#i still dont know what makes me so attracted to this tmnt expy of a character
trashcanfills · 3 years
My Hero Academia Yandere Stain Headcanons
Oh ho here we go. To be honest I’m kinda eh about how I wrote this but I bet some of you thirsty fuckers would still love getting more Stain content anyway so
Stain as a Yandere, I would say is an even more terrifying man as compared to his usual, simply because his obsession with a darling will severely cloud his judgement and perspective.
I see Stain taking interest in a kind darling, since he’s someone who is obsessed with heroism. It likely starts off really small, like an innocent helpful gesture to someone, a kind word to a downtrodden soul, a sweet angelic expression on their face when they take care or aid a person in need. Stain just so happened to be a witness to that small moment. Maybe while he was strolling along in disguise, or while stalking and hunting for targets. But what he’s doing doesn’t matter once he notices YOU.
He sees you, a pure soul among the indistinguishable masses and for that one moment he’s struck by admiration and awe. It’s not that often do you see a citizen taking initiative to help someone out. Stain usually reserves judgements strictly for heroes due to the nature of their work, and ignores citizens because they are just the bystanders. To see a citizen with such a heroic nature…well you have certainly piqued his interest.
Stain starts to look into you a bit more after that, simply to understand what you are like. This interest and curiosity starts to grow deeper into an unhealthy obsession as he takes to stalking you on his free time.
He thinks he knows you so well, when it’s actually him creating an idealised version of you, one that’s encompasses the traits of a perfect hero. Anything about you will likely be reframed into that idealised picture Stain has projected onto you, no matter what. You working as a Hero? Clearly, one of the good ones in the industry filled with fakes that’s on par with All Might. You being a villain? You still work with kind intentions despite the role you have been forced into by cruel circumstances. How noble! Just an ordinary citizen? Oh what a humble and modest person you are to not pursue the fame, simply satisfied enough to help others with your small actions. How is it that such a sweet and beautiful soul like you exists here?
At first, Stain believes that he could be content with watching and protecting you from afar, like a secret guardian. Just to make sure you are safe, and that your kind and pure nature remains untainted. Then, he develops feelings, and his mind wanders…what it be like to hold you, to talk with you, to bask in your presence, to hear your sweet voice calling his name, to make love to you and worship you…
Plus, he sees how you get on with your daily routine, and sometimes seeing the way you get treated or brushed off by the people around you enrages him. They don’t appreciate you and your efforts. They take advantage of your kind nature for their selfish wants. They hurt you and talk you down, as if you aren’t trying your best to help out. Absolutely despicable. Stain practically seethes in anger and envy over those who are lucky to even be in the same space near you, yet not cherish the sweet wonderful person you are.
That’s when Stain comes up with the plan to kidnap you. He can try to claim that he did it for you, to keep you safe from the dangers of the world out there that seems to hurt you, but it’s also partially because of his own selfish desire to have you around.
It will be sudden and quick once Stain abducts you from the safety of your home to a safer, secure and unknown location. He breaks in, uses his quirk on you and hauls you off in the dark of the night, whether or not you are awake or asleep. He is practical to an extent and acts immediately to avoid wasting any time.
Stain keeps you locked up there, doing his best to accommodate for you while you stay with him. He loves you and thinks the world of you, but he is aware you won’t feel the same way. You would be scared and distrustful since he just kidnapped you. That doesn’t matter. Stain is going to take his time to gain your trust because he genuinely cares for you, and wants you to be safe and happy with him, even though the way he goes about it is fucked up. He knows love can’t be forced, so he is willing to be patient with you for as long as he lives.
As much as Stain thinks of you highly, he’s not going to swayed much into letting you go, no matter how much you beg and cry for it. Can’t you see that the outside world is too dangerous and that he’s trying to protect you from it? Don’t you realise how people around you have been exploiting your naive and kind nature for their greedy selfish needs? He’s only acting as your saviour.
He does his best to respect your wishes and make you feel comfortable. He’s not THAT much of a prick and has a sense of decent morals. That doesn’t mean he will ever let you go. That’s the one wish he won’t ever grant you.
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