gamergirllblog · 3 years
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Someone mostly likely already did this but I don’t care
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gamergirllblog · 3 years
Not About Angels
Pairing: Kirishima x Fem Reader
Warnings: Angst
Word Count:1484
You look down at Kirishima’s body, still and unmoving. His hero costume ripped and frayed. That villain really did a number on him.
“I love you, Eijiro.” You place a kiss on his forehead, your lips lingering above the skin. Unusual coldness froze your lips. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. His skin was supposed to be warm and soft.
“(y/n), you know you can’t do this. You have no more time left.” Recovery Girl says next to you, watching over you and Kirishima.
This had all started when you needed to train with Recovery Girl. Kirishima made sure to stay close by during his training. Little did you all know that a villain with an air quirk was going to attack. Everything happened so fast, all in a blink of an eye, a beat of your heart. It was all so sudden.
By the time you understood what was going on the villain was caught and arrested, nothing more than a beginner. But yet… somehow that villain managed to get to Kirishima, stealing his air right out from his lungs. Why would they attack a student? What were they trying to prove?
“I have to do this.” You close your eyes, leaning your forehead against his.
“I think I love you, (y/n).” His voice trembled, his breath shaking against your lips. You pulled away from him, his arms loosening around you just slightly. With wide eyes you just stared at him.
“You think you love me?” You whispered. Your heart was beating so fast it felt like it could stop any second.
“No!” He shouted, his eyes having gone wide. You leaned back some more, shocked and surprised. “I don’t have to think, I know. I love you.”
He looked into your eyes, his red ones searching for answers in yours. Slowly you started to smile, his words sinking in. A small, tilted smile danced onto his lips.
“You love me.” You sang out, a grin taking over.
“Yeah. I do.” His eyes travelled to your lips.
“I love you, Eijiro.” You said, your heart picking up speed.
His eyes found yours again shortly before both of your lips connected. His arms tightened around you, pulling you closer. There was no resisting the urge to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling just as much, wanting more of him.
His lips were warm and soft. The kiss was passionate, yet gentle. Salty, yet sweet. Completely and utterly perfect.
“I need to bring him back.” You feel the tears start to build up, ready to break out.
“Not until we find a way to make your quirk last longer. You know if you bring him back you’ll use up the rest of your energy. You will di-”
“I don’t care!” You declare. “I don’t care as long as he’s back. He needs to come back.”
You didn’t know that the rest of your class had gathered around, all of them falling silent when they see you and Kirishima. No one had anything to say. One person stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“(y/n), he’s dead. You can’t use your quirk to save him.” Bakugou’s usual rough and loud voice was instead comforting and caring.
“No. I have to bring him back. I can do it. I have to.” You bawl, sitting up and turning towards Bakugou, wrapping your arms around him. You cling onto him, needing to feel something, anything. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling you closer.
“You can’t bring him back. We can’t lose you, got that?” He asks softly into your ear. You quiver and sob against him.
“I need him!”
“Get a room.” Bakugou had growled as he sat down in the common room, book in hand. You cuddled closer to Kirishima’s side, planting a kiss on his cheek.
You two had come here to study together, but that didn’t last long. In just a few seconds he had pulled you closer, kissing your shoulder, then your neck. After a few minutes of trying to get him to focus you gave up and that’s how your make-out session started.
“What? We weren’t doing anything.” Kirishima had laughed, kissing your cheek quickly.
Crimson red eyes glared at the two of you, a disgusted look on his face. You felt embarrassed. Never had you guys kissed and acted like an actual couple in front of everyone. You weren’t used to it.
“You guys are eating each other’s faces. It’s disgusting.” Bakugou looked back down to his book, opening it up to the middle.
“Aw, look at them being so cute! Bakugou, leave them alone.” Mina cheered, sitting down next to you, nudging your arm. Your face turned as red as Kirishima’s hair. 
“I think he’s just jealous. (y/n) stole his man.” Sero joined in, sitting on one of the chairs. Denki was right behind him, leaning over the couch next to Kirishima.
“I just can’t wait to be a cool uncle, imagine little (y/n)’s and Kirishima’s running around!” Denki laughed. Mina was quick to reach over and slap him on the back of the head.
“Really, Denki?” She let out a heavy sigh.
“We were going to work together. We already talked about moving in together after graduating. I need him.” You sob more into Bakugou’s chest, your fists full of his hero costume.
Mina starts crying, Sero and Denki both trying to comfort her. The full realization hits everyone like a large wave, drowning them all at once. Kirishima was dead. If you brought him back you would surely die. There is no winning scenario.
“Heroes! Please someone help me. My little girl, she’s hurt really bad. Please! She needs help!” A woman shouts, rushing over to all of you guys.
“All of you, please stay back. I’ll be back in a minute.” Recovery Girl walks past all of you towards the woman.
Bakugou tightens his grip on you, hugging you close to him. As much as he gave you hell for it, he loved seeing you and Kirishima together. You made each other happy. He knew Kirishima needed that. He was never happier than when he was with you. Never did you guys fight, unless it was over stupid things like who got to have Denki charge their phone first, which Kirishima always let you win.
Seeing his best friend laying here, unmoving, is not something he was mentally prepared for. He knew the risks of the job, but he never could have imagined this. It isn’t possible. It isn’t meant to be like this. Kirishima never was supposed to look like this. It looks like he’s sleeping, going to wake up any second. His body is so relaxed, not a worry in his head.
“No!” A sharp, piercing scream fills the air. The woman.
You open your eyes and see the woman cradling a child in her arms, Recovery Girl shaking her head. It didn’t work. Her child is dead, you can feel it from here.
Pulling away from Bakugou, you stand up and shuffle over to the woman, stumbling over your feet. Recovery Girl looks up at you, a surprised look on her face.
“I can help her. Can you just bring her over here, please?” You tell the woman, whose red puffy eyes land on you. She looks like she’s been through hell and back.
“You can help her? But she’s de-”
“I know. I can bring her back to life.” You tell her.
“(y/n), you can’t. You’l-”
You turn and look at Recovery Girl. One look at you and she stops talking, mid sentence. That look said everything your voice couldn’t. There was no point in living. You couldn’t use your quirk anymore. You didn’t have the love of your life. There was no point.
Recovery Girl sighs and tells the woman to bring her daughter over. You walk back over to Kirishima, kneeling down next to him. More tears rise up, spilling over and pouring down your cheeks.
This quirk was a curse. Yes, you helped people, but at the cost of your own life. You knew that this day would come. At first it scared you, made you terrified, but now you fully accept it. This was an acceptable way to die.
“Can I please have you go find Mr. Aizawa and let him know the situation?” Recovery Girl asks your classmates, even tapping Bakugou on the shoulder. He stands and looks at you. There’s a hint of knowing in his eyes, but he doesn’t say anything, turning and walking away with the rest of the class.
You look up at the woman. “You can set her down over here.”
Without a word the woman lays the little girl down in front of you. With a deep breath you look at Kirishima one last time. I love you, Eijiro. I kn
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gamergirllblog · 3 years
Line Without A Hook
Pairing: Dabi X Fem Reader
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 979
The dark haired villain stands in front of you. Yet again he was bleeding. He always crawled back when he was hurt from a fight.
“Again?” You whisper as you shut the door behind you. You’ve never told your roommates about him sneaking in.
“Sorry.” He tells you, his usual smug smile gone from his face.
You set your coat down on the back of your chair and then grab your first aid kit from your desk. Use to the routine, Dabi takes off his jacket, throwing it on the bed and then pulling his shirt off. Your eyes travel over his chest, blood dripping from his staples.
“Don’t be sorry. It’s okay.” You tell him with a sweet smile.
You walk over to your bed, sitting down and pulling him down by his hand.
He’s not acting like his usual self. He’s always been cocky and self-assured. Something’s on his mind.
“Talk to me.” You tell him, opening your first aid kit.
“Why do you help me?” He asks emotionless.
You steal a glance at him as you tear open an alcohol wipe. He watches your hands, not looking up at you.
“I love you. We’ve been over this.” You say with ease.
This was a topic that came up quiet frequently. He always asked to hear you say the same thing over and over, that you love him. Then he’d give you a crooked grin and say it back.
“But I’m a villain. I’m the bad guy. You shouldn’t.” He says, keeping his voice low.
You press the alcohol wipe to the source of the blood, making him wince. Easily the blood comes off.
“I don’t care. I know you. I love who you are. One day you’ll get out of this whole League thing.” You tell him, folding the wipe and setting it to the side. Next you grab the gauze.
He holds it in place as you wrap it around his chest.
“You should be with a hero. Someone who can take you out and show you off. Someone who won’t hurt you with their quirk. Someone you can be proud of.” He says as you finish up with the gauze. He sighs as you tape the gauze down in place. Without hesitation you move to his arm, his wrist also bleeding.
“I don’t want that though. I’m happy with you. I am fine with us.” You tell him.
“You should be treated like a lady. Like a princess. I can’t do that.” He mumbles.
You finish taping the gauze and look up at him, using your finger to gently lift his chin. His bright ocean blue eyes find yours and you see fear. There’s something he isn’t telling you.
“Dabi, please talk to me.” You whisper.
“I can’t do this anymore. I can’t do this to you. You deserve so much more than me.” He tells you, grabbing your wrist. He brings it to his lips, his rough skin placing a gentle kiss to your skin.
“No... No, we can make this work out. I’ll come with you.” You tell him, your heart starting to race, your chest feeling heavy.
“You can’t. I don’t want you to come with me.” He lets you go and stands, picking his shirt up. You watch as he pulls it over his head before grabbing his jacket.
Quickly you grab the leather fabric, clinging onto it desperately. Your eyes start to sting at the realization of his words.
“I’m coming with you! You aren’t leaving me!” You shout at him, pulling on the jacket.
“Shh, you don’t want your roommates to hear you.” He whispers, tugging on the clothing.
“I don’t care! You can’t just come into my life, make me love you, and then leave! You can’t do this to me!” You scream, your voice cracking in pain. You stand and pull yourself closer. A tear rolls down your cheek.
“I can and I will. Just... knock it off. You’re being childish.” He tells you, yanking on the jacket.
It slips out of your hands and you fall back, landing hard on the floor. With wide eyes, Dabi looks down at you. Mixed emotions run through him, wanting to comfort you but needing to leave. More tears run down your cheeks as you push yourself up.
“I’m going and you aren’t coming with me.” He says, his voice ice cold. “This is it.”
“No, Dabi. We can work this out! Please!” You sob, following him to the window.
He lifts the bottom of the window up, looking at the roof right outside. Glancing at you he slides one leg out the window.
“We could have never worked this out. I don’t want you. I’m done with you. You’ve never meant anything to me.” He doesn’t wait for your reaction or for you to say anything.
Just like that he slips out the window, leaving you in shock, alone. You take the few steps to the window and scream, more and more tears falling out of your eyes.
“How could you do this, Touya?! After everything I’ve done for you! I hate you!” You shout into the night air, turning and pushing everything off your desk.
You fall to the ground, your back to the window. The night air brushes your back, sending cool waves over you.
“I hate you and I never want to see you again...”
Dabi sighs, leaning his head back against the wall, sitting on the roof. “I know...”
This wasn’t how he wanted things to be, but he couldn’t risk you getting hurt. Shigaraki knew you lived close by and would’ve used you against him. This was for the best. Everything he said was true. He could never treat you like the lady you are. He was simply not meant to have a happy life. You were too far out of his league.
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