#i support and encourage all mk rewatches.
poelya · 2 months
Thank you for blessing my timeline with the beauty that is 💫Marc Spector💫 now I wanna watch moon knight all over again/pos
Oscar Isaac characters stop being so blorbo shaped challenge.
I'm just doing my part o7. I had another really bad day today, and I was like. Fuck it, I'm rewatching my emotional support episode of Moon Knight. And then whaddya know? I started feeling better (as my love @dameronalone pointed out, it's almost like Marc's a spin lmao).
Anyway I ended up pausing the episodes so many times either to cry about him or to giggle, twirl my hair, and kick my feet about how pretty he is, so....giffing felt like a no-brainer, especially as an additional little pick-me-up.
Finally, I don't think it's a setting Oscar can turn off tbh. Now if I like - only had Poe and Marc as blorbos, I could. Yeah alright, that's fair. They're both very distinctly but overlapping Nym archetypes (don't ask me about why I think they're similar unless you want me to look like that Charlie Day meme). Hell, even Miguel I can like....that's filed solidly under Spider-Man, y'know?
But *shakes box and a bunch of extra oscar characters fall out, chibi style* I fear many more of them are also so....so shaped, yknow?
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emptytypewriter · 5 years
A Hallmark Celebration | Writing Challenge
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This is a thank you to everyone who has followed, supported or even just liked something on my blog. I wouldn’t be celebrating 400 followers today if it wasn’t for all of you. 400 isn’t a lot to other people but it means so much to me. When I set up this blog I wasn’t even 100% sure that people would even like my writing or if my writing was up to par with some of the other writing that I had witnessed here.
Now about 2 years later, 400 of you are being incredible and supporting me consistently even though I’ve been away recovering and going through the process of getting a book published. Which wouldn’t have been possible were it not for the people who encouraged me about my writing since the beginning. All of you have been my rock and my support as a writer and I can’t thank you enough for that but I can give you a writing challenge.
When I started writing here it was other people sharing my work, giving me feedback and loving on it that got me to where I am. So I want to give back to everyone, whether you’re a new writer here or you’ve been writing longer than I have, I hope you have fun and challenge yourself to write something fun.
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Give the list a scan and send me an ask with the following: your prompt, your pairing (______ x reader/character), and if you know what the genre ( fluff, angst, etc) is going to be, let me know as well.
You don’t have to be following me to participate, it’d be highly appreciated if you wanted to! It would also mean the world if you could reblog this even if you decide to not participate, just to signal boost it! 
This challenge isn’t only limited to one fandom rather five because I, as a writing blog, am multifandom. You can write for Marvel (All Marver whether it’s Netflix, Fox, Sony, the MCU or even the comics, go wild!), Sherlock, Merlin (because I recently rewatched it.) and Supernatural, DC (All DC applies here too!). If you’re not sure if you can write for a certain character, hit me up and ask.  Or if you want to write for someone not in these fandoms let me know also and it might just be okay.
Keep whatever you write legal, don’t write smut if you’re underage, and no incest! Include the right warnings. I can’t stress this enough. Make sure your warnings are very clearly stated at the start of your fic and that you’re using correct tags! Please be considerate of the dash and the tag that you’re posting in. 
If your fic is long (I’d consider long upwards of 500 words) put it under a ‘read more’.
This challenge will be running from today (June 24), until October 2nd 11:59 pm GMT. I know summer is the peak of all these challenges so I thought I’d give people plenty of time to have a chance to join in with all the other challenges happening. You can join in at any time so long as you post by October 2nd.
I will be compiling all fics that have been submitted with a link to them. If you do a series, please make a masterlist for just that series so I can link the masterlist. 
Once you have posted, please make sure to tag me in it. I want to be able to track down every fic submitted to share them. Tumblr has been fickle lately with tags so you can also use the tag: #ahallmarkcelebrationchallenge that way I can track the tag and everything that appears in it. If all else fails, your fic doesn’t appear in the tags and Tumblr won’t allow you to tag me. Please send me a message with a link to your fic if I haven’t reblogged/liked your fic within the first two days.
If you have any other questions at all don’t be shy and have the most fun writing!!
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“I don’t know that you need a matchmaker as much as you need an introduction.”
“Deceptively simple, yet brilliant.”
“I believe _____ could use all the help he/she can get.”
“I’m not interested in promises, only results.”
“If my instinct is right, there’s nothing I can do about it.”
“Food always helps men think.”
“No Tiara?” “No, they wouldn’t let me take it through customs.”
“Keeping people at arms length is an occupational hazard.”
“You should put a window in that wall you’ve put up.”  ( Matt Murdock/Bucky Barnes x Reader @littledarlinwrites angst)
“Just the man I was looking.”
“There’s a fine line between being helpful and being deceitful.”
“Oh, thank goodness…I accept your apology.” “That wasn’t an apology.”
“Try walking a mile in my shoes.” “I would but the limo’s so close.”
“Duty calls, a ribbon that needs to be cut apparently.”
“Look at you! You’re a nice guy after all.”
“He/She deserves someone who loves him/her.” “Like you do?”
“From baby steps to giant leaps.”
“How come you’re still in bed?” “I love _____”
“Love has a way of doing that. At times it makes fools of us all but the real fool is the one who fails to heed its calling.”
“Let me guess your prince awaits?” “Yes and impatiently.”
“Leave the big picture stuff to me.”
“I’ve known you since seventh grade. I know you better than you know you.”
“_____ has no integrity.”
“I can’t work for _____ if this is how I’m going to be treated.”
“It’s like I’m unstoppable!”
“My ‘baby blue eyes’?” “Uh, I don’t know, they’re more aquamarine to me.”
“I guess when you’re a kazillionaire you figure you can treat people any way you want.”
“Did you go all the way to the North Pole for that Cocoa?”
“I was a girl scout for seven consecutive years and knots were my favourite.”
“When I chose what I wanted, my wishes, from _____’s perspective the magic died.”
“You are so refreshingly honest.”
“I beg your pardon.” “Pardon denied.”
“I can’t go back to the person I was. I won’t.”
“He’s just a client, he doesn’t have to be your friend.”
“What if I told you I wanted you to stay?” ( Mycroft x Cop!Reader @livy1391​ angst )
“Are you ready for the best day of your life?”
“If I had a boyfriend this is exactly the wedding I’d want.” ( Wanda x Reader @19mrs-rogers18​ fluff )
How can I like someone so much personally, but dislike them so much professionally.”
“I’m on the hook for everything.”
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**Take these as an initial premise, workshop them as much as makes you comfortable**
A commitment-phobe takes the job as a busy single parent’s nanny. ( Bucky Barnes x Reader @itsjamesstan angsty fluff )
A delve into family history leads an up and coming journalist to an unexpected helper.
Always helping those around in getting their happily ever after, a couple doesn’t realise their own relationship slipping away.
An unsuspecting baker’s mother orchestrates their meet-cute with a doctor after failed attempts of trying to set them up on blind dates.
A wedding planner is set to plan their cousin/close friend’s wedding when their cousin/close friend’s PI ex comes back in their lives to check whether or not the groom is cheating.
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I decided to trial the plot/au prompts with a few. If demand is there I’ll as more as for now I hope you have fun and thank you once again for all the support and follows!!
all the love, mk x
I’m tagging people who liked the initial post: @lokeystan | @hannahspanner98 | @germansarechill | @justmasblack | @simple-live | @heyitsaznfangirl | @littledarlinhavefaithinme | @izzy10718 | @tahliamalfoydepp | @paperlessbook | @winterxblogger | @speguttibiach | @hallow-hazel | @msknight10 | @we-flower-fan | @onemore2morrow | @friedskeletoncopexpert | @fanderrawr | @fanfictionsilove | @lexipumpkins | @infinitelylizzie | @meddowstaylah | @livy1391 | @unknownwonder | @deanlovespiebabyandmeloljkiwish | @seppys-return-to-madness | @19mrs-rogers18 | @permanentlyconfused221b | @mybabyboytony | @adefectivedetective | @prettyxlittlexwriter | @volklana
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