#i teally am sorry :'|
Bro istg Erin and Jamie are fighting to the death for my number 1 TDiM character like at this point they should just makeout with each other🙄🙄🙄🙄
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jjjjjjayy · 10 months
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And I did a circus for day 19 instead because I didn’t feel like drawing a carnival ride or whatever and in the first one Alejandro is scared of the haunted house while Noah is like “what?”
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crow-collective15 · 11 months
just found oht yesterdya j fhave teally bad astignmatism in one eue. jot very pogchamp. amso kinda funny because i wsd diahnosed for uesrs nur jad kp flue lmao
idk eatr kk even eting anhmore- i am bery tied
Hellooo, I’m sorry I’m dyslexic and I’m struggling to read that, from what I picked up it isn’t very good? What ever it is good luck
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starrybong · 4 years
Me: *has been in a bad depressive episode for the last month* Roommate: Did you know that it's actually really rude that you don't come out of your room and share your weed with me? That's something you gotta work on. Get comfy and chip in or ship out! Me: *sitting there w literal s/h marks under my clothes* Haha yeah :)
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batteryrose · 2 years
Sorry to bother you I happened to discover KoFi but being the clumsy with new tools I am I would like to ask someone who know how it work first Sincerely hoping to not be a burden could you please explain it to me or how it was your experience with it ? I am about confused since I read in terms and conditions that fees on transaction may be applied in which case it happen and they are paid by the creator or by the donator?
I took the occasion to compliment your art I teally adire your drawing style 😍💖
I hope you have a nice day :)
hello! ofc I'll help a little. Well basically, KoFi is a creator support and storefront website. With KoFi people can send you money in "kofi" units, and its usually defaulted to 3$ per kofi, but you can change it to however much you want--mine is 1$ per kofi for example. These are donations to you, so you don't need to give anything back to the donator (unless you promised them something yourself!)
Currently, you can also open commissions through KoFi. Payers could access it through a different tab, (not the same one where theyd pay donations) and you can set it up however you want. You're obligated to fulfill the order with this one or the payer could potentially charge you back. There's also a shop feature but I've never tried it before.
The whole communicating and discussing with the client thing is still up to you to do, and KoFi usually only asks the client to provide a social media link you can reach them at. You can also message the client directly on KoFi, but not all clients have a KoFi account.
For all of these, the money will be sent directly to the paypal account you linked to your KoFi account. So kofi isnt the one handling your money. It's basically just redirecting your donators from a cutesy donations website onto paypal. That's why they say they don't take any of your money at all I guess... However. Paypal seems to take a lot in my experience. A 20$ commission could only get me about 17$. That's before the conversion from dollars to my countries currency. So put these into consideration when you decide on your prices.
(Regularly check you paypal account as well. The kofi donations are still counted as 'orders' on paypal, so you have to manually set them on paypal as 'finished' or something of that sort. there are posts detailing on how to do this. Although in my experience Not doing this doesn't really cause me anything. just in case tho!)
Those fees that you asked about, it's basically taken from a percentage of money people donated, so i guess you could say you are the one paying for it, since the payer only paid 20$ dollars and not 20 + fees or whatever.
So far KoFi itself hadn't given me any troubles. It's very nice for me because I have this anxiety with banks and I hate opening up paypal each time to send my client an invoice so they could pay. KoFi basically does it for me. I had problems with Paypal before but not while I use KoFi so i wouldn't worry about it
that's all off the top of my head! you can send more asks, or i'll edit it in later on this post
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yoonia · 4 years
@jeonmisha replied to your post “Blood Moon Rising | 15”
Oh laaawwwd! The power of touch! I will think it is possible since Jimin is in that position as a vampire pluuuus.. I just want them too! haha I am extremely super duper excited for the next part! Would it be intense? Like super intense author-nim? 😏😏😏 hehe sorry. I'm just teally excited tis all..haha
oh, the next chapter is definitely going to be an intense one, that’s for sure lol 
There’s going to be an explanation why Jimin was able to touch her too, so wait for it a little bit haha thank you for reading! 
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lazywaffles26-blog · 5 years
Hello people of the worl i wont be posting a lot and not just because of school also because i haven’t been inspired to do anything and I’ve been really sad lately for no absolute reason im sorry im teally annoyinh and weird i will try to update a little bit but yah girl is kinda sad so yee thats been going on bueeee
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I am really sorry i wasted your time by postinh this 👋 bye
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somensfw-blue · 3 years
I JUST DIDNT!! dont bully me i'll bite >:0 /lh i just felt yhe hot and was like ":O this is teally hot!' then my primordial instincts of 'fire bad' kicked in. Also yes I did try setting my phone down, for a while actually. Am just sitting here chewing on a hair clip. Also omg fun fact time :D ur actually the first person to ever know this and that scares me but I actually have a dog bone(its rubber but like hard rubber) to chew on brain like chew but I cant find it so im miserable (。❍︿❍。) - 🐩
i'm glad you didn't get hurt at least
oh no :( i'm sorry nothing's working. i know how much it sucks when you just can't fall asleep
oooh sometimes dog bone toys have some really nice type of rubber. i've never found one that's the right shape for me to wanna just... buy one to chew. never really looked honestly but... i digress
i'm so sorry you can't find it :((
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lancelotlaments · 6 years
Vent #15
I'm so fucking tired of being trans.
I know I'm a guy,, but I'm tired of being terrified to see my friends in public with my family cause theyll scream "HEY LANCE" which is good, but I know I'm gonna get screamed at at home. I wish I hadn't came out, ever. I want to take it back. I'm a guy. And I know that I'm not a girl, but I know I get seen as a woman. I'm exhausted. I'm running out of excuses as to why I'm not paying attention in class or always falling asleep.
I cry myself to sleep damn near every night I'm alone after staying up until ungodly hours of the night.
I cringe at the sight of my gut. I've been trying to fucking love myself. I've been TRYING TO BE POSITIVE! Why cant I just be the comic relief side character like I always am!!! I'm tired.
I'm tired and I want to go to sleep.
But he's back again yelling at my brain, reminding me I can't go back in time. No matter how hard I try.
I would change everything.
I would have never come out.
I would have pretended to be female for a bit until I got out of highschool.
I'm so tired but I can't sleep without having nightmares about everything.
I have had one (1) not nightmare in the past few months and I'm just trying to get away with not sleeping at this point.
I piss everyone off, make them feel sorry for me, hell I feel guilty for writing this because I know my friends are going to worry about me.
I've been trying to be funny, I've been trying to make people laugh, I've been trying to be playfully stupid, I've been trying to not correct people when they mess up my pronouns, I've been trying to not be an asshole, but if I was really trying, I'd be succeeding by now.
At this point you think you're cute by being mean to your friends when you love them to death. I wonder how many times your friends have gone to the bathroom and cried because if how cruel you are. You should be fucking ashamed. You teally think you're trying??? Says who??? You're acting just like you did freshman year. You have the mentality of a 7 year old, you expect your boyfriend to fucking take care of you. Who are you, Lance? And dont answer "I dont know" because you do know. You've zoned out enough that you should have searched every inch of your brain by now. So who the fuck are you?
How the fuck are you gonna succeed in life??? You never planned to make it this far, but you've been selfish enough to keep on living instead of killing yourself when you had the chance. I think you like being miserable. You're not helping in any way. You're a shitty leader, a shitty child, a shitty adult, and a shitty friend.
Just do me a favour and kill yourself already.
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whatafirefeelslike · 6 years
Sorry I have been Busy fam but I need Teally Good Vibes for tomorrow, my team is playing in the semifinals to win our conference tomorrow afternoon and I am Nervous
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joqatana · 4 years
I teally am agitated as all hell. I can only guess I’m processing the scabs thst got torn off reading that book.
I may have kept my temper all day but I’m pretty sure I was a major bitch. Sorry.
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smittenbyschmidt · 6 years
I am sorry for not being here often. It is teally busy for me right now. Until christmas break (so yhe 21 of december) i have like 5 tests per week + 2 exams and trying to finish with my driving lessons. I ahve to apologize for probably not being here for the next 4 weeks also. On happier topics did you see red velvets really bad boy. I feel like this is Yeris era like she got lines she shined in the mv and i watched their live performance to and she was shining. Lizzie anon
first off!!! it’s okay bubs!!!!!!! your schoolwork and driving lessons are so important, and you should ofc put them first!!!!! don’t worry about it, hon!! i’ll still be here, so don’t worry about being a little m.i.a.! it happens!
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krizoie · 7 years
i’m teally tired and i want to sleep, but i got a shit ton to do for school and they’re all needed tomorrow (aka in a few hours) and all of these shit are groupworks but all my groupmates ditched my sorry ass and now i’m having a mental breakdown cause shit, this is my graduating year and if i fail i’m not gonna graduate and i don’t wanna disappoint my parents cause they spent so much on me and i’m here failing 2 or 3 subjects because my fucking groupmates are MIA while i’m here trying to make 2 fucking research papers. 
and i swear to god, in college i’m not gonna show that i’m artistic cause shit, it’s fucking hard to do my school requirements and do the class/group project because they’re ‘not artistic’ and ‘i am’ so i should make it instead. being able to draw isn’t a good thing when people use you for it. 
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