#ok yes I like anti-heroes or darker characters because I want someone to balance out my sweet and happy go lucky persona
trashcanfills · 3 years
My Hero Academia Yandere Stain Headcanons
Oh ho here we go. To be honest I’m kinda eh about how I wrote this but I bet some of you thirsty fuckers would still love getting more Stain content anyway so
Stain as a Yandere, I would say is an even more terrifying man as compared to his usual, simply because his obsession with a darling will severely cloud his judgement and perspective.
I see Stain taking interest in a kind darling, since he’s someone who is obsessed with heroism. It likely starts off really small, like an innocent helpful gesture to someone, a kind word to a downtrodden soul, a sweet angelic expression on their face when they take care or aid a person in need. Stain just so happened to be a witness to that small moment. Maybe while he was strolling along in disguise, or while stalking and hunting for targets. But what he’s doing doesn’t matter once he notices YOU.
He sees you, a pure soul among the indistinguishable masses and for that one moment he’s struck by admiration and awe. It’s not that often do you see a citizen taking initiative to help someone out. Stain usually reserves judgements strictly for heroes due to the nature of their work, and ignores citizens because they are just the bystanders. To see a citizen with such a heroic nature…well you have certainly piqued his interest.
Stain starts to look into you a bit more after that, simply to understand what you are like. This interest and curiosity starts to grow deeper into an unhealthy obsession as he takes to stalking you on his free time.
He thinks he knows you so well, when it’s actually him creating an idealised version of you, one that’s encompasses the traits of a perfect hero. Anything about you will likely be reframed into that idealised picture Stain has projected onto you, no matter what. You working as a Hero? Clearly, one of the good ones in the industry filled with fakes that’s on par with All Might. You being a villain? You still work with kind intentions despite the role you have been forced into by cruel circumstances. How noble! Just an ordinary citizen? Oh what a humble and modest person you are to not pursue the fame, simply satisfied enough to help others with your small actions. How is it that such a sweet and beautiful soul like you exists here?
At first, Stain believes that he could be content with watching and protecting you from afar, like a secret guardian. Just to make sure you are safe, and that your kind and pure nature remains untainted. Then, he develops feelings, and his mind wanders…what it be like to hold you, to talk with you, to bask in your presence, to hear your sweet voice calling his name, to make love to you and worship you…
Plus, he sees how you get on with your daily routine, and sometimes seeing the way you get treated or brushed off by the people around you enrages him. They don’t appreciate you and your efforts. They take advantage of your kind nature for their selfish wants. They hurt you and talk you down, as if you aren’t trying your best to help out. Absolutely despicable. Stain practically seethes in anger and envy over those who are lucky to even be in the same space near you, yet not cherish the sweet wonderful person you are.
That’s when Stain comes up with the plan to kidnap you. He can try to claim that he did it for you, to keep you safe from the dangers of the world out there that seems to hurt you, but it’s also partially because of his own selfish desire to have you around.
It will be sudden and quick once Stain abducts you from the safety of your home to a safer, secure and unknown location. He breaks in, uses his quirk on you and hauls you off in the dark of the night, whether or not you are awake or asleep. He is practical to an extent and acts immediately to avoid wasting any time.
Stain keeps you locked up there, doing his best to accommodate for you while you stay with him. He loves you and thinks the world of you, but he is aware you won’t feel the same way. You would be scared and distrustful since he just kidnapped you. That doesn’t matter. Stain is going to take his time to gain your trust because he genuinely cares for you, and wants you to be safe and happy with him, even though the way he goes about it is fucked up. He knows love can’t be forced, so he is willing to be patient with you for as long as he lives.
As much as Stain thinks of you highly, he’s not going to swayed much into letting you go, no matter how much you beg and cry for it. Can’t you see that the outside world is too dangerous and that he’s trying to protect you from it? Don’t you realise how people around you have been exploiting your naive and kind nature for their greedy selfish needs? He’s only acting as your saviour.
He does his best to respect your wishes and make you feel comfortable. He’s not THAT much of a prick and has a sense of decent morals. That doesn’t mean he will ever let you go. That’s the one wish he won’t ever grant you.
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yossariandawn · 4 years
Alirght. Dusk for the ask. I think I know the answers but well see.
my favorite female character: Kate Fuller - Kate is such an interesting character to me. I think she is very unique, both in how she is written as an individual and how she is worked into the broader themes of the the show. I understand she may not be for everyone, but she works so well for me it’s hard to put into words. Long story short, I really like that she is a genuinely good person who cares about people, and who still does selfish things. And she pays for the mistakes she makes too, she’s not bulletproof because she’s nice and has good intentions, bad things happen to her. She has so much agency in the show, and the choices she makes really matter, not just in what happens to her, but in how it effects everyone else too. She may be a symbol of light and love forgiveness, but she is also so much more than that, she’s a person with flaws too, and her flaws are one of the things I love best about her since it highlights the good in her. I’m not someone who believes people who are without the urge to sin are good people, I think that overcoming your darker nature is what makes you good. And the last season may not feature a lot of Kate as herself, but she is still a huge driving force in how it plays out, both in the impact she had on other people, and who she still is underneath Amaru’s control. Plus her faith in God is one of the more honest and nuanced portrayals of someone with a deep faith I’ve ever seen on tv, so that’s pretty neat.
my favorite male character: Seth Gecko - Seth is the perfect embodiment of his type of character, the asshole with the heart of gold. Because the show really does let him be an asshole! He pokes at people,  he says stuff he knows will piss people off, he can be intimidating and controlling and bullheaded. But he loves deeply, and really does care not just about the people he loves (who are few) but also about people he sees as innocent, as needing protection. His view of right and wrong is screwed up, but it’s there and it’s strong and it motivates him. And as much as he scoffs at the idea of salvation and redemption, his belief that he is himself damned proves the lie there. He feels deeply responsible (which is one sure indicator of if a character is going to be my favorite, I love characters who feel a deep sense of responsibility) and he really does struggle with how to deal with that, and while sometimes he runs or screws up, he ultimate learns and grows and becomes a big hero who is willing to do the selfless thing when it counts.
my favorite book/season/etc: Season 3 - I think season 3 has the strongest episodes, best pacing overall, and the most interesting character setups and payoffs of the show. The first two seasons were good, but I think the show really hit it’s stride in season 3. Sure, there are still some plot holes and missteps, but they are minor. I wish overall they had more episodes so they could do more with some characters but with only 10 episodes I think they really did a great job keeping it moving towards the big finale, and paid off a lot of Dusks main themes in new and interesting ways. The monster of the week format gave us a lot of new cool mythology, and most of character growth felt earned and like a natural progression of what we’d seen so far. Plus, the Western Genre is a favorite of mine, so the two parter at the end was just so delightful to me. 
my favorite episode (if its a tv show) La Llorona - Best monster design, amazing atmosphere, and some really excellent character interactions. Not only do we get the obviously great Seth, Kate and SethKate stuff, but we learn a lot more about who Amaru during the interrogation scene, and see her at her creepiest and most effective as a foil to the characters. Amaru works best for me as a villain for how she corrupts and manipulates people, and we really get to see that first hand this episode. Plus, great Burt backstory, sets up Freddie's arc for the end of the season in a cool way, Richie figuring out how to use his connections to the supernatural to help, and Brandon Soohoo gets some much needed spotlight as Scott gets tortured with his past choices in a very moving way. 
my favorite cast member: DJ Cotrona - A lot of the cast seems really great, and like they really like and respect each other, but DJ does stand out as my fave due to his sense of humor, his intense love of film making and character development and just general geeking out about stuff makes him seem so charming. He just seems like a really neat passionate person, who puts a lot of thought into his performance. Plus, he is real easy on the eyes, which doesn’t hurt lol.
my favorite ship: SethKate - Someday soon I hope to finish my ship history meme, and there will be more on this ship, and why I love it so. The chemistry feels natural, and the ship deals with a lot of my favorite themes to explore in fiction, like: how identity intersects with responsibility, the power of love and forgiveness to effect change in ourselves and others, and how loving someone doesn’t make you right, or bulletproof, but it can make you stronger than you thought was possible, strong enough to do the right thing. When I think of Kate and Seth standing at the gate to Hell and drawing enough strength from each other to do the hard thing, the thing that will cost them the most, and smiling at each other so softly and lovingly. That’s the most freaking romantic thing I can think of, honestly.
a character I’d die defending: Scott Fuller - Scott holds a very special place in my heart, and I think he sometimes gets judged more harshly than he should be. Yes, he does a lot of awful things during the course of the show that result in long lasting damage (or death) to other people, but he also starts out as an angry and lost teenager still figuring out who is he, and then given and extraordinary ability to do damage in a world he is just not prepared for. He tries so hard to find a place to belong, and to define himself. Trusts the wrong people at the wrong times, and makes so many mistakes. He learns a ton of very hard lessons along the way, and while he still has a long road to travel, I really love his journey, and want so badly to see what he does next and the man he becomes.
a character I just can’t sympathize with: Sex Machine - Biggest misstep of the show for me, hands down. And it’s not the actual character  (or the actor, who plays him really well) so much as how the narrative treats him like he’s comic relief. His treatment in season three as just one of the gang just bugs the crap out of me. I get the show is about morally grey characters, but c’mon man. Did they really need his “expert” advice so much that they could overlook that he was actively preying on his students? He was clearly turning them because he wanted to have sex with them, which is so gross. What layers are there to this man beyond predatory blowhard? Ok I’m going to stop there because I’m probably preaching to the choir, but ugh.
a character I grew to love:  Richie Gecko -  Richie is the character that grew on me the most throughout the show. He started as someone who was just so unsettling and disturbing, and by the end I really grew to view him as... not that? It’s hard to describe, because truthfully I don’t think Richie had a lot of character growth throughout the show, and he doesn’t really change so much as my view of him shifts, both as we learn more about who he was before season 1, and why he was so uniquely vulnerable to Kisa’s manipulations. But being a culebra actually does balance him a bit more, since him becoming an actual predator makes his story is less about a human wrestling with a very real darkness inside him, and more someone who has embraced that darkness trying to find his humanity. Plus, Zane plays him so perfectly. My favorite Richie is the horchata loving lighter side of him, the part that loves his brother and wants to be viewed as capable, that wants to prove himself and just isn’t very good with people or small talk or social cues.
my anti otp: Freddie/Ximena - They had some cute stuff, and good chemistry, but the romance felt very rushed to me, and just not needed. And they were so doomed from the start! I appreciate that Ximena knew and even vocalized it, but I would have much rather seen a platonic partnership develop where they were both navigating what a Peacekeeper and a culebra working together would have looked like. So, mark me down as anti there. (I’m answering this with canon ships, but I know there are people who ship Kate/Richie, I am just not one of them. I view an actual romantic relationship between them as out of character, and just not supported by what interactions we did get. I do like the dynamic they have in the show though, and would like to see it explored more if the show ever came back. And Seth/Richie seems like a fringe ship but since it does exist out there that’s also a big nope for me. double for Seth/Kate/Richie as an OT3)
Thanks for the ask! 🥰
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