#i think edwinas explanation of this anger was not well thought out but she was entirely right to be angry.
beyondthislifetime · 4 months
People who truly dislike Edwina Sharma are wild. Heaven forbid an 18 year old be charmed after being almost relentlessly pursued by an older man. Three married women, including her mother, are for the match. THE QUEEN is for the match. The only person saying he isn't right for her is her sister and like I'm sorry but my sister could swear that a man wasn't that into me and I would not listen if he BOUGHT ME A HORSE!???!!?!!
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harmonizingsunsets · 3 years
I'd Rather Go Blind & Let My Body Go Numb Than To Lose You Or The Weight Of Your Love
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Prompt: Jealousy and all its cousins. Fanart Credit here.
Read on Archive here.
Anthony never thought he'd be the kind of husband who needs to know where his wife is at every moment of every day.
(To be fair, he never thought about being a husband much at all until the season he'd pursued Edwina only to fall maddeningly in love with Kate).
But here he is, sitting on the couch with his feet drumming loudly against the floor, staring intensely at the door.
On the table beside the couch sits a cup of tea, cold and untouched. Anthony had someone from the kitchens prepare it for him, but his nerves made him unable to stomach anything.
Anthony looks a mess. He'd been raking his hands through his hair for the past two hours. He'd also slapped his cheeks once or twice to stay awake.
His jacket lay discarded and wrinkled on the ground near the door. He feels guilty, knowing one of the maids would have to press it. However, he can't gather the desire to move from the couch and retrieve it. 
Instead, he's glued to the couch as he considers where Kate is. A hundred different scenarios run through his mind—each scenario worse than the last.
For the past month, Kate has been disappearing at night. He hears her footsteps tiptoeing past his study when he stays up to work. He feels the weight from her side of the bed lessen as she stands and departs from their bedroom when she thinks he's fallen asleep.
At first, Anthony questioned her about it. Kate would always make up an excuse about needing fresh air or going to see Edwina. But he knows her well enough to know when she's lying.
However, Anthony hadn't ever called Kate out on her deceit. He feared the truth, especially how it might crush him to hear it.
But he couldn't take the not knowing anymore. So when he heard the door close after Kate told him five minutes prior that she was retiring to bed, he made his way towards the front of the house. Anthony watched at the window as a carriage rode away. A hole had formed in his stomach, making him feel hollow. He then sat down on the couch so he could catch her when she returned.
Finally, after what felt like ages passed, he hears footsteps approaching the door. He quickly jumps up from the couch and makes his way to the foyer. When Kate steps through the door, her eyes widen.
"Anthony!" she exclaims in surprise, putting a hand to her chest to steady her breath. "You're up late."
"So are you," Anthony says, crossing his arms and blocking her way.
"I was only walking around to get some fresh air."
Anthony raises a brow. "Really, for two hours?"
Her eyes shift anxiously from his stare. "Has it really been that long?"
"Yes," he answers through gritted teeth, anger rising within him.
"Oh well, it was such a lovely night the time got away from me." Kate stands on her toes, kissing him quickly on the cheek. "Sorry for worrying you."
As she tries to retreat, Anthony's hand lurches out to grab her elbow, pulling her back to face him.
"I've had enough, Kate," he sighs tiredly. "Where were you?"
"I just told you, I was—."
"You've been going out for fresh air at odd hours of the day for the past month. You'd think you'd have your fill by now."
Kate fidgets. "Well, it hasn't just been out to get fresh air. I've been attending engagements. I have a life outside you and this household, you know."
"Oh, I know that, but your engagements don't usually take place after dark and don't require you sneaking out of the house to attend."
"Darling, everything is fine," Kate says, pulling her arm out of his reach and giving him a nervous smile. "You've probably been working too hard. Let's go to bed."
As she tries to walk away again, Anthony pulls her back. But this time, he holds onto both of her arms, forcing her to meet his eye.
"Kate, I know you—perhaps more than you know yourself, and I know when you're lying to me," he says, his voice turning softer—more fragile. It's as if he's a vase that could shatter at any moment. "What I don't know is why."
"I promise that what I have been going out and doing is not anything scandalous or dangerous." After letting out a long breath, a laugh bubbles from her throat in amusement. "Honestly, where I've been going to is nothing to fret over. You're acting as if I'm having an affair or something."
Anthony's heart sinks in his chest. No matter how ridiculous the prospect sounds, he can't help but whisper the question that's been plaguing his mind these past few weeks.
"Are you?"
Kate's mouth falls open, her face paling. "Anthony, how could you think that?"
"It's the only explanation I can think of," he says, stepping away from her and beginning to pace. "It explains why you've been coming back so late and being so evasive these past few weeks."
His legs go weak at the affection in her voice. Anthony falls to his knees in front of her and takes hold of her hands.
"Just tell me, Kate, I cannot bear it," Anthony says, hating the way his voice wavers. "I cannot bear the thought of you finding pleasure in someone else's arms. I cannot bear you leaving our bed because you'd rather be in another's. I cannot bear the idea of someone else touching you, loving you, or kissing you."
He brushes his lips against Kate's knuckles, causing her breath to hitch. Anthony pulls his lips away, but just so his fingertips can swirl circles on her palm. When his thumb skims over her pulse, he feels her heartbeat quicken.
"Most of all, I cannot bear the thought of you loving someone else." Anthony swallows thickly, feeling a lump forming in his throat. "I'd die right now if you told me all of this was true."
Anthony has always feared time. He used to compulsively reach into his pocket to grasp his father's watch. Each time a hand on the clock ticked forward, he felt as if an ounce of his soul got sucked away.
But since Kate came into his life, that fear has dissipated. Suddenly, he didn't spend each moment of his life calculating how much time he had left. Instead, Anthony began counting things other than seconds.
He counts the number of Kate's smiles. He counts the number of laughs they share next to one another at the table surrounded by his family. Anthony counts the number of kisses that were slow, stirring an aching feeling in his chest. He also counts each hungry and passionate kiss that sets every inch of his skin aflame.
Most of all, Anthony counts how many times he's lost count around her. He gets lost in the timeless and wonderful enigma that is Kate Sharma.
Anthony feels that fear of time creeping up on him again. But now, he's not afraid of time passing and leading to his demise. Instead, he's terrified that Kate's time of loving him has run out. Maybe, she's found a more deserving man to spend the minutes with than him.
When Anthony braves a glance up at Kate, he expects to see pity. But instead, he's surprised to see an entirely different emotion reflected in her eyes.
Pure, unconditional, steadfast love.
Kate gets down to her knees in front of him. But she doesn't let go of his hands, holding them tighter.
"None of that is true, Anthony," she says firmly. "I love you, have only loved you, and will only love you."
Her words release a breath of relief from him. But, he still can't help doubting this, not knowing how else to explain her odd disappearances.
Kate must sense his train of thoughts. She smiles gently, moving one of her hands up to graze his cheek.
"I love you so much that I've been waking up in the middle of the night so I can give you the perfect present."
Anthony blinks in confusion, feeling the room that had been spinning become still.
Kate laughs, and she rests her forehead against his. "Do you know what tomorrow is?"
It hits Anthony like a whip. All the clues that he'd gathered up to form a horrible conclusion were, in fact, clues that lead to a more justifiable and pleasant one.
"Our anniversary," he answers dumbly.
"Yes," she nods, her face beaming with a giddy kind of delight. Anthony feels lucky that he gets to see it. Her expressions are free without restraint only when she's comfortable with someone. He's glad to be one of those treasured few. "We've made it a year, can you believe it? It seems like only yesterday, I was stepping on your toes at a ball, and you acted like a madman when I got stung by a bee."
Anthony frowns, his forehead creasing. "I did not act like a madman."
"You did, but it led us to where we are now," Kate says, pressing a tender kiss to his lips. "Married and happy."
"I'd like to think it would've happened with the bee or not."
"I'm not sure. You were quite thick-headed about how in love with me you were."
"Oh, I'm the thick-headed one?" he scoffs. "After the night you fell in love with me, you gave your approval for me to marry your sister. How thick-headed is that?"
"Well, I didn't think you'd ever feel that way about me," Kate defends, rolling her eyes. "But I know very well now that you do. You show me with every kind word, every touch, every…" her words drift, cheeks reddening, "Well, you know."
Anthony smirks. "No, I do not know. Please elaborate on everything I do to you that gives you pleasure in vivid detail."
"You're insufferable," she grumbles and puts her hands on her hips. "I have a good mind not to tell you the true reason for my disappearing and keep you stewing in jealousy."
"I don't think you'd like the result of my increased jealousy."
"I don't know, your scowl was fierce, and the fire in your eyes was quite the sight," Kate teases, tracing her thumb over his furrowed brows. "Very becoming, actually."
Anthony stands and pulls her up with him, leading her to the couch. "Why have you been disappearing?"
"As I said, our anniversary is tomorrow, and I was getting your gift ready," she explains. "It's almost midnight. Perhaps I can give it to you a little bit early. I had one of the servants waiting outside for my return. They came in through the back entrance and have already snuck it into your study to reveal as a surprise for tomorrow."
"How sinister of you, plotting with our staff against me."
"Nothing sinister about it. I asked, and they agreed to help me. Unlike you, they think I'm perfectly agreeable."
"Obviously, they don't know you well enough to fear the wicked inner workings of your mind as I do."
Kate stands, gracefully sticking out her tongue and making him laugh. Anthony follows her down the hall into his study. She makes him close his eyes. He feels like a fool, stumbling into the room with Kate chuckling behind him. But, he feels guilty for thinking Kate could ever be unfaithful and indulges her wishes.
He waits for a few moments, hearing her moving something across the floor, before he asks, "Can I open my eyes now?"
"Alright, you bloody impatient man, open your eyes."
As Anthony takes his hands away from his eyes, his heart stops in his chest. He gawks at the painting on a canvas stand in front of him.
"Kate," he utters breathlessly.
Kate chews on her bottom lip, hesitantly watching him observe the painting—no, "painting" doesn't seem like the right word for what it is.
It's a masterpiece, an almost perfect depiction of Kate.
The artist captured the exact fraction that Kate's lips tilt up when she smiles in amusement. Anthony often sees that expression pointed towards him when they're engaged in one of their bantering matches. The color of her brown eyes is just as deep in the painting. They're full of so much that Anthony still wants to explore even after a year of marriage.
In the portrait, Kate's shoulders are bare, the sleeves resting low on her arm. The bottom of the picture shows the scarlet bodice of her dress. But the most alluring part is how the brown curls of her hair flow freely down her neck, cascading like a waterfall.
Anthony has a strong distaste for her bonnets and how society demands she wears her hair up in public. Anthony loves running his fingers through her hair, which probably is why she posed for the painting with it down. That minx knew it would stir a feeling within him that no one else but her has been able to elicit.
"I hired Sir Granville to paint it," Kate blurts out, nervous from how long he's remained silent. "I wanted him to paint it in a private setting because it's a bit…."
"Breathtaking," Anthony answers.
"I was going to say suggestive, but breathtaking is a good adjective," Kate grins bashfully. She steps towards him, her eyes glowing through the dim light of the room. "It's a portrait for your eyes only, no one else's."
Anthony ducks his head. "I'm sorry that I thought you were...I just—."
"Foolishly got jealous of a person who doesn't exist? Yes, yes, you did."
He runs his fingers against the frame of the painting. "I have a mind to hang this in the common area, so everyone can see how lucky I am."
Kate's eyebrows snap together. "You wouldn't dare."
"Oh, wouldn't I?" he asks playfully.
"It might encourage some men to meet the woman behind the painting," Kate notes with a mischievous glint in her eyes, pretending to consider his proposal. "Who am I to oppose admirers?"
Anthony's smirk fades. "You wouldn't dare."
"Ah, there's that handsome scowl," Kate points at him in triumph.
He swoops forward, his arms going around her waist. "You're maddening."
Kate's smile widens as she looks up at him, looping her hands around his neck. "You love it."
"You're right. I do love you. And, I love this portrait," Anthony adds, bobbing his head towards the painting. "Perhaps I should hang it in here. It can serve as a reminder of what's waiting for me when I finish my work."
She leans up a bit on her toes, her hands traveling lower down his back. "You know, I could come down to your study to remind you."
Anthony begins moving his hands as well. As they skim up her body, brushing her breast, he relishes in the sound of her moan. Anthony leans closer, pressing kisses down her neck until he gets to just the right spot. Kate's fingers curl tighter onto his back as his lips apply pressure there, and her body gravitates further against him.
"You're far too distracting," Anthony murmurs against her skin. "Perhaps, the portrait is too dangerous to be in here. I'd get nothing done."
"Exactly." She leans her face back a margin, so Anthony can see that enchanting tilt of her lips the artist depicted. "Why do you think I commissioned the painting in the first place?"
"To torture me?"
"All is fair in love and war," Kate says, grinning at him. "And hasn't our relationship always been a bit of both?"
In response, Anthony kisses her deeply and thoroughly. The sound of his pocket watch ticking starts to fade away. It gets replaced with the sound of his heart, which beats for Kate more than himself these days.
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