#i spent waaaay too long open to the opinions of every tom dick and harry that could open their mouth
yooniesim · 11 months
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now bestie, u ain't too stupid to take a screenshot now are ya? I knew the girls were bad off, but damn... 🤣
that being said, my posts ain't rebloggable now bc it ain't a discussion. it's a psa. I don't give a damn what the girls have to say anymore. it don't matter to me what anyone thinks about what I say or do. what I say is final and thats it. you're just a spectator that has no choice but to read and accept. you don't like it, you're gonna have to either deal with it or get familiar with a screenshot tool so you can rant on your blog under your own name- it ain't that hard love, I promise. just Google "how to take a screenshot" with your device name, you should find it easily from there.
that being said, I think everyone on this site would be better off if they realized that you don't have to entertain bad faith arguments or entitled bozos thinking they get a say in your life. you can ignore them and give them no platform, rather than making it easier for them to harass you. freaks like you will never be satisfied or have your mind changed, you go into it without any sense of empathy or emotional intelligence, so why should I bother with you? you ain't even worth dealing with. the only reason I'm answering this now is because I think it's a good opportunity to let everyone know where I stand on this. my new guiding philosophy is that what other people say about me is none of my business.
oh also, 99% of my posts are rebloggable, but I dont care what anyone has to say under those either. you come with some strange ass bs i'm just going to ignore it and block you. you wanna talk, by all means do so, but you can do it with yourself or other like-minded, no-life weirdos. not around me. it's just none of my concern anymore.
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