#i still love svt and i still consider myself a carat
kyeomblr · 7 months
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thanks for 6 wonderful years on caratblr! <3 you can follow my culture & arts sideblog @ghalghai if you're into that (or if you just want to stay in touch). love, madi
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rasparagus · 2 years
the status of and my feelings about this blog
honestly i have been involved in fandom since i was way too young to be on the internet. and i took a break from being super active with fan accounts some years back bc its what was best for me. fast forward to 2021 and becoming a carat is quite literally what got me to start posting and interacting consistently again on tumblr bc the fandom seemed really chill and cool and overall just a nice way to find community, especially during a transition period of my life.
but now i realize why every other day there’s a new creator declaring they need a mental health break lmfao. its cus this shit lowkey sucks. ive barely been active in the community for two months and this is the most stress ive experienced in a fandom. i love being able to chat it up and write fics and read fics but the amount of discourse combined with so many people thinking they know every fucking thing about everything is exhausting. some of yall treat this like a job. i come here to chill but so many people use this community as a way to show how virtuous of a person they are or how witty and sassy they can be with no regard for actual human beings. i think some of yall have been on the internet so long that u have literally forgotten how to interact normally with others, even when they say something u disagree with. not every disagreement is worth some huge moral argument or name-calling session. i dont think its normal that i see a different discourse discussion occur on the timeline every day, all of them met with equal vitriol from the people involved; some things are simply not that serious. maybe if we all take a step back and remember we are people writing fake stories about people we will never meet, then the problems wont seem so big after all. hate to be a hippie but like,,,lets just vibe and treat each other like humans, man~
ofc this isnt about any of my lovely moots xoxo i love yall. but its hard to ignore the discourse that occurs within this fandom. and as someone who does a vast amount of philosophizing in my daily life for school/work/community activism and would truly just like to chill on here, the exaggeration of mild issues stresses me out. im someone who is deeply passionate about politics, social justice, and cultural criticism in day-to-day life (just like a lot of other people who tend to start discourse!). but i also am of the belief that we all need rest, and if our leisure time is plagued by the same seriousness of the “real world” then we’ll never truly get that rest. i fear that in an effort to continue my hobby of writing and interacting with other fans, i will find my mind never truly resting and will be damned to a life where i am convincing myself that i’m having fun when im not. and once again, it should never be that serious.
when i started writing for svt i saw myself being here for a while, and i still really want that. but im barely three (very short) fics in and im already exhausted (and impressed) with how much the fun has been drained out of this fandom for me. i liked it better when all i did was watch gose and gush about vernon to my non carat friends. i really cherish the mutuals ive made and bc of those connections i desire to keep this blog semi-alive. i think it’d be really sad for me to give up on the fandom this early. but this fandom has a level of toxicity that is incredibly anxiety-inducing for me. sure my mental issues are my own and it isnt anyone’s fault, but ive noticed a common trend among other creators as well, so maybe its worth considering the environment we all are fostering. who knows. maybe i need to disappear for a while so i can re-discover the spark that led me to become a svt blog in the first place. this isnt me announcing a formal hiatus or anything. i could be back tomorrow thirsting over mingyu and wanting to write and post a new fic. or it could take me weeks or months to regain the fire that made this fun in the first place. this rant is merely a tired, old (not really) soul expressing their frustrations with a fandom that quite frankly takes itself way too seriously. 
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if you dont mind me asking, when did you get into seventeen? i've been following you for years now (back when i was still into tog/acotar), got into svt just over a year ago, and now find it a cute coincidence that you listen to them too!
Ooo! Maasdom follower who is also SVT fan!!
So... I want to explain something first to explain something second, lmao.
I've had an ear to kpop since about 2008, part of a fandom I will not name but your hint is they are famous for how overwhelmingly toxic they are.
Fell in love with the Korean language and dramas, actually lived in Korea in college and Seoul is the most beautiful city on the planet (I lived in Wonju which isn't bad, but isn't as amazing as Seoul).
And then the group that I had been following entered their... how to say... image-destruction-phase. It was like they were addicted to saying shit that exposed how rude and arrogant they were IRL, one guy just let his homophobia hang out there for the whole world to see and waved it around proudly.
Amidst all of that (the homophobic one actually came out as homophobic a week after this, so it hadn't happend yet but it was the nail in the coffin) I had somehow become a fandom leader against my will, known for being able to play CSI: Fandom (because of an emotionally unstable former friend I had to keep talking off ledges by getting to the root of scandal rumors). It was exhausting and people were fucking stupid. My stance on idols is they’re grown ass adults (mostly). Who the fuck gives a shit if they’re dating someone or whatever? Honestly I was so sick of the bullshit.
A former member of the group released a solo album and it just... wasn't my taste at all. I didn't say anything against it by any means, but someone sent me an ask saying they'd noticed I wasn't reblogging.
I said ONLY "It's just not my genre, but I wish him luck" and within 15 minutes I had 12 messages either threatening my life or telling me to kill myself. Because of those words.
That was when I was like "You know what, fuck all of this" and bailed. That was around 2012-ish. I refused to go anywhere near kpop with a 10 foot stick after that. If I saw news, it was because it hit CNN or BBC (so the tragic deaths and the Burning Sun Scandal which was just INSANE, like, omg). But that was it. And btw I still dont' listen to that group I used to listen to. I fully will not touch their stuff.
So that was a big ass mountain blocking me from being willing to even consider kpop. But a dear friend of mine was very much into it and just like once in a blue moon I'd notice a post on my dash that was kpop from her, but I ignored it.
In mid-2020, a fuck ton of bad shit went down even on top of all the COVID stuff. Like, at one point I genuinely considered driving into a wall (except I was buried alive under responsibilities) and it just got incredibly hard and incredibly dark. My personality- I can't ask for help. I just can't. IDK why, it's a huge block for me.
So that friend, my darling Sarah, who reblogged kpop stuff I rarely saw, a GIFset came across my dash that I was just so exhausted and defeated I didn't even have the energy to scroll past and decided to read it. It was Seventeen in that group blitz episode of Going Seventeen where they hit the inflatable obstacle course.
And it made my heart feel not quite as heavy for a few seconds. Maybe I even cracked half a smile.
I kept dragging myself on, and I saw the GIFset again and in another defeated day, I looked it up on Youtube (had to play it at 70% speed, those psychos talk FAST) and watched it.
And... it made me genuinely smile.
So I watched all of Going Seventeen over the next several months. Then about 6 months in I decided to listen to one of their songs (Hoshi- Spider) and loved it. Started listening to more of their music, found out Carat are actually extremely chill and extremely dorky, the opposite of the fan club I'd been part of before.
So I joined Carat formally (i'd never done that with the Fandom That Must Not Be Named, Carat is my first fanclub :) ) and I just... enjoy them.
They got me through some really incredibly dark times, just being able to watch something lighthearted and simple and funny. Like, I know it’s cliche to say, I know they'll never know that, they probably wouldn't give a shit, they probably hear it 150,000 times a day. It doesn't matter. The dumbassery helped me a lot, and I'm grateful for that.
And this year I got to go see them live in concert with my darling Sarah, the same week I got the news that my mother's cancer (which we were told was terminal) was in full remission and she's one of only a few cases her doctors have ever SEEN to go into remission, and just...
That was way more info than you were asking for, but that's it. Their dorky, probably-licks-bus-windows charm was just simple and yet funny enough that it helped me breathe when that felt impossible, and so I like them :)
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twiceland · 1 year
hi shri! i'd like to send 🎤 + ✨ for the ask game :D
hii eri!! happy saturday and thank u for asking!!
🎤 tell you a song i wasn’t into at first, but now love
o.o by nmixx?? HSKFHJDH i unironically like it now but i used to not ( as most people do / did ) lol
✨ tell you about a group i'm getting into more recently
hmmm svt? rose and isai have been gradually converting me into a carat (read: since may 2022 on isai's part) but i think now i can consider myself a baby carat HSKHDJD i'm still not the best at recognizing them but i am trying!!!
send an emoji and i'll ...
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dokiyeom · 1 year
THE TAG IS SO SO CUTE ILL END IT 💥💥 u should send me more asks & ill give u an emoji hihi 🫶🫶 IM EXCITED TOO YAY i have so many fic & smau ideas so im glad i can work on them then! (maybe i should tell u a few of them 🤭 ....)
that sounds so nice!! i think i recently ate sukiyaki (?) && it was so so good! baking and mahjong 💔💔💔 im glad u had so much fun because i also completely get what u mean?? i don't have any family here nor do i have any cousins/family members of my age + the distance is just 👎 so im not in contact with any yk
im still . flabbergasted like i want to go 2 japan too hello 😭 tbh at first i thought u lived in maybe japan or IDK but then u said u would show ur friends ur motherlands? so i was like ??? and also I WANNA KNOW UR TIMEZONE PLSPLS pleaseee yes im dutch & french but was born in the netherlands and lived there for 10ish years before moving to France!!
OK I WILL WATCH AN EPISODE SOON THEN!! pls this is so funny YES ik jay + me = twins hihi i hope so too!! that would be really cool but im just waiting impatiently for the official announcement rn so that i can mark it on my calendar, BOOM! ill also go to a big city just before my bday so maybe MAYBE if I have some pocket money i could buy myself a cute dress for the party and or an album teehee YA I HOPE U FIND IT IN JAPAN OMG im curious do u alr have some albums or like merch
i LOVE sudoku omg ,, it's so cool that ur using photoshop like u made ur carrd thingy with that right? it's so pretty i will never not say that. im sure ur gonna do v well hihi 🫶
i will !!! try to drop by ur ask box more frequently !!! unfortunately i’m,, a tiny bit awful at coming up w ideas on what to say but i will try !!!! and hello yes ??? u should 100% tell me abt ur smau ideas !!! or fic ideas in general && in return,, i’ll share some of my horribly messy notes app full of fic ideas w u <3
aagg i’m so happy u enjoyed sukiyaki !! if u get the chance,, i highly rec kansai style sukiyaki unless eating a bit of semi raw egg feels unnatural or intimidating !! i feel like i should b more loyal to kanto style bc i’m from the kanto area,, but kansai sukiyaki is just. wow. && aagg yea i feel u :(( i think it allows for u to b a lot closer a family friends bc they end up sorta being a proxy,, but it does kinda suck not being close or in contact w extended family <//3
i hope ur able to go someday !!! && my time zone is pacific standard time !! or pacific time atm bc of daylight savings,, but i did live in japan for a while &’& am considering moving back there after uni !! and woa hello u live in france ?? that is so cool omg,, i def want to visit france at some point for the fashion museums and exhibitions wraaaa :0 also fun fact,,, i took a plants/human welfare course last yr && the only thing i really rmbr from that was tulip’s apparently caused an economic recession in the netherlands during the early 1600s :D
EXCITED FOR U TO WATCH !! and omg what if the cb announcement is after woozis done posting all the album pics on his instagram :00 but oo what sort of dress would u get ? lw i’m so insanely picky w dresses that for prom i’ve just decided to get a lower costing plain dress && alter it + sew on an egregious amount of accessories
&& yes i have albums !! for merch i have a candy bong && moa bong that i got for the twice n txt concert i went to,, but unfortunately i stood in like for like an hr and a half at the svt concert mercy line only to reach sort of the front area && hear a staff member at the truck yell that carat bongs were completely sold out <//3 i do have. a pc binder that both brings me sm joy && shame for realizing how much money i’ve spent on. silly little pieces of paper w people taking silly little selfies tho. what abt u :0
RIGHT SUDOKU IS SO <3 but it’s also caused me like. sm headaches omg. and thank uu <3 i did make it on photoshop !! but i’m considering making a new one w more of a powerpuff girls/ diff take on a retro cyber theme :D
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serenityseventeen · 3 years
― About Me
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Hi guys so I just decided to make one of these out of the blue to add to my navigation... anyways, here I go. I will just put information that I see others include on their "about me" posts hehe.
― Basic information
Name: Serenity (this is not my real name)
Born: 2007
Zodiac: Aquarius
Pronouns: She/Her
Time Zone: CDT
I am an Asian-American living in the U.S.
― Hobbies
I read sometimes.
Watching movies, usually horror ones.
Writing fanfiction.
Drawing... I have a drawing book and some pencils, erasers, a blending thing...?
Watching Korean dramas.
Listening to music. I cannot live without music.
Dancing. I usually only dance to kpop choreographies/songs.
― Kpop Boy Groups I Stan & My Biases
I'm a huge multistan hehe but I don't usually keep up with a lot of the groups I used to stan so this list is more like "kpop boy groups I have a bias in". The first two are my ults!
+ I don't really stan newer groups, just a few
DAY6 ― Young K
TXT ― Yeonjun
BIGBANG ― G-Dragon
Stray Kids ― 3racha
GOT7 ― Yugyeom
Super Junior ― Eunhyuk
NCT ― Jaemin
Monsta X ― Minhyuk/I.M
VIXX ― Leo
INFINITE ― Sunggyu
ATEEZ ― Wooyoung
Pentagon ― Kino
BTOB ― Minhyuk
A.C.E ― Donghun
THE BOYZ ― Juyeon
ONEWE - Yonghoon
+ many more groups... I have more groups out there that I have a bias in (disbanded & current) & I also have a lot of groups out there that I don't have a bias in but still keep up with... I am just too lazy to write them all down.
― Kpop Girl Groups I Stan
I am a boy group stan so I don't stan girl groups. I do listen to some of them though, along with female soloists/duets too. I'd be grateful for some song recs!
― A Few Things I Like/Fun Facts
I'm in love with cats. I used to always want a dog as a pet but now I want a cat too (though I'd probably never get one).
I have 5 siblings ― 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Me and my sisters are kpop stans.
I like stuffed animals. I have a bear called Bearston and I sleep with him beside me all the time.
I love Boba tea.
I support LGBTQIA+
I like watching true crime.
I consider myself a carat since DWC era but at that time, I didn't keep up with them as much as I do now. Back then, my bias was Vernon and I knew all of their names and I watched them here and then on variety shows. Let's just say I'm a bigger carat now? (Seriously, I got back into them again because I decided one day, why not watch GoSe? - I think that was before home;run)
My favorite show: Vincenzo & Taxi Driver & Move To Heaven
My favorite book: The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino
My favorite song of the month: Montage_ (꿈속에서 놓친 너, 옅은 잠결에 흐르길) by ONEWE
― Other Apps I Post My Work On
My Wattpad: @/srnity-svt (formerly known as kpopsmesh) where I reupload my imagines, reactions, oneshots, etc into one book.
My Instagram: @/serenity.seventeen (posts are not frequent/regular)
― I began posting on this Tumblr blog on October 25th, 2020.
Thank you for chiming in & reading this to get to know about me! I appreciate everyone who reads my works! :) I hope you guys have a great day!
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skincarat · 4 years
you know. at this point it’s just about accountability. they need to address that they know they were wrong, regardless if they are actually sorry. we know the apology is not genuine if it’s taken this long to try and address things. people have emailed. trended hashtags. news sites have picked it up. and it still isn’t enough. at this point, i just want them to know that the song was wrong to use as a laugh line. curry is that funny to you? or are Desi people just HILARIOUS to think about? the song enables people to normalize how they view Desi people in a negative and stereotypical way. a lot of which we’ve had to hear most of our lives.
it’s not going to be the same after this. they can say “carats we love you” “carats we appreciate you,” “carats we only hope you repay you!” -- but personally i’m always going to remember how their actions in this situation did not show that. moments like this are EXACTLY why i tell myself to not get invested in kpop idols. because racial offense is rarely something they bat a lash at. yes they can make mistakes, that’s not the issue. it’s how they go about handling the issue that is important.  i like svt as entertainers. i enjoy their music. but after this i can’t say i support them or even really think too kindly of them after this. maybe i’ll get over it in a few months but right now it’s real iffy to even enjoy them knowing they refuse to hear out the several thousand carats who are pleading them to at least CONSIDER that they did wrong. - - - - - -  and before you try it- i am speaking of this situation SPECIFICALLY. don’t tell me or any other person to go and raid every other idol who has done something wrong. you KNOW that’s impossible. when we target the relevant situation in real time - be it educationally or angrily - all fans and the company want is for us to shut up. if you have 3 brain cells, that’s a good point. but not all of us are that stupid. you get NOTHING out of defending someone when they are wrong. you just look like a massive asshole.
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hopeworldjimin · 4 years
soooooo, i have a new addition to the lis of kpop groups that i love and it’s seventeen,,, uwu xD,,,  i mean, i’ve always liked seventeen cuz they are my bff’s bias group... so i’ve seen a lot of their faces and performances... maybe even more than bts (this was before, when i was still a strictly western artists fangirl lmao) and then bts paved the way for me to appreciate kpop and then i like these groups and these artists but today,,, is the official day that i will consider myself as a carat hehehehehehehhhhh :’> svt is added on the list!!!! my bias,,, i would say is mingyu :)))) i mean, he has always been the one i have my eyes on (my bff always showed the group to me and i always point at mingyu and say,,, he’s my crush uwu,,, but it went on for 2 years and the only time i remembered his name is when i learned he’s friends with jungkook sksjksjdksjdksjdk i only know wonwoo because wonwoo is my bff’s bias!!! anywaaaaaysss) but also,,,, i really like seungkwan!!! his vocals and personality!!! :))) and seungcheol oh god,,,, don’t get me started with him,,, i will CRY!!!!!
anywhooooo,,, that’s my 2 cents on my fangirl feelingz
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verngyu-moved · 5 years
svt + carat: an explanation
graphic insp credit:
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why did you ask us to reblog instead of liking?
tumblr hides posts from the search feature with outside links in them (not all links, but most) they even hide posts with links to private posts on their OWN SITE. hence, why i’m posting this publicly. aside from that, content creators get more exposure when you reblog instead of like their content because it’s visible on your blog + your followers see it on their dashboards. considering i spent 70+ hours on this, i would be much appreciative if you reblogged instead of liked 😅
edit: making this post public didn’t matter, bc as far as i know tumblr is STILL hiding this in the search feature for reasons unknown to me lmao. again, please reblog instead of liking!
why wasn’t ‘hit’ included in the choices for favorite title track?
'hit’ was released after the survey ended.
how do i read the birth chart in the second panel?
you can look up tips on how to do so, but this might be helpful.
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I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL ASTROLOGER. i did this for fun and out of curiosity. i’ll now explain why i chose to examine questions with the celestial bodies that i did. all answers are opinionated, and if you disagree with why i did something, that’s ok. if you’d like to offer me constructive criticism regarding this, you can leave an ask in my inbox.
sun: bias
• your sun sign is your goals, aspirations, & personality. most people know their sun sign, which is commonly referred to as “star sign” or “zodiac sign”. this is what most people, astrologers and astrology students, would agree is the biggest influencer on your identity. it’s the brain, essentially. • plan and simple, i believe a person’s bias is “the brain” of why they like a group. don’t get me wrong, it’s not the ONLY reason, but for a lot of people, (myself included) their bias is the magnetism of what pulls you into a group and convinces you to stay. moreover, the personality of a person--not looks or first impressions--is what pulls people in and convinces them to stay.
moon: fave album
• if the sun sign is the brain, the moon sign is the heart. your moon sign deals with your emotions & how you go about expressing them.
•  a very biased explanation coming up, but i related my own experiences to how going seventeen is my favorite album, not necessarily because it has my favorite seventeen songs on it, but because i have a lot of nostalgic feelings tied to this era + this album. ‘teen, age’ would technically be my favorite album, but because i was unable to separate preference from emotion, that’s why i chose to utilize moon signs while looking at the answers for favorite album.
mercury: fave title track + b-side
• mercury signs represent how we communicate
• even if you don’t know korean or know the lyrics/translations of a song, there is a message that is being conveyed through the production, choreography, and vocals in addition to the words. so naturally, this seemed like an obvious choice as to why i should look at favorite title tracks & b-sides through mercury signs.
venus: favorite thing/trait/quality/etc about seventeen
• the venus sign rules love, how we express it, and sex
• your venus sign is the voice that says “i love when you (...blank...)”. if your favorite thing about seventeen is their performances, your venus sign was the driving force behind choosing that answer.
mars: bias wrecker
• mars rules anger/conflict & sex
• truthfully, this is probably the most biased (no pun intended) explanation since it’s very influenced by my own experiences. so typically, the person that is my bias wrecker in a group is the one that makes me mad/frustrated because they’re s*xy. so it fit perfectly lol! your experiences might be the exact opposite--ex. your bias wrecker is your bias wrecker because they’re very cute, but i had to choose something to pair up w/bias wrecker, and making this personal connection really helped me do that. either way, the very nature of the term “bias wrecker” makes one ask “who is trying to come for ur bias’ spot,” thus....there we have our conflict
ascendant/rising: fave subunit
• i like to think of the ascendant as the second sun sign. your ascendant is what people see when they first meet you, it’s your mask in public.
• i could have easily paired up sun with this question, but again--i had to choose something to examine with this one. usually subunits are only together strictly as subunits on stage, so i thought of how you must have to put on a persona while performing, much like your ascendant “performs” when you’re out in public.
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thanks for reading!
- deedee
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soonhoonsol · 6 years
tagged by @my-woozi-happiness​ (thank youuu <3)
Answer the following questions honestly (skip if you don’t want to answer truthfully) and tag as many people as you want! Enjoy~
Why is your favourite colour your favourite colour? Ooh my favourite colour is black, mainly because it matches with everything :3 I do also like galazy-ish colours; they go together with black really well :3
An anecdote about the first time you did something: Something is a little vague... I don’t think I’ve done anything spectacular O.o
What country or city name do you find funny? Cheyenne. It’s a place in America, I think. I just find it funny that I have the same name as a place HAHA
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done to attract your crush’s attention? OH BOY CLICK ON THE KEEP READING THINGY IF YOU WANNA KNOW THIS ONE IT’S SO....EESH
okay so uh not really the craziest thing that I did on purpose, but more of an accident? my friends and I went on an outing to the beach and we were gonna have a BBQ but while I was in the middle of flipping the food on the grill, it downpoured massively. I was holding an umbrella (lol the sun is scorching in SG) and standing by the food so everyone else kinda just grabbed their stuff and ran to shelter but i’m standing there like...do I leave the food or...? Then there was a really strong wind so I ended up getting drenched. My crush kinda like ran in the rain to get me back to the shelter and he was like super doting. Like he gave me his towel and his jacket so I wouldn’t be cold and all that stuff AJKDGJADFASD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH end of story ^^
How many people can someone sleep with before you start judging them? I try not to judge. You do you.
Is there any “childish” habit you still have? Is sleeping with stuffed animals considered “childish”?
At what moment does the sky look the best? That shade of red in the evening. That way you know it’s gonna rain and it’s so beautiful :’)
The most you’ve ever paid for a concert? Was it worth it? $350. It was for DE in SG and I wanted a VIP ticket so I asked someone to help me buy it. Combined cost ended up around $350 but I did get to meet mah bois SVT (IT WAS SURREAL) so heck yeah it was worth it :’)
Would you rather be a superhero or be saved by a superhero? Any hero in mind? I don’t think I could actually be one so....I wanna be saved by Spiderman tyvm 
Something you wish you could do/do better: I wish I could love myself and be more positive. Negativity tends to...push people away.
Are your parents in any fandom? How did they get into it? I know my mum likes Bon Jovi and my dad kinda fluctuates between genres but....nah they’re not “fangirl” enough to go to concerts or get albums...that’s why they always yell at me if I ever buy anything fandom-related. I haven’t even mentioned how much punishment I got for buying a Carat Bong ^^’
Do you have any posters hanging around your room? How many? Of who/what? Used to have loads of posters (mainly R5, The Vamps and 5SOS, aka bopful bands hur hur) but now...none :/
Were you a space kid or a dinosaur kid? Oh hands down dinosaur. I had a whole tub of plastic dinosaurs. Idk where they are now but yeah. Still a dinosaur kid HAHHAHA DAMN I LOVE JURASSIC PARK
How many pictures and video’s do you have on your phone? uhhh i’m lazy to check :(
How many songs do you have on your phone? 400+ now? They’re all kpop, with a sprinkle of English ones...but that was because I deleted a lot of English songs. There used to be like 2000+
What was your first fandom? Austin & Ally (bring back the show pls)
Have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? If so, who? Never cosplayed :( Don’t have the money for that lol
A song you’d recommend to someone you love (or a close friend if you’re aro): @ my crush - “Paper Heart” by The Vamps since he likes that band too hur hur
Do you have a bookshelf? How many books are in it? Is there anything else than books? no bookshelf :( wait...yeah I don’t have one in my room....
Do you have scars? How many? Can you tell their story? I got a small scar on my arm from when my brother stabbed me with a mechanical pencil :’) it’s mostly faded now
Would you rather have had a different name? If so, which one? I wanted Jacquelyn, because I love the name Jack and the female version would be Jacque
Do you collect anything? If so, what? If not, would you like to start some collection? I wanna collect kpop stuff...pls...why is everything so expensive
Carte blanche: Tell something you’d like to share, can be anything ^^: I spent a good 20 minutes filling this up hur hur rip my gpa
tagging @seokyomie @sherazzie @liablackpandora (love youuuuuuu) @sleepyljihoon @skyyzi @ana707 @mo0n1e @hearttoshu (hi hi) and anyone else who wants to do~
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kveom · 2 years
secret carat here again <3 im so sorry i didnt realize how much time passed since my last message, this past week feels like it went by in a flash... i hope you've been well in the meantime tho <3 ive been meaning to get into kdramas myself, my sister made me watch hes psychometric and devil judge with her (obviously shes a got7 stan hehe) and i really enjoyed them ! the hard part is finding something to watch next.. what are some of your favorite kdramas? maybe i can check those out someday <3
oooh trust me whipped cream on hot chocolate is SO DIVINE. i wont lie tho im not above making hot chocolate as an excuse to consume unholy amounts of whipped cream so maybe im biased 😳😳 it must be a little funny watching all these christmas themed movies and cartoons in winter wonderland-esque settings as a child tho~ do you actually celebrate christmas tho? and if you do, do you have any special traditions?~
oh agree ! 2017-18 was kinda like,,,, seokhan's honeymoon phase lmao the way these two would never shut up about each other and do everything together to the point where the rest of the members would constantly tease them about it hhhdfh like,, i very vividly remember boo and coups jokingly whining that "jeonghan only takes care of dk these days" ? dokyeom seems to hang out a lot with joshua nowadays and i really love their dynamic as well !! god theyre all so cute, i love all the different relationships between the members sm <3 for vernon and dk, that video of dokyeom splashing vernon with water and then himself is SO FUNNY and such a great example of how they click so well despite their different personalities,,,,, 218 best bros <3333
omg i think if i had a say in their next comeback concept i would just.. want them to have an Actual Concept? design, concept and styling wise svt's albums & comebacks in general have been a little underwhelming the past few years imo and its such a shame because their albums have SO. MUCH. POTENTIAL to tell these amazing visual stories to compliment their music. from their interviews it's obvious the boys have a clear vision for each comeback too so its really pledis who needs to step up their game.. fear for example, i feel like they couldve done something really cool with that; maybe like a dark, ethereal, almost fantasy-esque concept ? and they got sooooo close with some of the shots in the mv but it still felt a little empty and uninspired in the end idk. home run too, i think most carats can agree its downright criminal that we never got a vintage baseball themed stage (im still so bitter about this ashdjdj) idk idk ;;;
nooooo i still havent watched in the soop yet omg,, im waiting for the perfect moment to sit down and enjoy it in peace but it seems that moment might never come ^^" and i still have to watch some of the htr episodes too, and so many gose episodes that i missed this year (which is why i cant really answer your question about my favorite episode welp but what was yours of this past season?)........ yea omg that woozi moment in boo's past life destiny was so precious hfhfhhf has anyone made a woozi querencia compilation set yet cause i need it so bad 💔
naww it's so cute how you considered his love language to come up with a gift ;-; the survey responses would be such a lovely present and im sure he would appreciate it sm <333 i remember your 2018 birthday post for him so well, can i just say thank you for creating such lovely content for dk ! im so in love with everything you post and i can tell you put a lot of thought and love in your creations and emo rant posts about him its really sweet <3
speaking of christmas gifts !!! dokyeom gave us one too ;-; what did you think of you're my christmas? <3
~ your secret carat ⛄
FIRSTLY I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT DK'S SONG UNTIL I SAW YOUR MESSAGE AKNDAKAK THANK U I LOVEEEEE that his solo is a Christmas themed song?????? It's so bright and hopeful and so fitting. He really just keeps on giving 😭
ooooh he is pyschometric got me back into crime dramas!! I originally watched it for the romcom but got sucked into everything else. I mainly watch romcoms but if you're into crime?? then I would recommend tunnel, signal, stranger and I'm watching the good detective right now! If you don't mind romcom I would also recommend suspicious partner, it's romcom/crime and is one of my top 3 kdramas hehe
yeah sometimes it doesn't feel like Christmas here because I associate Christmas with winter and snow etc. and yeah I do celebrate Christmas! Do you?? I don't have any tradition other than spending time with family and eating but what more could you ask for tbh
for dk's birthday a few years ago I did a set for each dk pairing and it was soooo fun even though I could *not* do that again ajdbakak but I remember for seoksoo their moments were mostly in the background like their little dinner date hehe so cute <3 but yeah! a couple of years ago I tried making a set which had all 78 svt pairings and while looking through videos for the different scenes I realised once again that all pairings really are just. Amazing in their own ways (I never ended up making the post but u know how Miley Cyrus said it's the climb? Yeah)
akdjakaka I know what you mean. Like obviously seventeen are doing amazing and I just feel like the standard for MVs and concepts doesn't match up?? I am one of those carats that expected a baseball themed stage 😔
aah they really have been putting out so much content hey. I have yet to finish ITS and HTR lmao but my fave gose ep for this year was probably the best friends ep!! (Highly recommend) you can just tell they're having so much fun and man the things they come up with....seventeen are truly top tier. I actually made a querencia set ages ago (probably my first member focused set that wasn't of dk lmao) and I wanted to make a new one because of that specific moment (plus woozi best producer moment) but as always I don't follow through with my ideas ajsjaka. I too would love to see that set tho <3
Ohh :( thanks so much!! I know caratblr is not as active as other spaces but the amount of LOVE and support everyone here has for each other makes up for it n that's why I love making DK content 💖💖💖💖
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kyeomblr-remade · 3 years
hi hello, its your carat anon once again :)
I listened to all your recs. I actually know about half of them already bcs I actually have my own (kpop) disco/retro playlist already hahaha... and including BIBI in the recs>>>>>. I love her music, i think shes currently my fav female soloist. but i also thought lazybaby was a very fun song and i didnt know it, also love me 4 me had a very nice vibe. actually all were very nice.
about traveling... i currently dont travel at all. i think the last time i traveled anyway was fall 2019. i mean there a lot of places i want to visit but most of them need rather much preperation or/and planing as well as enough money hahaha and i currently have neither. Do you travel a lot? What are the top destinations on your bucket list?
about my bias in ptg... hahaha good questions i think thats the group i struggle with the most. i have a hard time with almost any group i stan but i cant even decide on sth like a bias line bcs i feel i love of them almost equally. i think there never was a group where i cared less about which pcs i got for my albums hahaha, i am happy about each member. maybe you can tell which ptg member vibes i give off and i will just stay with whoever as my official bias from then on (jk)(maybe not kidding)
my three fav things of my bias... well they probably will give it away but thats fine, it was nice keeping you guessing until now. first thing i really like about him is the passion and energy he puts into every performance of theirs, not only dancingwise but also vocalwise and everything (his dancing is everything tho). and the second thing i really like about him is that even tho it feel like hes one of the most ambitious members he does not take himself too seriously when needed in the given situation and can laugh about himself. and the third would have to be his incredibly positive mindset. he seems to always find reasons to motivate himself and the group even if everything seems to be going wrong.
what are the things you like most about seokmin?
also i noticed the next mission started already? the theme is gaming kind of. besides dont lie, what do you think are the best "game" episodes of gose? maybe your top 5 or sth? i think no matter what they play they always are hilarious.
as always i hope you are well <3 ok bye
hai ! <33 omg i would love to hear your retro playlist if you wanna share it !
oh yea im in the same boat ; really dont travel that much ! usually i go visit family abroad once a year; in norway, russia, the caucasus,.. but other than that i didn't get to explore much yet :-( like u said travelling is expensive, and the pandemic has made it sososo much more complicated. this trip was actually my first since the pandemic started oof ;; once this thing blows over and i have some money to spare i hope to visit south africa or new zealand once ! and explore europe more !! cause travelling here is so easy and convenient, i feel like im not taking advantage of that enough,,, i think it'd be fun to do a roadtrip around europe someday ^^ what about you?
aww yea the ptg boys are all super loveable and talented in their own ways,, i was swerving lanes all the time when i first got into them myself (until kino stole my heart in shine era <333) so im not faulting you 😌😌 then, do you maybe have a favorite pair dynamic?~ i adored maknae line’s interactions <33 and do you maybe have a favorite friendship in svt too?
HM OKAY SO !! hoshi was actually my second guess, after minghao, but im reading your description and it could be either hoshi or dino ? or maybe i completely missed the mark and its someone else, but judging from your emphasis on dance im 75% sure its a performance unit member (tho it is svt after all, they’re all great dancers) 🤔 from our interactions u definitely give me more horangdan vibe tho ! <3
what i like most about dokyeom,,, um we could be here all day 😳😳 but i would say, my absolute favorite thing about him is how sincere he is <3 i don’t know him personally so i obviously wont claim hes a pure angel who does no wrong ever, hes admitted it himself too, but i think it speaks to his charm when all his co-stars and colleagues go on and on about how hard working and lovely he is ! i get the impression that he genuinely wants to be kind and do good, and hes shown time and time again that he constantly strives to learn, grow and improve in his professional career and as an person too,,
i remember watching 17project when i first got into svt and i didn’t really have a bias at the time, but when dokyeom said that he “wants to sing until he loses his voice” i instantly knew he was the one. not cause i felt bad for him or pitied him, but i thought.. wow this kid's so young and despite all the setbacks hes still so determined and passionate, hes so cool :-( and um,,, sorry i just went on and on lmao but TL;DR yea idk i just think hes very neat <3
omg okay so it’s always a blast when they play mafia, obviously ! it’s one of my favorite games too; we play it w family all the time and i was a very dedicated town of salem player once upon a time lol i really loved bad clue too, basically any games where they have to solve something and/or put their thinking hats on, those are my favorites ! OH and insomnia,,, and the tag!! where they had to escape the murderer’s lair or something ! speaking of games, would you consider yourself a gamer?~
hope you’re well too, thank u <33
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leegeumhyuks · 7 years
Seventeen in Toronto Highlights (Long Post)
this is gonna be such a shit post im basically ranting bc i have a lot of seventeen feels rn (its gonna be long too)
the concert happened like 4 days ago and I’m still not over it
Okay so I live in new Brunswick so it was a 15 hour drive one way. We drove up the day before and drove home the day after.
It was tiring, but so worth it. One of the best experiences of my life(oh btw i went with a friend ^^)
(not relevant to the concert but we went to a cute Korean store called Sarah and Tom which had a MASSIVE collection of kpop albums so I bought Going Seventeen and a BTS album :) )
Alright so the concert was at a place called Massey Hall which is more like a theater than a concert stadium [lowkey looked like a place you would go to see a play or an opera or some shit]
it was a pretty small place so really no matter where you sat, you could see really well so any seat was a good seat
Me and my friend were center-balcony near the back so we had a very clear view of the stage (other than there was some tall dude in front of me so it was a bit difficult at times)
We arrived outside the venue at around 6:20 (concert started at 7) and the line to get in already went around a whole block. People were stopping to ask what was going on and apparently it made the Toronto news??
So we get in at around 6:40 and the venue is already more than half full and theyre just playing music videos and everyone was singing along
And when I say everyone was singing along i mean everyone
Honestly I only remember a few of the songs but I they played BoomBoom, Very Nice, Highlight, Healing, and Check In
I have never been happier in my entire life when every single damn person in the venue did Mingyu’s “WhhoAHHH YeaAAHHH’ part. Super. Fucking. Loud
Alright so let me tell you my dudes, It was the biggest adrenaline rush when all the lights went out and you could see the boys run out on stage in the dimness. My heart felt like it stopped.
The lights turn on and I hear Dokyum say “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Diamond Edge” but honestly I wasnt even paying attention bc I was just so blown away
Literally my very first thought upon seeing them was “They’re not real” bc the very first person I looked at was Jeonghan and I thought he was so damn gorgeous he must be fake
He’s literal ethereal. I could go off about how good looking he is. Honestly the true visual of Svt (i swear hes not my bias)
So the very first stage was Pretty U and honestly I dont remember much bc i was too busy freaking out over the fact that I was actually there and they were actually here. I just remember everyone dancing along to Dokyums “Neoneoneoneo” part and all of us doing the “Yeppeuda” part
(they performed Beautiful right after and i really dont remember much of it other than the dance in the chorus [i have such a shit memory its mainly why im making this post before ill forget it all])
So after that they went straight into Adore U (which is my fav svt song although it probably isnt anymore after habits but ill talk about that in a bit)
Oh man if you thought I went off about Jeonghans visuals let me tell you about this mans vocals. They’re so sweet. Sweeter than honey. Jeonghans part in the chorus is my absolute favorite part of the song and it sounds 10000x better live. He just sings it so flawlessly while doing the dance and overall I was just so impressed??
Jihoon also sounded amazing but like let me just take a minute and say every single member sounded fucking perfect and flawless like if you aren’t stanning Seventeen then what are you doing
And the dances were so on point too. I didn’t notice any slip ups or anybody trippin or nothing. Like you’d think they’d show signs of fatigue or being tired bc they did two shows the few days before but they were all so hyped and gave their all in every stage and they genuinely looked like they were enjoying themselves
Anyways back to Adore U
Everyone in the crowd did the “Akkinda” part and I could see Soonyoung smiling so big bc of that like he was really happy bc of it
After Adore U finished they all lined up to do their intros and introduced themselves as a group and then did their individual intros
Most of them just did a casual “Hi I’m ___” but then you had the extra™️ members
Soonyoung got us all to chant something (im not sure what it was exactly I think it was ‘rock the beat’) and then he did his usual “What time is it??” “10 Hour 10 Minute” which honestly made my life i was hoping for him to do that (i love soonyoung sm honestly most of my favorite moments of the concert were bc of him)
Dokyum also did a thing where he got everyone to scream for him
All of their intros were great but none of them were as memorable as Jihoons for me
I know a lot of people were saying ‘He’s not that small in person’, but to me he was so small and cute and I just wanted to go and hug him bc hes so freaking adorable
So Jihoon’s kinda quiet and shy in general, we know that from variety shows and such but I saw it a lot in the concert. Like when other members were talking he just stood quietly with his hands folded and there was this one part where they all ran towards the edge of the stage and gave hearts and Jihoon like covered his face a bit and looked embarrassed 
So anyways he does like this cute little “Hi guys” and I just fucking melted right there. I made an audible “awwwww” sound that my friend was like ???
I love Jihoon so much and I will forever see him as the cute and adorable little smol (boi got a voice tho holy shit)
So they talked a bit more after that about how they walked around Toronto a bit the day before and how they were impressed with the crowd dancing along to Pretty U and Mingyu taught us a little chant where they would say “Seventeen Carat” and we would go ‘clap clap Ehhhhh’ it was weird but cute
So they went straight into Still Lonely from there and I hate my brain for not remembering most of it bc its one of my favorite songs but I just remember Minghao doing Jun’s part in the last chorus and sounding amazing honestly i want an official 13 member version of that song
So after that was Very Nice which was indeed, very nice. Dancing on point. Dino and Vernons rap were amazing and the whole audience did the “Maja” part
Also dont remember much of that stage but I definitely remember the last part bc thats the part where my son, Chan, is in the front. 10/10
Okay so I have 2 favorite performances of the night. One of which was Swimming Fool. I am such a hoe for Performance unit (considering 2 of my biases are in it) so actually every performance of theirs was my fav but Swimming Fool tho. 
That song is one of my favs and I had never seen the dance before so I was basically dying the whole time. Soonyoung’s little wiggle dance and the jumping up and down dance that Chan did. The whole dance was so cute tbh Ive been re-watching that video every day since. (if youve never seen the dance pls watch this. Not my video tho) 
Alright imma talk about Soonyoung for a minute. This boi. Was so hyper the entire concert. He  was doing his usual yelling during songs and was giggling a whole lot, I noticed. (He also dabbed like 20 times and i was like someone pls stop him)
(There was one part where he went and dabbed right in front of Jihoon and i laughed a little harder than i should have)
And I’m honestly so glad that Soonyoung was feeling great the whole time bc apparently at the Chicago(?) show he wasn’t able to perform bc he was sick so we were extremely blessed that all 13 members were well and healthy to perform for us so like thank u jesus for keeping them all safe
(I was lowkey worried about that a lot before the concert bc of when I heard Hyungwon was missing parts of the tour with MX so I was like “Lord pls let it be all 13″)
anywho so all the members went to change outfits and they played a vcr (dont remember what of tho i have such a shit memory)
So yall they did Mansae next and started out with the class chairs and Dokyum was the teacher at the blackboard it was rlly cute!! ^^ And towards the end they repeated the “MansaeMansae” part and got everyone to do the dance it was such a great time
So while the rest of the group was preparing for the next stage(i presume), Chan and Seungcheol came out, just the two of them, with a gopro and said it was the camera for “Going Seventeen” and were filming the crowd and interacting with us a bit. And then they had a dance battle (Which Dino clearly won Seungcheol didnt stand a chance against Michael Chanson)
So then everybody came out and did BoomBoom which was  incredible (every stage was amazing i feel like i shouldnt have to say it) Most of the crowd even did the shirt thing which was really fun. Chan slayed his rap (i love my son)
So after that there was another vcr and the members changed outfits again
Vocal unit came out and sang We Gonna Make It Shine and boys let me say I have never fell in love with someone vocals so much before in my life. Like I’ve always loved Jihoon’s voice bc it was unique and its got a nasally tone to it and I love it, but hearing it in person made me love it 100x more
And for a while I actually thought Jihoon wasn’t singing?? Bc he just sounded so flawless, like exactly like the recording that I thought ‘maybe hes lip singing bc his throat is bad or something’ and I’m hitting myself now for even thinking that bc really Lee Jihoon is just the most amazing vocalist I’ve ever heard Boo Seungkwan who???
So yeah Vocal unit slayed even though I’ll always like the 2014 version of that song with Soonyoung better
As soon as that song ended they went straight into Don’t Listen and omg let me talk about visuals. The stage had this whole setup with a table with some fancy ass candles on it and there was a throne that Joshua was sitting in and the lighting was really eerie and I really don’t listen to that song much but im gonna listen to it every day from now on bc damn
HipHop unit had their turn next where they did some song which I had never heard of before called “On Haeng Il Chi” and it was dope then went into Check In and once again everyone did Mingyus “ohhhhhHHh yeahH” part (glorious I tell you)
Seungcheol was serving looks the whole time bc he was wearing this black suit set and he just looked so good the whole time. Honestly Seungcheol was such a tease the whole concert and i got a look at his thighs at one point and man he thicc
Vernon was also wearing this nice green shirt and I just really liked it for some reason and I wish I had taken more pictures and videos I hate myself for not doing that
AlrIGHT Performance Unit time!!! So leadin up to the concert I thought they were gonna perform “WHO” bc it was a bonus track and I just thought they would perform it for some reason so when they were all standing there ready for the song to start, the amount of confusion on my face when OMG came on… Wasn’t disappointed tho that performance was awesome
Still would like to see a performance of WHO tho I hope they’ll do that next time
And then they did Highlight and me and my friend even switched seats so I could get a better video of it bc I love that song so much. Also leading up to the concert I knew they were going to do this song but I wasn’t sure if they were going to do 13 member version or not but I’m glad it was just the 4 of them
Oh man okay I’m gonna talk about my bias, Chan, for a second. His stage presence in every song is seriously amazing. A main reason why hes my bias is bc im a huge fan of his dancing and his dance style(and he pretty cute) and seeing him perform live was incredible. it was almost overwhelming bc I couldnt believe someone this talented existed and I was watching them in their element 
Like he put his all into the dance while still executing his raps and vocals perfectly. His voice actually does sound a bit different live, like its a bit higher than I expected but he was so on point the whole night why is he such an underrated member
Okay so the members had another outfit change after this and these outfits were straight up sinful. Not to mention the first song they performed in them was equally as sinful so I’m going to on about this performance bc this was the best performance imo. I will never forget it. It’s ingrained into my brain forever
So Crazy In Love starts. Okay so I don’t listen to this song much as far as just listening to it in my free time, but I’d seen the dance before so as soon as I heard the music, I knew we were royally fucked. I wasn’t expecting this song probably bc i forgot it existed but its my new fav song guys this performance ruined me. 
So the lights come on at the very first part and these mofos are wearing tight black skinny pants (which looked like they were leather but they werent) and red silk sparkly shirts that were tucked in. Every single member looked flawless 
(Also didn’t mention this before but all of their hair was styled so well bless the stylists. I normally prefer a more natural color for hair on idols so I was glad the colorful dye had faded and most of them just went with black or brown)
But lord have mercy when the song started. Okay Chan is my bias but I could not stop staring at Soonyoung almost the entire time - minus for Chan’s “talking about love” part (which I remember doing the dance for and screaming while doing so)
Like you get Swimming Fool Soonyoung whos all cute and playful and going “YEEEE HAWW” during the song and then you get Crazy In Love Soonyoung whos all bedroom eyes and sexy glares and just everything about the way he moves is mesmerizing (i swear. Hes NOT my bias)
So getting through the first chorus is hard enough when BOTH my bias and bias wrecker are up in front doing that provocative shit and I was so conflicted on which one to stare at but I ended up staring at Soonyoung the whole time. 
And then in the second chorus when it’s just Jeonghan doing it and both me and my friend screamed so loud ugh the outfits were so perfect for this dance i wanted to D I E
And then it gets to the Part in the song yknow the “Ooohhhhh” part where they spin around and when it was Soonyoungs part to do that by himself. I don’t even have words for how that made me feel. That image is in my mind forever. You know that meme thats like “you ever wonder whats going on in someones head?” well yeah its that for me
It’s just Soonyung doing that one dance move
okay moving on Ive talked about this enough
My I was right after and I’d never seen the dance to that either and it was really beautiful and cool like idk how to describe it. It was like a very romantic type of dance and Jun and Minghao had such great chemistry on stage together they really blew me away
OKay now imma freak out some more bc Vocal Unit performed Habits. I actually recorded this whole song so I wasn’t really paying attention to what was happening on stage bc they were all just standing there with mic stand anyways. I was enjoying the audio and their lovely vocals. (Again, Jihoon really exceeded my expectations in this song. Like for some members like Dokyum and Seungkwan I know theyre gonna sound great and its not like I didn’t for the rest but I’m just still not over how good EVERYONE sounded)
So I’m enjoying them vocals and the song ends and my friend taps on my arm and points to her face and there are actual tears. This bitch really cried. At the time I was like “during Habits of all songs??” but i was so naive now I understand(I cried 2 days later listening to that song)
Hiphop unit then did If I which I remember 0 of I think I was still too shook from Vocal Unit
I just remember their little hip thrust dance and then immediately after was a ment and Soonyoung was mimicking HH units dance and giggling like an idiot and got the whole crowd to sing and dance to If I
“Ohh Toronto. Dancing good”
Then they were all arguing over which unit’s performance suited Toronto the best but then decided that they all did
And then Soonyoung dabbed
Too many times
Everyone also dabbed with him this group is a M E S S
And then they got Jeonghan to do Aegyo so he spun around and made a heart and said “Toronto I love you!” in the cutest voice possible I swear I’m in love with Jeonghans voice
And then Wonwoo did a cute little dance to which we all chanted ‘Go Wonwoo’ for and then Soonyoung dabbed
(It made Jihoon cringe every time)
Then Jeonghan tried to get Seungkwan to sing something and Boo was like ‘moVING ON” but he gave in and sang a bit of Hello by adele which was really nice. Like damn the acoustics in that theater were no joke bc its a theater (i assume) made for plays and stuff and him singing without any track sounded really nice.
And then they asked my boi Chan to dance so he started singing Billie Jean by Michael Jackson and doing the hipthrust dance and Seungkwan ran over like ‘nOO”. But Chan just kept dancing and singing and having a good time and being w i l d  to which Seungcheol cracked up at. He literally fell on the floor laughing
And they kept going on about how this was a totally special stage for Toronto, “only for Toronto”
So then they went on to say they were gonna perform a very “hot” song next and my clueless ass was like ‘Don’t wanna cry?’ but naw it was ROCK which I only recorded part of bc the lighting was bad and my phone sucks
But okay I can just say that Wonwoo’s voice sounds 10x deeper in person. If you thought his rap was really deep in that song, wait until you hear it live. For a long time Wonwoo was my favorite rapper in kpop and I think hes regaining that title he was very good the whole night and I really like his deep voice
and then they did Chuck which was SO AMAZING HOLY CRAP
I love that song sm in the first place but I love it even more now upon seeing and hearing it in person. I recorded a bit of that one too and love it i watch that video like 3 times a day
So then they had another short Ment where they taught us the dance to Chuck and Soonyoung doing the “brrrr” part was so adorable I wanted to die. (I feel like Im talking about Soonyoung a lot but im just so glad he was able to perform in Toronto ilysm)
So then Vernon was like “I actually have some bad new for yall” and all the members were like ‘whaaat??’ and pretending to be shocked
So Vernon goes on: “The next song is actually the last song for the night” and Soonyoung made this fake crying noise and then dabbED LIKE 5 TIMES
That was when he went over to Jihoon and dabbed right in front of him and then was like “Oh my god our last song?”
and then Vernon being the cheeky ass that he is was like “Yeah and I really dont wanna cry about it” and then him and Soonyoung went to the back of the stage to “cry” and all the other members were “crying”
Then Vernon came back and like “I wonder what our next song is tho? Hm????” and im like really bitch
So Soonyoung yelled ‘are you ready’ a few times and then they performed Don’t Wanna Cry which was INCREDIBLE 
They were all in perfect sync like im seriously amazed. These boys probably have to practice day and night to get dances like that. It was amazing
So the boys left the stage for a bit and there was a another vcr which was of all the member explaining what carats were to them and it was really sweet and my friend cried again (she cried like 3 times that night) and I died at Jihoons bc there was this short clip of him and hes just so darn cute
so they came out again and performed Shining Diamond but were wearing casual jeans and half were wearing blue shirts and the other half were wearing pink shirts and Soonyoung looked so good in that outfit bc his shirt was tucked in in the front and his hair was just so great
anyways they all looked like they had fun performing that song and Soonyoung was yelling as usual and there was one part of the dance that was super satisfying bc all the colors of the shirts lined up and it was just really nice to look at. 
And then they performed Healing which we had special banners to hold up during. There was one part I remember bc I couldnt see bc everyone was holding their banners above their heads, but Seungcheol jumped onto Mingyus back and koala hugged him for a good minute and a half and Mingyu kept trying to get him off and Seungcheol just smiled like an idiot and latched on. Eventually he got down and then grabbed his water bottle and dumped half of it onto the people in the front(splash zone)
So once that song ended, Toronto Carats had actually prepared something special for Seventeen. So certain seats had a red board on it that you would hold up after Healing ended but only so many seats had them so it made a message in the crowd and I think it was just 2 hearts and ‘1 7′ and the members looked really surprised like Vernon and Minghao were next to each other and were like :O
Seungcheol and Jeonghan looked really shocked too, overall none of them expected it
So then the goodbye ments came and I was ready to die as soon as they started. They all said the similar kind of thing like “we had a good time we’ll come again soon ect…” 
But Minghao’s was all in english and it was the cutest damn thing i have ever heard in my life. He started out with “Today I am so happy because of our Toronto Carats energy.”
and then says the cutest shit ever: “We are like friends. We look after each other and love each other” He also kept looking over at Vernon to make sure he was saying it right
and then he said something like “we care for each other” and the fkcigingf df went “and everyone, don’t be sick. Always be happy okay?” IN LIKE THE CUTEST WAY POSSIBLE I WANTED TO SCREAM I MEAN I PROBABLY DID BUT STILL
and then I only remember Chan saying something like “We’ll be back soon, and when we are you have to promise that you’ll come to our show” and then Soonyoung and Seungcheol held out their pinkies for us to promise them and I held my pinky bc I damn promise if they come to Toronto again I will be seeing them for sure. Or I’ll try my best anyways
and they all gave us hearts and said they loved us and did a bow and then all had to leave the stage and I almost cried;;
I remember Soonyoung was the last to leave the stage bc he kept waving and saying goodbye
Also I remember a person sticking their hand out one last time and it was kind funny bc I just see this random hand pop out for like a split second. I didn’t know who it was at the time, but I later found out it was Dokyum :3
So yeah, he’s not my bias, but Soonyoung made my night
Anyways. I’m still having post-concert depression. Honestly I don’t think I’ll ever be able to listen to another seventeen song again without crying. All in all, it was one of the best nights of my life and if it wasn’t for my best friend who bought the tickets and surprised me with them and her mom who drove us up the whole long way. Highlight of my summer. 
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1soonhoon · 7 years
Not sure if anyone has asked you this before, but when did you first get into svt and what made you decide to be a carat? Just asking some of my favorite blogs. :)
Here’s the short answer: I became a fan during mansae, however I became a carat many months later when I decided to watch 17project. 
Here’s the long answer: I had heard of seventeen before (just around tumblr I guess & I knew who vernon was because of him being mixed and the leonardo dicaprio thing and also woozi because of his height and the suga comparisons) but I didn’t check them out until mansae. The video was recommended for me on YouTube & I actually wasn’t even planning on watching it but I just wanted YouTube to leAVE ME ALONE, so I watched it. At first I wasn’t sold on it, however the chorus and the mansae hand waving dance got stuck in my head. I showed it to my sister and her husband (who both liked it immediately) and we watched it together a few more times. That’s when I was like yo this is my shit! Me and my sister started binge watching their dance practices and weekly idol (that’s how I learned their names) & I could probably recite that episode from heart now we’ve watched it SOOO many times. At that point I became a fan, however I didn’t consider myself to be a carat yet. The reason being that when I listened to their 2 mini albums, I only liked a few songs (sometimes I have to listen to things a few times before I love it) and I wasn’t heavily invested into them as a group yet. I liked the members a LOT but idk I just wasn’t ready to fully slip into the diamond life. Fast forward to sometime in March. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to watch 17project at like 2am and that’s when I became a full blown, hard core, dicks out carat. I was able to see them get to where they were and laugh and cry with them and I felt much more closer to them as a group. I went back and listened to 17 carat and boys be and suddenly I liked the songs sooo much. Even now I still listen to them on repeat (along with their newer releases as well ofc). I think that I would’ve eventually became a carat sometime anyway, but I’m glad that I decided to watch 17project that night because I was going through a hard time and they brought me a lot of happiness, so for that I’m very grateful to the boys.
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