#i think getting out of academia has helped bc this is what can scratch that itch for me now without burning me out lol
starlightkun · 7 months
genuine question, how do you write so fast? 😭 i feel like you’re so quick with your works, both writing and putting them out!!
also i found your tumblr on ao3 and i have to say that you are carrying nct fics on ao3. i hope you never stop writing cause i could be 40 and i would still read your stuff 🫶
i think a big thing has been getting out of my head abt writing! like i only write when i want to, i don't stick to word counts (minimums or maximums), and i dont compare myself to other writers (not that i read a whole lot of fic anymore, but there's a few that i still keep up with and one of them churns out fics way faster than i do, and another who posts like maybe two or three times a year but i still love them!) like i've def said this before, but for me, writing fic is fun, it's something i do bc i want to and if i open a word doc and i'm genuinely dreading it, i'm not gonna do it (my adhd brain simply will not make me lol--tho that is a double edged sword bc i do have to chase myself into doing something i like sometimes, but the ritalin has helped a lot xx)
i also dont go into my fics completely clueless anymore. like, i for sure don't know everything, i learn a lot along the way, and tend to change stuff (and get surprised by my own fics, which is always fun!), but i definitely have more of an outline and general sort of sketch of the fic in my brain and in my word doc before i start actually writing real scenes of any sort, which has definitely helped. like, starting with one little idea isn't bad at all (strawberry sunday literally just started w the fact that i liked the title of a song that i hadn't even heard yet and it turned into like 10 fics??), but i dont just start writing head empty anymore (i used to get a tiny spark of inspiration and try to write everything start to finish immediately because i thought i'd lose it if i didn't, and it'd burn really short. now i sort of just sit with it and slowly tend to it like fire instead and it lasts a lot longer and gets a lot bigger). i ruminate a lot before anything that looks remotely like a story leaves my ideas doc and gets its own doc
idk if this necessarily makes me write faster, but i also edit as i write? like, sometimes i open a fic and i don't have anything in me to write, but i'll reread what's in the draft so far and edit, make little changes, fix continuity errors, etc. not only does it keep the whole plot so far fresh in my mind as i continue writing, but then i have a lot less to proof myself when i finally finish the whole thing because i've already caught a lot of spelling, grammatical, and plot errors! i used to find editing a slog to do bc when i finished my first draft i would be so excited and wanted to just post it! and didn't want to reread all this stuff i just wrote several times to try to find typos, and now it's usually a breeze bc my first draft isn't really my first draft, it's been continually revised as it was drafted. and sometimes i open a doc, won't feel like writing, tinker around with some editing, then suddenly have a lightbulb moment while i'm editing and jump into writing
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alitaimagines · 5 years
“do you think you could do an imagine where the reader is in 1-b and has an off and on again relationship with bakugou but one day she has enough of bakugou’s taunting about her class and she cuts it off with him and ends up with someone in 1-b? your choosing?” 
awase yosetsu, ex! bakugou katsuki, x fem! reader 
fandom: my hero academia 
note: where my yosetsu whores at?? bc we stan him on this blog also i’m starting a new thing on here where i put a song recommendation for the imagine, i deadass stole the idea from @queenofallimagines so creds to Jackie.
song recommendations: “antes y después de ti - t3r elemento” “all i want is everything - victoria justice”
“Katsuki, just call it off with me, what’s the point of sitting here and arguing about the same bullshit we usually do?” you asked as you pulled your hair into a ponytail. “I’m tired of it, I really am.” 
Katsuki had never thought the day would come where you would call off the friendship. It wasn’t really a friendship as supposed to being a friends with benefit situation. It never led to actual sex but you would sneak into his room at night and just cuddle and whenever you initiated a make out session, that was the farthest it went. 
Class 1-A and 1-B respectively wondered how the hell the two of you even began a friendship. Being that Katsuki absolutely loathed 1-B and vice versa with Neito, when the two of you starting seeing each other and UA got word of it, it was confusion across the board.
“What? You’re upset that I was making fun of your class and that’s why you want to break this off?” You growled. “It never pissed you off before.” 
You put your head in your hands as you growled even louder. “Katsuki, these are my classmates. My friends. Yeah, being friends with Neito isn’t exactly fun but he is a friend. I don’t appreciate you constantly poking fun at them. I never taunt 1-A so what gives you the right?” 
“You have to admit, we’re just the better class.” You rolled your eyes as he continued to talk. “Just pointing out the facts, sweetheart. Regardless, this was never official so what is there to break off?” 
Your eyes widened in surprise. “That’s great, that’s wonderful!” You said sarcastically as you stood up and grabbed your jacket. You opened Katsuki’s door to make sure that everyone on his floor heard your dramatic exit. “The next time you want someone to call at night, just ask one of the girls in your class.” You screamed as you slammed the door. 
You couldn’t help but notice everyone open their doors silently. Awkward silence hit the air as you aggressively hit the elevator button. You had a bit of a walk to the 1-B dorms but you knew you needed the fresh air. 
As you walked out of the dorms, you seen Izuku and Uraraka walking in. “Hey, ( your name )!” You gave them a nod before turning the corner. 
Once you realized you were safe, you felt hot tears rolling down your face. What Katsuki said was true, technically speaking, the two of you never made it official but you couldn’t help but feel like Katsuki wasted months of your time.
The 1-B dorms were silent as you noticed Yousetsu was the only one in the main common area. He turned over to say hey but immediately noticed you wiping your face. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked as he jumped over the couch. “Weren’t you just with those fuck faces from 1-A?” You nodded as you tried to calm your breathing down but it took you a few minutes before you could actually speak. 
“Katsuki and I got into a fight and we basically broke up.” Yousetsu’s eyes widened in surprise. “It wasn’t even the break up that hurt, it was the fact that Katsuki had the nerve to say that we weren’t ever together.” 
Yousetsu’s mood immediately changed. “He what?” Yousetsu’s scream made Kendo and Juzo walk out of their dorms. “Are you fucking kidding me? What a complete asshole.” 
“Why are you yelling so late at night?” Kendo asked as she scratched her head tiredly. Yousetsu asked permission to explain why but as soon as he finished, Kendo and even Juzo were ready to walk over to the 1-A dorms and beat Katsuki’s ass right there. 
She rubbed your back understandingly. “Listen, it’s getting late but tomorrow, we’ll make sure to kill Bakugou.” You nodded. Even if tomorrow was Saturday, everyone turned in early. 
Juzo made you a cup of coffee before giving you a supportive smile and heading towards his dorm. Yousetsu had sat back down on the couch but his anger was still evident. 
“It’s not even worth getting angry about.” You whispered as you drank your coffee. “Listen, it’s my dumbass fault for ever even believing we were together.” 
Yousetsu whipped his head around. “Are you kidding? He basically played you! He managed to lead you on and you’re the one apologizing? Fuck off with that bullshit.” 
You wanted to ask him what he meant but you didn’t have the energy. “Can we just watch T.V.? I’m over this and honestly, I just want peace for the rest of the night.” Yousetsu rolled his eyes but did what you asked. 
For most of the night, laughter was what was heard through the common area. Whatever movie Yousetsu had put on made your sour mood change a bit. However, you didn’t realize that you fell asleep on Yousetsu and he did the same thing but leaning against the side of the couch. 
First thing Saturday morning, you heard the giggles coming from Pony and Kendo. You rubbed your eyes tiredly as you noticed the blanket covering the both of you. Your face was warm and while you couldn’t admit to it out loud, Yousetsu was actually extremely comfortable to cuddle with. 
“Shut up.” You muttered as your voice woke up Yousetsu. “Hey, we fell asleep on the couch last night.” 
Yousetsu shrugged as he stood up and cracked most of his bones while stretching. “I know. You passed out on me and I didn’t feel the need to move you so I fell asleep on the couch to not disturb you.” Your eyes widened as Kendo’s and Pony’s giggles erupted even louder than before.
“I’m making coffee, anyone want some?” You asked as you tried to change the subject. Yousetsu and Kendo raised their hands. “Okay, as long as one of you go get breakfast for the three of us.” 
“How about you get breakfast and I’ll make the coffee?” Kendo asked. You shrugged as you grabbed your sweater off the couch. “Three sugars and creamer, right?” You nodded as you heard Yousetsu to wait up for you. 
You tapped your wrist to indicate that you were rushing to get to the cafeteria before anyone got to the good stuff first. Yousetsu sighed realizing that he probably left his jacket in his dorm. 
“My hair is a mess.” You mumbled as tried to fix your hair on one of the windows. No matter which way you styled it, pieces of hair strayed here and there. “I should’ve at least grabbed headband before walking out.” 
Yousetsu sighed as he took off his infamous white and blue headband off and handed it off to you. “Wear it if your hair is such a problem.” You gave him a shit eating grin as you slipped it on. “Thank you.” You sang in a childish tone. 
The both of you walked inside the main building to get a few things to make for breakfast. While UA offered pre-made breakfast, 1-B usually liked to make their own breakfast when the class had time. 
You shrugged your sweater on when you realized that the sweater you grabbed wasn’t yours. “Wait, I think this is yours.” You exclaimed as you immediately started taking it off. “Keep it on, I’m not cold.” You gave him another childish thank you but this time, you could’ve sworn that a faint redness played at his cheeks. 
“What should we get?” Yousetsu pointed at the eggs as well as pre-made pancake batter. “I’m down for pancakes if you are.” You nodded as you grabbed the two things and a half gallon of milk. 
Just as the two of you paid for the things, you noticed a few students from 1-A walking inside the building. One of them being Katsuki. You felt your eye twitch in anger and you could tell Yousetsu’s did as well. 
“Lets go before I turn around and jump him.” You muttered as Yousetsu laughed. As the two of you were leaving the building, you noticed Katsuki looking at you. Maybe it was because you were damn near wearing everything that belong to Yousetsu but frankly, you didn’t care. “I’m starving and I’m actually caught up on my school work so I get to laze around all day.” 
“Lucky bastard.” 
As the weeks progressed, you were hanging around Yousetsu a lot more. Prior to the ‘breakup’ with Katsuki, he was hardly around you but now that you were free of the explosion boy, he was usually by your side. Not that you minded or anything. 
One day after class, a few of you stayed behind to study for an exam. It was Kendo, Yousetsu, Juzo, Tetsutetsu, and yourself. The group of you had music blaring through the speaker that Yousetsu brought. 
“So, are the two of you dating?” You heard Kendo ask Yousetsu. You choked on your spit as you gave Kendo a look. “I mean, it’s been a few weeks so we’ve all been wondering.” 
Yousetsu on the other hand didn’t fret at the question. “Not yet.” You shoved your face into your notebook as the warm feeling came across your face again. Everyone started ‘oh-ing’ which made you throw a paper at Kendo for starting it. “Trust me, we will.” 
You gave a look to Yousetsu this time but he did nothing except give you a wink before going back to study. Kendo gave you a smirk as she pretended to go back to her study. 
“There’s the answer you’ve been wanting.” You read Kendo’s text a few minutes later. “Shut up.” 
The studying went on a few more hours before everyone called it for a day and decided to get a late dinner. You slowly packed your things inside of your book bag as Yousetsu waited for you at the door. 
“Well, lets get to dinner, I’m starving.” You mentioned as you chucked your book back on. “I hope they’re still serving stew.” 
Just as you were about to walk away, Yousetsu managed to do a kabedon on you. “What’s up?” You asked nervously. Yousetsu gave you a smirk as he put his finger underneath your chin. 
“Well, you heard what I said earlier so I was thinking, would you like to go out this weekend?” You gave Yousetsu a sheepish smile. “We can just get dinner or something. Nothing too serious.” 
“Yeah, I’d like that.” 
You whispered as you inched closer to Yousetsu’s face. He closed the gap between the two of you and you were now locking lips with 1-B’s bad boy. You had no idea you were even attracted to the ‘bad boy’ type but looking back on it, first Katsuki and now Yousetsu, you guessed it was your thing now. 
Just as you went in for another kiss, your eyes were closed but Yousetsu’s stayed opened. Yousetsu did like you, no doubt but he also knew that Bakugou had detention and would catch the both of you in the act. 
“Wait, I thought you like Momo?” You asked suddenly. 
Yousetsu laughed. “1-A? Pft, no thank you, I’ll save myself the drama. Now give me a few more kisses before we get dinner.” You rolled your eyes as you leaned back in. 
Bakugou was walking out of class with Kirishima but as he was about to walk away, he noticed you out of the corner of his eye. Bakugou’s anger rose immediately as Kirishima had to stop him from pouncing on Yousetsu. 
“Dude, you broke up with her.” Kirishima whispered. “Let it go before you end up back in detention.” 
Bakugou knew he had a point but what angered him the most was the fact that Yousetsu was purposely looking at him and even gave him the finger as you continued to kiss him. He wanted nothing more than to go over and kick Yousetsu’s ass but Bakugou himself was the sole reason as to why you moved on and he couldn’t act like he wasn’t. 
“Come on.” Kirishima whispered. 
Bakugou growled as he started to walk away. Turning around once more, you had stopped kissing him but this time, you were just hugging Yousetsu. The jealously flared inside his stomach but he knew it was best to just turn around and forget about it. 
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floraisann · 4 years
origin ↠ park seonghwa
➣ ateez my hero academia au
➣ warnings: eleven year old seonghwa is a whiny BRAT but besides that this do be a safe installment for bnha ateez
➣ genre: slice of life/ humor? idk hwa’s just chilling (until he’s not)
➣ word count: 1,123
➣ author note: “let’s keep the origin stories relatively short” well uh it seems the bratty tween seonghwa agenda disagrees lmfao ☠️ ANYWAYS here’s hwa’s origin story/why he wants to be a hero in the first place :) i’ve gotten bits and pieces of the remaining six somewhat completed as well so!!! let’s hope i can get those out just as quick because!!!!! i’m very excited for woosansang’s quirks bc i tried my hardest to make them rlly cool and 🥺🥺🥺 i rlly like theirs the most andnndxjjs OH YEAH like i said before too tbz will be getting their own bnha au in the same universe as this one (meaning ateez is class A and tbz is class B haha get it TheB = class B HAHA GET IT) so my fellow deobitiny do look out for that!! (i also only have changmin and eric’s quirks but shhh that’s fine)
➣ other origin stories: hongjoong
➣ hero interviews: hongjoong, [seonghwa]
➣ main masterlist
“Sometimes, when you get tired from life; when things are hard, come to me” - Lean On Me, SEVENTEEN
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“When did you know you wanted to be a hero?”
Eleven years old. Seonghwa is eleven years old and miserable as he sits under the only semi-comfortable shade of a large oak tree. He’s still bitter as he harshly tugs handfuls of grass from their roots to stall time. He definitely did not want to attend his brother’s school’s back-to-school picnic— he really didn’t see the point, considering the fact that he wasn’t attending nor did he know anyone— yet despite his complaints, his parents dragged him along anyways.
“Hi Hwa-Hwa! Still sulking?” He looks up to see his older brother, a thin layer of sweat causing his forehead to glisten as he pants, clearly exhausted from playing with his friends. This was the third time he’d come over to check on Seonghwa through his mini breaks, yet so far, each time he’d failed at getting his junior to leave the headquarters he’s set up away from the cloudless sky.
“I’m not joining you and letting my skin melt off, if that’s what you’re gonna ask.” He says as a matter of fact. His brother lets out an exasperated sigh as he scratches the back of his neck.
“Yeah yeah, don’t think I forgot how much you hate the heat.” He reassures. “Hey instead of sulking about how the sun is your mortal enemy or whatever, why don’t you use your skill of being able to walk in the sun without getting instant sunburn to go over there and get ice cream?”
Seonghwa scrunches his nose in distaste as he contemplates his answer. “Is there salted caramel?”
His brother shrugs, swiftly taking his wallet out of his pocket, fishing for cash. “Probably.” He grins as he shakes a twenty dollar bill directly in front of Seonghwa’s face. “If there is, you can take this and buy yourself some ice cream if you buy me a bag of chocolate chip cookies as well.”
He quirks an eyebrow at his elder. “Yeah? And what if there isn’t salted caramel?”
The grin on his face only widens, much to Seonghwa’s chagrin.“Then you use all twenty on cookies and we share!” There was no way he was getting out of this errand.
With two bags of cookies in hand and visibly no salted caramel ice cream, Seonghwa doubts he’s hardly fifty meters from the comfortable shade of his beloved oak tree when he passes a crying toddler, and he stops, an expression of worry overtaking his features.
“Excuse me, mister, can you please help me?” His heartbeat starts to pick up as the young, crying girl begins to drag her feet over to him. What was he supposed to do?
“M-Mister?” He mutters to himself. He props his hands on his knees, crouching down to the young girl’s height as she reaches him. “Yes, what is it?”
“I-I can’t find my mommy…” Admitting such only seems to make the girl, who seems to be hardly three years of age, cry even harder, and Seonghwa freezes for a moment before deciding to comfort her.
“Everything’s gonna be alright! Just trust me,” He manages to get out. “Um, do you know her phone number or anything?” She shakes her head, rubbing her eyes as the flow of glassy tears thins.
“Well then…” He glances over her head back to the school picnic, trying to scan for any signs of a panicked mother. Nothing. “Ok, um, what does your mom look like?”
“She has—” She’s interrupted by a loud hiccup and Seonghwa instinctively moves to pat her on the shoulder as a gesture to continue. “Mommy has black hair.”
“Well that’s half the population of Korean mothers, you know?” He wants to say, but he doesn’t particularly want her to cry more than she already has. “Okay, unfortunately I know a lot of mothers with black hair, so can you tell me your name?”
“Kim Aeri,” She replies, still sniffling. Seonghwa’s eyes narrow as he thoughtfully glances down. Something sounded familiar.
“Do you have a sister?” He asks.
Aeri nods. “My sister is Kim Aeyeon, but I can’t find her either…”
“So that’s it...” He thinks. Yes, he knew of a Kim Aeyeon. In fact, there’s no way he couldn’t know a Kim Aeyeon with how often his older brother spoke of his insufferable crush. Seonghwa grins as he stands up, dusting off the front of his pants. “Alright, I might not be able to find your mom, but I think I can bring you to your sister! Is that okay?”
“Yes, please. Thank you, mister!” He nods before gently taking her hand. It’s a torturous fifteen minute walk under the cloudless summer sky as Seonghwa navigates the area to find the group of older kids playing volleyball, but soon enough, he spots a large net, and his family’s blue and yellow Mikasa volleyball his brother had chosen to bring for the day. To his luck, not only does he spot the girl he knows to be Aeyeon, but by the panicked expression of the older lady she’s speaking with, Seonghwa can easily guess he’s also found Aeri’s mother.
“You take this, mister!” Seonghwa is momentarily rendered speechless as Aeri drops a small piece of hard candy into his palm. “Because you’re like a hero! And my mommy always told me we should give back to the heroes!” He’s not able to respond before the young girl bounds over to her mother, who frantically scoops her up in her arms, hugging her tightly. Seonghwa briefly makes eye contact with Aeri’s mother as she eagerly points back to him, no doubt chattering about how a hero helped her, and he can’t help the warmth that spreads from his chest at her thankful smile.
“You’re a hero, huh?” Seonghwa grumbles shoving his brother as he comes over to playfully punch the younger on the shoulder. “It’s got a nice ring to it, huh?”
“Shut up.” His blatant denial only served to make his elder laugh louder, much to his annoyance. Only six years later, when Seonghwa recalls the memory while helping his classmate, San, study will he ever admit he was right.
“I still don’t get it! Which of the seven Ottoman downfalls was their actual downfall, and why do we care?” San’s whiny voice breaks him out of his daze, and he straightens up, his eyes glazing over the contents of the textbook. “Hwa, I really don’t get it, I’m gonna fail.”
And though they aren’t to the same person he first spoke them to all those years back, eight words that would later evolve into his hero catchphrase fall from his mouth as he reassuringly rubs San on the shoulder.
“Hey, everything’s gonna be alright! Just trust me!”
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mytsukkishine · 5 years
small fluffy prompt bc i know you've wanted some (for damien haas ofc), kinda sucks but oh well. maybe the two of them are super close friends at smosh and evryone knows they like each other but the two of them are just oblivious to it all?? but then 1 of them lets slip that they like someone the other knows and the other (either damien or reader) is jealous. u don't need to include the last bit tho if you don't want to. btw, love what you did with that other prompt. :)
a/n: hi anon. Thank u for the lovely request. I enjoyed writing this one, as you can see its 2k workds lmao and hope you would enjoy this too!
a/n2: i kinda changed the storyline on this one but still i hope you will like it! Thank you!
Summary: Arcades and realizations. What a fun way to ask someone out after being... jealous?
Note: summary is super random . Damn i spologise. Alsoo Jelous Damien yey!! Also I posted this while on phone, I will check grammars after I open my laptop tomorrow. Thanksss
Enjoy guys!
wordcount: 2,173k.
“Look!” You exclaimed excitedly as soon as you entered the squad’s office. It was a Monday, meaning all of them would be dead tired and complaining about Monday but not you. You were excited because later after work, you’ll go to the movies with Damien.
Well, not just Damien. You will go to the movies with Shayne, Courtney, Ian, and Damien.
Damien, who was doing something on his computer stopped. He put his headphones around his neck and turned to look at you with a smile, “Yeah?” He responded, cheeks still a little pink.
“The trailer for Season four!” You showed him your phone and Damien read for a moment before his eyes widen. “No shit! Have you watched the trailer?”
“Not yet. I want to watch it with you,” Damien’s heart skipped a beat and he immediately grabbed the nearest seat and put it beside him before ushering you to sit and watch it on his desktop.
“Oh no, do you have earphones so we can both hear?”
“I have none,” You pouted and Damien puts his hand under his chin to think before grabbing his headphone to rotate on headphone cup to the outside. “Would this do?” He asked and showed you his headset. You nodded and Damien searched up the trailer for My Hero Academia S4.
Damien clicked the video and paused it before wearing his headphone. You immediately, as if you two have done this before, put your face next to him, ears pressed up to the open headphone cup as the two of you watched the trailer—completely unaware of Shayne, Boze, and Keith’s gaze on you two.
They were wondering whether you two are going out. Or when would you two go out.
Ever since Damien entered Smosh, you two hit it up quite quickly. You both love anime, and cats and you both were talking non-stop for a week just because of that.
At first, you were unaware of your feelings for him. Both of you have already went to the movies alone, eat out alone, even went to the cat café alone, however, one night. Only one night made you realize that, shit, you like your friend.
The Smosh fam has thrown a party for one of their producers and you had one too many drinks that night. However, what they don’t know about you was that your alcohol tolerance was higher than any other person. So, they all thought you were drunk because you were talking too much. Actually, when you drank too much, you would get talkative and super red but not drunk. Shayne had suggested you go home and Damien volunteered.
He was assisting you with your every step. Hands always on your waist for support and you can just feel Damien’s concern for you.
“I’m good now,” You said once you stepped in front of your apartment door. Damien was looking at you worriedly and you giggled. You looked down and you realized that you two were holding hands.
“I can help you up,” Damien suggested and you just waved him off, hands still linked together.
You averted your gaze up, eyes meeting each other then you found yourself resting your head on the crook of Damien’s neck.
Confusion was written on your face for a moment, you don’t know why you have done it but as soon as Damien patted your hair, your heart did some backflips.
“Hey dude, earth to Y/N,” You snapped out of your thoughts and felt something cold on your cheeks. You looked at the source and saw Damien with a smile and a cola in hand pressed against you face. You took the can with a thanks as Damien sat beside you.
“Why were you staring at your computer for a minute?” He asked, drinking his own can of cola. You brought your hand up and rubbed your eyes, thanking yourself for not putting it mascara earlier. “I’m just writing a script, that’s all.”
“Whoa, can I peek?”
“Peek, and you’re dead.”
“Why so mean Ms. Y/F/N.” You blushed. Damien rarely calls you by your full name and it sent butterflies in your stomach, even though you dislike butterflies.
“Hey how about this, after work let’s go to the arcade,” He suggested and you rolled your eyes, “Aren’t we too old for arcades?”
“Nah uh, we aren’t. Come on, what do you say?” He looked at you suggestively and admittedly, he looked so handsome you want to squish his face. You sighed in defeat as you nodded, Damien cheered and exclaimed on how he can’t wait for later.
Now, Damien has known you for quite some time and he was glad you two had hit it off quite easy. At first he was cautious but as soon as you mention you watch anime, Damien can’t stop.
Damien has Shayne to talk to about anime, but it was really different when you talk to someone who also reads the manga. You managed to read mangas and Damien was enthusiastic.
At first, Damien was unaware of his feelings for you. Kind of avoiding that topic in his head whenever he sees you. But one day. Only one day was needed that he realized, shit, he likes his friend.
Damien was busy playing, eyes never leaving his screen and him, Mari and Wes played some game. It was nearing afternoon and Damien was getting a little stressed with the game. Wes was winning and Damien hides it a little that he doesn’t want Wes to win.
Damien the groaned and stared at his camera for a long time as the rest laughed out. They gave out their outros and the shoot was done.
“Nice job everyone,” Mari cheered and Wes emitted a laugh as he pointed at Damien. “Sorry bud. Maybe next time,” Damien pouted and there was a tap on his computer screen.
“Hey Dames,” You greeted with a smile. Damien then proceeds to whine a little, telling you that he would win next time.
You just laughed and patted his head. Your smile was blinding and pretty sure Damien can’t see anything else but your reassuring smile.
“Yes?” Damien was waiting outside your office and he didn’t realize that he had zoned out for minutes. “Ready?” You asked, feeling all excited to go to the arcade with him.
“Yeah, come on!”
It has been a while since the two of you hang out, just the two of you. You were pretty excited as you both entered Damien’s car. “Where to?”
“Maybe near the xxx?” Damien suggested and you nodded. As Damien was driving, you picked up the aux cord and rummaged through your phone. “What you gonna play?”
“You’ll see,” You smirked and pressed play. Soon, the both of you were singing your hearts out to Boku No Hero opening songs.
“Pretty packed, huh?” You commented as soon as you opened the door. Damien was scratching the back of his head as he looked around the arcade. “Yeah, didn’t know it would be full on the weekday,” Damien apologized but you immediately waved him off.
“No, no it’s fine. Come on, let’s play!”
You and Damien played from basketball shooting to race car driving. It was so fun, and looking at Damien laughing and enjoying because of you made your heart all warm and fuzzy.
Half an hour later, you both decided to eat when a group of girls stopped you. Well, more like Damien. They seemed to be fans as they were talking to him about how awesome he was and if it was okay to take a picture with him. Of course, who was Damien to refuse? He’s the kindest person you have ever known.
You stood on the side as you watched Damien get surrounded by girls. This was bad, you thought as you felt your chest tightening when one girl went in for a hug, her hands wrapped around his waist as Damien posed with a dashing smile.
Releasing a groan, you turned around with a pout.
You knew damn well Damien was quite famous so you don’t really have the rights to complain. Hell, you weren’t eve his girlfriend—
You felt your cheeks heating up at the thought.
Oh god, girlfriend.
“Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. Let’s go? Taco Bell?” You released the breath you didn’t know you were holding and Damien looked at you worriedly. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing. Just—I suddenly remembered work stuff.”
“Oh no. Y/N is super stressed. This requires food! Let’s go!” Damien grabbed hold of your shoulders as he guide the both of you to the nearest Taco Bell.
“You know, why are they so thin but yet, only one can already make me feel so full?” You showed Damien the quesadilla you were holding and Damien shook his shoulder, eating his food in the process. “Beats me. They look like you wanted four but then you quit after two.”
The both of you continued to talk animatedly, any random topics that would came into your minds will automatically be the new topic.
This was what Damien liked. Just you and him talking about random stuff. It made him happy that somehow he would get to know you more and more. And the way you laugh, damn, Damien wanted to pinch those cheeks of yours.
Y/N was discussing about something when she was suddenly interrupted and she stood up to hug that guy that interrupted her.
Max? Who is he? Damien thought as he looked at you and the new comer. You two seemed close. Too close.
You and this so called Max broke the hug and ask how each other was and all. Damien’s lip formed a thin line as he grabbed for his drink and drank a little too harsh.
Damien knew damn well you were pretty. With you hair and eyes, and those lips. You were so pretty, he kind of questions how the two of you became friends. However, as he looked on how you and Max interacted he can’t help but to feel… jealous.
Jealous? No, no. He doesn’t have any reasons to be jealous because he isn’t your boyfriend—
Damien’s already red cheeks went redder.
Oh god, boyfriend.
Something was wrong. You felt it. Damien was awfully quiet right now as he was driving you home. It was nearing eight, the sun has already set and traffic was unpleasant.
He said he was just tired but you can feel that it wasn’t just tired. You were tired but not that exhausted to be all quiet.
As soon as he parked in front of your apartment, you bit your lips. Eyes scanning the dashboard as you process in your brain on what to say to Damien.
“We’re here…” Damien announced and you groaned. Turning to look at him with a pout.
“Tell me what is bothering you,” You said, more like demanded and Damien was taken aback. He released a sigh before resting his back on his seat.
“Don’t nothing me Damien Christian,” Damien cringed a little as you called him by his full name.
“Ever since Taco Bell you have been acting quiet,” You started, eyes never leaving his face.
Was this your first ever quarrel with him? You don’t like it one bit.
“And I don’t know what to do. It’s making me all anxious knowing something might be wrong and the reason might be me. Damien tell me—”
“I like you.”
Pure silence surrounded you both as Damien looked at the steering wheel, afraid to look into your eyes.
He hated it. How he had let his temper and feelings in the way. Well, it was go home or go big. Damien can’t back out now.
“I’m sorry…” He finally managed to mutter out, eyes still glued in front. “I like you… ever since. And I—oh god this is so stupid,”
“Why is it so stupid?” You managed to ask and Damien immediately averted his gaze to you and saw tears pooling in your eyes. He quickly unstrapped his seatbelt as he leaned into you to cup your face.
He was even more scared to see you on the brink of tears.
“No, what I meant-”
“Is it so stupid to like me?”
Damien stared at your face as you avoid eye contact. “No,” He said softly, “No, no. No. Oh god, no.” Damien sighed as he wiped away the unshed tears. “I—”
“Because I like you too, Damien,” Damien’s eyes widen at your sudden confession and he badly wanted to kiss you right now but he hugged you instead.
“Oh, t-that’s—I…” You two were speechless and you both succumbed into each other’s arms.
“Silly Dames,” You commented and both of you laughed, still entangled in a hug.
You were so worried. You thought you have ruined your friendship somehow but it turns out to be quite different. You smiled under Damien’s hug.
Oh god, you love this dude so much.
Do tell me what u think. Thankuuu
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adreamingsongbird · 7 years
fic self rec meme
i was tagged by the lovely and ever-talented @kanafinwhy!!!! thank you so much daniela <3 lets see what i can come up with here across the fandoms, haha!!
i’m tagging @pitviperofdoom, @weepycat, @sohmamomiji, and @gaymowgli if you’d like to!!!
this post got kind of long so the rest is under the cut:
Drifting Between Stars (11.4k)
Or, "that one mission that goes really, really wrong, and how the crew tries to fix it". Star Trek AU written as a Christmas present for my good friend apollo-gramarye. Lots of friendships, mentions of Arasol, Karezi, and DaveJade. Also features acting captain Rose, science officer Roxy, engineer Dirk, and medical officer Jane, as well as others!
this one is p old but i still kinda like it haha!! back in the day meg and i were both really into our “uss skaia” au.
Darkness And Dreams (250k)
The Batterwitch rules the star system with an iron claw. Four young men and women are determined to set the world to rights by igniting the spark of revolution, but they are few and have little training in either their magical abilities or running a rebellion. And is that prophecy ever going to come true? (Full summary inside! Starring the kids; not ship-driven.)
d&d is on this list automatically because at over 250,000 words, it’s the longest story i’ve written ever (though that’s going to change soon, i think). even though i really don’t like rereading it bc i’m so critical of 2014 me’s writing, i’m super proud of having done it!!! (it was also my first homestuck fanfic and my first multichap fic and i think the 3rd fic i wrote ever? proving once again that i have no chill tbh)
Stormlight Archive:
Come Morning Light (4k)
"I guess you’ve never really had to worry about a little brother getting in over his head, huh,” Adolin mutters.
Kaladin actually laughs out loud.
this fic is important to me because i just really need kaladin to have love and support from people around him but also i’m not over tien’s death holy fuck
Fullmetal Alchemist:
In The Drift (10.5k)
Edward and his brother Alphonse are the proud pilots of the jaeger Fullmetal. One blustery autumn, a kaiju manages to take them down - what follows are several weeks of fretting, healing and disillusionment at being stuck on the ground. And also, possibly, Edward sorting out his awkward crush on their mechanic and childhood best friend, Winry. It should be an adventure...
written as a secret santa present for a rly good friend of mine, this fic was so much fun holy shit. to date it remains one of my fave aus tbh
As Dreamers Do (5k)
It's okay to be vulnerable sometimes, even if you are a seven-foot-tall suit of impenetrable armor. Riza only wishes Alphonse would stop being so stubborn when it comes to admitting that.
*BANGS FISTS ON TABLE* GIVE ME MORE MAMA HAWK AND HER ARMORED SUNSHINE SON anyway i feel like im one of the only people on board this (10000% platonic, parental) ship but i will keep sailing on. riza&al is just as beautiful as ed&roy (which i love but which has so much more content than riza&al :((((( )
My Hero Academia:
catch your breath in the quiet (3k)
The sun has already set by the time the dust settles on the battlefield. Creatie and Earphone Jack return home. It's all in a day's work, really.
i love momojirou a lot and there’s barely any content for them and thats a damn shame. i should write them more tbh. anyway established relationship lesbian superhero power couple = my aes
(nothing really gay about it) (14k)
If anyone had asked him what he thought he’d be doing at three that morning, Kirishima probably would have said “playing angry birds” or “making popcorn” or something. Definitely not playing wingman-slash-relationship-counselor to a hopelessly confused Todoroki Shouto.
And yet...
DORM SHENANIGANS AND FRIENDSHIP AND FLUFF look this is all i want from the UA kids living in the dorms. naturally as a kid who attended a boarding school, i had to jump on board the dorm shenans train. this fic was a looot of fun to write and i giggled my way through it.
Yuri On Ice
The Rules For Lovers (142k)
Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well…
That’s a long story.
okay honestly is there any question as to why i’d put this one on this list. this fic is so much time and work and i love it so much, it’s actually somewhat adhering to the vision of it i had in my head and despite being able to nitpick and find a lot of flaws in it as is (what i wouldn’t give to be able to write a second draft and publish that instead haha) i really love it a lot!!!!! plus, if current projections hold true, it’s gonna knock d&d off the #1 spot in terms of word count. B)
non te ne andare (6.6k)
“I’m fine,” Yuuri insists, one last time. He’s not fine. He’s not fine.
Viktor sinks to sit next to him, nothing but concern written all over his face. “Yuuri, I can’t help you if you won’t talk to me,” he says, reaching for Yuuri’s hands, and—oh.
Recovery is not linear. For all that he tells himself he has no reason to be sad, Yuuri is not having a good day.
a deeply personal fic, this is one i wrote during a really bad depressive slump earlier this year. it was partly vent-fic and partly cope-fic and partly spite-fic because the number of times ive seen self-harm represented falsely in fic angers me greatly, but overall, this is one piece of writing that i think is a window to my soul. it’s meaningful to me and i honestly really like how it turned out.
#bffs4lyfe (10.5k)
Detroit holds a special place in Phichit Chulanont's heart, mostly because that's where he met the boy who would become his lifelong best friend. Wait, no, scratch that - Detroit doesn't hold a special place in Phichit's heart. Yuuri Katsuki does.
this was both an exercise in writing phichit’s pov and also a response to my own need for some Good, High Quality Friendship™ such as phichuuri. they love each other very much and the concept of friends loving and supporting each other was something i was longing for (i was at school and really missed my best friend haha), so... this happened. i really love these two and i still enjoy rereading this one, tbh!
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Move over oil, Big Data is the new fuel to run the world
The centrepiece of Canada’s innovation strategy is the $950-million “supercluster” initiative. The goal, according to the federal government, is for companies of all sizes, academia and the non-profit sector to collaborate on new technologies, to spur economic growth and create jobs. As part of the Innovation Nation series, the Financial Post is taking an in-depth look at each of the five regional projects, and provide continuing coverage of their progress. You can find all of our coverage here.
Drugs tailored to a person’s genetics don’t appear to have a lot in common with airplane assembly line simulations or smart devices that monitor tree cutting in remote forests.
But all three technologies are among the first to get funding from British Columbia’s digital technology supercluster, one of five innovation hubs the federal government is investing $950 million in over five years in hopes of spawning world-leading technologies and companies.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development granted the B.C. hub $153 million, with 29 members pitching in another $200 million. An additional 500 organizations including non-profits have signed on as associates without making a financial commitment.
The West Coast cluster is an amalgamation of post-secondary institutions and large and small businesses from sectors including health care, mining, forestry and aerospace.
What unites these disparate players is big data and, more critically, a need to analyze the huge volumes of information being collected. Some say the ability to analyze this data could become the currency that fuels every element of the economy, much like oil was the currency of the last century.
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“Just like oil coming out of the ground is not a very useful resource, data that’s swirling around in big pools is not a very useful resource,” Sue Paish, chief executive of the digital technology supercluster, said. “But if you can actually extract the data that you need, analyze it, refine it, leverage it, deploy it, monetize it, it becomes an incredibly powerful part of society.”
Paish knows she’s not the first to make the analogy between oil and data, a comparison often drawn by major tech executives despite the former’s finite nature and the seeming limitlessness of the latter, but she believes the digital technology supercluster can unlock big data’s potential.
The cluster formed after the federal government announced its supercluster funding plan in the 2016 budget. It anticipated a regional distribution of money, Paish said, and wanted to have a strong proposal for B.C.
Realizing that the province has a depth of digital knowledge in sectors ranging from entertainment and gaming to health care and resource extraction, Paish said the group decided to focus on “harnessing the power of the data that’s being created, but not leveraged.”
Only 0.8 per cent of all data collected is ever analyzed, according to a 2018 white paper by research firm IDC. That amount is expected to go up to one per cent by 2020, IDC senior vice-president John Gantz said in an email.
But that still leaves an almost unfathomable amount of untouched data, since the overall amount of data collected is expected to hit 175 zettabytes (one ZB is a trillion gigabytes) in 2025 from 33 ZB in 2018, according to IDC estimates. (One zettabyte is enough data to stream one trillion movies.)
Paish said there’s a competitive advantage to be had for the first jurisdiction that becomes known for successfully analyzing big data. Collaborating across industries is expected to help B.C.’s supercluster do just that.
“The best innovation and the best deployments of innovation come from different perspectives coming together around a table,” she said. “It’s harder to come to a final product or a final plan, but that final plan is richer.”
More specifically, the digital technology supercluster intends to develop data visualization tools such as mapping and virtual reality; data analysis tools like cloud and quantum computing; and data collection tools such as the Internet of Things and data repositories. It will apply these tools in the precision health, natural resources and industrial sectors.
Over the next five to 10 years, the supercluster hopes the projects it funds will create 13,000 jobs and increase Canada’s gross domestic product by $5 billion.
One of the supercluster’s major players is Telus Corp. The telecom, which has a health division that serves 22,000 physicians and 6,300 pharmacies, is involved in a pharmacogenomics project that is studying how genetics affect a person’s reaction to different drugs. Other partners in the project include GenXys Health Care Systems Inc., LifeLabs BC LP and Genome B.C.
The supercluster’s mix of big and smaller companies is important, because it gives large organizations a chance to focus on new ideas around the common theme of data, said Ohad Arazi, Telus Health’s chief strategy officer, while also giving smaller players the ability to strike deals that could help commercialize their research.
“The reality is that innovation is very difficult for big companies,” he said. “They have to continue delivering value; it’s hard to step back and pursue innovative ideas.”
Arazi sees the supercluster as an opportunity for B.C. players to band together and develop global ambitions, a goal echoed by other members including the University of British Columbia.
“This is a really exciting opportunity for post-secondary and industry to come together to build disruptive technology to really help make sure Canada is at the lead creating the knowledge economy,” said Gail Murphy, UBC’s vice-president of research and innovation.
UBC is participating in a digital twin project, which is creating a simulation of two complex industrial production lines used to make Boeing Co. aircraft parts. This “learning factory” will enable Boeing and partners — including AMPD Game Technologies Ltd., a Vancouver-based video-game company; Avcorp Industries Inc., an aircraft supply chain company in Delta, B.C.; and LlamaZOO, a Victoria-based 3D data visualization company  — to test new factory processes in real time.
On top of the learning factory’s industry applications, Murphy said it can give students a chance to develop the talent and skills that companies are looking for. Projects such as these also show the value in sharing ideas and collaborating, something she said would be very hard to do without supercluster funding.
“It’s breaking down barriers,” she said. “Having Microsoft and Finger Food Studios at the same table as Canfor and TimberWest and Telus, that kind of cross-sectoral discussion, in my experience, doesn’t happen a lot in regular life.”
Collaboration across industries is part of what drew mining giant Teck Resources Ltd. and space robotics company MDA Corp. to the supercluster. Both have pledged funding, although neither is participating in one of the initial projects.
“We see there being tremendous opportunity,” said Victoria Sterritt, Teck’s lead of technology and innovation.
Teck already uses data extensively, such as getting information from X-ray sensors on its shovels to distinguish between ore and waste, and from remotely operated bulldozers, which use automation to extract coal from otherwise unstable areas of a pit.
Industries can be fairly insular, Sterritt said, but Teck sees an opportunity to share knowledge across sectors rather than talk only to other miners.
“We understand we just can’t get to as good of a result on our own,” she said.
Chris Pogue, president of MDA Government and a veteran of the Canadian Air Force, agreed that having variety around the table is more effective, even if it is messier.
“A certain amount of chaos is healthy, to be quite frank,” he said.
Given MDA’s line of work, it is well aware of the challenges of analyzing vast amounts of data. “We’ve been dealing with the big data problem as a space agency before anyone called it big data,” Pogue said. The company plans to work on virtual and augmented reality projects as part of the cluster.
Joining together to grapple challenges that companies such as MDA previously tackled alone is the crux of the strategy behind the supercluster since researchers believe in cross-pollinating ideas.
Catherine Beaudry, Canada Research Chair on the Creation, Development and the Commercialization of Innovation at Polytechnique Montréal, said innovation often results from combining knowledge pools that already exist.
“Mixing and matching from different sectors can be highly beneficial,” she said. “Learning from one another and not having to do everything from scratch within a silo, I think that’s very, very important.”
As an example, Beaudry pointed to the aerospace industry’s link to the gaming community through the use of technologies such as flight simulators.
As for the risks in collaborating, she said partners have to be careful with intellectual property management, but could potentially benefit from casting a wider geographical net beyond B.C.
“Our superclusters are very much seen as a Canadian experiment,” she said.
Of course, the idea of concentrating regional players to spark innovation isn’t new. It dates back to U.S. economist Michael Porter’s theories from the 1990s, but it has become a buzzword as politicians around the world strive to create their own Silicon Valleys.
Rune Dahl Fitjar, a professor at the University of Stavanger Business School in Norway who studies what types of interactions lead to innovation, said he has found very little evidence about the effectiveness of cluster policies, but said they continue to appeal to policy-makers trying to stimulate industry development.
“It’s the need to appear to be doing something,” he said.
Fitjar said companies that look beyond a particular region to find international partners tend to find the most success.
“The wisest way to go is trying to improve diversity,” he said, adding that a multi-industry approach may help develop new ideas closer to home. “Going across sectors is helpful, because it then makes it easier to find emergent industries that can benefit and can also participate. It helps companies go beyond the networks they develop anyway.”
• Email: [email protected] | Twitter: theemilyjackson
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clinquantine · 7 years
pencil case
water bottle
Five Things In My Bedroom:
a bed lmao
wall stickers and frames
a huge box containing all of my colors, brushes, markers, and the junk i use for drawing, painting, and making crafts
a jewelry box
LOTS of books, novels, and textbooks
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life:
go out whenever i want
learn other languages
travel around the world
travel to outer space!
hold a gun and brandish a sword lmao
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
my collection of books (… and mangas and illustration books)
lance :’)
ice cream
Five Things On My To-Do List:
study harder
learn how to draw better
learn how to put makeup
visit a friend’s house for a movie night
catch up with some shows, manga, and anime
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
i don’t like ginger or any food that contains it
i don’t like kids but somehow kids are really fond of me? idk how that even works
i don’t like cooking either even though i’m pretty good at it
i don’t know how to dance
i love physics and astronomy sm
Name?: rawan
Nicknames?: ru, and many others
Zodiac?: virgo
Sexual Orientation?: asexual
Ethnicity?: uh… somewhere between arabic and caucasian i guess?
Favorite Fruit?: basically everything but red and yellow apples
Favorite Season?: winter
Favorite Flower?: hydrangeas
Favorite Scent?: the smell of book pages and fruit-scented perfumes
Favorite Animal?: snakes, killer whales, and sharks
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: hot chocolate
Cat or dog?: cats
Dream Trip?: outer space lmao
Number of Followers?: 🤷
What do I post about?: random stuff
Do I get asks on a regular basis?: depends i guess?
Favorite Band?: starset and owl city
Aesthetic?: a lot of stuff. mainly things related to space, middle ages, or winter…
Fictional Character I’d Date?: lance lance lance lance lance lance lance
Hogwarts House?: ravenclaw
Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental chanllenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close at my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
Relationship status: single
Favorite color: black, pale purple, sapphire and ocean blue
Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick
Last song I listened to: Dragon Night
Last movie I watched: haven’t watched movies in forever
Top three TV shows:
okay ima list non-anime and non-cartoon shows for this:
Brooklyn Nine Nine
BBC Sherlock
Top three characters:
Lance (Voltron)
Ichigo (Aikatsu)
Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
rules: copy/paste and replace my answers with yours and tag people :^)
a - age: 17 
b - biggest fear: failure 
c - current time: 9:30pm (this is scheduled lmao) 
d - drink you last had: water 
e - every day starts with: setting the alarm off f - favorite song: tbh i dunno but recently i can’t stop listening to knnw osts by radwimps and alan walker’s songs 
g - ghosts, are they real: nah 
h - hometown: lebanon 
i - in love with: space 
j - jealous of: articulate people/ people who are good at expressing themselves and using words 
k - killed someone: tbh i did kill my own self-esteem and motivation to live years ago so.. 
l - last time you cried: i rewatched knnw today and i was bawling and squealing and wailing m - middle name: dad’s name 
n - number of siblings: 2 sisters and 2 brothers 
o - one wish: to jump in time to 7 years later where my soul is finally set Free p - person you last called/texted: my friend at school q - questions you’re always asked: “can’t you show any emotions at all?!?!” lmao 
r - reasons to smile: lance mcclain :)))))))) 
s - song last sang: nandemonaiya - radwimps t - time you woke up: i woke up at 6 today, went to sleep again, then woke up at 7:45 
u - underwear color: purple v - vacation destination: outer space (actually the only vacations i go on are to my homeland rip) 
w - worst habit: sloth 
x - x-rays you’ve had: i don’t quite remember but i think i had one when i was in 2nd grade when i broke my arm. not sure tho. i also had x-rays of my jaw/teeth multiple times too haha y - your favorite food: ice cream 
z - zodiac sign: virgo
post a screenshot of my lock screen, home screen, and last song played
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:
boku no hero academia
The first character you loved:
i love them all that i don’t remember anymore tbh? probably deku?
lance (it was love at first sight even though i don’t even believe in it)
The character you never expected to love so much:
gintoki! i’m ready to die for him!!
The character you relate to most:
kacchan, iida, and todoroki
The character you’d slap:
mineta T_T
Three favorite characters (these are in order of preference):
todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (keeping angel’s answer bc!!! SAME!!!)
LANCE, pidge, keith
gintoki, kagura, sougo
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
umm? idk??
i still love them all so much
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
kacchan surprisingly
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