#like damn why fight with swords and guns when you can fight each other with your tongu-
Bro istg Erin and Jamie are fighting to the death for my number 1 TDiM character like at this point they should just makeout with each other🙄🙄🙄🙄
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lale-txt · 1 year
✱ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐝..
where you travel with your friend and your favorite trope comes to life
↳ 𝐰/ 𝐊𝐢𝐤𝐮, 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 & 𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐨
a/n: slowly getting back into reworking and reposting older stuff as i work on my trades and requests (´⌣`ʃƪ) i'm so weak for all three of them (not just because of my raging size kink). Wano just introduced us to so many good chars, it's wild. holding them gently in my palm with little hearts floating around my head
word count: 1.1k
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Kiku and you actually don’t mind the bed situation, but almost get into a fight because both of you insist that the other one takes the bed
you give in when she draws her sword (no questions were asked why she is bringing her sword on a regular road trip, you just roll with it) and threatens you to take the damn bed
her smile is sweet but her eyes definitely say murder
you flop down on the bed and pat next to you, inviting her to join you
“see? there’s actually plenty of space for both of us. the blanket seems rather small though, so if you don’t mind some cuddling at night…”
she doesn’t, moreover, she initiates it
at first you freeze when she wraps her arms around you from behind, spooning you, then you let yourself sink deeper into her hug, enjoying the comfort of her warmth
you can’t fully relax though because whenever you close your eyes, you see the face of her brother, threatening you with a gun because how dare you touch his perfect little sister
your therapist will definitely hear about this 
but for now you’re happy, turning around so you can look into her beautiful eyes in the dim bedroom light
you cup her face, your thumb brushing the soft skin of her cheeks as she smiles, a smile so pretty it feels like a stake straight through your heart
wow, you really are in love huh? why else would there be so many butterflies all of sudden? why does being in her arms feel the safest you have been? 
the two of you have some soft and sweet pillow talk, too giggly to fall asleep, spilling secrets in the dark
only when you run out of words, you both scoot closer and closer, subtle but enough so your lips can find each other, sweet kisses fluttering all over your face, whispered confessions in your open mouth until the morning comes and you walk hand in hand out of that fateful hotel room
“oh well. you can have the bed, i don’t sleep that much during the night anyway.”
which is in fact, true. he naps often and everywhere because he’s usually up all night, robbing the rich and causing arson
tonight is no exception, just a little different from his usual shenanigans 
Denjiro would probably bargain with the owners of the hotel first to get you both a big discount on the room since it’s not what you booked
you can hear him going full “i want to speak the manager” on the poor staff downstairs
he’ll come back in the room with a big grin and a bag full of cold hard cash, his fox eyes looking feisty
“let’s party”
he encourages you to go wild on the room service, ordering everything your heart desires as long as you get him some sake too
you still end up in the same bed together, watching reality tv shows all night while feeding each other the most delicious stuff the room service carried in on a dozen silver tablets
cuddled up against him, you can’t help but think that maybe sharing a bed with him isn’t that bad…?
and judging from the way he holds you close, dozing off every now and then, Denjiro seems to be comfortable too
you snuggle closer against him when he pulls you into his lap, your head resting against his broad chest, his arms wrapped around you
“want to order some dessert, too?”
his voice is close to your ear, sending warm shivers down your spine
you tilt your head back to look him in the eyes, returning the wide smile as you reach for his long blue hair that’s falling over his shoulders
“i think there’s something sweet in the room already that i want to taste…”
yes you kiss <3
you both stand in front of the queen sized bed, hands on the hips as you both shrug at each other
you’re friends, right? no big deal sharing the same bed, friends do that all the time
still, you can’t deny that your heart is skipping a few beats by the thought of it
Yamato initiates a pillow fight when he notices the slight tension and accidentally knocks you out when a pillow hits you directly in the face
quickly grabs your soul leaving your body and stuffs it right back in
when you regain your consciousness again, Yamato is leaning over you, carefully dabbing your face with a cold towel, his worried face brightening up when he sees your eyes fluttering open again
he apologizes a thousand times on his knees (poor boy sometimes forgets how strong he is) and begs for forgiveness
he even offers to sleep in the bathtub tonight to make up for it, so you can enjoy the bed all for yourself
you can’t help but giggle from the thought of Yamato trying to fit all his long limbs into the tiny tub and you can see the relief on his face when he realizes that you’re not mad at him
“i accept your apology. to make up for it, you could let me lay in your lap and run your fingers through my hair…?”
guess three seconds of feeling brave really pay off because Yamato is so fast to jump into bed with you, building a tiny fort of pillows around you both before he pats into his lap, gesturing you to lay down
if you could purr, you would right now because Yamato’s fingers make you feel things
you’re chatting about all the things you want to do on your vacation but you can’t fully concentrate on the conversation because your heart is drumming so loud in your chest, you fear it might just jump out 
only when you suggest to switch positions so you can pet Yamato too, your faces are coming awfully close to each other, your hands touching, and just like that the last remaining inch between your lips is gone as you sink into a deep kiss that takes your breath away
every time people ask how you two got together, the story will start with a “and there was only one bed”
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pancake-breakfast · 10 months
I'm not usually this awake at this hour, but sometimes one gets a migraine, and even having the massive spoilers I have for this volume, I'm finding others trickling in, so let's get through a bit more of this before I have to attend morning work meetings.
I'm a profeshunal.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 10, Chapters 4-5 below.
Chapter 4: Death Omen
As if we haven't had enough death omens since... like... volume 2 of the original manga....
Am I gonna get to watch these two move in beautiful tandem for a fight again? Please say yes.
What are you talking about, Vash? This is the perfect time for reminiscing!
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You're gonna do what now, Wolfwood? My dude, don't be prideful here. That already almost got you killed once in this volume. Just let Vash help you.
THAT'S RIGHT, YOU TELL HIM VASH!!! Not like Wolfwood could stop Vash from helping, anyway.
Ohhh, shit, we're gonna go there now, are we? *deep breaths*
What a time for Vash to remember this scene. Strange that this is what he thinks of when he thinks about how close they've become. But perhaps that's when he realized how much Wolfwood genuinely cared about him. Also, I love how this memory interjects this sudden quietness in what's a very chaotic scene.
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Vash is thinking about all the things Wolfwood has told him about why Wolfwood kills. As tragic as it might be, sometimes there are things one can only protect using extreme measures. One should always seek alternate solutions, if one can, but sometimes that's just not an option.
I'd bet good money that what Vash is specifically debating here is what extremes he's willing to go through to protect Wolfwood.
Yeah. There it is.
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Heh, we get that line, and then we have Vash catch Wolfwood in almost an embrace. You can't tell me Nightow didn't know what he was doing here.
Ohhh, he can sense it in Wolfwood's body. His mans is not doing good.
This... this isn't the in-tandem fighting I wanted to see.
They've awoken angry protector Vash.
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Man, he almost headshot Razlo. I feel like that might be the closest Raz is gonna get to a warning shot.
Hahahahaha, I was under the impression it was Wolfwood telling Vash to destroy someone in this panel. It just doesn't seem like something Vash would say. But they done really pissed him off.
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Wolfwood gets how much he means to Vash here, too. Finally, these idiots understand each other, but... of course, it's a bit late in the game, isn't it.
Heh. Wolfwood's gonna give Raz an appropriate dressing down from his older brother.
Raz doesn't buy it.
The third arm is still stupid, but the layout of this panel is bomb.
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That's so many bullets. Raz is getting his ammo from the same nebulous void that generates the unending ammo in Hellsing.
I always love seeing Wolfwood use the Punisher as a shield instead of a gun. There's something about the subversion of its intended purpose that just hits the right spot for me.
Chapter 5: Final Battle
This chapter title sucks. How dare it be the final battle. There are still four volumes to go....
Oof, there go Wolfwood's sunglasses. Matrix rules say he's in for it now.
Shoot, the gun didn't fire. But... does the Punisher even fire that way??
Raz makes Wolfwood look so small...
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Did Wolfwood just disable one of Raz's Punishers?
Damn, kicking the empty magazine into Raz's chest is a crazy move.
RIP dumb metal arm. A very good tactical move since it's the one arm Raz can't regenerate.
Vash is just... watching. He knows this is what Wolfwood wants, but he doesn't look the least bit happy with this situation.
I'm not sure if it's Raz or Wolfwood speaking here, but if it's Raz, he sounds like someone who's trying to keep themselves psyched up when they're very clearly losing. If it's Wolfwood, then Wolfwood is just taunting him, since he's clearly already taken the upper hand.
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Who knows what's happening in this panel. I assume they're sparring with the Punishers like they're giant swords.
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So many bullets....
Heh, Wolfwood's using the ammo belt itself as a weapon.
I appreciate how the Punisher's diminishing stability here reflects Wolfwood's physical state. He's going down, but goshdarn, if he isn't making use of every resource at his disposal, even if it's in very non-traditional ways, to make sure he gets the job done.
Dang, he done fucked Raz up.
LOL, Raz gets it. Bit late, bro.
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Seems like the only thing that's incensing Raz more than the thought of dying to Wolfwood is the thought of not dying to Wolfwood. That Wolfwood might show him mercy in the end.
Or maybe he just doesn't want to go out via something as simple as a punch to the face.
That'll do for now. I'll save the rest of the pain for... later....
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell
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fizzigigsimmer · 2 years
On Steve, Billy, and fighting.
Let me just preface with I don’t think the Duffers have thought about this or done any character work with Steve beyond deciding where to aim him each season, but nevertheless I like the little peeks at character we’ve gotten thanks to Joe and head canons are fun.
I love reading and writing a badass Steve but I get why some folks go the route of “Steve can’t fight” and think that he is easily over powered; because lets face it the show does show that happening quite a bit, because punching Steve is fun according to the Duffers. My man has lost a fight to just about everyone but trained Russian soldiers and supernatural hell beasts. Which is just fucking… okay Duffers, but anyway I think it’s fair to assume Steve is just absolutely shit at hand to hand combat.
What I have noticed about Steve though is that he has really good hand-eye coordination (because Joe does) and as we’ve seen now with the bat and the phone, if you put an object in his hand he can be pretty dangerous with it. Which became something of a gag in S4 with Steve grabbing at random objects the minute he thought shit was about to go down.
My personal head cannon is that Steve is good at armed combat (I’m not talking guns but swords, knives, and other hands on weapons) because he’s got the skill, the stamina, and the courage obviously, but also it’s a style of fighting with a built in buffer between you and the violence you are committing. You get done bludgeoning something, and that can be plenty traumatic and intimate on its own, but never as intimate as harming someone with your bare hands is going to be. When you lay hands on someone, you have to feel it in your body and take part of the blow you’re giving. And I think it makes real literary sense that Billy as a character would excel at this style of fighting that requires you to be a weapon without a shield. Not all violence is viewed the same and brawling is a kind of violence that historically in the west has been depicted as dirty, low, and lacking in class.
Steve is both narratively and symbolically a knight in my opinion. The first time we see him in the role as a competent warrior he’s almost literally the kids knight in shining goggles.
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This is why my personal head canon for after Billy survived being flayed (the S3 ending has no power here) is that Billy pulled this man aside and taught him how to fight with his damn knuckles.
Because it would piss him off I think, Steve being vulnerable like that because of some subconscious reluctance to grab something with his hands and wring blood out of it. He’s got it in him (dude bit off the head of a bat) he just needs something to bring it out of him and Billy would be determined. Imagine Billy working him on the mats, grappling, wrestling, Steve getting frustrated with Billy slipping out of his holds. Imagine them boxing, Billy constantly correcting his stance, egging him on like, “don’t be precious with it Harrington, hit me” until Steve just snaps and tackles him.
Imagine the conversations, both boys exhausted and dripping sweat, Steve passing Billy his water bottle because Billy has drained his and asking him, “where’d you learn to fight like this?” And learning that Billy had to, because Billy was born in a war zone and he’s never had anyone to shield him. Until Steve starts pulling that knight in armor shit on him, stepping in front of the government guys who want to keep him from fully integrating back into normal life. Organizing a “jail break” with Max, and arguing with the Chief when Hopper finally tracks them down. Imagine Hopper, frustrated, asking Steve how any of this is his business and Steve telling Hopper Billy is his friend. And they just keep arguing over him while Billy is sat there, floored because Steve called them friends. And then Billy’s libido that took a hike during the months of physical therapy comes back with a vengeance to make their next session super awkward.
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madmanwonder · 9 months
Cyberpunk Crossover
The Punisher and Ragna are two men that I can picture disagreeing and then going for a straight up fight. You can decide on why they are clashing, but make sure that the fight is very violent.
"You are fucking bastard." Said Ragna, his red-and-green narrowed into a fierce glare as he slumped against the wall holding his bleeding side with a pain-filled but wrathful expression as he look at the older man who was holding a high-tech Light Machine Gun, 5.56 mm, M249 in one hand while he held his bleeding side with a grimace on his stern expression of stoicism and ruthlessness.
Frowning, Frank look at the younger man, a wanted terrorist wanted by NOL for murder, property damange, and terrorism against the people under NOL jurisdiction and domain.
"I am no more a bastard than you kid," He replied as he replaced his empty clip into his light machine gun as took his combat vibroblade knight that glow with white light. "And as much i feel sorry for you and the cyncism against NOL. I can let you keep do this." Frank gruff voice replied as he aim his gun at the white-haired, unkempt-haired, green-and-green-eyes criminal.
Sneering, Ragna pushed off the wall with a hurt but determined look as he held up his large claymore-like sword, Aramasa, in a combat ready stance. Ready to fight the normal but skilled and ruthless wandering vigilante.
"I be damned before I get myself killed by a deranged, murderous hypocrite!"
The Punisher and the Grim Reaper let out a roaring battle cry as they rushed at each other with Frank unleashing barrage of bullets at the young man and Ragna using his large blade to deflect the bullets and crid out "Hell's Fang" at the skilled purser of justice and punishment who expertly dodged the attack and rolled toward Ragna to slash his torso with a growl which turned into a grunt when Ragna punched him hard into the stomach, blood and bile interupt from his mouth.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 065
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This is the one with the Father-Son Gallick Gun and... nothing else. 
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Literally, the first half of this episode is just Zamasu floating in mid-air while everyone reacts to how powerful he is now that his two selves have fused together. 
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I mean, he shoots some stuff that knocks Goku and Vegeta around, and he wipes out a chunk of the ruined West City, which terrifies the Resistance group down in their subway terminal base, but none of it really amounts to anything.
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Zamasu makes this big purple bird thing that shoots Vegeta with a lightning bolt, so that’s something, I guess.
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Also he makes bad weather happen all over the world.   Here’s Kame House.  I guess Master Roshi is dead in this timeline?  He was alive in History of Trunks, but this is twenty years later, and I’d assume Zamasu managed to kill at least a few people during his year-long attack on this planet.
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Also, Android 8 is still around, I guess.  No one from Jingle Village is with him, so I guess he’s alone.  No, wait, I think I see a few people in the lower right corner. 
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So Goku and Vegeta attack in earnest, and I guess they manage to wreck that purple bird thing somehow, which surprises Zamasu, but he still blocks their attacks when they try to punch him directly.
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Also it looks like he’s breaking their hands, so that seems like a big deal.
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So Trunks jumps back in, and Zamasu breaks his sword while they fight. 
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Then he goes for a Gallick Gun, but one of those special ones where he puts all his hopes and dreams into it or whatever.  This one’s for Yajirobe, and those nameless Resistance guys.   One of them sounds like Nappa in the dub.
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And then Vegeta jumps in to help, and together they manage to push back Zamasu’s end of the beam struggle and hit him.  It just doesn’t do anything, so Zamasu fires back and Vegeta takes the hit to save Trunks. 
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So then Goku gets his second win and fires his own big saga-ending blast, and that sets up another beam struggle.  Do you see why I hate this arc so much?  Like, all the other stuff I’ve been complaining about but it’s so damned repetitive.  They had three climactic battles like this, and every time there’s a bunch of big finisher moves being tossed around, and now we’re at the end of the final round and it’s all meaningless.  What was the point of the Father-Son Gallick Gun if it didn’t do anything, and Goku was just going to do his own attack to follow up?  What’s the point of Goku doing the same basic thing when it didn’t work like two minutes ago?  What was the point of Zamasu using fusion if this is the best he can do with it?  What was the point of wastin half the episode gawking at Merged Zamasu’s enormous power level when he’s still struggling against the same three guys he dominated before he fused?
This is why I liken this saga to the Shadow Dragons arc from GT.  In particular, the final battle with Omega Shenron is a lot like the fight(s) with Black/Zamasu/Merged Zamasu.  There’s not much in the way of strategy or fight choreography here.  We just have fighters doing stuff to each other, and none of it really works in the long term.  A character will take a big ki blast or a stab wound and sell it for a little bit, but then they just get back up and act like nothing’s wrong.  And it just keeps going because the fight is more about extending the arc for a predetermined number of episodes than anything else.  In this case, it doesn’t really matter what happens in Episode 65, because the saga has to keep going until Episode 67, so they just sort of spin their wheels until it’s time for one side to win.
Dragon Ball Super at least tries to lampshade this with senzu beans and immortal characters, but that only highlights the problem.  Goku Black is the one who wasn’t indestructible, but he still gets the crap beaten out of him and never seems any worse for wear.  Hell, last episode he stabbed himself in the hand and yet there was never any sign of an injury.  Vegeta’s been taking hit after hit after hit this whole time, and he’ll eat exactly one senzu bean in this round.  That happens next episode, so how in the hell does he keep shrugging off the damage he takes throughout this episode?
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bonniebbunz · 8 months
So, for context, I fucking LOVE Undertale. I am a firm believer that everyone should experience it at some point, it is a life-changing game.
That being said, let me get into a gripe I have about the gameplay aspect of the game, something I’ve affectionately dubbed:
The ATK Problem
Aka. Why Pacifist is, mechanically, the WORST route in Undertale.
Undertale’s whole gimmick is that nobody has to die. You can get through the entire game without killing a monster.
So, presuming you’re following this wildly advertised gimmick and don’t want to kill a monster, what is the benefit of improving your attack stat?
“Well, to fight Asgore, right? He can’t be spared, and ACTing eventually stops working.” Yes! And no! Asgore DOES alleviate this problem by making you fight! But if you’re playing True Pacifist, you wouldn’t need to fight him at all. So, back to my point, what’s the benefit improving your attack?
“To spare monsters, maybe? If your attack stat is high enough, monsters will spare you if their HP gets too low.” Yes again! And no again! If you’re doing pacifist, especially on your first playthrough, you’re not going to be FIGHTing monsters anyway, for fear of killing them. And even then, there’s the Bandage. It’s your starting item, and any speedrunner knows that while you’re wearing it, you can always flee from monsters, which is infinitely quicker than sparing. So once again, I ask: why increase your attack?
And I’ll give you the answer: you don’t. If you’re playing pacifist and sparing every monster, if the weapon doesn’t have a viable passive effect, then it’s no better than the stick. In neutral or genocide, you have to make a choice: do I want the high damage of the Ballet Shoes? Or would I prefer the increased invincibility frames that the Torn Notebook gives me? In pacifist, you choose the notebook every time. The healing effect and easier-to-time Burnt Pan, or the high-difficulty-high-damage Empty Gun? In pacifist, only the passive of the pan matters. It hinders the gameplay part of the gameplay by inadvertently offering the player less choices. Deltarune has a similar problem: do you want the high-damage Mecha Saber, or the defense-increasing Rubber Sword? In pacifist, the Rubber Sword is always the correct choice, and is better than any other weapon that can be offered.
Let’s divert to an Undertale fangame now, and debatably my favorite Undertale or Deltarune fangame, Deltatraveler. In this game, chapter bosses are mandatory to fight, and give you an option to spare them after for the true pacifists among us. This completely fixes the attack problem. Now, you have to choose: do I want the Toy Knife, or the Cracked Bat, for more damage but being harder to use? I could buff Noelle’s attack by giving her a weapon, but she won’t be able to cast her ice spells for that damage. Maybe I should take the best of both words and give her the Permacicle, so she has a noticeable physical attack without terribly hindering her magic? It gives the player so many more options while still allowing them to spare the monster at the end if they’re against violence, improving the overall experience.
So, how do we fix this in Undertale without changing the game too much? Simple. Toriel, Papyrus, and Undyne cannot be spared. They must be beaten through violence.
Toriel would probably have to do something other than missing you when your HP gets low, like she could see you’re not doing well and usher you back upstairs to bed without the player able to do anything, sorta like Papyrus. Once she’s defeated, you can let her talk like normal to spare her, or attack her at any point for the kill. Papyrus is pretty much the same as normal: he goes into his “stalemate” speech when you defeat him, and you can spare or kill like normal. Undyne could damn you when she falls, but as you spare her, she can get back up and you’ll automatically run instead of doing it manually, happening each time she re-engages and you spare again. Mettaton, I feel, wouldn’t need this, due to his ratings mechanic. You would still be presented with the choice to kill or spare at the end of his fight where all his limbs are gone, as he dramatically begs you to show some MERCY. If you do, he comments that “maybe humanity isn’t as bad as we monsters have made it out to be,” which could also give reason why the monsters would come help you near the end of true pacifist, even if you just ran: their idol gave them all that hope.
Does this problem ruin Undertale? God, no. Undertale was never about the gameplay to that much of an extent. Undertale was always about the heart, the dialogue and the charming characters. The battles are fun too, and an essential part of the game, but I feel that a few changes to avoid the attack problem could’ve made it that much more fun.
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delirious-lycan · 2 years
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A prompt from @dyradoodles in response to my request for SephZack prompts.
"I thought you said you knew where we were going?" Zack whines, much to Sephiroth's chagrin.
"That was before I realized I didn't, clearly."
The two of them are on a mission on the Western Continent, just south of Gongaga-- or at least, they think they're just south of it. The touch-mes that Zack keeps pausing to "converse" with and the slightly-junglish flora around them lends itself to the theory, at least.
"Zackary, please stop talking to the... Touch Mes. We must Focus on finding our way," Sephiroth says, and Zack snorts.
"Listen, why don't we just look around for something to eat, try not to get eaten ourselves, and wait until nightfall? We're near my hometown, so I know the constellations here like the back of my hand. Climb a tree, get a look at the sky, and I can get us out of here in a jiffy!"
Sephiroth looks over at the other man, appraising. "And you're certain of your ability?"
"More certain that I am in yours right now, yeah."
Sephiroth scowls at the reminder, but in his defense-- yeah, he's got nothing. He got them absolutely lost, confidently at that. Well, he does have one defense. How was he supposed to know that the jungle would eat any incoming signal, radio or satellite?
"Alright, then, Fair. Lead the way."
Zack hops up from where he'd been squatting down and completing some sort of.. bargain with a toxic-blue frog creature. "Alright! One Zack Fair Jungle Expedition, coming right up!"
He looks up at the sky and gets a feel for the sun's location, and starts ferrying them North through the underbrush and growth.
"We can probably get our hands on some fresh fruit this time of year, maracujá and cocona are easy enough to find if you know where to look. Might be able to find some aguaje as well. Let's go!"
Three hours later, the sun sitting low on the horizon, Sephiroth has to admit that Zack definitely knows what he's doing in a jungle setting. Zack had filled the air with chatter the whole time they'd walked, anecdotes about his childhood and all the times he and his cousins also got lost in the jungle.
"It's damn near a right of passage," he'd said, "everyone in Gongaga has gotten lost at least once out here. Our parents teach us early how to climb the highest trees, and how to read our stars. If we can't find our way home by nightfall, we're taught how to follow the stars home."
Now, with the sun close to setting but now quite, the two men are sitting on a thick tree root and eating what Sephiroth had always seen referred to as Passion Fruit. Zack calls them maracujá, however. The energetic man teaches him the names of various non-monster wildlife as well. The monkeys they had come across, for example, Zack had called ka'i.
The boa constrictor they find after eating their meal of fruit, lazily sunning itself on a tree branch, Zack calls mbói.
They wander Northward for about another mile, meandering really, as Zack stops to teach Sephiroth the local names of the beasts and monsters and other wildlife he grew up with. He's diligent about it, too, translating each of them into their names in Common as well. Sephiroth feels like he's learning more just from walking through the thick humid jungle with Zack than he ever did in his simulations in the labs.
Seeing this side of the energetic man is also an interesting experience, one that makes the lately ever-present twinge in his chest when he's around Zack to ring sharper than usual. Zack so clearly loves his home and his heritage, and yet Sephiroth has never really heard about him speak about it in any detail until now. He decides to ask Zack why this is, and his features seem to lose just a hint of their spark.
"It's... Complicated. My parents, they don't like ShinRa, no one in Gongaga does really, but... We're a small tribe, so when ShinRa built the reactor there, we couldn't really do much about it. We fight with swords and spears, but ShinRa had guns. Now, our crops don't grow, and more of the forest dies with each passing year since it's been built. We have to go further and further into the forest, and less of us come home with every hunt and every foraging trip. I had dreams to leave, to make a name for myself, to maybe... Maybe change things, so that no more of my family, my people, would have to suffer. Looking back on it now, I don't really know what I was planning on doing. I haven't... I haven't written to my family since I left because they begged me not to leave, and I'm scared that. What if they hate me for leaving? What if... What if they aren't even alive anymore and I don't even know? There's so many 'what ifs' that it's easier to just, y'know, pretend. Pretend I didn't run away and join a super army as a kid, pretend my family and my home and my people aren't dying to feed the greed of that same army, pretend I don't spend every waking day of my life wondering when I'll be the next one to be mourned. If I'll even be mourned. How would they ever even know I died?"
Sephiroth stares, heart pounding, as the man he thought was a well of nothing but endless joy reveals such stark levels of grief, that his mask of optimism is just that-- a mask.
Sephiroth finds, in that moment, that perhaps he has more in common with Zack Fair than he originally presumed.
"I... Am not sure how to respond, as I am not accustomed to... I do not have a culture. The way I was raised left little to be ingrained into me that was not relevant to battle or politics. That being said, I... Am sorry for this loss you feel. I wish there was more comfort I could provide," Sephiroth says, and Zack huffs a bitter laugh.
"Yeah, well... I've reached the point where I believe only the Spirits can change things, now. That, or... Well, nothing workplace friendly, that's for certain."
Ah, the occasional desire for arson. Sephiroth is familiar with the notion.
The two keep moving after that, and when darkness finally eclipses them, Zack makes quick work of shuffling up a tree with ease. Sephiroth remains on the forest floor, listening to the night sounds of the jungle, waiting for Zack to come back down.
When Zack drops the last few branches to land with a thud next to him, Sephiroth tilts his head in question. Zack gives him a wry grin, and then jerks his head towards an angle just to the right of where they'd already been heading.
"This way."
Due to their enhanced senses, traveling by night is a breeze, and even as Sephiroth notices the ever-increasing amounts of rot and decay, it isn't long at all before they step out of the jungle into a clearing of small buildings.
"Is this..?" Sephiroth starts to ask, trailing off as he looks around. Zack has a bittersweet smile on his face.
"Welcome to my family's ancestral lands, home to the people of Gongaga."
The grass beneath their feet is dry and dead, and what had been rich, dark soil in the depths of the jungle is now sand like and dry. The land has been devastated, and in the distance, the green glowing smog of a reactor clouds over the village.
It feels criminal, like a cruel warden. Sephiroth hates it, and he especially hates the barely concealed devastation on Zack's face as he casts his eyes around, noting the homes that have fallen to ruin with no one to live in them.
"Let's... Let's get moving. My folks might still be around, they might let us stay for the night," Zack says, and Sephiroth follows behind him as Zack leads the way through the village.
They reach a decently sized home, and Zack hesitates briefly.
"Come on, Zack, you can do this," he whispers to himself, before steeling his nerves and knocking.
There's quiet for a heart-stopping moment, and then the sounds of feet moving towards the door echoes from within. A man opens the door, towering above them, his eyes level with Sephiroth's hairline. Sephiroth has never met someone taller than himself, and finds it startling to not have to look down.
The man is distinct, though, with his brown skin and his indigo eyes, and a head full of wild black spikes that come down past his shoulders, only just now starting to grey. He's almost identical to Zack, except for the shape of the eyes and the shape of his lips. They have the same hair, the same ears, the same eye color, and the same skin. There's no doubt in Sephiroth's mind that this man is Zack's father, and it's only confirmed when the man lets out a disbelieving sound before dragging his son into a bear hug.
"Zack... You're alive," the man says in Avañe'e, the language of the Gongagan people that Sephiroth cannot understand.
"Aline! Come, come! Zack has returned to us, and he's brought a friend!" Zack's father calls out into the house, while simultaneously pulling his son into the house and gesturing for Sephiroth to enter as well.
Frantic pounding footsteps echo towards them almost immediately after the call, and a woman comes barreling towards the three of them before slamming into Zack like a force of nature, cursing him and cherishing and praising him in one. If Sephiroth had thought Zack looks just like his father, it is nothing to how he looks like his mother. Soft, kind eyes, the same lips, and the same aura.
"Zack! You've brought the Silver One?" She asks after running her hands over Zack's face and hair and imprinting into her mind how much her baby has grown before he inevitably disappears again.
"His name is Sephiroth, Mamá, and he is my friend," Zack says, and his mother and father both stare at Sephiroth for a long moment, to which Sephiroth shifts just slightly on his feet in awkward posture. He's never met anyone's parents before, so he's not sure on the social protocol here.
"Hello," he says, voice quiet with his unsureness. The woman's eyes narrow at him, and Zack tries (and fails) to dissuade her from her following interrogation.
"You are ShinRa's lapdog. You've killed many people." She's blunt with it.
"Yes, Ma'am, I have." He has a feeling lying will do him no favors, and besides-- everyone knows his reputation as the Silver Demon. It would be a disservice to her to lie.
"Did you enjoy it? Would you do it again?"
Sephiroth pauses here, and realizes this could be a trap question. Still, lying would be a disservice to her. Would he do it again?
Look at their home. Look at the pain that Zack hides that no one else even knows about.
"I never enjoyed it. I had little choice as a child. Now, though... If they were to attempt to force me again, I will do only what is necessary to ensure the massacre of Wutai never happens again."
This seems to be the answer she was looking for, because she gives a crisp nod and turns back to her son.
"You are both staying the night, no questions. Take your friend to your old room and rest for the night. We will talk more in the morning," she says, and Zack nods before leading Sephiroth away-- though not before two more long, tearful hugs with his parents.
They reach Zack's old bedroom, and Sephiroth looks around and all of it. There's a lot of frog themed things, as well as toy weapons and a few other odds and ends that make up the person Zack has became.
"Sorry the bed's so small, I can sleep in the floor if you want," Zack says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Nonsense. It is no smaller than the barrack tents, and likely to be far more comfortable. Unless you do not wish to share space, I am not against it."
Zack stares at him for a long moment before his face flushes red. "Right, right, yeah, we can- we can share. I don't mind."
And, once they are both stripped down to their comfortable underlayers, curled beneath a thin but soft blanket on Zack's childhood bed, they gravitate towards each other in their near sleep. Zack, moving around in his sleep, lets out a content sigh once he has Sephiroth maneuvered into his arms. Sephiroth, still awake, finds the cage of his arms soothing enough to follow him right into oblivion himself.
Perhaps, if it leads to happy reunions and soft nights like these, he could stand to be navigationally incorrect more often.
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Watching Black Sails 3x4
Starting a new episode takes the strength of at least ten men. Maybe I should spoil myself some more to make some of that anxiety in regards to how and when the bad things that I know will happen do happen go away.
Lol @ the crab being swished away by the waves.
Plus: Water. Minus: Cannibals?
Appearantly I can recognize Flint by his legs now, or rather by the way he walks. Or maybe it's the ass in those pants.
Flint loves it when Silver is being smart. And I love that they're bffs again.
Flint has no faith in his new partners, hm?
"If we speak with one voice, we seem to be able to compel them to any end." Uuuugh, those two.
"I wouldn't trade you for any ten of them." Cue 'the worst person you know has just made a great point' meme.
"Who is he?" and Jack shrugging, hahaha. Known each other for years, my ass. Like Jack has any friends out there that even compare to those in here with him.
Oh wow, did not expect that. Jack Rackham, you will be a fearsome pirate yet.
Charles is so heartbroken that his plan to defend Nassau failed. ;_; And Anne seems to have some sympathy with him.
Flint taking care of Silver is my new favorite thing.
"Sold more than we freed." So this confirms that Flint's crew used to trade slaves (apart from the ones Eleanor bought in S1).
A big camp indeed. That's almost a city!
This is really from the frying pan into the fire into... idk, a volcano? What did the walrus crew do to deserve so much bad luck? (Don't answer that one.)
Isn't that last crewmember of the slave ship a little too convenient?
Put holes in the fort, repair the fort, blow up the fort... what's next, build a new fort?
"Jack, you know there's no way I'd ever let that happen." What is with the feelings amongst the ranger crew this season! You weren't like this in season 1! (But then Vane didn't kill them even though they conspired to kill the rest of his crew, soo...)
"I was about to say 'See you soon, but that would probably be a lie, wouldn't it?" Aaaaaaaaaaaaah.
Damn, that was a big boom. Looks like there was enough explosive material after all.
The fact that nobody is even considering Flint in this whole endeavor is kind of offensive to me.
Hornigold: My fooooort.
Things are not going well for Flint's crew, I see. But nice to see Silver scheming again.
Vane used to be so respected aka feared in Nassau and now he's a wanted man, that's gotta sting. There's no saying who will betray him and when. - Hah, but that man thought better off it with just a look from him!
Ah, so do bring a gun to a sword fight, got it.
Vane really has to eat shit at least once in every battle, doesn't he? But it's nice to see that he's just a man despite his reputation.
Oooh, Teach to the rescue.
Damn, that look Charles had for the last one. Also is that a braid I see in his hair? I thought he didn't have any anymore. That makes me happy (and my headcanons related to this go brr...)
Nooo, Eleanor has betrayed him once again. This makes me sad.
"I hate to say this, but is it possible we missed the point of that story?" Hahaha, Silver trying to head off another one of Flint's crazy ideas at the pass.
Jack is also truly upset that their plan for Nassau went south. My poor baby. ;_; But at least he has Anne being pragmatic.
"Have you done this before?" "No. You?" "No." Well that inspires confidence.
Also fire on a ship made almost entirely out of wood makes me nervous!
"Charles Vane sees past his anger to achieve the greater end. How did that happen?" So we all wonder.
"I was taught a lesson once. It's been effective." T__T Don't make me relieve that one! My poor shipper heart.
Rogers has the right instincts for once, unfortunately.
Also how can all these pirates swim? Is that a requirement to be on Vane's crew?
Yeah, I mean, why wouldn't you try to sink the fire ship? But I have a feeling there might be a surprise left...
The look of resignation on Rogers' face. And the satisfaction on Vane's and Teach's. (Also I approve of Charles Vane dripping wet. Sorry not sorry.)
And now the rest of the ships can slip the blockade, yeeeeees.
Oh, time for some more honesty between Flint and Silver, except now it's Flint who's confessing. Maybe that'll do him some good...
Nooo, Flint, don't give up!
Ah, so I was right, this is Madi. She seems cool.
OOooooooh. That is her father?? Yeah, he might have something to say about this. Also that adds layers to his character. How much, if anything, did Eleanor know about this?? Also, wasn't he willing to sacrifice a hold full of slaves (and himself) for her in season 1?? I have questions.
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maguro13-2 · 2 months
The Dark Beginnings ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 0 Final Prologue (2/5) ~
Seto : Hey, Kid. How are you feeling today?
Maka Albarn : I feel alright as well.
Seto : You seemed fine to me.
Maka Albarn : So what made you becoming a hero? What was your purpose of being that much a great threat? Oh no, I'm thinking that humanity has somehow betrayed me, anyway, like I said it's not always my fault, some people can have the nerves who or what is wrong for accusing someone for their misdeeds. You think that I'll probably even make friends in the 2000s? I'm gonna think it over. I feel so bad that you don't know what's like to grow up.
Seto : So what if I did tell ya? It's not like that I have professional any kind-of skill, It seems to impresses me that I have a heart felt reasoning, I'm willing to figure it out the answers of who's going to find a big place to reach your dreams of being hero one day.
[Ochanomizu-tei Kinrin (Yoru) - Mariko Nanba]
Maka Albarn : ?
Seto : I usuall get a long with friends, when I was only the blonde hair girl that I existed, I simply not working for the guild to think that I'm some kind of hero that works anything for the Mercenaries Guild to make the most greediest young lady on the planet. But in the Real World right here in the 2000s, I discovered something shocking when I came into sudden realization, Mr. Kami Imai didn't make me care about the money, the Grim Reaper of Mobius think I'm the Wario of Japan and that's why Wario Cheats! That made me felt guilty that I was making a lot of huge money to become a hero and all of that money-making thing were a couple of charlatans to money couldn't buy. My father was only a loan shark that feared him as the Debt reaper. It's always been like for a long time, I was just a girl who was born in the underworld for no reason and I after even growing up, I met Solva on that day, who was one of my classmates that I came to be and we we're only just a couple of friends that get to know each other before I even met Grim the Mobian Death God to become the Shinigami that I wanted to be. That's the title that I must protect after I was given the Sword that makes me powerful.
Maka Albarn : You're gladly right! You are one heck of a Shinigami type, Seto. I truly understand what you'll think who is who. Seto the Shinigami, or everyone should call you, Seto the Deathless, the Shinigami of Japan who has far superior rights to become a shinigami one day and that reaper of Japan is a Deathless, almight and all powerful!
Seto : (snickers) Glad you got that right. After all, you're at a Shinigami that I demanded, I would remind you that I do not care about the money, I care about saving lives, and slaughtering the evil that always will prevail!
Maka Albarn : You are truly amazing, Seto! You're quite the hero that we always we wanted!
Seto : Thanks, I won't forget that.
Egg Pawn : Seto! Transmission from Hang Caslte Security Force! We got an enemy intrusion at Power Plant Zone!
Seto : Where did you guys hear this before?
Egg Pawn : It's Solva, the classmate that you're friends with, is fighting against the other Solva who is the leader of the Predators!
Seto : Wait a sec, Solva fighting...Solva? What could there be a problem?
[Advent of the Devil - Yutaka Minobe]
Maka Albarn : ...Th...That could only mean one thing. It's them.
Egg Pawn B : Keep firing we gotta take those things down! The Predators that this other Solva Leading aren't humans!
Egg Pawn C : What are these things!? Damn, freaks of Darkness!
Other Solva (?) : [To Solva] You! How dare you expel me from your heart, Solva! What in the world did you do to me!?
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Secure the innocent! Don't make any sudden movement form you!
Mystic Mansion Skeleton : Are you okay, Ma'am? Is this other one bothering you?
Solva : After I looked into the mirror, I don't know how did I expelled her from my heart!
Egg Pawn A : Enemy intruder! Enough is enough, Stop right there and do not resist. I repeat, do not is resist, this is your first warning. Drop your weapon, immediately!
Other Solva (?) : After all those years of being inside your heart, you expelled me after you witnessed yourself as a murderer and I, a girl like you...is nothing but Devil's lies!
Egg Pawn A : Repeat after me. Drop your weapon, this is your second and final warning!
Other Solva : (chuckles and then cackling) Fine! I'll drop it, you want something different? Here! (shows a Dark energy orb in her hand)
Solva : No way! That's darkness! But how!? Why on earth are you doing this!?
Other Solva (?) : [with a distorted voice] Why? Why?! I'll tell you why...It's because of you, Solva! It's because of you expelling me from your heart! Why you light-seeking son of a b*tch! I'll kill you for this! *DBZ SFX : Grab*
Solva : What the-!? Hey! What do you think you're doing!?
Other Solva : (grunting) RRRRRAAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!!
Seto : Solva! That other you living inside your heart is...!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : a Heartless!
[Ambush - Yutaka Minobe]
*DBZ SFX : Surprise*
Heartless Solva : [distorted voice, yelling] WHYYYYYYYY!?!
Solva : Hold up. So the one that is leading the Predators gang, I expelled that heartless that was living inside my heart. That's what controlling my fragment magentic world, who knew being a bad girl from a seinen world was not a bright idea, I didn't know how did get inside my heart. Unless, it was something to do with that creature born from the heart of the devil...Something's not right to the picture.
Seto : What the hell were we thinking? What kind of idiots would think that is a good idea!? So the Predators lead by doppelganger inside your heart was making you evil, all of that power, all of that insanity, there was darkness inside heart and for me, I expelled a heartless too, you know. I didn't know why would attack Master's castle. I get it, I can think of something that has the knowledge to bring the heartless' attention. It's one person that has spreaded the lies to both humanity and witchkind, and it's the one who created Maka's world that takes in the same universe before that. (a photo frame of Shinra Kusakabe's face appears)
[Preparation for Ritual - Jun Senoue]
Solva : This is the boy who created a world with all the hope has given, or should I say "Shinra Kusakabe", the hero of the Ohkuboverse, creator and founder of the world of Soul Eater, one of newest and hottest mangas of the 21st century. So there's the ones that are behind all of this. Soul Eater was set to be debuted after the birthday of the world's fastest hedgehog himself, Mr. Sonic.
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Precisely. After Shinra met his demise for about 1000 years ago, witchkind has been mistaken as the sworn enemies to the school, it's not just that, it's the charlatan that fooled witchkind making them as the ones who the wrecked the earth that is magic. It's not their magic that caused all of this, it's darkness from a thing called an influence.
Seto : Influence? So that's what makes Maka and two beings that makes a trio of three altogether to stop the evil forces that bent on destroying this planet. No doubt about it, I believe that the school is called Death Weapon Meister Academy, otherwise known as DWMA, a school and training facility for humans that has a mysterious ability to turn their selves into things called "Weapons" and are wielded by their partners called Meisters. So my theory is that the school was actually a successor to the organization of World Heroes Force, led by Shinra Kusakabe himself, and I believe that the School was built on atop of a city called Death City, located in the same country were Maka and Kimial lives, and as well for Shinra who resurrected himself a worthless lifeform called a Chao at Chao World.
Solva : So that's where Soul Eater's world started right here after 50% perfect of it's universe was erased in half. In half...So where does the story of Soul Eater taking place by now?
Nightmare : Right here!
[Kirby's Adventure/NIDL BGM : Nightmare Appears]
*DBZ/One Piece : Force Wave*
Seto : Woah! What the!? Where did you come from!?
Solva : Hey, aren't you that wizard fella named eNeMeE?
Nightmare : That's Lord Nightmare to you!
Seto : Weren't you defeated 10 years ago? Kirby should've destroyed by now!
Nightmare : Eventually, I lived. I heard that this man named Atsushi Ohkubo wanted to created a world for his new manga that is located within the Ohkuboverse that was destroyed 1000 years ago. It was there when the Time Eater arrived to scold the boy who created Soul World and it's creation, Death himself. Perhaps it would be wisely that Lord Death himself is only a heartless created from the heart of the devil himself, Shinra Kusakabe.
Seto : A heartless from the heart of Shinra Kusakabe? When did you know about this stuff?
Nightmare : I learned it that Shinra betrayed his own world for heartless, for death and destruction! You got to admit it! The truth does prove to be hurt more than to lie about.
Solva : As no respect a Wizard like you. There's no way that the world of Soul Eater could exist. and it's not a real place at all, just some fantasy that you were trying cover. I don't feel like that the man they call Atsushi Ohkubo doesn't deserve an award. If Soul Eater was set in the same universe that was destroyed by the Time Eater 1000 years ago. Then I suggest that...you would just fly and target somebody else to fall into their fantasy.
Nightmare : Fantasies, you say? That's a good idea for me to put them under sleeping spell that will wake up from their slumber for thousands years...Or they could just wake up for three years short.
Seto : Yeah...waking up for over a year sounds a like a long time to do that, So I guess that it would be three years to wake her up.
Nightmare : Very well, then three years it is!
Solva : (to Solva in disappointment) You just had to ask him that, didn't you?
Nightmare : (laughs, then laughs evilly) (flies off)
Seto : Hey! Where do you think you're going!? I did not ask you to target someone! Hey!
Solva : Crap! We can't let him get near anyone! Seto, let's hurry!
Seto : Roger! (the two runs after Nightmare)
"So what will the story of Soul Eater take place or not."
"I will make the answers to solve a riddle that is a fiddle."
"Someone is going to pay for that matters!"
"I won't forgive anyone until we fight for freedom!"
~ Prologue 27 : Nightmare Back in Business ~
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
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anon asked: So many writers gathered at one place for a short time? That is so cool 😎 😎 😎 I hope you're having fun with this. I've enjoyed the few stories so far and I can't wait to see more. Which leads me to my request. May I pls ask for how Kiku, Denjiro and Yamato would react when they are traveling with their friend and at the hotel they find out it's not a room with two beds, but a queen size bed and there aren't any other rooms aviable? Thank you 😘 💖 Oh and here are some cookies for all of you 🍪 🍪 🍪
a/n: written by Lale (@childofblackmaria) <3 i loved this request because i'm down so bad for all three of them and also because all three of them are so TALL (Yamato being the smallest with a height of 263 cm) and imagining them trying to squeeze into a regual queen size bed... i giggled. guess queen size beds in the OP world are a big bigger, at least that's what i imagined while writing. thank you for the fun request and i hope you enjoy reading!
word count: 1.1k
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🤍 there was only one bed w/ Kiku, Denjiro & Yamato + gn!reader
Kiku and you actually don’t mind the bed situation, but almost get into a fight because both of you insist that the other one takes the bed
you give in when she draws her sword (no questions were asked why she is bringing her sword on a regular road trip, you just roll with it) and threatens you to take the damn bed
her smile is sweet but her eyes definitely say murder
you flop down on the bed and pat next to you, inviting her to join you
“see? there’s actually plenty of space for both of us. the blanket seems rather small though, so if you don’t mind some cuddling at night…”
she doesn’t, moreover, she initiates it
at first you freeze when she wraps her arms around you from behind, spooning you, then you let yourself sink deeper into her hug, enjoying the comfort of her warmth
you can’t fully relax though because whenever you close your eyes, you see the face of her brother, threatening you with a gun because how dare you touch his perfect little sister
your therapist will definitely hear about this
but for now you’re happy, turning around so you can look into her beautiful eyes in the dim bedroom light
you cup her face, your thumb brushing the soft skin of her cheeks as she smiles, a smile so pretty it feels like a stake straight through your heart
wow, you really are in love huh? why else would there be so many butterflies all of sudden? why does being in her arms feel the safest you have been?
the two of you have some soft and sweet pillow talk, too giggly to fall asleep, spilling secrets in the dark
only when you run out of words, you both scoot closer and closer, subtle but enough so your lips can find each other, sweet kisses fluttering all over your face, whispered confessions in your open mouth until the morning comes and you walk hand in hand out of that fateful hotel room
“oh well. you can have the bed, i don’t sleep that much during the night anyway.”
which is in fact, true. he naps often and everywhere because he’s usually up all night, robbing the rich and causing arson
tonight is no exception, just a little different from his usual shenanigans
Denjiro would probably bargain with the owners of the hotel first to get you both a big discount on the room since it’s not what you booked
you can hear him going full “i want to speak the manager” on the poor staff downstairs
he’ll come back in the room with a big grin and a bag full of cold hard cash, his fox eyes looking feisty
“let’s party”
he encourages you to go wild on the room service, ordering everything your heart desires as long as you get him some sake too
you still end up in the same bed together, watching reality tv shows all night while feeding each other the most delicious stuff the room service carried in on a dozen silver tablets
cuddled up against him, you can’t help but think that maybe sharing a bed with him isn’t that bad…?
and judging from the way he holds you close, dozing off every now and then, Denjiro seems to be comfortable too
you snuggle closer against him when he pulls you into his lap, your head resting against his broad chest, his arms wrapped around you
“want to order some dessert, too?”
his voice is close to your ear, sending warm shivers down your spine
you tilt your head back to look him in the eyes, returning the wide smile as you reach for his long blue hair that’s falling over his shoulders
“i think there’s something sweet in the room already that i want to taste…”
yes you kiss <3
you both stand in front of the queen sized bed, hands on the hips as you both shrug at each other
you’re friends, right? no big deal sharing the same bed, friends do that all the time
still, you can’t deny that your heart is skipping a few beats by the thought of it
Yamato initiates a pillow fight when he notices the slight tension and accidentally knocks you out when a pillow hits you directly in the face
quickly grabs your soul leaving your body and stuffs it right back in
when you regain your consciousness again, Yamato is leaning over you, carefully dabbing your face with a cold towel, his worried face brightening up when he sees your eyes fluttering open again
he apologizes a thousand times on his knees (poor boy sometimes forgets how strong he is) and begs for forgiveness
he even offers to sleep in the bathtub tonight to make up for it, so you can enjoy the bed all for yourself
you can’t help but giggle from the thought of Yamato trying to fit all his long limbs into the tiny tub and you can see the relief on his face when he realizes that you’re not mad at him
“i accept your apology. to make up for it, you could let me lay in your lap and run your fingers through my hair…?”
guess three seconds of feeling brave really pay off because Yamato is so fast to jump into bed with you, building a tiny fort of pillows around you both before he pats into his lap, gesturing you to lay down
if you could purr, you would right now because Yamato’s fingers make you feel things
you’re chatting about all the things you want to do on your vacation but you can’t fully concentrate on the conversation because your heart is drumming so loud in your chest, you fear it might just jump out
only when you suggest to switch positions so you can pet Yamato too, your faces are coming awfully close to each other, your hands touching, and just like that the last remaining inch between your lips is gone as you sink into a deep kiss that takes your breath away
every time people ask how you two got together, the story will start with a “and there was only one bed”
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angelsndragons · 3 years
fjord’s feelings for caduceus changed in episodes 98-99
by which i mean, fjord finally realized how special and important he is to caduceus, which in turn set the tone of their relationship for the rest of the campaign. buckle up, this is a long one.
not when fjord threw away his sword and went to caduceus instead of jester. or when caduceus presented him with the star razor. or after the citadel fight when caduceus gave him his holy symbol. i think things changed for fjord in episode 98-99, when caduceus saved his life and removed the orb.
this is going to require some context.
because here’s the thing: fjord’s always looking for the price, waiting for the catch or other shoe to drop. people caring for him because of him with no strings attached is unprecedented. vandren and the world taught fjord that love is conditional, that only if you hide what others would find ugly and make yourself useful to them will they deign to give you a scrap of affection. i don’t think vandren did this maliciously, mind you, it was just part of his worldview and fjord’s life up to and beyond that point supported it. we can see that right up to the end of the show, where fjord is terrified that vandren didn’t remember him or that he didn’t mean nearly as much to the man as vandren did to him.
so we have fjord, who learned to don masks and hide his truest self, including his best and worst aspects. while fjord made the nein into a coherent group, into a force, a crew, a family, even, he still waited for that other shoe to drop. waited for the day that they would reject him because he was no longer useful or because he pushed them too far. you can see this waiting all over the early campaign; he’s not looking for an excuse like caleb to cut and run but he anticipates nearly all the moments that almost fractured the nein, in spite of that low wisdom score. while jester carried the guilt of not being able to save molly, fjord carried the guilt of not protecting the group in that crucial moment. travis confirmed on talks that fjord’s biggest fear when he lost his powers the first time was that he would no longer be useful and be kicked out of the group. 
that’s why fjord damn near broke down at the end of 72. the nein, no questions asked, with their standard level of snark, accepted that he was going to be a liability and kept him around anyway. armed him anyway. declared that he was no liability and that they would help him along until he could help himself and them again. this unconditional acceptance caught fjord completely off guard. it always does, really. because caduceus had said for months, an out of game half a year, that he was looking to reforge the sword as a gift for fjord. he said this to fjord’s face. he did not change course when he learned that the sword was a legendary blade forged by acolytes of the wildmother and moonweaver. the blade was still meant for fjord, even if fjord was still chained to uk’otoa. fjord extends his love and protection to the nein but is still not convinced the reverse is true. he was starting to believe it but he wasn’t quite there yet.
caduceus has a high enough wisdom to understand that’s fjord’s hang up even if he doesn’t quite understand the reasoning behind it. that’s why he pulls fjord aside in ep 75 and tells him that he doesn’t have to choose the wildmother, that there are other gods and other ideas out there looking for a champion. fjord, who at this point considers wildmom his only option (travis says she’s the only one who’s shown the slightest interest in fjord and that’s why he’s gunning for her), is befuddled by caduceus and this whole talk, so much so the pair end up talking past each other for the next several episodes.
after fjord officially becomes a paladin, things between him and caduceus become fairly...unsettled compared to their previous interactions. they talk past each other more, they aren’t in sync enough to double team those social interactions they were just starting to get good at. things are just weird for a while. to me, that’s fjord waiting for the catch, waiting for caduceus to call in some favor or something like it. and he keeps getting confused when caduceus doesn’t. so he tries once or twice to follow in caduceus’ footsteps and do as he would instead. and it just makes things weirder. these two don’t have a moment together that doesn’t leave one of them confused or unsatisfied until ep 87, when caduceus gives fjord the holy symbol and inadvertently kicks off the next phase of their relationship. because here, caduceus tries to put them back on equal footing and fjord recognizes it. caduceus rejects framing their relationship as mentor/student and tells fjord he doesn’t need caduceus to give him answers. fjord is “well on his way.”
by defining what they aren’t, mentor/student, our two boys inadvertently ask the question, “so what are we?” honestly, it’s a question that the entire group grapples with in the 90s as they reintegrate yasha, as veth struggles with the question of changing back and whether she can stay with the nein, as beau tries to sacrifice herself for veth, as jester learns some uncomfortable truths about the traveler, as caduceus finds his family again. fjord and caduceus can easily define what they aren’t - not mentor/student, not brothers or cousins- but what they actually are stumps both of them.
their relationship doesn't look like any of their relationships with the others: beau is fjord's bro and first mate, caleb is fjord's complicated mirror and admiree, jester his crush and first person he learned to be vulnerable with, veth his antagonistic sibling. on caduceus' side, caleb is the one he looks to for a fellow project nerd and clear, unvarnished goals, beau and jester are the sisters caduceus misses, yasha the quiet beloved barbarian he understands better than the rest, and veth a mess he wants to help but can't. but fjord and caduceus' relationship is highly undefined at this point. notably undefined, beyond their newly shared connection to melora. at the dinner with essek, we get the stone bomb. and travis and fjord panic. like no, seriously, they spend the next four episodes low key panicking over this revelation. this ties back to fjord waiting for those other shoes to drop but it’s also more than that.
when it comes to destiny, fjord has always been the answer, the self made man, to both caduceus and caleb’s questions about destiny. he makes choices about who he is, who he wants to be, and takes actions towards those goals. he is one of those rare people who can wear many different masks, take on many different roles, while still maintaining his sense of self and becoming a fuller version of who he is. when I say fjord is the answer to destiny, what i mean is that he is what ioun said way back in c1 about Fate: mortals make choices and through those choices, destiny is fulfilled. he is the answer to caduceus' own growth from passive instrument waiting for someone to play him to active communicator in this conversation between gods and mortals. in this sense, fjord is what caduceus learns to be (this is exactly why caduceus rejects a mentor role; he has as much to learn from fjord as vice versa).
so for this coincidence to pop up, this idea that maybe fjord only had the illusion of choice to extend his service to the wildmother, that maybe somehow he was manipulated again, that there was some grand destiny pushing things and fjord had no say in it, yeah, i can see why fjord was low-key terrified. so is this what fjord and caduceus are: just some predestined grand fairy tale partnership neither of them have that much say in? episode 96 resoundingly rejects that label too. for one thing, none of the stones or clays treat fjord's last name as anything amazing or spectacular. for another, this string of episodes gives us caduceus at his most human. the terror of not knowing what happened to his family, the uncertainty of his homecoming, the relief of saving his family and home, the irritation at the way the chaos crew treats the temple, the playful attitude caduceus cultivates after, it's all on display. caduceus drops much of his placid exterior and willingly allows the nein to see sheer depth of emotion he has.
which leads me back to episode 98-99. uk’otoa’s agents come for fjord. and caduceus is pissed. travis and ashley both said on talks that they hadn’t really seen taliesin that pissed, that it was like someone had threatened an actual loved one of his. fjord dies. and comes back to an exhausted, still pissed off firbolg who is five seconds away from snapping archmage vess derogna’s head off for interrupting his prayer of healing. taliesin doesn’t even begin to relax until they start interrogating the dead fish people the next day. once caduceus confirms the ball is still in fjord, notably caduceus and caleb were the two who remembered, fjord starts asking for a way to remove it. he asks caduceus to start a commune with wildmom in tandem with jester’s commune with the traveler. caleb tells fjord that caduceus fought “very hard for you while you were down, i don’t know if he’s up to it.” having heard that, caduceus still tries, with his first divine intervention attempt of the campaign. and when jester figures out that greater restoration will work, caduceus pushes through his exhaustion, takes charge, and goes through a truly terrifying greater restoration with fjord to remove the ball. convulsing, seizing, shuddering, collapsing, etc.
in those moments, and in the quiet after when fjord confirms that he still has his powers, it finally hits him that yes, people can protect, fight, and love him for who he is alone. there is no chain or other shoe waiting to be dropped here. the wildmother is no uk’otoa, to punish or take power at a whim. caduceus will fight with everything he has and then some for fjord because he loves him (not for nothing does fjord only realizes the depths of jester’s feelings when she uses heal on him). who are caduceus and fjord to each other? they are people who will fight for one another and the others as far as they can. fjord says over and over again that he wants to protect the nein and look out for them because he cares for them. he demonstrates it over and over again as well. caduceus says basically the same thing; he wants everyone safe and happily on their way and will stay until they are. he demonstrates this all the time as well. this is, i think, the first time that he demonstrates his dedication so unequivocally, free of the artifice of duty, fully committed through love. fjord recognizes this in caduceus and caduceus does in fjord.
i say this is a turning point because, while they don’t really have another super in depth conversation alone together, these two start clocking each other and openly help and look out for each other. there’s an ease and intimacy to the relationship after this. fjord watching caduceus swim near vokodo’s lair, fjord being ready to hand over his armor to caduceus when it looks like his won’t be ready, fjord, caduceus, and beau plotting behind jester’s back to keep her safe from the traveler, the absolute offense fjord takes to eadwulf after he spoke to caduceus like that, fjord levels up in paladin after caduceus tells him he’s proud to know him, all the way to the end of the show when fjord shelters the clerics and tells them to finish lucien, we get little moments like these from both of them. hell, caduceus is the first person in the campaign to tell fjord directly that he loves him.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 13: To the Death (Death)
Their last few days in Gotham went by smoothly. No rogue attacks, no akuma tacks. The only negative was Mr. Wayne refusing to allow her on patrol again because she was “injured” and “could have died.” Gotham has been nice for the most part and was full of surprises, but Marinette was relieved when the plane landed in Paris. The entire trip moved to the back of her mind, almost like a dream. Like it hadn’t really happened. Until Hawkmoth sent out his next akuma.
Taking in a shaky breath, Marinette blinks back tears. Everything was suddenly real. Hawkmoth might win.
She despised akumas with weapons. Specifically, the lethal weapons. Creative weapons or blasters she could handle. No problem. Legitimate swords or guns? Not so much. Instead she was left with a feeling of dread and uncertainty.
Pushing forward, she’s just about to call her lucky charm when she feels it. Choking slightly on the blood- why is there blood- she looks down at the sword sticking out of her chest. Oh. That’s why there’s blood. Blood. She coughs, wincing as she watches the blood pour out of her mouth. Huh. That’s not right. She almost hears Chat screaming. But why? Why does he sound so upset? Why- Oh. OH. She’s dying. She realizes this with a start as the world around her darkens and she begins to sway. She’s dying, and Hawkmoth is going to get her Miraculous. Hawkmoth is going to win. Oh, no- please-
“Chat.” She manages to say, watching as he runs towards her and scoops her up, carrying her out of the way of cameras and prying eyes. A place she can stay. A place where Hawkmoth won’t take her Miraculous. He won’t. He can’t. She frowns, black spots covering her vision, but not enough to hide his tears.
“Take them. Save them.” She manages to say, shaky hands reaching for her earrings. His lips move, so she knows he’s saying something. She wishes she could hear it. Wishes she’d thought of this possibility. She thinks Chat will win. But it’ll be so hard. She should’ve wrote a will. Should’ve planned ahead. Should’ve been more like her father. She blinks at Chat- Adrien- and realizes he’s still talking. She hopes it’s not important, that maybe he could tell her later. Her thoughts continue to jumble, just like her vision. Shifting into one incoherent mess. Words become shapes, pain dulls until she’s numb. Until she can’t feel it. Until she closes her eyes and lets the darkness carry her away.
Immediately after finding out about his Parisian daughter, Bruce Wayne had installed the akuma alert system in the Batcave. And on his phone. He wanted to be absolutely certain that he would know what was happening when, and maybe even find some way to help. Do something. Stop the emotional terrorist that had taken over his daughter’s childhood.
Sitting in his study, he takes a swig of coffee, thankful for a relaxing Saturday. He wanted to avoid WE, stay as far away as possible. They’d been bombarding him with questions about Marinette and the (true) rumor that started when her class first arrived in Gotham. Wanted to know if it was true, what they could say, what the official statement was. He wasn’t sure. He wanted Marinette to be able to make that decision. But it wasn’t something you could just ask after only a week of knowing each other.
A shrill ring breaks him out of his thoughts and he glances at his phone. That’s odd, he thinks, looking at the screen. Until he reads closer and realizes why it looks different. The Parisian news stations, who had never seemed too distressed by attacks before, were urging people to hide. Not just shelter in place. But hide. Making up his mind quickly, Bruce makes his way to the Bat Cave. Sure he couldn’t jump over to Paris to assist his daughter in battle, but he had to know that she was safe. He had to know Marinette would be okay. Miraculous cure or not. Walking into the cave, he’s unsurprised to see Tim already there, the news feed pulled up on the largest screen.
“It’s not looking good B. Casualties have already passed fifteen hundred. LB and Chat both look exhausted and the fight just started.” Tim informs him, frowning into his unnecessarily large cup of coffee. Bruce simply nods, trying to ignore the sudden tension in his jaw.
“How’s she holding up?” Dick asks, arms crossed as he walks in, Damian trailing in behind him.
“She’s giving ‘em hell but she also took a coupla good hits.” Jason says, watching his phone as he walks in through another entrance. Bruce’ chest feels warm at the obvious concern and care his sons have for their sister. He had no doubt that Cass (who had returned to Hong Kong before Marinette returned to Paris) was also watching the stream. Although not necessary, it was still nice of them to check. To care. As the fight goes on though, Bruce becomes antsy. The cameras are too far away to pick up the conversation between the heroes and the akuma, but it doesn’t look good. Marinette looks anxious, nervous, almost frenzied. All emotions he’d never seen on her (as Ladybug).
“Call your lucky charm.” Damian hisses, glaring up at the screen. Bruce silently agrees. As odd as the power was, it hadn’t failed her yet. There’s no- his blood freezes. The world shuts down as he tries to remember how to breathe. To remember that it’s okay to breathe. Because standing in front of the akuma is his daughter. With a sword protruding from her chest. The entire cave is silent, everyone waiting. Trying to process. The sword is pulled back and Bruce watches, sick to his stomach as blood falls out her mouth. As she sputters, more blood falling out. The dazed look on her face as she sways on her feet, not quite seeing her surroundings breaks his heart. She stumbles, her legs giving out, and he stares, unable to look away as Chat Noir manages to grab her and swing away.
“She did not even dodge! She could have-”
“She’s not- she’s okay, right?”
“Is she-?” Bruce is barely able to hear the chaos around him. Barely able to focus on the video in front of him. He lets out a shuddering breath, turning his complete focus to watch for her to come back. Surely someone would heal her. The Miraculous cure could heal her. It had to. He desperately watches the screen, waiting for her spotted costume to come back. She had to come back. He sees spots, but squints. Something’s wrong with the spotted costume swinging towards the fight. The colors are right, but the flash of blonde hair and distinct male figure- it’s not...it’s not her. Not Marinette.
“It appears Mr. Bug is on the scene. Ladybug is down. I repeat, Ladybug is down.” The news anchor reports, a distraught look on her face. But the look on her face is nothing in comparison to the agony that shoots through Bruce. How? Why isn’t she up? Why would Adrien use her Miraculous? Why not heal her now, let her finish her battle? Unless...could she not be healed? Was the Miraculous cure unable to bring the Ladybug holder back? No. No, he couldn’t think that. Couldn’t accept that. She had to be okay. He couldn’t lose a child. Not again. Never again.
“The Cure will save her.” Damian says stiffly, tugging Bruce from his thoughts. He looks over to his youngest, torn by how young Damian suddenly looks. How broken he looks, staring at the screen in front of them. Braving a glance at his other sons, Bruce suddenly feels sick. His phone rings suddenly, and Bruce jumps, hoping the name- but no. It’s Cass, requesting a facetime. He answers, giving his daughter (is Marinette okay? Will she be okay? What if he loses her right after finding her?) a quizzical look.
“Little sister is okay, right?” She signs furiously, a frown on her face. Bruce grits his teeth, trying hard to push down the emotions threatening to overwhelm him.
“I’m not sure.” He answers, leaving his tone flat and without emotion. He couldn’t break. Not right now, not when his children looked so scared. Not when they all looked horrified. He couldn’t afford to be scared or horrified too. He had to hold it together. Even if he was screaming on the inside. Screaming and begging and pleading with whatever powers there were. Pleading for his daughter’s life. For her to wake up. For the Cure to work on her. He watches and waits. Wincing as Adrien is thrown around even more than usual. His hands twitch, wanting to do something, anything to help. Bruce finally stands, ready to put on his suit and just take the damn Zeta tubes to Paris. Who gives a damn about Hawkmoth, his daughter needs him. He’s just about to walk away when he sees it. The pure white butterfly flying out of Mr. Bug’s yoyo. Bruce inhales sharply, watching the wave of light and tiny ladybugs sweep across the city. He watches as Adrien slides the victim a card before swinging away. Watches as he doesn’t reappear. The camera zooms in to the area he’d flown off to, but there was nothing. Zooming back out, the camera focuses back on the news anchor.
“And that’s another akuma, taken down by our brave heroes. Back to you, Jean Marc.” She says with a tense smile. And the footage cuts out. It’s no more. No one moves. No one speaks. Everyone just stares at the blank screen. The screen where they’d watched Marinette be stabbed. Where they’d seen a sword go through her chest. Bruce clenches his jaw, trying desperately to stop himself from crying.
“I’ll be back.” He says gruffly, leaving his seat to go and put on his suit. There was no way she was gone. He wouldn’t accept it. So, he was going to go to Paris. He’d find her and wrap her up in some goddamned bubble wrap and make sure that his daughter didn’t get stabbed again. God, she has to be okay. His thoughts are frantic as he moves swiftly towards his suit, his thoughts only of getting to Paris. Getting to Paris, and finding Marinette. A sudden flash of light brightens the cave and Bruce instantly gets into a fighting position, watching the light turn into a circle. A portal, right in the middle of the Bat Cave. His breath catches as he watches two figures fall through the portal. Adrien, obviously still in spots. And the girl next to him….he frowns, not quite recognizing her.
“Kaalki, dismount.” The girl says, a soft light flashing over her. Bruce freezes, eyes scanning his daughter as she smiles awkwardly. Glancing over her, reminding himself that she’s there. She’s alive. He crosses to her in three large steps and drops to his knees in front of her so that they’re on eye level.
“Never do that again.” He begs, voice breaking slightly as he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close. She’s alive. She’s okay. She’s alive.
Marinette buries her face in her father’s shoulder, tightening her hold on him. He was the only parent that knew she was Ladybug. The only one who would be affected by seeing her stabbed on live tv. Coming to see him directly after the battle was all she could think of when she woke up. She knew she had to see her dad and her brothers. Reassure them that she was still there.
“I’m so sorry Dad.” She chokes out, tears running down her face as she remembers the pain of being stabbed in the chest. The way her vision went dark. The way the blood felt as she choked on it. She squeezes her eyes shut, breathing shakily as she holds onto him for dear life, barely registering when more warmth surrounds her. She doesn’t have to open her eyes to know what it is. Her brothers, all hugging her. Surrounding her, making sure she’s there. She sighs in relief, glad that they’re all there. Glad that she’s able to hug them again.
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wavyhairedbabyy · 3 years
Idiots - Part 1
Karl Jacobs x gn!reader
tldr: They’ve both got a crush. Sucks, since they’re the only ones oblivious to it. (Slow Burn!)
CW: some swearing(not at each other), fluffy as a teddy bear.
a/n: I got a random influx of followers ;-; Tysm for enjoying my works and sharing them. I haven’t written in 6 years, in case it wasn’t obvious lmao, so even one is super meaningful to me :) this ended up being way longer than I intended it to be so I’m splitting it into 2 parts. 
edited yet: yes - let me know if I missed anything!
Part 1 - Part 2
Y/n and Karl met when Karl was still going to college in New York before dropping things to move to North Carolina. They met the fall of their sophomore year at the campus café when Karl was trying to shoot a piece of paper into a trash can. The problem was he couldn’t aim and it landed right in y/n’s mug of coffee, quickly dissolving into a paper coffee soup. For anyone else it would’ve been okay but being that coffee was y/n’s life line, especially during finals, it most definitely was not.
“You’re buying me another, right?” they asked, “I would highly recommend it or you might see a side of me you don’t want to see.”
Being the good guy he was, and the slight fear of their bad side, he did with no questions.
“So, since there’s a side of you I don’t want to see, and I bought you a new coffee, do I get to see the side of you that I do want to see?”
“Find me next semester and you might.”
And he did.
“Karl, if you don’t give me that sword, I’m going to hurt you!” Y/n screamed as they lunged toward him. It was y/n, Karl, and Chris hanging out at Karl’s place until it was time to leave for a Mr. Beast project. They sat in his living room, Karl with a foam sword that y/n was desperate to take from him.
“That’s the problem! If I give it to you, you will hurt me with it!” He yelled back, jumping out of their reach.
“Okay children, why don’t I just take the sword so we can end all of this?” Chris intervened in an attempt to stop the ruckus.
Both of them paused, looking at him in disbelief. They shook their head and in unison scoffed, “No!”
The two continued their play fighting, one holding on to the sword for a short period of time before the other pulled it from their grasp. This went on until it was time to leave the house.
While this was all going down, Chris watched Karl’s behavior. He noticed how he let y/n hold on to the sword a little longer, even when he could’ve easily reached out to grab it from their hands. He noticed how he was much more careful with his movements, almost scared to be too rough with them.
With anyone else, Chris knew Karl’s pride would have taken over in this situation. He thought back to any other time he had any of his SMP friends over. With Nick or Alex, he would have hogged the sword and brutally whacked either of them with it as much as he could. He would happily tacked them and pinned them to the ground. With y/n though... there was a gentleness with them, and Chris did not fail on picking that up.
“Okay lame-os, let’s get on over to the warehouse. Y/n, you coming?” Chris asked.
Y/n shook their head, “Nah. I’m gonna unpack my stuff and relax from the flight. Plus, word on the street says that tomorrow is when the cool stuff is happening so I’ll come then.” they replied.
“Well the street is right, but they’re still a dummy,” Chris looked at Karl for reference.
“Hey...” Karl faked a sad look before staring at y/n for defense.
Y/n giggle and just shrugged, waving goodbye to the both of them, “If you don’t bring me back Burger King fries, don’t bother coming back at all!”
Chris and Karl sat in the car, Chris driving and Karl in the passenger seat. With some music on in the background, the two were discussing the plan of action for what was going to be filmed for the day.
“Do you know how long it’s going to take?” Karl asked, “I feel bad leaving y/n by themselves so I want to try to get out as early as humanly possible.”
“I’m not really sure. I’m sure Jimmy wouldn’t mind you scootin’ out a little early,” Chris replied. He took the opportunity and leaned over to his friend, “Speakin’ of y/n, anything going on there? Y’know, anything special?”
“Uhh- whaddya mean special?” Karl haphazardly, “We’re best friends. I think that’s pretty special.”
“No, idiot. I mean is there anything there besides just being best friends,” Chris paused for a second, “I dunno. I just noticed you’re different with them, man. You know you would never treat Nick or Alex the way you treated them.”
Karl paused, trying to think of a response but failing. He sighed, “Yeah, there’s definitely something there on my end. I mean, I’ve been attracted to them since we first met. I just don’t think they reciprocate it.”
“You never know if you don’t try. What’s the worst that can happen?”
“I’d rather not think about it,” Karl sunk into his seat, thinking of all the bad endings that could happen if he told y/n his feelings.
Meanwhile this was happening, y/n was making themselves comfortable in Karl’s guest room. They planned on staying for a week and a half which meant packing a month’s worth of clothes. Before starting to unpack their things into the dresser, they FaceTimed their other best friend that was back in New York to keep them company.
“You’re calling me now? Your flight landed 4 hours ago! I was sure you crashed in the middle of the ocean - gone like that Malaysia flight,” y/bff answered.
“Hi to you too,” y/n responded as they started to place their clothes in the closet, “ You are so dramatic. My flight didn’t even go over the ocean. And don’t act like you weren’t tracking my flight. You knew damn well I was fine.”
“All this worrying and caring, and this is how I’m being treated?” Y/bff shook their head as the wiped their fake tears away “The disrespect.”
“Pft, the only disrespect I’m seeing here is the lack of questions about my day,” y/n said, “I had a great flight. I got those yummy blue chips and had a nice drive from the airport in a Tesla.”
Y/bff gasped, “What kind of Uber driver is driving around a Tesla? We need more of those people up here.”
“Dude, it was Karl,” y/n replied, “I was shocked. Last time I saw this kid he was driving a hunk of junk. One year down here and he’s driving around like he’s Elon Musk.”
“Well, I’ll tell you this now. If you don’t cuff him, I will!” Their laugh echoed through the phone
Y/n rolled their eyes, “Oh please, if he doesn’t like me like that then you’re in no good luck.”
“So you told him then?”
“No, not yet,” y/n paused, “I dunno. We’ve been friends for 3, almost 4, years now. If he liked me, he would’ve said something by now. Plus we live so far away from each other now. I just don’t wanna ruin a good thing, y’know?”
“Well, I still say do it. You can tell him and spend your life in peace knowing his answer, or keep it to you yourself and spend the rest of your life wondering ‘what if?’ And I’ll tell you now, the latter always ends with regret. With the first answer, you’ll at least have a chance of a happy ending.”
Y/n shrugged, putting away the last piece of clothing from their luggage, “I know, I know. I’ll think about it. Thanks for the chat, but I’m gonna go relax now before he gets back. I love and miss you already.”
They exchanged their goodbyes and hung up. Y/n flattened their luggage and slid it under the bed. Moving back to the dresser, they found some comfortable clothes to change into after a shower.
Y/n knew y/bff was right. They just couldn’t bring themselves to share their feelings. What if Karl didn’t feel the same way? Would it ruin their friendship? Would this be the last time they ever saw each other? No, y/n knew it wouldn’t end their friendship, but it would make it awkward for a little while. They moved to the bathroom. Maybe a shower would help them compose their thoughts.
“I’m back!” Karl shouted as he kicked the door shut behind him. The project took a few hours so the sun had set and nighttime was settling itself in North Carolina. There was no response. Karl continued, “And I have Burger King fries!”
“You should’ve started out with that! Coming!” Y/n yelled from down the hall. Karl rolled his eyes and walked over to the living room table. He started making room for the food when he heard fast footsteps coming toward him.
“Incoming!” Y/n yelled, tackling him to the floor with a hug. They were giggling as if they just pulled the best prank in the world.
“Hi to you too,” he groaned from his body hitting the floor. Y/n continued to chuckle as they got up, grabbing Karl’s hand to help him up too. They sat on the couch, looking at the food in front of them.
“A whole whopper meal? What did I do to get the honors, Mr. Jacobs?” Y/n remarked in a posh accent, popping a fry into their mouth.
“You existed,” Karl giggled out. Y/n smiled, but the butterflies in their stomach couldn’t feign their excitement. It was small shit like that that made y/n fall for Karl. He continued, “Plus I didn’t know if you ate or not so I thought better safer than sorry.”
“Aw, you’re the sweetest,” they gave him a tight hug before returning to the spot they were in on the couch, “So, what’s the plan, Stan?”
“I’m kind of tired from filming, I hope you don’t mind-”
“Actually, I completely mind” y/n replied sarcastically. Karl shook his head at them.
“So, I was thinking we could just watch a movie or watch a show,”
“Ah yes, head empty activities. I’m down. Can we watch a movie though? Not in the mood for a show right now,” y/n replied.
“Sure let’s scroll through and find something,” Karl switched on the TV and the two munched on their food while they decided what they were going to watch. After 20 minutes of scrolling, which really was 20 minutes of fighting over who had better taste in movies, they finally agreed on Wall-E.
Before the movie started, y/n looked over to Karl. Their hands were in the shape of finger guns, pointed to each other and the tips of their index fingers touching. They had a pout on their face when they asked, “Can we cuddle while we watch?”
“No,” Karl shook his head quickly, keeping a stoic, straight face. Y/n’s pout got bigger. He continued, “I absolutely hate physical touch.”
They both immediately broke out into giggles, y/n grabbing the nearest pillow and smacking him with it, “You are so lame.”
Karl continued with his fit of giggle, “The day I say that and mean it is the day hell freezes over.”
As the intro to the movie played, the two came closer, y/n’s legs tangling up with Karl’s. When they finished up their food, they moved closer with Karl’s arm around y/n’s shoulders and their head laying on his chest.
Y/n gave a playful scoff, reminiscing on their past memories together, “This reminds me of the time we had a Disney movie marathon before spring break.”
Karl laughed, “Yeah, and you made my old roommate cry beforehand because he wasn’t doing his dishes all semester.”
“In my defense, I gave him warnings. He didn’t wanna listen and there’s no way I was letting you live in a house with a sink full of fruit flies.”
“I’m not sure if you did that for me or because you practically lived with us.”
“Don’t get it mixed up, pretty boy. That was for you.” Karl smiled at those words, looking down at the person laying on their chest. He wanted to believe there was more than friendship behind those words. The warm feeling he would always get with them filled his chest as he turned his focus back to the movie.
“I really missed you.” He whispered.
“I really missed you too.”
Part 2
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heliads · 3 years
Over the Edge
Based on this request: “One shot of reader getting shot and hides from everybody including Wanda. She ignores it and continues to fight sword agents. At the end reader faint due to the injuries she has and Wanda take him and goes to the cabin where she cries.”
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You feel as if you’re standing on a precipice. One push, one shove, and you’ll be falling down, beyond the reach of anyone save a dark-winged angel.
You’ve always known that there will come a moment in time when your life will end. An injury, a sickness. A battle, maybe. You could sense that something would stop you from living life until the last- old age may be a guarantee to some, but to you, it was a privilege that you would never attain. No, you would die a moment too soon, a time before all others.
You had a certain affinity for seeing into the future. Your gift was frustratingly vague, always coming when you least wanted or expected it and never showing the final result. Your death was one of the first things you had ever seen. It was fitting, in a way: your birth of power was used to show how you would die. You would be alone, maybe. Whatever it was, it would be before you got the chance to grow old.
Ever since you’d gotten that first vision, witnessed the horrible sensation of something utterly wrong happening to snuff out your last breath, it was as if you’d been haunted by the promise of what would happen. You always checked behind you for someone watching your back, for an attacker or accident that could fulfill your vision. For a while, you were safe in the knowledge that your death wouldn’t be coming for a while as you had visions involving a future you, but you have no idea when those would run out, spelling the end for you.
The Avengers had come for you after the rumors spread. They always seemed to show up for cases like yours, cropping up like flies before the bodies can rot on a battlefield. This time, you’d predicted something too well: an attack on S.H.I.E.L.D. in the form of a HYDRA mole. You had seen the entire organization crumble as friend turned on friend, and no one had believed you.
Your family and friends had laughed. HYDRA? Shield? Girl, you’re stuck in fairy tales and ghost stories. Then it happened, the Triskelion falling flame to fiery explosions. Suddenly, your freak hallucinations weren’t quite so funny after all.
Representatives of the Avengers had shown up after that. No one knows about S.H.I.E.L.D. until after they come, that’s the way it always is. Yet you had known, and you would have to explain it all. You were sure that they would kill you for knowing, and that’s how your abrupt death would begin. However, you weren’t to be granted that reprieve of life just yet- when they offered a gun, it wasn’t a barrel pointed at you but a handle offered to you. A job, not a death sentence.
You took it. Of course you did. There is no way to politely turn down an organization with that much power, with that many members willing and able to dole out death like a greeting card. You had agreed, taking the job, and flowing along with the tide wherever it took you. No matter where you went, though, no matter how many prophecies you made, you always kept returning to the precipice. Somewhere, somehow, you would die. Did anything before that really matter?
The knowledge haunts you. It is hard to avoid. You might have saved yourself from certain death by taking up the Avengers’ offer, but by starting down that line of work, you might have damned yourself even more. Death threats and violent confrontations were a cup of coffee in the mornings with the Avengers, and by involving yourself with them, you increased the amount of times you could die. Sometimes, you wished you had never spoken those words allowed, never made the prophecy so they wouldn’t have found you.
Then you met Wanda Maximoff, and that was when you realized it might have all been worthwhile after all. She was like you- fleeing death, doing her best to do it on her own times. She practically sang with the tune of the dying, of her city and parents and brother. People tended to avoid you, afraid that you would see their end and they’d have to live with it just like you. Wanda, on the other hand, was not afraid. She’d seen enough death to know that you were no harbinger, just a Cassandra born to speak aloud. Why fear the speaker if you’ve seen enough of the stories?
The two of you stayed together. She woke up screaming on nights when the air was cold and the sights reminded her of all the damage she’d lived through. You didn’t want to speak for days at a time, when you’d had another vision and were horrified by what would come to be. No matter what happened to either of you, you’d always be by each other’s side.
It was good for a time. Maybe too good. Maybe you should have known then, that nothing in this world ever stays good for too long. You’d seen enough stories fracture to never place any trust in hope. Yet when you had that vision, seen the Infinity Stones brought together under Thanos’ watch, it had still torn you utterly apart.
You had told the Avengers, been the first call to muster the forces and prepare for war. It didn’t do much in the end. They still fought, bled, and died. Thanos snapped his fingers, and you were one of the first ones to go. Wanda had reached out to you just before you went. She was just a hair too far away. Her outstretched hand was too slow to reach you before you turned to ash and dust. In your last moments, you weren’t afraid at all. You had known it all along, hadn’t you? One last step off the precipice. You had seen it coming for years.
You had expected that to be it, that Thanos’ snap and your resulting death fulfilled your very first prophecy. However, your eyes still opened on the battlefield. From what they told you, it had been five years. You had spent a very long time in the dark, forced to behold hundreds and thousands of prophecies. Your mind felt like it could scream and tear itself apart from all that you had witnessed, yet you kept fighting as they asked. A wind up soldier, dealing out destruction wherever they pointed your weapons.
You knew that the fight wouldn’t end, even after Tony Stark sacrificed his life to save you all. The precipice would still loom. You had found Wanda in the fight, and she had finally wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close. Later, she would tell you that not being able to reach you in time had been one of her greatest regrets. It was one of the first times you had truly been separated in many years. She had never felt more alone as she died, even though it would bring you closer to the same home in the dark.
You had found her after the battle, after the funeral. You had told her in a trembling voice of all that you had seen, the countless prophecies and visions you had witnessed. If the Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D. knew about them, they would send you down to record everything until your mind ran dark with blood and you went mad. Some of the visions weren’t yours to tell, you knew that, but spies have rarely cared for the price of secrets. By now they would already know that you had seen too much, and already be on the move. You had seen people following you for the past couple of days. It had already begun.
You didn’t know what you thought Wanda would say. You weren’t the mind reader, and you had only seen bare glimpses of what she would do in the future: a rushing wall of red, loud sobs, a house in the mountains. Twin boys. You had no idea what any of it would mean, just that she would continue to live. That alone was enough for you.
Wanda had stayed silent for a minute. You were used to her silence, welcomed it as much as a hearty conversation. At last, she rose, taking your hand to guide you back to the road. We will have a home, she had said, and they shall not hurt us here. When you arrived at Westview, New Jersey, you at last understood. You had seen this very sign when you were dead, and you had seen the scarlet barrier before even as Wanda casts it now. The very scope of her powers is astonishing, but everything was proceeding as it had been foretold. There is nothing you can do to stop the tide of time from flowing, nothing to stop the precipice from drawing ever closer.
When you look around you again, you’re still in Westview. Technically, your feet haven’t moved an inch. But the town itself is different- walls are brighter, people are happier. If you look closely, you can tell that something is wrong. This isn’t the way people are supposed to move, like they’re being jerked around on strings. This isn’t the way time progresses, or the way everyone seems to look at you like they’re screaming for help. This is wrong, horribly so, but it’s so tempting to be safe for once that you can glance away and pretend not to see.
It’s just so good here. So nice. Wanda smiles at you, and you smile back. They cannot hurt you here, cannot reach you. There are no labs or interrogations or people begging for details on your visions. For once, you’re not living in the future, but the present. You haven’t made a prophecy since you came, and your head is blessedly yours. Wanda understands what it is like to be a prisoner of your own powers, and she’s given you a chance to live.
You can tell which people are being manipulated by Wanda’s magic, which people are given scripts and lines to rehearse. You are not among their numbers; Wanda wants you to be you, and that means that you two can have your perfect future. It’s not a prison, it’s a refuge, and that means that you won’t need protection from her.
For the first time, you have the chance to grow old. You have always loved Wanda, and it is so easy here. There are no wars, no guards, no soldiers. You pick wildflowers in the park and present them to her with a flourish, she makes the entire town look like your favorite sitcom so you can practically be living in your favorite reality. You are both fighters who have bled for too long, but for once, you are whole. It’s an opportunity you wouldn’t give up for the world.
When the sky begins to fall, you pretend you don’t see it. You’re silently begging with the future, pleading it not to come. It has never listened to you before, but you can’t help but hope it will stay its hand this once. You see Agnes become Agatha, see the twisting wires of purple magic infiltrate the red. You see S.W.O.R.D. arriving outside the town, and you turn away. Please, you ask, just this once. Let me live this once.
Your pleas are ignored. They send people through the barrier, then armored trucks and weapons. Suddenly, your picture perfect home is shot through with rot, your happy future crumbling away to ash. You try to find Wanda, but she is gone, locked away with Agatha. Everything comes true. The cycle will always turn. You cannot find your love, and you cannot live as you hope.
When it breaks down fully, you know what must happen. So does Wanda. She finds you before she takes down the barrier, holding you in her arms. You can feel her on your hands, breath hot against your cheek. You’ll never stop being on the run from the precipice, from the watchers who want your visions. At least you had this with her. It was worth it, all of it.
The fight begins as they always do. Guns rattle, people cry out in terror. You have seen this scene before in countless different ways and places. However, you’ve taken part in enough battles to know how to continue. Knock out a soldier, take his gun. Keep fighting. Wanda is by your side, lovers staying together once more.
You hear the gunshot from across the town square. Distantly, a voice in the back of your head cries out in relief. This is it, what you’ve seen all along. The bullet hits you a moment later, a piercing pain that seems to shake your very bones. Your hand presses to your stomach, and when you pull it back only a second afterwards, scarlet is already starting to dye your shirt red. You look up, searching for Wanda. She doesn’t know yet. No one does.
Clarity is falling upon you. This is it, at last. The precipice. You stand up, forcing yourself to keep moving. You have always been born to die. At least let your last moments be worth something. S.W.O.R.D. agents fall, but it’s not enough. Will it ever be enough? You don’t have a choice. Wanda is turning to you now, eyes widening as she at last sees the red smear on your side.
When your head hits the pavement, you realize that it’s finally over. The gun falls from your head, clatters to the pavement. Wanda lunges for you, but she arrives too late again. Why is it that she is always one step too far? You don’t have any more visions of yourself, just of her. You’ve always been looking at her. When you die, you have a smile on your face.
Death is not peaceful. It never is for you. Your eyes are forced open by invisible hands, and you watch once more as the future is laid bare for you. I’m dead, you want to shout, stop making me see any more. But the prophecies keep coming. You are the one who sees them, and so you must see the world through. That is how it works.
Wanda, however, is not willing to give you up so easily. You’re not sure what price she paid to put breath back into your lungs and keep your heart beating, but when you wake, you’re in a cabin in the woods. You’ve seen it before, you realize, when you died the first time. This means you’re still alive, and you’ve eluded the precipice once more.
Wanda is leaning over you, relief written in every line of her face. When she sees you look at her again, she starts to sob in earnest. “Don’t ever do that to me again. I can’t take your death.” It is a shame, then, when you know how it ends. For now, though, you manage to crack a smile. “I don’t much enjoy it either.”
Death still weighs upon you, heavy as an anvil. There will come a day when even Wanda’s magic won’t be enough to save you, when love falls through the gaps and you will finally be laid to rest. The precipice still looms, as it always will. But for now, you sit up and take Wanda’s hand. At least when you face that fight, you will have your lover by your side. You can look far enough into the future for that. For now, you can keep on fighting, even when the precipice seems inevitable. You’ve accepted your death, but you would live for her.
marvel tag list: @mycosmicparadise
wanda maximoff tag list: @mionemymind​, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​
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sunflowergirl522 · 3 years
You Need To Remember Part 2
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Your best friend Peter gets sucked into a different reality in front of you and you use your power to go after him. You find yourself in a new reality but you don’t remember how you got there.
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 1875
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While you go downstairs to see what the twins were up to, Peter stays on the bed, stirring in his thoughts. The more he thinks of his dream, the more he remembers, the more he starts to break out of the fog around his mind. And the more upset he gets that Wanda’s gotten into your head when you just wanted to help him. He rushes to confront his so-called twin before she can get back into his mind.
Meanwhile you head downstairs to see the twins playing video games in front of the couch. The house looks different and as much as that tickles something in the back of your head, it doesn’t seem out of place, it seems normal to wake up in an entirely new decade. You plop down behind the twins not bothering with getting anything to eat when you hear muffled arguing coming from upstairs. You and the twins share a look before they go back to playing their game. When it starts to glitch out and revert back to games from past decades they look at you as if you could fix it.
“We have to go.” As the twins run up yelling for their mom, Pietro appears next to you, pulling you up into his arms so he can hold onto your neck.
“What, why?” He speeds the two of you into an alley behind a group of houses before he lets go of you. You stumble a bit feeling a little ill from the motion, but you can’t help but feel as if you should be used to it by now. 
“Stay right here, I’ll grab us some clothes and when I come back I’ll explain, alright?”
“Yeah, alright. Are you okay? I heard you fighting with your sister.” He runs a hand through his hair thinking of how easy this would be if he could’ve gotten Wanda to release her hold on you, she was adamant that she wasn’t doing anything to you though.
“She’s not my sister, just stay right here. I’ll be back in just a minute.” He kisses your forehead, something the two of you would do back home when one of you was sick or worried, and places his hands on your shoulders. “I mean it, don’t go teleporting off somewhere.”
“Teleporting? Pietro what-” But he’s gone before you can finish speaking. What is he going on about? Of course Wanda’s his sister if she wasn’t why would you guys have come to this town. And teleporting? You? He knows you don’t have powers like he does.
True to his word Pietro’s back in just a minute now dressed in colorful clothes, a blue beanie resting atop his head. In his hands are clothes for you, which he holds out for you to take. The clothes consist of bell bottom jeans and a rainbow shirt that you’re sure will be tight on you. He turns around with a quick ‘get dressed’ after you take them from him.
“Right here, anyone can walk out and see me.”
“If you don’t hurry up and get dressed I’m gonna do it for you.”
“Can’t we just go back to the house, Pietro?” He sighs before turning around to face you.
“Peter. Sorry Y/n, but I’m sure you’ll forgive me.” And the next thing you know he’s tossing your pajamas into a trash can and you’re in the form fitting clothes. He whistles as he turns to look at you. “Damn Y/n you sure clean up nice.”
“Okay, now what?” Your hands go to your hips as you stand there impatiently.
“Right, do you remember what you said to me last night? About the school, about how we don’t belong here, about us.” All you can do is shake your head and as you’re about to ask him if he’s okay once more he speaks again. “C’mon you need to remember. There’s a presence in your head, yeah? I know you can feel it, feel her. You’ve always been good at fighting Jean out of that head of yours, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to fight Wanda out.”
“I don’t know what you want from me.” He’s right you can feel the presence but you don’t know how you’re supposed to get it out of your head.
“Just try, okay? Try for me.” You nod at him seeing the desperation in his eyes before shutting your own and trying to focus on getting whoever was in there out. You find the strength to push just enough to get the attention of the person in there and a glimpse of your actual life.
You again, I thought I told you to stop fighting? 
Get out of my head.
I thought you were happy with the life you got here. It’s so much better than longing after him from afar, with no happy ending in sight. She shows you the memories you have of watching Peter with Jubilee and the times he told you about a date he was on. Memories of Jean teasing you for being jealous and of nights that you would cry into her shoulder over how much you loved him.
You’re wrong, there’s always a happy ending. You force memories of the two of you hanging out and laughing together to the front of your mind. Memories of playing games and listening to music and taking care of each other when the other is feeling down. Even if he doesn’t feel the same.
When you open your eyes again you’ve succeeded in pushing her out and you’re back to being you again. “Peter?”
“Y/n? Are you back to being you?”
“Back and better than ever, baby! What do you have me in by the way?” You back up and fully take in your outfit that clung to your skin like glue. “Are these heeled sandals?”
“Yeah.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Sorry I just grabbed the first outfit I could. You look good though.”
“You have a point there. My ass looks great in these jeans. You couldn’t get me a pair of sunglasses or anything?” He’s in front of you dangling a pair of sunglasses on his finger. “Thanks, look at us looking like a pair of stoners.” You both laugh at your words before Peter gets serious again.
“What are you doing here? How did you even get here?”
“Well when your best friend disappears right in front of you what else are you gonna do other than follow the loser to a new reality. As for how I got here, I’m not sure, it hasn’t come back to me yet. What I do know is we’re both back to being ourselves and it’s not Wanda, at least she wasn’t the voice in my head.”
“Who is it then?”
“I don’t know, but we should go tell Wanda about it. You think stores around here have bubblegum?”
“One way to find out.” Peter smirks at you before grabbing you and dashing off.
When you get back to Wanda’s house she’s being escorted away by a neighbor leaving a familiar looking woman behind. Peter goes to follow Wanda but you hold onto his hand as you take off the sunglasses to get a better look at her.
“I think I know her.”
“How would you know her? She's never been here before.” But you knew that was wrong, how though.
“I just...do. You go on and see what’s going on with Wanda, I’m gonna figure out who mystery woman is.” 
“Be careful, Y/n.” 
“When am I not, Maximoff.” You smirk at him as you step back and teleport away. 
“All the damn time.” Peter mumbles to himself before heading in the direction Wanda went.
“Who are you?” The lady jumps at your sudden appearance in front of her. You’re chewing your gum obnoxiously and blow a bubble leaning on a car next to you. Her face scrunches up in confusion. “You don’t seem like you belong here.” You push the sunglasses up onto your head and something seems to click in hers.
“You! Did you ever find your friend?” She walks up to you as if you’re an ally she’s excited to find.
“Do I know you?”
“Oh, right, I’m Monica. I'm from the SWORD headquarters you showed up at at first.” You take her outstretched hand and the memory of you getting here hits you like a ton of bricks. 
The memory of you all but tearing your way into their reality after talking to the professor and Hank about if it was possible comes to mind. And then storming into the headquarters when the sight of him on the tv stopped you. The tension was high in there, even higher now that you showed up. The man who seemed to be in charge was just arguing with someone. At the sight of your angry appearance he spoke into his comms, something about guns. An alarm goes off, the red of it matching your anger at having your best friend stolen from you.
“Where is he?” You had asked the man in charge while pointing at the image of a laughing Peter.
“Who are you?” The woman, Monica asked you but you weren’t there for introductions. Men armed with guns start to flood into the room and you fling them back into the walls.
“Where. Is. He?” You take a few steps closer to her before the brunette behind her speaks.
“He’s in the hex.”
“What?” Your head whips over to look at her.
“One of our mighty heroes went rogue and is holding people hostage in her own reality.” You start to choke the man speaking without a care as you turn to face him.
“I wasn’t speaking to you, was I? Where is it?” You turn back around to face the brunette again. She just points out the window to respond to you.
“She’s controlling everything in there, she’ll control you too.” The man forces it out of his mouth, gaining your attention once more.
“And you’re not doing anything about it? You’re not working on getting him out?”
“We don’t know how.” Monica speaks again and you scoff, cracking your knuckles.
“Then I’ll do it.” With that you release your hold on the man's neck and all of his guards before teleporting to the static wall. You can feel the power coming from it as you reach out with your hand. You had mumbled a quick ‘I’m coming Pete’ before getting sucked in.
“Y/n.” You say as you shake Monica’s hand. “Sorry about choking out your boss.”
“He’s a dick he deserved it anyway.”
“Anyway,” you blow another bubble, “yeah, I found my friend and snapped him out of it. I should meet up with him anyway, you going after Wanda too?”
“Let’s go then.” You push the sunglasses back onto your face before following Monica. You watch her as she looks in windows and doors before opening up the cellar doors to unveil vines and a way into what seems to be a dungeon. 
“Snoopers gonna snoop.” Peter zips so he’s right next to her and you smile at his words while Monica looks at him shocked.
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