#i think he returns from a holiday this weekend so our friend group will hopefully meet up soon and i can feel this out in person now that–
alwayssunnyinhawkins · 4 months
"What can I say, full of surprises" is he flirting or just making a joke
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umichenginabroad · 2 years
Bordeaux France
Last week was my last week at ENSEA. I finished my finals. Hopefully did well, said goodbye to my teachers for all their help throughout the semester, and began prep for my departure. This was last Wednesday. Thursday was a national holiday, I think it was a catholic one. Anyways, I was able to take advantage of my last weekend in France with a trip to Bordeaux.
I found this service that organizes trips throughout France called ErasmusPlace. It's run by this guy named Jeff, (super Jeff), and is open to anybody interested in a cheap and well-organized trip.
The trip to Bordeaux was 8 hours by bus on the way in. We took a few stops but it was more or less constant travel. Jeff kept people interested with quizzes and information about the activities to come.
We arrived later that day and did a city tour. There was a photo contest, so my photos for this blog are going to be kinda stacked. We were 85 people on the trip, and some of the travelers had super high-quality cameras.
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So, we got to do a city tour and it I met a lot of people. 3 people from Greece: Signorita, Cleopatra, and Thanos. (Actually Thanos), 1 person from Germany: Simon, an aeronautical Engineer with top gun style ray bans and a scraggly beard. Rachel, a girl from the U.S who goes to Auburn University in Alabama and studies near where we do in Cergy (the 3rd person from the Alabama/Mississippi region I've met in France). Jesus, a student in Paris from Mexico, and Manu a student at Roma university who traveled to Paris from Rome just to make this Bordeaux trip.
For dinner, people were anxious about a decision because most places couldn't sit big groups and nobody wanted to pick a place. People were saying that they'd go anywhere, so we went into the first restaurant we saw. It happened to be a swiss restaurant, Savoyard style, with lots of cheese. Rachel wanted a burger because she thought that one of the tartiflette dishes (a potato lasagna) was a burger because it said, 'Berger'. The consensus after sitting down and reading the menu is that there's too much cheese. So we bail and our waiter recommends a place next door which sells savory crepes. We eat that up and afterward I head to the bar with Simon and Manu. Jeff picks the bar so the other travelers are there too. During this time, I'm speaking in Spanish with Manu a little bit because his English isn't so good and that's fun to do. At the bar, we get some beers and after talking with some people from Spain for a bit we go home.
The next day we go to the dunes of Pilat. A 3km long dune 110m tall.
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Excuse my bad filming. We ran up the dunes the second we saw them and it's actually kind of difficult to sprint up 100 meters of sand, so I was out of breath taking it.
After a few hours at the dunes, we went to a beach 20 minutes north of the dunes in a town called Arcachoca. We swam in the Atlantic, and ate some seafood dinner, and headed back.
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View of the Atlantic from the dunes
Not without incident, however, Our bus driver drove into a tree and broke a window on the bus. So we were stuck in Arcachoca a little longer than planned, trying to sort out how we'd continue to travel for the trip. Return to Paris, get back to Bordeaux, important things.
During this time we meet some Austrians, Natalie, and Lilith and we talk to them. Natalie just graduated high school in Austria and has left home to volunteer in Paris.
We get back and Jeff organizes a club for the travelers to go to. The music is a little much and Grace and I head home early.
The next day we prepare for the drive back, we try some Bordeaux delicacies the, caneles, which nobody seems to like but me, and we meet up with Victor, our friend from ENSEA who lives in Bordeaux. We see him for only 20 minutes or so on our walk back to the bus. It was cool to see him at home, he was really in his element. Bordeaux is exceptionally French.
The bus ride is long because of traffic. We stop briefly at a wine cellar to do a wine tasting.
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The left photo is the oak used in the barrels for the aging of the red wine.
In the right photo, you see the roman architecture style arches which comprise the main cellar of the place. The tour guide told us that the building had papers from 500 years ago and could have dated back to the 12th century. The wine was good and I bought some for the family.
The rest of the journey was difficult. We didn't get back until 2am because of traffic. We were supposed to get back at 11PM. Overall, it was a really cool trip. I recommend the program to anybody going to France to study abroad.
Nick Peabody
Electrical Engineering
Fame 2022 Ensea
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Here’s a half formed thought about Calum going back to school at the same time as you during the crazy ass pandemic. Enjoy. 
Reader insert. No race or gender. 
You were always going back to school. When you ran into Calum last year--though it really wasn’t you running into Calum; he was doing his grocery shopping and you checked him out--you knew being a clerk at the grocery store wasn’t the end all be all for you. 
What you had noticed over the couple of months is that whenever Calum seemed to be doing his grocery shopping, he always came through your line. It didn’t matter if you were the only line opened or on the weekends one of the several lines open, Calum was there. He started with small talk, asking you how your day was going. And you asked about his. He shocked you the first time he used your name. But you forgot that it was on your name tag. “Well if you know my name it’s only fair I know yours,” you teased. 
“Calum,” he returned easily, taking the brown paper bags after you carefully packed them. 
Sometimes you noticed his dog in the cart and asked about them. You learned his name is Duke and that he’s been affectionately dubbed Baby Grandpa by Calum. And eventually, though you hadn’t really meant to, you noticed things he bought frequently and whenever you happened across his path while walking to or from back break, you’d let him know if there was a sale going on. 
And thought it was only just friendly chat while you were on the clock, you were out pumping gas on your way to lunch with your friends when you heard your name. As you turned, there was Calum, walking out of the gas station, waving as he pushed his sunglasses back to cover his eyes. 
“Fancy meeting you here,” you laughed, waving in return. What you hadn’t expected as Calum walked across the lot to the pumps is that he would chat until the question of a date fell off from his lips. And sure Calum was attractive, and sure the conversation over the weeks while you checked out his items had turned a little flirty but you hadn’t expected that Calum felt anything remotely serious about you to ask you on a date. 
But you accepted. And there you were able to talk over a nice picnic that excluded Duke, but at your explicit disappointment at not seeing the old dog, Calum promised that next time, he would make sure to include Duke. That picnic lead to a movie, which lead to dinner, which lead to a date shopping for Duke because of the upcoming holidays, which lead to dinner at his place, and then hanging out with his friends for a quick drink one night, which lead to movie nights at each others place. 
And somewhere in all of it, you were dating Calum. He called when you had the closing shift at work to make sure you got home safely. Or if you spent the night, he’d make you breakfast, and he soothed your back as you hunched in front of your laptop to paid for applications for grad school. And he listened to the way you talked about knowing you couldn’t stay in this spot forever and he encouraged you go back to school. You could feel out that school was something that Calum was considering but he hadn’t been too serious about it. Not the band, the tours, the in the studio’s late--just never felt like he had the time.
Occasionally, you talked about some of the online courses you saw the schools had. But Calum hadn’t fully budged. By the time you got news about you going back to school, with funding, and sorting that news out with your job, Calum asked you if you thought he should give a crack at school. You told him the truth, that if he wanted to go for it, he should. And soon, things crumbled globally with the pandemic. And locked in the house most of the time, you dropped subtle and not so subtle hints that making those online classes might be closer and closer to coming true. 
Now you’re here, sitting at the dining room table, your printed out readings and books scattered in front of you. Calum’s on the couch. His notes on the coffee table. You’re in class, listening to the lecture headphones in and you look over to Calum, his class ended just as yours started. His fingers are working over the keys. 
He’s only in a couple of classes. And though you’re in one more class than him, there’s the added struggle of the work you do too. It’s administrative, but there’s meetings once a week and you still find yourself being offloaded onto with lots of small annoying data tracking tasks. It’s paying for school, so you do it with minimal complaints, but a few nonetheless. 
You’re so lost watching Calum working that you don’t even realize that the class you’re in is preparing for small breakout rooms until someone calls your name. You blink and turn back to the screen. “Sorry, zoned out. We’re discussing the reading, yeah?”
Your group nods and you manage to get back on track until the end of your class. Just as you’re closing down the Zoom app, at least for the half hour before your meeting for work, Calum calls out. “Class done?”
You nod, popping out the earbuds. “Yeah. Got that meeting for work soon though.”
He hums, glancing up from the screen. He seems tired. Most of your nights both of you are up kinda late. Though, you make sure to turn it in early and practically drag Calum to bed a couple hours later. He’ll get caught up, work way too late into the night and then have to be up early for band meetings too. “Want me to fix dinner tonight then?”
“It’s my night. I can still do it.” 
“You sure. I know you’ve got to fix that spreadsheet too and do your readings for the week.”
You shake your head. “I can still cook. Might even start during our meeting.”
Calum laughs, remembering the other times you turned off your camera and shuffled around the kitchen to cook in meetings or in classes too. “Nonsense. Almost done with this paper, so I’ll cook. But as an exchange, if you don’t mind, could you read over this? It’s only a response to a reading and it’s not super long or anything. But this instructor’s a fucking hardass.”
You nod. You’ve read over his papers before. Most of the times it’s just making sure he has correct citations and you might make a note about needing a thesis statement or needing more of his analysis between his evidence. But it’s not much that you ever feel like you need to mention on his papers. You’ve found, most often, what Calum needs is just someone to listen to his ideas so he can sort them out loud and then all you do is take down the notes of what he said. Listening to him talk about this philosophy class and Literature class is awe inspiring. He always has more questions than answers, but it’s those questions that always lead him to some pretty amazing places in his writing. 
“Is this the professor that got on you about the spacing on that first paper?”
Calum nods, pushing the laptop to the coffee table on top of his notes. “Yes! Even you couldn’t see what was wrong, so I still don’t understand what they got on me about. And I formatted the second outline in the exact same way and didn’t get any points taken off, so I really don’t understand.”
“Well, it could’ve been Google Docs. When you downloaded it into Pages, the formatting might’ve gotten wonky? But even the Pages document looked fine, so I really don’t know what happened there. But you’re doing it all in Pages now and then exporting to a PDF when you submit correct?”
“Yeah, I am. Thanks for that tip though. I didn’t realize Pages wouldn’t work in the submission center.” His shuffle into the kitchen is paired by the click of Duke’s paws on the floor. Calum presses a quick kiss to the top of your head. “Spaghetti?”
Holding onto his forearm draped around your chest, you nod. “Spaghetti sounds lovely.”
“I saw you staring at me while you were in class,” he whispers close to your ear. 
“What? You’re hot. Sue me.”
His chuckle is soft, a rumble in his chest that you feel through your back. “Most definitely can’t sue you over that. But don’t make me go in the office. I need you to pass these classes.”
“I appreciate the concern, dear. But I think I’m doing pretty good. Besides, I’m signed up for a random art history class. I can say you’re a piece of art I needed to analyze.”
The laughter’s not soft now, he full on giggles--a bit of it getting cut off as he inhales into the sound. “You’re ridiculous.” His lips are soft against your temple as he stands back up. “So spaghetti. Garlic bread is a must. Salad?”
“Ugh, I guess I do need veggies.”
“Yes, yes you do.” He continues into the kitchen, the clinking of pots hitting the isle’s of the stove and bowls, boxes, and jars setting onto the counter. 
“How’s the other class going? You guys starting your novels yet?”
“19th Century Lit is well, 19th Century Lit.” Calum seemed intrigued by the Evil Children’s class you told him you saw. But it had filled by the time Calum got his work schedule sorted out. He turned to 19th Century Lit as his backup, and so far, it appeared to be going well. “We’re spending the first part on poetry. And that’s the most interesting. The rest of the books sound a little boring.”
You hum, nodding even though he can’t see you. “Hopefully the class picks up. I took a look at the spring classes. If you want to focus more on poetry there’s a Modern Poetry post 1930′s class.”
The glance is quick, but his brows are pulled upwards, in a slight intrigue. “I’d consider it for sure.”
The alarm on your phone goes off, letting you know you have ten minutes until the meeting. You turn back to your computer and start logging into the meeting. “You haven’t had an assignment for that class yet have you?”
“No. The midterm’s coming up soon though and I don’t even know how to begin to study for it.”
You pop one earbud in making sure your mic is muted. “You know I got you, babe.”
“Yeah, but you’ve got your classes too. I-I might stop by the professors office hours and ask for help.”
“That’s always a good idea. Do you know when they are?”
“Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s.” You know he doubled checked them because he probably wouldn’t have that readily available from the first day of classes. “Gonna go tomorrow.”
Popping up from the chair, you press a kiss to his cheek, as the pan sizzles just a little and the pot of water not showing signs of bubbles just yet. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” Calum returns, pulling you fully into his chest for a swift kiss. “Now, go! You’ve got a meeting.”
“Meeting schmeeting. Would rather kiss you.” You kiss him one last time before ducking back into the chair and turning the camera on. You notice just faintly in the background Calum’s visible as he shuffles between pans and pots. Duke walks up to you, standing up to get attention. 
“Oh, you know I can’t say no,” you mutter, setting him in your lap.
“Is that Duke?” your supervisor asks. He’s crashed a couple meetings before. 
You unmute and hold him better for everyone to see. “Yeah. His pops is cooking us dinner and that lack of attention just won’t do.” 
“Hey, you say that like I don’t love him,” Calum retorts, threatening the back of your head with a spatula. You giggle before muting yourself and place Duke back into your lap, digging up the word document you’ve started for all the meeting notes. 
Your supervisor laughs. “Well I think he’s getting plenty of attention in the chat.” There are some more dings as people join the meeting. “Looks like we have everyone, so let’s begin.”
tagging @calumscalm because you might still be taking that exam, love. 
and @5-secondsofcolor bc sunday reads bubs. 
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Riding On  Ch4: Full Steeb Ahead
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Summary: Frank is determined to get Fliss to hear him out. But will she believe him?
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Hopefully after this @sweater-daddiesdumbdork will stop chasing me. As always, thanks to my unofficial beta @icanfeelastormbrewing​ for the usual inputs and opinions.  Chapter Song: Man Who Can’t Be Moved by The Script
Series Masterlist //  WIYPT Masterlist
People talk about the guy that’s waiting on a girl. There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world.
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Frank woke early the next morning, well, maybe woke was an exaggeration seeing as he probably managed about an hour of straight sleep, if that. The rest was spent in small dozing periods of 20, maybe 30 minutes at a time.  His neck was stiff from laying on the couch, as was his back and deciding he would give up trying to get comfortable he sat up, stretching his muscles out before he ran a hand down his tired face.
It was still dark outside and he reached for his phone. It had just gone 6 am, which meant he had an hour or so before the house started to wake. Standing up, he grabbed the shirt he had discarded the night before and shoving it on he located his sneakers. Once they were on his feet he grabbed his keys and as quietly as he could let himself out of the house, locking the door behind him as he headed down the little pathway which led to the main one through their little estate.
He walked down past the harbour and the little garages which were starting to open, nodding to a few of the guys he used to see knocking around when he had worked there, continuing past the little row of bait and tackle shops, past the small café, before he reached the path that led along the rocky sea defence. He followed the sandy pathway down to the boardwalk along the beach and continued for as long as he could, his feet treading over the well-worn wooden slats, some of which were loose in places, before it ended and he hit the soft sand. He headed onto the beach, it was almost deserted apart from a few early morning dog walkers, which suited him fine.
The ocean always calmed him. He had no idea why, but it had done ever since he was a kid. He’d adored those family holidays taken before it all went to rat shit, memories of him, his father and his sister playing on the sand whilst his mother read a book shaded by a parasol, every so often looking up to observe what was going on before returning back to whatever latest theory she was reading up on.  And then at night, they would eat with a family, late walks on the beach were always a treat, watching the dark water as it lapped against the shore, his dad making up random tales about Peg Legged Pirates searching for treasure which was always buried not far from where they were stood.
He’d done the same with Mary, telling her the same tales he could remember and making up new ones when he couldn’t. She didn’t buy them anymore, she was far too old for her age, but he couldn’t wait to tell them to Bean when he or she arrived, see their little face light up as they glanced over the ocean searching for ghostly ships or dug in the sand for imaginary treasure.
He reached the water’s edge and looked out at the horizon for a few minutes taking in the detail of the sky which was lit up in hues of purple and orange as the sun hovered a few meters or so above the place where the sea hit the sky and he took a deep breath, trying to calm his mind. He was in a mess, a mess that was entirely his own doing, and he felt utterly powerless to fix it. If he couldn’t get Fliss to listen to him…well, he didn’t even want to think about that. But the more he tried not to, the more he did. He couldn’t lose her, not over some stupid misunderstanding like this. Pinching the bridge of his nose in an attempt to ease the tension headache that was already forming behind his eyes, not helped by the lack of sleep, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to re-centre himself. He finally had everything he hadn't even realised he needed and losing it was not an option. He had to fix this. With one last deep breath he turned to take the 15 minutes or so walk back home.
The house was still quiet when he got back in but he could hear the sounds of the shower meaning Fliss was up. He headed into the bedroom, Thor raising his head from where he was led on the bed, and he bent over to give the dog a scratch behind the ear. He pulled out a clean pair of jeans, a T-shirt and a pair of boxers, tossing them down on the pale blue bed covers, his head turning to face Fliss as she walked into the room, towel wrapped around her, hair piled in a messy bun on her head. His heart gave an instant pang as he took in how tired she looked, the guilt flooding over him as he knew it was his fault.
“Where did you go?” she asked him, her voice soft. “I heard the door.”
“For a walk.” he said, “Just to the beach. Needed some air.”
She looked at him for a moment before she nodded and moved to the dresser to pull out her clothes for the day.
“Can we talk?” he asked her tentatively and she stopped, straightening up before she looked at him.
“I told you last night, I’ve nothing to say.”
“No, but I have.” he pressed, “Lissy please…just hear me out, let me explain.”
She licked her lips and took a deep breath before she sighed “Fine, when Mary’s gone to school. But I have clients at 9 and I need to pick Rupert up so I’m leaving here at 8:15 no later.”
“Ok.” he nodded, giving her a small smile before he headed into the bathroom for a shower.
Breakfast was a little subdued, but he had to give Fliss her credit. She was polite and civil to him, even if she wasn’t affectionate. But it didn’t fool Mary. She asked him as he walked her down to the bus stop what was going on, and not being one to lie to her, he told her truthfully that he’d been an idiot over the weekend and needed to apologise to Fliss. At that she shot him a filthy look.
“You better fix things or I will kill you and hate you forever.” she said before she turned and stormed towards the waiting bus.
You and me both, Short Stack.
When he got back Fliss was waiting for him like she said she would be, sat at the table. She looked at him as he sat on the seat at the end, so he was to her right and facing her. She glanced at her watch “You got 15 minutes.” “Lissy, those photos…” Frank dove straight in, he had not time to waste and even if he did, he didn’t want to. This was eating him up inside “I know they look bad…”
“No shit sherlock…”
“I swear to God, nothing happened.”
“Nothing happened.” She repeated, looking at him and he shook his head.
“Then how the fuck did she end up on your knee Frank?”
He took a deep breath “In all honestly I only know from what Simon and Greg told me.” he said, “I was drunk, I’d already pushed her away earlier in the night and she came over with her friends, one of them was getting into one of the guys Jake works with and she just sat on my knee. Apparently it took me a while but in the end I told her to get lost. I was quite rude to her, so they say.”
“You look fairly comfortable with her on your lap in the photo.” Fliss said after a moment, her voice quiet. The hurt in her tone made Frank feel even more like shit, as she wasn’t screaming or shouting which to be honest he was fairly sure he would have dealt with a whole lot better. “And in the other photo where you look like you’re about to kiss her.”
“Baby, I swear to you seconds after that I told her no. I’d just bumped into her and she was falling so I grabbed her to make sure she didn’t as that was the second time I’d nearly kno-“
“The second time?” Fliss looked at him and Frank closed his eyes, letting out a groan. “So you accidently nearly kissed her before.”
“No, that’s not-“ “Keep digging Frank, because that hole you’re in is getting deeper and deeper by the second.” she shook her head, looking away.
“I nearly knocked her over before.” he said, “Round the pool. I’d just finished talking to you, turned round and bumped straight into her.” “Right, and she just happened to be there in the club then after you ‘bumped’…” she framed the words with her fingers “…into her?”
“Again, full honestly, no, I don’t think she did” he shook his head “She was flirty. Made some comment or other when I said I’d watch where I was going about how she hoped not, and then we saw them on the Friday night too in one of the bars…”
Fliss looked at him and shook her head “The irresistible Adler charm eh?” Her voice carried a note of sarcasm, and Frank shook his head.
“Baby I’m just being honest here, telling you the truth. She was with a group on a 21st and I think they just saw a gang of guys and…” he shrugged “I dunno…they screwed Aaron, Chad and Jeff out of plenty of drinks so...” Fliss licked her lips and looked down, her hands fiddling with the now empty glass in her hands.
“Sweetheart, I get why you’re mad, I really do…and maybe I should have told her to fuck off sooner…”
“Maybe?” “Alright, not maybe, I should have but…I swear to god I didn’t kiss her, I didn’t sleep with her…nothing happened” He reached for her hand, his fingers gently squeezing hers “I love you, more than I can even begin to explain, and our Bean…the thought of being with anyone else never crosses my mind.”
She looked at him, then down at his hand which was over hers before she took a deep breath. Her head was a mash. Half of her wanted to believe him, his face and his words were so sincere and he’d never lied to her before, ever. But the other half…those damned photos. And either way, whether he had kissed her or not, he had been far too close, and she’d sat on his fucking knee long enough for someone to get a picture.
“You do believe me, right?” Frank asked, his eyes locking onto hers.
“Honestly?” she asked.
“Always.” he nodded.
“I don’t know what to believe…” she said, before she pulled her hand away and stood up, “I have to go. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Hey Titch…” Steve greeted Fliss as she walked into the annex and instantly frowned when he saw her face “You ok?”
“Yeah…I’m fine.” She shrugged, not wanting to talk about what was happening anymore. She was tired. “Where’s Roo?”
“He’s out back.” Steve frowned “What’s going on?”
“Bullshit nothing.” he said, looking at her. She looked away as the tears filled her eyes and she turned to her brother shaking her head.
“Just Frank…and…”
“What’s he done?” Steve asked
“I don’t know.” Fliss said, her tears trickling down her face. “That’s just it…”
Steve put the coffee mug he was holding down on the side and swept his sister into his arms. “Hey, come on…”
She pressed her face into his grey t-shirt as his arms wrapped around her and she simply cried the tears she’d been holding back all morning. Eventually Steve pulled back and looked down at her, letting out a soft sigh. “What’s going on Lissy?”
She moved to take out her phone and wordlessly scrolled to the offending photos which she had saved and handed the phone to him. “There’s another one…” she said, as she saw her brother’s face darken. Steve swiped across and let out a huff through his nose.
“Ok.” he nodded “They don’t look great. What’s he had to say about them?”
Fliss swallowed “That he was drunk, and moments after the first one he pushed the girl away and on the second one…well, he says he told her to get lost too but…” “But you don’t believe him?”
“I don’t know Steve, that’s the problem.” she shrugged “I want to believe him, and he’s never lied to be before…and then there’s the message he sent me about being in someone else’s room and…”
“Hang on…someone else’s room?”
Fliss nodded and explained the whole mix up, about how he had been with Simon but even that she was having her doubts about now and Steve listened, his hand running over his beard as he took in her words.
“Have you talked to any of the other guys that were there?” he asked and she shook her head.
“Bonnie tried calling me before but, well to be honest they’re all gonna cover for him, even if he did do it aren’t they? I mean fuck…, seeing those damned photos…it was humiliating and…”
Steve sighed, handing her the phone back. “Look, Lissy, I’ve been in this position before. Some woman all over me and Sian getting the hump. Photos are a snap shot in time, they never tell the whole story…you know that as well as anyone.”
“Yeah, but the same girl is there, on his fucking lap Steve…”
“I know, and yes, regardless of what he did he shouldn’t have let that happen but…fucking hell, he was in Vegas, pissed out of his brains.” Steve sighed “I’m not excusing it, before you start, and I’m not dismissing your worry but…I dunno Liss, just don’t jump to any conclusions ok? Give it some thought.” “I can’t think about anything else.” she murmured. “God you’re just like dad.” Steve chuckled “Could be worse people to be like. Look, go to work, get your thoughts straight and if you’re adamant at the end of the day you still don’t believe him then just come here for the night and we’ll take it from there ok?”
Fliss nodded and wiped at her face “Thanks Steve.” “What are big brother’s for huh?” She smiled and then eyed him a little “You’re not gonna do anything stupid are you?” “Define stupid?” “Like go round there and punch him?” Steve shook his head “I promise, no punching.” Satisfied he was telling her the truth she whistled for both dogs who came trotting over, bid her brother goodbye and headed out to her jeep.
****** With nothing else much to do on his day off, Frank was busy scrolling the internet looking at realtor pages. Whilst things were still up in the air, it was helping him focus on being positive, because being anything else was not an option. So far nothing in particular had grabbed his eye but still, it was keeping him occupied as he tried to push the fear he was harbouring to the back of his mind.
He was pulled from his browsing by a knock to the door. Setting the laptop to one side he stood up and headed down the hallway and no sooner had he opened the door someone had gripped the collar of his shirt and shoved him harshly into the wall. It took him a split second to focus and when he realised who it was he gripped the front of them man’s shirt and pushed back. There was a little scuffle in the hallway until Frank managed to free himself from the man’s grip before he stood there, glaring at him, chest heaving.
“Fuck off Steve…” he glared at him.
“I warned you.” Steve looked at him “I told you what would happen if you hurt her Frank…”
“Yes, I remember what you said.” Frank looked at him, shaking his head.
“And yet you still did it…” “Oh get fucked, this has nothing to do with you…” “Piss off Frank, it has everything to do with me.” Steve snarled “She turned up this morning for the dog in a right state. Showed me the photos.”
Frank sighed and hung his head. He should have expected this.
“I told her not to jump to conclusions, trying to keep her calm but I gotta admit Frank…they look pretty damning.”
“I’m aware of that, thanks.” Frank bit back “And you know what, I don’t need this. Things are enough of a mess as it is without adding a brawl with you into the equation.” he turned back to head into the living room “Close the door on your way out.”
“Look me in the eye, tell me you didn’t…” Steve said to his back and Frank stopped, shaking his head as he turned to face him.
“Of course I didn’t. I’d never do that to her.”
Frank met Steve’s glare with one of his own and he could practically see the man’s mind whirring. Eventually he took a deep breath and jerked his head in a stiff nod.
“I had to know Frank.” he said, his tone less confrontational, and Frank knew Steve well enough to understand that was as much of an apology as he was going to get. Frank didn’t say anything, simply turned away once more and headed into the lounge.
“So what happened?” Steve asked following him.
“I was shit faced, that’s what happened.” Frank sighed, rubbing his hand over his face. He turned to look at Steve once more “The girl was part of a group that we’d bumped into a few times. She was a little flirty and yeah, I talked to her, but… she was a fucking kid they were there on a 21st party.”
Steve arched an eyebrow slightly as Frank pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.
“She tried kissing me in the bar, I pushed her away. I don’t even know how she ended upon my lap but I told her to get lost and…” he shrugged and looked at Steve “There’s nothing more to it…”
“And the morning after when you woke up elsewhere?”
Frank let out a groan “I was in Simon’s room. I passed out…we both did. Liss called me that morning, she even heard Simon on the phone…” Steve watched him carefully as Frank simply shook his head “I’ve explained all this to her…”
“I know.” Steve said “I just wanted to hear it for myself.” he took a deep breath “Any coffee going?”
Frank looked at him and Steve gave him a small smile, causing Frank’s spirit to lift somewhat. Her brother believed him, which was the best thing he could have hoped for in the circumstances.
“Sure…” Frank nodded and headed to the kitchen, Steve following. He made them both a drink, not another word spoken until he handed him a mug and Steve took a sip, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Look, Frank, I don’t think she believes you cheated, not really. From what she said to me I think she’s more upset really about how she found out.”
“She wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for those damned photos because there is nothing to find out.” Frank shook his head.
“When she told you about John…did she ever mention his little photo stunts?” Steve looked at Frank and Frank paused, frowning a little as he racked his brains, and then a conversation one stormy night as they lay in bed suddenly flashed into his mind.
“He used to go out and deliberately let women paw at him, and instead of hiding any photo evidence he used to simply flaunt it, splash it all over Facebook. That’s why I de-activated all my social media until recently…”
“Fuck.” Frank groaned, shaking his head.
“Manipulation.” Steve said, his jaw set “He would never do anything with the girls but he made Lissy think he had and would then accuse her of being jealous, and paranoid. Was his twisted of getting her to come off social media, another way to isolate her, keep her in line.”
“She doesn’t think that’s what I was doing?” Frank looked at Steve, a horrified expression on his face.
“God, no.” Steve shook his head, “She knows you’re not that man…but Frank, as happy and as safe as she is, those scars are gonna be there for a long time.” “I know.” “And I know that the fact that ass hole could still be casting a shadow over everything you have, especially now he’s well out of the picture, is basically really shit, but…” “I should have remembered.” Frank shook his head. “But, well, to be honest I’ve never had to explain myself like that to any girl, let alone the one I want to spend my life with and I was so caught up in getting her to believe me, I didn’t even consider any of that. Looks like I just fucked things up even more.”
“She’ll come round.” Steve looked at him. “Just give her time.” “I hope you’re right.” Frank shrugged “Because if she doesn’t I’ll never forgive myself.”
Fliss groaned as she looked at the caller ID on her phone. It was Bonnie again.
“Fucks sake…” She grumbled, before answering, deciding to get it over and done with.
“Finally!” Bonnie said, “I’ve been so worried about you…”
“Look, Bonnie I’m really busy…”
“Just 5 minutes…hear me out, please.”
“If you’re gonna start pleading Frank’s case…”
“There’s no case to plead. Simon told me everything last night, apparently about 30 seconds after she’d perched on his knee Frank suddenly realised what was going on and told her to fuck off.” “Well he would say that, he’s his friend…”
“Oh come on Fliss…” Bonnie made an exasperated noise “First off I can tell when Simon is lying, and he wasn’t, and second off, do you really think Frank would cheat on you?”
“I’m sick of everyone telling me what I should and shouldn’t think.” Fliss practically snarled “I don’t have time for this.”
She cut the call and shoved her phone back into her pocket, her hand gently sliding over her bump.
“You know, people are only trying to help Titch.”
Fliss spun round to see her brother in the doorway to the office and she let out a groan “I thought you were over to do work…” “I am…meetings start tomorrow.”
“Right, well, go and find something else to do. I’m busy.”
“Don’t get shitty with me…” Steve frowned.
“Steve just…fuck off!” Fliss exploded “I can’t deal with…” she stopped and shook her head “Why can’t everyone just leave me alone.” “Because they’re trying to help.” he said softly
“Well they’re not.” she sniffed
“Titch…look at me.” Steve said gently and she raised her head to meet her brother’s eyes, her own watering with tears.  “Do you hand on heart believe he would cheat on you…seriously?”
“I didn’t…”
“So why do you now?”
“I don’t know if I do…it’s just those photos and…” “Fuck the photos.” Steve said, his voice a little sterner. “You know full well they never tell a full story.” Fliss swallowed as she looked at her brother, as he continued.
“Do you truly think Frank is the type of man who would, after everything you two went through, jump into bed with some tramp in Vegas whilst this pregnant fiancée is at home, looking after his niece?”
Fliss looked down at the floor, her tears falling down her cheeks.
“Because I don’t Liss.” Steve continued “Especially not now he looked me in the eye and said he hasn’t.”
At that her head jerked up and she frowned. “You went round?”
“Steve you promised not to!”
“No, I promised not to punch him. And I didn’t.” he shrugged, not a shred of apology in his tone. “I talked to him, asked him straight to explain to my face.”
“And you believe him?”
“Yeah I do believe him, completely. I think he was drunk, and at worst potentially indulged the girl a little over the days they were there, which, ok, he shouldn’t have done but at worst he’s guilty of nothing but allowing some 21 year old kid to flirt with him a little.  And if that’s a crime then, fuck, you better shoot me along with half the population now.”
Liss looked away, her brother’s words ringing in her head. Truth was they hit home. She had always been a flirty person by nature, it was just the way she was…well, had been until John beat it out of her. But Frank, well, Frank had never bothered about her talking to other men before because he knew she was his…
“Is this really about him, or is this all to do with that fucker again?” Steve asked.
Fliss gave a snort and looked up at Steve. “Can you read minds?”
“No, you just get this look on your face whenever you think about him.”
She stayed silent.
“Frank isn’t John” Steve spoke gently.
“I know that Steve…”
“So stop comparing the two.”
“I’m not.”
“Ok, really? So tell me honestly when you saw those photos your mind didn’t go to his party trick of being photographed with every girl he could manage to on a night out to rub your nose in it, whether he cheated or not?”
“I know that’s not what Frank was doing.” she shook her head. And she did, truly. Frank would never manipulate her like that but she would be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about it, and how shit it made her feel “I just…”
“You’re waiting for something to come along and fuck everything up for you.” Steve said, looking at her.  “Which I get, I really do Titch because of everything you’ve been through but you need to stop looking over your shoulder and worrying about what you think is gonna happen, and simply look at what is, because if you don’t then eventually you’re just going to fuck it all up for yourself.”
Fliss turned away from her brother, his words cutting her to the core. He was right. She was, whether consciously or not, constantly wondering when her happiness was going to shatter around her because all she had ever known in a relationship was pain and anger. Some days she would wake before Frank and lie there, watching his face as he slept, committing every single detail right down to those freckles that spattered his nose and cheek, unable to believe how lucky she was. Engaged to a man who asked her to marry him because he loved her and didn’t merely want to possess her. She had a home, not a house, a surrogate daughter in Mary, days filled with laugher and happiness, and a baby on the way. It was a dream for most people, including her and she was perpetually scared one day someone or something would take it all from her. Just as they always had before.
“You know, Frank told me that he’s never had to explain himself to a girl before…” Steve gave took a deep breath “He’s now petrified that being honest with you has just made things worse. Doesn’t that tell you something?” Fliss looked at her brother, taking in his words. This was all unchartered territory for Frank too. What they were building together was new. He wanted it and more importantly he wanted it with her. As that realisation washed over her so did another one, the understanding that he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise what they have.
“Look, what the pair of you have is special. Don’t let something as stupid as this ruin it all because you both deserve better than that.”
The tears in Fliss’ eyes began to spill down her cheeks and Steve sighed, pulling her to his chest, gently rocking her to and fro, simply allowing her to cry.
When Fliss got home Frank wasn’t there, but there was a Pandora Gift Bag sat on the coffee table. Curiosity got the better of her and she undid the bag, opening the box inside. It was a small stroller charm and she swallowed, placing the box back in the bag. She heard the door open and turned as Frank appeared in the doorway.
“Before you ask…” Frank nodded at the bag in her hand “I didn’t buy you that as a sweetener. I got that in Vegas before any of this kicked off.”
“I didn’t…” she shook her head, placing it back on the table “That wasn’t what I thought.”
He gave her a nod and she studied him for a second, before Mary bounced into the room.
“Hey!” Fliss smiled at her, “You had a good day.”
“Yeah, it was ok.” Mary nodded “They were all doing math today but I did some of my uni work whilst they did the times tables. Have you and Frank made up yet?”
Liss hesitated and Frank gently dropped his hand to the back of Mary’s head.
“We talked, and we still need to talk some more.” he said “Any chance you can give us some space?”
She eyed him for a moment before she shrugged “I got homework, I’ll be in my room.”
“Thanks Stack.” he smiled and she turned and headed back out of the room. Once she was out of ear shot Frank turned to Fliss.
“So I had a visit from Steve…”
“I heard.” Fliss said “I’m sorry I told him not to.”
“He was just being a big brother.” Frank shook his head “But I’m not gonna lie, he scared the shit out of me.” “Well he came to the yard after, fighting your corner. As has Bonnie…”
“Honey, I didn’t ask them to…”
“I know.” she said softly. There was a moment of silence before she sighed and shook her head. “Frank, I’m sorry…”
“Let me finish, please.” she shook her head and Frank fell silent, his hands falling into the pockets of his jeans. “If I’m honest I don’t think I ever thought you’d really cheated, I guess…well I saw the photos and…” she trailed off, shrugging “I’m sorry for not believing you, but I’m still pissed at you for getting yourself in that position in the first place.”
Frank hesitated for a second. He was about to protest that he was just drunk, point out that he hadn’t meant to get himself in any position at all,  but then he stopped himself. She was angry and hormonal, and he’d rather have her pissed at him for being an idiot than believing he was unfaithful.
So instead he nodded “Ok that’s fair. I get it. And I’m sorry.”
She looked at him for a moment and he stepped forward to give her a hug but she simply moved back a little and gave him a small smile “I’ll start dinner…”
“Sure…” his voice was quiet. He wanted nothing than to hold her in his arms, run his hand over the place his baby was growing, her bump seemingly even bigger than it had been that morning but he also didn’t want to push it. She hadn’t left, she believed him, but she was pissed. However, Frank knew she would get over that in time…which he understood he had to give her, and respect the boundaries she set too. So, with that in mind he took a deep breath and followed her into the kitchen.
“Do you want me to help or…”
“No, it’s only stir fry.” she shook her head. “Did you already feed Mary or…”
He frowned and looked at her, and then realised what she was referring to. They hadn’t been home when she arrived.
“Oh, no…I picked her up and then ran my suit into the dry cleaners.” he said “It had something all over the front of it…god knows what.”
She nodded. “Ok, well it won’t be too long.”
“I’ll set the table then.” he nodded. He moved around, careful not to step into her space as he gathered the various items around and carrying them into the dining room. Once he had completed that he headed out telling Fliss he was going to wash up and tell Mary to do the same.
Fliss acknowledged him and continued with cooking, when suddenly she felt a really strange sensation in her stomach. It was like a fluttering, almost as if she had bubbles inside her belly, and then she realised instantly what it was.
Their baby had moved. And she’d just felt it for the first time.
Pausing what she was doing her hand fell to her bump as the tiny little sensations flooded her and she felt a smile creeping over her face.
“Hey Bean…” she said softly.
At that point Frank came back into the room and saw her, her hand on her bump, stood perfectly still, looking down at her belly and he frowned.
“Lissy?” he looked at her as she raised her head to look at him “Everything ok?”
“Yeah, I just felt Bean move!” she smiled, her eyes bright and Frank let out a grin.
“Really?” he stepped forward, his hand out but he paused. Fliss looked at him and he locked eyes with her. Fliss understood instantly, he was waiting for her to say it ok after she told him last night not to touch her.
He was asking her permission.
Instantly her heart melted towards him, she loved this man, with everything she had. And he loved her. She gently took his hand and pulled on it softly, and he closed the distance as she pressed his palm to her stomach, leaving her hand resting over his.
“I doubt you’ll feel it…it was just like bubbles, not really a kick or anything.” she said as he looked down before he raised his eyes back to her “But they can hear you now though, according to Mary’s extensive research.”
She nodded. Frank took a deep breath and knelt down, both his hands resting on the side of her belly as he grinned “Hey kid…you cooking well?”
Fliss felt the flutters again, a little stronger this time and she smiled, her hand running into Frank’s hair “They just did it again. They clearly know your voice, daddy.”
He glanced up at her, his eyes watering “I love you both so much.”
“I know.” she sniffed “I love you too.”
Frank stood up, his hands sliding up Fliss’ thighs to her hips and as he did, hers fell from his hair to his shoulders. They both stayed still, simply looking at one another till Frank leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss.
“This doesn’t mean I’ve completely forgiven you.” she muttered against his mouth and he smiled.
“I wouldn’t dream of suggesting it did.” he shrugged “But is it at least enough to get me off the couch? My back is killing me.”
“You wanna compare back ache?” she arched an eyebrow.
“No, no, not at all, obviously yours is far worse than mine could possibly be…”
Fliss narrowed her eyes. “Is that sarcasm?”
“Absolutely not.” he told her sincerely, shaking his head. His eyes, however, told her a different story. Those azure blues she knew and loved shone with humour, utterly betraying him.
“Hmmm, well I’ll think about it.” she said, her hands moving to pat his chest. “Now get lost, I need to finish dinner.”
Frank turned away, a smile on his face. As he always told Mary, an I’ll think about it wasn’t a no.
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desperationandgin · 5 years
Strawberry Wine (Part 1, Chapter 10)
Rating: Mature
Author: desperationandgin
Previous Chapter
Also Read On: AO3
Summary: Claire and Jamie settle in their separate locations and write to one another.
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Chapter 10: Kisses With Dreams
September 1, 1938
I promised I would write the moment I moved into my dormitory, and I can assure you that my unpacked suitcase is at the foot of the bed. Thank you for the surprise photographs of us in my purse; I hadn’t realized your father took any at the gathering, though I’ve never been more grateful. I realized belatedly that while I had two wonderful photographs of you, I didn’t have any of us together. It caused a tearful moment on the train. Fortunately, there was a kind Reverend sitting beside me; he distracted me with his own recollection of Jacobite history. It was interesting, but only made me want to return to you more.
I’m no stranger to new beds in unfamiliar places, though this is the first time I can’t unloosen the knot that’s formed in the pit of my stomach. I’ve never missed someone before, with so much of myself. That last kiss at the station, in front of God and everyone no less, will have to get me through until December, won’t it? I think even Jenny blushed.
I hope you’re settling alright. Were you and Ian able to share an apartment as you’d wanted? Do you have a wonderful view? By the time you receive this, you’ll have started your classes; please tell me how you’re finding them, and I’ll let you know how school is here, as well, in my next letter. We begin on Monday, and I’m not sure if I’m worried or if it’s just nerves causing me to doubt myself. What if I’m not capable enough when it comes to real-life scenarios? What if I have the drive to help others, but am rubbish at nursing?
I already know you’re shaking your head in protest. It’s nerves, and by this time next month, I’ll be settled and things will be fine. That is what you were going to say, wasn’t it?
In half an hour, I’ll have to attend an informal dinner to meet my fellow classmates, so I suppose I should at least unpack a suitable outfit. I don’t want to stop writing; if I stop writing, then I’ll have to face the fact that you’re not really here, listening to everything I’m telling you.
Sorry for the smear of ink. I’m homesick, I suppose, only you are my home, and I already miss you desperately.
Please give my best to Ian. Write soon, and put me out of my misery.
The weekend before I left for London, Brian hosted a two-day party of sorts for all the tenants he rented land to. It was grand and festive, with enough food to feed an army and no shortage of laughter. Old friends arrived, including a delightful man named Mr. Raymond whom I could remember cropping up throughout my childhood; someone who brought me rare toys and exotic candies when visiting. He hadn’t expected to see me, I knew, but still managed to gift me something unique: a dragonfly encased in amber. When I tried to find Jamie to show him, he was busy watching his father, gaining real-time experience as the future laird of Lallybroch. I was captivated by him, the way he drew people in. His eyes seemed to meet every single person’s in the room when he addressed the group at large, and he always seemed much wiser than his age suggested.
Privately between us, the things that could come out of Jamie Fraser’s mouth were like lines from old, romantic poems. Sonnets written in 19th-century fields of heather. The best part was that he always spoke true. He meant those fantastic things he said, and it made me love him all the more.
The first night of the festivities, we’d stolen away to a hayloft, drinking pilfered Drambuie straight from the bottle.
“Did you know this is the secret drink recipe of the Bonnie Prince Charlie?” I’d asked slowly, my speech a bit languid in my not-quite-drunkenness.
“Oh? I only ken my uncle Dougal enjoys the drink verra much, it’s why there’s so much of it for the weekend,” Jamie’d informed me before taking another swallow from the bottle.
“Well, when he escaped to the Isle of Skye, he was offered protection by – oh, which clan was it?” Pausing, I’d looked out at the sky, squinting before remembering. “Clan MacKinnon! Clan MacKinnon sheltered Prince Charles, and as thanks he gave them this very recipe.”
I had been given a kiss for my useless historical knowledge – and a bit more.
Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I sealed the envelope, fished a stamp out of my handbag, and neatly scrawled Jamie’s address, plus my own. It took a half-hour to settle on a suitable dress for supper, and I made my way downstairs, intending to keep to myself. Taking a seat at the far end of the dining room table, I listened as the rules of the dormitory were laid out (no non-familial men in our rooms unchaperoned, period. No alcohol except for one glass of wine with supper) and studied the other women. All of us seemed to be about the same age, and the one next to me leaned over to speak.
“What do ye think, could we sneak a flask in our brasseries and get away wi’ it?”
My eyes widened first at the accent, and then at the suggestion.
“You’re Scottish?” I asked somewhat dumbly.
“Aye. What gave it away, the accent or the flamin’ red hair?”
I couldn’t help but laugh, though I stifled it quickly to avoid the attention of Mistress Hildegarde.
“My name’s Gillian,” my new acquaintance introduced herself. “We’re roommates, you and I. I was down the hall when ye were comin’ out of the room earlier.”
She had hair not quite as red as Jamie’s, a fair complexion, and definite mischief in her eyes.
“Maybe down my knickers,” she mused, and I hid a laugh behind my napkin. While eating (an unfamiliar to me meat dish and potatoes), I decided if I was to live here for four years, perhaps befriending at least one person would be nice.
I was proven correct over the next few days; Gillian was smart and took good notes, but had a penchant for knowing when to throw down our study materials and go out for a drink. On a Friday evening after the third week of classes, we were planning to go to the cinema until the mail call happened.
“Ms. Beauchamp, one letter, one parcel.”
When Mistress Hildegarde said my name and I saw the handwriting on the envelope, I apologetically canceled my plans with Gillian and ate my supper in record time before racing upstairs. The package was a square box, and I put it aside in favor of reading Jamie’s letter first.
September 17, 1938
My own,
You are correct; I was shaking my head at what you said of yourself. And was I right? Was it nerves and are you settled? I know you can do anything, and I am eager to read all about your classwork. Your roommate as well, is she a nice lass?
Ian and I are faring well and do share a small apartment. He’s writing to Jenny now as I write to you. A few things are as I thought; the Latin exams will not be very easy to pass with top marks. I’m not sure speaking Latin will come up much in daily farm life, but I suppose for Mass it will be nice to know exactly what is being said. At least it may be something that could impress Father Bain.
Hopefully, the parcel I’ve sent along makes it as well. Inside is a wee bit more than chocolate, all things I thought you might enjoy. I had the idea, as well, to take a flight to London before Christmas, then together we could go to Scotland for the holidays, perhaps even spend a night in Edinburgh before going on to Lallybroch. We can work out the details a bit closer to the time, it is only that I’m eager to see you now. Being apart from you feels as though something is missing – even at Lallybroch I felt it, on the days we weren’t able to see one another save for breakfast and supper, only not as keenly. I miss you, Sassenach, down to the very marrow of me. I’m glad you have photographs; I have one of you in my back pocket always. Sometimes, I need to see you.
Do not weep, lass. Soon, it will only be the two of us.
The next few months will go by in record time, though perhaps I will be able to find a way to see you sooner. I love you, Claire, and you’ll do well to remember it. Write to me soon, a nighean.
Yours always,
His name was a flourishing signature, and down in the very corner of the page, he’d drawn a small heart. Touching it with the tips of my fingers, I smiled softly and read the letter again. It was comforting to read something so normal, that everything was going perfectly well so far. Folding the letter and tucking it back into the envelope, I tore the parchment paper off of the box next, removing the lid. Inside was something wrapped in pale pink tissue, and when I unwrapped it, found four white handkerchiefs with lace, scented to smell faintly of roses. They were beautiful, and only after closer inspection did I realize my initials were embroidered in the corner, though not CB.
After taking a moment to whisper my name with his aloud, I tucked one into my purse, another into my coat pocket, and slipped the other two into my dresser. Digging through the rest of the contents had me finding all sorts of different chocolates, beautifully hand-painted postcards of Parisian landscapes, and a book: The Postman Always Rings Twice. There was another note, written on the inside of the cover.
I wasn’t sure if you’d read it, but you mentioned wanting a good mystery novel to puzzle out. This one is controversial, if you’ll remember. I read it, and I can see why Boston went up in arms. Don’t go getting bawdy ideas.
I laughed aloud at his last sentence and laid the book to rest on the nightstand. Looking at my bounty, I quelled the urge to write back for a mere twenty minutes before sitting down at my desk once more. I went on about my schoolwork, about the things I was learning and told him about Gillian, then reassured him all was well and I had indeed settled. I promised to write more once I’d finished the novel, then changed into my nightgown early, tucking into the book. Hours later and over half-way through, Gillian returned home, letting herself in and flopping down on my bed across my legs.
“Have fun?” I asked, putting down the book for now and stretching.
“When isn’t watching Fred Astaire a delight? Though, it wasna the best of his films, ” she informed in response, filling me in on the plot of Carefree. I half-listened, my thoughts on the book, which she called me out for.
“Where’s yer mind, Claire? Surely a book cannae be that good that ye–” Her gaze drifted toward the box, eyes wide by the time she looked back to me again. “Is that from yer fella, then? Let’s see, what did he send?”
As I proudly showed off my bounty, she touched the embroidery on one of the handkerchiefs. “Yer wee fox cub truly wants ye, I’m jealous. Does he have a brother, by any chance?”
Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. “Only a sister.”
“Is she available then?”
We laughed at the joke together before scrubbing our faces and turning in for the night, a picture of Jamie tucked under my pillow.
The weeks rolled by, my latest letter arriving on October twelfth. It was short, mostly about how hard he’d been studying and all of the places to eat he was eager to take me to. There was no parcel this time, but he promised something would arrive in time for my birthday.
On the twentieth, I could hardly sit still in my classes, eager to get home and see what had arrived for me. As soon as my day was over I raced to the dormitory, calling out even as I opened the front door.
“Mistress Hildegarde, have you got any parcels for me?”
Her voice rang out from the parlor. “Yes, I would say so, Ms. Beauchamp. Come, it is here, with me.”
Removing my hat and placing it on the hook near the front door, I was pulling off my gloves as I entered the room and paused in shock. “Wot?”
“Mind the rules, my dear,” Mistress Hildegarde reminded on her way out of the room, and I merely nodded, a slow smile spreading so wide it made my cheeks hurt.
“Happy birthday, Sassenach.”
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"It Was You!"
Monday 1st February 2021
Hello again everyone! Hope you've all had a brilliant weekend! Before we get into the subject of today's episode, I have some exciting news I have to share with you all. EastEnders announced over the weekend that there is to be a new character appearing on the Square! James Farrar has joined the cast of EastEnders to play the new role of Zack Hudson. What brings him to Walford remains to be seen, but the exciting news that EastEnders have shared is that there is going to be plenty of drama in store, but in typical soap style, there's always trouble waiting just round the corner. The character of Zack Hudson is to make his first appearance in March! Are you excited about the new addition to the cast/soap? I'm really excited to see what brings him to Albert Square and who of our loveable characters he'll come to be involved with! Exciting times for EastEnders that's for sure! Are you excited to see his arrival in Walford?!
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Now following the episode, I'm going to start with focusing on Billy, Jay and Honey first. Billy is still struggling to come to terms with the fact that Jay and Honey are now involved romantically. I think it's fair to say that since Billy had a one night stand with Tina, it seems he has regretted it ever since. I think it's a bit like a Kat and Alfie situation, I do think Honey will always be Billy's true love. What do you guys think? He's bound to feel a little betrayed, but Jay more so than Honey I think as obviously he was the one who brought Jay up, to a certain extent, when his Dad passed away. But seeing him sulking, you just want to shake him and tell him to snap out of it! Poor Honey tries to keep the peace, explaining to him that she and Jay want to tell the children together when the time feels right. But when Billy states the fact that she is old enough to be Jay's Mum, Honey retaliates and delivers a brilliant comeback, also stating that she is in fact old enough to be Billy's daughter! Proving that simply age is just a number! Feeling a little sorry for himself, Billy eventually takes it upon himself to visit his cousin, Phil, to see if he can offer him a job. I sometimes feel that regardless of the predicament or situation Billy may be in, he always turns to his cousin for advice or for some help. In this case, it seems he no longer wants to work on his stall with Jay, so hopefully Phil can offer him a way out. But much to his disappointment, Phil reveals he has nothing for him, but doesn't hesitate to mention that he has nothing much going for him, after revealing to us that Billy is actually 60/61 years of age!! (I would never had guessed that! He looks nowhere near 60 in my opinion!) He also points out the very valid point that he and Honey haven't been married for a very long time, so why shouldn't she and Jay give it go? Jay deserves a bit of happiness just as much as Honey does! However, after his confrontation with Phil, Billy spends time with his children, Will and Janet in the Cafe. Only when they start mentioning that Jay was helping them with a game, Billy looks as if he can't hold it in any longer, and with no regard to Honey's wishes about informing the children when she's ready, out of spite, he informs the children himself. At first the children seem a little bit disheartened, as during their meal time Will lashes out at his Mother and Jay for keeping their relationship a secret, however I have to mention that I love how both Jay and Honey dealt with the children. Explaining it calmly that they shouldn't have kept it a secret and they shouldn't have found out the way they did, even Jay apologises to young Will and Janet. Honey is clearly deeply angered by Billy's actions, what is Honey going to do now?! Will she possibly stop him from seeing the kids, who knows? Could that be what leads Billy onto a downward spiral? 
The second thing I want to mention is Gray and Whitney. After receiving a message from Gray, informing her that she can take the afternoon off from looking after the kids, something tells me that Whitney isn't feeling all that good about having her afternoon off. It's blatantly obvious that it's Gray's retaliating after she denied his advances. Something doesn't sit right with Whitney. Anyway, later on in the episode, Karen makes a visit to the Minute Mart, and the first thing I have mention about that is new look and refurbishment that shop has had! Personally, I think it looks really pretty, really modern! Of course I can't stand Suki, but I love it when soaps revamp well known businesses and properties, I think it makes it more realistic, interesting and of course keeping with the times. I hate to say it but I always hated the sharp green colour of the Minute Mart, of course it had been iconic and that way for years and years, but I feel it was outdated. I love the look of the new Minute Mart, what do you think?! Apart from it's new look, I have to say the new prices are extortionate! As Karen enters the shop and acknowledges the new style of the shop, she's shocked at the prices of the new stock Suki has ordered in store, £4.20 for nuggets, well specifically "Southern Fried Chicken Bites" - I felt this scene was a really enjoyable scene, very relatable! However, when Whitney enters the shop and notices Karen buying "Posh Nuggets" shall we call them, Karen reveals to her that Gray has asked her to look after the kids, making Whitney think even more that Gray is doing it just spite her! She decides to confront her employer, and of course he acts all sweet and innocent, claiming that something came up and he didn't want to mess her around. I fully believe he was just doing it to get back at her for rejecting him the previous day. I believe there is going to be a rumour however that perhaps Whitney and Kush are going to start having feelings towards each other? I'm unsure whether that's true, but I'm sure it's something that will not make Gray happy! What do you guys think?! 
The third thing I'd like to mention is regarding Chelsea and Lucas. Over the past couple of episodes, we've been let to believe that Chelsea hasn't really forgiven her Father as we initially thought. Although her big secret hasn't been yet revealed, it's still clear to tell that she's up to something to get revenge on her Dad. From what I gather, it looks as if Chelsea is involved with some kind of group or gang who smuggle drugs, how she got involved with them remains unknown, however she has slowly been trying to worm her Father in on her dirty work. Lucas has been noticing his daughter's suspicious behaviour, but when she proposed the idea of going away to Ibiza for a while, just the two of them, Lucas knows that something isn't right. In this episode, Chelsea is voicing how excited she is to be going on holiday with her Dad after such a long a time, she mentions that he deserves it after everything he's been through. Interestingly, Lucas asks his daughter to accompany him to church before they make their departure, but he's make sure that his visit is strictly urgent and it simply cannot wait! Chelsea seems to reluctant to go, but eventually agree to keep her Father happy. Once they arrive, Lucas begins to pray, Chelsea on the other hand appears very bored, almost as if she doesn't want to be there. Suddenly, whilst her Father is mid-prayer, her mobile phone starts to ring aloud, even thought Chelsea is extremely apologetic, straight away you can see the annoyance on Lucas's face. It's clear he's feeling disappointed in his daughter for having mobile phone on and on loud whilst visiting the church. As Lucas continues to pray, Chelsea makes a comment for her Dad to pray for the exit row whilst their on the plane, but Lucas refuses to see the funny side of her comment. This is where the anger first appears in Lucas since his return, he turns to his daughter and questions whether she's trying to be funny. Then, without a warning, he grabs his daughter's arm with the firm grip and drags her towards the stand of the church, pretty much forcing her to pray alongside him. The look in Chelsea's eyes for a slight moment is fear, for a small moment, she feared her Father. Eventually after Lucas finishes his prayer, he apologises to his daughter for acting abruptly, but then he interestingly drops the bombshell that, regardless of his daughter buying flights to Ibiza, he's unable to go as the conditions to his license stops him from going abroad, plus he doesn't even have his passport as he had to hand it in to the police. This information appears to really crush Chelsea, but she eventually comes to understand and states that they don't need t go on a holiday, as long as their together, nothing else matters. Something tells me that Chelsea is more annoyed that her plan isn't going to work, maybe she's going to have to find another way to get revenge on her Dad? What do you guys think?!  
Finally, we have to focus on Max and Sharon don't we?! During Ian's illness and attack, Max has managed to build up his suspicion on who could be behind his attack and why he was feeling so ill afterwards. He notices that from across the Square, Bobby is talking to the police. As he confronts the teenager, Bobby informs him that there is still no sign of Ian. It's almost as if he's completely vanished as there appears to be no activity on his mobile phone or his bank card. This seems to make Max even more suspicious to Ian's disappearance. Meanwhile, he notices Mick and Linda enjoying time with Ollie as they wonder through the gardens, as he approaches Linda she questions him whether he's close to finding out who really attacked Ian so they can clear Tina's name, interestingly Max informs her that he is working on it. Later on in the episode, Linda takes a visit to Sharon, as they discuss Ian's disappearance, Sharon claims that just because she's his wife, people are quick to assume that she knows more than she's letting on, but she promises her friend that she doesn't know any more than anyone else. Of course, Linda believes her friend, I mean, why wouldn't she? But then she drops the bombshell to her that Max is close to finding out the truth in the hope to clear Tina's name. This seems to catch Sharon's ears loud and clear, and later on she takes it upon herself to give Max a visit as she grabs the opportunity to deliver his vegetables for the restaurant. It's then that Max informs her that Ian went to the doctors and the he went with him for some tests before he disappeared, this seems to really shock Sharon. I think for a split second she thought he knew it was her who was behind his attack, however when she asks what his results showed, he can't seem to answer the question. I'm guessing as he simply doesn't know! But this seems to relax Sharon that maybe he doesn't know for sure, but when she questions him why he's so desperate to clear Tina's name, it becomes clear to her that he's simply only doing it for Linda. She toys with him, informing that no matter what he does to win Linda back, her heart will always belong to Mick. Much later, as everyone gathers in the Vic - Mick, Linda, Dotty, Vinny, Max - Kathy rushes in with a handful of "Missing" posters of Ian, desperate to hang them up to gain public attention and knowledge of her son's whereabouts. As she does so, even though Sharon tries to keep things civil, informing her that they all want to find Ian, Kathy once again is cold with Sharon claiming that she's simply after his money and the pub and doesn't care in the slightest of him being found or not! Everyone in the pub watches and listens to Kathy's outburst, Linda tries to defend her best mate, but then surprisingly Max speaks up "She wants him back! -" ... almost looking as if he's actually sticking up for her, Sharon thanks him for his kind words, but then what happens next shocks everyone to the core as Max continues to speak ... "Just so she can finish him off!" ... Everyone's faces drop at this allegation!! In front of everyone in the Vic, with Sharon stood behind the bar with a face of pure fear, Max finally confronts her, "It wasn't Tina who attacked Ian ... It was you!" 
Ooooo I have to say what a brilliant cliff-hanger to end on! I'm really excited to see what's going to happen next, will people believe Max? Or will Sharon be able to convince the locals that he's lying? I'm really eager to find out how people are going to react. I do believe that people like Kathy and Dotty will believe Max's story, but this is where people may start to choose sides. Sharon or Max?! What do you think? Thank you all so much for reading, I apologise for it being such a late post! Thank you all for your on-going support, please feel free to leave a comment or a message, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thanks again everyone and enjoy the rest of your evening. I'll be back very soon! Love you all xXx  
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sweetnestor · 6 years
When I Met You | Chapter 5
teamiplier x oc, angst/platonic/romantic
PREVIOUS FICS (if you’re new, start there)
previous chapter
“If there’s an upside to free falling, it's the chance you give your friends to catch you.” -Meredith Grey
Father's Day.
Bella was invited to join Jimena and her father for lunch in Indio, one of the many desert cities in this valley. Bella was also invited to Aria’s parents’ house in Cathedral City, the neighboring town from Palm Springs. It was still early in the morning, she didn't have to decide anything yet.
This was never a problem in the past. In her last relationship, her boyfriend's father was on the other side of the country, so an in-person celebration couldn't happen. But what would she have done if there was? Would she have just let them off by themselves? Would she have just wallowed by herself?
Wallowing felt like the thing to do, even if Bella knew she shouldn’t. Every other day of the year, she was almost perfectly fine about not having her parents around. She got that gross, irritable feeling only on Mother’s and Father’s Day, her birthday, their birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. Not to mention that mini depressive episode that comes during those last three holidays. Other than that, she knew she was better off without her parents. Or any of her relatives, really.
Bella spent the morning at an AA meeting. She wasn't the only one triggered by today's holiday, and it was both sad and comforting. At least she wasn't alone, but it also sucked that other nice people had to go through the same things she did.
Afterwards, she went to Aria’s apartment at The Modern Cactus. If that wasn't the most desert aesthetic name for an apartment building…
Aria already had plans, as it seemed. When Bella stepped into the studio apartment, she found Aria in her workout clothes, a grey sports bra, matching grey leggings, and black Nikes. She was in the middle of taking selfies in front of her large, full body mirror.
“I'm gonna teach a Zumba class today,” she said excitedly. “You should come!”
Bella tried not to look uninterested. “Aren't you gonna vlog it, though? Sounds like something you'd put on your channel.”
“I do need a camera person.” Aria smiled hopefully. “Please? That way, you don't even have to participate! I know you don't like exercise!”
It kept Bella’s mind busy. Once she and Aria got to the studio on the other side of town, Bella was glad she didn't stay at the apartment. She would have been alone, with Aria busy and Jimena at work. Being alone was still pretty dangerous. Especially today.
The Zumba class was full of high energy and a lot of cheering women. Aria really knew how to motivate a group. They all “danced" to a mix of fun, upbeat songs, some in English and others in Spanish. It looked like a fun type of exercise. If Bella wasn't so shy (and more appropriately dressed) she may have joined in.
Just being around a group of motivated people and listening to exciting music boosted Bella's mood. Even after the class ended, Aria had music bumping and she was dancing like nobody’s business.
That was why Bella liked her so much. Aria had this sweet, bubbly presence wherever she went. It was easy to be around her, and she took in Bella without a second thought. Although, she was the one who pushed Bella to call her LA friends, too. She was also very good at taking Bella’s mind off things when everything was too much.
Bella owed Aria so much.
“So you’re going to dinner, right?” she asked when they got back to the apartment. “You got anything for me to clean? Laundry that needs doing? Ikea furniture to build?”
Aria plopped down in the armchair, her feet barely touching the ground. “Maybe I’ll finally get that dining table… then you can build it for me so I don’t have to call my dad.”
“I’ll be your daddy, don’t worry.”
“You can’t even hold me up against the wall. And I’m a lot smaller than you. And you’ve been doing all of my bidding since you got here. What were you again?”
Bella only blushed.
“You know, even if you show up unannounced, they’ll probably find a place for you,” Aria said as she closed the trunk of her car. “You’re one of their favorites, after all.”
It was that time of year again. One of the most fun and anxiety inducing events of the year was happening in Anaheim, and Bella was going to miss it for a second time. Honestly, she was a little upset about it, despite making the decision not to go all on her own. Her manager/publicist, Sonji, strongly advised to make an appearance at Vidcon, because lately, Bella’s YouTube content and lack of activity on other platforms had been seen as something to worry about in the eyes of the Internet. Going to Vidcon would be a way to diffuse the speculation, especially since Bella did not want the public to know what had happened and where she had gone.
At the same time, Bella was not ready for a loud, chaotic convention. She was not ready to sit behind some curtains and make small talk with other creators. While she did have fun meeting her subscribers, that was always the only highlight. Everything else was just a threat to her sobriety, especially since the anniversary was right around the corner. Bella did not want to risk that. That was why she didn’t go last year.
There was also the fear that her friends that were going (Jack, Mark, Amy, Tyler - the whole crew) would be angry if Bella just waltzed in like nothing had happened three months ago. They would ask questions. They already were, the main one being, “Are you going to Vidcon?” They were going to grill her, and then one of them would report back to Ethan. It would get back to him no matter what.
But really, what was the bigger risk for Bella? Her sobriety or her ex?
“We’ll have our own con,” Jimena said as she threw her arm around Bella. “Something chill.”
“Don’t have too much fun without me,” Aria said with a chuckle. “Bella, remember you can stay in my apartment all you want. Just behave yourself, especially on my bed.”
Bella snorted, immediately flustered. So maybe the things that went down in this valley weren’t exactly innocent.
“Hey, it’s my weekend with her!” Jimena said, now holding Bella in both arms. “We’re going on a road trip!”
“San Diego!” Bella half cheered, wanting to be modest about her excitement. She looked at Aria. “Just have as much fun as you can. And remember, you haven’t heard from me, and you don’t know where I am.”
Aria nodded and then got into her car. Jimena and Bella stood in the parking lot and watched her go.
“So, is Vidcon the same as Tanacon?” Jimena asked.
It was easy to keep a secret when you weren’t around the people you’re supposed to keep the secret from. As soon as Aria was in her hotel room in Anaheim, everything that had happened in the last three months built up in her throat. This was probably a bad idea.
Of course, Sophie was the first person to come and visit her. They hadn’t seen each other in months. There was much to catch up on.
It was times like these that Aria was glad her friend was a chatterbox. She had to think of how to cut Bella out of the things she had been doing lately. There were plenty of things Aria had to share with her best friend. She didn’t realize how hard it would be to hide something this big.
All she had to do was survive the weekend, right?
“Dan and Phil are gonna wanna hang out,” Sophie mentioned in a way-too-casual tone.
After all this time, those two British guys still rubbed Aria the wrong way. So much, in fact that she forgot about the girl hiding in her apartment.
She couldn't pretend like she didn't know Dan and Phil were going to be here. She knew exactly what was going to happen this Vidcon. Aria was trying to be the bigger person, but she was still salty.
“I hope you have fun with them,” she replied, chipping at her black nail polish.
Sophie scoffed. “Dude, it's been four years.”
“I know.”
“I think you need to find another person. Maybe if you get into a new relationship, you'll stop being mad at them.”
And now Aria was thinking about Bella. That wasn't a relationship by any means. Neither of them really wanted that. But it did clear Aria’s mind, and answer some questions. It also showed that Aria had definitely moved on from Dan, emotionally and physically. But the things she went through with him towards the end, the way he treated her and shunted her off to the side… She didn't want it to stay with her, but it did.
“I just think there's always going to be a part of me that just can't stand them.”
“But you're gonna be on a panel with them.”
Aria sighed. “Yup.”
At least Dan and Phil’s presence kept her mind away from Bella. At least all of Vidcon focused on Aria’s dance performance with Chachi Gonzales at the opening panel. At least Aria made it through her panel alright.
Then came the part where she and Sophie had to wait behind some curtains for their meet and greet. Sophie had gone to find snacks and water, while Aria stayed behind on one of the only free sofas. It was the second day of the convention and Aria was proud that she hadn't drank vodka and spilled the tea.
She was scrolling through her phone, looking at the tweets following her panel. Even to this day, people who had Dan and Phil as their profile pictures attacked her for no good reason. Although, it had been a while since her mentions turned into a shitstorm. It only happened when she was near the Larry of YouTube.
“Why is areola even there??” said one tweet. There was a screenshot from the panel stream. Aria was sharing a couch with Dan and Phil, and in the extra chair was Jenna Marbles. No one had a problem with her.
“Because I was invited to be on the panel and I said yes. Also thanks for the new nickname,” Aria typed back. After sending that tweet, she changed her Twitter name to Areola Mercer.
As if on cue, Sophie returned not bearing sustenance, but people. Aria looked up and found Sean and Signe right beside her blonde best friend. It starts now.
“Hey guys!” Aria happily greeted as she stood up to hug them. Did she know the couple well enough to hug them? Probably not, but everyone did it at Vidcon.
Sophie took the seat next to Aria while Sean and Signe sat in the sofa across from them. They all fell into conversation, though Aria tried to remain distracted by her phone in order to keep herself from puking out the secret. She barely knew Bella’s best friend, yet she felt so guilty about hiding something this big from him.
Of course, they got to the subject of Bella’s absence. Sophie was there the day Bella disappeared, she was in full panic mode over it. More reasons to feel guilty; Aria was hiding something from her own best friend.
“Have you guys heard from her?” Sophie asked the couple. “Is she even coming?”
Sean shook his head. “She said she’s about to fall off the wagon. Needs time.”
“She hasn’t gone back to LA yet?” Signe asked.
“Nope!” Sophie sounded annoyed. “If she’s struggling, why wouldn’t she just come back to us? She needs people to help her right? We’re that help!”
Aria finally spoke, and it was from the heart. “Some people prefer to heal on their own. Or, they at least prefer to clean up the wounds first.”
“That’s Bella,” Sean agreed. “But still, it’s not really fair that’s she’s shutting us out, shutting me out. If she told me where she was, I wouldn’t tell. Have you guys seen her Instagram, though?”
Aria almost felt bad up until that last question. Of course Sean was reading into Bella’s social media activity. Who wouldn’t?
“Here we go.” Signe sighed.
“You guys have any idea where she’s been?” Sean asked the other two girls. “Maybe she’s in her hometown? I forget the name, but it’s not too far from here.”
Act natural, act normal! Don’t! Be! Suspicious!
“Palm Springs?” Sophie was a little skeptical. “How can you tell? All her Instagram photos are just makeup things, and all her selfies are in front of blank backgrounds.”
“I don’t know, just a guess. Can’t imagine she would have wanted to get on a plane anywhere.”
Now it made good sense why Bella didn’t film at Aria’s apartment, even though it was more convenient. Their friends would recognize the space and figure it out. Aria had to admit, Sophie couldn’t keep quiet sometimes. Given that she was really anxious to know where Bella was only proved that she wouldn’t keep it to herself if she knew. Sean was anxious too, naturally. He was Bella’s best friend, and he lived so far away. He probably wanted to see her here at Vidcon just to make sure she was okay. Aria would have felt the same way, but she made a promise, and she understood Bella’s side of things more.
Bella didn’t want anyone to see her pain. She wanted to find herself without having to see her ex around. She wanted to be away for a while. She had every right to want that.
“What if we got like, a private investigator?” Sophie wondered.
“Why?” Aria asked, bewildered.
“Well, she calls every now and again,” Signe pointed out. “We know she’s alive, and I think she just wants to be left alone to recuperate.”
“Guys, sh, sh!” Sean suddenly nodded towards the end of the hall, where two people were coming their way.
It was Bella’s ex-boyfriend, Ethan, and his best friend, Kathryn. On one hand, Aria was glad to stop talking about Bella, but she also got more nervous now that Ethan had joined the party.
Aria and Ethan had seen each other at a few parties. Interaction was minimal between them. They also had the common ground of Bella’s New Year Intervention 2k17. Clearly, that wasn’t something you could build a friendship on. Aria just knew him as Bella’s boyfriend up until three months ago.
Now, Ethan was dangerous territory, given that Aria was hiding his ex-girlfriend in her apartment. Although, he was the one to end things between them, so would he care if he found out? Was Aria even allowed to act salty on behalf of Bella? She never gave off the impression that they were close, online and off.
“Why is it so quiet?” asked Kathryn. “Was there tea?”
“No tea here,” Signe replied.
There was not excited greetings this time. Maybe Ethan met with them earlier. Or things were really that awkward over Bella.
The latter was proven wrong when the group fell into a conversation. Ethan gushed about the meet and greet he just had. He seemed to really like his viewers. Must be nice.
“Everyone was really nice and respectful,” he said, smiling.
“How many people asked you to vore them?” Sean asked in return.
Ethan chuckled. “Surprisingly, none. I don’t know what I’d do if someone actually asked me that.”
Aria, still mildly salty, bitterly replied, “I’d rather people ask me that than why I’m here at all.”
It wasn’t really because of Ethan. Aria just had her own problems regarding the YouTube community.
“Are people actually saying that to you?” Signe asked, surprised.
“Uh, yeah. I try to block it out, but it happens almost every Vidcon.”
“That sucks,” Ethan said.
“Some people say that to me too,” Kathryn added. “It’s really their problem they got a stick up their ass.”
Aria nodded in agreement.
On the bright side, she had found people to stick with while Sophie hung out with Dan and Phil. On the down side, it was people who wanted to know where Bella was. Aria wasn’t sure how she survived.
Bella was always weirdly open with her audience. She talked about personal and intimate things about her life. She opened up about her anxiety and depression. She talked about her sexuality, she spoke about cutting ties with her family. Obviously, there were darker things that she hadn’t talked about, but she planned to talk about them in the future. She was thinking of sharing all of these bad things in the hopes that it would help someone out there going through similar things.
That being said, did posting a Boomerang of her current location count as a way of being helpfully open? Did showing some beautiful woman’s legs and platform clad feet surrounded by singles somehow show that it was okay to indulge sometimes? Bella thought so. At least for now.
While she wasn’t drinking, Bella certainly felt drunk on the music and the dance that Jimena bought for her. Let’s just say that Bella would not hear Little Mix’s “Down & Dirty” the same way ever again.
“So it’s Ladies’ Night,” Jimena told her over the loud music, “so no dick appointments for you! What about the blonde with the buzz cut over there?” She pointed to a woman on the other side of the bar.
Bella was glad the neon lights didn’t show how red her face was. Yes, everything was very exciting and liberating, but hooking up with a drunk stranger was not exactly ideal. It happened every now and again in Palm Springs, specifically people who would come and go to AA meetings…
“If you can find out if she’s sober or not, we’ll see,” she told Jimena.
However, they both saw the blonde not only down some shots, but also do a line of coke. San Diego is fun.
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anthony-kate · 7 years
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***I can’t believe there are still 4(!) months left until the show and more importantly until Malec is back. Honestly, who tf thought that bringing the show back in April was a good idea? I just wanna talk. Especially when seeing all these spoilers and teasers. This is really not helping here!
At least we still have Malec fanfics left to keep us entertained. And with Christmas and the holidays right around the corner, there is time to get invested in some new and amazing fics, am I right? So snuggle yourself into a fluffy and warm blanket, drink some hot chocolate and tea and see these two idiots fall in love over and over and over again.
As always, I hope you’re gonna enjoy this fic rec. The 6th one already, can you believe? I am still so overwhelmed when looking at the notes from the last one. You guys are amazing! Thank you so so much. But now, have fun reading!***
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
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Special Agent Alec Lightwood’s been chasing the renowned thief and conman extraordinaire Magnus Bane for five years now. When a criminal from the past, Valentine Morgenstern, threatens their city and both their reputations, the duo will have to do the unimaginable and team up to restore the peace in the big old city. Between secrets, betrayals, heartbreaking truths, and sick games, Alec and Magnus will have to learn to play between the lines of good and evil in order to carry out their mission and make it out alive. Will they succeed?
DEEPER THAN THE TRUTH by @insiemes [ M | AU | 150k | complete ]
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Everything was perfect or should have been perfect, if it weren't for the nagging feeling that something in his life was missing. And how was he supposed to go on with his life after he met Magnus Bane and suddenly that feeling was gone?
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Now, it's been months since Magnus Bane (head of Bane Co.) and Alec Lightwood (kind of officially a lawyer) finally figured their shit out and started a healthy relationship. Now it's Valentine's Day and their relationship is put in danger as they compete to out romance each other.
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“You should get a tattoo.”
Alec firmly believed in coincidences, in the serendipity that could bring the hazards of life, but even he could admit that sometimes, things seemed to happen for a reason. He was too much of a pragmatic person to truly believe in fate and destiny.
So even when Jace blurted those words at him as he stumbled into his shop, they remained abstract concepts to him, no matter how it nudged at the back of his mind.
ROSES ARE RED, SO IS YOUR FACE by @madzieloss [ not rated | 5k | complete ]
Before Alec could even wonder what that meant, much less ask, Cat re-entered the room and Alec became overtly aware of how red he was as her eyes landed on his face.
And she cooed at him. If anything, he turned even redder. Was she really… cooing at him?
Cat laughed. “Well, I must say. I’ve been around for a while, and I’ve never seen a shadowhunter blush before. How adorable.”
(or, five times cat makes alec blush, and one time he gets her back)
CALL YOU HOME by Airuna [ T | AU | 62.2k | complete ]
Alec Lightwood was pretty content with his life, he had a successful job leading a law firm with one of his best friends, a great relationship with his siblings and a perfectly acceptable apartment. He really wasn’t looking for anything more but when he finds a little girl waiting all alone in a coffee shop his life will change irremediably and maybe that’s not such a bad thing after all.
The one in which Alec makes up with his mother, gets a boyfriend and adopts a little girl. Just not necessarily in that order.
ONLY FOREVER by @magnusragnor [ G | AU | 4.7k | complete ]
a love story told through texts, e-mails, and love letters.
LIONHEART by bumblebeesknees [ E | 8.4k | complete ]
Magnus’ bed hasn’t felt like his own without Alec in it. His body hasn’t felt the same without Alec’s warmth pressed up against it. From the second Alec takes his hand, Magnus doesn’t waste any time fixing either of those things. [Coda to 2x20]
THE OPTIMIST IN ME by nygmasneck [ G | 1.4k | complete ]
Days off are rare for them, and Alec intends to make this one last a lifetime.
HOME IS WHEREVER I’M WITH YOU by @softbimagnus [ G | 954 | complete ]
Magnus dropped his hands to Alec’s chest in a gesture so familiar it made Alec ache with how much he’d missed this.
“Ready to go home?”
Alec blinked in surprise.
Alec wasn’t sure he’d ever get to think of the loft as home again, not since the last time he rolled out of Magnus’ bed before the situation with the soul sword came to light.
BLUE CIRCLE by Hobbit69 [ E | AU | 35.9k | complete | Blue Steel Series #8 ]
When Sophia calls Magnus in a panic, telling him that someone has murdered her best friend, Magnus does the only thing he can, he sends Alec. Alec discovers during the course of the investigation, that there is more going on with teenagers than he thought. During the investigation, Alec and Jace find that there is a circle of teenagers who, in order to join the group, have to prove their loyalty by rape and murder. Who better to practice on than the girls in their social group?
BLUE CLAN by Hobbit69 [ E | AU | 3.3k | complete | Blue Steel Series #9 ]
After adopting Madzie, Detective Alexander Lightwood-Bane and his husband, Magnus, decide to go on vacation to help them bond with their new daughter.
A LIFE GIVEN WILLINGLY by @one100suns [ E | AU | 112.1k | complete ]
There isn’t much Alec Lightwood wouldn’t do for his family. But perhaps he should have said no just this once. Now he’s being targeted by one Sebastian Verlac and forced to seek help from an unlikely source.
Or in which Magnus is a gangster and Alec is in way over his head.
YOUR FULL ATTENTION by @ladymatt [ M | 1.8k | complete ]
Waking up in the arms of his boyfriend, Magnus Bane, was always something to savour for Alec Lightwood.....when he had the time. Unfortunately for them both, on this occasion a Clave meeting prevented a proper 'Good Morning!' With an appointment arranged for the 'Head' of the Institute to shake hands with The High Warlock Of Brooklyn later that day, he should have known Magnus would still make him pay for choosing the Clave over his cock!
IN ANOTHER LIFE by @klynnwordsadhoc [ T | AU | 3.4k | complete | It Started With A Wedding #1 ]
Alec is an ex-Marine Captain, recently returned from overseas to take over his parent's company, struggling to adjust to life as a civilian once more. Magnus is a fashion designer who has many better things he could do with his weekend. They both attend the same wedding, and they're both very pleased about it later.
ODD HOURS by @klynnwordsadhoc [ E | AU | 3.9k | complete | It Started With A Wedding #2 ]
Magnus sighs, “Drill sergeant,” he complains. Alec laughs. “That’s Army. It’s drill instructor in the Marines and I never was one.” “You should have been.”
Magnus has a late night at work and Alec worries.
GOOD OUR WHOLE LIVES by @beatperfume [ E | AU | 34.8k | complete ]
They say that prostitution is the world’s oldest profession, and it’s just as true for the Downworld as the mundane one.
But this is the first time Magnus has ever heard of a nephilim hustling his crowd.
THE WAY I FEEL FOR YOU by @theonetruenorth [ E | 7.3k | complete ]
The drawer was filled with sex toys.
Neatly laid out on a cushy bed of silk lining the drawer. There were a lot of them. Alec immediately felt a little lost as he surveyed the variety of colors and shapes and sizes. There were some that were anatomically-correct but some toys looked weird as heck, and Alec really wasn’t sure how one could use them. There were small ones and big ones and holy shit, how did you even fit some of them into your body?!
A pair of arms wrapped around his middle from behind, startling him so much he actually yelped and flailed a little, luckily managing to avoid hitting Magnus in the face with his elbow.
“See anything you like?”
YOUR WORD IS BUTTHEAD by @lecrit [ G | AU | 3.4k | complete ]
Alec’s kid has a bad tendency of being overly competitive. Which is fine, really, because the apple never falls far from the tree, and Alec is definitely to blame for that.
Or the one where Alec's and Magnus' sons compete against each other in a spelling bee contest and they're both overly competitive about who is the best.
MAKE A WISH, ALEXANDER by @dont-stop-believin-in-klaine [ M | 1.1k | complete ]
One does not simply not celebrate their birthday while they're dating Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn himself. That just won't do.
MORNING’S COME, YOU WATCH THE RED SUNRISE by @lightwoodlesbians [ G | AU | 6k | complete | Malec Single Parents AU’s #2 ]
or the 'your house is being renovated so you're staying at mine and we aren't even dating but every time you get up to the baby crying and sigh, 'i'll go', i feel like we might as well be married' au
BUT SOME OF US ARE LOOKING AT THE STARS by @lecrit [ G | AU | 4.3k | complete ]
There aren’t many things that Alec loves as much as he loves the stars. Most nights, he just likes to sit on his balcony and watch the eerie darkness drape over the sky and the silver glow of the moon, surrounded by the stars shaping constellations he knows by heart.
This is a special night for him and his son. The only night in the year Alec lets Max stay up after midnight, so they can watch Perseids meteor shower together on the rooftop of their building.
Alec doesn't expect to find out they weren't the only ones to get the idea.
THE RIGHT PRICE by Marie_Tomas [ T | AU | 7k | complete ]
Magnus Bane has worked as a lawyer for several years, taking his job very seriously. The Lightwoods have always been one of his major professional rivals in the city, but this hasn't stopped Magnus from falling in lust, and a little in love, with one particular member of the Lightwood family, Alec Lightwood.
When shy, nervous Alec asks Magnus for his help with representing one of the Lightwoods' clients, Magnus makes a joking, flirty comment about what he would expect from Alec in return for a victory in the courtroom. A major misunderstanding happens as a result.
BUCKLE UP by @ketzwrites [ E | AU | 14.8k | complete ]
Alec has been Magnus Bane’s private driver for three years now. They have the perfect relationship; good-hearted, mutually supportive of each other, and frankly amicable. Maybe too amicable, in fact, considering they have been sleeping together for the better part of those three years.
However, when Alec receives a surprise offer for another job, that perfect relationship crumbles. It turns out that, without the anchors of a professional bond between them, Alec and Magnus are left to face something they had refused to think of before: their feelings.
SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL by @magnusragnor [ T | AU | 13.8k | complete ]
“I’m a grown ass man who never learned to swim. I’d laugh at myself if it wasn’t so embarrassing,” Alec replied, shrugging.
“You’re a grown ass man who never learned to swim and has sucked up his pride to try and do something about it. That’s admirable, nothing to be laughed at,” Magnus retorted, finally meeting Alec’s eyes and smiling warmly. “Shall we?” he asked, jerking his head towards the pool.
(aka Magnus is a lifeguard at a local pool and Alec doesn't know how to swim)
WHAT’S IT GONNA BE? by @lemonoclefox [ M | AU | 49.3k | complete | What’s It Gonna Be Series #1 ]
Fairchild’s bakery is a second home to not just Magnus, but also to most of his found-family. As a pastry chef, he works long hours and takes great pride in his craft – so much so that he has little time or attention for much else. Least of all romance. After plenty of experience with heartbreak and disappointment, he has come to expect the worst from anything in that department, and the arrival of the wealthy Lightwoods in the neighborhood isn’t about to change that. Especially not when their eldest son might just be the most insufferable prick Magnus has ever met, no matter what anyone else has to say about the guy.
UP IN THE SKY by @ketzwrites [ T | AU | 23.8k | complete ]
When General Imogen of the Shadowhunter Forces is found dead, the country of Alicante is shocked. As he campaigns to come back to the office, Former President Valentine Morgenstern points out the Seelies as responsible for her assassination, calling for a war in response.
Senator Magnus Bane knows war means death to the hundreds of Downworlders who live in the country. He needs to stop Valentine from winning the election, by any means necessary.
However, the Downworlders votes won’t be enough. Magnus needs the Nephilim to vote for him as well. If only he can convince one of the national heroes of the Light Squad to back him up, Magnus just might have a chance to make history and become the first Downworlder President of Alicante.
MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME by @imawriteriwrite [ G | AU | 59.4k | complete ]
Magnus Bane had a plan, a perfect Christmas Eve just like always. Hang out with his friends, bask in the Christmas Spirit. Then everything went wrong.
Now he's stuck reliving the same day again and again and again. The bright side? Maybe Alec Lightwood isn't as terrible as Magnus always thought.
978 notes · View notes
theretirementstory · 3 years
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Bonjour et bienvenue to a foggy Bar-sur-Aube where the temperature is -2c.
My visit to the hospital on Monday was a bit of an anti-climax. The letter from the doctor didn’t seem to explain why she had referred me and when I showed him the red mark on my ankle he had to stop himself laughing and said « you were sent here because of that! « Anyway he looked at the result of ultrasound done in 2019 and then he did another and said that there was no change. It was, however, a beautiful day and I had a lovely drive there and back, avoiding the back roads both ways.
 »The Mummy » is feeling better after having tested positive for COVID, she is still waiting for the return of taste and smell. She has an interview on Monday for University so « The Daddy », due to have his long weekend had it extended to include Monday so that he can look after my gorgeous grandson. Gorgeous granddaughter will be at Nursery, hopefully, her little friend Tommy will be there and she will be very happy.
I returned to « knitting with refugees » this week, it was wonderful, I think the ladies have missed the get together and we had cake and coffee to celebrate. I had a message from my friend Marlene asking if I had received a message regarding the AGM for the knitting group which was disbanded as « our leader » resigned. They will be looking for a new leader (I will keep my head down) and although I have enjoyed being at home knitting, I do think that I would like to meet up with the ladies again. One of thé ladies who used to attend the group, before she moved to Troyes, rang me yesterday. I am still not comfortable with speaking on the phone, but she sent a message to say she had phoned and no response so I rang her back. It was so nice to talk with her and I really am going to make the time to meet up with her this year. Talking of cake and coffee Marie-Therese came to town and we enjoyed our usual bavarder with the food and drink.
Les jumelles arrived yesterday and my friend Monique became a Grand-mère for the first time. I was so happy for her, and the proud parents. Two girls, double trouble, but oh what joy when you have waited so long. I am knitting like crazy on this second blanket for these babies, fingers crossed I get it finished soon.
« The Paralegal » is busy at work (that’s good) he has been talking about using some of his holiday entitlement for a long weekend, but can’t decide when to do that. Plenty of time to do that before the end of March.
Anie will be celebrating her birthday this coming week, so I have invited her to lunch. She said just something simple, a light lunch, now what on earth is that? I think we will have avocado, grapefruit and smoked salmon salad to start, then couscous stuffed tomatoes, then just the cheese course and to finish a small raspberry cheesecake. I don’t see that as being too fussy do you?
I have been having a walk everyday, obviously not too far as I can’t walk too far, but I have enjoyed being out in the fresh air even if it has been cold. I have taken my little felt Border Terrier dog, Eloise, and we have snapped our walks. I was in the queue in Aldi yesterday when the man behind me said « are you the lady from Twitter with the little toy? », I was flabbergasted, he said he recognised my face (well what he could see above my mask).
Domestic Science has been high on the agenda this week, the second Xmas cake now has marzipan and icing on. I have baked a quiche and a coffee cake (both have been cut into portions and frozen) then yesterday I made chilli con carne. I was going to have some chilli this lunchtime but my young friend Pauline is visiting her Grandmother, and is going to visit me this afternoon, so I will probably just have a sandwich and have the chilli this evening.
The builder has still not been in touch about the leaking roof, when we have torrential rain, however « The Daddy » who was previously an architectural technician seemed to spot the problem from the photos I sent him. All I need is someone to get onto the roof and sort it out!
So now my growling tummy tells me it is time to eat, I will wish you all a bon dimanche.
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0 notes
2021laxteentour · 3 years
Day Three (Reflection and Departure)
Thank you so much for this opportunity, I’ve learned so much more than I thought I ever would. This trip showed me how differently the two extremes of the United States live. Seeing all of the different kinds of people was very interesting and was a truly unique experience. On the last day we visited Bruce Beach which was absolutely beautiful. I would have never heard about his story or the beach without Dr.Mike.I am so grateful that I was able to attend the trip to LA and meet everyone else. -Ariyana L.
This whole trip has been amazing for me. I got to see Hollywood as it seems like on tv. I also really enjoyed seeing the parts that aren’t televised. This helped show how everything always isn’t glam as it is made out. Also with learning the history of Bruce Beach it made me appreciate the trip even more. It was truly a eye open ring experience and I can’t wait to travel with Dr.Mike again. -Paris B.
Dr. Mike, I thoroughly enjoyed this year's WECCAN! We had an amazing group and the energy was just right! The reflection time on Manhattan beach was great, I loved to hear the teens and young adults share their feelings about this weekend and how Skid row volunteering event impacted them, how they will share with their friends and family their experiences and how this is and will shape their future/lives. THIS IS what it's all about! So thank you for another successful year, love love love our WeCCAN family. -Rania A.
The morning circles were always times of reflection.  Dr. Weaver would leave us with a history tidbit and outline the routine for that day.  Today we were going to Bruce’s Beach (Manhattan Beach) for a time of reflection.  This beach was condemned through eminent domain proceedings in 1924 from several minority families.  The beach is my favorite place of refuge & reflection.  After arriving, we formed our normal circle and Dr. Weaver gave the history as we stood directly in front of the land. The beach is absolutely beautiful.  I think I saw a few minorities wandering about, whether walking, running or riding bikes.  We were instructed to go separately and reflect on events that transpired during the tour, what are we thankful for.  I think experiencing skid row was most impactful for me.  I’m so thankful & grateful for my life, the opportunities & freedoms I have.  To see the “super rich & famous” across town and in this area, those that could possibly die because of the decisions made. To see people not knowing where the next meal was coming from or even asking for water, was touching.  The most populated homeless area in America….touching! I reflected on having family that care enough to see about my well being.  After the reflection period alone, we gathered again in our circle and each person was given the opportunity to share his/her experiences.  I can definitely go out & share with others the impact this organization has on others.  -Pamela F.
Wow! What a awesome weekend we had. This was definitely one for the books. This service learning experience was well organized from start to finish. As I reflect over the entire experience I was touched by the way all of the teens conducted themselves and served willingly without complaints. I loved that the entire group bonded so quickly like we were all family. That made the experience even more rewarding. All of the places that were toured was worth the effort put into the planning. The entire weekend was very impactful! I look forward to continuing volunteering with this group. -Stephanie L.
Skid row, one of the most populated homelessness sections in America was quite an eye opener.  Being able to help provide community service in this area was uplifting. The group was divided into smaller groups and we picked up trash and cleaned the area the homeless where the homeless people lived.  It was difficult determining what was trash.  The saying “one man’s trash is another’s mans treasure” goes a long way here.  I learned that most homeless people are hoarders.  They think they will never have enough. You can also see the “classes” of homelessness, better texts or better looking tents we ran across a gentleman who is now a minister.  He used to be homeless as well.  He came back to skid row and feed the hungry. He talked with us for a while and mentioned that he’s unified some family members.  He also stated that women come looking pretty when they get off the bus, then a couple of weeks later, after the drug dealers have gotten to them, they are unrecognizable.  He said many will die on skid row.  It’s up to the individual to decide his/her fate. He encourage us to keep doing what we doing — it’s making an impact, it can change lives. He’s been recognized by LA with many certificates for helping the homeless and is part owner in a seafood restaurant around the corner from skid row.  Our next stop was the Rose Bowl stadium which was very nice to see where all the games are played.  One of the chaperones, Steven actually played in the Rose Bowl in 2019 while at University of GA. UCLA was a huge campus.  We had the opportunity to see the swim team area walk the campus.  Any campus that have an Amazon store on-site — well, you’re doing a lot of business! Venice Beach had so many activities - tennis, basketball, skate park, vendors, etc.  A fun yet relaxing place to enjoy.  The condolas neighborhood was awesome with the paddle boats to mimic Venice, Italy.  The Sacramento Pier was a nice board walk with plenty of eateries and fun stuff to do. -Pamela F.
I’m very grateful to have experienced this trip, not with just the amazing people who were on it but going places and realizing and opening the minds of I and others about how things truly are in the world. I loved every part of it. I wish to go on MANY more with this group and see the world. And learn so much more things about what goes on in the world and other cities and countries etc. Thank you for this trip Dr. Mike!  -Ashleigh F.
This was a morning of reflection. Looking back over the weekend I had some really exciting moments and some emotional ones also. I was emotional because I started to compare the places we visited. From visiting Hollywood and Rodeo Drive to experiencing Skid-Row and seeing the different social classes and life choices that people have made. But visiting Skid-Row made me confirm that I want to do more hands-on community service. Visiting Manhattan Beach, which was once owned by a black family and now after 100 years they regain their property was heartbreaking. Being there, made me reflect on the Juneteenth holiday and everything that it stood for. I loved the group that I met and the new relationships that formed and now consider everyone family. I can’t wait for more opportunities to explore the world and expand my knowledge. I thought the trip was overall a fun and learning experience. On the way back home I felt more inspired, thankful and energized as I share back home the memories, experiences and knowledge I received from this trip. Hopefully those who I speak to about what I learned gets inspired and want to join on the next trip that’s planned. -Morgan F.
Yesterday evening while on Venice Beach some of us got in the Pacific ocean. Yes it was as cool as it sounds. There's nothing quite feeling the crisp refreshment of being in an ocean. I slept like a baby when we got back to the hotel. This morning we went to Manhattan Beach and observed the land that will be returned to the people whom it was stolen from over a hundred years ago. This makes my heart joyous and reminds me to continue believing the world can constantly improve by the voices and acts of those who turn energy into action. Who translate their passion in progress in the world around us. That's the impact of SSA; to galvanize the volunteers to channel the energy gained from the tour into action within their own community. To inspire the next generation to continue to pay it forward. I'm honored to be a part of SSA and grateful for all the volunteers in the past and in the future; and incredibly grateful for the philanthropy of our donors who make this enlightening tour a reality. Counting down until next time. -Giovan B.
Being able to break the beautiful shell of Los Angeles and explore its “light and dark” sides showed me the importance of community. Skid Row is a community of people who may have or have not made the right decisions in life at one point in time. It exemplifies how even though you may be down or not as capable as the the next person with the support of people around you, you can still keep moving forward. The residents of Skid Row have developed their own form of civilization. What stood out to me the most from visiting this community was the inspirational people from those that still lived their to those that had found a way out, it was all inspirational. To be able to see one of Skid Row’s own people mural placed on his street was a show of how they uplift each other. Pastor Blue , a resident of Skid Row, showed us that nothing can stop you from your faith. You personally have to be willing to motivate yourself to higher heights. Since a child, I’ve always been told that “being able to talk amongst others is one thing but being able to liberate those that are listening is better.” Overall, being able to have the chance to Skid Row even more pretty than what it already was brought a sense of joy not only to my heart but to my soul because my life purpose is to serve,advocate, and grow. Alongside, going to Skid Row to do community service, I was also granted with the opportunity of visiting the beautiful campus of University of Southern California. While at USC I got to see how money is able to influence a lot on a college campus. This includes what amenities you may have, how the campus looks, and the opportunities that can be granted to you when their is more funds. Before going to USC I had the opportunity to visit the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena and catch an amazing photo with the Hollywood Sign. Later in the night we had the chance of not only visiting Venice Beach better known as “Muscle Beach” but also got the chance to explore the Santa Monica pier. Be able to explore gave me the chance to try new foods and see mew things. While at Venice Beach I was granted the opportunity of tasting Birria Tacos but I also tried Elote. Trying new foods allowed me to be able to explore the foods of a different culture and ethnic group of people. Lastly when visiting Santa Monica I was able to walk the pier and see the different rides and attractions that the pier had to offer. -Roderick T.
0 notes
butterfly-child99 · 5 years
Gosh the summer completely flew by and took us all by surprise!
July and August came and went and now it feels like it is nearly – dare I say it – CHRISTMAS! We had so many wonderful kaleidoscope adventures, if you follow any of my social medias you have hopefully seen some of the amazing things we got up to.
I haven’t written over the summer as I love being in the moment with the kids and taking lots of photos to have as memories and then I thought it would be nice to have one blog post full of all our memories as a keepsake to look back in time.
I hope you enjoy our recap of summer fun! What did you guys get up to over Summer?
Our summer of fun really started with BTS in wembley but I have covered that so this is everything after that, until schools started back. I have included some Wembley adjacent memories as I made some amazing friends. Speaking of….
Over the last few months, I have made some amazing new friends – who are ARMY – we have made friends over our mutual love of BTS. We met up with some at Wembley and our friendship has grown and they fell in love with my two children, because lets be honest why wouldn’t you! They are both amazing and adorable. So much so that one beautiful lady sent poppet and monkey some bunny rabbit hats, that appear in an episode of RUN BTS, if you press the paws, the ears will move. As you can see below, they loved them!
We also went to the seaside and enjoyed playing on the beach and some rides that were on Weymouth sea front. We love Weymouth and any chance we get to go over is always a good day. I love to swim in the sea but we didn’t get to do that on this trip as it was quite late when we arrived. We did get to bury the kids and have fish and chips by the sea!
Poppet loves to dance, sing and a variety of other things and goes to a lot of after school clubs. Monkey is not so bothered by any organised clubs or events as he likes to do his own thing. He has taken to climbing and loves to hit the local climbing centre. Poppet comes along as well on occasion as again she quite enjoys it. But this visit at the start of the summer holidays – monkey managed to climb higher than he has ever been and he jumped off the top yellow pole, which is quite daunting really. I am not sure I could do it.
We are all still very obsessed with BTS and enjoy watching music videos and their variety show RUN BTS. We have also started family quiz nights, which have been Harry Potter and BTS related so far. On one of these nights the challenge was to do the BTS fan chant as fast as we could. Monkeys practise was rather funny.
  Poppet was still learning by this point but has it perfect now. I shall have to re-video them so you can all see how well they can do it now. And yes, it does sound funny but hearing it in Wembley being chanted by 60,000 people was cool but still somewhat creepy! But mostly amazing and we are ready for (hopefully) when they return next year.
We visited a local National Trust site called Barrington Court. It is a beautiful house and grounds. We love to visit and go a fair few times each year, as they always have something for the kids to do, Christmas is always beautiful and I love the grounds. It is a a lovely place to walk around, let me know if you have been. And if you haven’t, you should come and have a visit. It is beautiful.
Before school finished, Poppet entered a solo dance into her school talent show. It was a shortened version of one of our favourite BTS songs – Anpanman. She was really brave to do it all by herself, as most of her friends were doing dances, singing etc in groups. But Poppet is not shy and she loves to dance and has been on stage lots of times before. I am so proud of her just for entering. But not only did she do us proud just by entering. She also won for her key stage. She is my little superstar and Monkey said he cheered the loudest and he got all his friends to cheer too, but then told me secretly he didn’t have to ask them as they all thought Poppet was the best anyway. But what an amazing big brother he is??
Poppet also did her Grade 1 ballet exam before the end of term and passed with distinction or honours. I am not sure what its called in Ballet, But she did amazingly, whatever it was. 🙂 Monkey thought he would give it a go in her skirt and not surprisingly it fit perfectly. 😂
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I love how random and weird my children can be. It makes me feel very connected to them as I am very weird and random. 🙂 We are all very happy in our own skin and personalities and we definitely all fall from the same tree. They both came downstairs in their jurassic coast t-shirts and green shorts and declared that for today they were twins.
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BTS new movie Bring the Soul played at Yeovil – so we got ourselves all dressed up and headed to the Cinema, I didn’t think there would be many people there as I have never met any ARMY near us. But the cinema was packed out with tons of ARMY of all ages. We met some lovely new people and really enjoyed the film. The kids did get a little bored as it was quite a lot of subtitled talking for them to keep up with. So they didn’t quite make it to the end and had to be picked up by Mr BC, but me and Mamma Butterfly really enjoyed it.
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Speaking of me and Mamma Butterfly, we got a very rare child free weekend as the kids went camping for a weekend with my sister, brother in law and nephew. So we got the chance to have some adventures of our own. We went for cocktails (mocktails for Mamma) for one evening and watched some episodes of RUN BTS. We went to the new cocktail bar in our town, Kikis. It was lovely and my cocktail went down way too easy so I gladly had a second one. We also took a train into Bournemouth to visit the kids camping and have a look around as they were supposed to be going to the air festival. But they didn’t make it, so me and Mamma just had a nice walk around the town. I introduced her to bubble tea, which she loved.
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We re-watched BTS live at Wembley when it became available on VLIVE. Kids loved it just as much the second time around, so much so, I had to keep asking them to move back, as they were so close to the screen, no one else could see it.
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Before Mr BC headed off for a business trip, he took us all to the Car Show as he knows me and Poppet love a good car show. Heres some of our favourites:
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This is a reminder for myself not to let Poppet eat cherries, it looked a little bit like the start of a really scary horror movie looking at her after she had finished.
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I made a new friend over the Wembley BTS weekend because I asked if anyone would be around on the Sunday to keep me company as I would be attending Day 2 on my own as the kids and Mr BC had gone off to sightsee around London. My friends all jumped at the chance to spend the afternoon with me and they all told me where they would be meeting etc so I wouldn’t be alone but I was also asked if I wanted to meet up with a lady who had been let down and wasn’t sure she would feel comfortable going on her own. I offered to meet her and we could go for food etc, and she offered me her ticket  which was going spare anyway, and it was better seats than mine and as she didn’t want to go on her own, I said I would love too. And it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I would happily have sat on my own, I really just wanted some company for the afternoon, but after hearing she might not go as she didn’t feel brave enough to go on her own, I could not have that and as I am neither shy nor scared to make new friends, I accepted this silent challenge to befriend her. It was a good decision as it lead to a few happy accidents. I made a friend for life, she is truly wonderful person and I can’t imagine not talking to her now. Not only is she a great friend but she’s a wonderful crafter. I told her how Mamma Butterfly was sad she hadn’t made it to Wembley and she kindly made and sent this commemorative pillow to her for her birthday. How amazing is this? And such a thoughtful and beautiful gift.
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And secondly, I now had a spare ticket. I had won my ticket in a prize draw and I really wanted to give it away so someone else could enjoy the concert too. I was meeting with some friends I had made online, as well as my friend above. They are all a wonderful group of Ladies and I am so happy to be included in their group. One of my friends had a friend who didn’t have a ticket and I offered him mine. He was really excited and pleased to be able to go and I think, at least I hope he enjoyed himself. I felt wonderful being able to give my ticket to someone who deserved one. All of these acts of kindness, stemmed from me simply asking if anyone would mind if I joined them as I didn’t fancy spending all afternoon on the run up to the concert on my own. It always pays to speak up and I discovered I have made some remarkable friends who have welcomed and accepted me and taken me under their wing. What an amazing start to the Summer it was?
Everyone we met, also fell in love with kids – which is always wonderful as its nice to hear that you have nice children from people you meet, it makes me worry less than I am doing a bad job.
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I think that is it for our summer of fun. We did go to Legoland for a weekend but that was so exciting and amazing, I have an individual post to write about that.
I hope you enjoyed my round up of all the fun things we did. If you have any questions about any of the places we visited or if you just want to say hi! Please do drop me a comment or find me on facebook/instagram or twitter.
House of Butterflies: Summer of Fun. Want to know what we got up to over the summer - check out my latest blog post to find out. #summeroffun #summer #kaleidoscopeadventures #BTS #BTSxWembley #newfriends Gosh the summer completely flew by and took us all by surprise! July and August came and went and now it feels like it is nearly - dare I say it - CHRISTMAS!
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beninlife · 7 years
Hello and Happy Easter for those of you who celebrate the holiday!  Now that all logistics have been cleared by our Safety & Security manager I can announce that I will be traveling to Cameroon on April 24 for one week!  I had purchased my plane ticket in January, however, there have been several travel restrictions in parts of Cameroon due to a protest going on between the anglophone and francophone areas of the country.  Due to that, I was not 100% sure I would get to go on vacation, but now that my visa has been approved I just need to pack my bags!  I am excited, as I have always wanted to see Cameroon!  I will be sure to post pictures!  
To provide a few updates since my last post, Pauline and I did not end up traveling to Parakou for the moringa training as our schedules did not line up with the volunteer who was going to host us.  Instead, we held a training locally at the garden in Adjido. 1,200 seeds were handed out to 75 women!  We reviewed the benefits of moringa, as well as how they can integrate moringa into their daily meals to increase vitamins for their children.  In additional to the 1,200 moringa seeds, I ordered a variety of seeds for the garden from a company called ECHO in Florida.  They offer free seeds to active Peace Corps volunteers and do great work across the globe working with rural farmers to increase food security.   Hopefully the seeds should arrive in a month!  It will be perfect timing as the rainy season is finally approaching.  The moringa training with the women was bittersweet, as it was my last scheduled project with Pauline and her women’s group!  I will continue to offer advice until I finish my service; just knowing that it was my last official project makes it more realistic that my time here is fleeting.
I have more great news!!  The library project is finally fully funded!!  I am so thankful for all of you who took the time to donate or share the project with your friends and family.  Special thanks to Ed Case at Merrill Lynch for coordinating a corporate donation of $3,000 which really helped push the project to the finish line!  I received an email yesterday from Washington explaining that the funds should take no more than two weeks to arrive into an account in Benin!  Then we will begin construction.   I will be sure to upload progress photos and the students would like to write out special “Thank You’s” to all our donors as well. 
My best friend Christiane invited me to her son’s birthday party a few weekends ago!  His name is Nehemie and he is 12 now.  It was fun watching a child’s birthday party here—they had a dance off, ate rice, cheese, sauce and we sang Happy Birthday in French and English for him.  (He is bi-lingual since he attends a Nigerian school here!) It was refreshing to see children content with simplicity.  One of his friends bought him a pack of cookies and he was over the moon!  I couldn’t help but wish birthday’s in America were more focused on food and good company rather than gifts. 
Regarding committees, we are slowly recruiting new volunteers to take over!  Last weekend, all the volunteers posted in my region (Zou) met with our Safety & Security officer to train the new volunteers on what to do in the event of a political election or other event that requires volunteers to stay at their sites.  We also elected a new VAC representative for the Zou!  Brian is the only male in the Zou and he was elected to best represent this region.  He will join me in Cotonou at the beginning of May with the other new VAC representatives from different regions to take over for those of us are who are leaving in a few months.  We all wore matching tissu (fabric) at our meeting, it was really cute!   I also traveled to Cotonou for 1 day to meet with the Diversity & Inclusion Committee to choose our new members!  The first week of May when I am back from Cameroon, we will hold a 3 day training for the new committee.  I have been putting together a few presentations on Active Listening, Conflict Management and Facilitation Skills so it is keeping me busy before my trip!  I think it will be a great group of volunteers and I am excited for them to take over and make the committee their own. 
All in all, I am doing well physically and mentally.  As stated above, my time here is fleeting so that has changed the tone of my service.  I have slowly started to give things away to other volunteers who still have 20 months to go.  I have given some clothes and shoes to my neighbor who has always been very kind to me.  My Grandma and I will be working on a quilt project when I return using scraps from all my dresses I have had made here!  So far, I have cut up 12 dresses in the last few weeks, and donated half of the fabric to Pauline’s women’s group to create bags or headbands for income generating opportunities.  The other half, I will take back to New Mexico in a few months so I can start piecing together a Peace Corps quilt. 
That is all for now!  I will post pictures from Cameroon! The next time I blog, I will reveal what date I will be flying home, as we select them in a few weeks at our Close of Service Conference! 
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fitnessbags · 6 years
Askfitmark LIVE 11/22/16
Welcome we got a lot of cool stuff happening today the first being that we're running this right now on Instagram so if you see this on Instagram come on over to our facebook page but go ahead and ask a question in the comments below if your question gets picked you win a free bag and also don't forget you can keep asking the questions just like you are on facebook right now if your question doesn't get answered today will still choose some of the questions on next week's show so you could possibly win today and if you don't you could possibly win next week instagram come see us over on our facebook page i look forward to it facebook let's get into it now uh our first a thing to talk about is going to be this backpack the sport backpack is on the site right now why is it on the site because it's free I'm not joking it's absolutely free with purchase today why because it's Black Friday week we're running a deal every single day this week started yesterday yesterday we had a phenomenal deal today we have a phenomenal deal tomorrow we have a phenomenal deal all leading up to the big day black friday and through the weekend and then of course topping it off cyber monday next week so definitely get over to the site if you have it already but let's start talking a little bit about how you're about to win a free bag if you haven't been to ask fit mark live before or any one of our shows that we've been doing for how long would be no this year I've been the line has been just a few months but we've been doing a spit mark for over a year ask him mark we've been doing for over a year it's been fun we're going to continue to do it because we love giving away free bags we love seeing the questions we have a plethora of questions that come to us and we want to start asking them now in the comments below a hashtag ask fit mark you can ask about our bags you can ask about what's happening in the future with fit mark you can ask about lifestyle sports fitness health anything that your heart desires you get personal if you really want to those are sometimes the fun ones but right now we're going to ask some questions you're going to answer some questions from a from last week's show in the meantime again go ahead and I tagged a couple friends this is a new one I actually wanted to do it this morning I want you to tag two of your friends two of the homies tagum right now in the comments let them know we're doing this show why because I want to do extra extra extra love today I'm going to give it I want to give it in in many forms a sprinkling bags on everybody different ways one is if your question gets answer to is by sharing the video right now if you share the video you're going to get put into the pool of those that we choose for just sharing and then the third one this is the big one why not because it is Black Friday week so let's take it to the house we are going to choose one winner from those who tagged two of the friends and all three of those friends are going to win a free back it's that simple so tag two of your friends let them know that asked fit mark is live right now even if they see this later it's very possible that they could be chosen along with yourself but right now let's get into last week's question and then we will get into today's questions Angela Velasco what bag does your wife use good question she still rocks the 2012 sport tote Nader's isn't that's like one of your favorite that's that's the sports out the original Sporto hands down he says he says hands down hands down original sport toe you had two leather every word with the leather touches I mean nobody was doing that nobody was doing that it was a beautiful bag and we've done the iterations on it we have horse have our current current sport tote but she has the original from 2012 phenomena question thank you you have won a free bag Hunter Polly where do you find your clothing style I know sometimes I make fun of it myself I don't really have one I go to a few stores that I appreciate and enjoy going to keep it simple like I try to do with the rest of my life maybe you do the same I keep it to one to three stores I kind of know the people I know what I'm going in to get I'm sure you understand that sentiment so thanks hunter uh I appreciate the question Nicole Willis what's your favorite superhero that's a good one uh you know I don't think you could go wrong with Superman Superman is my answer for you Nicole thank you so much you three have one free bag and now we're going to be given away bags to everybody who's watching who's going to ask a question if your question gets picked you win a free bag don't forget also i'm going to log in here and see who's out there don't forget also share the video right now share with your friends so that you can get entered in to win a free bag as well because Hector goes ahead and and chooses one person who just shares the video while we're live again some comments that people can't tag until after the video so that's fine if you can tag them after video we'll pick a winner that's a good one didn't know that if you can't tag right now while it's live that's a good one uh you'll be able to as soon as we are done here so go ahead and tag a couple friends uh when this video is done and we'll go ahead and choose one lucky winner which of course means all three of you yourself and the two people that you tagged will be a winner if you are chosen and we'll let them know through the comments right which we can post post the show so i'll let you know in the comments section a Hector goes ahead and he notifies you hopefully it's going to be you and your two friends so let me get into maybe you have one while I log in here oh let's see let me go back to me okay some people I didn't want to know what thank you aren't you just gonna log in on about the bags behind you it's a gin hide what bags are those behind you alright gang here shared was it as bad you know Thomas thanks everybody for coming in I love it just got i just logged in how many books have fit in there steven scott Lindsey Daniel the bags you have the shield in midnight just they have the Envoy backpack in midnight these are two exclusive colorways we only have a limited number of them for the holiday so you'll want to check that out and then at the cruiser that is your roller bag it has our movable meal prep system inside there's nothing like it on the market why because we innovate we're first to do most everything Justin Ribeiro will you be incorporating licensed superheroes into future designs it's a really good question Justin I will just say that we have a lot of great things to come 2017 is going to be a big big time and that may include some opportunities to wow you even more so than hopefully we've been able to do the last few years so great question appreciate it very much congratulations you want a free bag we got a question here from Instagram got some Instagram questions coming in from sa marshmallow any thoughts on baby bags for all the fit moms out there what was it from sa marshmallow sa marshmallow I like it I do it but what was it any thoughts on baby bags for all the fit moms out there baby bags you could check out the Masons bag it's the first of from what we know also that we innovated a diaper bag has a an actual fold fold folding cushion for the baby I that you that is removable it also of course has our patented meal prep system that is removable so check that out there may be some more styles to come some really good questions go ahead um Christina Johnson what type of ice packs do you insulate the bags I've had a bad experience not once but twice with another brand dice pack busted soaked in my bag leaving them leaving a bad smell we get that question every so often because we get people who come to us all the time uh because they're looking for a better option when it comes to not just sport bags but of course our biggest category which our meal prep bags and of course with our meal prep bags as you may know they do come with ice packs we have the highest quality ice packs on the market how do we know that because we don't have any returns for our ice packs I would say what less than 0.01 percent we've had an issue um that's because we know that it's not necessarily just about the bags that we designed and and we manufacture but it's also the accessories I mean we're big we're begging our accessories you know we just expanded our line but everything from the the ice packs to the meal containers or even to our dispensers they got to be of high quality because you use those just as much as you use the bags so I'm glad you asked the question congratulations now you're going to get hooked up with not just some sick ice packs but also great bad um so Susanna is about Willie Oh Lindsay Jen thank you for all coming Doug I see everybody go ahead and share this video don't forget you'll get grouped in to some people who might be chosen to win a free bag just for sharing the video it is Black Friday as i mentioned day two we have our sport backpack on the website it's free I'm not joking it's free with purchase today check out the details at fit more bags com if you haven't already we see a ton of orders of course already come in since we announced that this morning but it expires we show the black it expires and at midnight tonight so if you didn't already see this on the site it's free today with purchase for day 2 of black friday it expires tonight at midnight uh gia Patricia do you have your phone case for sale with the fitmark bags canada logo I actually I'm lucky enough somebody from the office got it for me um I probably I probably would have had the same generic went on there but they're they're nice enough to get me a phone case but no we don't sell those maybe we'll think about that in the future that is a great question so uh a lot going on I noted before about tagging to friends it looks like you can only tag once this live video is over so as soon as it's over go ahead and tag two friends because we're going to choose that one lucky winner just for doing so which means all three of those people will win a free bag including those that we have already chosen today as well as those who have shared this video we will also choose one lucky winner keep asking questions we will get to those or some of them on the next show which I promise you will be within one week uh I want you to have a phenomenal week it's only Tuesday get in the gym eat healthy kiss a loved one smile and if I don't talk to you have a phenomenal thanksgiving I'll see you next time
The post Askfitmark LIVE 11/22/16 was originally published to https://fitnessbags.ca/
from Fitness Bags Canada - Feed https://fitnessbags.ca/askfitmark-live-11-22-16/
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fmlfpl · 7 years
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Lineup Lamentations - GW18
Our Transfers, Captains, and Starting 11s for the week.
It's time to go back to the Rom well. I'm sick of Bob. He's being rotated too much and now that he is confirmed off pens his stats don't fill me with confidence that he is worth holding. I've managed to rejigger my team a bit to afford a big upgrade to Lukaku and I think it's a good time to buy the big donkey and welcome him back into the fold. The non-celebration on his goal got me feeling good as he just looked fucking pissed off to have been so shit. He knows he's been shit and with a pretty kind run of fixtures plus Paul back soon I think he'll be a steady returner of points. He is also a pretty decent differential in the top 100k so I'll take that for however long it will remain. I do expect him to making his way into more sides over the next handful of GWs so it feels like a good time to jump back a little early. I know I have given the boy a lot of shit on the pod but as shouted he's a flat track bully and the fixture run right now is good. Welcome back my son.
Pope. Standard legend. Have been seeing a lot ruing the fact they got Courtois in over him and shit like this. Been saying it forever, and it's a little skewed now that Pope has gone up a bit, but he's just Heaton version 2.0. It took us all far too long last season to realize that Heaton was the best value keeper in the game and the same thing is happening with Pope. I don't really know why. The fixtures get a bit trickier soon with top sides incoming as well as their easy games coming away but for Pope with save points it doesn't really matter to me. If anything, it makes him over a defender that much better. I think they will keep a couple of surprise cleans against top sides and he'll keep getting points. It is also a huge boon that he is nailed on for bonus points in any clean sheet they keep. Pope fucking in.
WOWw lads. It is a proper christmas tree formation for me this week as actual day of christmas approaches. I don't think I've ever willingly started this formation in my FPL career so it's a weekend of firsts for squad walsh. The alignment of timing with the holiday so near gives me good juju. Triple Chelsea defense roll out again with Christensen, Azpil, and Moses. Will always be a tad nervous with Moses with Zappa lurking so I hope rotation doesn't get me. Obviously losing the clean against Huddy in the last fucking action of the game didn't get my dick hard but I'm still sitting here with the long term play in mind. Cleans will come, right? Fucking hope so. Southampton suck, so let's fucking go.
The God Phil of Jones is another auto start for me for the foreseeable future. Of course slightly concerned he may be rested with only a few days off but probably not because he's the only thing that keeps clean sheets for United. Everyone starting to go back to the Phil well since he's also fairly nailed on baps with every clean. He's just great. CBI monster.
Finally, I'm starting Lewis Dunk this weekend home Burnley. It was a close call between him and RLC but I'm feeling a better chance of a Brighton clean than a RLC return. Dunk also carries his share of goal threat...he's gotta get one eventually...and if that comes when I'm starting him the satisfaction would be off the charts. Burnley still not really creating loads...and while they do seem to score one goal per game we'll see. Don't feel THAT confident in a clean here but worth the gamble considering my other options.
Three friends this weekend. The two City lads Dilva and Raz are stuck in. They propelled me last GW and they've been so fucking good for me and having patience rewarded feels nice. Good friends.
Rounding out the group is Salah. Obv. Nothing to see here. Could be rested, possibly, but with pressure on for points it feels unlikely.
Kane and Rom. Couple of good guys. Kane 10 shots and 3 chances created last week sums up his season. The underlying stats are off the page but he is blanking a lot. Meh. He goes nowhere.
Lukaku. Not really close for me and a huge diff here. Seeing a lot of Hazard shouts this weekend (when will we learn?) but I don't have him so fucking fuck him. West Brom are proper shit and I kinda love Rom going back to his old familiar stomping ground where he had so much joy back in the day to do it. WBA is only a matter of time before they get completely done and I think United are a real shout for 4 goals this weekend or something around there. Wish Paul would be back but meh. Salah is a fine shout, but idk. Not feeling him for some reason. I'm not comfortable at all capping Kane against City so not really looking at him. Pretty excited about Rom this weekend so hope he bangs. If he manages to donk in a double return I'd be absolutely flying so let's fucking go. Cheeky extra day of rest for United with three days off between games also feels like a nice cherry on top of the feather in his cap.
OUT: Vert
IN: Jones
Jones out GW15 and Jones back in GW18 such is life.
He’s the by far the best value pick of any player in all of FPL. Need I say more? GW1 darling of mine. Welcome back. Feels good again to double up on United Mou cleans (double with de Gea for me) and I expect a ton of points to follow...
Vert left me with a clean, the best thing he’s done for me by far... Break-up sex in for a 6 pointer. I’m down. One last fuck IN :).
The aforementioned DDG in for the foreseeable rest of season. The stress free pick.
All of a sudden my defense is good. I addressed it with good transfers -- GW14 Christensen in, GW15 Tarkowski in, and now GW18 Jones in. And those are my three going this week.
Christensen and Chelsea what can be said. They should be keeping cleans in all of these... I got lucky with the Christensen sub last week. I’m not worried at all.
Tark sorry I benched you that one week and missed a clean I’ve learned my lesson. Go with Ginger Mourinho and the cleans will follow. Easy pick. Escaping death thus far in a very dead Burnley backline.
And Jones yeah. Best most fucked up face and best value. Check and check.
Back in a 3-4-3 almost feels weird even though I’ve spent the majority of sixish seasons of FPL on it. But here we are. Feels good to have RLC off the bench and no longer a starter.
Let’s begin with Salah since everyone has him and he’s god and there’s nothing to say. Maybe he’ll be rested who knows...
Next we have Daveeeed the cock goblin genius legend. Also kind of not much to say. What a call back in preseason by Walshy just nailing it on the head. And then props to both Daveed and Pep for adapting / changing / progressing his game. He looks a new lad. Fresh new 31 year old on the scene.
Rounding out the midfield we got two guys who I have no idea what to expect from with Son always at risk of sub 20 minutes and Richarlison coming off of fatigue/groin shit who knows -- it seems to me a good time to rest him but they also could really use some points and he’s their best player. No clue. Both are dice rolls - but dice rolls with high ceilings. So maybe I’ll get something lucky.
Up top we got Kane, Morata, Chaz Austin.
Chaz I was thiiiiis close to benching for Duffy (home Burnley) but Brighton have been fucking bad and Chaz is so good. What was I thinking about? Chaz is fucking great. And if he starts / plays a bunch of minutes (big IF) I expect him to score vs. anyone, honestly, I do.
Kane is auto.
And Morata Conte says is fine today so hopefully he’s also fine tomorrow and can properly get it in there. Just get in bro. Don’t fall over and be the bag of dicks that I know you are. Let’s go dude.
I’m on Kane for now. My gut tells me that this City defense can be got at on the counter. I see like a 2-2 or 3-2 kind of game in the cards with Spurs giving them their toughest test of the season. This could change. It’s a TBD. Maybe I keep it simple and go Salah but I’m not sure. Spurs have been titting their big matches this season so maybe it’ll continue.. But the lads in Slack are pushing for DDG captain and everyone is fucking mad at me for being slow with Lineup Lambs so here we are. Gl hf.
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