in dogs.
If your pet is currently showing signs of illness, wait for them to fully recover before vaccinating them.
Is a vaccination guaranteed to protect my pet?
Vaccinations greatly reduce the chance of your pet becoming seriously ill. There’s still a chance pets can get ill with vaccinations, but it’s very low.
While vaccinations aren’t 100% effective at protecting animals from diseases, they work in most cases and play an important role in taking care of pets.
We’re confident in vaccines – it’s why it’s one of the areas we assess when calculating a pet insurance premium.
When does my pet need to be vaccinated?
The timing and frequency of vaccinations vary depending on the animal.
Puppies are usually vaccinated in two stages, at around eight and 10 weeks after birth.
For kittens, vaccination usually happens at nine and 12 weeks.
When does my pet need to be boosted?
Both dogs and cats should get boosters to keep their immune systems strong and protect common them from diseases.
Dogs often receive their first booster shot one year after their first injections, with further core vaccines given once every three years after that.
Cats receive their first booster shot a year after their primary course, with boosters every 1 to 3 years following.
To keep track of when your pet needs vaccination, ask your vet to send you reminders. Arranging an annual health check also helps keep their vaccinations up to date.
Vaccinations if you’re taking your pet abroad
Your pet may need extra vaccinations if they’re going abroad.
These will vary between countries, so speak to your vet who can let you know whether they need vaccinations.
All dogs must be vaccinated against rabies at least 21 days before going abroad, so make sure that any pre-travel checks with your vet are at least three weeks before your holiday.
Vaccinations for dogs
Our canine chums can be susceptible to a range of potentially life-threatening diseases, so it’s important to keep them vaccinated to reduce the risk of them becoming ill.
Common diseases for dogs include:
Distemper – a common and infectious viral disease that can result in long-term neurological damage
Parvovirus – a highly contagious infection of intestinal cells that’s particularly dangerous for young puppies
Leptospirosis – a bacterial infection spread through urine that affects the kidneys and other vital organs
Kennel cough – a treatable but unpleasant respiratory disease that spreads quickly in places where dogs congregate, such as kennels and doggy daycare facilities
How much do dog vaccinations cost?
Prices vary, but two rounds of puppy vaccinations usually cost around £70.
Vaccinations for cats
Although their independent spirits make them unique and charismatic animals, cats are likely to explore places that put them at risk of contracting feline diseases.
Common diseases for cats include:
Feline leukaemia – a retrovirus that can lead to fatal diseases including cancer
Enteritis – a highly infectious viral disease that can quickly become fatal
Cat flu – a disease with similar symptoms to human flu that can be life-threatening for kittens and older cats
How much do cat vaccinations cost?
Two rounds of kitten vaccinations usually cost around £75.
Should your pet have all the vaccinations available?
Your pet should get all the vaccinations available. In rare cases, you may need to get extra vaccinations – for example, if there’s a local disease or illness.
Are pet vaccinations dangerous?
Vaccination carries some risk. However, the risk is very low.
It’s far more beneficial to vaccinate your pets than not. Your pet may feel unwell for a few hours after a vaccination, but this quickly passes.
However, if your animal experiences more serious side effects like persistent vomiting, severe coughing or collapsing, contact your vet immediately.
What if you can’t afford vaccinations?
If you have a low income or are retired, you can get help to pay for vaccinations from charities including:
Can you vaccinate older pets?
Sometimes, owners adopt an older, unvaccinated pet. It’s still important to get older pets vaccinated. If you have adopted an older pet, try our time-limited cover; it’s perfect for senior dogs and cats.
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herawell · 3 years
DOn't rb.
I got an offer for the first interview months after I'd finished applying and all the other companies had long since stopped responding with interview offers/rejections, did the interview with 0 preparation smack dab in the middle of my finals, and wasn't able to completely answer the question (it was a coding interview). A month later, I got a second interview (a more typical "getting-to-know-you" session) and I didn't even prepare for the call until 30 minutes before when I frantically brushed up on my resume & bullshitting skills. And then today I got an email asking me if I'd consider doing an internship this summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
Ruggie 1
Summary: Ruggie gained his full form early in the morning.
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“Congrats Ruggie,” Leona gave a lazy grin to the shrinking, frowning Ruggie as he leaned against a boulder, “you went from insect to a pipsqueak.” He really doesn’t hesitate to tease, does he?
“Shut up…” Ruggie hissed out through gritted teeth, “can you at least do me a favor and get me some clothes? Laughing at me isn’t going to protect me from the wind, you know.”
“No need,” you finally decided to stop letting Ruggie suffer and stepped out the door, carrying a pile of clothing under your arm as Ruggie ducked further into the tree, hiding his modesty, “I got you some things. Try them on.”
The relief that entered him practically sagged his bones. “I owe you the world, Caretaker.” Ruggie reached out his arms as far as he could, making sure the leaves don’t leave him exposed. “Give ‘em here, please.”
Ah, what nice manners, unlike the sand spirit that continues to smirk at Ruggie’s newfound size. You can only imagine how horrified Ruggie was when he woke up right next to Jack, bigger and bare as all day, his tiny clothing torn asunder.
You adjusted yourself and tossed the ball of clothing into the wind spirit’s hands. You already had a set of clothes prepared inside this sanctuaries house, but Ruggie refused to move, so you had to bring those clothes here. He caught them just fine and dipped back into the leaves.
“Seriously, why did this had to happen while I was sleeping?” He grumbles, pants dangling in view for a bit before disappearing, “And in front of Jack and Leona? They’re never gonna let me live this down.”
“Don’t worry, Ruggie!” Jack pipped up from below, standing as high as his tiny form will allow him. “I didn’t see a thing!” The joy in his eyes reflected the light so brightly, a great contrast to the conflict on his face when he woke you up this morning.
Jack was proud, that much you’re certain, but you suppose he’s disappointed that he hasn’t gained his bigger form yet.
You leaned against the wall of your home, stuffing a snort back down. “I mean, transforming in front of me wouldn’t have been any better.” While sure you wouldn’t have laughed at him—at least not in his face—your reaction wouldn’t have been any better. You don’t think mortification would’ve been a confidence booster.
“It be ten times better.” Finally, the wind spirit jumped down to the ground. “They’re too big,” Ruggie remarked as he flapped the sleeves. He really doesn’t look all the different from a regular person had it not been for his odd, shifting transparency and constantly moving clothes. The winds of this land are calm, but Ruggie certainly was not.
You just shrugged. “They’re hand-me-downs, what do you want me to do?”
You got these things from Crowley, Trein, Vargas and Mr. Kingscholar. Kalim wants to give you clothes but after that one time you let him indulge, you realized you can’t afford another closet just to fit all that Kalim wanted you to have. Crewel wasn’t a believer of giving you old things. You were either up to date or it’s nothing on his part. And Sam, well, he likes his gifts to be more unique. Clothes are too boring and common, simply put.
Even though the naked problem was solved, Ruggie still didn’t look all that happy. His body sagged a bit, eyes wandering down to Jack right by your feet. You saw the frown on his face.
“You weren’t going to be small forever, not when I’m around,” Leona pushed himself off the boulder, turning into a cloud of sand, solidifying right next to you right before poking Jack with his foot, “now you can actually help out around here instead of taking advantage of the Caretaker’s coddling.”
His ability to say such things with a straight face was something to envy. You smacked Leona on the back hard enough to stumble him forward. You gave a tight smile, clapping your hands to grab everyone’s attention. “Now that both of you can assist me in cleaning out all the other places. Speaking of which. Leona, we’re gonna have to clean out Jamil’s place.”
“Come on,” you turned around, waving your hand to follow, “we’re burning daylight. Best to get it done as quickly as possible. So you better come here.”
The shift in your tone left no room for defiance. Leona’s ears flattened and you can see sharp words forming on his tongue before he pushed them back. He sighed. “Fine.”
Good boy. “I’ll pick you up later Ruggie, okay?”
“Take your time!” Now that put a smile on Ruggie’s face.
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Anonymous asked: You're amazing and special. Don't let yourself, or anyone else for that matter tell you otherwise. This goes for anyone else besides this radically cool skeleton that happens to read this!!!
Anonymous asked: i've never really sent anything on this blog.. but hearing the stuff here motivates me a lot, and it's probably not an exaggeration to say it's one of the reasons im still rolling through life. so, thanks. ❤
Anonymous asked: Heya, I just wanted to thank you for doing what you do. You post a message every morning at 7:30 and it makes me happy to see. I always forget that it’s coming, so when I end up seeing it as I’m waking to class, it just kicks off my day with a little positivity! So thank you, Papyrus.
Anonymous asked: *sobs* i love you??? You're so good?? I wanna be your friend??? Aaaa!
Anonymous asked: I just want to thank you for constantly sharing your positivity on this site! It never fails to make me smile, even and especially on bad days. This might be weird, but I also hope that on your bad days you also get any needed words of encouragement and support and you have enough time for yourself too! Love ya and thanks for all you do! ❤️💜💞💝🧡🖤💓💛💗💚❣️💖💙💕💘
Anonymous asked: Hi! I just wanted to say that your blog brightens my day every time I see it. You’re doing a great thing, giving people a safe place to vent their troubles and offering advice in return. Keep up the good work, and I hope you have an amazing day! 💕
Anonymous asked: i love you (platonically), papyrus. you make me really happy
Anonymous asked: papyrus, you're so kind! i appreciate this blog so much, and the work you put into it. thank you for inspiring me to do better every day :D
Anonymous asked: Hey man, just thank you. Seriously. You are doing a great job, helping a lot of people. I hope you know it. I've written a few things you posted and put it beside my bed, so everytime I'm feeling down I can look at it. This one in particular "sometimes a little bit is all you can do that day, that is fine, keep going" helped me through a lot. I don't have words to express my gratitude, so thank you, thruthfully.
Anonymous asked: Just wanted to let you know that IM thankful for YOU! Whenever I’m scrolling and I see a post from this blog pop up it warms my heart and sometimes tells me things that I needed to hear
Anonymous asked: Hello! Even though we don't know each other personally, I just want you to know that all of your posts are such big confidence boosters for me. I would like to remind you of just how loved you are here! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Because every morning I wake up and see your spectacular messages and it makes me just so happy, even if it isn't directed at specifically just me
Anonymous asked: Hello Papyrus! I'd just like to say your blog is a treasure and thank you for helping me and people in similar places!
Anonymous asked: Thanks for all that you do, Pap.
Anonymous asked: every day i look forward to what you're gonna say to cheer me up, chief. thank you.
Anonymous asked: HI PAPYRUS!!!!!!! i'm sorry if i'm clogging up your askbox but i'm just here to say I LOVE YOU!!!!! THANK YOU for brightening everyone's days!!! you inspired me to become a much kinder and positive person!!!!
Anonymous asked: Thank you for your daily good morning’s :) It always sets a positive start to my days!
Anonymous asked: hello papyrus! just wanted to say i love you. okay have a good day goodbye
Anonymous asked: You are a blessing QwQ Thx for making my day so much better
Anonymous asked: heh love ya papy. hope you doin great. don't forget to sleep enough alright?
Anonymous asked: I literally just came across this blog today, and after scrolling for mere minutes, I followed you, and I'm gonna be so happy to see your posts turn up on my dash. Thanks Papyrus :)
Anonymous asked: hi papyrus!! you are very great!! your posts make me happy so i wanted to return the favor!!!!
Anonymous asked: Papyrus! You are amazing for brighten our days like you do. Make sure you are eating and sleeping right, we care about you!
Anonymous asked: You motivate me to take on the day and wake up with a smile each morning, thank you! Keep up the great work, the world needs more people (or monsters) like you
Anonymous asked: Hi Papyrus! I think you’re really cool! uwu
Anonymous asked: Hey Papyrus!!! I just wanted to thank you!!! For being so incredible and loving!!! Thank you!!!
Anonymous asked: Hi Papyrus ! You're adorable ! Thanks for all your support and love ! Keep going, we believe in you ! We LOVE you !
Anonymous asked: Papyrus thank you for always putting a smile on my face - even when things get touch I know that I will see your messages every now and then and TBAT makes me happy and fills me with glee! I hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself! 💕❤️
Anonymous asked: You're amazing and I appreciate your existants very very much.
Anonymous asked: hi papyrus!! i want you to know that you are my hero, your daily messages give me so much energy!!! i hope you too are doing ok, as well as your family and friends :D
Anonymous asked: You’re absolutely amazing - 🍋
Anonymous asked: i've only been following this blog for a few days but its already done a lot to put a smile on my face during difficult times. i've been having a lot of horrible thoughts lately and questioning my self worth, but just glancing here makes me feel so much better. i love you Pap! keep being great!
Anonymous asked: Thank you for this blog- Some of these posts have really touched me. I hope wherever you are you are safe and happy, and that all this positivity will someday come back to you when you need it!
Anonymous asked: I just want to say I love your blog and honestly seeing your posts make getting up in the morning worth it especially during these times. Thank you so much for continuing to post, I appreciate you!
Anonymous asked: HI PAPYRUS I hope ur doing well!!Just wanna tell u that i love ur posts so much!!💗 HUGE thanks for ur great effort in giving us lovely suggestions everyday!!
Anonymous asked: i love you and your blog, you motivate me every day
Anonymous asked: PAPYRUS SIR I LOVE YOU!!!
Anonymous asked: I love you so much Papyrus! Thank you! I hope you have good food today!
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