#i think about 03 wrath a lot and as a result i think about that scene a lot
Pluralistic: 25 Mar 2020 (National Emergency Library, Kaiser threatens nurses, no more O'Reilly events, White House pastor's coronavirus funnies, automatic bill-relief notices, Mat Ricardo's lockdown TV, Xi's internal enemies, coronavirus meets immigration detention, doctors hoard choloroquine, toilet paper separator, Conzealand goes virtual, the Postal Plan, Volante's masks, and more!)
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Today's links
Internet Archive lifts lending restrictions on ebooks: They're calling it the "National Emergency Library."
Kaiser threatens to fire Oakland nurses who wear their own masks: They're treating positive patients from a cruise ship with insufficient PPE.
No more O'Reilly events: We've been here before, kinda.
Trump's Bible study teacher thinks coronavirus is God's wrath: For homosexuality, China, environmentalism, Catholics, and women in the workforce.
A chatbot that petitions companies for financial relief during the crisis: Donotpay's robot lawyer is here for you.
East London showman Mat Ricardo's Youtube playlists: Lockdown TV for "comedy, variety, circus, magic, dance, music."
Xi's enemies sense weakness: Autocracies are only as good as their last crisis-response.
Locked down in a lockup: Coronavirus meets immigration detention.
Doctors hoard choloroquine: MDs to lupus sufferers, "Drop dead."
Toilet paper separator: Covid crafting for household essentials.
Conzealand goes virtual: The first time a Worldcon isn't in person since WWII.
Posties are key to America's emergency response: The only agency that could deliver covid meds to every US household in a single day.
Volante's masks for covid responders: Streetwear for Superheroes.
This day in history: 2005, 2010, 2019
Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, current reading
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Internet Archive lifts lending restrictions on ebooks (permalink)
The amazing people at the Internet Archive maintain a digital lending library: they buy and scan one copy of every book (pretty much every book, ever) and lend it out to one person at a time.
They've just announced that during the crisis, they are lifting the one-borrower-at-a-time restriction and allowing unlimited borrowing, "to meet the needs of a global community of displaced learners". They call it the "National Emergency Library."
It's got more than a million titles.
They're calling on all who can afford it to buy books to support authors and booksellers during the crisis, Authors can also request to have their titles removed:
It's a bold move, but it's got widespread support. Here's a list of endorsers. I signed on too.
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Kaiser threatens to fire Oakland nurses who wear their own masks (permalink)
Nurses at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland are treating patients from the Grand Princess cruise ship, at least 21 of whom have tested positive for covid-19. The nurses are working without adequate PPE, thanks to a national shortage (and asshole hoarders).
Nurses who report for work wearing their own N95 masks have been threatened with immediate dismissal for "insubordination."
Akela Lacy from The Intercept asked Kaiser's Marc Brown about it, but he ducked the question.
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The nurses say that their supply cupboards are locked down, and they're being asked to treat potentially infected patients whether or not they can find someone to unlock the supply cupboard.
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No more O'Reilly events (permalink)
I attended my first O'Reilly conference in, I think, 1997? And I sponsored my first O'Reilly con, the first P2P con, in 2001 (?). I spent years on the committee for the Emerging Tech conference, and I've keynoted more O'Reilly cons than I can recall.
These events have been some of the most important gatherings I've ever attended: places where I made lifelong friends and collaborators (I first met my wife at an Etech con), and learned so much.
This is (obviously) not a good time to be in the event business. For perfectly good – and nevertheless so, so sad – reasons, O'Reilly has just exited the in-person conference business.
"Without understanding when this global health emergency may come to an end, we can't plan for or execute on a business that will be forever changed as a result of this crisis. With large technology vendors moving their events completely on-line, we believe the stage is set for a new normal moving forward when it comes to in-person events."
The covid collapse feels a lot like the post-911/dotcom crash moment. That was when we lost the Etech conference, whose focus had always been "what are the most speculative things the weirdest nerds are doing?" No one had a budget for that kind of thing after the crash.
The dotcom crash and the loss of Etech were hugely traumatic, but there WERE silver linings. Etech's crash begat FOO Camp, consistently the best events I've ever attended – small gatherings of smart weirdos who programmed their own conference in realtime.
It also created a brief moment of breathing space in tech, which had its origins in driven tech enthusiasts but had been steadily colonized by buck-chasers who upped sticks and quit when the money disappeared from the sector. For a brief moment, mid-decade, people who wanted to build meaningful technologies for users – not investors – could hire engineering talent and find office space. That was ended by the finance bubble that shattered in 2008, but for a while there, it was good.
It's brutal to think that I'll never go to another O'Reilly con, but my hopeful inner voice tells me that there might be something as wonderful on the horizon as FOO Camp. I'm so sorry for all the O'Reilly conference staff, who are amazing and have done so much good work.
As O'Reilly CEO Laura Baldwin writes, "No offense to 'Netflix and chill' but how about we move toward 'Code and conquer' as our new mantra during these trying times?"
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Trump's Bible study teacher thinks coronavirus is God's wrath (permalink)
Wanna hear about an extreme religious far-right bigot who thinks that coronavirus is God's punishment for Chinese excess, American tolerance for homosexuality, and environmentalism?
Ralph Drollinger is an evangelical pastor. He says Catholicism is "the world's largest false religion." He says women working outside the workplace is against scripture. He runs Capitol Ministries, whose goal is to have 200 ministries in 200 world capitals.
Drollinger may sound like a garden variety Christian Taliban, but he's awfully distinguished.
For one thing, he runs regular Bible study classes…at the White House.
His scriptural lessons: God would approve of kids in cages. God also wants lower taxes on rich people.
His twice-weekly Capital Hill Bible classes are regularly attended by 52 GOP lawmakers, sponsored by Kevin McCarthy [R-CA] and John Thune [R-SD].
His Wednesday White House Bible study classes are attended by Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos, Alex Azar, and Mike Pompeo. Pence, too!
His organization has received official endorsements from Joni Ernst, James Lankford and other GOP senators.
This anti-Catholic, homophobic, sinophobic, anti-enviromentalist, lunatic is squarely in the mainstream of Republican thought.
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A chatbot that petitions companies for financial relief during the crisis (permalink)
The $3/month DoNotPay service has added a new covid-19 service: automatically petitioning the companies that bill you for mercy based on the coronavirus econopocalypse.
Using a chatbot, you determine which of your bills are eligible for relief. Then it generates a "compassionate and polite request" seeking help. If the company does not comply, it follows up with a firmer letter citing relevant state/federal laws.
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East London showman Mat Ricardo's Youtube playlists (permalink)
Under normal circumstances, showman MatRicardo is either traveling around doing his juggling and conjuring act, or hosting amazing variety show nights in east London. Neither of those are an option, now, obvious.
Instead, Ricardo is curating playlists of "comedy, variety, circus, magic, dance, music and other kinds of culture and entertainment to distract and amuse."
Kids in the Hall: "I speak no English"
Gene Kelly: "Summer Stock"
"The Knife-Throwing Mother & her Children (1950s)"
Mat Ricardo: "How to charm a German audience"
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Xi's enemies sense weakness (permalink)
Autocracies are intrinsically unstable because their have-nots (who tend to be numerous) believe that they have no path to becoming haves, and see no legitimate purpose to preserve the social order.
China has stabilized its autocracy by simultaneously lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty and by using internet surveillance to both neutralize dissidents and spot its most corrupt and dangerous politicians.
But under Xi, internet surveillance has primarily become a weapon for spotting and neutralizing dissidents, and less so a way of spotting self-dealing technocrats and shutting them down. This created "authoritarian blindness," which meant Xi didn't spot or respond to Wuhan in good time.
This failure ruptured Chinese public confidence in Xi, and emboldened his critics. Ren Zhiqiang (a party "princeling" whose father was a top Mao official, who made a fortune in real-estate and has been an outspoke Xi critic) issued a "viral" jeremiad against Xi this month.
Ren's post, "An official call to arms against Xi: The clown who insists on wearing the emperor's new clothes," spread on Twitter and other foreign services (he has been banned from Wechat for years).
Ren disappeared shortly thereafter and is said to have been sentenced to 15 years in a secret prison near Beijing where his interrogators have been ordered to mete out "harsh treatment" to the 70-year-old.
Ren is a bellwether for other Chinese power-brokers, many of whom resent Xi and his power-consolidation techniques, such as his 2018 corruption purge that preferentially targeted corrupt officials who supported Xi's rivals.
These grandees have been sharpening their knives for Xi for years, and coronavirus has made him vulnerable. Ren was the first to turn on him publicly, but I'm sure he won't be the last.
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Locked down in a lockup (permalink)
You know what's more terrifying and frustrating than being locked down at home during a coronavirus pandemic? Being imprisoned during a coronavirus pandemic, crammed in with others, deprived of soap and supplies.
It's very bad in regular jails and prisons, but if anything, it's even worse in ICE's gulags, where thousands of law-abiding long-term US residents – and asylum seekers – have been detained by the Trump administration in order to please his sadistic base.
For example, Ian has lived in the US for 20 years. His wife and children are US citizens. He was detained while awaiting a decision on his spousal visa. His wife is a nurse treating covid patients. His children miss their father.
Ian has a heart condition that puts him at severe risk if he contracts coronavirus. He's in a 40-person dormitory with a recent arrival from China who is exhibiting symptoms.
He's in NJ's Essex detention facility, which is serviced by Corecivic, formerly Corrections Corporation of America, a notorious human rights abuser with a long history of beltway banditry while running private prisons. Some detainees there are on hunger strike.
One of the medical staffers there was confirmed by ICE to have contracted coronavirus. The next day, ICE denied that he was medical staff. ICE would not comment on the contradiction.
(Image: Fibonacci Blue, CC BY)
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Doctors hoard choloroquine (permalink)
After Trump made misleading statements about the safety and efficacy of treating covid-19 with chloroquine, members of his cult began dropping dead of overdoses on the antimalarial drug.
But it wasn't just low-information Trumpers who took the advice to heart. Pharmacists are seeing surges in massive orders of chloroquine from doctors and even dentists who are self-prescribing in order to hoard, and then lying about it when the pharmacists ask for explanations.
This hoarding behavior deprives people who rely on chloroquine for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus of their medication during a pandemic emergency.
"People are losing their minds about this product. We're selling so much of this stuff and people are just stockpiling it prophylactically if anybody in their family gets sick — they're just holding on to it." -Brian Brito, Miami pharmacy owner.
"Currently, both nationally and in West Virginia, some prescribers have begun writing prescriptions for these drugs for family, friends, and coworkers in anticipation of Covid-19 related illness." -West Virginia Board of Pharmacy
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Toilet paper separator (permalink)
The Toilet Paper Splitter: a DIY project to separate a single two-ply roll into two single-ply rolls. Requires two paint rollers, a couple bolts, a rubber band, and some stiff metal for a handle.
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Conzealand goes virtual (permalink)
The World Science Fiction Convention began in 1939, when 200 sf fans who'd come to New York for the World's Fair gathered together (while explicitly excluding the leftist "Futurian" writers, who held their own counter-convention).
Since then, there have been 77 Worldcons in total, one per year, excluding 1942/3/4/5, during which WWII intervened.
This year's Worldcon is Conzealand, the first Worldcon in New Zealand. Except it won't be. The organizers have wisely decided to move to a virtual event.
The hotels are allowing for cancellations, though there's some work to be done to allow the organizers to do mass cancellations for their group block. Different airlines have different rules regarding cancellations.
They're expecting to offer limited refunds to participants who don't want to a virtual con experience. They'll be offering a new online rate by April 15, and kids memberships are refundable now (but they ask you to forebear as their own personal funds are on the line).
Potential panelists are requested to put some thought into how they might help a virtual con with its programming.
This is incredibly disappointing, of course.I know the organizers and visited Wellington and the venue, both of which are incredible.
I've been looking forward to attending for years. But it was the right call to make. it won't be the last such disappointment, either.
Please consider supporting the organizers by buying an online membership once they're offered and attending the con from wherever you are.
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Posties are key to America's emergency response (permalink)
The USPS is amazing. A fully self-supporting federal agency that provides universal service as well as good, well-paid jobs with benefits and pensions. It's also a vital lifeline during crises.
Since the Cold War, posties have been integral to America's crisis plans. They were once deputized to catalog the dead and the living after a nuclear holocaust, distributing Safety Notification Cards (POD Form 810). Mail trucks would have been repurposed as ambulances.
Both Obama and GWB integrated posties into their plans for biological attacks, planning to have masked and gowned letter carriers deliver Cipro door to door (the "Postal Plan").
As the DHS noted in its prep documents, the USPS is the only federal agency that could knock on every door in America in a single day.
When (if?) effective covid meds are available, it's likely a postal worker will deliver them to you.
Now is a good time to remember that the GOP have been trying to dismantle the universal, self-funding, vital USPS for decades, so that private carriers like UPS and Fedex can cream off the most profitable parts of its business and leave rural Americans in the cold.
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Volante's masks for covid responders (permalink)
I've long admired (and worn) clothing from Volante Design, whose "streetwear for superheroes" is made by well-paid, onshore workers and is cosplay-adjascent — the kind of thing you can wear out and about, but also to a con.
Now, they're making masks for covid responders.
The masks are made from cloth and can protect N95 masks from contamination as they are reused (they have a pocket for this purpose). They can also prevent you from touching your face, and partially contain coughs when medical masks are not available
They're seeking donations to cover the cost of making these and shipping them to orgs that have requested cloth masks:
A $105.50 donation lets them make 50 masks. They're also selling them on a sliding scale to those in need.
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This day in history (permalink)
#15yrsago Matrix online game hires real actors to play in-game characters http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/the-matrix-online/598441p1.html
#15yrsago Fox is advertising on Grokster, also suing to put Grokster out of business https://web.archive.org/web/20051018083600/http://publications.mediapost.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=Articles.san&s=28535&Nid=12722&p=244505
#15yrsago US sabotaging efforts to create humanitarian copyright and patent policies https://web.archive.org/web/20050916104840/http://www.corante.com/copyfight/archives/2005/03/25/united_states_v_wipos_development_agenda.php
#15yrsago Ex-coder's account of life as a bike courier https://web.archive.org/web/20050323071902/http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2005/3/19/133129/548
#10yrsago Profit-sharing arrangements among Somali pirates https://web.archive.org/web/20100323020702/https://www.undispatch.com/somali-pirates-buisiness-model
#1yrago Peak Indifference: are we reaching climate's denial/nihilism tipping point? https://www.wired.com/story/we-might-be-reaching-peak-indifference-on-climate-change/
#1yrago London developer makes last-minute changes to lock poor kids out of "communal" playground https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/mar/25/too-poor-to-play-children-in-social-housing-blocked-from-communal-playground
#1yrago Chinese censors incinerate entire run of a kickstarted Call of Cthulhu RPG sourcebook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9Urosc-JEY
#1yrago The Vessel: a perfect symbol for the grifter capitalism of New York City's privatized Hudson Yards "neighborhood" https://thebaffler.com/latest/fuck-the-vessel-wagner
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Colophon (permalink)
Today's top sources: Wendy Hanamura (https://twitter.com/whanamura), Geekologie (https://geekologie.com/), Naked Capitalism (https://nakedcapitalism.com/).
Currently writing: I'm getting geared up to start work my next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and reconciliation.
Currently reading: Just started Lauren Beukes's forthcoming Afterland: it's Y the Last Man plus plus, and two chapters in, it's amazeballs. Last month, I finished Andrea Bernstein's "American Oligarchs"; it's a magnificent history of the Kushner and Trump families, showing how they cheated, stole and lied their way into power. I'm getting really into Anna Weiner's memoir about tech, "Uncanny Valley." I just loaded Matt Stoller's "Goliath" onto my underwater MP3 player and I'm listening to it as I swim laps.
Latest podcast: Data – the new oil, or potential for a toxic oil spill? https://craphound.com/podcast/2020/03/23/data-the-new-oil-or-potential-for-a-toxic-oil-spill/
Upcoming appearances:
Quarantine Book Club, April 1, 3PM Pacific https://www.eventbrite.com/e/quarantine-book-club-cory-doctorow-tickets-100931360416
Museums and the Web, April 2, 12PM-3PM Pacific https://mw20.museweb.net/
Upcoming books: "Poesy the Monster Slayer" (Jul 2020), a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Pre-order here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_term=na-poesycorypreorder&utm_content=na-preorder-buynow&utm_campaign=9781626723627
(we're having a launch for it in Burbank on July 11 at Dark Delicacies and you can get me AND Poesy to sign it and Dark Del will ship it to the monster kids in your life in time for the release date).
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother book, Oct 20, 2020. https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250757531
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a new introduction by Edward Snowden: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250774583
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junaou · 4 years
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Brain worms said ‘go write Junao’s relationship call!’ so here I am, writing this relationship call. Please come and cherish this man. Or pick a fight, whatever’s your thing. Now, as of writing Junao is not in FGO servers outside of JP yet, so there are some spoilers regarding LB4 and all that. These are things I can usually leave out in normal threads/convos, but deeper social links would require me to prod into some of those topics. Tread carefully!
(This ended up being long. Like, really long. I’m so sorry.)
Like this post or reply with the number corresponding to the ideas below that you think would jive well with Junao and your muse. By default I’ll use Tumblr’s messaging system, but if you don’t prefer that/have other options my Discord ID is also available for the taking - just ask! I’ll also make sure to send any memes I find interesting, poke you when the brainworms come out, etcetera.
Junao is a very pleasant person to be around, and chances are most would find him to be good company - especially if this is their first meeting with the guy. Small talk is a good start to being acquainted with him! Most of the time he’ll just be there to point out things, maybe lend a hand or two.
But at the same time one might notice that a lot of this is very surface level. Less mimicry and more detached if anything, like floating clouds. His optimistic behavior will always be directed at others. Junao is a god, an observer with no personal preferences. He doesn’t really feel emotional about a lot of things, so chances are you’re not gonna get a rise out of him: he’ll just simply disagree or agree, and move on.
His world came into a standstill during ancient times. He might be aware of new innovations and modern changes thanks from Chaldea’s database or due to the circumstances of his summoning, but knowing and actually experiencing these things are two very different things. A lot of the environment is bound to catch his attention - whether it is about the urban horizon or the noise of arcade machines down the street. Junao would be up to trying out pretty much anything, so it’s really easy to entertain his questions or drag him into participating activities.
Creation and destruction are his domains as a god, but creating stuff with merely the use of his Authority wasn’t very fulfilling at all. There’s joy in the process itself, so even back in Chaldea he had been trying to create with conventional means. The end result isn’t as perfect, of course, but he still finds it fun regardless. The nature of the craft can vary, from carving wood to folding origami or even assembling model kits! Chances are if you find him in a shop he would be looking for DIY items to try out.
Junao’s status as a god is quite strange. He wasn’t born as one and he wasn’t supposed to become one. Needless to say, his current performance as a god is…well, it’s not quite stellar. Of course it’s not like he hasn’t communed with gods in the past -  his father is one after all. But all of his prior experiences have been under the position of one who followed and worship them. Now that he walks among them, he’s not quite so sure. Anyone who also happened to be a god in their own world would be of interest to him, just to know how it is like for them to have divine inhumanity in their blood.  He has to realize that not every god shares his emotional detachment.
He inherited the majority of his divine aspect from Kalki, one who is said to cleanse the world of all evil. In his hopes and dreams for a perfect world he tried to remove all known sources of it, only to end up going overboard. (Overboard is an understatement.) Now aware of this flaw, Arjuna has narrowed down his definition to anyone who threatens those close to him, which is a good starting point! So uh, don’t mess with them or you’ll have to face the wrath of a god.
That being said, he’s aware that figuring out the complexities and the nuances between good and evil is something he needs a better grasp on, something that would take an eternity for one to learn. There are some things that he can easily consider to be evil of the bat, but the moral grey is something he needs to face directly and address if he wanted be do better at his job.
“How enviable. That is truly the form of a human. They continue to struggle even as ugly as they are. They act valiantly, but they continue to tremble in fear. They cry out saying they don’t want to die, and yet risk their lives to save another. Something inside me insists… ‘I want that. I want to be that.’”
Gods use humans as their proxies, but men do not become gods. Arjuna Alter’s existence is an anomaly, one that breaches this rule. And yet, no matter what happens, his status as a god shall never change. He can no longer return to become human again. That is why he looks at humans from a distance - in all their beauty and ugliness, their strength and their love and their passion, the way they rise and fall and rise again. Longing for something he has discarded.
So. Remember what I said about him being a god with no preferences, detached from all forms of desire and emotion?
Now throw all of that out of the window.
Arjuna is an imperfect god. Beneath all these layers of divinity, underneath the functions and the code, therein lies a human soul. One that by all means should have disappeared into the void once he has absorbed nearly every god and yet despite everything he has retained his individuality. Call it a paradox or a miracle, but this is something that can only be achieved by those we call heroes.
Of course this is something that not everyone would be privy towards, but if one pursues a closer relation with Junao it is inevitable that one would end up unearthing these aspects. This personality may be muted, but there are just simply things that he cannot help but react towards. What sides would resurface would depend on specific interactions, however. After all, Arjuna is human, possessing positive and negative traits in equal measure.
07A. WHITE. Bonds are important to Arjuna, whether it is from friends or from family. He is devoted to those who trust and respect him, and those he has grown to trust and respect in return. He still loves his theatrics, whether it’s showing off a skill or just being plain dramatic, and is a willing participant when it comes to competition. He’s no longer afraid of expressing himself, and thus any smile or sign of gratefulness is the genuine thing.
07B. BLACK. He is not above pettiness or resentment. One cannot easily forget pride and honor, and he would come to rise in his own defense or on others when necessary. There are things that are still capable of riling him up, such as injustices that he cannot find himself to forgive. While he is trying to rid himself of his perfectionism, a part of it still exists, and he might find himself going overboard when blinded by emotion. As much as he would deny it, there are things he has begun to question - about his destiny, about his dharma, things he would claim to be unfair despite declaring himself as the greatest sinner of them all.
07C. BHAGAVAD GITA. And herein lies the root of his existence, the point where the fates of the Berserker Arjuna has diverged from the Archer Arjuna. His decision to absorb all gods was a decision rooted in the deepest depths of despair. It was the overabundance of suffering and moral dilemma that has had him think that it would be better to feel nothing at all, and why he has given up his emotions and personality. Why he forgot what was he supposed to fight for in the first place.
He still cannot confront them, after all this time. To face it head on is to have it break down all the walls he has built up for millennia, and no matter when it occurs he would not be ready for that backlash. He has failed in where the Archer Arjuna succeeded, and he is full aware that to acknowledge them again would break him. It has already broken him before.
What lies beyond the song of gods? I do not know. But eventually he has to go back there again, to that time where he has sacrificed everything for nothing. And when he does, he needs to find an answer. May you help him find that, no matter what it may be.
If you have reached this part of this post…congratulations! And thank you so much for reading this up to the end. Of course, I am also open to any ideas that aren’t listed here. Feel free to poke me on messages, plotting is fun and good.
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thegeminisage · 5 years
alright now that i’ve finally seen both fullmetal animes here’s my compare & contrast
spoiler warnings!!!!!
2003 does this better:
better soundtrack. brotherhood’s ost is SUPERB but 2003 still wins. it’s iconic and historic
wack-ass ending aside 03 is MUCH cleaner and more self-contained. brotherhood zooms out a lot and takes a bigger look at the world than 03. that’s not to say one is better than the other, but something i like about the 03 anime is that a lot of minor characters came back in the end when they deviated from the manga. everyone was connected somehow
like ok in 03, winry’s parents were actually murdered by mustang, and the homunculi were created by regular old alchemists - i think little plot stuff like that is what i mean by “self-contained” - everything is so weighty and it matters so much and there’s nothing that isn’t important in the end
similarly, 03 has really good character development...brotherhood has a lot to accomplish in a short time, so the pacing is much faster and more oriented towards action where 03 has time to really slow down and dig into everything...we got a much longer time to get to know characters like nina and maes and marta/martel and even yoki
03 is a lot darker i think both thematically and literally as in they used darker shading which is like...obviously everyone has their own tastes but i really enjoy it
hohenheim, scar, lust, and envy all get like 10000x more character development in 03...in fact, almost all the homunculi save for bradley get more development, 03 is very definitely character based. i like 03 hohenheim a LOT better actually and i think his rocky relationship with ed gets more closure in 03, even with 03′s wack-ass ending
03 did a better job of exploring the fallout of having to do really and truly horrible things during wartime...it’s talked about a fair amount in brotherhood, but in 03, the weight of those sins is made much more tangible and horrifying
03 had better voice acting. sorrryyyyy but some of the new guys they got for brotherhood (to replace scar, marcoh, and breda, most notably) just aren’t as good! i did like the new al though in spite of myself
brotherhood does this better:
brotherhood actually knows what the fuck it’s doing as far as plot goes and the ending was cool and satisfying
since brotherhood does take that zoomed out view of the world we got to learn a lot more about it, which was really cool
some brotherhood-only characters are dope as hell. specifically the characters from xing but i also really loved general armstrong, brotherhood’s pride, & kimblee’s ex-men
brotherhood has more WOMEN. not that 03 is a slouch in that department but brotherhood is even better
while brotherhood didn’t do as well showing us the fallout of committing atrocities in war i DO think it did a better job exploring what it means to be marked by committing a taboo - how that changes you forever - in a way that 03 just didn’t quite reach
while i love 03′s darker look, brotherhood’s animation style is like...really so much easier on the eyes it’s GORGEOUS and i like the brotherhood openings better too. sometimes i had trouble skipping them bc they are so good and i just wanted to watch ‘em over & over. that plus the fact that it’s not a square (we didn’t all have widescreen TVs in 2003 lol) is like...a big bonus
brotherhood is just plain cooler in a lot of ways - the creatures are cooler (envy’s true form?? PRIDE?? HELLO??), the environments are more diverse (xerxes! briggs! amazing!), the FIGHT and ACTION SCENES (roy vs lust, greed vs wrath, SCAR USING ******* AGAINST WRATH), and lots of the action has nice little twists, such as al sitting in the dark with pride, or the briggs soldiers freezing sloth in the blizzard...yeah brotherhood has less character development but the action scenes are absolutely gripping. sometimes i forget how much i love a good fight scene when they’re actually choreographed well & brotherhood reminded me
brotherhood is scarier because the stakes are higher. the main villain in 03 had much smaller ambitions than the main villain in brotherhood. granted, i think dante is a cooler and more fun villain than father, but he’s definitely much scarier. dante wants to kill a lot of people. father wants to kill ALL of them. father can disable ur alchemy. father can force mustang thru the ******
brotherhood is a LOT funnier. i was surprisedd at how often i actually laughed out loud. this is a result of 03 being more angsty in general i think
brotherhood has no nazis. zero of them.
brotherhood DIDN’T KILL IZUMI CURTIS in fact i don’t think there’s a single character death in brotherhood that i disagree with which is REALLY rare for me. there were a couple in 03 that i thought were dumb and stupid
anyway, this concludes my comparison. neither is necessarily better than the other, they’re just Different, & i really love both of them
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alewyren · 5 years
The first character I first fell in love with: 
Probably Ed? I watched 03 when I was like, 12, and don’t remember having any particularly stand out opinions about it. He’s a good kid, and I was absolutely pissed when Edwin didn’t happen.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Greed, lmao. He was so unremarkable in 03, and during my first read through of the manga I was stupid and unenlightened and didn’t pay attention to him, but my third eye snapped open recently and I have no idea how the hell I slept on him for so long. He’s WONDERFUL. He’s such a good dude despite his outward demeanor, and he’s just so damn enjoyable to watch. And sexy as hell, did I mention that? If Greed were real I’d renounce lesbianism. His character development was SO GOOD–definitely one of the highlights of the manga/brotherhood storyline, to the point where I can’t even fathom why people like 03 more when he’s barely even in it. Also, he’s actually a pretty interesting character when you start thinking about him as a survivor of pretty damn horrific trauma and parental abuse (though it’s definitely not obvious by how he acts and he probably wouldn’t consider it such), as well as how he’s the best insight we have into the “good” parts of Father, and how he ultimately ended up playing such a huge role in his defeat… ugh he’s just. So good. He should have lived and I’ll stand by that till I die.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Envy. I don’t dislike them, I just don’t see what all the fuss is about? Why does Envy have a fucking nendoroid and yet Greed
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Uhhh is there anyone in FMA that’s widely hated who isn’t objectively awful (ie: shou tucker, gluttony, manga sloth)? Do Wrath and Pride count? Because they’re my favorite homunculi after Greed. I’m not sure if they’re hated, though.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: 
Ed, I guess? Don’t get me wrong, I still like him a lot, but it annoys me how he gets so much more attention in the fandom than most other characters except for maybe Roy. On a more petty note, his status as fandom bicycle is deeply questionable to me and I will never stop being salty that Ed/Ling is more popular than Greed/Ling.
The character I would totally smooch: 
Greed. Also Olivier. Hot damn.
The character I’d want to be like: 
Olivier. Eternal lesbian conundrum: life goals or wife goals?
The character I’d slap: 
Shou Tucker. Boring answer, but everyone else worth slapping would retaliate by murdering me easily and without hesitation.
A pairing that I love: 
Greedlingfan! I don’t normally OT3 but this one is just really fucking good. Though, does a poly relationship really count as a pairing? If not, then Greed/Ling by itself. I love the development of their relationship in canon and their weird, yet genuine, bond, and the growth that results from it. And their ending just KILLS me. I don’t see anything romantic materializing within the bounds of canon (which, I mean… it didn’t, lol) but post-canon after Greed miraculously gets better? Please. Fuck yes. But why just have Greed/Ling solo when the OT3 is thrice the fun? Greedfan is woefully undeveloped in canon but has enormous potential, and I have a bunch of sappy, emo Lingfan headcanons HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It’s rare that an OT3 exists where not only are all three ships excellent, but the three of them make an excellent trio, too. This one absolutely delivers.
A pairing that I despise: 
Roy/Ed and Ed/Al, like most of the fandom these days, though honestly less because they’re problematic so much as they are just plain bad. Like, really, really bad.
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prettywitchiusaka · 7 years
In keeping with @menatarms19 post about the bittersweetness of 03′s ending, there’s something I’ve been wanting to talk about that I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone mention.
As we all know, many of the characters in 03 have serious physiological issues;
- Ed suffers from post traumatic stress disorder that results in him not only distancing himself from Winry, but also denying that he and Al brought Sloth into this world until he is literally forced to confront/admit it.
- Roy suffers from PTSD that has hardened him as a result of his experiences and has made him suspicious of anyone and everyone. He was suicidally depressed for awhile, and is still most likely suffering from either clinical or high functioning depression and is most likely an alcoholic.
- Al loves his brother very much, but is clearly co-dependent on Ed and even ends up unintentionally enabling his and Ed’s misunderstandings about the world and society. And really doesn’t come into his own until late in the series.
- Wrath has mommy issues and mild PTSD from being taken back through the Gate
- Envy has daddy issues
- Riza most likely has endured some trauma and has been hardened from her experiences in Ishbal (if her monologue to Winry in Episode 36 is any indication).
- Rose was catatonic for awhile after she was raped.
- Not to mention the countless Ishbalan survivors who most likely suffer from PTSD if Rick’s reaction in Episode 36 is any indication
None of these things are ever really addressed in the story...and that’s okay.
The story of FMA is not one of overcoming past trauma, it’s a coming of age story of how the world isn’t perfect and more complex than we pretend it is, but that life is still worth living. 
The fact that many of the characters have suffered from issues trauma is more or less there to give them some depth and to make the audience empathize/sympathize with them before it’s an excuse to “cure them”.
And I think that’s something you don’t see very often acknowledged; overcoming great adversity doesn’t automatically make you happy. It changes you, it drains you. You probably might feel distant and unable to relate to someone. And you just have to learn to live with it.
It’s why I think 03 provides a lot of opportunity for another sequel post-Shamballa (assuming they do anything for the 20th anniversary in a few years); these characters have enough depth to them that you could do stories where they either try to overcome their problems, or they don’t and learn to live with it and find other ways to be happy.
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June 2017 Viewing Log
Same number as last month! Steady stream, though I hope to at least pass 42 next month. Especially since I only got July before school starts. But ah! Film Studies classes. Lordy, what a good month I had, if Barefoot in the Park was the worst thing I’ve seen. Enjoy!
The Crazies (10, B): Tight as a drum, dialing every set piece perfectly, utterly thrilling & scary even if we’ve seen this blueprint before. - 06/01/17
The Help (11, C+): Engaging for its length, but baggy. Structure alone speaks to iffy politics. But Viola Davis holds up like a steel tower. - 06/01/17 (rewatch) (review)
Enough Said (13, B-): Lovely ideas and dynamics somewhat hampered once the full conceit reveals itself. Thank God Gandolfini saves Albert. - 06/03/17 (review)
The Godfather Pt. II (74, B+): So many glories, such powerful, epic ambitions on all fronts, but stumbles a bit for all its glories. - 06/03/17
The Godfather (72, A): No real tweet.
My Dad and I saw The Godfather in the front row in easy chairs and seeing something so epic only two feet from the screen was so perfect - 06/04/17
I’m Not There (07, A): I understand prismatic as a term now. So virtuosic! To paraphrase many great men: “Look at all these Dylans!” - 06/05/17
I learned so much more about Dylan that Thatcher, Belfort, Liz II. And you know where he says he was?
(talking to someone else) I can’t wait to rewatch it. Now that I’ve spent two hours in awe I’ll spend the next two studying it more.
Carnival of Souls (62, B): Low budget, bare-bones plot feels like it could collapse at any moment but this is bizarre, spooky, interesting work. - 06/06/17
The Mourning Forest (07, B): Maybe too into its photography, none too exciting. But it’s tough at its center. I look forward to a rewatch. - 06/06/17
The Edge of Heaven (08, B+): Exciting, unpredictable trajectory with rich rewards. So finely attuned to the emotions of its characters. - 06/07/17
Wonder Woman (17, C): A lot of ways as a film it could’ve been better made. But as an experience it was exciting, and so goddamn important. - 06/08/17
Definitely has some problems in the moment. But my sister cried three times, and its connecting with so many people in a way that matters.
Zodiac (07, B): Triumph of structure and theme, abetted and inhibited by Fincher’s direction. Sets, photography, Lynch pretty swell too. - 06/09/17
Sophie’s Choice (82, D+): So brazen in its appropriation of the Holocaust, and of Sophie, in some Southern babe’s coming-of-age story. - 06/10/17
Streep’s miraculous, but she can’t escape how nasty the film’s structure is to her, and there’s no picture to support this character.
This should have been told from Sophie’s POV, not Stingo’s. That alone would’ve done wonders for this film.
Zootopia (16, B): No tweet.
Jane Eyre (11, B): Again, no tweet.
Capote (05, A-): Cold yet deeply personal, like a gunshot to the head. Evokes real crises of character. Performed, directed to a T. - 6/11/17
It Comes At Night (17, B): Weak jump scares give way to a truly paranoid, scary chamber set-up. Between this and Alien who wastes Ejogo more? - 6/11/17 (review)
The Hurt Locker (09, A): Terrifying, textures every scene and every character so adroitly. So technically prodigious. Bigelow a genius. - 06/12/17
The Grapes of Wrath (40, A-): Filmmaking as sturdy as the Joads. Genuienly timely tale of the working class that honors a doozy of a novel. - 06/13/17
The Bridges of Madison County (95, A): Maturely observes its characters, how they experience their loves, how they judge their lives. - 06/14/17
Two romantic triumphs for Eastwood that seem so outside his usual oeuvre. With every new Streep performance I’m almost crying. She’s perfect.
Magic Mike XXL (15, B): The Odyssey, but with strippers, and a more lackadaisical tone. Cast, changing rhythms hold it together. - 06/15/17
Dark Victory (39, A-): Richly full of feeling, somehow dodging easy sentimentality towards a supremely likable lead, fully realized by Davis. - 06/16/17
Walk the Line (05, C): Baseline quality to high to call rote, but never is it very special. Amazingly, unhelpfully slow and stodgy. - 06/16/17 (review)
Lake Placid: The Final Chapter (12, --): No real tweet, but guys. This was great to watch at 1AM. - 06/18/17
I’ve been thinking a lot about Elisabeth Röhm’s killer work in Joy but that doesn’t explain why I’m semi-enamored with her Lake Placid perf rn
Double Indemnity (44, A-): Crackerjack plotting, slickly realized by Wilder, gorgeously photographed. Inimitable cast. Richly scored. -06/19/17
Red Hook Summer (12, B-): Thematically and emotionally complicated. Filmmaking, story, kids falter frequently. Peters never strays. - 06/19/17
Hyenas (92, A): As absurd & darkly hilarious as many tragedies can be. Magnificently adapted in itself, to West Africa, to African cinema. - 06/20/17
Julieta (16, B): Definite case of not walking in with the right mood, but I still appreciate plenty. Just one I know’ll do better on rewatch. - 06/20/17
 The core feels more elusive here than in other Almodóvars, and of course I appreciated it visually. Leads felt like they weren’t adding much.
Female Perversions (97, B+/A-): Characters and concepts come to startling life. Deliciously specific, neurotically and visually captivating. - 06/20/17
The Letter (40, A): Never slows down from the first six shots. Davis and Wyler do psychologically, emotionally rich justice to a lurid tale. - 06/21/17 (review)
Young Adult (11, C): Prickly ideas. Cody barely has consistent characters. Reitman barely shapes it. Theron, Oswalt still get somewhere. 06/22/17
Hope Springs (12, B): Filmmaking ain’t much, but who cares when the result is so earnest invested in its characters, and at their age. - 06/22/17
How lovely to watch for Meryl’s birthday, but equally fitting for Tommy and Steve. How lovely in general.
Blue Valentine (10, A): What would Dean and Cindy have to say to Kay and Arnold? What do they have left to say to each other? - 06/22/17
So adroitly textured, in the past and the present, for the couple and each partner. Wedding bells cross-cut with marital funeral rites.
127 Hours (10, C): Like Steve Jobs, stylistically out of sync with its lead and their story. Compelling, but I took a while to start caring. - 06/23/17
The Omen (76, B): Not all its tricks survive without a laugh, but for the most part this doomed lurch towards biblical tragedy holds up. - 06/24/17
I’m taking back the number of the beast/cuz six is not a pretty number/eight or three are definitely better
Barefoot in the Park (67, C-): So underdone most lines DOA. Useless camera. Redford, Natwick too droll. Fonda too serious. Least Boyer’s fun. - 06/25/17
I canme about 20 minutes late to the broadcast. But lord even when the film was playing I felt I wasn’t missing much.
Metropolis (27, A): Endlessly fascinating realization of revolutionary acts, cinematically and politically. Relevant in best and worst ways. - 06/25/17
Macbeth (15, B): Haunted by actions its character have and have yet to take. Smart choices, vividly realized, by Lord and Lady especially. - 06/26/17
Could Atlas (12, C): Ambitious, fine, and accomplished in many ways. Yet why am I so underwhelmed? Six stories end in three places. - 06/26/17
Maybe because every take I find online is so one way or the other I can’t get much out of them. I can’t grasp it and no one’s helping.
Maps to the Stars (15, C+): Not sure how well Cronenberg’s style fits Wagner’s scripts. Not sure about much beyond Moore(!!), honestly. 06/27/17
Damsels in Distress (12, B+): I know people like this. Delightfully absurd, kind to the characters it skewers. Sambolas across a tightrope. - 06/28/17
Night of the Iguana (64, C): Coulda used more guts, especially in coloring its sexualities. Gardner a blast. Burton, Hall, camera intrigue. - 06/30/17
Okja (17, B+): Poignantly zany, doing that societal satire thing way better than Snowpiercer. Almost feels child-friendly. Hug the pig. - 06/30/17
Additional Review: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (16, yuck) (review)
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akashamichelleblog · 7 years
10 of the Best Notebooks for Designers
Keep track of your thoughts and musings with one of these stylish and practical notebooks.
Few tools are as useful to creatives as a trusty notebook. They might appear pretty simple on the surface – just sheets of paper bound together inside a cover – but they've survived through the years for a reason: they just work.
Notebooks don't have to be charged (well, most of them anyway), they're inexpensive and they're one of the easiest things to use – simply open them and start writing. Even the most sophisticated digital tools have to pack a serious technological punch to appear this intuitive.
But just because notebooks are straightforward doesn't mean they're all the same. I've rounded up 10 of the best notebooks for designers that show off how the same concept can be pushed in interesting directions. So if you're after a new place to record notes or pencil drawings, maybe one of these notebooks is just what you're looking for.
01. MOO Hardcover Notebook
Famous for its frankly dizzying array of business cards, MOO has recently branched out into notebooks. Built by the company's in-house designers with the same care and consideration as its business cards, MOO's Notebooks come in six colours (split into classic or bright) and are filled with crisp, non-glare, ruled paper. There are also 16 pages of shaded paper in the middle that break up the notebook and give you a space to jot down those sporadic, unrelated thoughts that spring up from time to time.
Thanks to their binding the Moo Notebooks can be laid perfectly flat. This is welcome news for left-handers, who need no longer be hindered by spines creating impractical bulges under the pages. Topped off with a quality cloth cover and a slipcase to keep the notebook protected, this is a premium journal with an accessible price of just $19.99.
02. Moleskine
Well, it wouldn't be a list of the best notebooks if we didn't mention Moleskine, would it? In the world of stationery, Moleskine are the Apple of notebooks, with its products generating the same kind of enthusiasm and loyalty as the latest iPhone release.
It's funny to think that the Italian company has only been running since 1997, but its relatively rapid success is the result of a commitment to creating quality products. With a straightforward and practical design, plus a luxurious finish that makes them a joy to write on, Moleskine notebooks have really earned their place at the top of the notebook food chain.
Even the most basic of Moleskine notebooks feel like something special, and with a variety of different styles, including coloured notebooks, memo books, and two-go notebooks to name but a few, it doesn't look like they're going to be knocked off the top spot any time soon.
03. Lockbook
Remember what I said about notebooks not needing to be charged? Well, here's one exception: meet Lockbook, a nifty little notebook that keeps all your secrets safely locked away, for your eyes only. Sealed with a biometric lock that needs the owner's fingerprint to open, the Lockbook is one of the most practically innovative journals we've come across.
However its unique security system doesn't mean you have to use Lockbook to record your darkest thoughts. Once you've opened it up, you'll see that Lockbook's ring binder lets you personalise it in any way you want. With a range of inserts, pockets, sticky notes and more, you can tailor the Lockbook to be as personal as – well – your fingerprints!
The Lockbook is an Indiegogo-funded project which backers can expect to receive in June 2017 at the earliest.
04. Rocketbook Everlast
Another notebook that uses technology in creative and useful ways is the Rocketbook Everlast. Bringing the concept of a journal bang up to date, the Everlast lets users take what they've written on the page and upload it to the cloud with the help of the Rocketbook app.
Once your writing has been sent to a digital location, you can wipe your words off the page and start all over again. It's Rocketbook's aim to cut down on the amount of ideas get lost between different notebooks, as well as making the world a tidier place for creatives. Just like the Lockbook, the Rocketbook Everlast has been crowd-funded and should start rolling out in April.
05. The Bound Book
Writing from the safety of your home or studio is all well and good, but what if you need to work outside, exposed to the wrath of mother nature? Where most notebooks would wilt in the rain, the Bound Book from the rugged Rite in the Rain company is capable of standing up to storms, grime, and even laundry mishaps (they can happen to the best of us).
With a glorious yellow cover made out of an imitation leather material called fabrikoid, the tough pocket-sized Bound Book comes with sewn-in pages coated in a unique moisture shield. This allows users to write in pen and pencil, even if the pages have been soaked.
06. Field Notes
Field Notes is a collection of smartly-designed, vintage-styled pocket notebooks, created by the Draplin Design Company and Coudal Partners. The small notebooks, which measure 3.5x5.5in, come with 48 pages and a saddle stitch binding. And best of all, the Memo Books come in a mixed three-pack, so you're spoilt for choice when it comes to page design.
Available with plain, lined or graph paper pages, the Memo Book collection is ready to suit any task. Inspired by the "vanishing subgenre of agricultural memo books, ornate pocket ledgers, and the simple, unassuming beauty of a well-crafted grocery list", this trio of journals is an essential on-the-go option for designers.
07. UI Stencils Everyday Carry Kit
One for the web designers amongst you now: Let us introduce you to the Everyday Carry Kit from UI Stencils. Just like the Field Notes Memo Book bundle, this set includes three pocket-sized notebooks with 48 pages each. However unlike the entry above, each book in this set contains gridded pages ideally suited to creating digital prototypes.
What sets this collection apart from other notebooks, though, is the unique Pocket Stencil. Complete with cut-outs of frequently used UX shapes, such as touch and swipe icons, phone symbols and social media logos, this stencil makes it quicker and easier for web designers to jot down layouts for the latest groundbreaking app.
08. Leuchtturm Master Classic
Small notebooks are all well and good, but sometimes you want a big beefy notebook that's going to last you a while. That's what you get with the formidably named Master Classic notebook from Leuchtturm. Larger than A4, the hardcover comes stuffed with 233 numbered pages that are either ruled, plain, square or dotted depending on your preference.
If you're not after something quite so substantial, Leuchtturm offers lots of other alternatives in different sizes and thicknesses. To give you an idea of the quality on the table, the company has been running since 1917 and its main rival is the new kid on the block, Moleskine.
09. Baron Fig
We've seen lots of different notebooks on our list so far, each satisfying a different niche depending on what you're after. With so many different demands being placed upon notebooks, Baron Fig decided to ask the design community what they want out of a notebook and go from there.
The result is the Confidant notebook, which from the ground up has questioned what a notebook is and what it can achieve. Pithy sales soundbites aside, the Baron Fig notebooks are truly gorgeous. Available in a soothing light grey or charcoal, the Confidant notebooks can open flat and contain plain, ruled or dot grid pages.
Its quality acid-free fine grain paper makes the Confidant a dream to write in, whether that's with inks or pencils, plus this means the books are safe from degradation. They might be modest to look at, but Baron Fig lets its high-standard products speak for themselves.
10. CIAK Pitti
Bit of a wild card to finish on. Take a look at the CIAK Pitti from Fiorentina, a European specialist in leather products and accessories. They're beautiful to look at and are extremely soft to the touch, and are sure to be one of the most luxurious places you can put your pen to paper.
With contrasting elastic straps to keep the books secure when they're shut, and a dazzling lining that makes them pleasant to look at as well as use, the CIAK Pitti line really is in a league of its own in terms of style.
The only catch? These books are only available to order as a wholesaler, with minimum orders set at $300. However, unless you're desperate enough that you want to order these books in bulk (and we really couldn't blame you), the kind folks at Fiorentina are happy to guide you towards the nearest retailer if you get in contact with them.
It sounds like a bit of a hassle, but it sort of makes these elusive notebooks feel even more valuable if you happen to get your hands on one.
Source URL: Creative Bloq
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showlexsite · 4 years
Fifty Shades and tones Of Grey
Fifty Shades and tones Of Grey
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torentialtribute · 6 years
Tottenham legend Gareth Bale admits he was a fan of Arsenal stars Henry and Bergkamp growing up
Gareth Bale risked the wrath of Tottenham supporters as he revealed he enjoyed watching Arsenal growing up.
The Real Madrid attacker became the latest big name to take a stroll down memory lane in BT Sport's What I Wore series.
Reflecting on his career to date, the Welshman opened up on his appreciation for Arsenal icons Thierry Henry and Dennis Bergkamp as he developed his game as a youngster.
Scroll down for video
Gareth Bale risked the wrath of Tottenham fans as the hero of a Thierry Henry Arsenal jersey
The Welshman admitted he enjoyed watching Henry and Dennis Bergkamp while growing up
Bale went on to make a name for himself at Tottenham but started out watching Arsenal games
Bale announced himself at the top of the game in a Tottenham shirt but while holding an Arsenal shirt with Henry embla zoned across the back, admitted he watched the Frenchman closely in his early days.
"I used to watch Arsenal a lot and I really enjoyed watching people like (Thierry) Henry," he said.
Dennis Bergkamp as well used to like watching. They had a great team – Tottenham fans won't be happy that I'm holding this! "
The 29-year-old's early memories come from growing up in Wales in the 1990s and while Henry and Bergkamp were enjoyable to watch, Ryan Giggs – now his national team boss – provided one of his biggest influences.
Bale is the latest star name to take part in BT Sports What I Wore football kit YouTube series
The Welshman was quizzed about his early years before channeling his career through his shirts
Citing his influences growing up in the 1990s, Ryan Giggs, now his national boss, was an icon
Shown the jersey Giggs wore during the 1999 season – notably the shirt he wore against Arsenal in the famous FA Cup semi-final at Villa Park – Bale could not speak highly enough of a player based on his game on.
He said: "He was a massive influence – he was my hero growing up! Obviously being Welsh, left-footed and I looked up to him a lot.
'I used to enjoy watching him play and of course now he is my manager! Like all kids do they want to be a player and I used to shout that I was Giggs. I didn't have quite the hairy chest… '
But asked if he is a better player than Giggs, Bale sensibly decided he would leave that up to football fans.
Bale has seen his career sky-rocket having gone from Southampton's academy to a three-time Champions League winner with Real Madrid.
Playing with Cristiano Ronaldo for years at Real Madrid was something Bale said he enjoyed
The former Tottenham attacker played down any suggestions that the pair did not get along
Bale hailed the Portuguese as an' incredible player 'who thoroughly enjoyed playing with
One of the big talking points in the media during his time with the 13-time European champions was his relationship with Cristiano Ronaldo.
Stories were rife that the pair ended a fractious relationship before Ronaldo swapped Madrid for Turin as he opted to join Juventus last summer.
But Bale, holding one of Ronaldo's Real Madrid shirts from recent years, insisted talk or unrest could not be further from the truth and that they got really well both on and off the pitch.
"Cristiano is an incredible player, I thoroughly enjoyed playing with him," Bale said.
'Obviously the media try and hype up these problems which were never there. We got on really well. He's an incredible player and what did he do for the club with the amount of goals he scored. An incredible player and he is still going now. '
Growing up in Wales, Bale was a Cardiff City supporter and says the still follows their results
His big break came at Southampton successfully navigated the club's academy teams
Swapping White Hart Lane for the Santiago Bernab eu was a move that saw Bale become the most expensive player at the time.
He was in rich form for Tottenham having become the team's main man and while they desperately tried to keep him, the Welshman admitted there was no way he could turn down a club the size of Real.
"I just remember my unveiling at the stage and there was about 40,000-50,000 people there and I was just like" oh my god. " It felt amazing to finally be there because it had a long road in that transfer window, obviously.
'I appreciated everything Tottenham had done for me but I think they did understand at the time that such a big club comes in for you like Real Madrid it is difficult to turn them down. Even though I was enjoying my time at Tottenham, loved the club and I still do, to have Real Madrid come for you, you'll regret saying no. '
In his time in Spain, Bale has 102 goals and 63 assists from his 224 appearances in the famous white Los Blancos strip.
Open and frank, Bale admits he will forever be in debt to Southampton for giving him a chance
He made his debut against Millwall at the age of 16 and can still recall his nerves beforehand
But while Bale has shown composur e on the biggest of stages – namely scoring crucial goals in Champions League finals – he rolled back the years in What I Wore to reflect on his nervous state before his Southampton debut.
At the age of 16, Bale was propelled from the academy set-up and made his debut in a 2-0 win over Millwall.
He said: "I remember my first game, I was so nervous! I felt like I didn't want to go out on the pitch to be honest, I was 16 at the time, had leg playing in the reserve team and doing well and to be honest I wasn't really expecting to be called up to the first team.
"I remember one of the boys my age said" I have heard that you might be going to the first team "and I said" no, don't be stupid! " and I just remembered having the chat and training and it was surreal.
'We used to train on the lower pitches on the other side of the training ground and we used to come back in early sometimes to watch them train and be in awe of them. To be there was just one of the best feelings. You felt like you made it there and then.
"I loved playing for Southampton, the fans are incredible and I will always be in debt to them."
At Tottenham, Bale's form became more devastating and recalled excelling vs Inter Milan
Bale was reduced to laughter as the host asked whether he has yet apologized to Maicon
While eyebrows will be raised at his gushing praise for Arsenal le Bergkamp and Henry, Bale looked back with great fondness in the series at his time with Tottenham.
Quizzed on whether he apologized to Inter Milan defender Maicon – having torn the Brazilian to pieces during a famous Champions League double -header – the Welshman was reduced to laughter as he recounted the moment he took his game to the next level.
"For me it was a big turning point in my career," he added. "It made me believe I could mix it with the big boys."
Further episodes of What I Wore will be released in the coming weeks and will be available to watch on the BT Sport YouTube channel, Twitter, Facebook and at BTSport.com/WhatIWore blonde19459008______19459004_______19459024].
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