#is stoic and detached from most people? check
sephirthoughts · 2 months
New Tseng Headcanons!!
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Tseng being a smug villain about blowing up the Sector 7 support pillar and dooming thousands to death, but also holding on to Aerith's letters for Zack because he can't bear to throw them away, which would be tantamount to admitting Zack is really gone. He's complicated.
Tseng can see the Whispers but is gaslighting Rufus about it to amuse himself
this is because Tseng is all ice-cold badass on the surface (like it's a matter of legend that he may have ever smiled once) but he's an absolute menace and he's secretly clowning everyone
it was him who stuck gum on the bottom of all of Reno's shoes
it was him who replaced Elena's bullets with blanks that one time so she thought she was a terrible shot for a whole day
it was him who anonymously circulated those embarrassing photos of Rude when he had his MC Hammer phase as a teen (Rude was not embarrassed in the least and maintains that he looked cool in parachute pants, with a flat-top fade)
it was him who threw a red scarf in with Rufus' laundry when they were in Junon and it was the only suit he brought, so he had to do a press conference in bright pink
it was him who taught Darkstar to bark wildly whenever Scarlet says the word "boring" or Hojo says the word "fascinating"
Tseng actually laughs really easily and has a very childish sense of humor. a lot of the times that he's being all silent and stoic and mysterious, it's because he literally has to bite his tongue to stop himself laughing at some stupid shit, and he can't talk while he's doing that
no one but Tseng's mother has ever actually heard him laugh (like really laugh not the villain laugh he does when he's making a theatrical scene about some evil shit he's up to)
Tseng smokes when he's stressed. no one in the fucking world knows about it and they never will. there is never even a molecule of lingering scent on him ever. the lengths he has to go to in order to accomplish this are….excessive, since no one would give a shit if they knew he smoked. he just doesn't like anyone knowing anything about him
on that note, no one knows where he actually lives. he keeps multiple dummy addresses on file with Shinra to throw the HR people off. the other Turks can't even figure it out because he always spots them when they try to tail him. like from 200 yards that asshole is supernatural or something
he considered Zack his best friend because they had several missions together and exchanged multiple sentences outside of work, due to their both caring for Aerith. it destroyed him that he failed to save Zack and he became even more cold, detached, and emotionally unavailable because of it. no one ever noticed any of this because he's a goddamn pro
he still has the letters
he's a huge dorky ridiculous Vincent Valentine fangirl and the secret president of the (admittedly very small) fan club
the fan club is called the TV Club, as in Turk Valentine, because that makes it sound like boring nerd shit that no one would be curious about if it happened to come up somehow
most of the TV Club members are retired Shinra employees who had crushes on Vincent back in the day, before he disappeared. the conspiracy theories regarding him being alive rival those of the famous Elvis truthers, and some of them get weirdly close to the real facts (those ones ironically are the most laughed at and least believed theories)
there is some very well written but anonymous reader-insert Rookie Turk x Agent Valentine fanfic on their message board, but no one can prove who wrote it
Veld is also in the fan club
so is Sephiroth for reasons currently unknown
people say Tseng's Turk Valentine cosplay is absolutely stunning (mostly because he's also beautiful, black-haired, and Wutaian) but they have no idea how how very much painstakingly historically accurate detail is in it. he had the suit custom tailored from a vintage midnight-blue worsted wool fabric that he had to hunt down because it's not in production anymore
he actually checked Vincent's old service sidearm out of the Shinra armory on supposed official Turk business to go with the costume even though everyone thought it was a replica, because real weapons are not allowed at the convention center. he knew. that was enough.
he wore the costume for the office halloween party, one year, but everyone at work just thought he got a new suit. Reno almost had a brain aneurysm over even that much, though, so it's probably for the best that they didn't notice.
however, the fact that they didn't notice the very obvious blood-red contact lenses made him deeply worried for the future of the Turks. everyone was required to attend remedial espionage training the next week, much to their bitching and moaning
@soundcrusher tagging you cause you said that you wanted to see this silliness. you brought it upon yourself! 🖤
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trashcanfills · 3 years
My Hero Academia Yandere Stain Headcanons
Oh ho here we go. To be honest I’m kinda eh about how I wrote this but I bet some of you thirsty fuckers would still love getting more Stain content anyway so
Stain as a Yandere, I would say is an even more terrifying man as compared to his usual, simply because his obsession with a darling will severely cloud his judgement and perspective.
I see Stain taking interest in a kind darling, since he’s someone who is obsessed with heroism. It likely starts off really small, like an innocent helpful gesture to someone, a kind word to a downtrodden soul, a sweet angelic expression on their face when they take care or aid a person in need. Stain just so happened to be a witness to that small moment. Maybe while he was strolling along in disguise, or while stalking and hunting for targets. But what he’s doing doesn’t matter once he notices YOU.
He sees you, a pure soul among the indistinguishable masses and for that one moment he’s struck by admiration and awe. It’s not that often do you see a citizen taking initiative to help someone out. Stain usually reserves judgements strictly for heroes due to the nature of their work, and ignores citizens because they are just the bystanders. To see a citizen with such a heroic nature…well you have certainly piqued his interest.
Stain starts to look into you a bit more after that, simply to understand what you are like. This interest and curiosity starts to grow deeper into an unhealthy obsession as he takes to stalking you on his free time.
He thinks he knows you so well, when it’s actually him creating an idealised version of you, one that’s encompasses the traits of a perfect hero. Anything about you will likely be reframed into that idealised picture Stain has projected onto you, no matter what. You working as a Hero? Clearly, one of the good ones in the industry filled with fakes that’s on par with All Might. You being a villain? You still work with kind intentions despite the role you have been forced into by cruel circumstances. How noble! Just an ordinary citizen? Oh what a humble and modest person you are to not pursue the fame, simply satisfied enough to help others with your small actions. How is it that such a sweet and beautiful soul like you exists here?
At first, Stain believes that he could be content with watching and protecting you from afar, like a secret guardian. Just to make sure you are safe, and that your kind and pure nature remains untainted. Then, he develops feelings, and his mind wanders…what it be like to hold you, to talk with you, to bask in your presence, to hear your sweet voice calling his name, to make love to you and worship you…
Plus, he sees how you get on with your daily routine, and sometimes seeing the way you get treated or brushed off by the people around you enrages him. They don’t appreciate you and your efforts. They take advantage of your kind nature for their selfish wants. They hurt you and talk you down, as if you aren’t trying your best to help out. Absolutely despicable. Stain practically seethes in anger and envy over those who are lucky to even be in the same space near you, yet not cherish the sweet wonderful person you are.
That’s when Stain comes up with the plan to kidnap you. He can try to claim that he did it for you, to keep you safe from the dangers of the world out there that seems to hurt you, but it’s also partially because of his own selfish desire to have you around.
It will be sudden and quick once Stain abducts you from the safety of your home to a safer, secure and unknown location. He breaks in, uses his quirk on you and hauls you off in the dark of the night, whether or not you are awake or asleep. He is practical to an extent and acts immediately to avoid wasting any time.
Stain keeps you locked up there, doing his best to accommodate for you while you stay with him. He loves you and thinks the world of you, but he is aware you won’t feel the same way. You would be scared and distrustful since he just kidnapped you. That doesn’t matter. Stain is going to take his time to gain your trust because he genuinely cares for you, and wants you to be safe and happy with him, even though the way he goes about it is fucked up. He knows love can’t be forced, so he is willing to be patient with you for as long as he lives.
As much as Stain thinks of you highly, he’s not going to swayed much into letting you go, no matter how much you beg and cry for it. Can’t you see that the outside world is too dangerous and that he’s trying to protect you from it? Don’t you realise how people around you have been exploiting your naive and kind nature for their greedy selfish needs? He’s only acting as your saviour.
He does his best to respect your wishes and make you feel comfortable. He’s not THAT much of a prick and has a sense of decent morals. That doesn’t mean he will ever let you go. That’s the one wish he won’t ever grant you.
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g4rous · 3 years
Hii, i loved your itadori x reader fluff headcanons, i literally fell in love with your writing. could i get nanami and junpei fluff headcanons? (separate). they deserved better
Tysm it means a lot! 🥺💞💕 And yes istg they really did :')) 💔 Hope I did them some justice here lol <3
Yoshino Junpei x Reader (fluff headcanons)
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-The sweetest bf ever
-Would do anything and everything to make sure you’re feeling happy
-Is shy at first to initiate it but is really into soft displays of affection
-Hand holding, head scratches, forehead and nose kisses, gentle hugs… It just never fails to make his heart flutter
-Despite his shyness at the beginning of the relationship, he is quite affectionate himself so don’t expect to miss out on any hugs and kisses either
-He knows he can be comfortable and himself around you, something he’s eternally grateful for (often thinks he doesn’t deserve such a kind and accepting person)
-Is prone to feeling downhearted, so it would be really nice to have a person who for once gave him a hand despite his apathy and deprecation towards the world
-Poor guy has been surrounded by blockheads and jerks all his life, so it’s no surprise he’s naturally like that around others
-But having someone like you almost makes him forget about all those bad experiences from before, as if a new kind of light shone on his life
-Sometimes just stares at the ceiling at night thinking about how lucky he is to have you and what can he do to repay you for all the love you’ve given him
-As you probably know, school in general isn’t a favorite of his. It always made him unnerved for many reasons, but would appreciate if you once offered to study together or something of the like
-He’s not dumb in the slightest, it’s just all the distasteful people he’s encountered there made him so detached from it all
-All the things he never got to do with any friends, he wants to do with you! Movie watching, going to the park afterwards to stare at the sky and talk, trying out new snacks, talk about all your fave shows/movies etc.
-Speaking of which, it goes without saying that anything related to movies is a big favorite
-The boy loves them so much, and the fact he gets to watch them with you AND talk about it afterwards is a blessing to him believe me
-Would call you over at his place often for movie nights
-Pillow fortresses are a thing. Come on, what’s better than building it, throwing pillows at each other then watching movies and cuddling in it?
Nanami Kento x Reader (fluff headcanons)
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-Similar to Junpei, it took him some time to open up
-Truth be told at the very beginning he seemed unapproachable, either always occupied with something or annoyed to the bone
-But after some time you came to the realization that this stoic sorcerer is actually a softie at heart
-And he came to the realization that he never felt more at ease with someone as he does with you
-Shows affection in subtle, but meaningful ways
-Even after the longest, most irksome day at work he’ll always ask you how your day was and checks up on you
-Sometimes needs some alone time to recharge tho, so keep that in mind
-Helps you with chores (especially if you got a lot on your hands), gives you a kiss every time he’s off to work, lovingly hugs you from behind, makes you food etc.
-Is a foodie himself with quite the culinary skills and he’d be more than happy to see you enjoy his food as well
-His face lights up a bit every time you compliment his dish, and depending on how much praise you’ll give him he may even have to turn around for a few seconds so you don’t see that faint blush of his
-And if you’re up for making great food too he’ll be more than delighted
-Would praise your skills just the same and maybe even consider cooking together more
-Don’t be mistaken, he’d love that but he just wants to make sure you wouldn’t mind such an idea first
-And diners at his place aren’t basic at all. Expect the most comfy, relaxing scenery every time. Even better than going to a restaurant
-After a tiring day at work he wishes nothing more than a cup of wine and a fine book to read while you rest your head on his chest
-Is a fan of quiet, simple dates and would rather spend time listening to you talk about your day while he makes you both something to eat than going out in a bustling café or amusement park
-Deeply appreciates and values every moment spent with you, even if he doesn’t say it too much
-Though it’s somewhat obvious when you look at that faint smile formed on his lips when he sees you
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
SYNOPSIS: niko as your boyfriend
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: niko ikki aka my boyfriend hello
WARNINGS: swearing, pretend all the boys go to the same school and they're all friends for plot, normalize not writing serious boys as someone that practically hates their s/o and never opens up to them god bless, also no such thing as ooc since we dunno shit ab him so everything i say is law. SUPER LONG LOL, it's like 2k+ words 😭
A/N: i love my boyfriend and i'm v happy about all the attention he's getting (even if he will prob will b subbed out 👎) this was fun to write bc i think he would b very soft as bf and also i hate the notion that stoic and serious = boring and detached in a relationship. also first post w the new user yayyyy rip yoichisagis an end of an era for realsies.
FOR: fox anon my beloved this one is for u😩
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it takes a while for you two to get together, just because niko wants to think things through and be sure he’s making the right decision, as well as him being naturally apprehensive about this whole dating thing.
when you do eventually start going out, keep in mind you're probably his first real anything, so-
niko needs to take it slow for the first month or so because he needs time to adjust and get used to being in a relationship.
when he gets comfortable around you, niko starts to talk a lot more.
niko starts to talk about his interests more-soccer, stem stuff (idc i'll die by my hc that he's a stem boy), etc. and niko's really happy that you're genuinely interested in what he has to say :)
and as your relationship progresses, niko becomes more inclined to share his inner thoughts.
“this song is so bad, i hate it and how it's everywhere,” like, babe that sucks, but what do you want me to do, take it off the radio myself? 😭
you find out that niko’s kind of a hater LOL, but it’s okay, because it means he can be himself around you <3 and the mini debates you have with each other are fun.
he’s someone you can take shopping with you if you need a solid second opinion.
“ikki, is this cute?” you niko as you adjust the shirt you tried on in the fitting room mirror.
“no.” he’s so straight up LOL. “the blue one from earlier was better.”
“this one?”
“yeah, that one. you look really pretty in it.”
ngl though, niko’s not much of a mall person. he'd just follow you around like a little puppy LOL, but he doesn't mind too much because it's for you.
communication is important to niko!!!!! he wants someone that he can have real conversation about the things that matter to him, so he rly makes an effort to have that kind of connection with you.
niko's naturally funny but he isn't aware that he is lol.
but when he does try, i feel like his humor comes in the form of sarcasm and dry wit. likes poking fun at you here and there with a lighthearted jab.
"you're so weird, y/n," is the most common one.
niko’s naturally closed off emotionally (male aquarius 😒) but i, personally, think he’d really try and push himself to be more open with you, especially if you expressed for him to do so </3
he'd be really appreciative of someone patient and understanding of the fact that he doesn't open up easily, though.
but eventually, you become the person closest to him- niko confides in you a lot, which he’s grateful for because he usually holds everything in.
not one for pda or other lovey-dovey things in public, other than the occasional holding of hands but behind closed doors, niko’s so soft around you, it’s like he’s a completely different person.
also, i feel like niko’s real handsy with you, i get the vibe he’s super touch starved 😭
although it does take him a while to get used to physical affection, once he has, niko cannot get enough. he’s always touching you when he has no real reason to.
(and because you're his first relationship, i feel like it’s just natural that niko’s going to be kind of clingy towards you.)
“you okay, ikki?” you ask as niko suddenly wraps his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“mhm,” he mumbles. “just wanna be close to you.”
niko likes when you sit on his lap when he’s on his computer. you can have your arms wrapped around his neck, your head resting in the crook of his neck, or you could just be on your phone or whatever, it doesn’t matter, niko just likes you near him.
you guys don’t really talk to each other when you do this, aside from niko occasionally checking up on you and asking if you need anything from him.
but other than that, you guys just enjoy each other's touch in silence. it’s one of his favorite things to do with you.
however, if you start kissing him in the middle of whatever he’s doing and keep it up for long enough, niko will drop everything to make out with you right then and there (also one of his favorite things to do with you).
speaking of kissing- you kiss niko first.
niko would try to plan your guys first kiss out because he wants everything to be perfect.
but, he ends up taking forever to execute it because he keeps overthinking and you can only wait so long before kissing him, so you take matters into your own hands.
his kisses are sloppy and juvenile at the beginning, but he’s smart and learns quickly what you do and don’t like.
likes being kissed on his jaw and forehead the most :')
if the team ever happens to see niko kissing you, they're gonna be so annoying 😭
"yooo niko's making big moves ‼️" "my son's growing up on me!😩" "good job *pats on the back*" and niko is red all over as he drags you away from them, muttering about how childish and annoying they are 😭.
but, they're all very supportive of you guys, even if they're embarrassing as hell 🙄.
they even give niko relationship advice- which luckily, he doesn’t follow (most of the time), because, let’s be honest, if you're getting unsolicited dating tips from a bunch of teenage boys, it’s probably bad 😭.
you’re the only person niko shows his forehead to. just know that having the opportunity to see it means that niko trusts you more than anyone else :’)
repay his trust by kissing his forehead lovingly and showering him with compliments whenever you can !!!!!!!!!!
“y/n, why’re you so embarrassing,” niko says under his breath, blushing as you hold his face and litter soft kisses on his forehead, rambling about how cute he is.
always looks for you in the bleachers when he has a game and you’re always the first person he talks to after.
and the fact that you make an effort to come as often as you can means sooo much to him. definitely considers you to be his biggest fan.
real classy with nicknames- uses “my love/love,” and “darling,” the most.
his favorite petname from you is "pretty boy." gives him butterflies each time he hears it.
the first time you call him that, he's confused, but after you explain that being called pretty is basically the highest compliment a boy can receive, he gets all soft on you.
only uses instagram to like and comment on your pictures and that's it 😭.
comments stuff like “you're so pretty” and "beautiful," without any emojis because niko refuses to use them LOL.
remembers the compliments you give him! they help with his self esteem and i feel like he values your opinion a lot.
so, tell him all about how cute and smart and talented and hot and funny he is and how much you love him and he'll replay it in his head 24/7.
i think he prefers to be the big spoon, unless he's sad- then he really wants you to hold him.
niko gives me homebody vibes, so expect relaxed dates, but still nice, yk?
what i mean is niko's not gonna take you out to get gas station food and call it a day 😭 he's classier than that and he always puts in effort towards dates.
he always plans them ahead of time and takes into consideration what he thinks you'd enjoy. and he insists on paying 🤗.
but, niko always does something special for days like your birthday or an anniversary, like go somewhere fancy if you wanted to or buy a nice gift you've been eyeing for a while.
helps you with your schoolwork, 100%. most of the time niko tutors you because he wants you to actually learn the material, but if you're feeling lazy and just wanna get it over with, niko will just give you the answers.
this is a big deal because i love him and all but, niko gives me the vibe he's super stingy with his work 😭.
"this is the last time i'm going to just give you the answers, y/n." niko sighs out. "you have to start doing your homework by yourself."
niko's said that dozen of times but he's still giving you the answers free of charge. can you guys say #whipped 🤣?
LOL speaking of school, if you ever text him during class, i highly doubt that niko would entertain you 😭😭 (it's out of love, though)
y/n 💗: hiii baby imy 🥰
pretty boy: do your work, y/n.
pretty boy: pay attention.
y/n 💗: fine ur so lame 👎
pretty boy: whatever you say. i miss you too, by the way.
he likes to moves your hair out your face because he wants to see your pretty face better.
which is why you have to do the same with him 🥰!!!!!! makes him blush like crazy.
gets soooo soft when you post him or even take pictures of you and him together :') just the thought of you wanting to show him off makes him soooo happy.
he won't entertain you if you make a tiktok, though LOL. he's very stubborn in his belief that it's stupid.
just stands in the background with his arms crossed if you try to make him do a dance or something 😭 (he does think you look cute, though).
niko has such nice eyelashes but i doubt he's aware of it 'cause he's, y'know, a boy 🙄.
"my eyelashes are ... cute?" he questions. niko wasn't even aware that such a trivial thing like his eyelashes could be considered cute.
"yes, oh my god," you gush. "they're so long and nice, i wish mine were like that," you groan, examining yours through the camera of your phone.
"you're so weird, y/n," he says, a blush staining his cheeks. "your eyelashes are nicer," he mumbles as he kisses your forehead.
he's one of those people that prefers to be alone, but you're the exception. you know?
niko likes to keep to himself most of the time, but that whole thing doesn't apply to you, because he'd choose to be with you over being alone anytime :')
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kurimiaki · 3 years
T, R, N and P with Diluc please?
the uncrowned king of mondstadt, diluc ragnvindr.
yandere alphabet via dear-yandere! revisions i made are flaky so. my bad wwwww
cw: dark content, physical abuse, kidnapping, confinement, claustrophobia, extremely unhealthy relationship.
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Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Just because Diluc may be attending to business elsewhere, does not mean you are free from his heady grasp. Distant yet coddling; his attentiveness is a curse just as much as it can be a blessing. You’re never without security, that much is true. Dawn Winery is his eyes and ears, every single servant wrapped around his finger, wrapping around and constricting you. Self isolation could never be a possibility, not when Adelinde ushers you out of bed without a minute left to spare, always in such a hurry, as if wallowing in utter boredom for days on end is anything of importance. From the very beginning, Diluc had made it a point to ensure your physical health was a top priority to those surrounding you; strict itineraries have maids silently mourning over their packed workload. A plethora of duties— take you on brief walks outside the winery, never longer than 15 minutes, feed and serve meals delicately planned and catered to your health, eyes and ears constantly watching, watching, watching. They keep you like a dog on a leash, no matter how pampered. They do so dutifully. They must. Who could possibly decline such a hefty pay at the expense of silence?
It would be a blatant lie to say your physical health had declined any whilst under his... care, however, the same cannot be said for your mental well being. He can’t, despite how much he hates his inability to do so, prevent your tears. And by the archons, do you cry. Diluc is unable to approach you some days, those days when the illusion of normalcy and domestic living he works so hard to put up simply melts away, when you can do little more than curl in on yourself and wretch into your silk sheets with a litany of tears flush in your eyes. He wills himself to allow you the mercy of a few hours alone, albeit with check ups and that blatant discomfort of his when you wail at the slightest touch to your shoulder. Of course, it’s a different case entirely when such cries are symptom of punishment— whereas Diluc will weakly attempt to comfort you with softened eyes when you work yourself up, flaky and visibly uncomfortable, his resolution is unflinching and unwavering should you choose to act out of turn. Wail, sob, beg and beg for mercy, for forgiveness, his mask of nonchalance will stay firm.
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Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No. Diluc is understanding that the situation he has thrust you into may not be ideal, he anticipates a lack of reciprocation and overall resistance, but he feels absolutely no guilt. In his eyes, this is for the best, the world is much too cruel— who better than him to make that judgement for you? Even if you do prove yourself to be capable of taking care of yourself, (with Diluc himself to measure up to) this Darknight Hero will find every minute, minuscule little thing to prove you otherwise. Just about every one of your shortcomings Diluc will try and use to his advantage, to put himself in a better light. Who else is as capable as he is, who else can prove themselves worthy of your companionship, your devotion, in the ways that he has? The longer you stay in his grasp, not that the possibility of leaving will come otherwise, the more difficult it becomes to prove him wrong. He feeds you with the utmost care, keeps you healthy, entertains you should you need conversation or otherwise, and provides, provides, provides. There may be a lack of freedom on your end, but really, do you have much room to complain? Without him, you may very well be dead. He ensures that point is driven straight to your heart, however many times is necessary until you grow compliant.
His will and rationality is fully reasonable, in his mind, hence why his wishes to keep you by his side shall forever remain solid. Perhaps it is the idea of you keeping close to him that entraptures Diluc so entirely, for he is a distant admirer. He would be contented growing old and without your touch, merely sharing your company for as long as life allows. All the same, he wishes to swallow you whole, skin, blood, guts and tears, if only to keep you with him. It is selfish, but he tells himself that is something of which he is deserving. He must.
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Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Diluc is nothing if not dedicated to his goals, a driven man in everything he sets his mind to. In order to maintain the position he thrives in, he is forever alert, forever adapting, prepared for any strenuous situation thrown his way. Should you push past a line you are never meant to cross, jab at him a tad too harshly, well... it’s not as if he gives no thought as to how to keep you in line. Rarely are you knowing enough of his inner workings to be able to push him past the point of no return, a point where even you, his dearest, are not spared from his wrath. Emphasis on rare, for he is wholly tolerant and gentle with you, to an extent. Any person has a breaking point, and Diluc, despite his detached disposition and stoic attitude, can only withstand so much. He bottles up so much to remain composed, after all. When he snaps, he is unable to hold himself back any longer.
He is not one to take pleasure from the suffering of others. Lest they truly deserve it, is what he’ll tell himself, to at the very least maintain the illusion of normalcy. Sway not from the path of righteousness, forget not the splendor of dawn. His mind is able to concoct the most horrific scenarios he could possibly put you through, for he does the same with his enemies. In a way, when you act out of turn, an instinctual part of him, cultivated after years spent at the whims of the dangerous and unknown, sees you as just that— an enemy. He doesn’t often choose the more unsavory methods to keeping you in line, ie: beating or threatening you with his vision, further keeping true to said threats should you continue. Diluc is wholly capable of restraining the urge to simply slap the snark off of your face (he had done so regardless, once or twice), and much prefers isolating you on his own terms, away from everyone and everything, even himself. It’s a small room, not even on par with that of your shared bedroom, much more similar to a closet or crawlspace.
A room, but a cage all the same. Splintered wood floors, dank cobblestone surrounds you and few cracks in the stone leaves room for bugs of all nature to crawl through, allows the elements to rain hell upon you should you end up locked up during the harsher months. A lone maid, not even Adelinde, the head, attends to you, sparing meek glances should you call out when she gently places a meal of one roll, a piece of meat, and a few shoddily cut slabs of potato. No begging and weeping and screaming you may do will soften Diluc into coming back for you- again, his resolve is akin to that of steel, his will forever unyielding. He decides when you are thoroughly broken in, and when it is time to hold you in kind, he shines through like that of The Darknight Hero the people proclaim him to be. In the end, what is necessary is that he shows you how much better off you are when with him. He’s much too possessive and to a point, coddling, to ever consider discarding you into the wild and at the whims of hilichurl camps and abyss mages alike.
His hold is firm and grounding. Had he always been able to hold you with such ease? Had he ever truly held you in kind, as he does now? He’s warm. A familiar, comforting scent of smoke and acidic wine fills your senses and him, oh, him. He had left you, left you alone, all alone, in that room, not even a room, all alone, and yet you can do little more than gag and writhe and latch onto him with pleas of his name whispered hoarsely— ‘Diluc, Diluc, Diluc’. A cry of your savior.
He can’t look at you, won’t look at you. Won’t give you the mercy, but he couldn’t be angry. Not anymore. He holds you tighter and so flush to himself, with a ferocity narly shown to anyone but you, not in kind, not with this passion. You smell of dust, a husk of yourself. Faintly of his sheets, faintly of iron, of vomit, of filth.
Fresh memories of your betrayal burn hot in his mind. He’s contradicting himself. He cannot relent. It comes out as a whisper, barely even heard to himself, and he curses his very soul the moment it passes his lips.
“Strive to do better. Lest you want your time there to increase tenfold.”
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Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He can bear with defiance and unwillingness on your part, to an extent. He can anticipate as much, for he is not delusional enough to fool himself into thinking your relationship is even somewhat typical to that of a normal couple, no matter how much he wishes that to be the case. No, for the initial few weeks of your captivity (he’s always gotten so mad when you refer to him as such, a captor) Diluc allows you to lash and sob and attempt to reason with him, attempt to soften him, attempt to hurt him. He’ll allow you to do so, but he himself remains impenetrable, unblinking, almost uncaring. He is prepared for about anything and everything, always expecting the worse possibilities as to save himself from further harm. For you, as well, he is constantly anticipating and observing. In hidden, minute little ways. It may even come as a shame to him if the fact that he enforces the maids to note down your every little move ever reaches your ears.
All in all, Diluc’s complete preparation for anything and everything you may throw his way makes him extremely patient, for better or for worse. Difficult to crack, impenetrable, almost— on one hand, the distance he keeps from you to accommodate for your lack of reciprocation may come as a blessing, but it makes it all too difficult to try and pester him into letting you go, to try and understand his goals and motivations in keeping you locked right away. Your complacency is inevitable, sooner or later, Diluc will begin approaching and weaseling his way into your routine in the smallest of ways, gradually and unconsciously causing you to grow fonder of his presence. It’s a slow process, one he had planned from the very moment his wishes of a domestic life with you grew much too much to handle. He loves you completely, yearns for your love, and for it, he will wait as long as necessary.
Blazing red eyes leer down upon you, your shame increasing tenfold for each second that passes subjected to that gaze of his. A fit of expaseration, you will admit, had sent the cutlery dear Hillie had so delicately prepared flying off of the white tablecloth and onto the hardwood floors, further staining the expensive rugs with wines and crumbs and oils from his favorite meal, a concoction of pasta and steak and cheese. He had prepared yours alongside with it, striking tonight as a tad more special than the rest. You didn’t blame yourself for what you did, not when he had proposed something as outlandish as marriage.
He keeps silent, leaning back in his seat, his throne, as if he were a king observing a mere peasant begging for mercy— quite frankly, you should be. But perhaps tonight he will be more lenient, you ponder, averting your gaze to the flickering embers sparking from the fireplace beside you.
He sighs, suddenly, worn and thoroughly put out by your antics, further embarrassing you by his facade of nonchalance. No, you could tell from the way his leather gloves creaked from gripping himself too hard, he was barely concealing his own anger.
“You hardly let me finish my scentence. Come, we’ll continue this conversation upstairs.”
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ruvviks · 2 years
bones spare some facts about nathan please 🤲
AAAAA THANK U NICO ;w;; i love talking abt my special little princess. my horrible little man. worm shaped final girl in horror movie. i'm shaking him and shaking him and shaking him and shaking him and sha
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nathan is my evil within oc (epic cringe fail moment but i'm being so brave about it) and he's around for the events of the second game :) he's a mobius agent who is sent with sebastian to assist him in his search for lily, but he's secretly also part of the plan with juli, myra, torres and theodore to actually get lily out of there >:)
nathan was um "recruited" into mobius at the age of 16 under Unpleasant Circumstances :/ won't go into great detail about it all because that requires some Warnings LMFAO but let's just say his parents were Horrible Horrible Terrible Horrible and he decided to Properly take care of the problem <3 his plan was to leave krimson city but before he could do that, mobius members showed up (the administrator had been eyeing him for a while already) and "recruited" him [classic case of Join Us Or Die]
he mostly did field work for mobius at first (slightly pulling this out of my ass but i'm assuming they needed to get themselves into powerful positions which would require Assassination of some Powerful Assets and Infiltration etc etc) but eventually switched over to a desk job at the administrator's request (i'm killing him) and started doing development work :) he was first assigned to ruvik's stem project but later got moved to another project which would become the union environment (which is why he wasn't around for the events of the first game)
nathan is a pretty good leader and he would often end up in that position for his assignments (ended up as lead developer as well at some point), which kind of. caused his coworkers to dislike him a lot LMFAO he was a lot younger than most people there and liked a job well done so he was very straightforward and focused on work and people didn't like that :/
before he goes with sebastian, he already briefly experienced the Horrors of the union environment after lily has gone missing because there's a brief window in which extraction is still possible so he went to check it out, got the living shit scared out of him and then went back out LMFAO and then he had to go back in immediately :( this is what i mean when i say he's my poor little meow meow i'm just putting him in Situations
nathan isn't all that scared of what's going on in there tbh but anima scares the SHIT out of him!!!!! he's very Professional and Stoic at first to the point sebastian doesn't like him all that much but then they encounter anima and nathan simply just passes away for personal reasons and sebastian is like Oh okay. so you DO have feelings
won't tell you anything about nathan's current relationship because it requires me to drop my own personal "the evil within 3" and i'm not doing that but i WILL tell you who his ex is. it's liam from the second game. go google him you'll Laugh
nathan goes from neutral evil to chaotic neutral throughout the course of the story >:) he starts out as someone who only keeps other people around for their practical use and completely detaches himself from others because of things that happened in his past and he doesn't want to experience Emotions anymore :// and then sebastian comes along and sort of turns into a father figure to nathan so everybody say thank you sebastian LMFAO
during the events of the second game he gets mowed down by the buzzsaw arm of the guardian :/ he's very dramatic about it i should redraw the art i made of the aftermath of that and post it here OGH
his birthday is january 5th <3 idk why i think i just liked the date <3 also he's 25 now LOL
nathan is an introvert and a pessimist <3 a little unpleasant to be around when you first meet him but if you give him another chance he's actually very very sweet and really makes an effort not to come over as cold or disinterested ;w; he's trying his best ok ;w;
he color codes his closet!! there's not much color to begin with but he still likes how organized it looks >:)
nathan prefers to sleep in a sitting position :/ he is very restless when he has to sleep lying down, he needs to like. lie on a bunch of pillows and everything LMFAO
and to finish all of this, i described his aesthetic in keywords at some point so have those as well: blood on marble floors, sleepless nights, crooked smiles, haunting memories, patience, dark circles around eyes, a shoulder to cry on, gray skies, the taste of alcohol and blood in your mouth, grief, working at 3am in a poorly lit room, solitude, endings, piercing eyes lurking in the dark, gentle touches, cheap motels by the highway, rain
AND last but not least, i also wrote some stuff for him here if you're interested!!! thank you so much again!!!!!!!! auauuauaua
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helgabatwrittings · 3 years
When your world comes crashing down don't cry
His mind kept racing between everything he had learned. It was all he could think about lately. Alya and Nino are Rena Rouge and Carapace. They know about each other. Ladybug knows that they know. Ladybug was the one who gave that secret away. Ladybug didn’t tell him. Because they must keep their identities a secret. And they all think he is annoying. That’s why Ladybug doesn’t tell him anything. Because Chat Noir is annoying, and he can’t be trusted.
Pretending everything was okay was becoming the most strenuous task each day.
Especially when one hasn’t slept for almost a week.
A week…
A week has passed ever since Nino told him just how annoying he was. It made sense actually, the more he thought about it, the clearer it got.
Adrien was annoying, that was a fact, he has always been like that and that is why his father never wanted to spend time with him, it was why his parents have never let him go to school, they always said they were protecting him, and now Adrien knew exactly why…
They just did not want him to realise how bothersome he was.
It was why Ladybug… why she-
Prrrrr Prrrrrr Prrrrrr
The alarm interrupted his jumbled thoughts. Adrien sighed. Getting out of bed was also becoming the most strenuous task each day.
“Are you going to turn that off so I can proceed to sleep?? I was in the middle of eating this amazing piece of camembert” Plagg grumbled, his nasal voice still thick with sleep.
Adrien turned to his side and with a heavy hand, he grabbed his phone and turned off the alarm, the missed texts from Nino not going unnoticed. He just couldn’t find any strength to engage in any conversation his best friend was starting. Not that it mattered anyway, he would probably only bother him and then Nino would just get sick of him just like everyone else did. Just like Nino already had with Chat Noir. And Adrien didn’t want that. Adrien would never want that. He had lost too many people already, so he might as well try to save the few relationships he still has, even if he must keep them at arm’s length. It’s still better than nothing, right? Even if that crushing void of loneliness was growing inside him every day.
It was with an increasing effort that Adrien finally managed to get out of the bed, his limbs feeling like lead. He walked to his bathroom, not noticing the black blob staring right at him with downcast eyes and dropped ears.
After going through his usual routine, Adrien just stood in front of his mirror checking for any imperfection that might put him in trouble, like he did every day. A paler, skinnier version of himself looked right back at him with heavy dark bags under vacant eyes. His lower, chapped lip trembled slightly, but he quickly managed to get a hold of it, the same couldn’t be said for the lump that had settled itself in his throat for a couple of days now. Adrien suddenly broke eye contact and fumbling through the top drawer, without really looking at it, without really looking at anything, he finally felt the familiar shape of his concealer. And with a professional mannerism, he applied it on every imperfection, carefully moulding that sickly looking boy in the mirror into the face of the Gabriel brand.
Breakfast was, once again, all by himself, and Plagg of course, but he had to remain hidden in case anyone was to suddenly enter the dining room. For some reason, Adrien kept staring at the main door to the room, still hoping that his father would appear just to spend some time with him before school, but as usual, no one interrupted the suffocating silence that was becoming more and more unbearable each day. He even found himself hoping that Nathalie would appear, in all her stoic presence, with her tablet in hand to inform him of his schedule, even though he was perfectly aware that she was currently bedridden for some mysterious illness everyone was trying to hide from him.
He missed Nathalie, he still heard her every day through the tablet, but it wasn’t the same. At some point, his mum would only speak to him through a tablet when she got so sick she couldn’t leave her bed, and no one dared to explain to him what was happening.
The sight of his food got blurry as Adrien blinked back the tears that were threatening to escape. He took a deep shaking breath to fight the nauseating wave that crushed him. Once again, his appetite was absent, he sneaked the cheese under the table for Plagg and with that, Adrien went to the car, to start another day.
School was… School used to be the highlight of his everyday life, it was finally something Adrien had fought for and won. His first ticket to freedom. School gave him a chance to finally live in the real world, outside the four massive walls that made up his bedroom, and that for the longest time, had been his whole world. But now it just seemed pointless.
For the first time since he started attending public school, Adrien was actually feeling on edge at the idea of going there and meet his friends. His stomach was constricting itself, accentuating the ever-present nausea that had settled since that day, and the feeling seemed to worsen at each kilometre the car got closer to the building.
His mind kept racing between everything he had learned. It was all he could think about lately. Alya and Nino are Rena Rouge and Carapace. They know about each other. Ladybug knows that they know. Ladybug was the one who gave that secret away. Ladybug didn’t tell him. Because they must keep their identities a secret. And they all think he is annoying. That’s why Ladybug doesn’t tell him anything. Because Chat Noir is annoying, and he can’t be trusted.
Do they also think Adrien is annoying? Do they also rant about him behind his back? Is that why Marinette doesn’t seem to stand being around him for too long? They have talked about it, and she assured him that they were friends. Marinette has done a lot to help him, like convincing his father to let him go to New York. But again, she does help everyone she knows. Of course, she would help him, even if she finds him annoying. Marinette is that nice.
How should he act around them? The knot on his stomach was becoming unbearable. How was it that he was feeling hot and cold at the same time? That there was this electric sensation running all over his body and making the tips of his fingers go all fuzzy, while his chest was beginning to burn as well. The lump on his throat was making it hard to breathe, no matter how much Adrien gasped for breath, it seemed that no air was reaching his lungs, which were blazing with the effort. Oh, God! Is this how he’s going to die? At the back of his father’s limo, on his way to school? His face felt wet for some reason. Was he crying? Why was he even crying?? He’s so ridiculous, crying for no reason whatsoever. This was the reason why everyone seemed to get tired of him fast, he was just an unstable mess. Why would anyone want to deal with that??
“…rien…” Adrien felt something press against his cheek.
“Adrien!” Apparently that something was Plagg. Thank goodness the divider was up so Gorilla couldn’t see the shameful pity party Adrien was throwing at the back of the car.
“C’mon kid, breathe with me…” Plagg was floating right before his eyes, taking deep exaggerated breaths so that Adrien’s sluggish mind could follow his request.
Emerald eyes connected as Adrien’s trembling breaths evolved to more stable ones. The knot on his stomach was starting to untie itself, although Adrien knew that it would never go away completely. He was used to it anyway. He blinked rapidly, successfully containing the tears that had started to leak during his episode.
“Adrien…” Plagg rarely used his name, “Maybe it’s better that you stay home, you can still ask Gorilla man to turn back…” Plagg was looking at him with concern, sad eyes and dropped ears complementing his worried expression. He hated that he was the cause of it. He hated that he was dragging everyone down with him.
He shook his head wildly, not trusting his voice to sound secure. He had to go to school. How would he even explain why he skipped school? His friends would ask, his father would ask, and he really didn’t have the energy to come up with any excuse. Adrien just had to pretend everything was alright, he was used to it, pretending was as natural as breathing for him. Even if it was becoming harder and harder each day to seem detached by everything that was happening to him lately, not that he would ever tell anyone what exactly was happening to him lately.
Shaky fingers searched through his messenger bag, looking for the small mirror he carried with him almost all the time, along with the concealer that for sure had been washed down by his ridiculous crying.
Once again, Adrien hid all his imperfections and insecurities behind a fresh layer of concealer.
“Adrien…” Nino was talking to him. When had he left the car and entered the classroom? The blackboard Miss Mendeleiev was writing on, was filled with fresh formulas, of a different subject from the last lesson. Which meant that they had already gone through the correction of homework and had started talking about a different thing. When had they done that? Adrien was in the car, having just barely recovered from a panic attack, and now he was in the middle of Physics class. The time between those two moments was lost to him.
A nudge on his left side made him flinch.
“Woah, dude, calm down, it’s me!” Nino whispered, while defensively raising his hands.
Trembling lips curved to form a shaky smile. It was the best Adrien could do for now.
Unfortunately, said smile didn’t seem to be enough to reassure Nino, as the latter raised his eyebrows in concern, silently asking Adrien if everything was okay. Adrien nodded quickly, his eyes immediately drifting to the blackboard ahead, putting an end to their silent conversation. He should try and pay attention to the lesson anyway. Physics was his favourite subject so it shouldn’t be hard. He could at least pretend to be paying attention to class. Adrien was getting sicker and sicker of pretending…
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kozumekenza · 3 years
house of memories :: two
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:: kageyama tobio x f!reader :: playlist :: masterlist ::
:: taglist: open :: wc: 2.1k ::
the last you had heard of kageyama tobio, he was following his grandfather’s footsteps and leaving you behind to join the syndicate. a chance meeting throws him back into your life, along with all of the memories.
tw: alcohol, mafia elements, profanity
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You’re shivering, the moonlight reflecting off of the tears on your face. You really shouldn’t look this beautiful while crying, he thinks, and immediately admonishes himself for the thought. However, he also finds it fitting. There will be a lot of tears where he’s going; a lot of break-downs, a lot of pain. But still, he doesn’t think it’ll compare to the breaking of his heart in his chest when he watches you turn away from him forever. 
Kageyama Tobio is known for a lot of things; his cold exterior, his unforgiving nature, his skills with a weapon. He is also known for his unfriendliness, performing his job with a blank face and a calculating mind. He is known for having impenetrable walls and refusing to let people inside them. He is known for his detachment to everything around him; he doesn’t form connections with others, and his emotions are seemingly nonexistent. 
Even still, he can’t help but feel devastation and despair when he watches you walk away from him yet again, four years later, slipping from his grasp for the second time. 
After mumbling a quick apology to the bartender, who you now realize was Kageyama Miwa, you bolted to the dance floor and dragged Hana out of the club. She went willingly, asking next to no questions, her state of intoxication making her follow you with no complaints. 
Now, as you half-carry her into your shared apartment, you can’t help but wonder what would have happened if you stayed. It was obvious that both of the Kageyama siblings recognized you, although Miwa’s reaction was far better. Hana falls asleep the moment her head hits the pillow, and you leave her with a bottle of water and painkillers for the morning, sighing as you do so. You can only hope that she doesn’t ask too many questions about your quick escape tomorrow. You aren’t ready to dive into your past with Kageyama. 
When you finally crawl into bed, sleep evades you. Your night is spent tossing and turning, and when you finally do drift off, your dreams are filled with flashes of navy eyes and raven hair. 
The weeks pass as the sweltering heat of summer finally comes to an end; suddenly, you and Hana are back to your normal lives as college students. She asks no questions about that night at the club, and you’ve pushed it to the back of your mind, practically forgetting about it. 
The beginning of the semester starts, and with it, late night studying and weekends spent partying. Hana’s still going strong with the guy that has the membership, and you’ve finally met him, learning his name is Ushijima. He’s stoic and serious, but his love for Hana is obvious, and their relationship has progressed past late-night flings and one-night stands. You’re happy for her, even when she says that he’s not a college student, but a businessman who works under the CEO of a fairly well-known company. You know that’s true on the surface, but you don’t tell Hana that her newest lover is most likely one of Kageyama’s colleagues, whose job involves more guns and blood than it does numbers and desk work. 
All things considered, he treats her well, taking her on extravagant and luxurious dates, picking her up in a Bugatti, and always bringing her flowers. He’s respectful whenever he sees you, and if you didn’t know any better, you would think he’s just a nice, rich man. You know that Kageyama probably told him about you, but you can’t be particularly bothered, especially when Hana’s eyes light up whenever she talks about him. 
You start your fourth and final year of university without much fanfare; for you, it’s back to research work in the lab and long lectures on biology and medicine. You’re slightly envious of Hana’s path in nursing; she’s already working in the hospital and doing clinicals. Unfortunately for you, you’re stuck applying for medical schools while balancing your ever-growing list of lab write-ups and reports. 
It’s a fairly normal day, a few weeks into the semester, when Kageyama becomes the focus of your mind once again. 
You walk out of your final lab feeling exhausted; it’s already eight in the evening, and Hana’s on night shift, so you’ll be alone in your apartment for the night. Normally, you don’t mind, but tonight, all you want to do is crawl into bed without dinner and without completing any of the assignments that are due this week. Hana usually keeps you in check; reminding you of a lab report you have forgotten and keeping you company while you complain about your professors. 
Your thoughts are interrupted when you spot Kageyama Miwa, leaning on a black Lexus, eyes on her phone as she waits outside your lab building. 
Her eyes meet yours as she glances up, and she waves you over. Grabbing the straps of your backpack, you approach her. You aren’t sure what she’s here for, but you’re assuming it’s you. It doesn’t surprise you that she knows which university you attend and apparently, your class schedule. You’ve always known that Kageyama kept an eye on you. 
“Hey, Miwa,” you greet her with a smile.
“Hey, y/n.” She pulls you in for a hug. “We didn’t get a chance to properly talk that night. I almost didn’t recognize you, it’s been forever.”
“Yeah,” you nod, “but I’m pretty sure you aren’t here to catch up.”
She looks slightly surprised and disappointed, and you know that you’re right. “Unfortunately not. Are you busy tonight?”
You shake your head. Homework can wait for tomorrow, and as long as wherever she’s taking you has food, you don’t really care. You’re more curious about why she’s here; what Kageyama could possibly need you for. 
“Good.” She opens the passenger door of the Lexus. “This shouldn’t take too long.”
You get in as she goes around the other side and starts the car. “Why do you need me?”
She pulls away and you recognize that she’s heading towards Shadow. “Security issues. Personal files were leaked. Tobio’ll explain more, but he’s concerned for your safety.”
You snort at that. Kageyama Tobio, concerned. Hilarious. 
You can see Miwa glance at you out of the corner of her eye, but she remains silent as she pulls down a side street adjacent to the club. A garage opens, and she pulls in. You note the multiple luxury sport cars inside as you follow her out of the garage. 
She leads you down a hallway to an elevator, then up to the 30th floor. From what you can tell, the bottom few floors of the building are dedicated to the club, and you can assume that the top floors are for Kageyama’s personal use. You don’t think about the multiple basement buttons and what could possibly be down there. 
A ding signals the end of the ride, and you step out into the foyer of a large penthouse. Miwa leads you past a kitchen and living area, up a sweeping set of stairs. You can’t help but admire the modern apartment; it’s truly beautiful, accented in neutral blacks, grays, and browns. For a second, you’re jealous of Kageyama for being able to live in a place like this, but then you remember what he does and the feeling disappears. 
Miwa knocks on a door at the end of the hall, and it opens a second later. Kageyama is seated at a large mahogany desk, papers spread in front of him and the glow of a laptop reflecting on his face. The night lights of Tokyo can be seen from the floor-to-ceiling windows opposite the door, and you marvel at the view for a few seconds. You note that Kageyama looks exhausted; the file leak must be really bad. Much to your own disappointment, you also note that he still looks as handsome as ever in a dark blue suit. 
He barely looks up when the two of you enter, and Miwa clears her throat. “Bi, she’s here.”
The small giggle that leaves your mouth as a result of Miwa’s continued use of his childhood nickname causes Kageyama to look up at you, carefully assessing you. You know that you look like shit right now, your hair is messy from wearing goggles, and you’re dressed in lab clothes that have stains from previous chemical spills. 
“Come sit.” Kageyama gestures to the seat in front of him, and you dutifully obey. 
“Do you want something to drink, y/n?” Miwa’s still by the door, doing her duties as a host to Kageyama’s guests, but you shake your head.
“I’m alright, thank you.”
She smiles and pauses with her hand on the door handle. “You’re more than welcome to stay for dinner. We haven’t eaten yet, and I know I probably interrupted you heading home to eat.”
You grin, nodding. “I’d appreciate that, thank you.”
She leaves with an incline of her chin, the door shutting softly behind her.
You look Kageyama Tobio in the eyes, trying to decipher his feelings about you being here. You used to be pretty good; he never had to say anything for you to know what he was feeling. Now, you can tell that the years have made him cold and unreadable. 
He sighs and leans back, interlacing his fingers in front of him. “I’m sorry.”
You shrug. Two simple words not only for the hassle of dragging you here and interrupting your evening, but for the past four years, starting from the second you walked away from him and continuing through the obvious surveillance he’s done on you without your permission. “You do what you have to do.”
He looks relieved to hear you say that, enough that he grabs a file and rearranges its contents, pulling out a piece of paper to slide across the table to you.
“So, as Miwa told you, we had a breach in security. Personal files were hacked from our database, and that included yours. I’m sure you know why you have a file.” You nod. “Yours contained information such as your personal history with Miwa and me, as well as your whereabouts and what you’ve been doing for the past four years. Addresses, emails, phone numbers, and social media accounts were also leaked.” Kageyama sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Under normal circumstances, I would not be concerned. Everyone involved in my business knows the risks and how to defend themselves. You, on the other hand, didn’t ask for any of this. I’m concerned the group that stole the file will attempt something with you, as the file is clear evidence that you’re important to both Miwa and me.”
Awful news so far, but you saw it coming when Miwa mentioned a security issue. “Do you know who stole the files?” Kageyama nods. “Did they take anything else?”
“No, just personal files. Didn’t touch mine, they know everything about me already. They only took yours and Miwa’s, which is why I’m so concerned.”
You nod along to his words. The hackers wouldn’t take such inconsequential information unless they were looking for someone close to Kageyama to use as collateral. Plus, they would normally take business information, not anything personal. Things in Tokyo’s underworld must be bad. 
“What are you going to do?”
Kageyama gestures to the paper. “I know you’re in school, so I can’t simply lock you up somewhere until it’s safe again.” His small smile and dry humor makes you brighten up a little. You missed that side of him, with the short quips and ever-present sarcasm. “I’m proposing a security detail. Just two of my men, to keep an eye on things. You won’t even know they’re there. Plus, as you know, Ushijima hangs around your roommate quite a bit, and he’s under orders to keep an eye out as well. This,” he taps the paper, “is simply for your own knowledge. I’ve listed all the information that was leaked, as well as what to look out for if you believe you might be in danger. There’s also information on the two I’ll have guarding you, so you aren’t alarmed in case they make their presence known.”
You take the paper and briefly skim it. “Thank you.”
Kageyama’s smile is brief but genuine. “Again, I’m sorry about all of this. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know.”
You sigh. “It’s alright. Something like this was bound to happen one day anyway.”
It’s true; you’ve always known the risks, even though you haven’t been associated with Kageyama for four years, before his reign over Tokyo. You knew that even when you left, there was still a chance someone would trace back to you.
Kageyama stands up, his hand held out to you. “Want to go eat?”
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taglist: @lilith412426​ 
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Demon species that exist in this multiverse's version of Hell
As I stated before, we might not get to see all of these types (we might get to meet a mime soon, but other than that, I'm not sure yet), but I figured this might be neat to share anyway :P
Glitch: The umbrella term which usually includes Pure Glitches, Lens Flares, and Clickbaits
Pure Glitch: Typically humanoid, but can come in any shape or size. Can be identified by the effect they have on technology, causing every device around them to glitch, freeze up, and/or short out. The hardest type to catch or document or catch on video. Can also unintentionally cause electrical fires. They crave violence and chaos, appearing to thrive off of it, and they almost always appear mentally unstable. A common, infamous trait is also their short temper, which seems to go hand in hand with their unpredictable mood swings
Lens Flare: Also typically humanoid, but like Pure Glitches, they can vary in appearance. Are also easy to identify by the effect they have on any and all nearby technology, although unlike Pure Glitches, they don’t cause devices to short out, and they don’t cause electrical fires. When a Lens Flare demon is present, a device’s audio quality drops and the colors on the screen appear to shift between different colors, most notably red, blue, pink, yellow, and green. They still have an underlying craving for violence and chaos, but they usually appear more collected and stoic. They also have short tempers and may lash out from time to time, but they’re somewhat easier to predict. Known to be manipulative and cunning, and will do just about anything to get what they want, regardless of the risk
Clickbait: Humanoid, but noticeably smaller; The shortest on record was only about 1’3, while the tallest was about 3’9. Their skin tones come in a variety of colors, although the most common ones are blue, green, and pink. They can only exist in the cyber world, infecting pop-up ads and clickbait on websites. When an ad or scam they’ve taken over has been clicked on and/or downloaded, they then travel into the device and make it their new host. Once they’ve taken control of their new host body, they prefer to stay as long as possible. If their host is damaged, they’re capable of repairing it, but they’ll die within minutes if they’re pulled out of it and into the physical world. They don’t crave violence as much as other types of demons, and instead, preoccupy themselves with simply trying to survive, due to being so weak. Their favorite kind of host bodies seem to be robots and animatronics. If a device is suspected to have a Clickbait demon living inside it, check the files for anything suspicious and then proceed to open up the device. If one is present, it’ll fall out once the device is opened. You may choose to move it to a new device if you wish to keep it around, but otherwise, leave them be. If provoked, they have the ability to pull someone into the cyber world with them (but only if the ad or scam they took over had been clicked on first)
Clown: Can appear humanoid or more like something from a horror movie, depending on how many lives they’ve taken and/or how many souls they’ve consumed. Some subtypes would include standard Circus/Carnival Clowns, Jesters, Mimes, and Harlequins. As children, they feed on only candy and sweets, and they crave sugar, but as they mature, they develop a taste for blood and human flesh, and it becomes their biggest source of nutrients. They appear unusually flexible, as if they have no bones, and their skin sometimes appears as though it’s made of plastic. They’re great at contorting themselves and doing anything based around gymnastics, acrobatics, and aerial arts. If their attire doesn’t give away their subtype, note their primary territory type, since Circus/Carnival Clowns prefer areas with tents and wagons and Mimes prefer alleyways and streets, while Jesters and Harlequins seem to gravitate more toward castles and historic locations. A common trait they share is giggling and laughing, even in completely inappropriate situations. Something to note: they are completely capable of detaching and reattaching their limbs, so it’s not uncommon to see them detaching their own heads to perform odd and potentially disturbing acts and stunts
Incubus/Succubus: Most often appears humanoid. They’re similar to a vampire, except they prefer to feed off of sexual energy. If no sexual energy is available or they cannot gain access to it, they will resort to feeding off of human blood. Their primary targets are sleeping humans, the gender of which depends (at least partially) on the gender of the demon itself. ‘Incubus/incubi’ refers to males, who prey on sleeping women, while ‘succubus/succubi’ refers to females who prey on sleeping men. Because of the changing times, however, Incubi and Succubi have become interchangeable terms, and individual demons may refer to themselves as whatever they prefer. While their targets are commonly of the opposite gender and they're typically represented as being almost always heterosexual, this is not always the case. In some scenarios, they've also been documented selecting targets and mates that are of the same gender as themselves
Vampire: Mostly humanoid, depending on their age and how much blood they’ve consumed over the years. They feed exclusively on blood, although some prefer the blood of animals over that of humans. Cannot go into direct sunlight, and doing so will result in being burnt
Mara: Also known as a “Nightmare demon”. Mostly humanoid, but typically lack any distinguishing features. Usually appear as nothing more than the completely black silhouette of a person, although some have been documented to have white or silver eyes, which lack a pupil or iris. It’s believed that many appear to be feminine, and either young women or old hags, but some do carry the preference of presenting themselves as being male or androgynous, as well. It is similar to Incubi/Succubi, but rather than feeding on sexual energy, it sits on the chest of a sleeping victim and brings nightmares. In some cases, they’re also known to suffocate their sleeping victim, as well as bring night terrors and sleep paralysis. After Pure Glitches, they’re the second hardest type of demon to catch on video or in photos, as their bodies tend to blend in with the surrounding shadows. They cannot exist in the light, and require some level of darkness to move about. Victims report feeling a heavy weight starting at their feet that very gradually spreads up their body and settles on their chest, before they became completely paralyzed. They retained the ability to see and hear, but along with their movement, they also lost the ability to speak, as well. They also report having vivid hallucinations and feeling a dark presence in the room with them
Imp: Can be humanoid, but like with other demon species, they can come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. They’re smaller than most demons, often ranging from 3’5 to 4’5, and they’re known for their short stature and red skin. Their eyes often appear yellow, and while males have angular horns that have black and white stripes around them, females have smaller horns that are mostly black with thin white stripes. They also have tails, the tips of which can either be shaped as an arrow or as a heart. They have a love for violence, and many base their careers on it. If their horns are curved and less angular, that would be the demon equivalent of balding
Inanimate: Almost always humanoid, but varies in appearance. They usually come in subtypes, such as mannequins, scarecrows, statues, dolls, animatronics, puppets, wax figures, dummies, etc. While they can move around normally in hell, they can only move if no one is looking, when they go to the human world. Like most demons, they enjoy scaring people, and they seem to prefer targeting anyone with automatonophobia (the fear of human-like figures)
Ink: Sometimes humanoid, sometimes not. They frequently resemble either a mostly humanoid figure or the upper half of a person (consisting of the head and neck, arms, chest, and upper half of the torso). They’re almost always entirely black and covered in sludge, and they lack any real distinguishing features, such as a face or clothing. It’s very rare to see any that appear in any other color or without the sludge. They’re supposedly made entirely of ink, hence their name. They’ve been seen coming out of ink puddles and “melting” back into them, and it’s thought that they use ink puddles to move from place to place. If one is strong enough, it may possess the ability to capture humans with its sludge, the substance becoming thicker and harder to pull oneself out of. If an Ink demon has built up enough strength and intelligence, they may even seek to convert humans into their personal servants. This could be achieved by first capturing and weakening a human, and then bleeding them out and replacing their blood with sludge. After the human completely heals and regains consciousness, they’re subjected to brainwashing and various forms of abuse, and this will continue until their spirit has been entirely broken and they’ve lost hope of escaping. Only once they lose hope and become entirely compliant, can the transformation into a servant be completed
Hellhound: There are two types that have been documented: Anthropomorphic and Feral. Anthropomorphic hellhounds typically have traits that are based off of canines (like dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals, etc.) and walk upright on two legs like a human, while Feral hellhounds more closely resemble normal canines
Fallen Angels: Refers to angels who committed a crime and were cast down to hell from heaven. A prime example of this is Lucifer, who was once God’s favorite, and also known as the most beautiful angel in heaven 
Sinner: Refers to any demon who was once human. When one becomes a demon, they usually develop the traits of whatever ties in with their personality, the kind of life that they lived, or their cause of death. They start off humanoid, but their appearance changes over time, depending on the number of lives they’ve taken and the number of people/creatures they’ve consumed. It’s not uncommon for them to cannibalize other demons. In death, they may choose to keep their human name or go by something new. Sinner demons may become any of the previously listed types, excluding imps, hellhounds, incubi/succubi, and inanimates
Hellborn: Refers to any demon who was born in hell, such as imps, hellhounds, incubi/succubi, and inanimates. While Sinner demons may occasionally grow to resemble any of these types, there will always be a way to distinguish them and spot the fakes
Hellborn demons don’t always fall into one specific category or type, much like Sinner demons
Hybrid demon species do exist, but are not common and are typically outcasted from the rest of society. Usually, they like to stick to their own general races, such as any glitch variant pairing with another (‘glitch’ is more of an umbrella term that refers to Pure Glitches, Lens Flares, and Clickbaits) while any clown variants (meaning standard Circus/Carnival Clowns, Jesters, Mimes, and Harlequins) may pair off with another clown variant. The different races do sometimes reproduce and create offspring with humans, but the half human-half demon mixes are often outcasted, since most others feel like they don’t belong in hell, but they don’t belong in the human world, either
Harlequins and Incubi/Succubi are known to be more promiscuous in nature, so hybrids that are part clown or incubi/succubi are fairly common 
Devils and demons are extremely similar, though devils are almost always stronger, more violent, and more aggressive
It’s rare for demons to mate for life, but the bonded pairs that do usually end up moving out of the city. They relocate and choose to settle down somewhere away from most other demons, where they’re free to start a relatively peaceful life together
Because clown type demons are so similar, it’s common for two variants of one type to produce offspring that is another (ex: two standard Circus/Carnival Clowns may produce offspring that is a mime, or two Mimes may produce offspring that is a Jester)
If a Glitch variant reproduces with another Glitch variant, there’s a 50/50 chance that the offspring would be one type or the other (ex: a Pure Glitch and a Lens Flare may produce offspring that is either a Pure Glitch or a Lens Flare)
If two Sinner demons that don’t fall into any specific type produce offspring, the offspring would likely be another demon that shares their traits, similar to the outcomes whenever humans reproduce. The only thing to note would be that while Sinner demons aren’t native to hell, any children they have would technically be Hellborns
Hellhounds, Inks, and Imps are at the bottom of the food chain, so to speak. Maras, Vampires, and Incubi/Succubi are only slightly above them. Fallen Angels and Devils are at the very top, with Glitches right beneath them. Beneath Glitches would be Clowns, and then beneath Clowns would be Inanimates
From the bottom of the societal ladder to the top, the order would be: Hellhounds, Inks, Imps, Incubi/Succubi, Vampires, Maras, Inanimates, Clowns, Glitches, Devils, and Fallen Angels
Hellborn demons will almost always be stronger than Sinner demons. Sinners do have the potential to become stronger though, if the right conditions are met 
There are other subspecies that exist as well, like Spiders, Moths, Cyclops, Snakes, Technology, Plants, etc.
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tsbikersau · 3 years
Chapter 6
The crash played in Logan’s head on repeat, like a cursed video that was meant to be forever ingrained into his head, burned onto his retinas never to fade away. He knew that would not be the case, but it didn’t change the fact that at the moment he truly was reliving it over and over again.
It was horrifying, he had to admit. Even more than horrifying. He saw Roman in the lead, so he could assume he wasn’t one of the victims but this another annoying voice in his head screamed for his attention with “Well what if he did?!”. He didn’t, Roman was fine. He was fine. There was no reason for overreacting. He was a professional, he must be okay.
Logan was taken out of his stupor by Patton’s strong grip on his upper arm, shaking him slightly. People around them were leaving the stands, and Virgil was hyperventilating. Of course. He cursed himself mentally for letting himself get so lost in his own turmoil.
The seats closest to them were already empty, leaving enough room for Logan to crouch in front of Virgil without worrying about blocking the path (there was always some asshole who didn’t understand that they can go the other way and insisted on making everyone’s day harder, so he was glad this was already out of the way).
His own mind was racing, heart beating somewhat frantically, but he tried with all his might to at least seem in control and composed. When he reached for the headphones around Virgil’s neck, which must have fallen off when he started panicking or he took them off himself because the crowd was quite orderly that day, he tried not to pay any mind to his shaking hands.
“Virgil, I need you to take your hands away from your head,” he started, hoping he can get through to him. “I have your headphones but I can’t put them on if you’re blocking them. It’s okay, there is almost no one here. Everything is fine. You are fine.”
How long did they stay like that, before Virgil returned to the present? Neither of them noticed, it wasn’t important. Patton sighed, relieved, when Virgil’s eyes were once again conscious, without that fog of unwanted memories clouding them. He bit his lip a little too hard, which he noticed only when Patton took a packet of tissues out of his pocket, took one out and passed it to him with a smile and a quiet “for your lip”. Virgil’s hands were violently shaking, but he tried for a small grateful smile from behind the tissue.
The ride home was quiet. Patton insisted on driving everyone back, even though he lived in a completely different part of the town. When they were all securely in the car, Logan checked his phone. There was a message in the group chat, and once he read it he felt the weight of a tonne worth of bricks getting lifted from his shoulders and he could finally breathe in fully.
“Roman is perfectly fine, albeit a bit shaken,” Logan said aloud, following that with reading the message to everyone in the car. He heard the shaky breath of the anxious man in the back, he saw the way Patton’s reassuring smile lost its strain, becoming genuinely relieved.
The ride was silent, everyone too caught up in their own heads to care for any conversation. Logan was thinking about everything aside from the fact, how relieved he felt, and how affected he seemed to be. He got so used to ignoring his abnormal feelings towards their star biker, but now it felt like he wasn’t able to do that anymore. No matter how much he tried to focus on Virgil in the back, one thought kept coming back like a very annoying pendulum. A mantra set just to taunt him.
He could have died. And I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.
I almost witnessed Roman’s death.
And if he knew that those kinds of thoughts were ultimately pointless, he couldn’t stop them from coming. Because yes, this time it ended up okay. But what if there is a next time that isn’t this fortunate?
Logan looked out of the window, on the blurs that were the buildings passing by. He was still feeling miserable and there’s only so much a person can do to feel a semblance of being detached from the situation in a car with three people in it.
The race was, ultimately, decided to be not taken into consideration. There was no time to reschedule before the next part of the contest, and since that one was meant to finalise who gets to ride in the semi-finals, the boards decided to make an exception and take the points the riders ended up with after the previous one with additional points added based on the positions right before the crash, probably the most complicated way out possible. Which, in short, meant that Roman got qualified, obviously, but so did Remus.
The moment Roman entered the garage the following morning, it being the middle of the week and of course they would be working, Virgil threw the cloth he was using to get some of the grime off his hands on the floor and positively threw himself at Roman. Such a display was so unexpected that the biker had to take a step back, almost losing his balance, but he soon recovered enough to laugh at the string of curses that was being muttered into his jacket. He hugged the man back, and from the looks of it, it was a proper squeeze.
Logan couldn’t hold his little smile while watching the exchange. They might banter and edge on the borderline of a fight every other day, but in the end Virgil really cared for every one of his friends.
Of course no one will speak about that lapse of judgement that made him hug Roman. Aside from Roman, for whom the action may become another thing to banter about. Of course.
(He really appreciated it, though. Not the fact, that he almost fell and lost another chunk of his dignity, but the hug itself was really what he needed, although he didn’t realise it. He must have been still shaken, more so than he thought on entering the shop.)
The second Virgil released him, another pair of arms took him captive, this time without cursing him to hell and back. The day more than one swear world in consecutive progression leaves Patton’s mouth will be the day of the apocalypse, that was a known fact.
When Roman looked to Logan on the other side of the working station, he was smiling brightly, but when Logan smiled back (he couldn’t help it, the relief he felt on seeing Roman alive and breathing too much for his stoic expression. Frankly, he didn’t care) he could swear Roman’s eyes got a little softer. There was something in his expression before it got covered up with a confident wink, to which Logan could do nothing but huff and go back to his work. There he was, he will be okay.
After that, the day went as usual. And if Logan glanced up from his work to check if Roman is really alright a bit more often than he would normally, well, no one really noticed. Aside from the biker in question, but he wasn’t going to bring it up. Yet.
Masterpost --- Next Chapter >>
Taglist: @mariita-2006 @bullet-tothefeels @crossiantgay
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journalxxx · 3 years
Repetita Iuvant
The room was almost perfectly quiet. The barely audible buzzing of the medical equipment and the occasional squawk of a bird outside were the only noises Izuku had heard in probably hours. The chair creaked when he moved, his shoes squeaked on the white floor. He had already grown used to the pungent smell of disinfectant. No one had come to check on either of them in a while. There was nothing whatsoever to distract him from his thoughts and from the enormity of the consequence that his recklessness could have had- could still have.
How very obvious All For One's plan had been, in hindsight. Driving Izuku to drive himself to the brink of exhaustion and to detach himself from any semblance of support. Sending few lone agents first to inflict some physical chip damage and a much more substantial amount of psychological warfare. Leading him to walk, alone and unprepared and worn-out, straight into the real trap.
Even without Endeavor's fire propulsion or the perceptive wings of the hero who was always just a little too fast, All Might had been the first one to reach the fight. Izuku knew that his words weren't going to dissuade him from trying to follow his student, but he'd thought he could manage to outspeed him, to keep the danger just a little ahead of him at every turn. How arrogant and simple-minded.
All Might hadn't wasted a second. With what little combat gear he had at hand, he had immediately provided cover fire and diversion, dodging and hiding and inching his way towards Izuku as the horde of strategically placed snipers and brawlers kept him too busy to track his mentor's approach.  All Might, who, Todoroki had told him, even after losing every last ounce of his power, had once unhesitatingly thrown himself in harm's way to protect a wandering bystander from collateral damage. All Might, who had once again thrown himself in harm's way to protect his disgraceful successor from a potentially lethal blow.  Izuku had recognized the villain who had charged forwards. There were two whole pages about him on one of his old notebooks, probably number 7 or 8. A convict with a sunlight-fuelled power-enhancing quirk who had regained his freedom during one of the many breakouts following Tartarus' fall, a villain that All Might himself had brought to justice a few years back. Izuku had seen the cruel grin on the criminal's face when he had realized who his attack had landed on. Izuku had seen the sadistic glint in his eyes as he instantly stopped caring about the target of the operation in order to exact his revenge on his captor, and started pummelling the frail, stumbling figure savagely. Caught in the crossfire of the battle, it had taken Izuku ninety seconds to separate the rampaging brute from his victim. Ninety seconds was a tremendously long time in the raging frenzy of a battlefield. The sight of All Might's bloodied, battered, unconscious form was the last clear memory Izuku retained of the whole accident. After that, it was a blurry sequence of hits, dodges, movement, explosions, noise, made even more chaotic by the arrival of other heroes. After that, a mad dash to the nearest hospital. After that... Time. Nothing but time, hours and hours, with the sole company of his regrets. Endeavor, of all people, had had a few words for Izuku when he had reached the hospital as well. Not very heartfelt or unexpected ones, but undeniably warranted. Endeavor, who was just about the most unsociable, standoffish and selfish hero in the industry, and an unspeakable parent and husband to boot. Endeavor, who nonetheless had opened up his own agency, had sidekicks, subordinates, support, a proper network of associates, and was demonstrably not above accepting help when he obviously needed it. Not even Endeavor could have messed up so badly. Hawks had just shaken his head and spared Izuku any tirades, for the time being. He had kept watch, and later said that Recovery Girl was on her way. Izuku had genuinely no idea how many hours (days?) had passed since All Might had been admitted to the hospital. He had let some doctors examine his own wounds, done whatever he was told to do and answered whatever question he was asked with the most appropriate monosyllable. He had slept, not by choice but probably because of some medicine someone gave him at some point. He had washed and put on some fresh clothes provided by Jeanist. He had eaten, barely. He had waited. Stared at walls. Paced. Let his brain dissect in every detail the harrowing series of unforgivable blunders that had led to the current situation. Despite the doctors' initial opposition, they had allowed Izuku to enter All Might's room after Hawks had interceded. The noticeble lack of reassurances about the man's conditions had worried him, but, unlike in Nighteye's case, no one had warned him of his impending demise either, which was as good a sign as he was going to get. Since then, no one had showed up to tell him to leave, so he hadn't. He had tried to be rational about it, at first. He had analyzed the fact that All For One's goons seemed hell bent on taking advantage of All Might's weak point. The first noumu had done it, Wolfram had done it, the latest assailant had done it as well, if the extensive dressing covering the entirety of All Might's left side was of any indication. It was wicked and cowardly, but it was also a bit of a blessing in disguise. Most of his vital organs in that area had long since been eradicated, and it stood to reason that any damage on the opposite side, for example to All Might's sole remaining lung, would be more likely to prove deadly. He hoped his foes would never get that memo. He noted how scattered All Might's injuries were and reflected that, if the villain had focussed all those hits and raw strength on the hero's head alone, he would have turned it into mincemeat in a matter of seconds. As it stood, most of All Might's head was unscathed, with some padded bandaging covering about a third of his face, but relatively little damage to the cranial lid itself. Another instance of cruelty turning to their advantage, Izuku guessed. Unfortunately, instead of getting used to the sight of his mentor's wrecked body, Izuku was only finding it more and more distressing as time went by. There were too many bandages, too many tubes and machines and cables laid out around and all over him. He was too pale, his features too sunken, his appearance too similar to a corpse, his chest rising too shallowly with each breath to give him any measure of comfort. Izuku crumpled forwards in his chair, hands in his hair, face resolutely pointed at the floor, unable to stand the sight any longer. He was gutless, unworthy and criminally short-sighted. One For All probably shared that sentiment, since he hadn't heard a peep from any of the vestiges since the fight. He resumed, for the millionth time, revisiting the events of the last months, letting guilt engulf him like a poisonous cloud. He was snapped out of his reverie by a fierce grip on his wrist, and the sudden blaring of one of the machines. His heart jumped in his throat and he looked up to see All Might reaching out to him with his good hand, awake and tense, rushed breaths fogging the oxygen mask he was wearing.  Izuku's eyes flew back and forth between the man and the beeping monitor. Was he reading it correctly? A heart rate spike? Something worse? All Might was definitely awake, but not altogether... there. He had a haunted, distant expression that made Izuku's stomach constrict painfully.  "All Might?" He called, utterly failing to suppress his increasing dread. He tried to pry his teacher's hand away from his arm so that he could run and alert someone, but those bony fingers clawed him with such strength that no man in his condition had any right to have. "What's wrong?" The question seemed to help him get his bearings, somehow. Tension became confusion as All Might's gaze roamed all over Izuku, then the room, then what little he could see of himself from his lying position. Eventually the confusion waned too and exhaustion took its place as he closed his eyes and ventured a few deeper breaths.  Izuku tentatively stood up, but All Might, despite loosening his iron grip, didn't let go of him.  "Are you in pain? Shall I call someone?" He asked, still frazzled. A negative nod. As if in agreement, the monitor spontaneously ceased beeping. Izuku felt as if any decision-making ability he had ever possessed had been crushed alongside his mentor's limbs. Should he call someone, just to be sure? Weren't they monitoring patients remotely anyway? Should he- All Might opened his eyes again, and met Izuku's. The light that normally brightened them, a flame that had nothing to do with quirks and that Izuku had thought inextinguishable, was subdued and meek. It made the boy's breath catch in his throat. "I-I'm..." He couldn't say it. Apologies couldn't cut it, not this time. There were no words that could even begin to atone for the catastrophe he had nearly caused, for the pain he knew he had inflicted to the one person that had always, unerringly trusted him. His traitorous eyes burned and his vision blurred. Izuku squeezed them and bit his lip, hard. He would not cry. He didn't have the right to, especially not after months spent playing the stoic vigilante, and it was a damnable weakness he should have weaned off long ago, and All Might barely tolerated it in the first place. All Might tugged at his arm. He was regarding him gently now, with that deep warmth that one never expected to match those haggard features of his. He pulled again, until Izuku returned to the chair and scooted a little closer to the bed, close enough for All Might to move his hand to the boy's hair.  "It's okay." All Might finally spoke. His voice was disturbingly different from his usual stentorean timbre, like the rumbling thunder of a distant storm even when it was at its lowest. There was a breathless, wispy quality to his tone now, and long pauses stretching between each sentence he uttered. "It's okay to cry... I should have told you... a long time ago..." Izuku's throat clenched painfully. There was so much he had to say and explain and apologize for, so much he had to tell him, but he couldn't. He couldn't. A pitiful whimper escaped him as he brought his own hand to cover All Might's. To stop him and pull it away, or to grasp it and hold it closer, he didn't even know. "Repeat after me." All Might said in English with that odd accent of his that didn't quite sound as natural as an American's, but that nonetheless seemed to roll off his tongue so easily. Those words hit Izuku almost physically, summoning a memory of roaring waves under a starry sky, of a joyful run along an immaculate beach in a time when the future looked so much brighter, and so much more hopeful. "It's okay to cry." "...It's. Okay. To cry-" Izuku managed to force out haltingly, and suddenly it was as if a dam broke inside him. Gross sobs escaped him uncontrollably, making him gasp aloud and flinch beneath his mentor's calm gaze as some part of him took those words in stride with frightening promptness. "Don't push yourself too hard." All Might was smiling now, of all things. Where he found the strength, the will, the reason to smile so softly at him here, now, Izuku had no idea. It took the boy a few moments to realize that the hero was still expecting him to reply. "Don't push yourself too hard." He echoed shakily. He thought of Musutafu, of the USJ, of Kamino. He wondered to whom, exactly, these words were aimed at. He abandoned that line of thought immediately.  "You deserve to rest." "You deserve-" He stopped. He could not say those words, not like this. It sounded way too much like a farewell, like a request for a parting blessing. Which was unthinkable, because All Might had vowed to keep on living and he would never go back on it. But Izuku's mind conjured notions of eternal rest, tragic visions that may or may not come to pass, irredeemable mistakes- All Might's hand slid away from under Izuku's. The same hand that had once shattered buildings, created whirlwinds, held an entire nation's hope in its raised fist, trailed down Izuku's temple with unimaginable tenderness. It cupped the boy's cheek in its palm, it wiped away stray tears with its thumb. All Might mouthed something, more of an exhale than actual words, that Izuku couldn't quite catch over the sound of his own gasps.  "You deserve to rest." The boy finished. All Might was still smiling, more serene that Izuku had seen him in months. "Let's talk more later, hm?" He sighed as he closed his eyes, his hand slowly falling back on the bed. Izuku clasped it back between his own in an instant, panic flaring up in his gut all over again, fearing the unthinkable.  But the equipment kept buzzing quietly and undisturbed, the birds kept squawking, his chair kept creaking and his shoes kept squeaking. He focussed on the firm pulse beating under his fingertips, for as long as it took for his own mind to still.
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pariahisms · 3 years
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                                          𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖘 🛡️
                                         ( character inspo )
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four/tobias eaton: quiet, but brave and intelligent. though capable of being a fierce and merciless fighter, four prefers to use his skills to help people. he can offer practical advice whenever faced with a new challenge, and feels intense loyalty to his friends. he is a smart fighter often steps ahead of his opponents. — divergent series )
gamora:  gamora in many ways has a warrior heart. serious, focused, & honorable. she is strong-willed, determined and resourceful. she carries herself with the dignity of a true warrior, but she is also a bit of a lone wolf due to her upbringing. because of her childhood she’s hesitant to open up. she is slow to make friends and doesn’t trust easily. her loyalty and friendship is hard earned.  — the guardians of the galaxy )
raven:  she can come off as mysterious often. she is quiet, troubled, brooding, grim, seemingly emotionless, intelligent, studious and sarcastic. she can always come up with a smart remark when prompted. found often battling internal battles but keeps herself in check in order to not worry others.  — teen titians )
mai:  due to mai’s upbringing she is consistently unamused by life. preferring blank stares and detachment from emotions. dark, brooding, stoic, and gloomy, mai is usually bored by her circumstances and takes little interest in anything around her. she goes through the motions day by day.  — avatar the last airbender )
dimitri belikov:  is a quiet, soldier-like man who at first appears stoic and unwavering. his emotions can be hard to read most of the time. he can appear gruff and strict at first meeting, taking awhile to warm to others. although he does show some acts of kindness when able, deep down he is loving and has a strong loyalty to those he cares about. dimitri is extremely loyal and dutiful, especially when it comes to duty of guarding and protecting the moroi.  — vampire academy the book series )
katniss everdeen:  katniss is a strong survivalist, lethal, & good at thinking outside the box. tough, independent, resourceful, fiery, and skilled with her weapon of choice, and yet she also has a compassionate side and deep loyalty to those she loves. she has a hard time connecting with others. deeply true to herself she doesn’t mask her opinions. if she doesn’t like you, it will be known. very adaptable and a natural fighter.  — the hunger games )
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svtreaction · 4 years
have a one night stand
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a/n: wow it has been TOO LONG. I was perusing my request inbox and honestly this one seemed so fun I couldn’t resist. These are just my opinions, so take it easy on me! GIF is from yunchanpai. ALSO I added some spice so 18+ !!!
xx, Lex 
most  s.coups vernon mingyu the8 jun hoshi woozi wonwoo jeonghan dk dino seungkwan joshua  least
s.coups // “You’re body is stunning... I won’t miss an inch” - In regards to daddy coups taking the number one spot, I attribute my choice to maturity— he oozes a sensual coolness that gives me the impression that he could definitely handle a one night stand, but this is not saying that there wouldn’t be regret with some cases.  He would treat the people he sleeps with a disgusting amount of romanticism (fuck yes), lots of body worship, which definitely leaves you both wanting more. This being said, I feel that a lot of one night stands with this man could lead to a possible relationship, but on the other hand I think he wouldn’t necessarily bat an eyelash at one night in bed. 
mingyu // “...just like that” - Similarly to coups, I feel like Mingyu just oozes maturity. He definitely doesn’t make one night stands a habit, but I believe he doesn’t have a problem with them.  He also seems like the man that can flip the switch— he’d want to take care of anyone who he’s with in that particular moment, but when they’re gone, I feel like he could detach more easily than the other members. In terms of during the one night stand, I would not be surprised if Mingyu has a thing for bondage. I can just picture him asking his partner if he could use silk ribbons to tie them down... Possible degradation included? 
vernon // “you look beautiful baby” - I can see Hansol being very open to one night stands. If anyone confronted him about it, he’d just shrug his shoulders and carry himself with the “I don’t give a shit” attitude. A couple years ago, however, I would’ve put Hansol significantly lower on the list. Me and an old friend always theorized how we believed he could’ve went through some significant heartbreak or trauma somewhere around the Boom Boom era, and turned into a sex god after. Vernon, to the outside eye, can seem stoic at times, but this boy definitely has a big heart, and I think he just wants to spread love in all the ways he can. Lots of body worship with him! 
minghao // “turn around for me” - Minghao is rather nimble and flexible, and I can see these particular skills as motivation to get into the bedroom. I think he likes the challenge of having sex with another person, and loves to please his partner as much as humanly possible. Similarly to the other “higher ranked” members, Minghao ALSO has a maturity about him, and definitely has the “I don’t give a shit what you think of me” attitude. Additionally, I don’t think Minghao would be embarrassed to ask his one night stands personal sex questions, or have the fear of telling them to try new positions with him. Things in the bedroom with this boy would always be exciting, and you’ll definitely end up sore the next day if you end up spending the night with Minghao. 
junhui // “call me daddy, sweetheart” - as we are all aware of, jun does not shy away from pleasure. This being said, I believe he does not shy away from the one night stand scene; however, as greasy as this boy can be, he is also just as much a big softie with a tender heart. So as much as he’d be interested in delving into some extra pleasure on the side, I also see him wanting to form stronger bonds before the deed is done. After having sex in general, I can see him being a big, big cuddler, but don’t let this fool you, he definitely wants you to call him daddy while he destroys you.
hoshi // “you feel so good pretty girl” - soonyoung definitely is not against the one night stand way of life, but similarly to jun, I can see him wanting to form some bonds beforehand. With most situations, I feel like soonyoung would want a label on the relationship before any sex is to be had, however, I do see him every once in awhile having a one night stand to scratch his itch. With Soonyoung, it’s a toss up— he’s either going to have regrets in the morning, or he's just going to try to forget the person he brought home and did sinful things to just for one night. Big into pet names.
woozi // “...fuck” - jihoon no doubt lacks experience in comparison to the other members of seventeen, but just because he might not have as much experience, I really don’t think he’d be against participating in the one night stand scene. He’s mature and can emotionally handle being with a partner for just one evening; however, I don’t think this would be his first choice. I think Jihoon would prefer to have those emotional connections to his partner before he takes it to the physical level. Very quiet during sex. Heavy breathing/panting from this guy. 
wonwoo// “you feel so good around me” - I know, basically for a fact, that Wonwoo WILL fuck you good. He’s the perfect mix of sweet and dangerous in the bedroom. But when it comes to one night stands, I think our boy would tend to shy away from them. Wonwoo strikes me as a person who can, and desires to, form really deep connections with others, so one night stands are not his forte. But somehow if you do manage to get him in bed with, whether that be a one night stand or after being in a relationship, it’s going to be GOOD. 
jeonghan // “faster, kitten” - Jeonghan would probably stray away from having a one night stand with anyone. I think he believes he’s “above” it for some reason, and only sticks to having sex with somebody he cares for. I don’t think it would take him long to have sex though, I just think he definitely needs some personal connection first. Jeonghan wants to learn your boundaries, he doesn’t want to dive headfirst into the unknown. Definitely leans toward being a sub. Likes when you’re on top. 
dk // “Is this okay? Do you like it?” - SO SHY! He’s a real cutie, and even though he’s rather outgoing and exuberant, I think Seokmin would be nervous to take someone he doesn’t know into bed with him. I also believe he’s a pretty vanilla partner, and definitely liked to stick to missionary so he can see your face. Wouldn’t mind hitting it from behind though. Is a little skittish with every move he makes, and will constantly be checking if you’re okay and if he’s pleasuring you like he should. 
chan // “... I like this” - I think Chan would be very similar to Seokmin in regards to having a one night stand. But for some reason, I have a feeling that as he grows up ( even more than he already has :’) )  and gets a taste for having sexual relations with another person without ties, he might climb my list. However, I’m placing him here for now. Definitely is very serious during sex. Likes to grip your waste really hard. 
seungkwan // “I’m so lucky to have you” - AWE. We all love Seungkwan, but he is not down for the one night stand scene. He can’t make himself do it. He might say he wants to have a one night stand, but will never actually go through with it. He’s definitely waiting for that one person to get intimate with. Also, I think the thought of random people seeing him naked doesn’t sit well with him. But so, so, so, so much praise! He’s so cute in bed.
joshua // “it’s you and me, forever” - Josh wants commitment. Period. He wasn’t dubbed Jisoos Christ for nothing. I love him, but no one night stands for my guy. He’s definitely searching for that emotional connection, and I will even go as far as to say that he has to love you before anything along the lines of sex happens. I don’t think he’ll hold off everything till marriage, though. He knows that you need to have a good physical connection with another person before leaping into life-long commitment. Very sweet in bed though. Vanilla. Sub.
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paragonrobits · 4 years
so i’ve finally noticed something that is, I think, at the root of Jedi discourse and sometimes Aang discourse, and also Discworld discourse, and it comes down to a single point that I find sincerely baffling:
people think that being detached is a bad thing.
This is not something I understand, but it explains a lot of why people react badly to characters, factions, or philosophical approaches that stress separating personal desire or feelings from the matter at hand; things like controlling passion or refusing to allow your feelings to influence your judgement, one way or another, on important matters.
People seem to think that detachment, and the broader idea of refusing to allow personal feelings to affect your actions, is a negative thing.
This explains, for example, why some people think Carrrot is a malicious mastermind in the Discworld series, or feel that Aang in the Avatar series is also a bad person: because they try to not let their personal feelings get involved, or the principle of thinking, as Carrot puts it, ‘Personal isn’t the same as important’.
And this is tied to a recurring motif I have seen in a lot of fiction and people’s assumptions here. There is this idea that caring very intensely about something is the same thing as doing good, or that passion, on it’s own, is a purely positive thing.
Here’s the thing, though. Being carried away by your feelings doesn’t really help anyone. Being calm and doing what you can helps things. Like, say, suppose you find out you lost all your money somewhere, rent is due, and now the rest of your family is having a complete panic attack and crying. Do you ALSO panic and cry, or is it more sensible to calm down, resist the fear, and look back to see if you left the check somewhere?
The answer is, of course, the latter. Maybe you find it, maybe you don’t. But you do more good staying calm, controlling your feelings, and doing the most sensible thing that comes to mind. That is a benefit of detachment; you won’t do anyone any good just howling in terror when things get bad.
But on this site, and in pop culture in general, there’s this idea that great emotion and passion are universally positive things: intense love (reciprocated or not) is often held to be the highest thing, and any deed in service to that love is often viewed more leniently. Any intensely emotional character is often liked more than those who are less demonstrative; view how fandom in the Assassin’s Creed series adores Ezio Auditore (who is very loud and expressive about his passions) compared to the constant mocking of Ratonhnhaketon, who often has a stoic image around his enemies and allies of convenience (whom constitute almost every NPC). Or how the Jedi Order’s principle of detachment is often viewed very negatively by fandom, despite the narrative strongly implying that they are correct, or at least not wrong, to do so.
The implication is clear; people think that passion, or at least strong feeling, is inherently a benign or admirable thing. And so, they think that lack of strong feeling, or at least refusing to show it or have it determine your actions, is a sign of a diseased soul.
In short, it seems that the people who criticize detachment are, consciously or not, also implying that the concept of self-control and not constantly flying off the handle is a bad thing. Which is, of course, a massively unhealthy and negative thing to actually live by.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 4 years
The Merkel piece is so heart wrenching and I shouldn’t want this, but does he come back to her? Will she be okay? I can see her doing things to try to bring him back. 💔
Maybe start with how they met...
Gordon Merkel had lead a chaotic, rough, exciting life full of danger and uncertainty and he loved it. In his profession you burned bright and no one really made it to retirement. Longevity wasn’t in stars for him or any one he worked with whether it was lifespan, relationships or sanity. It was all on a crash course for disaster, so getting emotionally attached to anyone was a sure fire way to see them get hurt.
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Luckily, a large part of their training was emotional detachment. When you constantly witnessed people dying around you, and were close to the absolute worst human beings on the planet, controlling your emotions was a matter of life or death. When your job was to befriend the biggest predators on the planet, you needed to be one too.
When it came to relationshits, You definitely didn’t need a woman for more than the fun she had to offer of the carnal variety. No one was more true to this unsaid, but heavily encouraged rule than Gordon Merkel. He preferred to not only never see them again, but he really didn’t like exchanging names.
He never had a girlfriend in his life and didn’t plan on it. He didn’t have a whole lot of faith in human beings, in fact he was pretty sure he was incapable of trusting anyone, ever. Blame it on his childhood, his temper, his endless line of bedmates, his profession or the fact he got a lot of “come fuck me” looks from taken and married women daily, it really wasn’t his concern.
That’s why he was having such a hard time coming to terms with his obsession with a girl he’d met at a club recently. It was run by major human and drug traffickers he’d been assigned to get close to. He was deep undercover as the brother of a member of management that was being aggressively persuaded into helping his organization.
“Hey Merk come here bro!” The said traitor to his very dangerous bosses but out as soon as he had walked in the door.
Merkel rolled his eyes, but made his way over to the imposing figure of his supposed brother. It was almost laughable they’d believed they were related considering the only trait they shared was they were both tall. Merkel was what most would call a pretty boy, while his accomplice Tony was a meathead through and through. “How can I help you?”
“Don’t get smart with me kid, follow me, I gotta talk to you somewhere safe.” Tony sneered as he spin on his heel and marched forward, knowing Merkel would follow.
They reached his office and he followed the man inside only to be stunned as the man grabbed him by his throat and slammed him into the wall. Eyes bugging out and trying to loosen the steel grip on his air supply, he quickly wondered if this was the day he’d meet his maker. Black spots started to appear and as he waited on his life to flash before his eyes, the only thing that came to mind was that damn girl, smiling at him last night. Then more pictures of her doing anything from walking across a room, to laughing at a joke he didn’t hear. He was mortified these were his last thoughts, and for the first time in his short, crazy life, he questioned if he love was in fact real.
Just before he was sure he was dead, tony released his throat, letting him fall to the floor in a coughing, hacking fit. Desperately trying to catch his breath, and stop the room from spinning, Merkel focused on the mans shoes in front of him. He was saying something, but it wasn’t registering.
“Do I gotta choke you out again?” He roared and that got Merks attention real quick.
“No!” He gasped as he shook his head. “Ask again, I’m listening!”
Tony waited for Merk to look up at him and when he did, he said in the most menacing tone he could muster “when do I get to see my fucking kids?”
This threw Merkel off, but he attempted to hide his complete cluelessness from the man. “Didn’t they set that all up with you before this started?”
“Yes, but you’re in here now, they are trusting you, and I was promised a phone call every Sunday to be sure they’re ok and healthy and I didn’t get my fucking call yesterday.” Tony spit out so violently, he was shaking.
Honestly Merkel had no clue how they’d gotten this guy to cooperate, and he hoped it wasn’t by holding this guys children hostage, but he wasn’t allowed to ask questions. This was another reason they taught them to be emotionally detached. His organization was about the greater good. They had no issue killing indiscriminately, if it would further what they considered a more important objective.
Seeing the much larger, much older man shaking in fury, and looking far too unstable for his taste, he pulled out his phone. Scrolling through the contacts, he pressed send on the emergency number he’d never called, and was greeted within one ring.
“I need information on our friend.” He stated confidently.
“We thank you and we are in contact now.” Then the line went dead just as the other mans phone started ringing.
Wasting no time, Merkel hopped up and made his way to the door. In his haste to get away from the hostile man, he neglected to check to see the hall was clear and collided with the very girl that had been tormenting his thoughts.
Not wishing to see her fall, he grabbed her and held him against her as he fell to the ground. She hardly weighed a thing so the fall wasn’t so bad, but when he looked down at her, her eyes were round as saucers. Seemingly losing his ability to speak, he just stared into her beautiful face waiting for her reaction.
Her face fell into a smirk, and she bit her lip in an effort to curb an impending giggle fit. It proved to. E in vain, as she began to giggle uncontrollably, making the normally suave, stoic Merkel giggle along with her. Before they knew it they were both giggling like idiots, trying to catch their breath, as Tony stepped out of his office.
“What the fuck are you two idiots doing?” Tony asked raising an eyebrow. “Nicole get up off my brother, he’s not good enough for a girl like you.”
Hooded eyelids and long lashes blinked slowly, as her sparkling hazel eyes gazed dreamily at the man still holding her in his arms. “I think I like your brother Tony, and i think he likes me too.” She said playfully as she grinded her hips into Merkels groin.
Tony shook his head and walked past the two young people and turned his head before going out on the floor. “Merk she’s one of the Boss’s special girls so if you have any sense you’ll get up and walk away.”
Nicole’s brow creased and she glared in Tony’s direction, before hesitantly turning to Merkel. “Um I guess I’ll leave you alone.”
Merkel chuckled as he pressed his face into her hair and laid a light kiss behind her ear. “Good thing I don’t have any sense Nicole.”
Her head snapped back so she could look into his face and see if he was joking but just as she was going to question him, he crashed his lips into hers in a passionate, damn near possessive kiss. Nothing else existed in that moment, it was just them two in the whole world. She couldn’t help but smile against his lips, as he pulled her even closer.
“Your brother wasn’t kidding. They’ll get mad if they see us together and the boss kinda thinks I belong to him.”
“Do you?” He growled into her ear, before lifting her to her feet.
Pulling himself to his full height, he towered over her and she ran her hand up his torso appreciatively. “I’ve only ever belonged to myself. Me against the world, but maybe... I don’t know.”
“You don’t know what?”
“Maybe I could give myself to someone like you.” She said looking up into his gorgeous green eyes.
That was it for him. He knew he was done for. Looking down at her, he didn’t want to just get her in bed (eventhough he did) but for the first time in his life, Gordon Merkel wanted to keep a woman safe. He wanted to keep her close. He wanted to keep her, and it scared the shit out of him.
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neohighwayv · 5 years
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Characters: NCT / WayV / SuperM Lucas x fem reader
Genre: fluff, romance, domestic!au
Word count: 1.8k
Description: He’s perfect – way too perfect for this world – but he’s also just perfect for you.
As the sunlight filtered into the bedroom, it gradually heated up the room and the warmer temperature slowly roused you from the gentle embrace of sleep. Stretching out your limbs by lying flat on your back, you let out a yawn as your body released the tension from the night before, turning to face the other person sharing the bed with you – a man going by the name of Lucas. And Yukhei. And Xuxi.
Your movements woke him up and he peeked an eye open, a soft “Good morning beautiful” leaving his lips as he tucked an arm under his pillow, propping his face up slightly to observe you in this serene moment. Through his hooded eyelids, he watches you observe him, your eyes now wide open as you scanned his entire face. Even though he isn’t even fully awake yet, Lucas continues looking like a god of beauty himself. His face isn’t puffy, the tan of his skin glowing a warm bronze as the sunlight hits the planes of his body. His hair was sticking up in all the right directions – which you found absolutely adorable because it made him look like a huge, fluffy puppy – but as he ran a hand through them to keep them neat, you can’t help but notice the curves of his toned biceps and chest. His hooded eyelids made him look incredibly sexy but his lips – oh gosh, his lips. They were tinted a soft pink and his plump lips looked so luscious and kissable right now. You would have done it if not for your morning breath putting you off.
It was so unfair. The heavens truly gave Lucas everything when they created him. Looks. Personality. Height. Skills. The full package. Meanwhile the rest of the population had to scramble for scraps. Yourself included. You rolled your eyes as you groaned at the injustice, rolling away to no longer face him. You notice the worry in Lucas’s voice when it drops an octave lower, though you make no move to turn back to face him.
“Why? What’s wrong Y/N?”
God it’s truly SO unfair. How does this even make sense? Even his husky morning voice sounded sexy instead of coming out as a croak like most people.
You continue to feign anger as you let the next words out of your mouth. “Don’t talk to me Lucas.”
“Why? What did I do!” You could feel Lucas shift his body till he’s right behind you, but he made no move to touch you or move you, worried that you were really angry at him for a legitimate reason.
You flipped over to face him with a huff before you poured out your grievances to him.
“It’s so unfair! Look... look at you! How do you still look so ridiculously good in the morning! Most people look terrible but you still... you still look so good! Argh!”
You pull at your hair to prove your point and by now, Lucas is wide awake. He stares at you unblinkingly as he lets the words sink in.
Then he blinks once.
Before his eyes crinkle and turn into lovely crescents as his boisterous laughter reverberates through the whole room.
“Babe, that’s what you were angry about? Oh my goodness- I-!” Lucas doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before he was overcame with laughter again, causing the whole bed to shake.
“Don’t laugh at me!”
You land a slap on his biceps before turning back to face away from him, crossing your arms over your chest. After some time, you feel a pair of familiar arms snake around your waist and chest before you’re gently tugged into a familiar warm embrace, your head tucked perfectly under his chin as your back comes flush against his solid chest. Lucas places his mouth by your ear, directly cooing against the sensitive skin of your ear.
“Awww~ so that’s what my baby was angry about? But isn’t it a good thing? All this good stuff is yours. All yours~”
“No. Not a good thing! I have to wake up to such perfection each morning and it just makes my self-esteem drop.”
“Hmmm, looks like I’m not loving you enough. Guess I’ll have to remind you about how perfect you are too.”
Lucas then proceeds to pepper kisses all over your face, hairline and neck as he interspersed each kiss with a good quality of yours. He made sure to give you a very affectionate kiss that was long and with his lips pressing firmly against your skin, releasing with an exceptionally loud sound. After a while, you couldn’t keep a stoic face anymore as you let out a laugh, both from the ticklish feeling of his soft lips against your skin and from the warmth spreading through your body, induced by his sweet words. You had to physically break free from his hold to stop the ticklish feeling, mumbling about needing to wash up and prepare for the day.
His giggles fade into the background as you enter the shared bathroom, proceeding to wash your face.
Lucas sauntered into the bathroom just as you stuck the toothbrush into your mouth, so you had no chance to question him since you couldn’t verbalise your thoughts. You felt the weight atop of your head as he placed his chin there once again. His arms go around to wrap your waist again, warmth spreading from where his fingers touched the little silver of bare skin that's exposed. He contented himself with watching you get ready for the day – just you and him. No distractions. Sometime later, he nuzzled his face into your hair, breathing in the sweet scent of your apple shampoo as he presses a kiss to the crown of your head. Well, just because he can because he's tall. When you proceeded to bend over the sink to rinse your mouth free of the foam, Lucas automatically pulled your hair back into a makeshift ponytail, keeping your hair out of the face long enough for you to make yourself clean. It’s not a grand gesture, but it's these small things that he can do for you that he does willingly – and ones that shows how much he cares for you. No questions asked, no prompting from you. He does it automatically because he's looking out for you all the time. Lucas releases your hair when you're done and you shift to stand beside him, passing him his toothbrush in the process as you proceed to wipe your face dry.
Now, it's your turn to be the affectionate one. Hooking an arm around his bare waist, you use his body as an anchor to bring your face to his back, pressing a quick kiss between his shoulder blades. (It's the only place you can reach with ease. Any further and you'll have to crane your neck.) Lucas jumps slightly at the unexpected contact, and you watch with amusement as his eyes turn into crescents once again through the mirror, your own soon mirroring his as you exit the bathroom giggling.
You're fixing your side of the bed when a strong hand came out to grip your arms, turning you around swiftly to collide head-face into a solid chest. You let out a small yelp at the surprise attack, totally not expecting it at all. You really should to be more vigilant; Lucas does these surprise attacks so often that you should be unfazed by now. Yet, he always still managed to surprise you – both in a good and bad way.
"Lucas! You scared me! What was that for?"
"Needed to catch you off-guard so that you won't be able to escape."
"Escape from what? There's no one here except for you."
"Escape from my kiss attack to show you how much I love you."
Lucas gives you no time to breathe before he launched his kiss attack, holding you tight against his body to give him more access to you, planting kisses on any bare patch of skin that's within reach for him. When he got to your neck, you had to tell him to physically stop, and you're left wheezing for breath when he finally detached his lips from your skin.
"Okok! I get it Lucas, you love me. Alot. I get it."
You put your hands against his chest to keep some distance but the smile on your face told him that there's no ill intention in that movement. You stopped laughing when the smile is wiped from Lucas's face, the mood suddenly turning sombre. He cups your face gently with both his hands, forcing you to look at him.
"Y/N, I meant it when I said you're perfect. You're strong, incredibly caring, and drop dead gorgeous – and the list goes on. I mean it. Promise me you'll believe in that."
The smile on your face grew wider with each word that he says. These words are said in true Lucas style. A man with a heart of gold, he took you seriously and always cared about your feelings. He knew you were joking just now – but even then – a part of him can’t help but worry that you actually meant it. He always checked twice, maybe thrice, to make sure that you’re really alright. He would do everything in his power to comfort you and remind you that you're worthy. He's right – his good looks are definitely something to be jealous of, but you're glad that this beauty is all yours – to admire and treasure for as long as he would allow it.
"With how much you remind me of my good qualities on a daily basis, I highly doubt that I can ever forget that, love. I still think you look perfect, but I was joking about being angry earlier, you know that right? Besides, you have a point. I'm so, so, so lucky that you're all mine to treasure and love. I love you."
Lucas melted at the term of endearment and your sincere confession, a soft "Good" leaving his lips before he craned his neck forward to mould his lips against yours, giving you your first proper kiss of the day. Both of you smiled into a kiss before the need for air forced both of you apart.
“Oh right, I forgot to say it just now but, love you too Y/N. So much. You have to know that." A goofy smile is plastered over his face after he made that statement. Your heart practically jumped in your chest at his love-stricken face, and you raised on your tip-toes to press a quick kiss to his lips once again, physically unable to hold back your overwhelming affection for the gigantic man before you.
With a sweet and perfect guy like Lucas in your life, loving him would never be a chore – because each day, he reminded you of why loving him was worth it. He’s perfect for you, as you are for him.
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