#i still love clawdeen too
rotten-rodentia · 4 months
when I was a child I thought Draculaura was overrated.
I have grown up and realized she is perfect and I love her
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lemonyfrog · 2 years
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I need her
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sadlazzle · 1 year
honestly i cant wait until spectra gets a g3 doll. her design is so cute n i just know she’s gonna b so beautiful
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brebug242posts · 2 years
Frankie must have bad back pain since they’re carrying Gen3 Monster high 
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zoekrystall · 9 months
I started to bash on german the better I got in english especially regarding dubs (didn't help I was a stereotypical pretentious annoying lil kid) and I am so glad it was likely really just a kid phase bc I am rewatching detective conan in german (and once I hit where they're not getting dubbed anymore I switch to sub bc I do dislike names getting anglicized and I am very glad the ger dub kept the og japanese names, exceptions when I grew up w the anglicized names) and it is so so comfy. The dub is also just plain good imo and the voices are so nice to hear again I am so glad I found a site that got shows in german (ty katrielle layton anime for apparently only being available in japanese and german and me deciding "well I can speak german so why not check it out", nice voice acting but not up my alley).
I do still usually keep away from eng by anime bc I am a sub over dub person and I find most... not that good.. but I stopped to play part in the debate bc I'm sure all VAs try their best. Not for me but if you like em I'm happy for ya. And also in ger it is hit or miss when the og language is eng do I stick to that which is usually the case. Idk if it is just my perception or if it really did but german dubs kinda worsened but who knows maybe I just catched the ones w bad production on that part (reg ops we got nice ones but I was happy to learn others learned abt the one we got for naturo bc. yeah). Like purely anime speaking I think the cartoons and shows on tv are fine. Minus julien bam as sonic in the movies I still can't get over that but no hate towards him I just find the youtuber as voice actor thing always baffling no matter which language (also dislike the celebrity bias in every country. yes that person is famous but do they actually fit that role + voice acting and actor require different skill sets).
I think I started to bash so much on ger bc "og language always better" and sometimes yeah and I do watch if possible in the og w subs so nothing gets lost (that doesn't have to) but where that opinion makes a turn for the worse is if you start to become pretentious about it and everyone who chooses another option is somehow worse than you. Counts for every opinion that obv isn't debating human life. Honestly I adore polls but that's also why people need to zip it with their snarky comments in the answers or also on quizzes, I do have to admit those where op smacks (right answer) or smth on the one that almost no-one clicked on are funny to see though. A bit of banter is fine imo but there are some that are just really not necessary.
Anyways it is kinda funny how I thought one piece would surely get me into anime again bc I do adore it since like kindergarten and it'll forever be in my heart but nope detective conan it is. Ig the aspect of finding out together who the culprit might be is fun next to being able to do other things meanwhile bc I don't have to read. I think I got into conan at age 14? 15? Feels like decades ago though. I don't think I really understood why others rewatch things until now. Like I got it like yeah comfort but not the extend. I always tried not to rewatch bc "I got so much stuff I can't waste time with the same" (<- has replayed okami a lot on wii and now switch while having gaming backlog since forever, replayed bratz the movie on ps2 almost yearly as kid, etc) but I luckily start to go into "who cares" mode fully and it's really nice. I truly get it now.
#a wild lux appears#I wouldn't be surprised if I got a thing w newer anime dubs in ger like english speakers got w eng ones#Esp bc I think we both say the ones we grew up w are good but as soon as subs got found it changed. Idk.#Tho I have to say I did start to genuinely prefer the sub over the ger dub by pkmn and I did grew up w it. Nothing wrong w the ger one tho.#That one is however a example as to why I started w purely sub if not nostalgia watch bc dubs change stuff and I don't like that#Thinking abt a post a mutual rb w 'how it feels to read conan' w everyone just going blabla#Meanwhile I go 'ah yes that is logical' or already had similar thoughts#Sorry I'm not one of y'all I get how shinichi thinks#I think the only thing I had that was when that dude calculated the size of a room and then water pressure or smth.#I like math but I do not have how you do that ingrained in my brain. Such calculations are my nightmare I like other stuff.#No shade to those that only understand blabla tho happy you like such media nonetheless#Anyways reg the last part I still really wanna replay that bratz game once again idk it's just nice#Need to see how to plug my ps2 into that tv#Now that I think abt it that game prob kickstarted my fashion game love huh#I had that bratz game I had barbie dolls I didn't know anything abt the discourse abt either until I started to watch darling dollz#Good channel btw even as a non collector.#But ye doubt my parents knew anything either but they luckily just gave me anything and everything if asked unless price too high#Oh I also got monster high dolls n some movies as dvd. Clawdeen is and stays fav. Why would I put them against eachother.#Anyways I just woke up I should get up
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deucegorgonz · 2 years
Ok after the lagoona post if its not clear, I watched the first ep.. I love it so far but the way everyone's being characterized so far is kind of confusing 😭? I knew it'd b diff from the movie but none of them have a lot of super defining traits rn. Hoping its just bc its the first ep and we'll get more stable characterization later ‼️
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wistfulvulpine · 2 years
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thunderstomm · 8 months
I was originally not going to make a post about this, but after seeing a few other posts about it, I wanted to make my own. I have a LOT to talk about.
TW: Transphobia, Homophobia, Ableism
If you don’t know what I’m taking about- there was a post made by a user, who’s name I will not disclose or share, who discussed how they would rewrite the new Monster High G3 Cartoon. While some of the points were mundane, or points of preference, others made me very uncomfortable, as they got rid of much of the diversity that G3 has brought into the Monster High Universe. I want to quickly go through three of the points that I felt were erasing these steps in diversity, and my thoughts on each one, and why I think that it’s iffy, to say the least.
First is the statement “all of the couples from G1 will stay together”. While this may read to some as a preference for the old couples, in the context of rewriting G3- it comes across as the erasure of both couples involving a neurodivergent character being the subject of a crush, and being seen as desirable and loved (Manny x Twyla), and what probably was the intended couples they wanted to seperate, the canonically queer ships. In particular, this is most likely against Clankie (and POSSIBLY an s2 ship which I won’t say by name because some people want to go in blind. Instead I will refer to it as 🧡💚.). In this rewrite context, wanting to take away queer relationships which many writers and designers for Monster High have fought for in many shapes and forms. G1 never had explicit queer characters, the closest things being a scrapped SDCC diary entry (Valentine x Spelldon), Post-Ending 3rd party statements (Clawdeen is a Lesbian, Rebecca x Venus, etc.) and implied characters (Kiyomi). While these are okay, they are NOT the same as explicit queer couples, which are arguably more important to push forward in the talk and scope of present and future representation.
While it is okay to prefer the G1 ships, in the context of bringing them back for G3, it erases these queer couples, and ignores the lore and universe of G3. In G3, Cleo and Deuce are exes. And if you don’t like that, you can still watch G1!! It’s not magically disappeared, the movies and shows and music is all still out there, and most of it is free! But, erasing Clankie, 🧡💚, and other potential queer ships in G3, for the preservation of a m/f ship isn’t okay.
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On the subject of erasure, there is the statement “Frankie is still non-binary, but now uses she/they pronouns”. A character canonically using they/them in cartoons, especially ones made for kids, are uncommon. Honestly, I don’t even know if I could name 10, and that says more about the state of non-binary representation than it does about me. While changing the pronouns of a cisgender character to gender neutral ones is often done in fandom, and often not a point of issue, taking a character who is canonically non-binary and solely uses they/them and giving them typically gendered pronouns erases that under represented group, and allows for transphobes to ignore the “they” in “she/they”, and only use “she” for the character. This is an issue in real life too, for many who use multiple sets of pronouns, including myself (they (preferred) / he) ! We deserve both of their sets of pronouns to be used, and people who only use they/them deserve to be referred to by and as they/them. These changes hurt everyone.
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Then, we come to the one I see the most talk about, and the one that made me audibly yell “what the f-?!”- taking away Twyla’s canon autism diagnosis, and symptoms & traits, and replacing it with autism coding, so that she is easier to identify with. First of all- easier for who??? Neurotypicals ?? It is incredibly rare to see a character on kids TV outright say “I am autistic”, and Twyla is wonderful as representation. Twyla will not resonate or be relatable to every person- but that is true for all characters, not just autistic ones. Autistic people are not a monolith, it is a spectrum, with many different ways to present itself. Also… taking away all of her traits and symptoms to make her more relatable? These traits and symptoms are what would have made her “autistic coded”, and without them, you have a character who is NT.
Autism isn’t a quirky word you can use to describe anyone, it is a disability, that myself and many others have, and see misrepresented time and time again. And to say that a good example of it is not good, and would be better off to be erased and replaced with coding is insane. Coding is okay, but that’s all it is. Real spoken representation matters so much to me, and so many other people, even if the characters we see are not identical to us in those symptoms and traits they exhibit. These characters should not be changed, but rather, more autistic characters, with different presenting symptoms and traits, should be introduced !
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You can like G1, you can prefer G1, but that does not mean that you have to make a sanitised version of G3, that makes it identical to G1. In terms of representation, there is no arguing that G3 has G1 beat. The poster said on their post that “any new characters would be made more relatable”, but… to who? Because I relate to a lot of the G3 characters more than the G1 ones, and I grew up loving G1! It’s not been wiped, all of the media still exists for you to watch, and make headcanons for ! If you like G1- good for you! But please, stop trying to make G3 exactly like it. Because change is inevitable in these kinds of reboots, and it allows for the representation some want to take away.
Thank-You for those who read all the way!
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lutinsdolls · 9 months
Core + Core refresh redesigns
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Clawdeen - I feel like Clawdeen doesn’t have an established fashion style and she doesn’t have a consistent color palette, it really bothered me. So I blocked out her color scheme and used more blacks: I wanted to give her an edgier look, similar to her OG design in G1, but also respecting her G3 version by keeping her bomber jacket.
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Draculaura - I never liked her original outfit: I feel like there’s too much pink and not enough black, I don’t like her headband and her cloak. But most of all I despise those shorts! And also I feel like using patterned designs on the original dolls feels too cheap. I think that her core refresh is a vast improvement from her first doll, but I still wanted to change some things.
I personally dislike when dolls clothes feel plastic-y, I like touching the fabric so it really bothers me when I see so much plastic.
I decided to give her more ruffles ( a nod to her G1 doll ) and to keep the gilet but I changed the shirt underneath to incorporate more white in the design. I LOVED the hat! It reminds me so much of Lydia Deetz so I kept it.
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Frankie - while their design is one of my faves in G3, I wanted to give my own spin to it. Their color palette is based on their G1 doll, I’ve always liked Frankie’s grungy look with all the tartan and the stitches. I also wanted to give them a more androgynous look, I was torn between giving them a long half skirt or not, but in the end I gave them pants. I wanted to give a more scholar, preppy look but with darker colours. I don’t personally like the pastels on Frankie.
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Cleo - I feel like her og doll is cute. BUT PLEASE GIVE OUR GIRL PANTS!!! I don’t get why g3 dolls can’t wear pants ( not shorts ).
Anyways I based my design on 70s clothes, I was inspired by ABBA’s outfits in all of their shimmery glory. I also changed her palette from light blue/gold to turquoise/gold. Also, please give her bangs back.
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Lagoona - okay so I’ll start by saying that G1 Lagoona was my favorite and my first ever doll so I had to get adjusted to her new design.
I’ve grown to like it, but some things keep bothering me:
Her skin-tone needs to be a cooler pink. I get that we already have Draculaura but she looks sunburnt and too human with a warm pink. It clashes with her blue legs and it’s so distracting.
I also never liked the black in her design, even in G1. But while the use of blacks in G1 was cohesive and balanced, the blacks in G3 feel so out of place. I changed her shorts and gave her an hibiscus flower instead of pearls in her hair ( a nod to her G1 doll, I always loved that detail ).
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juneberrie · 1 year
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summary ∿ deuce gets jealous when a guy tries to hit on you [ gn ! reader ]
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after cleo and deuce broke up, monster high was desperately in need of a new it couple. and, a few months later, they found one: deuce and you.
deuce had always been popular, or whatever the equivalent was in monster high. by association, you became popular too. and, because you became popular, that meant you got lots of attention.
it wasn't a bad kind of attention; everyone at monster high (with the exception of a few ghouls here and there) was incredibly nice. but a few weeks ago, there was a new student joining. he was some cousin of torelai's and instantly became famous among the student body, particularly the ghouls, for his swoopy shiny hair and lilting voice. and his eyes. girls would swoon if he so much as gave them a cursory glance. but it was you he liked eyeing, and deuce didn't like that one bit.
walking through the maul hand in hand, deuce says, "wanna grab a drink 'fore we leave?"
you nod and the two of you make your way towards the coffin bean. deuce presses a kiss to your forehead, his snakes peppering little reptile kisses to your hairline. "go sit," he smiles. "i got your order, babe."
you thank your loving boyfriend and find a table for two. settling down in your chair, you watch deuce talking to the barista. your phone buzzes and you open it up to see a text from clawdeen.
clawdeen ♡ hows your date w/ deuce going????
y/n ✶ great <3 we're at the coffin bean rn
clawdeen ♡ oooo update me later bae
clawdeen ♡ kiss kiss love you !!
y/n ✶ love u 2 xoxo
hearing the chair scrape the tiled floor in front of you, you look up with a smile expecting to see your boyfriend.
its not. its torelai's cousin. he smirks lazily at you, one arm slung across the back of his chair.
"uh.... hi? my boyfriend's actually gonna sit the—"
he waves you off, flashing another grin. "he won't mind, would he?"
"actually, i do mind, purrcy." deuce stands behind torelai's cousin, holding a steaming cup of coffee and a paper bag. "get outta my chair." the snakes on his head hiss at the werecat.
purrcy laughs, a hissy kind of giggle that makes every hair on you stand up. "can't i talk to one of my fellow classmates?" the way he said it made it clear he didn't think of you as a classmate. more as a . . . thing he wanted.
"yeah, well they don't wanna talk to you, dude," deuce snaps. his snakes start getting restless, a few even snapping in purrcy's general direction.
purrcy's head swivels towards you, still with that lazy grin. "well?"
"well what?" you ask. deuce had moved to stand next to you, putting the coffee down and gently placing a protective hand on your shoulder. it was comforting.
"do y'wanna talk to me, baby?"
deuce's fingers twitched on your shoulder. his snakes snapped at the air.
"see? go hack up a furball," deuce scowls.
purrcy's face darkens and he hisses, "asshole," as he pushes away from the table and stalks off. deuce lets go of your shoulder and moves his chair next to you.
"are you okay?" he asks, opening the brown paper bag and pulling out a pastry. he hands it to you, eyes worried through the lenses of his glasses.
"'m fine, deuce. thank you," you smile, accepting the pastry. laying your head on your boyfriend's shoulder, you take a bite of the delicious treat. he wraps an arm around you, taking a sip of his drink. he's quiet for a few minutes. you sigh and put down your half-eaten pastry.
"deuce. baby." you grab his face and gently turn it towards you. "i don't like him."
"i know," he says, sounding a bit defensive. he looks at you for a few seconds before slumping in his chair and pulling you closer towards him. "i just—" he sighs. "he's such a douche," he concedes.
"i know. but guess what?" you smile. his eyebrows furrow and one of his snakes cocks its head at you, curiously. "love is like the lottery, right? and i have you, so that means—" you press a kiss to the space between his eyes. "—i've won the lottery."
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rotten-rodentia · 4 months
when I was a child I thought Draculaura was overrated.
I have grown up and realized she is perfect and I love her
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lemonyfrog · 1 year
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I love them all! 🐙🐺💕
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therapy-ghost · 1 year
One-shot or hc's, but can you do:
Clawdeen x Masc! Female reader??? Idk I could see Clawdeen getting with a stud/masc ghoul 🤷🏽‍♂️
This is such a cute idea!!!!
“Go on, she’ll love too” Frankie said to the taller werewolf as they all watched down the hall to the girl of Clawdeens dreams.
“No guys, what if she rejects me? Or gets uncomfortable?” Clawdeen asked, turning around to walk away before Abby and Cleo grabbed her shoulders to turn her back.
“Rejection is like waxing very hairy Yeti’s back; all you have to do is tear is all off in a quick motion and you get exposure” Abbey commented, making almost no sense with her strange reference.
“Right… Well, If she doesn’t then she will be making the biggest mistake of her life; Like my rah! Why wouldn’t she go out with you?” Cleo dramatically pushed clawdeen down the hall, asking the question that set Clawdeen off.
“Because! What if she doesn’t like me? She is way to cool for me anyways! And the fact that she plays casket ball with my brother is even more embarrassing! No offence Draculaura” she looked to the short vampire as she shrugged.
“None taken, still, you two will be a fangtasic couple; and I’m already planing the wedding” She smiled to her self as she gave Clawdeen one last big push to stumble right up next to you as you closed your locker.
“-Guys I can’t do this-“
“Do what might I ask?” You leaned into your locker as Clawdeen looked to you, stunned for a few seconds before turning to look behind her, only to find all her ghoul friends gone, peaking around the corner at her as they gave her a thumbs up as comfort.
Clawdeen sighed, obviously annoyed at the fact they ditched her.
“um well… I wanted to know if you wanted to go out to coffin bean with me… after school; if you’re up to it of course” she rubbed the back of her neck, trying to to make direct eye contact with you as she played it as cool as she could.
“I would love that; as long as you would” You said, stepping a little closer to her as you almost shyly looked at her.
Her ears perked up as she turned to face you, clearly excited at you excepting her request, but once again played it off as cool.
“perfe- cool, see you after school?”
“yeah, see you after school” you winked at her before you walked away to the casket ball team down the hall.
Clawdeen was about to explode with how excited she was; and judging by the squealing that was coming from down the hall, so were her friends.
thank you for your patience and sorry if Clawdeen seems a bit out of character! Bye
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wildwheatfields · 1 year
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This is VERY MESSY but this is my reference for my headcanons n what I like from the dolls n show
More in depth down below cuz my handwriting is icky anyway
Clawdeen Wolf -
Her werewolf attributes are the nose, teeth, ears, claws and fur. Even her “hair” up top is fur. The fur placement is very much my own headcanon of fur following body hair placement so she’s got the furry arms, legs, chest, tummy, back n sideburns.
Since she’s half Latina, I believe she’d be hairy (to a lesser degree) in human form cuz I’m mixed Latino n black as well n am very hairy. I am projecting onto her!! I was teased growing up so to have Clawdeen be proud to be furry means something dear to my inner child
She likes to paint her claws n dye her “hair” but she has natural brown hair/fur. She’ll dye the “baby hairs” on top but not other face fur
She’s half Latina/werewolf n black/human and I love the double mixed analogy that can come from this n yes I will explore this
Draculaura -
Her vampire attributes are fangs, claws, pointy ears and pink skin. She has no natural blush cuz I headcanon vampires have no blood n need to be sustained by blood or in Draculaura’s case using other ways to sustain herself
She has a heart shaped beauty mark below her eye that she’ll incorporate in her make up. She’ll paint her claws with Clawdeen. She’s dyed half her hair pink purely for the vibes. I think her whole fam is vamp goth but she loves that splash of pink n hearts n frills.
She’s mixed Romanian and Vietnamese but I think she grew up in the US
Frankie Stein -
Their frankenmonster traits are simply the total mishmash of parts. Their body is made up of probably stolen human body parts (I feel like their parents must have mad scientist grave robber crackhead energy fr please I hope they appear in the show) n I think their hair is choppy too cuz it’s made up a bunch of different black n white hair from diff people but they just won’t cut it even. Their brain bits are all monster tho
There’s a panel on the back of their head for brain access. Their bionic leg and foot are interchangeable. Their stitches can come undone but reattaching is easy n they still have control over limbs when detached cuz of some mad science mumbo jumbo
They dyed some strands of hair blue cuz that’s fun. They have a gap in their teeth
They’re technically mixed race cuz I believe they’re literally a combo of diff races of corpses lmaooo I do have some thoughts that they’re made up of people gone too soon but that’ll be a diff post!!
If I think of more, I’ll update! I’ll also slowly release the other monsters
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ghostlymarauder · 9 months
Maybe that sounds crazy. Maybe it's been said a million times. Anyway, I'm just ranting about my 3 am thoughts.
I know in G3 we have non-binary Frankie (who also has a prosthetic leg), and the Draculaura doll is more curvy. But as far as I'm concerned, they took everything else that made Monster High inclusive.
For starters, and I know it was never actually confirmed, but still, Clawdeen is lesbian (bisexual at best). Once again, it was never confirmed, but in my opinion is a theory popular enough for the Monster High management to hear about it.
If they really wanted to make it more inclusive, why did they not confirm Clawdeen sexuality and give her a female romantic interest?
No, they had to break up one of their best couples. This leads me to my next point, what the fuck are Cleo and Deuce doing being separated?
The first G1 dolls literally came as a package. If you got one, you got the other. That's how much of an obvious couple they were. And not only that, in the Boo York movie, they broke up for like five minutes before realizing they didn't want to be without each other.
Which, in my opinion, it's so fucking cute because they come from completely different worlds. Cleo is royalty, Deuce is just a normal guy. Cleo is a little too superficial, and Deuce looks like he never showers. But they love each other and that's enough.
And you know who else loved each other and that was enough? Clawd and Draculaura. What do you even mean with "Clawd likes Cleo"? That man was in love with Draculaura, that man would've done anything for her, and you're telling me they also broke them apart?
Especially since they made Draculaura curvy, it would've been beautiful to see them together. Because it would've been a great plot point to have jock, almost-bully Clawd evolve into falling in love with curvy, smart, witchy Draculaura. But no, they just separated them.
On a completely different note. What the fuck is Gil doing without his tank? Do I even have to explain why this is taking inclusivity out of the Monster High concept? He couldn't live without his tank outside the water. Ergo, he was limited without his tank. If you ask me, this is Monster High equivalent to something like hearing aids (and this is just an example, there are many other things you could compare Gil's tank to)
Also, Ghoulia talking bothers me a lot. First of all, she was the smartest of the group, but we couldn't understand what she was saying, which added a lot of comedy since us, the spectators, were only pretending to know what the fuck Ghoulia's plan was. And I repeat, she was the smartest of the group.
The smartest of the group couldn't communicate like everyone else. I won't even explain why that is fascinating in itself, because it just is and it added so much depth to whole story. And to add more to my problem with G3 Ghoulia, why is she standing straight and walking at a regular speed?
Ghoulia standing like a zombie was, again, to me, a form of inclusivity to all the kids out there who had some walking impediment, or, in general, had any chronic illness that stopped them from moving around. And her walking slow as fuck was just straight-up funny (especially that one web episode where she got a motorcycle).
There's a lot of things I do like about G3, as I think it improves the brand in wonderful ways, but they definitely took some of the most essential things that made Monster High what it was.
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taybatwo2 · 3 months
G3 Hissfits Review Part 2
I covered Toralei in the first post, now time for the werecat twins!
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First up: G3 Meowlody. She has a super sweet face
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and a new face sculpt (both her and Purrsephone do). She looks a bit different than her animated counterpart.
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Taller boots, no extra body stripes, her hair is longer, and she doesn’t have the bracelet. Despite her G1 counterpart being the colder one, G3 switches it and has Meowlody be the sweeter (and a LOT MORE naive) of the two.
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She has a lot of separated clothing pieces. I was certain the tube top was going to be attached to her shirt underneath (which snags REALLY easily on the Velcro). Her skirt is a call back to her G1 doll, but I wish they would not have mixed the red and pink colors again.
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Here are her accessories. A yarn ball earring, a studded earring and a cute little bell necklace (I love this).
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Her boots are really cute! Look at the cat ear buckles and the little yarn ball shoe-laces. I love these more than her animated counterpart’s.
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The bottom of shoes have “Meow” for Meowlody and a cat laying down on the other. Now Purrsephone’s turn.
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She is totally my favorite. I love her outfit, her boots, her hair style, the colors they used for her, her face sculpt. So good. She is much friendlier than her G1 counterpart (who was already the friendlier of the two in G1), and is more serious and snarky than G3 Meowlody.
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Her animated counterpart has more white stripes, more detailed shorts, her boots have more paint on them, longer socks, and her sleeves are a different colors and wider.
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Here are her clothing pieces (a bit less than her sister’s). I quite like all of them and their limited color pallet.
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Her jewelry! Lots of simple hoops and then a clawed cat paw necklace.
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More cute boots. I like the little cat head front and the stripes in the back.
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The soles have “purr,” short for Purrsephone and another cat laying down (to match her twin).
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Yup, no extra body stripes, which is a shame. They also don’t have toe claws (boooo) like Clawdeen/Toralei/Catty and they have the exact same tails as Toralei (I was hoping that they would flip one of theirs so they could hold tails like their G1 counterparts). Their tails are not removable. Their body type is the exact same as Cleo’s (minus the bandages), while Toralei has the exact same as Clawdeen’s.
More under the cut!
I wanted to switch some of their clothing around to see if I liked it better.
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First I switched their shoes to see if having shoes that match more of their color scheme would make me like Purrsephone’s outfit more. Ehhhh……no.
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Then I switched their skirt and shorts…I don’t hate it!! Meowlody is trying to convince her sister to keep the red skirt.
Yup, they miiiight stay like this after I wash out their hair. Or I at least need to make a black skirt for Meowlody.
Now onto a quick look at the accessories the Hissfits pack comes with:
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That’s a lot of pieces!
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Many of these molds we have already seen, but they’re still cute and coordinated with what the dolls are wearing.
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More snacks!!! I like the little details they put on these. On mine, the stickers on the tuna and the water bottle will NOT stay on.
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Their paperboard poster. It’s even signed by the band mates and is not too terribly pixilated.
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They have three detailed hangers.
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The guitars got flipped molds of each other (so why couldn’t they do the same for their tails?!?). They are very light and very hollow, but have colorful fronts.
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My Catty (she’s still in the middle of getting a full head of micro braids). Is trying on the band’s merch and the shirt fits great! She might not give back that boa.
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Another look at the gym bag. It has so many details on it!! It has the Hissfits cat logo on one side (and a gold feather).
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And it’s curled up tail on the other side?!? I love that detail!
But my surprise favorite accessory was: the caboodle!
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It looks like a miniaturized Gorganizer!! It has all the sculpted detail! The top tray comes out and it snaps shut (but, the plastic hinge joint already has wear).
And finally, I wanted to do a quick comparison of both generations of werecat twins.
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I really don’t know why they made them purple. :/ I would have enjoyed more stripes, and mirrored tails.
I appreciate the extra personality in G3’s face sculpts. And the lack of glue head (these ghouls need a LA’s Totally awesome head dunk).
G1 is more cohesive in their outfits though. My G1 Purrsephone is so wonky, hahaha. I wonder if Meowlody’s sweeter style and personality was inspired by the bows on G1’s shoes. They make it look like she’d be the sweeter ghoul (nope!).
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Anyways, a very quick and slightly rushed review of these long awaited dolls because I COULD NOT WAIT!!
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And here they are slightly redressed and hair washed. Purrsephone is still my favorite and looks so good with her hair washed.
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