#i still need to add tag posts and such but my blog & his carrd is more or less functional
trollamulet · 3 months
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hello! i'm looking for rp partners! i write in short to multi-para/novella lengths! i know my fandom's rpc is very quiet - but i have multiple AUs (and i'm always looking to create more!) to open him up to other fandoms. please like / reblog this post if you'd be interested in writing with me.
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aqualogia · 24 days
hi I really like your mb and I'm new here. Do u have any suggestions or tips to make mb? like where did u get the pics and the captions.
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𝓜oodboards: a guide for beginner blogs!
I decided to bring here a small tutorial that can help other blogs that are starting out and still have questions that need clarification, with tips and links that you may need. I wrote this from my point of view of creating moodboards and I tried to be as brief as possible in my explanation, there may be errors in English as I'm not fluent in that language and everything here was translated using Google Translate, any questions you can contact me via asks or by message.
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how do I find pics for moodboards?
Pinterest is where you will find most images for moodboards, so create a Pinterest board just for these images, separating them into subboards for each color or aesthetic to make it easier.
Some blogs leave the link to their Pinterest accounts in pinneds or in the carrd, you can follow them and save the pics they published on the app in your boards, this will influence the Pinterest algorithm so that they recommend more of the type of images you want.
You can also search on Pinterest for the aesthetic and color you want (coquette pink aesthetic, cottagecore aesthetic, y2k, etc.).
how to make moodboards + tips:
Well, it's not such a complicated thing for me. I generally make moodboards with 6 or 9 images, taking inspiration from the moodboards of other blogs that I admire, so I can get an idea of ​​how to make the captions and how to position the photos in a way that matches them.
To make it easier, first I create the moodboard and then I look for an icon of a kpop idol that can match the aesthetics and color of the moodboard. The reverse can also be done: first choose an icon and make a moodboard for that image, paying attention to the color palette and tonality (and for some reason, for me it's better to create moodboards in Tumblr's light mode instead of dark mode)
When I finish the moodboard, I add the caption, the hashtags (which will be very important for your post to reach other people) and maybe a divider. You can find these dividers on other blogs or by searching for "dividers" on Tumblr.
If you want to split a photo into two or more images, use this site.
how to create captions:
To make the captions, I use parts of songs that I like or that I found searching on Pinterest for "Spotify song lyrics", but they can also be album or song names, movie names, a phrase you thought, etc. The symbols you will put in the caption can be found on this website or just by searching for "symbols", "kpop symbols", "kaomojis" on tumblr.
If you want to use a different font for the letters, there are these two websites (01 and 02). And to change the color, there are also these two tutorials (01 and 02).
what to do to make your blog "popular":
Add popular hashtags that relate to the content you are posting. If you use almost the same tags as other big blogs, your posts will have more reach. Posting frequently and your account looking nice and organized helps too.
Ask several other popular blogs to promote your account. This was very important for my profile to grow in the number of followers and engagement.
Join the events that some blogs do, as they offer good prizes like reblogs if you win. And remember to have patience, as it often takes a while to get good engagement on Tumblr.
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saspitite · 10 months
plain text/screenreader friendly version will be made soon i promise
hi, i'm saspitite, but you can call me sas, saph, or cadaver!! genderqueer shrimp has breached the internet!!! i use any pronouns but she/her :)
languages i know:
-english (native)
-ASL (intermediate-fluent)
-italian (intermediate)
-german (intermediate)
-spanish (WAS intermediate-fluent but kinda fell off from lack of use)
-finnish (beginner-intermediate)
-japanese (beginner)
current icon: #062 from Drowned Shrimp
current header: a post-concert photo of Heavysaurus
➸ this mess is a place just so you know. i will be reblogging All sorts of shit. i try my best to tag so you can filter for your own curated experience but i am not perfect 👍
this is not completely a politically-based blog but i might occasionally reblog that kinda stuff. hide #shrimpolitics if you don't wanna see it.
i also love to post about gay things and the Good Ol Leftist Agenda so there's that. i don't really have a tag for it yet so, uh, suffer for now. serious/heavy issues are tagged as #serious stuff... if i can remember to use that one
and i also love posting about shrimp/crustaceans!! my general posting tag is #shrimposting and my general reblogging tag is #shimpy shemps (note that these aren't EXCLUSIVELY just for shrimp, but for other crustaceans too sometimes). if you see a shrimp in a post and wanna know what species it is (or if there's just general context in relation to shrimp missing) you can tag me and i'll probably be able to answer because i'm just that normal about them lol
(more tag info found towards the bottom)
➸ messages and asks are always open, please just don’t spam me, it makes me nervous!!
➸ non-mutuals won't be able to message me (because i get way too fucking many porn bot messages, its exhausting) so if you wanna PM me and i don't follow you, just send an ask that has your @ in it + preferably an explanation as to why you want to reach out, and i'll follow you so we can talk! i won't answer the ask, i'll just read and then trash it, so dw!!
➸ also pretty please pleaseeee send me asks in general i love answering them!! (/nf)
➸ i do my best to add image descriptions for any images/gifs i add in my posts, but i may occasionally forget to/don't know how to describe them. do let me know if i should add/fix an id for anything in any of my posts!!
➸ mutuals are free to ask about any possible phobias/triggers i need tagged if they'd like, i just removed that information publicly for safety reasons.
➸ btw i love all trans people and aros and aces and mspec lesbians and bi lesbians and afab transfems/amab transmascs and multigender people and queer poc and disabled queers and fat queers and neurodivergent queers! i do not care what people say about you i love you forever!!!!!!!
➸ also i say faggot and dyke and tranny a lot. so uhm idk block me if you're a coward
➸ i don't really do DNIs because they're pretty useless and redundant but if i don't like you i might just block you. so just don't be gross!! terfs, transmeds, nazis, israel supporters, and idiots of the like will all be blocked on sight <3 and i'm not "debating" you either lol
"#giggle" - posts i think are especially funny
"#gold star sticker" - my all time faves
"#shimpy shemps" - posts about shrimp/crustaceans not made by me
"#shrimpolitics" - political bullshit
"#serious stuff" - posts touching on serious or heavy topics, may sometimes contain triggering subjects
"#identifying shrimp / identifying crustaceans" - me adding the species of a shrimp/crustacean found in a post (if its not already outright stated) !!
"#out of all the posts out there this is certainly one of them" - posts that took me like 300 rereads to mildly comprehend and i still don't fully get what's happening. yet i reblog
"#(____) wunk" - i have no clue how but this became my tag for rabbits.
"#sas says" - just a normal post i'll make, maybe a random life update or a funny joke i wanted to share
"#sas scavenging" - me showing off something i recently found/bought, which could be anything from t-shirts to rocks
"#shrimposting" - me blabbing about various crustaceans, typically fun facts and whatnot
"#shrimping" - any of my irl activities and whatnot that involves me wearing my shrimp costumes (like conventions and events!!)
"#venusposting" - posts of my cat venus
"#sas spiels" - writing/creative concepts that might not be fully fleshed out, just me sharing some thoughts i had in my head
"#sas stories" - my writing!!
"#sas scribbles" - my art!!
"#sas songs" - my music!!
"#a terrible thing has happened" - a terrible thing has happened
"#cosmic intertwines" - my eldritch horror universe (note that this is an umbrella name for all of my fictional worlds listed below and may be tagged in posts that focus on other worlds, but is usually reserved for the gods and outer activity of my fictional universe)
“#machina mundi” - an advanced post-apocalyptic robot world
"#hotel mabiya" - my flight rising clan
"#belet's dream" - a world of diverse anthropomorphic animals
"#the inter galactic voyagers" - the saga of a group of friends and their exploration of the cosmos! (takes place in the same world as "belet's dream")
@ebiquest - game project blog
@hotelmabiya - in-character flight rising clan lore blog
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snowytiger · 1 year
hi i just remembered i need an about me post
hi im snowy i draw stuff and uhhh ill just link my strawpage, might add more stuff here soon
tags guide
#snowy doodles (art tag)
#snowy rambles (uhh..rambling tag?)
ps: homophobes/transphobes/terfs, ableists, racists and zoos/pedos/proshitters fuck off from this blog
update 31/1/24 i have a sideblog now!! im planning to post more original stuff there like self-shipping but its still kinda a skeleton atm - @onikuma-selfships
update 20/4/24 replaced my carrd with a strawpage. it was a lot more fun to make compared to my carrd and ill update it once in a while
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smajorqna · 2 years
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(Click for better quality)
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Welcome to the blog i made because i thought of it in class and i need some sort of way to feed my hyperfixation.
Here is a carrd with more info about this mess. (coming soon)
All art belongs to me!! I made it!! Please dont steal or use for ai (sense thats been getting popular recently..). And please ask before reposting and if your too nervous please at least credit me :)
(Press "Read More" below for tldr for the carrd and an ID for each image)
(Last updated: 12/10/22 11:19am CDT)
And now if you look just below youll see all the tags i use and what they mean :) (more will be added in the future)
#smajorqna - all posts posted on this blog
#4th wall breakthrough - ooc posts
#smajor of rivendell - all answers from c!scott
#hearts the creator tm - all answers/cameos from my persona, hearts
#hello deer anon - all questions from fellow anons! Hello anons :)
#(tw/cw here) - obviously wont say that exactly but if a post talks about anything triggering or anything that needs warning i will put it there and i will put it at the beginning of the post :)
#posts about beloved husband - posts mentioning or even including the one and only codfather (will be also used as flower husbands tag so if you don't wanna see that block it!!!)
#cameos - other character cameos featured
#id below read more - will be put for every post with images in it (besides dividers)
#the 17th letter of the alphabet - this post was queued
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Heres the tldr of the carrd: (aka a list of things i need to add to it)
This is C!/CHARACTER!!! In no way am i impersonating scott the content creator. I am simply answering questions the way i think his esmp1 character would answer.
Admittedly, i have never watched scotts esmp1 series- i mostly know about his character through clips, fanfics, fanarts, and other fans. I know im such a fake fan /sarc so if i get any lore or canon wrong please tell me and ill do my best to fix it. If i cannot, then oh well to bad so sad.
This will include my personal headcanons so if you haven't heard of whatever even or something from canon, its most likely a headcanon
This will also include flower husbands (c!scott x c!jimmy) so uh yeah dont imply any other ships other than them only because i dont personally ship it (its fine if you do, i have nothing wrong with that :) just keep it out of this blog)
Everything you see on this blog was done on my phone using my finger. So obviously there will be mistakes. So yk use common sense and dont point them out :) its rude.
And lastly, this is literally my first time doing this ever so please be nice, im sensitive
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ID for each image/panel:
[Panel 1 (one): (start id) outlined and colorless drawing of empires season 1 (one) character scott looking confused or worried, there's a question mark symbol next to him showing he's confused. He's looking at another character to the right with the same drawing style. Scott's outline/lineart is a dark cyan. To the right of scott there's a character with shortish hair, pointy ears like scotts, with a plain t-shirt. They look feminine-ish and their expression looks happy. Near them is text saying "Me, the creator tm" pointing to them. The character's outline/lineart is a dark magenta-ish, or a really red pink. On the bottom of the screen is a grey box with a smaller box on the top left corner saying "Scott" in a dark cyan. Below is text in the same color saying "So.. Remind me of what to do here..?". (End id)]
[Panel 2 (two): (start id) Same character's and poses as panel 1 (one) with different expressions. Scott's expression is still similar, except this time his mouth is closed. The character's (who's name is Hearts) expression changed to them talking with their eyes closed. They look happy. Below them is the same dialogue box except with a different name and obviously different text. The name now reads "Hearts" and the dialogue says "You're going to answer some questions from people because I'm bored and I need something better to do with my life. :)" in the same color used for Hearts' outline. (End id)]
[Panel 3 (three): (start id) Scott is now center with Hearts gone, leaving a "Bye!" where they were last. Scott then looks to the left with an exhausted look. In the dialogue box it says in the dark cyan outline scott has with scotts name above, "This will be easier said than done..." (End id)]
Also yes ik the original third panel i misspelled "easier" but its too late now im tired
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nyaruelle-adoptables · 5 months
! Pinned Post !
((Woops- I'm only just realizing I haven't really made a pinned post for this account, Anyway- This is just for admin purposes and for providing useful info for anyone going through my account as I thought it may be helpful~)) ~~~ About me: Hi! I'm Quelle and I sell character design adoptables over on this account. I mainly make humanoid OC designs but I make Gijinkas, Cookie Run OCs and Ponies as well (constantly experimenting to see what works tho but I find my human oc designs work the best :'D) I wanted to start selling adopts as I'm really interested in making designs + I want to turn it into a lil' source of income while I'm still schooling. Most of the funds I get from successful sales will be used for savings, so any support at all is greatly appreciated!! ^v^ ~~~ Alternative Contact: My DMs are open on Tumblr, but if for some reason I don't message back, Please contact me over at my other socials via my Carrd (Email, Instagram DMs or Fiverr are some of the alternatives you can try to get in contact with me ^^) ~~~ Payment Processing Info: Main Payment Methods: - Paypal - Invoice Request via Stripe *Do note you don't need to sign up for an account to receive the invoice request :D (*Another note: As I'm not from the US, my payment options are very limited, do hope you can bare with me ^^;) ~~~ Other Notes: - I'm usually available from 9AM morning up to 12AM midnight SGT (If I'm not responding, I am likely to be asleep so please be patient while I try and get back to you ^v^) - this blog is specially themed for desktop so do feel free to browse it on desktop for a better browsing experience - Something I like to do whenever an adoptable of mine is sold is that I add the usernames of my buyers to my Wall-Of-Thanks to show my gratitude to those who bought from me :) ~~~ Terms and Co: After purchasing an adoptable from me, you will: - Be the new owner of the character, you are able to do as you please with the character. You may change elements of the design, details about the character, name or change the name of the character and give lore to the character. - Be receiving PNG files of the character without watermark and other additional add ons if purchased - Be allowed to trade or gift the character - Be allowed to resale ONLY at the original value - Be allowed to draw, get others to draw or make content on the character - Be able to tag/mention me if posting about the character or my involvement in the creation of the character if you want to Please avoid: - Reselling my adoptable as an NFT - Reselling my adoptable at a higher price then original value - Stealing or Claiming the character, especially if they’re already adopted - Removing watermark from my posts - Using my art for A.I training - harassment or demanding adoptables in DMs. Treat me how you would like to be treated or I will block - bargaining (if you’re a few dollars short then I may make exceptions) I don’t mind: - reserves/holds until buyer is ready to purchase. I can do up to 1 week of reserve. If you are unable to pay in one week I will reopen the adopt for others to have a chance to purchase. - allowing another individual to purchase an adopt on someone else’s behalf - characters sold by me being used for buyer’s recreational purposes. (dnd, fanart, story telling, etc) - making small changes to the character myself or allow the current owner of the adopt to request for small changes so long as credit is shown that I was the original creator. (e.g outfit changes, colour palette changes)
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starrygender · 2 years
About Us
[pt: About Us]
Hi!!! Were the Shimmerstar Hive (sometimes spelled "Hiive"), also known as the Celestine Hive or Milkyway Shiver, and this is our casual coining blog where we coin gendas (genders), orientations, and other ids!! Sometimes we post personal things here as well, which are tagged appropriately.
Collectively, we use it/its and he/him, and are fine with being referred to with "you", "yall", or even "you&" and other such variants if you insist. We really like the sound of "you+", though, even though we've never seen it used before.
We switch between we/we're and I/I'm constantly, so sorry if that's confusing.
We are a median non-disordered traumagenic system with some endogenic members. with around 140+ members currently. We are pro-endo all the way.
We all work in making the flags and like to brainstorm for new genders and identities.
We are bodily 19 years old.
We have schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, ADHD, HPD, BPD, and autism, all of which affect the system. Furthermore, we are clinically cynanthropic and lycanthropic, but still use "kin", "therian", and "alterhuman" in our identities.
carrd: stardustslinger.carrd.co pronouns page: en.pronouns.page/@Starry622
We are unable to ID most flags, as attempting to do so, oddly enough, freezes our brain. Literally, it's basically only flags that we can't do, and I don't know why. Please help if you'd like to!
All other info, including a BYF below
[pt: All other info, including a BYF below]
[pt: Rules]
• I will make flags and coin identities!
• I will coin genders, orientations, alterhuman identities, objectums, and anything mogai/liom or otherwise queer.
• I will edit pre-existing flags/make my own flags for pre-existing terms, but only with permission from the creators.
• I will make userboxes.
• I will make pronoun flags.
• I will try my best to make neopronoun and name sets/help with neopronouns and names.
• I will not make DNI banners or moodboards. At least not yet.
• I will not make/edit/use terms exclusive to poc or any cultures, ethnicities, or religions I do not belong to. general ideas from open religions are usually fine, however.
• I will not touch anything about the dsmp. Minecraft in general is welcome, though.
• I will not do name/term searching/help.
Keep in mind:
That I still have the right to turn down any requests for any reason, even if it is within the rules I've laid out.
That I may take as long as I need to. You may ask about your request status, but please do not spam.
This is still very much a casual blog, made for structure, but run for fun.
Tagging System
[pt: Tagging System]
Anything I coin will be tagged with '#genda coin' (gender)/'#sexuality coin'/'#alth coin' (alterhuman, 'kin, etc)/'#id coin'* (misc identity)/'#term coin'/'#flag coin'.
I'll also tag '#new genda' on my newly coined genders
Asks and requests will be tagged with '#shiver replies' and '#shiver requests'.
Personal posts will be tagged with '#shiver diary'.
And any miscellaneous posts will be tagged with '#misc'
When I find a cool genda? I reblog it, and tag it '#cool genda' or '#cool gendas' if there's multiple. I'll follow a similar tagging scheme for other IDs*.
If we find a cool ID* and wanna add it to one or more of our hoard, I'll tag it with '#hoard'.
We occasionally sign off in the tags, and we always do so when we find it important for the context of the post.
*ID in this context is for 'identity', as in a catch-all category for things folks may identify as/with. In case there's something that's more unspecific to a certain kind of self-identification, or if it simply isn't specified at all. This can also be for miscellaneous things like pride flags for mental illnesses and neurodivergency, including symptom specific flags (i.e. PTSD, ADHD/amism, or intrusive thoughts flags) ...Or if I just have no clue, in which case, someone can hopefully help me by correcting me, and I'll promptly fix my mistake.
Heres V's pronouns page: https://en.pronouns.page/@Starry622
Feel free to ask us anything!
[pt: BYF]
•If this isn't clear, I'm radinclus (not radqueer, as stated further down).
•I believe in BLM and ACAB. I am pro-Palestine. I have anarchist views and am also a feminist (NOT to be confused with radfems/TERFs/"gender critical"s or SWERFs, as I am against those ideologies).
•I believe in systems of all kinds and origins, and I believe all trans people on their identity (transness and systemhood obviously aren't the same thing or very comparable, but I feel as if antis and medicalists of both have a lot of ideological overlap). A fair bit of our system is made up from things outside of stress and trauma (although we are traumagenic).
•And while I'm on it, detransitioners are valid, too. You tried a thing that either never worked out or can't be continued for whatever reason, and that's okay. You were never the enemy, and neither were we. TERFs turned us against each other, and that fucking sucks.
•I believe all kinds of 'kin and alterhuman identities are valid. Even KFF (kin for fun).
•I never judge sources for 'kin or system members, and I expect to have that same respect.
•I only support identities that are in good faith, like bi lesbian, lesboy, turigirl, multigender, and whatever else exclusionaries and separatists hate. TransX/TransID/PRATs can never be in good faith, outside possibly being used for those with BIID or POC in adopted families. Transspecies is not TransX/TransID because it came from alterhuman communities and is therefore good faith and valid.
•I am less than fond of anything MCYT, especially DSMP, but I'm also not gonna be an asshole about it. I will simply engage minimally with that specific content. I might like cool art posts or whatever, though.
•Obviously, I will not tolerate hate towards any marginalized group. This includes aphobia, homophobia, bi/pan/omniphobia, transphobia (I'm entirely neutral on transandrophobia/transmisandry discourse because it's still about transphobia either way and should be talked about), xenophobia, and racism.
•Obviously, I support MOGAI/LIOM, microlabels and neopronouns.
•I am generally uncomfy with proshippers, but I also know that there can be nuance and some people use that kind of stuff to cope. I can't say I get it, but it's not my business. I'm not gonna grill anyone, I'll just block. Regardless of reason, I generally don't want to see or consume media like that.
•I am pro paraphilia. I wish the 'big 3' (pedo, zoo, necro) love, support, and therapy, especially if they are strictly anti-contact (contact includes consuming media that perpetuates harm, like CP). Obviously, I don't want any folks that are neutral- or pro-contact for any harmful paraphilia interacting.
•I support all types of regression and believe that negative language like "impure" should be used with caution if used at all by those who are not self-identifying.
•I will not engage in discourse for my own mental wellbeing, and anyone who tries to drag me into it will be promptly blocked and ignored.
•I genuinely believe that, save for some exceptions, friends can be made and maintained despite difference of opinion and ideology. The first step to try this is to not be an ass. Hope this helps <3
I may add more as time goes on.
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[ID: A banner of teal blue water. On the banner, it says "I can't stop folks from interacting, so just don't be an asshole, and I'll block you if I disagree with your views too much." End ID.]
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pinwheelfunhouse · 2 years
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🎪 harland // he/they // 24 🎪
requests: open!
masterpost (+ fnaf edition)
‼️ empty blogs w/ default avatars get blocked on sight ‼️
reblogs > likes
main: @slashpaws
gifs from these videos!
personal carrd here!
requesting rules and dni under read more!
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if you have a request for a character not on my fandom list, just ask about it! if it doesn't match my 'won't do' list, there's a good chance i'll still do it! and if you can, please send a photo for reference!
please limit requests to one per ask! it's easier to organize for me that way! you can send in multiple asks for multiple requests though!
please respect my dni and stay away if you match anything on it!
you can be as vague or as specific about requesting as you want! including the types of stims you do or don't want!
i'll also happily do non-fandom requests, like animals or just aesthetics in general!
kin, d/a, fictive, oc, and sona requests are 100% okay!
even if i've already done a character, you can re-request with different/specific stims if you'd like!
i reserve the right to deny any request for any reason!
fandoms i will do:
five nights at freddy's
team fortress 2
resident evil
night in the woods
my little pony (please specify gen!)
super mario
black butler
lego batman movie
don't hug me i'm scared
faith: the unholy trinity
emily wants to play
mystery skulls
the owl house
there is no game: wrong dimension
rusty lake games
the stanley parable
house of ashes
dying light
soul eater
sonic the hedgehog
bendy and the ink machine
hazbin hotel
invader zim
poppy playtime
helluva boss
youtubers/their characters (ask first, extremely selective about this one, will only do youtubers i know and watch. you can check the listography on my main for a list!)
fandoms i will not do:
a.ttack on titan
h.arry p.otter
s.outh park
r.ick and m.orty
b.luey c.apsules
d.ream s.mp
f.riday night f.unkin
c.ult of the l.amb
other things i will not do:
anything yandere/kink/bigotry related
you fit the usual dni criteria (lgbt+phobic, racist, ableist, fatphobic, antisemitic, nazi, pedo or pedo sympathizer, anti-blm/anti-acab, etc...)
you are pro-trump or support any of his ideals
you are a terf/transmed/truscum/anti-mogai
you are a bi/pan/poly/omni/aro/ace exclusionist
you are an anti-anti/proshipper/fujoshi/fetishize lgbt people in any way
you ship pedophilia, incest, abuse, or irl ppl (s.ebaciel, f.ontcest, a.ftoncest, s.coutspy, the re8 lords together, ch.eavymedic, etc...)
you are a kink/ddlg/cgl(re)/petplay/yandere blog or reblog/post this sort of content (sfw age/pet regressors are totally fine)
you are anti-kin (unless you are/support factkins; in that case, do not interact) or gatekeep kinning
you are anti self-dx or a syscourse blog
you support scott cawthon or "stand by scott" after his controversies
you support, follow, or defend anyone who matches any of the above criteria in any way
everything i post is okay to tag as kin/me/id! f/o, comfort character, and system tags are also 100% okay!
i work a full-time job with weird hours so requests might take a bit to get to, please be patient!
you can ask me to tag anything you need! i try to tag the most obvious things but i can always add tags for those who need them! i tag triggers as "[trigger] //" (for example: flashing // or blood //)!
if you like one of my boards, please consider reblogging rather than just liking! a lot of times the links in my posts break them so they don't show up in tags for everyone, so reblogging helps out a lot!
when doing a character i'm not familiar with, i can only go off vibes or colour palette, so if you want something specific associated with them please let me know!
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kittenpinkamations · 2 years
Woop it's pinned post time!!
Hi, I'm KittenPinkamations, aka Kitten/Pink/Pinky/KP/Whatever ya wanna call me! I mostly just reblog other people's stuff! Here's my carrd!
My blog is generally SFW (Since. yknow. I'm ace & sex-repulsed). Some posts might contain other mature topics, like blood, swearing, alcohol, death, etc, as well as occasional mild suggestive humour, but nothing explicit.
I do my best to tag content warnings & add community labels (Going with the format "#cw insertthinghere"), so you should be able to avoid anything you don't wanna see if you have the tags filtered & the proper settings; but I'm not perfect & still might miss some! Feel free to send me an ask to let me know if I missed something, or if you need anything else tagged!
Current Main Taglist:
Kitten Reblogs - Me reblogging things (If it's fandom related, I'll also tag the fandom as well i.e., su, ace attorney, httyd, etc.).
Kitten Types - Original text posts, reblogs generally not included (with some exceptions).
Notebook - A miscellaneous hoard of things I wanna take note of & come back to in the future, or think others should take note of. (e.g., resources, art/writing tips, news & PSAs, mental health stuff, comfypastas, etc.)
Christianity Stuff - Posts & reblogs related to my faith; Feel free to filter if it makes you uncomfortable!
Mutual Aid - Mutual aid/donation posts! Consider giving people a lil' helping hand, even if the goals have been met! (This is more for individual person donations; posts around certain causes will be found in the Notebook tag.)
My Art/My OCs - Pretty self-explanatory.
Anything else is either content warnings, miscellaneous organisational tags that I don't think are major enough to include here & are probably already under one of these main tags as a sub-category, or literally just me tag-rambling.
If I say or do anything problematic, please don’t hesitate to tell me so I can do better! I can genuinely be really dense & I’m always seeking to improve my behaviour.
DO NOT INTERACT: Pedophiles/map/nomap/zoophiles/incest/proshippers/anti-antis/supporters, generative AI/NFT/crypto/supporters, ableists, racists, sexists, anti-theists, anti-atheists, anti-recovery, any sort of LGBTphobic/exclusionist, etc.
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rphosphor · 3 years
mcyt/dsmp tumblr guide!
I saw that a lot of people from Twitter are moving here to Tumblr. First of all, welcome! Second of all, I know how hard it is to get adjusted here so I made this guide for y’all to have an easier time!
Click on the read more because this is a really long post. If you know how to use Tumblr and only want info on the etiquette, here’s a post with only the etiquette.
Edit 04/27/2022 10:24 AM EST
Hi again everyone! This post is currently outdated with the recommendations though it’s still okay for the most part. Feel free to reblog, as anything under the read more will always remain updated even after edits! This’ll be fixed eventually
(Points and important information are in bold)
Before I get into it, I’d like to say that Tumblr doesn’t get any personal information from you besides your email. Whatever you put out is what people see. It’s very anonymous, take advantage of it. We don’t dox people here at all.
Contents: Starting your blog, Interacting with others, Posting, Tagging & Tagging Etiquette, Other, Blogs I recommend
Starting your blog
-Pick a username for yourself. This will also be your blog’s URL. You can change your blog’s name as much as you’d like, so don’t worry too much about it. Just don’t use your real name because only the porn bots on here have “real” names. (Ignore/block them)
-Customise your blog’s appearance. When you go to your blog’s page, there is a painting palette icon on the top right. From there, you can edit the appearance of your blog. On Desktop, you can utilise themes to personalise your blog even more.
-Put something in your bio. You can meme and put anything you want. I recommend not making it too long, though. People usually put their names & pronouns. Remember, give out the information you want to give out.
-Pinning posts. You can pin a post and it’ll remain at the top of your blog until you either remove it, or pin something else. This is where you’d put an intro post if you’d like to tell more about yourself, link your socials/carrd or how you tag things on your blog. 
-Customise what’s visible. By default, people can see your likes and follows. On Mobile, you can click on the likes/following tab and then click “change”. From there, you can disable people viewing them. On Desktop, you need to go to settings, click on your blog and then you can disable it. Hardly anyone but new users and big blogs show either of these so feel free to private them.
-How to disable the archive. On Desktop, every blog comes with an archive which can be used to look at all the posts a person’s made and sort by date. There’s no setting to disable it so if you want it removed, go to your blog and press the palette button. Click ‘Edit HTML’ and locate the line of code that says this or something similar: ‘{lang:Archive}’. After that, you want to insert a new line before that line and type ‘’. The line you located should turn gray. Update the preview and double check that everything looks fine before saving. To add the archive back, just delete the ‘’ you added.
-Asks and submissions. By default, no one can send you asks and submissions. You can toggle this by going to settings on both desktop (settings > blog) and mobile. Asks can either be anonymous or not (this is also toggleable) and people can use it to send questions, sh*tpost, have discussions, etc. while submissions are (to my knowledge) not anonymous but it’s basically like being able to send a person a whole post with links, tags, etc.
-Filter out tags for things you don’t want to see. On desktop, you just need to click on settings while on mobile it’s settings > general settings > filtering. Make sure to include [xyz] tw, tw [xyz], cw [xyz], [xyz] cw, [xyz], and [xyz] mention when filtering.
Interacting with others
-Customise your dashboard. When you start, your dashboard is very empty. Tumblr’s algorithm is almost nonexistent and you customise what you see. Follow blogs and tags as much as you like, because this is what is going to fill up your dashboard.
-Sending in asks. A lot of blogs have their asks open and you can send them on or off anon (if they enabled it). On Desktop, you can include photos, gifs, etc. This is one way to get mutuals. You can also sign off an anon ask with a nickname so that people know it’s the same person. Ex: -🥄 or -Party anon. If you’re not sure if a person already has a ___ anon, feel free to ask!
-Replying to posts. If someone didn’t disable replies, you can reply to their posts. You can use this if you want to say something about the post but don’t want it to appear on your blog. Make sure to @ the person you’re replying to if it wasn’t their post, otherwise they won’t see that you replied to them.
-Reblog posts. As said earlier, people fill up their own dashboards, there isn’t much of an algorithm here. Likes are just a number, reblogs are the primary way posts circulate. It’s not an obligation, but it is highly encouraged to reblog artists’ and writers’ works.
-It is okay to block people. If they’re doing something bad, you find them annoying, etc. just block the person. Do not make call out posts and public blocklists. If you want, you can message your mutuals (they have a green star in your follower tab) and tell them not to interact with the person. No one is notified when you block them, you will stop appearing in their dashboard and they will stop appearing in yours. If they try to visit your blog, it'll display as if the page isn't working & give an error if they try to reblog your posts.
-It’s okay to ask someone to use a trigger warning tag. If you follow someone whose posts can have something that triggers you/makes you uncomfortable. you can ask them to tag it so you can filter. They’re not obligated to use it, but there’s no harm in asking! You can always unfollow them in case it bothers you too much.
-Format your text. Tumblr has a bunch of options for formatting text and it’s very useful. You can bold, italic, strikethrough, or even COLOUR your text! :D
-Queue/Schedule your posts. Optional, but they allow you to keep your blog active and avoid spam reblogging. The difference between the two is that scheduling posts allows you to choose the exact time a post goes out.
-When reblogging, you can either type what you want to say in the post itself or in the tags. Tags disappear when someone else reblogs your post and they don’t appear in the replies. Only the person you reblogged the post from gets a notif about the tags. It’s down to what you prefer.
-Tag properly. Tags are part of the only way to categorise, search, and find posts, so tagging a lot of things incorrectly can cause a lot of problems for other people. This brings us to the next segment, tagging:
Tagging & Tagging Etiquette
-Use tags to organise posts. Tags are useful for people searching for stuff on your blog + it helps you post get discovered. I recommend also tagging people that sent you an ask for organisation (ex: #cat anon)
-Using tone indicators. They work exactly the same as on Twitter, but are more commonly located in the tags, asks, or replies.
-Put trigger warnings in the tags. This allows people to filter the posts they don’t want to see. Keep them consistent and simple. Most people use [xyz] tw or tw [xyz].
-Tag critical/discourse, etc. when applicable. Don’t put discourse on the main tag so that it won’t be shown to people that don’t want to see it. This is not optional. Use #[xyz] critical or #c![xyz] negative, not #[xyz].
-Use spoiler tags when posting about recent events. Usually you’d need to tag events for 2-7 days after they happen, depending on the fandom. (Ex: #dsmp spoilers, #3rd life spoilers)
-If your post is long, tag it with #long post. You don’t really need to do it if it’s short with a read more. Some people aren’t okay with scrolling past long posts. On desktop, you just need to go to an empty line and click the three dots on the side to add a read more. On mobile, you need to type :readmore: in a new paragraph.
-Do not crosstag. It doesn’t get your post more exposure, it just annoys people and clogs up tags with unrelated things.
-Do not use #mine/craft, #mine/blr or #mine/craft youtubers (without the slash) unless you are talking about the actual game. There are people that don’t want to see things about mcyt, dsmp, etc. and we don’t want to clog up the tags. The tagging system will include the last one because it still contains #mine/craft.
-Don’t use #hermitcraft for 3rd Life content. 3rd life is a completely different series and deserves its own tag. Yes, a bunch of hermits are on the server, but by using the Hermitcraft tag, you flood the tag with non-Hermitcraft posts.
-Don’t use #hermitcraft for crossovers with the Dream SMP. Use #hc x dsmp so that the Hermitcraft tag isn’t flooded.
-(Hermitblr exclusive) Don’t put posts with ships on the main tags. Separate the content so that it’s not shown to people who don’t want to see it. Instead, use the tags: #hermitship, #hermitshipblr, #hermitshipping. Avoid using the main character tags as well ex: #grian, #impulsesv. Use the ship name tags instead ex: #jleo, #grumbo, #scardubs.
-If you see someone using the wrong tags/tags they shouldn’t use, politely tell them. Ex: Someone used #mine/craft on a Dream SMP post, so you tell them in their asks/replies that the Mine/craft tag is exclusive to the actual game.
-Search it up if you don’t know what to tag your post.  Go to Tumblr’s search and see how other people are tagging things similar to your post. There’s many alternative tags here (ex: #dream smp vs #dsmp) so don’t worry too much about it. I also have a list of tags you can use:
(#[ign] is usually used for the CC and character. If the character’s from the Dream SMP, you can tag #c![ign])
Mcyt: #mcyt, #mcytblr
3rd Life: #3rd life, #3rd life smp, #3rdlife, #3rdlifesmp
Dream SMP: #dream smp, #dreamsmp, #dsmp, #dsmpblr
Dream Team: #dream team, #dreamteam, #dteam, #dteamblr
Empires SMP: #empires smp, #empiressmp, #empiresmp, #empiresblr
Hermitcraft: #hermitcraft, #hcraft, #hermitblr
Origins SMP: #osmp, #origins smp, #hybrid smp, #powers smp
Sleepybois inc: #sleepy bois inc, #sleepy boys inc, #sleepyblr, #sbiblr
Tales from the SMP: #tftsmp, #tales from the smp, #talesfromthesmp
-Don’t use ‘<’ in asks because it’ll delete everything that appears after it in the ask.
-Block anyone who calls themself an anti-anti or pro-ship. Just don’t deal with it.
-If a post seems really personal or the op said they’re gonna delete it later, either don’t reblog, or ask if you can.
-It’s not required, but much appreciated if you add image/video descriptions for the people who use screenreaders. Guide on it here.
-Follower counts are always private. We don’t do follow for follow here, Tumblr clout doesn’t matter.
-Edits on posts do not appear on reblogs that happened before the edit. Edits are still seen on the original post + if it was under a read more.
-Tumblr is very hungry and may accidentally eat your asks. If someone doesn’t answer, you can always ask if it went through.
-Your blog is for yourself, so don’t feel pressured to post about one thing only or feel bad about spam reblogging. Your blog is what you like, and if other people go: “hey! I also like this!” then that’s great!
-Reblogs alone don’t automatically give a post more exposure. You need to tag reblogs so that they show up and get recommended to people. Unless you have a large following, there’s a minuscule chance an untagged reblog would get any attention at all. This is incredibly important if you’re reblogging to share an artist’s work or something similar.
Blogs I recommend (aka me exposing who I follow on my other blog):
Tumblr History: heritageposts, hellsite-hall-of-fame
Mcytblr History: mcytblr-hall-of-fame, penis-smp-archive, mcytblr
Community (mostly artists) : timedeo, poorlydrawndsmp, cyani07, wooteena, beacon-lamp, ups1gbt3f7op3dr, kazuallyy, chiyahowo, taytei, linktoo-doodles, moncuries, bansq, sunlit-mess, kateis-cakeis, geoguessbur, metfell, craftiebo, lucylee158, qarameiio, wolfythewitch, cloudzaminecraft, jazetallo-art , wembly-art,  hermitcraftheadcanons, pomodoko
(Didn’t want to notify them so I didn’t @ them, edit: added more blogs, rip to people who rbed this before the addition of penis-smp-archive, a blog that contains the history of the fake SMP dsmpblr made in response to an anti. Despite being called Penis SMP, the most nsfw thing about it are the character names.)
I hope this was helpful, welcome to Tumblr!
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yanbub · 3 years
multiple announcements coming through !
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okok first of all, im back 😋. as in ill be fully active again like usual xdxd.
i know i didn't seem like i was on a semi-hiatus but shhh i had to take care of things and i had to fix my mental stability too.
i'm really sorry that i didn't reply to my inbox while i was gone !! i was very unmotivated to reply during the whole break even tho i rbed some ask games LOL. ill reply to them later so your wait won't be that long anymore !
thank you all 4 ur patience and efforts 💞
pls read the other announcements utc! its all important and i just cut it so that it wont clog up other's dashboards.
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second of all, the blog will go a heavy revamp session! please don't mind the spam posting, it'll just be me organizing my blog all over again.
the revamp will include the following:
a new tagging system
(finally) an official post for my blog rules, writing rules, etc. i know i have a carrd for that but im tired of editing it every now and then
a clean up! ill be deleting some old posts such as my shitposts and some other miscellaneous things i want out of this blog. and sadly, this includes the requests that was left in my inbox. sorry that you didn't get your request done ^^'
i think thats p much it? again dont mind the spam posting you'll see when this is in progress!
asks will be answered AFTER this revamp session is done.
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third, a new character for the character list! thoma is added now. as for gorou, well, that's still dependable since i haven't grasped his personality yet with the little interaction we got from the archon quests. ill try writing for him but only on specific and self indulgent ideas.
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not that important but new theme hehe. ive had this theme on pc for a while now but i wanted to change it on mobile once im back from the break. anyways stan remi ayasaki for clear skin yalls
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to explain further about me deleting requests in my inbox, as you saw during my break i only posted self indulgent content.
i don't really wanna open requests for a while since i have so many self indulgent ideas that i wanna focus on. the ideas that you sent in were honestly great but im sorry that i won't be able to write it :((
though there might be times that i won't be writing because deadass i post content almost everyday, i need a break too 🧍‍♀️.
HOWEVER! if you're willing to send in some brainrot at my inbox, ill be more than glad to whip up a small blurb/ficlet for you! or maybe ill add more onto that brainrot, who knows really.
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anyways if you reached this part of the post, congrats! you're probs the only one who bothered to read all the important announcements.
ill be off to revamp the blog now and istg ill finally answer asks after that 😭 i missed interacting w yall but i swear my motivation said no <//3
bye bye now, ty for reading <33
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