#i think abt these things a lot and thought i oughta make a post abt them
byrnelokomo · 2 years
yknow something i haven't seen people point out yet (at least on tumblr) is how the trailers for totk have already confirmed/continued SEVERAL details and theories from botw that make the plot setup for totk seem..... VERY interesting
first of all, smth i noticed a while back was the floating island confirmation. in botw, on the octoballoon quest for that kid, he gives you this dialogue:
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[image IDs:
image 1 is a screenshot of dialogue from Shamae that says, "I sometimes see it in my dreams. Do you think that a long time ago people used to live in the sky? I hope so..."
image 2 is another screenshot from Shamae that says, "Good kids can see it! They can see the kingdom floating in the sky!"
end image ID]
and ofc the importance of that is obvious now BUT AT THE TIME i just took it for a reference to skyward sword for fun, like all the place name references. but now it's apparent it Wasn't.
which is very interesting because this means they were planning the plot of totk at least from the development of breath of the wild. and remembering how soon totk was announced, that makes me very excited because it means the opportunity for totk to not just be taking place in the same world but to be a coherent sequel in every meaning of the word--for it to build off the story of botw--for it to purposely be foreshadowed in botw--is POSSIBLE.
and we all are talking about the zonai ruins rn and the architecture style in the new totk trailer, which, if it IS connected to the zonai, WAS intended in the original game to later connect to totk.
which brings me to point 3 that is very 👀👀 to me: those fucking luminous stones. glowing cyan magic or rocks or whatever are not exactly uncommon in loz, but i can't help but notice the similarity of the luminous rocks to the crystals in the first totk trailer, the ones everyone already went wild about regarding a possible time stones return from ss (and i am still very curious about).
the ones shown several times in the trailer, almost pointedly, seeming to drawn attention to themselves in the framing...
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[image IDs: three screenshots from the original trailer of tears of the kingdom. the first is link and zelda in a dim cave of some sort walking a path while the camera views them from behind at ground level, over the edges of glowing aqua crystals. the second is an overhead shot of link and zelda doing the same, now with those same crystals shown to be on the side of the path and numerous. the third is them further along travelling across a seemingly underground bridge, with crystals littering the walls around them and framing the image from above and below and to both the right and left of the central bridge. end image ID]
i don't have a clearcut theory for these but something i DO think is very interesting is THIS description we get of the luminous stones in the botw ingame item menu:
Luminous Stone is one of the minerals found throughout Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This mysterious mineral gives off a pale blue glow in the dark, which some believe to be souls of the dead. Apparently, this stone can be used as a base to make special clothing.
at the time i read this, i was very perplexed and intrigued by the bolded part of the text, because it seemed out of the ordinary for the typical game item descriptions. NOW though... i wonder if it was some kind of foreshadowing. and considering the sky references, i think there's an actual possible chance it might be. and considering how creepy the original trailer was and potential tone and magic we've seen of the new game, this could be some really fascinating lore or a plot hint.
i am just. really excited about the possibility of breath of the wild itself containing a lot of purposeful clues and foreshadowing for tears of the kingdom, and if totk will actually continue the story properly from botw, and answers questions from botw, yall.
especially whatever the FUCK was and is happening with the tapestry loredump in botw and ganondorf's origins in this story
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chaseprice · 6 years
ok so it might be fake but theres leaked deets abt the upcoming lis comic on amazon according to which it will be called 'life is strange: dust' and will follow max and chloe post-bae and GOD. IF THEY LET THE GAYS HAVE THIS. JUST... PLEASE IM SOBBING
god i’m so sorry i’m so jaded at this point that my first reaction to this is dread and fear……………………….. but still holy shit. i guess there’s like, potential for it not to be terrible, and at least it isn’t sac bae???
but like. fears. i think (‘s just my opinion) the majority of people who create content for sac bay fail to acknowledge certain things
1. chloe’s mental health in the scenario, not just max’s. the fact that she was on the verge of a mental breakdown from like a whole hour before the choice, and hated herself so much she thought she deserved to die. how does somebody who’s thinking like that process max’s choice? how does she accept it? certainly not easily
2. how hard it would be to recover from that and the fact they’d be traumatized for life, and i mean. fully traumatized. ptsd about the dark room, rachel, nathan, each other’s deaths, chloe’s parents deaths
3. how it isn’t actually a ‘happy’ ending for them just because the other is so much worse for a lot of us. there is a massive need after being betrayed by a series to lighten things up, which i completely understand and take part in myself to cope. it’s not a bad thing to do. in fact i think it’s a healthy thing to do, if you’re wanting to accept a ‘canon ending’ in your head rather than disregarding canon. but honestly, lightening up this scenario before realistically possible is ooc at best, and cheap at worst. it makes me think that people don’t care about how terribly these girls were treated, the issues they’d be struggling with. they’d be dealing with complex, difficult things that the majority of people can’t even comprehend. it’d take a lot of effort to write realistically/respectfully and very few can do it
so there is the risk that these issues i’ve come across in fan content will cross over. and then additionally there are issues surrounding this being… “official” content.
first and foremost: what need is there for this? by the time the comic comes out it’ll be 3 years since the game ended, since people first were emotionally destroyed by the game, since people complained and cried and got angry; 3 years since people created post-ending content themselves to cope, discussed within fandom to cope, bonded with people who also felt betrayed; 3 years. since certain people decided to drop LiS as a whole. since certain people started to move on. just, 3 damn years since the ending bombshell. they’ve already made prequels for lis, semi-filled with issues as well, and look im jus gonna say it but at this point it just feels they’re milking lis for as much money as it can make. they sold the rights to some company to make a web series about it too, right? obviously nothing happened w/ that but still. and i guess that’s what franchises do. they want to maximise the money they get. but i’m just not here for it anymore, not after all this time. i’m sick of this franchise never fully listening to their fans or delivering respectable content. i’m so way past the point of giving up with them
and secondly, there’s absolutely no reason to dance around this, there is a huge risk that whoever’s publishing this won’t make it gay. dontnod (and decknine to a much lesser extent, but kudos for gaying it up a little) are NOTORIOUS for their casual homophobia. i’m not talking about their catastrophically homophobic endings and trope usage this time. i’m talking gay subtext and not following through. anything explicitly gay has to be a choice, something that the average player could very easily miss. something straight people could play and disregard. never anything brave, canon, and outright. it’s always flimsy portrayals. and wlw beg for scraps. it’s straight up (exploitation and queerbaiting). so anyway, i’m fearful for that reason, too. that it’ll get toned down, if it’s even there in the first place. i guess all we can wish for is some korrasami like comic where they’re kissing etc after everybody was all ‘they’re just friends!’, but even then people will still say stuff like ‘the comics aren’t canon!’ won’t they… ah well. i don’t know anything about the artist/writer. maybe they’re hella gay.
anyway i’m so sorry to be kinda negative about news which will make a lot of people happy. there’s less people around these days for original pricefield stuff so like, idk, idk how well the comics will do, but i’m sure a lot of the remaining people oughta like it. it’ll bring joy to some people at least and that’s good! i guess i personally just…. feel a bit tired and used at this point. i need dontnod/d9/anybody officially affiliated with LiS to stop repeatedly poking its carcass with a stick. i want some peace 😔
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