#i think besides the initial first look/framing & the second choice to Stay on the couch
raayllum · 1 year
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We haven’t seen each other in two years. Don’t you think that’s worth staying up a little past your bedtime? I’m tired. [A look of disappointment crosses Rayla’s face.] Fine. What do you want to talk about?
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lovesanmotion · 3 years
ateez reacts: in a serious arguement with s/o
💌 This is: requested
When you met Hongjoong, it was the happiest day of your life. Everytime you get sad, your brain takes a trip down memory lane and reminds you of the day when you met him. Of course it brings a smile on your face. However, a happy memory can no longer bring happiness to you. 
Arguement after arguement, nothing seems to be coming to peace between you and Hongjoong. One heated night, tensions arose once more between the two of you, arguing how Hongjoong so desperately wants a child but you say you still weren’t ready. 
“We’ve been married for three fucking years! If only I knew our marriage is going into a shithole, I shouldn’t have married you or should have opted for a second marriage!” Hongjoong slams his fist onto the wooden table that broke and slid down on the floor. Tears brimmed your eyes at the impact and weight of his words. You felt guilty and to blame for. 
“Y-Y/N- I didn’t mean that..” Hongjoong spoke, his features softening as he tries to approach you. But you looked up to him, your visions blurry at the tears ooling in your eyes. 
“No it’s okay. It’s really okay. It looks like you’ve made up your mind and why should I get in the way? I hope you’re happy with the choice you’ve made.” You smiled at him, despite the pain and emotional stress you’ve pent up for weeks, you let it all out by crying yourself to sleep, And when the morning comes, you quietly slip out of the shared apartment and Hongjoong’s life. 
Days spent with Seonghwa always felt like walking into a flowery road that would lead you two into happiness. And the road is endless, you were sure that he’s the one for you. But you spoke too soon. 
Now, throwing plates are being thrown at one another, dodging those plates as they hit on the walls and picture frames. As Seonghwa throws a plate, it narrowly misses you and smashes into the picture frame that you took on your first date. And suddenly, the world made you two stop and stare and take in everything that happened for the past few minutes. Neither of you two could speak, let alone look at each other in the eye. What happened, happened. And now the silence spoke for the two of you. 
Your parents were against you dating Yunho. Why? They know for a fact that relationships between an idol and non idol partner were uncommon and would never work due to the fact that the idol’s schedules are hectic and almost has no room for them to breathe into their personal lives. But you still wanted to be with Yunho. At the same time, Yunho’s parents were aginst him dating you as well. Why? To put it simply, you are non idol. They want someone for him who walks down the runways or sings in sold out arenas, but you didn’t fit in any category. 
And lately, it seemed to you that Yunho was slowly giving in to his parents’ wishes. The photos he uploads on his Instagram stories includes different women every night, all of them are not like you. It pains you that this silent arguement kept on going between you two. And one day, while on a walk with Yunho, you stopped walking. You were somehow hoping that he would stop from his tracks and look back at you, if you were catching up to. But to see him continue walking without even going back to look at you is already enough to know where you two are heading. 
Yeosang coming into your life was the best thing that has ever happened to your existence up to day. Though you two have different worlds, you solely depended your life and happiness to him. And the world seemed to be in favor of you, after a year of dating, he got down on one knee and married you in front of hundreds of people. You were the happiest, nothing in this world could ever make you sad, as long as Yeosang’s beside you. 
But what if your world’s the one that decides to hurt you? Weeks after the marriage, Yeosang had a complete change of heart. He stopped coming home to you and was always spotted with a certain someone whenever he is outside. Whenever you confronted to him about it, he tells you not to worry. But you knew it was a lie and without knowing, you unconsciously raised your hand and swung it across his face. 
Was it enough to make him feel the pain you feel? Maybe not. But was worth it? Yes. You hated yourself for being not good enough, but most importantly, you hated yourself for depending your happines to a person. 
They say “nothing lasts forever, nothing stays the same”, but you love to disagree with that saying. What about the elderly couples who found love and comfort in each other and are growing old together? What about those couples who, after so many lifetimes, still find each other in different life times? 
Being young and naive has its cons, but you believe in the idea of love and all its forms. And that is what brought yout to believe that San is the one for you. Talking about your plans together, what you two would want to be in the long run, how many children he wants to have. You are young and naive but believe in the idea of love and all its forms. 
But when everything comes spiraling down, a false rumour spreading against you and San chooses to believe whoever spreaded the rumour and never listened to any word you say made you think about the saying. You never confronted San anymore as you let the relationship that you so love and dear fall apart before you. 
When you got into a relationship with Mingi, you never suspected anything. Nothing was suspiscious and out of the place at all. But after a year of dating did it only made you realize why you were somehow suspiscious: not once did you two fight each other. You couldn’t believe how a year of dating Mingi and is the most healthiest relationship you have ever been. This is exactly what you wanted that others want too, and you were lucky and thankful at the same time. 
But you never got along with his friends, and so did your friends with him too. Whenever they would go out and drink, they would often talk about you and often make up lies about you. This went unnoticed to you, how toxic his friend group. Until one day, Mingi confronted you with all the things his friends have said about you. You argued back by saying how could he believe them instead of listening to what you have to say. THe night went on you two cursing at each other until it was inevitable to fix whatever you two had build together. 
After being married to Wooyoung, you thought everything would fall into place. However, three months into the marriage, not one day did he initiate any itimacy with you. It was always the “good morningy/n” and “i’m going to work now”. He was never like that before when you two were dating, you wondered what caused him to be so cold towards you. 
“When can we expect a grandchild?” Your mother in law asks. 
“Having a child is too early. Y/N and I are still enjoying each other’s company, that’s what matters, mother.” Wooyoung smoothly answers for you. You felt small in the eyes of your in laws, unable to tell them the truth. 
“Do you really think its too soon for us to have a child?” You ask as you cleaned the dishes once his parents left. 
“Having a child is too much right now. My parents even want you to stop working.” 
And that’s when your soft facade cracked. First, Wooyoung has been so cold towards you, second, his family belittled you earlier and now they want to take away the career you’ve worked hard to get. You couldn’t help but let out a dramatic, long sigh and ranted everything that you’ve been feeling. 
“And do you think I have it nicely for me? That you think everything is going well for me? Maybe marrying you was a mistake.” 
Jongho was never almost always home. He was always outside, impressing his bosses by taking them out to restaurants, treating them to lavish parties and women while you were left at home, having to take care of your eleventh month baby and worried sick if he’ll ever come home. As a good wife, you’ve made everything for him - cook his food, iron his home and work clothes, kept the side of this bed warm and always makes sure he still has hot water to use in the shower. But then, those things that you do for him tires you out now, and you no longer continue to do them for him. 
When he complains how he comes home with no food and a cold shower to use, you kept yourself quiet and moved around like a ghost. Jongho walks up to you and takes a hold on the back of your head, motioning you to turn around to him.
“If I ask you something, you should respond. I’m your husband.” He spat, but you looked at him with hate and pushed yourself off his hold.  
“Husband? You’re always and never home, if only your son could talk right now, he would always ask for you. It’s always me who runs around this house! And I got tired of waiting for you! You don’t how it feels, because you’re too busy kissing other people’s asses!” 
Jongho’s pushes you away from him, maybe a little too agrressive when you landed on the floor with a loud thud. That night, Jongho slept on the couch, and you on the little bedding inside the baby room. Maybe a divorce doesn’t sound so bad after all. 
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What they call home pt. 5|7 - Home in his embrace [Sirius Black x Reader]
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Title: What they call home pt. 5|7 - Home in his embrace Pairing: Post Azkaban!Sirius Black x Female!Lestrange!Reader Word count: 2.1k Published: 13 November, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Warning: Heated scenes Notes: This was written for @wand3ringr0s3​ ‘s writing challenge and also for a request I have received on Wattpad. It was supposed to be a one shot, but it turned into a series somehow. I have been getting carried away these days.
Disclaimer: I have dug myself very deep into the Black and Lestrange family just to make sure that there were no incest in the story. I went back 300 years, until 1700 and I can confirm Blacks have not been related to the Lestranges, except Bellatrix Lestrange (nee Black) marrying Rodolphus Lestrange around 1968-70, pre-Wizarding War I. 
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
What they call home Masterlist 
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It was a rainy, dull evening, weather getting colder, nights spreading longer. You have been thinking about Molly’s words, over and over again playing in the back of your mind like an old and faulty record player.
You thought as both of you were stuck in the house alone, you could initiate a little bonding time, maybe trying to understand him a bit more. You walked into the dining room, taking two crystal glasses and a bottle of fire whiskey out of the cupboard and headed back to the living room, where you last saw Sirius. You halted at the doorway and leaned against the wooden frame.
The room was dominated in dark orange and red colours, filled with warmth provided by the fire. Sirius sat on one of the couches right in front of the fireplace, his eyes focused on the flames, his silky long hair tucked behind his ear, his face relaxed and soft. You haven’t seen him so calm since your years in Hogwarts, when he was a reckless teenager. You didn’t even realise that you somewhat missed his carefree attitude.
You walked behind the couch, holding the bottle of fire whiskey in front of him as you propped your elbow up on the back of the furniture. You didn’t expect Sirius to turn around, but when he did you couldn’t miss the proximity between you.
His nose was almost touching yours, his eyes even more beautiful up close. His breath reached your lips, making you shiver slightly, his eyes accidently wandering down to your mouth, his gaze lingering a tad longer than it was appropriate. Your heart was racing in a dangerous pace and you could have sworn it was loud enough for him to hear. You tried not to look at his lips, your self-control disappearing faster than you wished to admit. You knew if you were to look at his lips, you couldn’t stop yourself from closing the gap between you.
Sirius was the first to break the moment, his voice shaky as he tried to solve the tension. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you are trying to get me drunk.” He chuckled with a slightly awkward tone to his voice as he took the bottle from you and patted the space beside him on the couch.
You sat down on the other end of the sofa; your legs pulled up to your chest as you waited for him to pour the liquid into your glass.
“I might have had ulterior motives.” You replied as you finally felt yourself capable of speaking again. His brows ran high at your brave comment, a satisfied chuckle escaping his lips.
“And what would that be?” He asked as he handed you your glass, wild curiosity shining through his grey eyes.
“Now what would be the fun in spilling all my secrets to you?” You smirked as you clinked your glasses together.
The conversation was easy flowing, not even a second of silence falling up on you. It was hard not to be around the man, you couldn’t even recall why you disliked him so much back in school. He was funny and sweet, had a way with words and never made you feel like he was trying to overpower you or look down on you.
You had to accept that he was becoming more and more important to you and you were hoping that you didn’t misread the signs, that he was indeed as interested in you as you were in him.
“You know, if you told me in school that I would be sitting here, just having a conversation with you without trying to kill each other or plot something against the other, I would have thought you were under a spell.” He shook his head as he looked into the fire.
“I guess I would have reacted the same way.” You nodded, following his eyes towards the fireplace. “Would you want us to go back to the old times and try to make each other’s life miserable?” You asked as your eyes stared at the man’s profile, eagerly waiting for a reply.
A small smile spread across his face, the flames mirroring in his stormy eyes. “No, I wouldn’t. I have to admit, I do enjoy your company.” He replied wearing his lazy, lopsided smile as he took a swig of his drink.
“Oh my, was that a compliment from Sirius Black himself?” You asked in a mocking surprise, causing the man to roll his eyes at your antics.
It was relaxing, just to sit with him, talk to him about anything and not feeling like you had to censor your own words. His presence beside you made you feel warm and welcomed and whilst you knew it would be a bold statement to say it out loud, he felt like home. A home where you could be yourself without anyone judging you, a home where you were more than welcome, a home where perhaps you were wanted.
The night dragged on, making you feel drowsy. You felt your head fall against the back of the couch, your glass tilting in your hand, dangerously close to spill its content. But before it could have happened, Sirius took the glass from your hand and placed it on the table beside the sofa.
You felt yourself being lifted, your nostrils filling up with Sirius’ mixed scent of tobacco, alcohol and caffeine. You forced your eyes to open, realising you were being carried by him. One of his arms was tucked under the back of your knees, with the other balancing your weight behind your back. A lazy smile spread across your face as you enjoyed his arms around you, slumber taking over you once again, before you could have even reached your room.
You couldn’t have been asleep for long, when you heard a loud, deep scream coming from another room. It took you a second and third scream to recognise Sirius’ voice. You didn’t have to roll from left to right, you didn’t try to fall back asleep. You jumped out of bed as soon as you processed his pained cries and ripped your door open, running to his room.
You didn’t care about politeness and ethics, screw them, you opened the door and stepped inside his room. He was turning and tossing on his bed, the bedside lamp giving you enough light to see his face sweating feverishly, his face pale, his eyes firmly closed. He was having an awful nightmare.
You walked up to his bed, taking a seat on the edge, trying to shake the man to wake up, but he didn’t budge. “Sirius?” You held his shoulders, but he didn’t wake up. You tried to shake him stronger, but his horrid dream sucked him in so deep, you were unsuccessful. “Sirius!” You raised your voice, giving him a shake again, his eyes shot open, staring at you in surprise. He lifted his arm, removing the sweat drops from his forehead. “Are you okay?” You asked as you removed his hair from his face, gently tucking it behind his ear.
“Yeah-“ he breathed, his voice hoarse.
“Do you need anything? I can bring you a glass of water, maybe a blanket?” His skin was freezing cold under your warm touch, concern lacing in your voice as you offered to help. His pyjama shirt rolled up on his stomach, exposing his skin, making it hard for you to look away.
“I’m good.” He said as he heaved a deep sigh, his eyes staring at the ceiling. You weren’t sure what to do.
“Are you sure?” You were debating to leave him alone, but you couldn’t just do that after such a nightmare. You had your fair share of those, and it was harder to fight them alone. However, Sirius nodded, silently asking you to leave. “I’m just going to go back to my room then. If you need anything, just let me know, okay?” You tried to search for his eyes, but he kept staring at the ceiling, his gaze never connecting yours.
You nodded more to yourself and stood up from his bed, heading towards the door. “Could you please stay?” His voice was barely a whisper, but it stopped you immediately. You didn’t know how to react, your heart wanted to jump out of your chest after all. You turned around, his eyes fixed on yours, his gaze filled with pain and desperation for someone to hold him.
You heaved a deep sigh and pulled a chair beside his bed, but he shook his head. “No.” He said and patted the bed beside him. You gulped loudly, fearing your heart would give you away as soon as he was to touch you, but after taking a shaky sigh, you went along. You have been in need of his touch for so long and you wanted to be selfish. You were there for him, to make him feel better, but you were there for yourself, wanting to feel him close to you.
You climbed on the bed as Sirius held his duvet up for you and you shimmied closer to him, but not enough to touch him.
“Would you mind if I held you?” He asked, his voice weak, making your eyes widen. You didn’t expect him to touch you, you thought he needed just a company, someone to take his nightmares away. You felt your hands shake, your throat dry out, your chest tighten from the inside. You nodded at his request and scooted closer to him. Without hesitation he wrapped his arm around your waist as you hid your face in his chest, blessing the soft light for not exposing the crimson red blush covering your cheeks.
“Does it make you feel uncomfortable?” He asked, concern filling his voice, but you quickly shook your head. You weren’t uncomfortable, maybe excited would have been the right word. You felt guilty for feeling your stomach jump at his sleepy voice, for your heartbeat racing in a pace you thought was fatal as his arm sneaked around you, for the inappropriate thoughts you had when you were supposed to comfort him innocently.
You didn’t know if it was your closeness or his nightmare, but you could feel his heart pumping just as fast as yours was. “I can’t sleep.” He stated, pulling you even closer, his face hidden in your hair. You tilted your head up, your eyes meeting his grey ones, the dim light making them shine in the darkness.
“Is there any way I can help?” You asked, hoping to ease his mood. You tried to ignore the proximity between you, his lips almost touching yours, his breath fanning your skin, his eyes shamelessly staring at your lips, before they found your gaze again.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered against your lips, his hand squeezing your waist gently. You could hear your own heartbeat in your ears, air dangerously stuck in your lungs. You didn’t know what to say, his closeness made you feel dizzy. You wanted to feel his lips against yours for so long, but there you were lying in his embrace and you didn’t know how to react.
You heaved a shaky sigh as you slowly nodded. Sirius didn’t kiss you immediately; his pace was taunting you as he grazed his lips across yours, back and forth, before he finally closed the space between you.
His chapped lips melted with yours, inviting you for a slow dance. You thought he would attack you aggressively, but there he was studying every inch of your lips, moving with you in sync, his arm pulling you flush against him, your hands gripping on to his shirt as if your life depended on it.
The kiss didn’t last long, but it was enough to make you want more. You felt his unsteady breaths on your skin, his hand still holding onto you dearly. You didn’t know what came over you, maybe a hint of bravery just resurfaced from deep down, but you couldn’t stop yourself from attaching your lips to his again.
You grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to you if that was even possible, his lips hungrily moving against yours as his hand found its way under your shirt. His cold touch sent shivers through your heated body as he climbed on top of you, deepening the kiss.
You definitely didn’t expect to find yourself cuddled up to Sirius, let alone kissing him hungrily as his touches explored every inch of your body. But you had to admit, you couldn’t have asked for a better night, than feeling home in his embrace.
Series taglist:
@timogtrrz​ @chichewy​ @bloodyxheaven​ @lovecatystuff​ @mooniemell​ @hxrgreeves​ @sacredmirrxrs @lindatreb​ @n3ssm0nique​ @cardboardbenmazzello​ @aprilsrant​ @why-do-you-have-my-phone​ @chaoticgirl04​ @siriusement​ @missmulti​ @misswriter @avatarbeeb​ @swearingsolemnly​ @pancakefancake​ @msmarklee1213​ @froggylilith​ @kribbydahufflepuff​ @littlemegsstuff​ @sanitisegermsfree​ @lord-taika​ @obsssedwithjustaboutanything​ @ezgithechaotic​ @lennonknowsmysins​ @marveloucnco​ @sherlockinand​ @fific7​ @levylovegood​ @breadqueen95​ @gloryekaterina​ @moonstarrnghtsky​ @lotties-journey-abroad​ @mytreec​ @goddessofgames @blackbirddaredevil23​ @7minutes-tomidnight​ 
Notes: If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to like and reblog the fic. Thank you :) I do not give permission to anyone to repost!
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Not to be your stereotypical second semester senior but EJ Caswell is a bit too busy to be thinking about sports metaphors...
(Alternative title- overcommitted..sounds like a Caswell)
Senior year was insanely busy. Being so overwhelmed EJ had been slowing down over the last couple weeks, but he was brushing it off just fine.
EJ has arrived late that day, which was unusual in itself, as he prides himself on being on time. Holding a half eaten packet of Oreos he shuffled into the rehearsal room slumping on the bleachers away from his chattering cast mates.
“EJ honey great you could join us, you’d think a senior couldn’t get lost in the halls!” Miss Jenn giggled at her own joke as the cast were suddenly alerted to the older boys presence. EJ absentmindedly nodded and grabbed out his script.
“Yeah...sorry..um...where are we at?”
“Page 63” “Cool... thanks”
Flipping to that part in the script, he looks up to take in the scene. Kourtney, Gina, Seb and Carlos are clearly half way through blocking a castle scene- Carlos complaining his arms are tired from ‘staying in character’, Kourtney and Seb working out where they are going to come in from and how to negotiate Sebs big box costume (although it’s proving very difficult considering the rehearsal room is about a quarter of the size of the stage) and Gina is animatedly discussing the scene choices with Miss Jenn.
Within an instant, EJ is startled from the scene as Natalie is beside him rambling something about ‘needing a fill in for cogworth’ ‘went home sick’. Sauntering up with his script, EJ’s vision goes spotted as he gets up from the bleachers. But as soon as it comes it’s gone.
He just needs to get through this rehearsal, then he can; go home, finish his debate speech, go over the plays for Friday’s waterpolo match, study for tomorrow’s maths assessment, start his exam notes, memorise his lines, work on his college applications, and maybe even get some sleep.
Joining the cast he tries to hide in the back corner. Following the basic blocking directions seemed harder than usual, his head had began to pound and fatigue hit him like a wave.
However he continued on, sluggish but present helping them to finish blocking the scene.
Walking back to his place on the bleachers EJ trips over his own feet. Catching himself before a big splat on the floor he is able to avoid the attention of his cast mates. Well mostly.
“EJ are you ok?”
EJ didn’t need to look up to know that his cousin had definitely seen his little trip.
“Yep fine”
“Ok try again but this time make it the truth”
Ashlyn was caring but firm, she definitely wasn’t going to brush it off. EJ could feel his facade fading under her concerned gaze. His voice drops low.
“I-i just don’t know... Ash, I’m trying-“
“ON TO THE NEXT SCENE Gaston and Le Fou, I need you boys to start down stage right”
EJ got up slowly, subtly steadying himself against a chair not to lose balance.
“Nevermind it’ll be fine”
EJ walks off, with that any vulnerablity on face vanishing, leaving Ashlyn’s stomach to churn in a pool of worry.
Being an after school rehearsal, most of the cast heads off after they start rehearsing the next scene as it only has Gaston and Le Fou. Leaving the rehearsal room with just Miss Jenn, Big Red, EJ, Ashlyn and Gina (the latter two who were waiting on the senior for a ride home).
EJ and Big Red slowly work through the dialogue, the scene is about as smooth as a clunky old railway track. After running it twice EJ feels like his words are melding into one. But pushing through, based off his poor entrenched habits, EJ made it through another run through of the scene.
“Um can we take a five?”
Miss Jenn looks at the senior perplexed, he’s never asked for a five. Ever.
“EJ honey is everything ok?”
“Hm, yeah just need a sec”
EJ’s exhausation catches up with him, the light seems to highlight the bags under his eyes. He drops onto the bleachers, resting his head in his hands he closes his eyes for a second.
“Miss Jenn, EJ doesn’t look so good maybe you guys should wrap this up for today-”
“Ash I’m-“
“No. You look exhausted! You barely have the energy to stand up for 10 minutes”
Ashlyn moves to grab him his drink bottle but runs into his iced coffee and Oreo packet first. She flinches. Her cousin never drinks coffee unless he purely needs the caffeine.
EJ freezes she moment he realises she’s seen it.
“When was the last time you slept?!”
All eyes are on him.
“James” His head snapped up. But he couldn’t look his cousin in the eye. Because then she’d see his eyes are glassy with unshed tears. His overwhelmed thoughts race through his mind.
“Ok I think we’ll pick this up next rehearsal, please be safe getting home and get some rest”
The four students start to pack up their bags, Ashlyn asking her boyfriend to give them all a lift. Turning to her cousin, helps him finish packing his stuff.
“You can stay in the guest room, we’re having lasagna tonight”
EJ too tired to protest, walks past his Jeep in the parking lot to get in a smaller orange bug car. He’ll have to come back for it tomorrow because there’s no way he could drive safely in his tired state.
The car ride home was eerily quiet, Ashlyn day in the passenger seat next to Big Red. He drove to Ashlyn’s house like a routine he knew by heart. Gina keep flicking worried glances at EJ but the senior didn’t even notice, having closed his eyes and resting against the window the moment he entered the car.
“Thanks for the ride Biggie”
Gina gentley nudged EJ and his eyes were open in an instant.
“Thanks Red” He mumbled as he got out of the car.
“No worries, take care guys”
As the orange car was disappearing into the distance, Ashlyn unlocked the front door. Gina and EJ follow her into the house.
“James lets go the living room”
EJ follows Ashlyn to the couch, and Gina continues past to grab a drink of water from the kitchen.
“What’s going on?”
Ashlyn puts a hand on his shoulder and gently squeezes it, grounding him and reminding him that she’s here to listen. He looks at the faded colourful rug and his words begin to vomit out softly.
“I’m just trying to get it all done ...and um.. for weeks I just never seem to have enough time, and I still have to do my study notes and finish my assessment and college apps tonight... but I’m just so tired...”
His voice cracks and the wall behind his eyes begin to break.
“I have to stay up so late, to get everything I have to all done...and then polo practice at the crack of dawn... i don’t know.. I just can’t... let anyone down..”
Ashlyn pulls EJ in tightly. His body wracked with sobs, her heart breaks as she hasn’t seen him like this in a long time. Gina initially freezes entering the room just as the senior had begun to cry but soon shifts over beside them engulfing them both in a hug.
Grabbing some tissues and a sip of water he’s able to stop his crying but his tense shoulders give away his overwhelmed mind.
“it will be ok, we’ll work this out. Everyone else will understand if everything is not done right now. You’ve got to take better care of yourself, what matters is if you are ok”
Gina nods in agreeance with Ashlyn as she comforts EJ.
“But for now you need to take a break, just have a quick nap before dinner in the guest room-“
“But I have to-“
“No James you need a rest, all this stuff can come later”
He sluggishly gets up heading for the guest room mumbling a “thanks Ash” as he retreats to his long awaited rest.
After he closes the door, Ashlyn lets out the breath she had been holding. She was convinced they would have to put up more of a fight to get him to go to sleep, but the fact that they didn’t was almost more concerning.
“He did seem a little bit off earlier in the week but yeah I had no idea that this was under the surface”
Gina says to break the silence created by her and Ashlyn’s shocked worry.
“Yeah he’s always been pretty good at bottling this stuff up, definitely a Caswell skill”
Ashlyn starts to pick up the tissues heading to the bin in the kitchen. Both the girls enter the kitchen to finish heating up the leftover lasagna they made yesterday.
While cooking the veggies the girls trade stories of earlier in the day and discuss the spotting of Miss Jenn and Mr Mazzarra at Sliced on Valentine’s. Just as they’re plating up, EJ reappears. He looks somewhat disheveled, wearing sweats and his usually spiked hair is messy like a 2012 Bieber hairstyle. His contacts are long gone being traded for his wide framed glasses.
“Feeling any better?”
Bringing the plates to the table they all sit in their usual seats.
“Yeah a little...thanks guys this looks amazing”
As if on cue his stomach grumbles with excitement and they dig into the food. The three teens continue to tell stories of their day. Although exhausted, a goofy smile makes its way onto EJ’s face while telling the girls about his classmate in English that tried justify his argument quoting spark notes, instead of the actual book.
Once they’re finished, EJ stacks and clears away the plates. Grabbing her laptop, Ashlyn creates a new copy of one of her old timetables modified with all EJ’s stuff. After cleaning the dishes, EJ plops down beside her and together they start to work out.
Half an hour and a warm hot chocolate later, they manage to finish a schedule that looks like it fit a bit of time for everything while keeping a heathy amount of rest time.
“Thank you so much Ash... I really appreciate it”
Ashlyn smiles back at her cousin.
“Just promise me you’ll take care of yourself, or at least you’ll let me know if you need help”
EJ engulfs her in a hug.
“Yeah I will, thanks”
As they both move to join Gina in the lounge room, EJ grabs his laptop to start completing his speech. Flopping down onto the couch, the tv is turned onto a Brooklyn Nine Nine halloween heist episode.
Taking EJs laptop at 9:30, the older boy fell asleep within an instant. Keeping to his promise, he followed the schedule he made with Ashlyn (most of the time at least) and finally learnt how to ask for help when he realised he couldn’t do it alone. And when he asked for help, Ashlyn and Gina were always there with an extra mug of hot chocolate.
Thanks for reading! I’m open to write prompts or suggestions
(...Also if anyone can think of any better names for this please comment because all my thoughts were low key trash😂)
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
girl at home ; andy barber x fem!reader ; 2/3
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status — completed series
word count — 4,616 words
warnings — smut!!!!!! unprotected penetrative sex (tho in my mind reader’s on the pill lmao) few swear words, angst??? making out in pool, mean!laurie, sad!reader
pairing — andy barber x fem!reader
a/n — there will be a third part which will be the final part,, lmk what you think
tagging @tonystankschild
masterlist | series masterlist
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Andy initially thought that following his divorce with Laurie and Jacob staying with his mom, sadness and loneliness would be his constant companions; however five months later and he found himself feeling warmth and happiness in his house that witnessed the tribulations he’s been through.
“Here’s your coffee and breakfast, bub,” Hearing her call him the nickname he’d been bestowed with after their night out made the attorney smile as he planted a kiss at the top of her head. Sitting beside her at the breakfast bar, Andy’s hand blindly searched for hers as he was reading the newspaper. “Got a busy day ahead?” She shook her no to answer his question, placing the utensil down, she placed her chin on the free hand that he wasn’t holding on to, “What do you say we head to the rec center after work and go there for a swim?”
Eyes peeking from where he was sipping on the hot liquid, “Wouldn’t it be too soon to when it needs to close?” Y/N rolled her eyes as she flicked his tie, teasing him even more, “Just say you’re a boring old man and go.” Before she even got the chance to move away from him to grab her things, Andy placed his mug down and pulled her into him — her back to his chest as he placed his face on her neck, his beard tickling her skin as he purposefully rubbed it on her to elicit a reaction.
Giggling, she scrambled to push away from his grasp, “Okay, okay! I take it back. You’re not boring.” With that he let her go as he put on a stern look, “That’s more like it! And don’t worry I’ll head there after work to prove it to you.” Hooking her bag on her shoulder Y/N waved one last time, “Better not make me wait for you, Barber.” The man could only laugh as he took a sip of his coffee, “Wouldn't dream of it, honey.”
The day dragged on as if to tease Andy since he looked forward now more than ever to clock out of work and head down to swim. And not a second more, when the clock struck four, he quickly chucked all files into his briefcase as he bolted out of his office and drove to where he promised to meet Y/N. Even as he changed his clothes from his formal wear to his swimwear, he’d fumble in excitement. “There you are, thought you’d retire to bed by now,” Her teasing voice greeted him once he walked out of the locker room.
“I’ll show you who should retire to bed,” Andy promised as his arms wrapped around her smaller frame and with his strength pulled her out of her seated position to push her all the way into the pool. Her squeal was the last thing they both heard before they both were submerged in water. “You fool!” She splashed water at him and Andy only threw his head back in laughter, “That’s what you get for teasing me, sweetheart.” Rolling her eyes, she moved to swim away from him and the older man followed her.
The next few minutes they spent swimming and chasing each other; the pool was all to themselves since swim lessons had ended earlier and since it was almost closing, they had the pool all to themselves. “How was your day, attorney?” Y/N asked as she floated around in the middle, but Andy decided she wasn’t close enough; he placed both his hands at the middle of her back, dragging her to him so she had no choice but to wrap both her legs around his torso. “It was boring earlier; but now it’s a whole lot of fun.”
Tracing his face with both her hands, she planted a few kisses on his lip before joking, “I wonder why you’re having fun.” Lowering his hands to her bum, Andy squeezed it as he bit her lower lip, “It’s all because of you, baby.” And with that he engulfed her mouth with his, which led them to make out in the middle of the pool. With both their hands trying to hold on to every part of the other they could reach. Y/N disconnected her lips from his, causing the man against her to growl, but she only smirked as she moved her head to place open-mouthed kisses on his neck. “God you feel good,” the man groaned as he caressed her smooth thighs and looked at her with desire as she stopped kissing him.
As they both were about to kiss again, one of the elderly lifeguards happened to walk in and scolded them, “Oy! Center’s closing in ten minutes; get out of here and don’t have sex in there!” Y/N pulled away from Andy, which the latter didn’t like as he prevented her from doing so. “We’re sorry! We'll be leaving,” She then untangled from his tight grip and pulled on his hand, urging him to ascend from the pool.
“That was embarrassing!” Y/N groaned as they entered their home, arriving from the recreation center and the fast food restaurant they ate at. “Well, it’s not like the lifeguard was there when we began swimming.” Andy countered as he placed his jacket on the coat hanger and plopped himself down on the couch. “Do you realize that sometimes on normal conversations, you use your lawyer logic and tone?”
The former assistant district attorney looked at the girl beside him, bewildered with what she had just told him, “My lawyer logic and tone?” She nodded as she lifted herself from where her head was leaning on his shoulder, “Yeah you get all defensive and list down everything in a serious voice.” She explained with her arms demonstrating how he crosses his arm and looks sternly. But Y/N was quick to reassure him before he could even overanalyze a part of him, “Don’t worry though, it’s hot when you do that.”
Andy then decided to use that as leverage, as he stalked towards her so when her back hit the armchair he placed both his arms around her — effectively trapping her. “It’s hot when I do that, huh?” He adored how she gulped nervously but nodded, “Well what if I do this,” His lips grazed her lips as his moved down on his way to plant kisses on her collarbone. Moving one of his hands from the armchair to lift her head up to look at her, “I think you and I both know where this is going baby, so you need to tell me now if you want to stop; I won’t get mad if you don’t want to continue.”
Throughout the first few months they’ve been living together, Andy and Y/N haven’t gone beyond kissing or the occasional make out. Getting to know each other was more of their priority every time they were together; hence why they have yet to have sex. But now, after getting to know each other better and almost learning everything there is to know about each other, they both saw themselves ready to connect with each other on a whole other level.
Y/N’s hand reached around to rest it on the back of his neck, pulling him in close enough so her lips was against his as she spoke, "I don’t want this, I need it,” And kissed him deeply to which Andy moaned out in pleasure. His hands toyed with the hem of her shirt and pulled it off her. “Such a naughty girl without a bra,” he toyed with her as his lips wrapped around a nipple, she mewled out as he licked and nipped before switching to the other nipple and repeating the same actions.
“Please Andy, don’t tease me,” Grabbing onto his hair, she tried to move his head away from between her breasts, “I need you to eat me out, please.” Kissing her navel he moved down, “Only because you asked so nicely, I will.” Sliding off her skirt, as well as her panties, Andy groaned out upon seeing her sweet pussy. “Let’s see if you taste as good as you look," Was the only warning he provided before his tongue lapped up the juices that were dripping from her pussy. Arching her back, Y/N pushed Andy’s head further; pleading for him to continue on with how he was forcing his tongue in her tight hole as his thumb was rubbing on her hard nub.
“You taste divine, honey,” He spoke without detaching from her mound which caused her to shiver from the vibrations of when he spoke. Licking from her hole up to her clit, he then sucked and nipped on it as he teased the tip of his finger into her pussy. “Time to check how tight this pussy is,” He declared as he slowly eased his index finger in. Closing his eyes, he relished on how warm and tight her walls were on his finger, imagining what more if it was his cock pushing inside her.
“Andy please, I need you,” She cried out as one hand grabbed onto his hair, attempting to pull his head away while the other played with her breast. Opening his eyes, he was enraged at the sight of her adding more pleasure for herself — he pulled his finger and mouth away from where he was pleasuring her and grabbed the hand that was fondling her boob, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” His wild stare on her aroused Y/N even more and she could only meekly mumble out, “I need your cock, sir.” Upon hearing her grace him with that title, his jaw clenched with desire and he searingly kissed her mouth, “You got sir so hard, baby. It’s been so long since I’ve done this; think you can handle me?”
Y/N desperately nodded as she clawed at his back — and was surprised when her nails clung onto his skin, she never noticed that he took off his shirt, but was pleasantly surprised to feel his skin against hers — and moaned out, “Yes I can take it, sir.” She opened her eyes and watched with hunger as Andy took off his pants and underwear to reveal his cock.
However she didn’t have time to take in all its glory as one of Andy’s large hands separated her pussy lips while the other stroked his cock, spitting on his hand he rubbed some of it to her cunt, “You ready for me, honey?” He slid in one stroke before giving her the chance to reply, her fingers digging into his shoulders as she drew out a moan from being filled.
“Fuck you feel good,” Andy moaned as he rested his forehead against hers, looking down on her doe eyes as he rut hard and slow against her. “Do you like how I’m fucking you?” Y/N was out of breath and could only nod as she bit her lip; but that didn’t satisfy the lawyer as he pinched both her nipples and huskily demanded, “Say it, honey, tell me how much you love it when I ram into you.”
He then proceeded to place both his hands on the back of her thighs, pushing her legs all the way past her back and knelt down properly so he could thrust in and out of her at an inhumane speed. “Yes sir, I love how you pound in to me,” She managed to gasp out as her ears were filled with the sound of Andy’s grunts of how warm and tight she was as well as the sound of their skin slapping.
“Are you close, honey?” Andy rubbed her clit when she mewled out how she was close; he was too and it was becoming a challenge for him to continue on with his harsh and rapid thrusts, but he wanted the two of them to climax together. When her hands grabbed for his firm butt and pushed him so close that his trimmed pubic area tickled the back of her butt and thighs, Andy took it as cue that she reached her climax and was now orgasming around him.
Seeing her body shake in pleasure had him groaning out, “You look divine like this, honey.” He didn’t thrust in and out of her, but settled for moving his hips in circular motion — which prolonged her release and eventually triggered off his own as he anchored his hands on her waist to ground him and hold him steady as he let out a loud groan of pleasure.
Once they both released their cum and calmed down, Andy laid down his head on Y/N’s chest, kissing her skin with more tenderness; as the latter lovingly stroked his hair as her legs wrapped around his torso. Both of them silent as they enjoyed the post-orgasm bliss before Andy peered up to the girl and smirked, “Don’t think I’m done with you yet; I got months worth of pent up frustrations and a round with you won’t keep satiated.”
With that said, the two then continued to go at it like wild animals in heat at every surface of the house.
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It was unexpected — no emails, texts, calls, or any sort of communication, really — that warned Andy that Laurie and Jacob would come over the week before Thanksgiving. But here they were — two days after Y/N and Andy had sex for the first time. And upon arriving at their old home for the first time in months, the two immediately noticed how there was another car parked in front of their house.
“I doubt that’s Dad’s,” Jacob suspects as he grabbed his bag from the backseat, “He doesn’t really like compact cars.” Laurie silently agreed with what her son said, but the only thing she could tell him as he placed a hand on his shoulder as they started to walk was, “Only one way to find out, don’t you think?”
Knocking on the door, they were expecting the bearded man to open it and looked surprised at their sudden arrival. It was them who had their mouths wide open upon seeing a girl opening it. The lack of responses from Andy’s former family prompted Y/N to introduce herself as she asked, “Hi, can I help you?”
Jacob was the first one to snap out of his shock by asking, “Is my dad here?” Y/N then widened her eyes upon connecting the dots, “Are you his son, Jacob?” When the boy nodded, she then turned to the woman beside him, “And you’re Laurie, his ex-wife, right?”
When Laurie silently nodded, she then moved away from the door to usher and welcome them in, “Come in, then! Sorry I didn’t know you guys were coming.” As they stepped in the house, they noticed how nothing much has changed from the whole set up, except for the girl’s presence.
“We were planning on surprising him, actually,” There was a bit of sass in Laurie’s tone once she said that but Y/N didn’t notice that as she cooed, “Aw, that’s great! Though I don’t think he’ll be here for a couple of hours. He said there was an emergency in the office.”
Nodding, Jacob couldn’t help but wonder bluntly, “Are you dad’s girlfriend?” The mention of the said title had Y/N’s heart fluttering — it was what she hoped Andy thought of her, but the two never did discuss what their official label was — and she was quick to clarify, “No, I’m not. I just live here, I’m renting the other room upstairs.”
“Oh so dad really went through with my suggestion,” Jacob sighed as he sat down on the couch and fiddled with his phone. Laurie, however, was skeptical despite her justification yet remained silent about it. “Which room are you renting?”
Y/N offered them something to drink, to which they both declined, before answering, “The one across Jacob’s; I think Andy also left that room untouched so it should be good for you guys.”
“Mom can I go meet up with Sarah? I promised her I’d see her,” Jacob asked as and was given permission to do so. “Bye see you, mom,” He kissed her cheek on the way out, “Nice meeting you, Y/N.”
Waiving goodbye to the teenage boy, Y/N felt awkward being in the same room as Andy’s ex wife. She didn’t know how to start a conversation with her and was just hoping she didn’t make her feel uncomfortable. “So you and Andy are just what? Roommates?” Laurie pried as she sat on the breakfast bar, across from where Y/N was standing from the sink.
Clearing her throat, she stammered before saying, “Yeah, we’re roommates, I guess.” The nervousness on her tone gave Laurie all the confirmation she needed; that the younger woman hoped that they would be more.
“Are you sure that’s really all that you are?” The question had taken Y/N back, tilting her head in confusion, “What do you mean?”
Laurie pinned her down with a hard stare as she rephrased her question, “Do you like Andy?” Looking down Y/N fiddled with her fingers as she swallowed before answering, “I think it’d be awkward if I were to answer that don’t you think? Like with you being his former wife and all.”
As she trailed off, the brunette shook her head and reassured her, “It’s fine, I’m just curious that’s all. You can trust me on this,” With her eyes displaying sincerity, with a nervous chuckle Y/N recounted her memories with Andy, “I mean, over the months I’ve lived here, we’d always spend time together. Cooking, talking, watching movies — he’s great company to have around and there never really is a dull moment when I’m with him. And I’d like to think that he thinks the same? Like he enjoys my company as well,” She paused for a minute, recalling if there had been any instance where the lawyer seemed unsatisfied in spending time with her; but when she failed to think of one she proceeded, “And we’ve only been intimate a couple of days ago.”
With how her gaze was on her hands, Laurie’s sinister smile missed the sight of the smitten girl. “Oh you poor thing,” Y/N snapped her head up and furrowed her eyebrows which spurred Laurie even more, “You’re convenient for him; no other woman from this neighborhood would look at him the same following everything that went down. He just missed a female’s touch and companion; rather than being lonely, he’d spend his time with you.”
Blinking back the tears that threatened to escape both her eyes, Y/N shakily breathed in and out as she processed what has been revealed to her. And it made perfect fucking sense, most of the times she’d be the one to initiate their conversations and Andy would look spaced out but be brought back to reality to laugh politely or listen to what she has to say.
“Does he call you honey?” She asked and Y/N did remember how he called her that a lot when they first got intimate a few days ago. Once she nodded, Laurie faked sympathy as she said, “That’s what he used to call me, all the time when we were together.”
Smirking at her current state, Laurie got up from their barstool, “I’m gonna go settle our things in Jacob’s room.” As the older woman grabbed their bags that were on the living room, Y/N headed for her own room as well, “I’m gonna go over to a friend’s for the weekend so feel free to use my room if you need to.”
She didn’t bother hearing out Laurie’s reply and instead hastily went up the stairs. Placing clothes and toiletries on a small duffel bag, she glanced on her phone and noticed how there had been a text message from Andy that read: Coming home in a few, will bring home some pizza and wings. Can’t wait to see you, honey.
Ignoring the text she grabbed the duffel bag and handbag, heading down — thankful Laurie wasn’t anywhere to be found — and started her car and drove somewhere else.
One thing that Andy developed as lawyer was to have a keen and watchful eye; and that became useful as he pulled over to his garage and noticed how Y/N’s compact car wasn’t parked where it usually would be in front of the house. But instead there was an SUV there.
Carrying two pizza boxes with the container of the wings on top of it, Andy entered through the back door. “Y/N, I’m home! I have some finger food so we can watch while we eat,” He called out for her as he placed the food by the coffee table. Turning to the kitchen he was surprised to see that instead of the girl he’d been calling out for, it was his teenage son who was there. “Jake?”
The boy stood from where he was sitting and left his phone on the breakfast bar as he went over to his father, “Hey dad,” They hugged and as Andy nuzzled his cheek on the top of his son’s head, he’d come to realize how much he’d missed him.
“When did you get here?” The bearded man asked as they pulled apart from the hug and sat down on the couch, “A couple of hours ago. You weren’t here when we arrived and Y/N welcomed us. So you really went through with the whole renting the bedroom plan huh?”
Shrugging, Andy smiled at the mention of the girl, “Yeah, it just worked iut well for the both of us.” Not used to seeing his father all smiley, at least not for a while, Jacob assumed that there was something more to it and teased him, “You like her don’t you?”
Andy jokingly hit his son the shoulder, “Shouldn’t I be the one to ask you those kind of questions?” Jacob just laughed as he hit his father back, “You’re avoiding my question, so that indicates that you do like her.”
Rolling his eyes, he decided to change the topic, “Is your mom with you?” Nodding, Jacob pointed to the top floor, “Taking a shower, I will too after her.”
“Good, ‘cause you stink,” Andy teased as the two boys caught up on the recent events of their lives.
In the middle of their conversation, footsteps coming from the staircase were heard, “Alright Jake, it’s your turn.” Laurie yelled as she reached to where she heard noises of chatter were coming from, “Oh hey, Andy.”
Andy waved at her, “Alright I’ll leave you two to it,” With Jacob standing up to go upstairs and bathe, Laurie took the spot her son had left. “How are you?” The lawyer politely asked.
Smiling, Laurie replied, “Good, really good. Me and Jake are loving Bakersfield. He’s doing well in school and didn’t have trouble making new friends.”
Their son had mentioned that and Andy was more than pleased to find out that the events that occurred in Newton didn’t haunt and affect him in the new city they moved into. “He also mentioned how you’ve been seeing someone?”
Eyes widening and blushing at that Laurie chuckled, “A bit? Greg was introduced to me by my cousin and the few dates we’ve been to was fun.” Her former husband was not bitter upon learning that; in fact he was delighted that she had found someone who made her happy. He might have been that person who did so in the past, but their previous mistakes and blunders caught up to them and proved that they couldn’t return to how they once were.
“What about you? Are you seeing someone?” Laurie inquired; since she thought it was only fair to ask about his love life as well. Scratching the back of his neck, Andy could feel the heat rising to his ears as he thought of Y/N. “Kinda?”
“What do you mean kinda?” The answer Andy offered was vague and didn’t scratch the itch his former wife had about his status. “I mean, Y/N, she’s been living here for a few months now and she’s made this house feel like home again.”
He looked over to Laurie to watch her reaction, seeing how she had a stoic one he thought he should explain further, “I was sure I’d be brooding and lonely following what happened,” He gestured to the space between him and Laurie, “But she made it possible for me to be happy again. She looks after me and listens to what I have to say without judgement. Her wits matches mine and she’s never afraid to back down to tease or debate.”
Holding his hands up Andy apologized, “Sorry I rambled a bit; I got too excited.” Before he placed his hands back to where they were on his thigh, Laurie grabbed one of his hands, interlacing it with hers. Fazed with what she did, he looked at her with his mouth hung agape, but before asking her about it she was quick to ask first, “Have you told her about what you feel?”
“No,” He was wiggling to move his hand away from hers but she wouldn’t budge, “Where is she, by the way? She didn’t reply to any of my texts.” Andy heard Laurie laugh multiple times, but he never heard a sinister-like one come out from here, and he did just now as she clarified, “After talking to her she said that she’ll be staying at a friend’s house.”
Andy felt uneasy with how Laurie bridged the gap between them so her front was facing his side. “After talking? What’d you talk about? What did you tell her?”
He could feel the anger and irritation slowly boiling as Laurie shrugged her shoulders, “It’s good you haven’t told her what you just told me,” Her other hand reached over to rest on the back of his neck and caress the skin there, making Andy even more irritated, “Because you and I both know that all of that’s not true.”
Pushing both her hands away, Andy moved from the couch to the opposite one as he snapped, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Come on, Andy!” Laurie smirked, “You and I both know you’d never go for someone like her!” That contributed even more to Andy’s frustration as his nose flared but she just kept going, “You’re lonely and still longing for what we had; hence why you think you like her. She’s not your type and frankly you’re way out of her league.”
“Lonely? No, that’s not the case! I know in myself that I do in fact like her. What the hell do you mean that she’s not my type?” He sassed back, defensive at how low she thought of his Y/N. “What does it matter to you, anyway? Aren’t you seeing Greg?”
Crossing her arms, she gave him a pointed look, “I am seeing him but that doesn’t mean I can’t look out for you! I’m telling you she’s not good enough for you, Andy!”
Before he could even have a chance to argue back, Jacob’s loud footsteps interrupted their heated exchange. As he reached the main floor he announced, “I’m ready to spend some family time this weekend!” Effectively ending the argument that somehow missed Jacob’s ears.
As they all agreed to have a movie marathon, Andy couldn’t help but worry about how where Y/N was and how was she. Deciding that perhaps through text is the best way to reach her as of now.
Hey, honey. Where are you? Please text me back right away. We need to talk.
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redhawtriot · 5 years
IM DYING for some domestic things, can I please have small request about it? What if Bakugo, Kirishima, Shigaraki and Dabi (seperated, obviously) coming home and bringing one cutie plusiu for their unborn child? Sorry for wxtra fluff I just need more cute things in our lifes 😭 YOU R AWESOME HAPPY ONE MONTH LUV YA
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I had to do this one right away! Sorry if some of these are very narrow-minded views on expecting children! I know surrogacy and adoption are also options! Let me know in the comments if those are things you guys would like to see as well!
But I got too excited when I saw this! lol The mucus filled disaster where my heart is supposed to be jumped for joy when I read this prompt!
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When you first met Dabi, one of your very first presumptions about the man was that he should never have offspring. 
That’s not to say that you were not immediately drawn to his physical looks and demeanor, rather you just couldn’t picture such a stoic man ever having the visceral capacity in his cold heart to care much about anyone besides himself. 
It wouldn’t be until much later than your initial meeting where these feelings would be fully swayed– passed when you got to know him better and saw his standoffish mask fade away, revealing a loyal, surprisingly warm man– passed becoming romantically involved with him and finding him putting aside his own slight needs at times to fulfill yours– passed even your first pregnancy together. 
It was the day of your child’s birth that you knew just how much of a kind-hearted creature your partner could be. 
You already knew that he wouldn’t be able to attend the birth. He was a known “terrorist” after all. The sight of him in a hospital would only end in havoc.
Those people— always quick to label anyone who won’t conform under their oppression with such othering terms.
You gave a quick glance to your sleeping daughter, immediately feeling a heaviness in your heart. The picture just wasn’t complete without Dabi.
Yes, it hurt to be alone but you reminded yourself that you would soon return from the hospital to reunite your little untypical family.
But for the moment, you could only sleep and let your body heal from child birth.
A familiar sound suddenly chipped away at your peaceful unconscious, “You are so beautiful. Just like your mom, huh?”
Was that Dabi?
You tried to pry your heavy eye lids open and call out to him but only a slight tired groan came out.
“Go back to sleep, Y/N,” you felt a warm hand rub your cheek, “You did a good job. Rest up,” you tried to fight against your sleepiness but the soothing nature of his touch eventually dragged you back to sleep.
“You are perfect. I… I didn’t know I could feel so much for one person. God, I am going to spend every moment of my life protecting you until the day I die, baby girl.”
“Dabi!!” You gasped. You finally snapped your body up, and ignored the searing pain in your lower abdomen and you crazily searched the room for the father of your child.
Your heart sagged at his absence.
However on the visitors chair next to your daughters plastic crib was a large array of pink stuff animals and hearts.
You dragged yourself off of the bed and scuttled to the display of rosy penguins and pigs and bears and saw a card with a lone pink balloon on the front.
Curiously, you slowly opened the card,
I hope this doesn’t gross you out, me being all soft and everything, but as soon as I saw her I wanted to give her absolutely everything. My baby girl is the most precious thing I have ever seen.
I’m so proud of you. You did a good job, babe. Heal up and come home soon, kay?
I can’t wait to hold my girls again.  
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He was beyond happy to become the father to your children. Words wouldn’t even be able to begin to describe the pure and overwhelming feelings of joy that he felt as he bounced out of the doors of the drug store near your house.
He glanced down to a torn piece of a magazine the two of you had lying around the house, checking the small list he made one more time before he left the stores premises: 
Vitamin B6
 A plush crocodile
Left Twix
pregnancy test
Yep! All accounted for! He had practically no trouble at all finding most things on the list, but the plush crocodile was a bit harder than he expected.
He had asked an associate about the plush toy in hopes of finding it, but they only had alligators.
“But this is a stuffed alligator. See?” As Kirishima pointed to the stuffed animals face, the associate only became confused, so Kiri explained further, “The nose shape is all wrong. It has to be a crocodile? Are you sure this all you have?”
It was indeed all they had. Kirishima let out a small sigh, but honestly not even the drug store’s reptile discrimination could bring his day down!
“My wife is pregnant!” He exclaimed with an extremely proud smile to a couple he passsed as he made his way into his car. One of the strangers immediately cheered him on with a loud “whoop whoop!” before his boyfriend smacked him on the shoulder for the wild display.
Meanwhile, you couldn’t believe how long it was taking your husband to return home from the store. You bounced your leg uncomfortably as you waited on your living room couch.
He was only supposed to be picking up one thing! The longer you sat and waited for him to return, the more your nerves stacked upon each other.
You’re heart flipped in your chest as your front door suddenly opened. You quickly stood from the couch, “You got it?”
He hurried up to you, “Yep! Here, go take the test!” He pressed a kiss on your cheek and frantically handed you an already opened pregnancy test like a baton in a race.
You raised an eyebrow to him, before pausing as you caught a glance at the flowers in his other hand. You shook your head in disbelief, “Eiji look, I told you not to get too excited,” you pointed an accusing finger as you walked away toward to bathroom, “The test we took was old. It might have been a fake positive,” you hollered from the bathroom after shutting the door.
He followed you to the bathroom, but remained fidgety on the other side, “Well I know for a fact that it wasn’t a fake positive,” he replied with a slightly smug tone as he tried to mask his own nervousness.
“Oh yeah?” You laughed at his smugness, “Well… would that be such a bad thing?” You tried to sound lighthearted as you stared at the stick in front of you and waited for the second line to appear.
The two of you hadn’t really been planning for a child. You hadn’t ever really even talked about having children much, so when you missed your period last week and became sick this morning, this response from Kirishima was very unexpected.
He was way happier than you would have thought he would be. Just when you thought your beam of light couldn’t get any happier….
God, you didn’t want to let him down.
Suddenly Kirishima heard you scream on the other side of the door.
The man immediately burst through the door accidentally busting a portion of the frame, “Oh man, S-sorry. But WHAT IS IT!?”
“Happy face!” A smile split your face as you threw yourself at him for a hug.
“T-that means pregnant!?” He frantically stuttered, frozen in place.
“That means pregnant!” You hopped up and down.
He wasted no time at all as you scooped you up into his arms. The both of you laughed in unbelievable glee as he carried you to the living room and sat you down on the couch. He swiftly handed you the flowers, “Here you go, baby mama.” You laughed at his phrasing as he reach somewhere behind him to grab his drug store plastic bag.
“And these,” he smiled up at you, “for your stomach.”
Chocolate and…. B6?? What even is that? You threw him a confused glance, so he immediately explained.
“I was talking to a lady by the pharmacy about your morning sickness,” no wonder he took so long, you laughed at his diligence as he continued, “She said B6 can help. So the vitamins will do good for your stomach, and the chocolate will taste good for your stomach.”
Your face almost hurt from how hard your were smiling, “God, you really went all out! You really are hard headed you know that?”
“Only the best for my girls,” he argued as he pulled the stuffed alligator from behind his back.
“Oh my goodness!!” You explained with a laugh, the two of you always got each other crocodile things. The first thing you ever said to him in high school was a mocking joke about his choice in footwear—crocs. You laughed, “You think its a little girl, huh? Well, I think it’s a hard headed little boy just like his dad.”
“I guess we’ll see,” he said as he pecked you on the lips.
“I guess we will.” You smiled back at him.
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The two of you weren’t exactly on the greatest of terms. What was meant to be a drunken fling ended up turning into, in your opinion, a long, drawn out train-wreck of a relationship– if you could even call it that. 
You swear that that man has the mentality of a child, and it seemed like every time he would take a step toward the grand goal of maturity, something would come by and knock him two steps back again. 
So it was obviously not a shock to you that the overgrown baby was no where near prepared to raise a baby of his own. You almost expected him to storm off sooner than he did when you told him you were pregnant.
But he just stared at you.
“What? Would you stop staring at me like I’m some alien now?” you had thrown your hands on your hips as if to undermine any overwhelming feelings he had, “You did this to me!!” you had foolishly screamed at him, causing him paused in shock before storming away as you feared he would.
How could you say that to him? Then again, you knew you had your faults as well. After all you were the one who hid the pregnancy until you had begun to show. 
It was just too much for you to bare– the thought of being left alone to raise a snotty little thing, the thought of him staying and you being forced into a failing relationship, the thought of what kind of fucked up hero society you would raise the thing in. All of these thoughts festering in your mind over the past few months boiled into a harden crust and weighed down upon your mind. 
“Shit…” you sighed under your breath, finally releasing the flood of emotions that you had been holding back for all of these months in a wave of tears.
“Y/N,” Shigaraki’s voice suddenly snapped you out of your despairing trance, “Here,” he harshly shoved a soft object into your face much like a student would an unseemly note to his classmate. 
You looked down at the object and was completely surprised by what you saw, “A bear…?” you gawked at the plush object. He hadn’t ever bought you any gifts before.
“I wasn’t planning on staying with you,” he said very simply, his words sending a sharp pain through your heart.
Your still teary eyes blinked a few times as you tried to hold back your inevitable crying, “O-okay? I-“ he suddenly cut you off,
“I’m not as stupid as you might think. I can see that you are unhappy with me, so I was gonna just drop this… us,” he trailed off as if he were carefully preparing his next set of words, so you sat in silence and waited for them,
He finally spoke, “but knowing that we are expecting a child makes me really happy. Because it’s with you. I will… try to make you happier.”
You immediately wrapped your arms around him and held him closer to you than you ever had before, as if you were finally becoming one with him. You honestly didn’t know if the two of you would work out, but hearing those words come from him would make all of the difference in the possibility.
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“GOD DAMMIT! THE BRAT’S ON FIRE AGAIN, Y/N!!” You heard your husband screech from the other side of the house.
“WHAT?! ALREADY!?” You gave a groan in annoyance as you walked down the hall. You could already see light from the flames your son was probably swallowed up in in your living room. You shook your head in exasperation.
As soon as Bakugou spotted you coming, he threw you and expectant look, causing you to throw you hands on your hips as you chastised him, “Well, don’t just stand there looking at me! Grab the extinguisher!”
He immediately became defensive, “What do you think I am trying to do, you idiot! I can’t find it!” He roared back over your sons terrified screams.
“What do you mean you can’t find it?! We have one in every room now!” You screamed back as you picked up your son and hugged him close. The boy dropped something from his hand as you did so.
It was a blessing that you had just come back from work and had your fireproof hero costume on. You already had a full store of clothes that your young toddler had burned through. You patted him on his flaming back in a feeble attempt to soothe him. He continued wailing still.
Your poor baby! You knew he had your fire proof cells, but he was still terrified.
“Babe! Where’s that damn extinguisher!?” You called out.
“You must have moved it earlier this morning when he scorched your shirt!” He accused angrily.
“Oh crap. Well, grab the one from the kitchen, or playroom! And that was more than a scorch and you know it! My favorite blouse looked like a teenage bonfire,” You tried to defend yourself.
“Put me out mommy! Put me out!” Your son sobbed, clinging tightly to your chest as the flames raged around him, “we need ‘wata’!” Your heart broke a little at his hiccups and gasps,
“We can’t use water, baby,” your fire breathing quirk along side Bakugou’s oily nitroglycerin sweat resulted in a pretty terrifying combination for a small child who had a habit of setting himself on fire. The oily fire would only surge if you used water to extinguish it. That’s why you had special extinguishers made just for these occasions, “if DADDY FINDS AN EXTINGUISHER you’ll be okay! Remember? It doesn’t hurt.”
Bakugou suddenly burst back into the room, “I FOUND IT!” He screeched like a battle cry as you held your son an arms length away. Much like you often practiced, Bakugou flipped the nozzle of the red container and released the foamy continents as they sprayed all over your son.
You quickly calmed him down and cleaned him off as Bakugou ran to grab him some more clothes. The two of you worked like a well oiled machine as you swiftly dressed him and consoled him out of his sobs.
Your son eventually cried himself into a nap, meaning you’d have at least 2 hours to prepare for the next inevitable incident. You sighed as you slumped down onto the couch next to an already sprawled Bakugou, “What are we gonna do with this boy,” you shook your head.
“Train him how to use his damn quirk,” he huffed.
You sat up defensively, “We do!”
“Yeah, a few minutes a day,” he spat back.
“He’s a toddler, Katsuki, Jesus!” your face upturned.
“Tell him that! He’s the one spontaneously combusting!” he loudly argued, “Besides, he’ll be four in like a month.” 
It was a rare occurrence that he obtained his quirk so early. The two of you hadn’t expected it for years. 
But doctors theorized that quirks would soon come earlier in age as their power grew— your son might just be among the first of a new era. Different things like diet, stress, activity could all also trigger the quirks to come sooner.
“Well the doctors said his outbursts could be stress related!” Your face shriveled. You weren’t so ignorant to think that yours and Katsuki’s interactions weren’t stressful for a small child. It’s not that you guys weren’t happy together. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Loud and passionate was just the dynamic that the two of you shared, but your son was gentle and nervous somehow. Much like your brother. You shook your head as guilt ate away at your heart, “God, only three years in and we are messing him up already.”
“He’s not fucking messed up!” Your husband argued “He’s perfect!” He announced proudly. This sent a wave of happiness into your heart.
You never really expected Bakugou to be the doting father type, but he had pleasantly surprised you the past few years at how passionate he was about raising your son. Of course there were times where you would question his harsher parenting methods, but all in all, he was a very good, supportive, present father.
You looked up at him proudly, “Yeah,” you agreed with a soft smile.
“Plus, I fixed our plush toy issue,” your husband huffed, “that probably why he was easier to calm the hell down than usual.”
“Our… what?” You raised an eyebrow.
“You really didn’t notice? Are you fucking serious?” He sounded almost hurt, “You said he get’s even more worked up when he’s upset about melting or destroying his toys during his tantrums. So I fixed that problem,” he pointed to the scorched carpet in front of you and that’s when you noticed a small, unscathed plush doll.
Your heart melted. It was a little cute Ground Zero doll! “Oh! Wow! How long has he had that?!” You excitedly exclaimed as you bent down to pick up the fluffy Bakugou.
“I just had the agency brand them yesterday. It’s a fireproof prototype,” he gruffly explained nonchalantly. You immediately leaned over to him to give your thoughtfulness sweetheart of a man a kiss but he harshly threw his face away from you so you only caught his cheek.
All these years, and he still hated affection, “Whatever,” you huffed,  “I have a new man anyway,” you teased, causing him to angrily whip his head back towards you, only to see you placing a kiss on the small plushie.
Suddenly you heard an explosion coming from your sons room, followed by familiar terrified wails, “MOMMYYY! PUT. ME. OUUUUUUT!”
Both you and Bakugou sighed before you angrily punched him on the arm for his loud mouth.
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saltywhovian · 4 years
seven minutes in heaven is hard when there’s four people in the closet
Marinette loved Alya. She was her best friend, her confidant, her rock. But Marinette was going to strangle Alya. She was going to murder Alya, ressurect her, and then murder her again. If she made it out of this closet without being suffocated to death. But hey, being suffocated during Seven Minutes in Heaven is such a good way to die. 
“Marinette! I’m having a little sleepover tonight, nothing fancy, just a few friends, some chips, some bad movies, will you pleaaaase come??” 
Marinette glances over at Alya, who is practically down on her knees begging Marinette to come to the sleepover. “Alya, I-” Marinette makes eye contact with Alya, who has become the literal definition of puppy eyes. Marinette sighs, and grabs her phone. “You know what, I deserve a night off. I’ve been working myself too hard. Let me ask my parents.”
After getting a positive answer from her parents, Marinette gives Alya a thumbs up. Alya squeals, and throws her arms around Marinette. “Girl, you won’t regret it!”
“Okay weirdo,” Marinette chuckles. “Let me finish this homework.”
As Alya walks away, she grins to herself. 
She goes up to Nino and Adrien, and after planting a big kiss on Nino’s cheek, she turns to the boys. “Hey, I’m having a sleepover, do you two want to come?”
Nino nods, and Adrien furrows his brow. “I’ll have to clear it up with Nathalie and my father,” 
Alya interrupts him with a grin. “Uh-uh my friend. I already got approval from Nathalie. You can check with her right now.
Adrien, who is even more confused, pulls out his phone, dialing Nathalie. 
“Hey, um, Alya invited me to a sleepover, and-” he stammers.
“Yes, I am aware of Ms. Cesaire’s get together. You already have your father and I’s consent to attend. But of course, it is your choice on whether or not you go.” Nathalie responds.
“No, no, I want to go! Th- Thank you Nathalie.”
“Have fun Adrien.”
Adrien turns to Alya, amazement in his eyes. “How? Just- how??” 
Alya walks away dramatically, calling over her shoulder, “A magician never reveals her secrets.”
After inviting Alix and Rose, Alya goes to Juleka. “Hey girl, I’m having a little sleepover tonight, do you and your brother want to come?”
Juleka smiles, and shoots a text to Luka. “He would love to come.”
Alya smiles slowly. And that makes four.
You see, Alya was smart. And although everyone except for Adrien knew about Marinette’s “little” crush, Alya knew there was more. Because whenever Kagami was around Adrien, Marinette would get jealous whenever they touched each other. Not just if Kagami initiated the touching, but if Adrien did too. And whenever Marinette was with Luka, they were gentle, they were the same in a quiet kind of way.
So Alya dug a little more. She grilled Adrien enough to know that he’s head over heels for Marinette, just in denial.  She then accomplished the harder task, figuring out Kagami’s feelings. It took nearly a month of careful plotting, and finally, finally got Kagami to admit that she wanted to take Marinette into her arms, and.. Alya stopped Kagami there. 
And then she dug more. Kagami and Adrien weren’t hard to figure out. And the moments that Luka and Adrien shared were so sweet, Alya thought she might get diabetes. As for Kagami, and Luka? There was definitely something there. It just needed a little push. 
Alya did such a good job figuring this all out, she was considering a career as a detective. So with all this information, what was she going to do?
Well she was going to scheme. But she couldn’t do this by herself. So she enlisted Nino, and then after some careful thought, she pulled Juleka into the planning.
After another two weeks, they had a plan. Operation Seven Minutes was a go.
Honestly, the hardest part was convincing Kagami and Adriens parents to let their children attend a co-ed sleepover. Alya went to Nathalie first. She explained that Kagami would be there, and that they would be doing meditation, to relax and tame their emotions due to stress of everyday life. She said that it would be beneficial and would allow Adrien to focus more on his duties. Nathalie gave her a smile, and told her that Adrien had her permission to attend the sleepover. For Kagami, it involved simply stating that Adrien Agreste would be in attendance, and Gabriel Agreste approved of the affair. Ms. Tsurugi approved immediately. 
So she invited the four, and a few others to create less awkwardness in the room, so she could trick the idiots into a false sense of security. 
Technically the main objective of Operation Seven Minutes was to get the four idiots together, but the true objective was for Alya to live all her shipping fantasies and be as amused as she can possibly be. 
She sends a text to Operation Seven Minutes.
Red -The birds are in the bush
Purple - What?
Green - Everyone’s coming.
Purple - Why couldn’t Alya just say that?
Red - Code names, Purple!
Purple - They’re kinda dumb
Green - She’s got a point, babe
Red - Whatever, whatever. Time for Phase 3.
Marinette rings the doorbell at Alya’s place, face slightly flushed at her late arrival. Alya opens the door, and pulls Marinette in. “There you are, girl! I got worried for a second that you weren’t coming!”
“I’m so sorry Alya, there was an emergency at the bakery…” Marinette trails off as she takes in the people in the room. Nino and Alix are engaged in fervent conversation that’s no doubt involving some extreme dare, Juleka and Rose cuddling, and…
Adrien, Luka and Kagami all sitting together looking mildly awkward. Scratch that, really awkward. 
Marinette slowly turns to Alya, her face twitching. Before the situation escalates, Alya snatches Marinette’s bag and yeets it into a corner.
“Alright, gather round, gather round!” Alya beckons. “Now that Marinette’s here, we’re going to play Uno!”
Marinette balks at the circle, unsure on where to sit. Kagami tugs at Marinette's sleeve, indicating a spot in between her and Luka. “Sit next to me Marinette.”
Marinette smiles, which the team notices, thanks to a nudge in the ribs from Alya. “O-Okay Kagami.”
Luka makes a small wave at Marinette as she settles in. “I’m glad you’re here, Marinette.”
Adrien leans over from Luka’s other side. “Me too!”
Kagami gently scoots in closer to Marinette, leaning into the conversation. “I as well Marinette. I always seem to enjoy myself when you’re around.”
Marinette is practically speechless, already furiously flushing. Nino, Alya and Juleka fist bump, whispering “Pound it!”
Uno goes better than Alya could ever imagine. Sure Alix is another +4 away from murdering someone, but that was a foreseen circumstance. No, Alya is very pleased because the four have been slowly snuggling closer and closer to each other. And because of how competitive Marinette gets, she is no longer stuttering around anyone. 
Kagami looks at Marinette, her eyes gleaming in regret. “Marinette, I’m so sorry, I have no other card..” She places the +4 card down. “I hope you can find it in your heart to ever forgive me.”
Marinette meets Kagami’s eyes, her own filled with understanding. “It’s okay Kagami, I know you would never willingly betray me. Besides, you’ve given me the perfect opportunity.”
Luka looks at Marinette in alarm, clutching his three card deck to his chest. “Marinette, you couldn’t. You- you wouldn’t!”
Marinette shrugs, looking nonchalant, but a smirk is threatening to break through her casual expression. “I’m sorry Luka, but you are a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
“Marinette, it doesn’t have to be like this!”
“Oh but it does.” She slams the +4 card down on top of Kagami's card. “Uno.”
Luka stares at the card, disbelief taking his body. Adrien rubs his back, mourning the defeat.
Marinette tenderly places a hand on Luka’s face. “I’m sorry it had to be like this. Maybe in another lifetime it would work. But it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.” 
Luka gasps at the touch, much to Juleka’s delight. But before he can respond, Alix leaps to her feet, eyes raging, pillow in hand. “I’ve had enough! This means war!” Alix then swings the pillow into Ninos face, knocking him to the floor. 
The room erupts into chaos. Everyone scrambles to grab a pillow, and attack the foes around them. Adrien immediately jumps in front of Marinette, acting as a human shield. “Marinette stay back!” he yells. “I’ll protect you!” 
On the ground, Marinette looks up at Adrien, who is practically glowing in the fluorescent lighting, framed by feathers floating around them. The moment is ruined by Adrien being shunted to the couch by a pillow to the ribs. Marinette rushes to his side and clutches his hand. “Adrien! Are you okay?”
He looks up to her, and hands her his pillow. Marinette nods, determination in her eyes. “I’ll avenge you.” 
She rushes into battle, the power of the past Ladybugs flowing through her veins. Kagami and Luka, who are currently fighting back to back, can only watch in awe as Marinette, crowned with righteous fury, slams her pillow in Ninos stomach, causing him to fall into Alya.
 “Oh girl I’ll get you for that!” she cries, hoisting her pillow into the air.
In a blink, Kagami rushes to block Alya. While engaged in a furious standoff with Alya, she cries “Luka, now!”
Alya looks back to see Luka leaping into the air with his pillow above his head.
From the couch, Adrien yells “Finish her Luka!”
And finish her he does. With one final blow, Alya is struck to the ground. The battle ends with Luka and Kagami flanking Marinette, while their friends lay fallen around them. 
Rose looks up, and starts laughing. “I think that’s a good segway to pajamas, huh?” 
Marinette fidgets with her pajamas, displeased with her selection. She had picked them based on the thought that it was just going to Alya, Rose and Alix, so she’s wearing a silky tank top and short combo that she made herself. The pink tank top sometimes rides up to show a little stomach, and the shorts show way too much leg than she is comfortable letting Luka, Adrien and Kagami see.  “Alya,” Marinette hisses under her breath. “I cannot go out in this!”
Alya tugs a stubborn Marinette into the other room. “Girl, relax. Once you see what everyone else is wearing, you’ll calm down.”
Marinette doesn’t exactly calm down, per say. She doesn’t really notice what Alix and Nino are wearing, but sees that Rose and Juleka are matching. But she stops right in her tracks when she sees her crushes. 
Kagami, who is watching Luka and Adrien squabble, is wearing the prettiest red nightgown Marinette has ever seen. It’s big and billowy, falls right above her knees, and the puffy sleeves give Kagami this innocent yet beautiful look. Kagami rushes to Marinette’s side, clutching her arm. Marinette is trying, and failing to ignore how Kagami's fingers feel against her bare skin. 
“They’re fighting because they’re matching,” Kagami whispers into Marinette’s ear. 
Marinette finally looks at Adrien and Luka, and almost faints. Luka and Adrien are both wearing Ladybug onesies, both with hoods and feet, and are in a heated argument over the matching.
“I’m just saying that you should change because I’m the biggest Ladybug fan.” Adrien argues. “I’m literally Chat Noir- I mean in the animated movie.”
“Any true fan knows that the movie sucked,”  Luka counters. “Just because you are ‘Chat Noir’,” he mocks with air quotes, “Doesn’t entitle you to the title of the biggest Ladybug fan.”
Marinette whispers back to Kagami, “I should probably intervene before this cat fight gets ugly.” Shouldering her way inbetween the onesie clad boys, she gives both of them a stern glare, silencing them. “Boys, you’re both pretty. Besides, I think Chloe wins that title. She literally has an expensive Ladybug cosplay, wig and all.” 
The boys nod in agreement, mostly distracted by Marinette’s choice in pajamas. Luka hates to prove the “boys are distracted by girls shoulders” stereotype, but he cannot stop staring. There’s something about the dip from her next to the shoulder that just makes him…
“Alright, losers, let’s play some truth and dare!” Alix’s challenge breaks the spell. The boys and Marinette sit down where they are, and Kagami joins them at Adrien’s side. “Alright, Rose, truth or dare?”
Rose blinks at the question, weighing the options. “Truth!”
“If you could kiss anyone in this room, who would you kiss?”
Without any hesitation, Rose blurts out “Juleka!” 
Juleka, who is settled in at her side, slowly turns to Rose, her face the same shade as Rose’s pjs. “Um, really?”
Rose, who is also bright pink, nods, and pulls Juleka into the hall. The rest of the room sits in silence until the two come back a few minutes later. 
Juleka breaks the silence. “We’re dating now.” 
The room, once again erupts into chaos. Luka rushes to his sister, crying about how proud he is, Alix to Rose saying that it’s all thanks to her. In the chaos, someone bumps into Marinette, causing her to tumble right smack into Kagami. Thanks to some cruel twist of misfortune, Marinette’s hands… are dangerously close to where they shouldn’t be. Marinette flings herself back, stammering out apologies, but Kagami silences her with a hand and a smile. 
“Marinette, I know you would never purposely do anything to me,” Kagami assures Marinette. “You are pure and true. That’s why..” 
But Kagami never finishes her sentence. With a roar, Alya silences the room. “Okay, we can all agree that we all just witnessed something beautiful. Now let’s get back to Truth or Dare.” She peers around the room, eyes landing on Adrien. “Adrien, truth or dare?”
“Uh… dare?” the blonde answers.
“I dare you to sit in Luka’s lap until dared to move.”
Adrien is practically red. “I, uh, erm…”
Alix whoops, “You’ve got to do, blondie. A dare’s a dare!”
So Adrien makes his way over to Luka. “Are you okay with this, Luka?” Adrien asks, desperate to not be placed in this situation.
Luka, who most definitely wants to be placed in this situation, shrugs, trying to hide his excitement. “Yeah.” he pats his lap, wiggling his eyebrows at Adrien. “Sit down, Monsieur.”
Adrien slowly drops himself into Luka’s lap, gently moving until he’s comfortable. 
Alya sneakily takes a picture. 
After a few more truths and dares, it’s Juleka’s turn to ask. “Marinette, truth or dare?”
After a few seconds of thinking, Marinette answers “Dare.”
“I dare you…” Juleka makes a huge show out of thinking up a dare, but the one she has is one memorized from Alya’s meticulous planning. “To give Luka a kiss on the nose.” 
Adrien looks at the two, who are starting to look like Ladybug’s costume, and asks “Do I have to move?”
Juleka shakes her head. “Stay where you are.”
Marinette sputters, but makes her way over to Luka and Adrien. Leaning past Adrien, who melts at the feeling of Marinette breathing by his ear, Marinette locks eyes with Luka. “I’m going to kiss you now,” she whispers. He nods, and Marinette brushes her lips onto the tip of his nose. Luka cannot control the sigh that escapes him. Marinette pulls back and returns to Kagami’s side, who straightens up, and looks to Adrien.
“Adrien, truth or dare?” Kagami asks him. 
“Uh, dare I guess?” Adrien answers, intimidated by her intensity. 
“I dare you to sit in my lap.”
You can hear a pin drop.
The team was not expecting the operation to go this well. 
“You heard her right, Adrien.” Rose chimes. “Go sit in her lap!”
Luka, who is very reluctant to give up Adrien, watches as he goes, and settles into his second lap of the evening. Kagami leans forward into his back, and whispers into his ear, “I missed you.” 
Adrien thinks he is going to die. 
This time, Nino takes the picture.
After another round that results in Alix reliquenshing her hat to a very delighted Rose, Alya takes the reins. “Luka, Kagami, I dare you two swap pajamas. One of you can change in my bathroom, the other in my bedroom.”
Lukan and Kagami make eye contact, an unspoken message coursing through the room. Kagami taps Adrien’s lower back. “I’ll be back.” 
He stands up, sitting with a very delighted Marinette, allowing Kagami and Luka to go to Alya’s room. Once in the room, Kagami closes the door and turns to Luka. Luka is the first one to break the silence. “What’s your game at?”
“What game?” Kagami drawls, not breaking the stand off. 
“Well, I just found it odd that you dared Adrien to sit in your lap while Marinette was right there, and you’ve been glued to her side all evening.”
“I do not hesitate, Luka. I know what I want, and I get it.”
Luka raises his hands in a sign of peace. “Hey, I’m not trying to start a fight or anything. I’m just trying to figure out if we’re on the same page.”
“What page, Luka?”
“Do I really have to spell it out?”
Kagami’s silence is all the answer he gets.
“Fine, fine. Listen, I’m in love with Adrien and Marinette, and I’m almost positive that you feel the same.”
“You are correct about almost everything.”
“You failed to account that I might be in love with you.”
Kagami raises an eyebrow. “Oh? I confess to you and all you have to say is oh??” 
Luka backtracks, trying to explain himself, but Kagami interrupts. “It’s okay. I’m not going to be selfish.”
“No, no no!  You’ve got me all wrong, Kagami!” Luka slides a hand through his hair. “You’re like, part of my harmony. The four of us, we’re like a four part harmony. I… need all of the chords to sound good.”
Kagami gasps, a blush dusting across her cheeks. “Oh!”
Luka chuckles, and Kagami shoots him a glare. “The irony is not lost on me. However, the main issue at hand here is the fact that we’re being set up.”
“Definitely. But, I’m not mad about it..”
Kagami raises an eyebrow. “Hm?”
“Well, think about it. Do you think we would’ve ever figured it out on our own? I lo-love all of you, and you’re probably the smartest of us all, but we’re kinda dumb. Marinette will figure out if given many many hints, and Adrien…”
Luka falters, not wishing to insult Adrien, but continues. “When it comes to crushes, Adrien’s about as smart as a rock. Not like a cool rock. Just a rock.”
Kagami snorts at the comparison, and turns to Luka, smirking. “I say we play along, and enjoy ourselves. Besides, whatever’s going on,” She laces her fingers into Luka’s, who is smiling, and squeezes her hand back. “It already led me to you.”
“Let’s finally complete the dare, huh?”
Kagami nods, and they split to change, fingers touching until the very last second. 
When Kagami and Luka leave, the sitting arrangements have slightly changed. Alya and Nino are cutely snuggled up. Alix is sprawled on top of their laps, smirking at Adrien and Marinette. Alya sees the pair, and motions to be quiet. Adrien and Marinette are holding hands, red as Adrien’s onesie. Their feet are brushed up against each other, and Marinette is very pointedly not looking at Adrien.  
Marinette would later swear she felt Adrien purring. 
Kagami leans over to Alya, whispering, “Where are Juleka and Rose?”
Alya whispers back, “Alix dared them to play Seven MInutes in Heaven, which should be up right….” A timer beeps off, and Rose and Juleka stumble out of the coat closet, mildly disoriented but both foolishly smiling. 
Luka and Kagami make eye contact, an unspoken thought passing among them. Marinette finally notices Kagami and Luka and squeaks when she sees them. She’s mostly excited about how cute Kagami looks in the ridiculously oversized Ladybug onesie, but her and Adrien quickly notice the nightgown on Luka falls smack in the middle of his thighs. Both Adrien and Marinette fight an urge to touch his legs. 
Alya wiggles her eyebrows, and nudges Nino, who grabs Juleka’s attention. They all know it’s time for the final phase of Operation Seven Minutes. It’s perfect that Alix already made a segway to having people playing it, really, this is going way too well. “Hey Marinette, you haven’t had a turn in a while. Truth or dare?”
Marinette chuckles, somehow miraculously still holding Adrien’s hand, decides “I’m feeling a dare.”
Time to go for the kill. “I dare you to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with someone of your choice.”
Marinette looked ready to murder Alya. Twitching hands, and a very fake smile. Nino jumps in, as according to plan, in case Marinette couldn’t pick. “C’mon Alya, don’t make her pick! She’ll take so long, that we’ll all be 80. I’ll pick.”
“NO!” Marinette practically screeches. “No. No. Alya dared me to pick, and so I’ll pick.” She doesn’t pick. 
After a minute that felt like an hour, Juleka speaks up. “I have an idea. How about Marinette goes in the closet, and whoever wants to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with her will follow. Anyone opposed?”
When no one speaks, Marinette nods, and shuffles off to the closet. As she sits in there, her mind begins to race. Why is no one coming? It’s because no one likes you, you should’ve just picked Alya and hugged her for 7 minutes..
While Marinette worries outside, her friends sit in silence. Suddenly, Kagami stands up and rushes to the closet. Luka leaps up, hot on her tail. After a few seconds, Adrien jumps up, and scrambles after the two, muttering “Crap, crap, crap!”
Alya, Nino and Juleka just stare in amusement, and Rose and Alix...are going to need a moment.
Before Marinette can spiral any more, Kagami slams the door open, then attempts to lean on the door nonchalantly. “Uh, hey-” she’s promptly interrupted by Luka's body slamming into her, causing both of them to fall in with Marinette. She squeaks as they both fall in, and if it wasn’t awkward already, Adrien also trips and stumbles in. Alya makes no time in quickly shutting the door, and the fours eyes widen hearing the lock click. “Seven minutes starting now, have fun!”
Marinette is the first to speak up. “So, um, all of us are in here. In here, in this closet, for s-seven m-m-minutes in heaven. Hm, hm, so I uh, hm..”
Marinette is so cute that the three might die. 
Kagami smiles. “Marinette, may I?” Marinette cues her with a nod. “I believe that Marinette is pointing out the fact that we all wanted to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with her, a party game for the sole purpose of making out. I know that I would love to make out with Marinette.”
Luka nods in agreement. “Same here.”
Marinette is a squeaky, blushy mess. They all turn to Adrien.
He is blushing just as bad, if not worse than Marinette. “Y-yeah…” 
Marinette almost faints. “I, um, would like to uh, make, make, um up, no out, with all of you too.” 
Kagami, who would later claim that she already knew this and just wanted the others to know, lets out a faint “Yes!”
“Erm.. Continue.”
Marinette nods. “I, um, also, notice, that you guys, all kinda, you know, um, like each, each, other, and  I um, like, want to sugg- suggest,”
Luka tries to rub her back to encourage her, but because of how small the closet is, he ends up being squished a little too close to Marinette, with his face mere inches from Adrien’s.
Adrien is going to give Alya the entire Gabriel fortune. He’s going to give her the entire company. 
“I-” she gulps. “I would like to suggest us, being in like, a poly group. Only, only if everyone's okay with it, and I know we would have to work out all the kinks-”
Marinette is quickly silenced by a swift kiss from Kagami. While the two girls kiss, Luka and Adrien are both trying to decide to get jealous, or kiss each other. Kagami takes her sweet time pulling away, and whispers, “I would love to date you. All of you. If-if you’ll have me.”
Surprisingly, Adrien speaks up. “It would be a dream to date all of you. I, have to admit, I loved Marinette first, deep down, and then Luka and Kagami came into my life, and I’ve, I’ve never been the same.”
Everyone looks to Luka, who lets out a hearty chuckle. “Of course I want to date you guys! All of you are my harmony. My beautiful, beautiful harmony.”
Marinette looks up at all of them,  tears brimming in her eyes. “I love you guys!”
“We love you too Marinette!”
“You know,” Luka mentions, wiggling his eyebrows at Adrien. “Alya shoved us in here to play Seven Minutes, and those seven minutes are ticking by…”
Outside, Alix glances over to Alya. “Did you set the timer?”
“Oh no!” Alya gasps, most definitely insincere. She makes a huge show out of picking up her phone, and pretending to be surprised that the timer isn’t set. “I’ll just set it to seven minutes now. I just hope they don’t mind!”
Nino rolls his eyes, snaking an arm around his girlfriend. “I’m almost positive they won’t babe.”
After the actual seven minutes, Alya finally unlocks and opens the door. “Times up,” she calls, “I hope you guys weren’t too..” All four of them topple out of the closet, tangled and flustered. “Uncomfortable.” she finishes with a smirk.
Marinette smiles, stands up, dusts herself up, and pulls up her girlfriend and boyfriends, kissing each of their cheeks. “We managed.” 
Later that night
“M’lady,” Chat Noir calls, settling next to her on the Eiffel Tower. “It’s 1 am, are you okay?”
“No, yeah! I’m actually great!” she assures him. “I called you here to tell you something. So, you know how I kept rejecting you?”
“Yeah, about that-”
“Wait. Just, let me finish, kitty. I’m dating the boy now, and I’m also dating two other people that I really love, and I thought was a rival for me to the boy, and the other boy the boy thought was his rival and I’m telling you this because you’re my friend and my partner..”
And in that moment, a fog is lifted from his mind. He places his hand on Ladybug’s shoulder, and whispers, “Marinette?”
“How-” and the fog is lifted from her as well. “Adrien?”
He pulls, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. They pull each other into a deep hug, and sob into the night. 
“Of course it’s you,” Adrien cries into Marinette’s shoulder. “It’s always been you.”
They share a tear soaked kiss, weighted down by each other, by their love for each other, by their love for the two still with Alya. 
Marinette stands up, and pulls Adrien to his feet. “Let’s get back before Luka and Kagami notice we’re gone.”
They’ve already noticed, but they will let the duo tell them on their own time. For now, they just let the two snuggle in close, and hold them tight. After all, that’s what love is. Trust. 
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ddaenghoney · 5 years
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chapter sixteen
masterlist link in blog description.
As a successful songwriter, you want nothing more than the acknowledgment that the chart-topping musical pieces are your own creations. But contracts, relationships, and the difficulty of facing the stakes involved head on, keep your mouth shut until pressure builds too much.
Pairing(s): Park Jimin x Y/N, Min Yoongi x Y/N
disclaimer: any characters depicted do not represent the actual personality of the respected idol in real life.
Series warning(s)/genre(s): Chapter-based written fic, Slow-burn relationship(s), Fake-dating, Unrequited love, Songwriter/producer!oc, idol!Jimin, idol/songwriter/producer!Yoongi, friends with benefits, drama, romance, smut, angst, fluff (updated as needed)
Chapter warning(s): mentions of anxiety/nervousness. Yoongi going through quite a bit ) :
Word count: 5826
if you enjoy please, please let me know!
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“Wow, it didn’t take you long to get here.” Yoongi says as he steps back to open the door wider. You nod your head, entering inside,
“I was already in the car with Jin, and there’s not really much traffic right now.” You rub your hands together, paying particular attention to let your thumbs meddle with the individual fingers. The front door shuts with a click and an electronic beep to indicate it’s properly secure. Your eyes remain fixed towards the floor, mulling over the different things he could want to tell you.
“Were you going somewhere with him after seeing him and Namjoon at the cafe?” Yoongi’s voice is normal, a casual inquisitiveness like he hadn’t mentioned a conversation that needs to happen not even half an hour earlier. His hand finds your back with a tiny nudge to lead you towards the couch just like the day before and any other time you’ve ended up at his place for one reason or another. Despite the multitude of armchairs framing the living space, it’s been natural to sit beside one another as you do now.
“Yeah,” You say then recall that uncomfortable situation to cause you and Seokjin to leave Namjoon’s cafe. Part of you still wants to settle in the idea that the three of you were making incorrect assumptions. The first group, and then the second set of patrons were simply going in to drink coffee or have pastries. Ultimately it’s speculation, and you could just be overthinking the popularity of your name after a night of music exposure. “He was just giving me a ride.”
Yoongi watches the words appear to flutter uncertainly from your lips, like they attempt to cover a larger picture. He frowns slightly, then catches sight of balling hands on your lap. Without consideration for anything besides a clearer understanding of whatever is troubling you, Yoongi moves a few inches closer so that he can reach an intersect your focused sightline. He doesn’t surprise from your shoulders shrugging in surprise, instead smiling gently as your restless grip changes to take a delicate hold on his hand.
Your stare finally finds his own, and Yoongi thinks about the comments from the internet. You told him you wanted to wait until the evening to check any yourself, but maybe you had like he had. “What’s wrong?”
Your brows furrow, lips pouting in disbelief of his question, “You said you needed to talk to me so I’m nervous about it.” Without hesitation or tact you speak up, then clamp your lips shut. Squeezing his hand within the confines of your own, you sigh in embarrassment, unaware of Yoongi’s eyes widening in realization. “That sounded kind of harsh how I said it. But I just,” You shrug and pull your legs up onto the couch to better face him, “It’s not even three in the afternoon and you’re back home, Yoon.”
“Oh, yeah,” He blurts out, then nods slowly. You nearly snort in amusement with how he seems to have forgotten the tone of his voice in the phone call, but smother it as he uses his free hand to rub the arch of his shoulder and neck. “Yeah, I know it’s weird.” He narrows his eyes towards the sight of your connecting hands, though entirely unfocused on it. “I do have something to say, I just didn’t figure out how to say it before you got here.”
“Did Yerin end up getting really upset with you?” Yoongi bites his lip at the question, causing you to worry about the severity of the decision to release. If he is going to have a difficult time at SoundWave now, you would like to take back clicking the button, even if he said he was aware of the risks. Yoongi shouldn’t be the person facing the brunt of whatever repercussions there are.
“SoundWave is dropping me from the company.”
Your lips part, taking the sentence into your head. Yoongi doesn’t speak further, eyes simply staring towards your hands holding his, where he grips onto you the reason for this is all.
Language escapes your mind, unable to think of a response to his words. If you were called straight away for the company to tell you they’re cutting the contract short and firing you, if you were called in so they can slam paperwork for some sort of contrived lawsuit, if they took action against you for what happened, you can understand that. You expected the force of Yerin’s voice nailing your nerves while she tells you every reason why you made the wrong choice.
But Yerin firing Yoongi wasn’t a consideration.
She could’ve got rid of you months ago when the initial photographs of you and Yoongi leaked and she acknowledged the hidden affair between you and Jimin, but all along she never did. Despite the constant prodding into the company like you meant to make it burst, you were reprimanded through words wherever you expected a tearing of your contract in half.
“Why,” Yoongi looks up at your cracking mumble, finding your eyes contorted in confusion and complete regret. He goes to speak, feeling your hands tremble around his as you shake your head, “She can’t do that-” You cut your own voice off as you consider the fact that she has every right to, and you watch Yoongi bite his lip frowning. “I’m sorry.” His eyes narrow, following your figure as you stand from the couch, “This is my fault- I’ll go talk to her, I’m sorry-”
“It’s not your fault.” Yoongi reaches for your wrist while he pursues your distraught path, “Y/N, I told you that I thought about it before-”
“Did you think she’d fire you!” You turn as you ask, frowning. Yoongi’s lips shut, tightening, and you believe the tremble in his soft grip on your wrist exists, but it’s largely masked by your own surging emotions rumbling in your veins. “Yoongi, you can’t lose your job, you don’t deserve that. You’ve worked for everything.”
“You have too.” Yoongi’s voice rings with conviction, willing you to stay silent as he fumbles through other sentences swarming in his thoughts. Shaking his head, Yoongi sighs, taking a moment to admit, “I didn’t think she’d do that.”
With how much his title contributes to the company, why would either of you ever thought they would fire him for this. Even in your head, the punishment for helping you release music was comparably minor to this reality. You anticipated articles ripping you to shreds for him letting you feature in his works by only being his girlfriend. You thought Yerin would force him to remove the tracks and take away his allowance of independently posting music.
“I’ll go talk to her.”
“She’s not going to change her mind, angel.” Yoongi watches your hands clench, knowing you feel entirely helpless and unsure of how to go about assisting him. He doesn’t think it’s worth it for you to be so upset-- that this is simply a plausible repercussion, and one that isn’t your fault. Involving yourself between him and Yerin wouldn’t do anything, perhaps even serving to cause public scrutiny for you if SoundWave takes louder measures.
A year earlier, Yoongi wondered what stopped him from helping Hoseok during the scandal. His own fear felt like tape over his mouth, discouraging any means to speak favorably to the press about Hoseok whose reputation was crushed in a matter of weeks from lies and misconceptions fed into the public. All the while Yoongi let it go on, offering only an ear to spill worries and stresses, but no voice to give aid.
“Yoon, I’m so sorry.” Hearing your frail voice, Yoongi remembers offering help. In a small voice, maybe one he hoped Hoseok wouldn’t hear, but did. Only to be met with him telling Yoongi not to. “I shouldn’t have let this happen.”
“They shouldn’t have done any of this to us.” Yoongi says immediately, recalling Yerin’s short speech earlier to him that day. He knew that it wouldn’t be good news, he already prepared for that from the moment the secretary called him on his commute to say that Yerin needed to speak to him immediately.
“You made the choice for this.” She said after Yoongi questioned why. In his stupor, he thought he heard her wrong, never thinking that she would fire him from the first sentence. “I don’t need the liability of you acting on your own like this. Your platform is too big for you to make ridiculous, impulsive decisions. And considering the online reception of those songs, it’s only natural that something had to be done. None of them went over well where fans are concerned. The amount of backlash you’re going to receive is reason enough, but I know that you won’t stop here. I can’t have someone like you in this company.”
“I never wanted any of this, Y/N.”
Ice infects his words, though spoken quietly. Weakly does his hand remain on your wrist, resembling something closer to resigning conviction, and it brings your heart to an even pace. Despite your previous racing thoughts screaming at you to go to SoundWave and fight for him to get his job back, in the sentence Yoongi brings everything to a painful lull.
Little time is needed to understand that his words aren’t directed at an anger towards being fired, but something deeper that you know is familiar. From small glances before. You can recall the tour Yerin gave him around the company building so many months ago and the stoic expression that seemed to be following motions, the time you asked him if he enjoys SoundWave just to be met with mostly silence until he could verbalize a doubtful yes. In front of cameras Yoongi’s eyes were always avoiding looking directly, dodging away like what he couldn’t show himself properly.
You shrug his hand off of you as you take a step towards him, adjusting your arm so that your palm cups his cheek. Angling his face towards your gently, Yoongi’s eyes look collected with moisture, but absent of release. Jaw tightened, then more so as he frowns down at your concern twinkling irises. “Yoon.”
The softness of your voice sends his ribcage into a shudder, unable to allow himself words for risk they’ll end up exhaling words he’s never felt like he should say. Your thumb strokes gently, so soothingly warm against his stinging skin. He lets his hands find purchase on your waist as you perk onto your toes to leave a tiny kiss on beside his lips, like a feathering promise. Silently waiting however long you’ll need to.
“I’ve never been me in front of everyone, angel,” His voice takes time on his words, like his subconscious grips onto them tightly until they’re ripped away by the invitation of your comfort. “My other company and SoundWave,” He sighs, squeezing your waist as he finds himself weakening. Yoongi has so much, he shouldn’t be upset about such a simple thing like reputation.
“Yoongi,” His eyes flicker back towards yours, seeing them present, focused. “You can tell me.”
Compared to you whose every means to be acknowledged has been constantly subdued since your entry into the music industry, Yoongi thinks it’s almost ridiculous for him to complain to you. Despite his own allowance of you telling him your troubles, he doesn’t feel like he should be allowed to talk to you about things that would’ve been changeable if he simply acted on his own accord like what people expect of him. But it’s fabrication to be unsociable and distant for the persona that grew from the debut album into an unleavable image.
Hoseok did what he wanted for himself, always maintaining his truly positive attitude and letting every fan see him as he is. Even in the midst of handling the scandal of his relationship with Seulgi, and allowing her to fabricate a clean escape that left Hoseok dealing with the brunt of misconceptions, he still did it all freely. Perhaps now he would’ve reacted differently, but Hoseok’s actions have always been his own despite what people could think, and that’s simply why he’s able to start again.
“I just feel like I’m some sort of puppet.” Yoongi believes his voice to sound hollow, more so than he intended. With it spoken, he already feels like it should be pulled back and hidden away. With how much freedom he was given to produce his music that suited the brand, and release a few independently conceptualized songs now and again without permission, Yoongi realizes that he was given the most to work with.
For you, Hoseok, and even Jimin your creative inputs were disregarded entirely. For Yoongi it was always just a distance between himself and the public; something meant to appear unattainable. He speaks quieter, without realizing the words escape, “I’m not ever supposed to be me.”
Your chest stings as his drifting focus leads away from you. Something so consuming about his words go so far as to even mesh into Yoongi’s voice, and he’s in your touch but you feel like you’re not a presence for whatever problems are further within his somber admissions. From his cheek, your hand falls away to settle on his shoulder, squeezing bits of warmth that snap his stare back to you.
“You’ve always been you to me.” The sentiment outwardly appears small, but the conviction amidst your gentle voice resonates deeply in Yoongi’s chest. With his eyes widening so slightly he finds himself in silence, for some reason baffled by your statement, because certainly how the two of you interacted very initially could have led incorrect assumptions of who he is.
“Yeah, but I don’t have to be SUGA around you.” Yoongi says, recalling the simplistic intention of releasing music as an idol years ago. “Ever since debut everyone always picked how I’m supposed to act and look on their own,” He sighs, reaching to rub his head and then tugging some of the locks, “Even my hair,” There’s a passing scoff as his voice grows spiteful, “It’s been blonde since my debut-- more than five years, and I’ve never been able to get anyone to let me change it.”
His rambling falters as he realizes the ridiculousness of it all. Yoongi’s arm drops back to his side, and he sighs softly, head shaking, “I shouldn’t be saying this, angel, I’m sorry. You probably think it’s whiny,” He mumbles with a remorseful twinge, and you shake your head immediately, trying to speak in opposition to the idea but Yoongi goes on to finish, “I never thought about how much I hate pretending to be something until right now.”
“Yoongi,” Your grip on his shoulder shakes him slightly as your voice trickles out fervently for his ears to tune into. “It’s not wrong for you to feel bad about this-- if I never met you I would’ve been played by your management team too, but what people see of you in media isn’t you,” You frown, wondering if any of this makes any sense. “And you can be mad about that, Yoon, really. You didn’t want to be any of that-- I know you. I know it hurts having to follow along with everything without say, you can be mad about it. It’s okay to be.”
“I have everything else though-- they let me make my own music and everything, how am I supposed to be ungrateful about that one thing--” Yoongi grits his teeth as the retort sounded closer to an exclamation, but it’s infuriating in his mind. Escaping as frustration in blurring irises. “Why should I be complaining when you have it worse?”
Your thumbs acknowledge the tears before Yoongi’s senses do. In a startle his shoulders tense at the tiny brush to relieve his cheeks of trickling he desperately wishes would cease now that he realizes it escapes his eyes. Blinking tightly does nothing but expel more, and his jaw feels so pressured from clamming shut. “Yoon, if something hurts it hurts. Your problems aren’t less than mine.”
Yoongi wants to combat the claim, but your slight smile stops him. Empathetically bright like a small flame. He remains silent, as tension abandons his shoulders and similar words he’s said to you play through his mind. Tightening his lips together cause a new glistening trail from his eyes as remnants of the emotional flood drain away. Yoongi tugs you closer to him, arms encircle your waist to hug you as you settle your hands to rub soothingly through his hair.
“I know it’s just me saying this, but I think it’d be really hard to never be yourself in front of the world, Yoon.” You tell him while Yoongi’s face buries against your shoulder, hidden away but kept protectively close within your embrace. “You don’t have to keep it all in.”
Carefully, Yoongi’s arms tighten, clinging in a way to your person and all the safety it feels to dispel into him. He remains static as the tears in his eyes evaporate from the calmness of silence and a chance to recollect himself, yet feel much more relieving. Your fingertips seemingly perpetual massage against his scalp, and the stable feeling of you within his arms act as a constant, bringing back the equilibrium so everything feels manageable.
“I really don’t want you to go and talk to Yerin about my job, angel.” Yoongi murmurs after a small eternity of comforting quiet. As he pulls away only enough to look at you, he sees your expression changed into the slightest of dissatisfaction with his words. Realizing you clearly planned to say whatever you could, Yoongi smiles gently, face a little puffy from the tears. “I’m certain she won’t change her mind anyways.”
“But-” You start and immediately grow silent. Despite what he’s said, you can’t stop feeling responsible, and like you should be trying to help fix what Yoongi lost. However, the delay in the conversation let logic enter your head again and you know he’s right. Trying to get back in would be practically useless.
In the midst of your contemplation, Yoongi’s lips find yours in a short kiss, surprising your focus back to him. Leaving only a few centimeters of space, he speaks, “I’ll figure something out. Maybe this’ll be for the best.” Your immediate squeeze on his shoulder makes him momentarily puzzled, wondering if the last sentence sparked worry, but Yoongi doesn’t worry long as you very assertively reply,
“We’ll figure something out.” Subdued determined sparkles in your eyes, causing Yoongi’s head to imperceptibly nod as he registers the intention of paraphrasing his sentence with a different pronoun. Involving yourself into this matter. Yoongi’s lips curl upwards. “Whatever happens, at least you’ll be able to do it however you want, babe.”
“Babe?” He repeats, smile growing wider while your mouth shuts and your eyes avert. Finding an inkling of embarrassment in your pout as he points out the term of endearment you make a grumbling whine that Yoongi chuckles at. “Sorry, it was just cute.” He explains only serving to earn a glare from your growing flustered expression, “You’re right, angel. I don’t know what’ll happen, but we get to pick it all now.”
With the severity of the situation drifting in the ambiance, you both find further conversation puzzling. In favor of allowing your mind to wander, your rosy pigments simply fade as the question of what to do now perpetuates itself in the forefront of attention. By the way Yoongi rests is forehead back on your shoulder, and his fingers lock with each other as he holds you, you’re sure that despite both of your best intentions to remain positive, it’s difficult to do so.
The two of you have been cast aside from the backing of a company, and with the songs released only a day earlier, surely the loss of good reputation in the public hasn’t peaked yet. You haven’t even found the will to look through comments on the released tracks, and with everything going how it is, you’re not sure how you’ll be able to convince yourself to.
“Were you and Jin going to do something together earlier?”
“What?” You blink, then shove the thoughts in your head aside to recall the rest of the events that day. “Oh,” You shake your head as Yongi stands upright once more, letting his hands fall away from you. “No, we were just driving from Namjoon’s place.”
Yoongi’s eyebrows furrow in pure confusion, “Just to drive around?”
At the memory of the situation in the cafe your voice falters in your throat. Not that you were unwilling to speak to Yoongi about the issue, but to begin with you weren’t certain if the three of you had overreacted, and with the added news from SoundWave you wanted to ignore that topic altogether. The last thing you wanted to give Yoongi was another thing to worry about, but when you recall the camera flash and the undeniable act of following you from the subway station, your hands curl from the thought.
“Well, not exactly,” Trusting the instinct in your heartbeat, you finally sigh, rubbing your hands together as you decide to tell him. You imagine despite the worry, Yoongi would want to know. “When the three of us were talking in the cafe like usual there was a group of a few kids-- I guess teenagers, that took a picture with the flash on and Seokjin called them out about it because he thought they were taking a picture of me.” Unable to look up at him as you recount the moment, you simply go on so as not to allow the residual discomfort of it all to make you go quiet. “And there was another table of people about the same age that had come in while we were all talking, and Joon was worried that they were all there to follow me, and,” You shrug. A strong waver that you’re acting overly sensitive brushes through your spine. “Jin and I left because of it… In case other people showed up. I don’t know if they were all really there for me though.”
“Angel,” You glance timidly up to Yoongi as he continues speaking softly, “You’re okay?”
“Yeah,” You say perhaps too quickly. Definitely too fast. Yoongi’s eyebrows crease, clearly bothered by what you just described. “I really don’t know if it was anything bad.” You eventually mumble.
“If you’re nervous like this, I think it gave you a bad feeling too, sweetie.” Yoongi cups your jaw, gently bringing your eyes back to his. “It does sound like they were there for you like Jin and Namjoon thought, to be honest with you.”
You sigh, squeezing your hands together.
“Hey,” He frowns, noticing the contorting signs of anxiousness invading your face. “Sweetie, it’s okay-”
“You think it’s going to get worse than today?” You ask in a small voice. Yoongi’s mouth closes, and the silent answer is enough for you to nod, “Okay,” A longer inhale feeds into your lungs and you let it settle there for passing seconds then release in a slow exhale. “Okay. I’ll have to get used to it then.” A false positivity tries to make itself real in your words.
“I’ll be with you too.” Yoongi says as his hands strays to brush hair from your face. “Not that it’s the biggest comfort,” He chuckles softly before you interrupt his doubting laughter by pressing your lips against his. Your hands tug his shoulders closer, deepening the kiss into lasting moments as Yoongi’s fingertips find your hips to grip onto.
“It’s actually the best comfort.” You murmur between breaths, letting the words collide against his rosy lips. “Thank you.”
Yoongi hums a reciprocation as you smile, then simply leans his head back to kiss you again. His hands travel up along your sides and down in smooth rubbing motions, while you allow your arms to cascade loosely around his neck. When there’s a need for oxygen do your lips part, to take in small breaths and Yoongi abandons your lips in favor of fluttering, sweet kisses along your cheek, erupting enamored giggles from you peacefully.
“I’m glad we were forced to date each other.”
“Shut up,” You laugh at the way light-hearted voice he speaks with. “You hated me.”
“Didn’t.” Yoongi shakes his head though he’s chuckling while randomly arranging more dotting ministrations all over your face in a languid manner that you feel no need to hinder. “I hated Yerin treating us however, but we don’t have to think about her anymore.”
“That actually sounds wonderful.” You admit with a growing grin. Yoongi smiles as he pulls his head away to look at you properly. “That’s the best thing that could’ve been said today.”
“Yeah?” He chuckles, then squeezes your waist with a growing, endeared flurry filling his chest as you kiss his lips softly, in a simple manner. You nod smiling sincerely up at him, looking so much brighter than minutes earlier. More settled, Yoongi thinks, though he knows this isn’t the end of worries concerning everything going on. But it feels a little easier to face now. “Are you free the rest of the day?”
“Yeah. Should we go search for part-time jobs?” You tilt your head with the joke, and Yoongi rolls his eyes. “I’m free though. I’d actually really like to just be with you, if you are too.”
Yoongi smiles, biting his lip as he’s sure he’ll become visibly enamored by your sweet tone. He kisses you before you’re able to tease him about the flustering expression. “Maybe you won’t want to after hearing where I’m going to ask you to join me at.”
“Are you regretting it now?” Yoongi smiles as he turns the chair to look at you as you sit on a bench beside the hair styling station. With one of his caps propped atop your head, and another cap and his cardigan in a bundle on your lap, you shake your head, smiling at the appearance of his hair completely sectioned off in bunches. Having been wrapped neatly in tin foil, you know this is entering into the latter portion of the impromptu hair appointment having already spent close to two hours in the conditioning treatment phase.
“No, because we’re going to eat after this so I have the love of my life to look forward to.” You search your pocket for your phone to memorialize the appearance as Yoongi whines knowingly,
“Don’t take pictures; I look like an android.”
“More like an alien, babe.” You grin as you snap a series of pictures, while Yoongi starts the shoot with a scowl that turns into a wide unamused smile when you pout at him for cooperation. “Aw, you’re adorable.”
“I’m going to take pictures of you scarfing down food.” He mutters to himself, as he turns the chair back towards the mirror. Yoongi examines the situation atop his head as the dye works to make itself permanent over the locks of blonde hair he’s had for the majority of his adult life. Sitting there he feels a build up of anticipation for the end result, an excitement mixed with a doubtful wonder about if he would look familiar after returning his hair to its natural color.
Glancing back towards you, he finds your cheeks puffed in concentration as you click around rampantly on your phone. Probably adding ridiculous filters or stickers to the pictures of him you just took. Yoongi smiles, finding it both amazing and strange that he’s grown so close to you throughout the passing year. Warmed at the prospect of the change he’s gone through so far, despite the uncertainty of what’s to come.
Where the year prior he felt incapable of acting completely as he wants, now Yoongi feels encouraged by you to do what he wants in the way that you’re also trying your best to change your life back into your own control.
“Oh, Joon’s calling me,” You say out of surprise by the screen changing suddenly on your phone.
“It’s sort of loud in here, why don’t you talk to him in the lobby?” Yoongi offers while the barrage of hair dryers and chatter in the evening portion of the business day reigns on. You nod, standing up and clutching his items against your chest as you begin to walk off, “Sweetie, you can just leave my stuff there,” Yoongi chuckles as you only become aware of his clothing as he’s brought it to your attention. Laughing bashfully you neatly plop the items,
“Right, I wasn’t thinking.” You admit sheepishly before gently prodding your fingertip into his cheek when he begins to grin. “Be right back.”
After your leave, Yoongi reaches to the messy countertop below the mirror for his own phone. Knowing he’s left it on silent all day along with not checking up on any notifications, he isn’t surprised to find a multitude of alerts in a line on the lock screen. Dismissing the majority of social media ones, he instead opens the text thread that he left alone earlier after saying he’ll text back later in the evening.
Hoseok, 2:24pm: Get back to me whenever you feel able. I know it’s hard to deal with, but I’m always here, bro.
Yoongi, 6:35pm: I’m doing the impulsive haircut route.
Hoseok, 6:37pm: Please tell me you’re doing a glamorous pink color?
Yoongi laughs, looking up as his stylist walks over from down the aisle. Peeking carefully beneath the tin foil to check the coloring, he works silently while Yoongi responds.
Yoongi, 6:40pm: Not this time, sorry. Also, I’m sure you’re worried and I really have no clue what I’m going to do yet, but I’m okay.
“It looks ready to go,” The stylist nods to himself, and begins to remove a bunch of tin foil one by one. “I’m usually touching up your roots, so I was pretty surprised when you wanted the exact opposite this time.”
“Yeah,” Yoongi says as he hears the crinkling of the shiny metallic papers that propel his heart into an excited beat. “I like it this way a lot more than the blonde.”
“Sure it’s not your girlfriend isn’t the one who does?” He asks with no ill-will, just a smile at the joking banter while he looks at the dark locks heavy with the dye. Yoongi take a moment to respond as he also catches the stark difference of color being revealed atop his head.
“No, I don’t think she’s ever seen me with black hair.” Yoongi says without focus, while thinking more about the ease of maintaining his hair now that he won’t have to come in every other week to bleach his roots. Without any of the tinfoil obscuring his view, he finds himself biting his lip as his cold locks of hair weigh down on his scalp, only now needing a rinse and dry to fully reveal what the new style of his natural hair will look like.
“Well, let’s give her a nice surprise then. Follow me back to get it shampooed and conditioned.”
“Namjoon,” You roll your eyes at your friend whining through the receiver about a customer that just walked out leaving their drink mostly untouched. “I’m sure the drink tastes fine, dude.”
“They just left it though,” He gripes on, muttering incomprehensibly as you assume he cleans up the remnants. “This is the best-selling drink right now-”
“Joon, you said you wanted to tell me something,” You laugh as you rub your face, back leaning against a wall beside the check-in counter for the salon.
“Oh, right.” You shake your head at the fact his voice sounds entirely surprised that he forgot the entire reason for calling you while he spent the last twenty minutes complaining about customers throughout the day. “Some other kids came in awhile after you and Jin left-- well maybe they were more like teenagers.” You bite your lip so as not to laugh at the similar rambling he does like you had. “But anyways, they definitely came in hoping to spot you. They were asking me if I was friends with you.”
“Oh, yeah?” Your grip on the phone tightens as you think about the other groups following you for pictures and now even this one came in to directly search for you.
“Yeah, they wanted to know because they wanted me to tell you that they really liked the music you and Yoongi made together.” Your grip lessens as his words enter your ear. With a surprised stupor you let him continue right along. “They’re big fans of Yoongi, but they think you did a really good job on the music. They were saying it’s probably hard considering all the other stuff being said on the internet.”
Namjoon remains quiet, smiling gently at the utterly shocked tone of your voice. Knowing the day you’ve had has likely been full of stressful news, he also feels better about things as he recounts the information to you. “Yeah, they were really sincere about it.”
Even after ending the phone call you find yourself stunned silent from the opposite news that you anticipated from Namjoon as he first started to tell you about the fans. With a smile growing at the potential for others to have similar perspectives, you feel lighter. This isn’t the ideal scenario to play out for releasing music, but you’ll take the good out of it in stride. It’s the best thing to do after all.
“Angel,” Your shoulders startle from your thoughts as Yoongi’s voice calls out to you from the side. You turn your head as he walks over. “Your phonecall took forever-”
“Whoa,” Your mouth stays open wide as your eyes go straight to the dark hair atop his head. Turning on your heel in surprise as you continue to take in the new style, you find it to be so different. Obviously it would be, but the fact that you couldn’t properly imagine his hair like this until seeing it as you stand there leaves you in awe. “Yoon, it looks so nice.”
“You think so?” You become aware of his voice’s timidness, clearly still in suspense on what your verdict would be on the style. Yoongi’s eyes meet yours when you finally look towards them from his black hair. He feels his chest tighten as you smile up at him and nod your head.
“I like it a lot.”
Yoongi’s lips curl in satisfaction, his heart swelling even more so as you take the step closer so you can reach up to immerse your fingers in the fluffy, night-like hair. Unable to contain the swift kiss on your lips that lasts only a moment because of location, Yoongi’s mouth grows into a grin as he states peacefully, “Me too.”
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if you enjoy please, please let me know via ask, comment, rb with tags– however ! i’d just really appreciate feedback 🥺 i hope you enjoy the series, i’m working really hard on it! : )
tag list (send an ask to be added): @jaiuneamesolitaiire​ @tsvkino-usagi​@xionysus​​ @baebyjoonie​ @honeyoongles​ @betysotelo18​
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crystalcaptivation · 8 years
A Tale of Witch & Wolf
Arc 2: Rebirth (@ivnsng)  Background Song: Radiohead - Talk Show Host
The seasons had come and gone. The leaves which fell in colors of red and brown had not long after become buried under a sheet of white once winter came. He remembered this season, for it was like any other he had experienced in his life. Well, the last being an exception. They say one can feel lonely once the winter comes along, and this time, it applied to him.
Motivation for daily activities was lost and he could only find himself locked away in the same house at the end of the street, occasionally opening his doors for the friends who stood persistently by the front door, knocking. They would keep him company briefly to ensure he eats— sleeps— bathes— stays sane.
The house that was often empty; felt emptier. His body couldn’t pick itself up from the floor half the time. The other half, lying was a choice. Some days, visitors may encounter one or two large empty bottles once containing alcohol and a glass at the corner between the living room and window. These days became the usual for himself until spring came.
Remnants of her stayed inside the rooms and in his company. One look, another away and another back; there she was. Sitting there with a smile one day and a book in hand on another. The girl in his memory visited him occasionally to give company to his newfound misery. Jihoon knew she wasn’t really there for he knew the reality despite his down spiraling mind. His emotions were mixed. On the surface, he was glad to see her as every time was a ‘long time, no see’ sense of relief. Underneath, it was just as crushing his chest to already be aware of the truth.
Every day for a short period, the male would sit by the window and peek through the blinds to check for unwanted company. Whether this group knew where he lived; he wasn’t sure. Whether he wanted them to find him; he wasn’t sure.
One afternoon passed while Jihoon laid on his sofa, a book with the current year embroidered in gold on its spine, placed upon his blanket-covered thigh, his eyes fixated on the fire that consumed six logs at its beginning reducing to a smolder. The frame log holder besides the fireplace was empty, and so he carried himself off the couch, setting the book aside to get six more firewood quarters he stored in a crate by the kitchen. He peered out the window above the crate as he filled his arms with wood and a few kindling. The number of visible winter buds were growing more than before. With a sigh, Jihoon returned to the living room and knelt in front of the dying heat and prepped it for another round.
When the fire burned anew, Jihoon wiped his hands together and looked up to the mantle. His eyes were drawn to the row of books that were lined up across the mantle top as if he had never seen them before. The books exhibited titles and colors he was aware of but his fingers did not so often touch unlike hers. They belonged to her.
Jihoon settled back on the sectional sofa and picked up the dated book. He cracked it open with the guide of a red ribbon bookmark to the latest page where the words written at the top read: “Approaching Spring.”
While he wrote in his own hand, the male recited a poem he had recited time and time again when this winter began.
Spring soon will be here Away from the winter's snow Drying up every frosty tear And causing the landscape to glow
But the shine of spring I need right now I need all the help I can get To wave goodbye to this past winter In hopes that I can forget
I've lost all my real friends And almost ever other friendship too Right now I am just amazed That I haven't yet lost you
The approaching spring will hit restart It's something that we all need The approaching spring will fix our hearts And allow our souls to breathe
“Matt Burgett...” He muttered to himself as he penned the name at the corner of the page. Underneath it, he added, “J3A0091” before he scribbled it out and wrote beside it, “You are missed, Aethra.”
Jihoon closed the book and made his way to his bedroom and sat at the side of his bed. He lifted the blanket to reveal his a hidden bookshelf, lined with books of the same size and design but dated different years. They were his journals. The young man slipped the book he had in his hand in the space in between a dated and undated book before cloaking it with the blanket. A moment after, Jihoon lifted the blanket once again to stare at one of the journals dated years back as it took him that moment to realize it was protruding out from the rest too obviously. He was about to push it back into alignment until he read what year it was, making his body tense for the moment. Pulling it out from its slot, Jihoon ran his palm across its cover, reflecting back on the time it was originally inscribed.
Jihoon sat back against the side of the bed with one leg straight and the other bent at the knee as he opened the slightly worn journal, flipping through the pages. Jihoon felt a gap in between the pages as he held it open and went to find the reason; a lily and iris flower pressed in between wax paper.
The flowers looked as it was preserved recently, but it actually existed for several years. Jihoon picked up the pressed lily and looked at the faint initials ‘B.W.K’ written in ink along the outline of the stem. Then, he picked up the iris and read the name on there, ‘I.S’.
“‘I.S’…” he said aloud to himself to try and remember whose name the initials stood for. Jihoon glanced down at the pages where the flowers were fitted in between, reading the date and sentences that followed:
July 20th, 2008 We landed in this place called Ars-en-Ré in the Isle of Rhé, France. I’m kind of disappointed since I hoped we went to Paris. I don’t know much about this place. Just some of the restaurants here. Just tagged along with my dad because he said it had a ‘flourishing seafood economy’. I jumped on the word ‘seafood.’ I hope we go eat first before the tour.
A soft chuckle left his lips as he read on, turning the page to see what happened next.
July 21st, 2008 Today was weird and it’s only my second day here. I wish I studied French but English is hard enough. This girl spoke too fast in French until I told her I could only speak Korean or English. Isn’t there anybody else to hang out with? I’m not sure if she’s in her right mind.
Jihoon grinned and ran his open palm across his face as he felt embarrassed at his younger self. It has been a while since he had genuinely smiled. “I remember this.”
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flashback to the Summer of 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 21st, 2008 “Where are all the teenagers?” Jihoon asked as his eyes scanned the visible area in the commune, “It doesn’t look like there are a lot here.”
His father chuckled with a grin to the open sky as they walked. “That’s because the majority of the people here are on the older side. I’m sure there will be people you can spend time with by the beach when we go crabbing. Don’t worry.”
A slight grunt of frustration escaped Jihoon’s throat, his face scrunching up at how doubtful he was about that.
The tour went on for three hours or so with the occasional breaks at a number of potential locations Jihoon’s father was hoping to purchase. The idea was to turn it into a pension house. It was a new venture his father was looking to establish in a number of locations and countries across Europe.
“And here is our final stop- And I think you will like this the most, sir” The real estate agent exclaimed as he motioned his hand to show the appeal of the building’s exterior. “It was built less than two years ago and fits for your criteria. What do you think?” Jihoon’s father clapped his hands together. “It’s fantastic!” he complimented, “this one and the one by the fields have my interest. We’ll look at them again tomorrow.”
“We’re done for the day.” The man patted his son on the shoulder as he looked down at him. “Are you ready to go crabbing now, son?”
Jihoon’s expression lit up as he finally had his goal realized. “Yeah, let’s go!”
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