#i think i am destined to be single💀
alixlives · 10 months
can i hVe a gf pls🙏🙏
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lotus-pear · 7 months
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whatever happens, please don’t break
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plothooksinc · 9 months
If you’re still taking prompts for the No Rest For The Weary adjacent fic, can we see the guys’ first trip back to Hueso’s pizzaria? With or without April and Mayhem tagging along?
Also, I just found the series and binged it in like 2 days
I'm glad you enjoyed it, anon! Because I can't shut up, you get the weeks preceding it too-- (Note: if the formatting is wonky I apologise but my first attempt to post it took every single space out, hngngngn) Niño idiota: >> aww dont sweat it bm ill be back to dazzle your customers soon!!   
The message came in at lunchtime, and he didn’t see it until the rush had been and gone.  Hueso scowled down at it as if Leonardo had personally insulted him and tossed it into the corner of the kitchen.  Their first day re-opened was chaotic, with many customers seeking a sense of normalcy or not having access to their usual haunts—he’d like to say he was thinking of them by reopening so quickly, but in all honesty, Hueso was a businessman (and previously a pirate to boot) and knew the best way to recoup his loss from the enforced closure was to take advantage of the mess.  That it was also an excellent way to take stock of who had come through the invasion unscathed had nothing to do with it, of course.
He didn’t get back to his phone until late in the evening, having fielded a number of annoying encounters along with customers over-ordering pizza like the invasion was just taking a brief intermission—and dealing with Hop, who timidly called him to make sure the ‘crazy lady with the knife’ was nowhere in evidence before he dared to front for his shift—and by then he was exhausted.  But Leonardo had messaged him again—with a nonsense string of kissy faces and hearts followed by a row of question marks, and he sighed.  A five year old’s need for validation, honestly.
Hueso: >> 💀💀💀✨✨
The boy seemed like his normal self.  He told himself it was less of a relief and more of an annoying reminder that his break from seeing one of his most destructive customers-slash-temporary-waiters was destined to be a short one.  He should take advantage of it while he could.
He didn’t hear from Leonardo again.
Days later, he attempted a call and found the phone was out of service.
He was not worried.  One of the boys would surely come by for pizza now that he was open and he could make polite inquiries.  Asking after a customer’s health was permissible.
(Michelangelo had said he was recovering.  The phone was purely a coincidence.  Leonardo had merely forgotten to pay his bill like the irresponsible boy he was, or he had been using it before being cleared by doctor’s orders and the phone had been confiscated with great prejudice by his brothers.  That was all.)
He did not see a single turtle in his restaurant.  
He did, however, hear from someone else; a phone call that took him by surprise, coming in on the main delivery line and asking to speak to the manager.  He came to the phone already annoyed, anticipating some complaint of my pizza is cold, or your special mystic sauce is flirting with my roommate! (It wouldn’t be the first time.  Sometimes his ingredients were very fresh.)
“This is Senor Hueso and I am busy,” he said curtly.  “Your complaint had best be of a suitably drastic nature.”
There was silence for a moment, and then a woman’s rueful voice.  “Ah.  Welp.  You weren’t a hallucination after all, huh?”
It took him a moment to place her, and then Hueso blinked and retreated into his office, closing the door behind him.  “Mrs O’Neil?”
“Just Carol’s fine,” she said.  “You, uh… I’m just trying to ground myself?  A little?  Things have been weird.”
“And so you decided to call the skeletal owner of a mystic pizzeria to feel normal again,” he said drily.  “I see. It makes perfect sense.”
“You’d be surprised.  Listen, I have two reasons to call—I know you’re busy so I won’t keep you tied up.”
He found he didn’t mind, actually.  It was rare that a human willingly associated with the yokai, though it spoke volumes that the two humans he’d found that would do so were related to each other.  “Go ahead.”
“First was just to, uh, touch base?  And make sure you got my message, and—I meant it.  You helped out a lot.”
“You are welcome, Senora.”  He nearly added any time, but frowned and thought better of it.  Hueso did not wish to encourage anyone to rely on him.  That was foolish.  “And the second?”
There was a brief pause.  When she spoke again, she sounded almost sheepish.  “...yeah.  Uh… it’s another stupid question, probably.”
“Of course.”  He braced himself for another inane question about skeletons.
“Yeah.  Does your, uh… pizzeria… even though we’re human, um—”
He blinked.  
And then, almost against his will, he smiled.  
“Senora, that is a stupid question.  Kindly remember all the times my employees have delivered to your daughter.”
“Oh, thank god.  Or...whatever you guys believe in—”
“Quit while you are ahead, perhaps.”  But now he was outright amused, leaning back in his chair.
“Yeah, noted.  Okay.  So some more spicy chicken…?  Two, I think.  We’re at a hotel right now, will that be a problem?”
“Not at all.  I will pass the order on to the staff.”  He hesitated.  “At a hotel?  Your apartment is a lost cause?”
“For now.  April’s, uh, friends?  Are paying for us to stay here, and I guess they’ll give us the all clear. Hopefully soon.”
Ah.  Sometimes it did, in fact, pay to ask sociable questions.  He leaned forward, voice rising eagerly.  “You have met her friends? The—” Turtle boys.  He stopped himself from saying it, because in all likelihood she had not met them and, annoying though they may be, that was a secret he would keep.
“No.” She paused, and then added shrewdly, “But April is staying with them, and I’m sure she’d have said something if they weren’t doing okay.”
He wasn’t sure April would have said anything at all, actually, given how tight-lipped she’d been on the topic of both mutants and yokai.  But knowing that she was staying with the boys did give him some level of reassurance that they hadn’t just vanished from the face of the earth.  
“Gracias,” he said anyway, and reached for his notepad.  “I had lost contact with them, so was… curious.  Tell me your hotel and room number and I will get your order ready.”
His delivery girl came back with a hotel business card in one hand, Carol’s mobile number scrawled on the back, and a brief message:
Just in case. I’ll ask April about them in the meantime xx Carol
Well.  That certainly was an offer.  A perceptive woman, indeed.
He tucked the card into his business card book, face down so the message was hidden.   
Perhaps Leonardo was avoiding him.  
The idea filled him with annoyance.  He also knew it was extremely unlikely, but he far preferred this irritating potential reason over anything more serious.  Hueso let himself believe this for a day and a half before he had to acknowledge that, foolish though the boy might be, he would not avoid the pizzeria just because Hueso had made a comment about an extra shift to pay for damages.  He would own up to it, if only to make childish comments about how much Hueso could rely on him and filch extra slices of garlic bread when he thought nobody was looking.  And potentially cause even more damage, because that seemed to be par for the course these days.  
The thought made him smile faintly-- until he realised he was very close to daydreaming about Leonardo accidentally trashing his pizzeria, and he nearly snapped poor Hop’s head off when he fumbled a serving a few moments later.  What a ridiculous thought.  (And he was annoyed at himself, not the staff, so he made sure to let Hop leave a few minutes early as an apology.)
Perhaps Leonardo had attempted to open a portal while concussed and had accidentally stranded himself in some remote farmstead.  That seemed as likely as avoiding him.  Or he had been portal jacked by pirates, and any moment now Piel would open the door to his restaurant and drag the turtle in like some waterlogged kitten, draped in seaweed and clinging to his ridiculous sword and wearing both those ridiculous eyepatches again, good grief what had the boy even been thinking (clearly he hadn’t been) and Leonardo would beam at him and launch into a tale of all the mermaids he’d met and flirted with until Piel dropped him mid-spiel and stormed out again.  
Perhaps he had quite deliberately portalled his family to Tahiti this time to recover in luxury.
Perhaps he was thinking about this too much.
Hueso put it aside and went to serve the family of googlyschmootzes that had just arrived and didn’t think about it again.
For a good twenty minutes.
He broke.
Hueso: >>Buenas noches, Carol.  Could I ask if you have any word? >>This is Senor Hueso.
Senora O’Neil: >>Evening!  I will see what I can do.  I’m sure they’re fine.
They were not fine.
Carol did not text him.  But the following evening, his waitress Gloriana knocked on his office door to tell him that one of the turtle boys had arrived and was asking for him, and he barely let her finish before Hueso was moving past her and through the kitchen at a speed a little too risky for an area full of sharp implements.  
April was at his front counter, peering listlessly at one of the menus, and he took a moment to observe just how tired she looked before he took in the hunched bulk that was Raphael slouching next to her, and he froze.  He already knew April had been injured—had seen her arrive with her face a mess, knew about the attack—but it was the sight of the large snapper that made him feel the first unfamiliar touch of… anger.  
Raphael’s arms were thoroughly bandaged, swathed above his plastron and neck, and his eye was covered in a patch that made him think nonsensically for a moment, ah, so it was pirates after all.  But it was the large chunk missing from the curve of his shell that horrified him, the sight of a near miss that was far above and beyond their usual shenanigans.
They are children, he thought.  This is too much for children.
If Raphael was the only one to visit him, how badly off were the others?
He did not ask.  Instead, Hueso regarded them with a face he hoped was impassive, and tugged the brim of his hat down slightly.  
“I see life has not been kind to you lately,” he said.  “I hope you do not think this entitles you to a discount.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” April said politely, but the knowing smirk that curved onto her exhausted face warned him ahead of time.  “Especially as we’re not here for pizza.”
...ah.  Carol had ratted him out.  Very rude, considering he had not once mentioned he was concerned.  He flicked his gaze to Raph, who gave him a wan smile of his own, blinking slowly with his one good eye as if he were considering going to sleep right there at the counter.  
Hueso sighed.  It wasn’t the end of the world.  
“I suppose you had better come through to my office.”
April’s nose was newly bandaged and her bruises were that particular array of colours that always arrived in the process of healing.  That was something, at least, though Hueso couldn’t help but note the smaller bandage patch behind one ear.  She had been hurt more since he last saw her.  Perhaps they all had.  It made him fret over Leonardo’s last message and out of service phone all over again.  
“My doctor insisted on checking it out, but it’s all healing well,” she said, taking the mug of coffee from him. She was sitting on one edge of the worn couch he kept in his office, slouching against its side with a carelessness that made him wonder how long it had been since she’d slept well.  Raphael was taking up the rest of it, sitting there with his hands clasped on his knees and clearly trying not to fidget.
“I did not ask,” Hueso said levelly, and held out another mug to the turtle.  He didn’t seem to notice.
“No, but I ain’t blind,” April retorted.  “Mikey’s right, you are a big softie.”
He sighed.  “A terrible slur upon my reputation.”
“Sure it is.” She grinned over the rim of her mug, and elbowed Raph in the side, who started and then finally noticed Hueso’s outstretched hand.  “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with us.  Right, Raph?”
“Right,” Raph said automatically, taking the mug.  Then he blinked.  “Wait, what?”
Dios mio.  Hueso raised an eyebrow.  “Raphael.  How long has it been since you slept?”
The fact that he trailed off and frowned spoke volumes, and Hueso sighed again.  Well, he hadn’t been fooling them anyway.  Or, at the very least, he hadn’t fooled April.  He turned on his heel and went to the cupboard. “I assume your mother asked you to stop by.”
“You assume right,” she said, relaxing back with her coffee.  “Guess I’m doing a proof of life tour today.  I checked in with her, she asked me to follow up.”
“I see.  I feel you should have left this one home to sleep.”  
Raph frowned at that.  “Yeah, well, this one thought April could do with company.  It’s been a, uh, week.”
That gave him pause.  “Does this ‘a, uh, week’ begin before or after the zombie attack at the O’Neil apartment?”
“Man, don’t ask him to count days at this point,” April said wryly as Raph took on a more confused expression.  “Just assume things have been chaotic as hell since the day the sky opened up and rained bubblegum on us.”
“Such a misleading way to describe an alien invasion.” Hueso snorted, hiding his worry.  Not that it seemed to matter with this company.  “That almost sounds cute.”
“Never had bubblegum in your hair, huh.”
Hueso served her with A Look.  “In my clearly bountiful hair?  No.”
Then he threw a blanket from the cupboard across, hitting Raph in the face, and pointed.  “You, nap.  You.” To April. “Tell me what has happened, and why Leonardo’s phone is out of service.”
Raph blinked as the blanket slid off his face and landed in his lap.  “Wait, it is?”  And he started to fumble for his phone, until April put a hand gingerly on his shoulder.  “April?”
“Yeah, uh, it’s okay,” she said, eyes wide.  “We didn’t know it was out of service, but it makes sense.  I remember the last place he had it.  I think Leo needs a new phone.”
That was at least vaguely reassuring that Leonardo was alive and in need of technology somewhere, but April’s dancing around the point only served to irritate him.  “You are both very tired, it seems, if you did not realise before now.”
“Yeah well, you try dealing with two invasions in the space of a week,” April shot back.  “Leo’s phone getting eaten is kind of less important than, you know, Leo himself.  And Mikey.  And everyone losing their freaking homes and—”
And Raphael put out one of his giant hands to settle her back on the couch before she could get to her feet, grimacing faintly at Hueso, and he put up his skeletal hands in a gesture of apology.  
“I did not mean to imply any stupidity,” he said faintly, reeling a little at the sheer amount he needed to unpack in that small rant.  “I am merely… concerned at how exhausted you are.”  There, now he was being honest.  What was the world coming to?  He didn’t know where to start, so he started with the most bizarre.  “His phone was eaten?”
“It wasn’t me,” Raphael muttered, and April broke into a laugh before she could help herself, slapping a hand over her mouth.  
Hueso texted a message out to his kitchen staff and took a seat, feeling far more brittle than he had a few minutes ago.  Teenagers.  Very tired teenagers.  The laugh had sounded less amused and more borderline hysterical, so when he spoke again, he was as gentle as he could be.
“Perhaps you ought to start from the beginning.”
Gloriana knocked on the door ten minutes later with a platter of cheesy bread sticks and spicy meatballs.  By then, April had finished telling him about the attack on the lair, Agent Bishop’s involvement and mistakes, and Leonardo and Michelangelo’s rescue.  The mention of Bishop would have set his hair on end if he had any; he was familiar with the man, given his restaurant straddled the line between the Hidden City and New York, and there had been harassment before certain rules were put in place and Bishop promptly lost interest.  
Raphael had fallen asleep during April’s spiel, and she had tucked the blanket over him without so much as a pause and carried right on, and the practised move was doing something unfortunate to Hueso’s emotions.  Or perhaps that was just the realisation of just how terribly things had gone after Leonardo’s last message to him; how close the family had come to tragedy.  
They were children.  
(Also, Leonardo’s phone being eaten by a possessed train was nowhere on his spiralling bingo card--)
He took the platter with a nod of thanks and closed the door, sliding it onto the coffee table in front of them.  April needed no encouraging and snagged two breadsticks with the flash of a grateful smile.  He sat and politely let her wolf them down before he spoke again.
“They are all right now?”
“Mikey just overextended himself and is sleeping it off,” she said, and he wondered how much of an understatement that was.  He did not pry.  “Leo’s… not doing great, given the timing, but he’ll be okay with time.  Might be a while before he’s back to pester you, though.  Or take any shifts.”
“I will somehow manage without this added disruption in my life,” he said with a straight face.  He was partly relieved; mostly, however, he was quietly calculating just how hurt the boy must be to be gone for a while.  To be taken straight from a hospital bed before he had a chance to recover-- “And you say both of these aliens are now dead, yes?”
“With extreme prejudice,” April said with satisfaction.
“I am sure my customers will be relieved to hear the danger has fully passed, then.”  He sipped his tea.
“Oh yeah, sure.” She grinned at him, snagging another bread stick.  “And I’ll let Leo know you were worried about him.”
He frowned at her over his cup.  “You will not.  He is insufferable enough as it is and I will confess to nothing.”
“Hmm, I dunno…”
“I can still charge you for those bread sticks you are eating.”
“Man, you think my silence can be bought?”   She waved at him with the bread stick in question before biting it in half, and he sighed.
“I was under the impression humans were easily corruptible, yes.” 
“Oh, we totally are.”
The O’Neil women were definitely going to be headaches in his life, weren’t they.  Hueso found he wasn’t particularly annoyed by that fact, but he made sure to sigh again.  It gave him an opening in any case. “Would you like to take some food home with you?  The family must surely be quite exhausted, if they are all dead on their feet like the two of you.”
“That would be amazing and my lips are sealed,” April said sunnily.  “Only can we get stuff that isn’t pizza? We kind of, uh, wanna hold off on that for a bit.  Long story.”
Odd.  But he didn’t care enough to question it.  She had overloaded him with enough stressful exposition already.  “I will put together some other options.  It...may take a while, if you care to rest until it is—”
A green hand landed flat on top of the meatball pile, and they both jumped.  And watched as Raphael grabbed a full handful of meat and shoved it into his mouth, chewing slowly before letting out a snore and sinking back into sleep again.
Well, then.  He was beginning to understand why Raph had defended himself about eating phones.  
“Does he do this often?”
April cackled.
Mayhem was in his kitchen.
Having a staring contest with Hop.
Hueso counted to ten.  And then tapped the rabbit yokai politely on the shoulder, pretending he didn’t see the boy jump more than strictly necessary.  “You have work to do.  I will deal with the interloper.”
Hop nodded vigorously and then took off the front counter, stumbling over his own big feet on the way out the door.  Hueso sighed.  And took his place, staring down the tiny yokai with the most unimpressed look he could manage.
Mayhem stared mildly back.
“I am going to put together some pasta and burritos for the Hamatos,” Hueso said finally.  “When I am done, kindly make sure it gets back to wherever they are staying and deposit the two in my office directly into their beds.  Then I will consider us even.”
Mayhem tilted his head as if he couldn’t possibly know what Hueso was talking about; as if the little sneak hadn’t dumped humans in his lap not one week before.  His tail dipped off the ledge he was sitting to wave dangerously close to a pot full of bubbling mince.
Hueso pointed a finger bone at him.  “Do not threaten me, pequeña mierda.  I know where you came from.”
Mayhem stuck his nose in the air and turned away.  But his tail curled around him obediently and his ears twitched back.  
Just so long as they were agreed.
April was snoring on top of Raphael when he returned.  He took a picture, careful to cut Raphael out of the shot, and sent it to Carol.
Hueso: >> You told her I was concerned.  A lie and a terrible betrayal.
Carol’s response took a while in coming.  He wondered if she was laughing at him.
Mrs O’Neil: >> Which is it? 👀 A lie or a betrayal it can’t logically be both 
Hueso: >> We will have words about this later.  For now, I am sending your daughter home to bed.
Mrs O’Neil: >> Gracias, Senor.  
Knowing the family were okay did set his mind at ease somewhat.  His restaurant seemed much quieter without the turtles coming through, but it wasn’t as if Run of the Mill was a picture of serenity without them.  Not with his customer list including mob bosses and smugglers and the occasional pirate, but largely his customers knew very well to treat his restaurant with respect and cause no issues (providing, of course, he did not double-book certain parties ever again.)  
Life settled into some semblance of normal over the next week as the invasion became more distant; for the majority of the yokai it had been merely a source of hushed gossip, trapped as they were quite safely in the Hidden City’s lockdown.  (Hueso was under no illusions.  If the invasion had not been halted on the surface, the Krang would have found them all eventually.  He kept that to himself.)
Carol messaged him some days later, minutes after closing, and he glanced down at the message and couldn’t help his faint huff of amusement:
Carol: >> YOU DIDN’T SAY HER FRIENDS WERE GREEN >> also thank you for the complimentary cheesecake how did you know
Hueso: >> I didn’t say they were human, either. >> I have my ways. You can work them out yourself I’m sure.
Carol: >> A lie and a terrible betrayal!!! >> You saw the delivery address.  More stupid questions?
Hueso: >> I do not think that is the clever retort you think it is.  I neither lied nor betrayed.  I am an honest man* >> * Terms and conditions apply >> Also yes, but you are welcome.  Your home is intact?
Carol: >> For the most part.  Some minor repairs needed.  >> The boys are fine.  I only met one, but he’s charming in an awkward sort of way.  They’re coming for dinner next week!
Ah.  Hueso closed the door to his office, leaning against it, and felt… lighter.  That was promising.  In more ways than one.  If the boys were going to a family dinner, they were okay.  And Carol had met a turtle and invited him to dinner.  Truly, a unique human being.  He suspected he was going to enjoy their conversations.
(He wondered if she threatened the turtle with a knife first.)
Hueso: >> All of them?
Carol: >> As far as I know.  Does that help?  Would you like me to pass on a message?
“Like you did last time?” he muttered.  But he appreciated the offer even so.
Hueso: >> That is quite all right.  If they are well enough for dinner, I’m sure I will be seeing them myself sometime soon.  Gracias.
He saw the dots come up and vanish again, then reappear, and he waited patiently.  
Carol: >> You’re welcome 🥰
He wondered what she had been typing.  But his curiosity was only mild, and it had been a long day; Hueso collected his briefcase, checked in with the closing staff, and made his way home in a surprisingly good mood.  
The following weekend, he woke to find she had sent him a picture.  He opened it over breakfast and promptly spat milk across the table.  
It was a picture of April, holding up her phone with a wide grin, her camera panned back to catch Donatello perched on the back of a couch like a menacing and mildly deranged vulture.  Those strange machine hands of his were extended down with markers in their pincers, scrawling on the side of a sleeping Leonardo’s face.  Michelangelo was leaning over one side of the couch with a marker in his hands but it looked like he was laughing too much to contribute, and he could just see Raphael—a much less exhausted and less bandaged Raphael, for which he was quietly relieved—looking at the camera with a grin and gesturing at his brothers, his mouth smeared with… chocolate?  That was probably chocolate--
Carol: >> Proof of life 🎊🎊
Hueso: >> A terrible invasion of their privacy.  
Carol: >> I’m innocent!  My daughter is the fiend here.  You don’t hae to worry, I didn’t say a word >> *have
If Leonardo was sleeping at this dinner, he was still healing—but clearly in safe territory, if his brothers were… well.  Being brothers.  He’d certainly woken up several times as a child to find his bones decorated in all kinds of rude messages.  Hueso grimaced at the memory and took a closer look.  
The boy had lost weight.  Not enough to be frightening; enough that Hueso contemplated whether he could get away with inflicting more food on them without the repercussions of Leonardo’s smarmy grin and assumptions.  Probably not.  Besides, he had faith that Carol would have fed them well and Michelangelo was an excellent chef in his own right.  He was not needed here.
Hueso: >> Gracias. >> Is it all right if I print this?
Carol: >> You may do with it what you like.  April knew what she was doing.
Like mother, like daughter.  The girl was a menace.  But in this case… he smiled and tucked back into his breakfast, wiping up the spilled milk with a napkin.  April was all right.  He would have to let her know that her family was welcome at his pizzeria, provided they were not easily shocked by some of his clientele.
Carol🗡️: >> Maybe a quieter night.  Do you have quiet nights?
Hueso: >> First Wednesday of the month is Human Night Out.  It only attracts the younger yokai.
Carol🗡️: >> Sounds ominous.  Human Night Out?
Hueso: >> Wherein we hide all traces of the Hidden City and pretend we are a human pizzeria.  There are costumes.
Carol🗡️: >> ...that’s actually something yokai are interested in?
Hueso: >> You don’t have theme nights in your own restaurants?  The younger yokai are fascinated by humans.  The older… not so much.  It is quieter.  There are ‘exotic’ dishes which I think you would find fairly mundane.    The yokai would think you were just in disguise.
Carol🗡️: >> Okay that’s amazing.  Don’t you lose money though?
Hueso: >> Not when people pay a premium for the exotic dishes.
Carol🗡️: >> I detect a con.
Hueso: >> I’m sure I have no idea what you mean.  Booking for 7pm?
Carol🗡️: >> We’ll be there.  I’ll review your exotic dishes.
Hueso: >> I’ll give you a discount for your first time if you review them positively.
Carol🗡️: >> We’ll see 😁
[unknown number] >> I know I know youve been so worried about me I amhere 
Hueso: >> New phone, who is this
Niño idiota: >> Ohohoho OUCH we gotta work on ur meme skills u did it wrong
Hueso: >> I’m sure I don’t care.
Niño idiota: >> well when u decide u do care as u inevinnev something something do its ‘new phone who dis’
Hueso: >> ‘inevitably’.
Niño idiota: >> that’s what i said >> anyway sorry i was out of touch i lost my phone??  prolly left it somwhere u know how it is >> I owe u a shift just lmk when
Hueso is typing… Hueso is typing…
Niño idiota: >> did I break u with like responsibillity want me to be an idiota just to balance things??
Hueso: >> I will not need anyone for a few weeks.  But do not think you are off the hook.  I am sure I can find something tedious for you to do. >> You are already an idiot no need to rub it in.
Niño idiota: >> u love me and u know it
Hueso: >> Debatable.
Niño idiota: >> Debatable!!!  thats not a no u no
Hueso: >> Get some sleep and learn to spell.  I am busy.
Niño idiota: >> ✨🎊👏👏😘😊😏 >> in that order or
> Read 3.48pm
Niño idiota: >> you leave idiota on read???  rude tbh jail bla bla bla >> 🥺🥺🥺 >> 😎see u soon✨
“—get it, but I wish you’d told me before this!”  The voice was whining and petulant and very, very familiar. He felt a Pavlovian sense of annoyance rise up almost as fast as the sheer relief, and Hueso opened the kitchen door a crack to peer out.  
Sure enough, there they were.  Finally.  Leonardo was leaning against the closest booth to the alleyway portal, but he was on his feet and that was good enough.  Michelangelo was latched onto one arm and Hueso couldn’t tell if it was clingy affection or for extra stability.  Perhaps both.  Leonardo’s pout was ridiculously overdramatic, which told Hueso the boy was perfectly fine with whatever he hadn’t been told, and if he had eyes, he would roll them.  Teenagers. 
“Sorry, Leo, we kinda forgot.”  Raphael rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.  The eye patch was gone with no sign of wounds beneath.  “It was a spur of the moment thing, but the kid’s never had pizza, so—”
“Nah, I get it,” Leo said, waving his free hand.  “But I’m totally complaining about this injustice for the rest of the night, just so you know.”
“Oh nooo, a surprise no one could have foreseen, however will we manage your-- oh wait, I have headphones.” Donatello, moving around them with a look of complete disinterest and his phone in his hand.  
There.  All four of them.  
Hueso breathed.  Hop had already picked up his notebook and was rounding the counter; he managed to catch him by the shoulder before Hop could get further (another jump, were all rabbit yokai so anxious or just this one?) and took the notebook from him, gesturing with his bony chin toward the kitchen.  The message was clear:  trade places.  
Then he waited until all four were seated—pretended he wasn’t paying attention to the way Michelangelo helped Leonardo into the booth—and sauntered over, the picture of nonchalance, grateful that his voice was dry as the desert when he spoke.  “Ah, my most destructive customers.  I thought it had been quiet around here.”
Donatello didn’t even look up from his phone, which was the very picture of normal for him.  But the other three did, with Raphael and Michelangelo throwing him cheerful smiles.  Leonardo lit right up with a flash of teeth in a smug grin that said he was about to say something incredibly obnoxious.  Good.  Business as usual.  Even if he wasn’t currently flailing at Hueso with his usual dramatics, which he suspected meant the boy was still sore, at the very least.  
“Bone man!”  Leonardo beamed, then sprawled in the booth with a barely-there wince, propped up by his little brother.  “Toldja it’d be soon.  Miss me?”
“Yes,” he said flatly.  “But my aim is getting better.”
Donatello snorted at his screen, and Leonardo made a face.  “Seriously?  That’s like… so old, you need to hang around someone younger with better jokes—”
“Someone like you, perhaps?”  Hueso pinned him with a look, tapping his notebook.  “You seem to have forgotten where I heard that from in the first place.”
“Memory issues,” Michelangelo said solemnly, pushing Leonardo delicately upright again.  “Concussions will do that to ya.”
Hueso raised the notebook to hide his smile as Leonardo shot him a betrayed look.  “You told him?”
“I’m sorry, was that meant to be a secret?”  Donatello glanced up finally.  “We’ve been incommunicado for weeks after an invasion and he called you while you were sleeping it off.  What do you think we told him?”
“I told him, technically,” Michelangelo said cheerfully, “But it’s okay, Leo!  I didn’t tell him anything else! Pinky promise.”
Raphael raised a hand sheepishly.  “Yeah, uh, but April and Raph might’ve...”
Leonardo’s expression flickered from surprised to guilty to mildly distressed before it settled on the sulkiest frown he’d seen on the boy yet.  “Well, that’s not fair.  I was gonna like… derail him with tales of our epic adventures and everything, and you beat me to it.”
“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘regale’, Nardo.”  
“Derailing may still happen,” Hueso said dryly, tapping his finger bones on the edge of the table to get their attention back.  “If you intend to continue this fascinating conversation rather than order your food?”
“Hah,” Leonardo muttered.  “That’s totally what I meant—”
“Hush up,” Michelangelo said, leaning past him.  “I’m hungry.  Can I get the mystic lasagna?”
He took their orders after that, watching them carefully as they talked.  Raphael’s eye was a little red, but was tracking correctly and obviously focused.  A good sign, he hoped.  Donatello seemed utterly like his normal self, and Michelangelo was wearing what seemed to be compression gloves.  Leonardo… was still thin, and looked very tired, but Hueso had seen him far more exhausted.  There were splashes of vivid colour creeping over the top of his shell which he couldn’t help but stare at, trying to work out what they were.  
Leonardo tilted his head at the curiosity, and then smiled more genuinely, twisting slightly so that Hueso could get a better look.  “Like it?  My little brother is awesome, as usual.”
“And don’t you forget it,” Michelangelo huffed, but he was grinning as Hueso stared at the beautifully painted marigolds, petunias, and tulips winding their way across Leonardo’s shell.  
The boy was an impressive artist; not just for the careful love and detail on such an unusual surface, but the way he’d crafted his art to disguise injury.  Because Hueso had to pay very close attention to see the repair job to the shell beneath.  
The damage had been… extensive.  He’d thought Raphael’s shell had been bad; no wonder he had been incommunicado for so long.  
Leonardo’s smile shifted strangely on his face, and he sounded almost uncertain.  “What do you think?”
Ah.  It was hard to translate what Leonardo really wanted to hear.  But given the way Michelangelo had gone so far to hide this injury… he leaned back again, humming thoughtfully.  “I think the next time I would like new art for the restaurant, I should see if your brother is free.  It may perhaps be a less destructive option than waiting tables.”
Leonardo grinned in pride as Michelangelo brightened next to him.  “Really?  I would love to do some art for you, Senor Hueso!  I could bring my portfolio next time!”
“You have a portfolio?” Raphael looked confused.  “Wait, what’s a portfolio?”
“It’s a port just for me, duh,” Leo drawled, and then reeled back as Donatello threw a wad of napkins into his face.  “Hphh!”
“That was terrible and you know it.”
“It was pretty great, actually.”  Leonardo spat a piece of napkin at him and smiled lazily.  “You’re just jealous I thought of it first.”
Donatello resolutely ignored him and turned to Raphael.  “It’s a collection of sample works that illustrate an artist’s skill and range.”
...had they forgotten he was here?  Typical.  He coughed loudly, and watched them all swivel back to him attentively.  “Yes, bring your portfolio.  I suppose I am interested.  The flowers look very lovely.”  He paused, but in the end he couldn’t resist.  “Though it does make you look like you’re about to be thrown at a wedding.”
“Sounds like a fun sport,” Donatello drawled.  “Let’s get Kendra married off so we can bowl Leo at her bridal party.  If she has enough friends for that.”
“Can—can we wait until he can survive that first, Raph would like not to panic all over again—” 
“Why should Leo get all the fun?  I’m the small one, let me be the bouquet!”  Michelangelo had literal stars in his eyes.  “I’d love to be a bunch of flowers.”
“Yeah, but you can hardly paint your own back, Miguel.”
“Challenge accepted.  This bitch yeet!”
“Okay, one:  language, and two:  even Raph knows that’s not how it goes—”
“What’s wrong with yeet?”
Maybe he shouldn’t have made the joke.  Hueso sighed heavily, and this time it didn’t stop them from continuing on with... apparently inventing a brand new hobby.  Teenagers.  But lively ones, and he would rather they were here giving him a headache than go through the weeks of quiet that had preceded this one.  
“I’ll take your orders to the kitchen,” he said, and turned on his heel.
“Hey, wait—”
There was a tug on his sleeve, and he turned in surprise to find Leonardo half out of the booth and trying to keep his balance; Michelangelo had an arm wrapped around him to stop him falling, but was still arguing with the others.  Apparently he’d lunged to get Hueso’s attention without thinking it through.  Good grief.  He stepped forward and put his bony hand under Leonardo’s elbow, gently pushing him back into his seat.
“Do not do that again,” he said quietly, and Leonardo made a sheepish face.
“Sorry.  I just wanted to, uh…”
He trailed off.  Hueso raised an eyebrow and waited patiently until he glanced away.
“Did we worry you?”
What an odd question.  Or rather, what an odd delivery.  He would have expected Leonardo to be smug, taking it as proof of their friendship, but Leonardo seemed more anxious about the prospect.  And Hueso thought back to their text conversation.  To the boy’s completely nonchalant dismissal of his silence and missing phone.
“Only a little,” he said, voice mild.  “In truth, I was more impressed by the tale.  One could say that you and your brothers acted like…”  
And Hueso smiled.  Pointedly. 
Leonardo mouthed the word back in confusion, before realisation lit his face.  Hueso took advantage of the pause to move away, heading for the kitchen with his notebook, listening briefly to the conversation behind him--
“Raph!  Raph!  Hey, gimme a lift, I need to go check the Wall of Champions—”
Hueso vanished into the kitchen and passed off their order to his kitchen hands.  He only had two photos of the boys, after all.  One was still quite firmly pinned to the Maze of Death cheaters wall.  The other--
His staff shrank back; both at the yell and at Hueso’s wide grin, which admittedly looked downright unnerving on a living skeleton, he could admit--
“Omigosh we’re champions!”
“With this photo!?  YOU’RE DRAWING ON MY FACE!”
“Well, someone had to.  I, at least, look suitably championlike—”
“You look like a deranged gremlin is what you look like.  Couldn’t he, like, edit out the chocolate first?”
“I mean, it could be worse, Leo!  We could have been drawing something that wasn’t PG-13.”
“Where’s April?  I’m gonna kill her.” Leonardo was wailing.  “She sent this to Hueso!?”
Hueso swept through the kitchen and into his office, shutting the door behind him so that nobody could hear him laugh.
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Destined with You : Episode 10
that transition from past to present made me suddenly remember that Rowoon is gorgeous!
my man’s never changing her contact name from civil servant haunted house 💀
Jo Bo-ah’s eyes 😭😭😭 !!! I feel every emotion!
she’s so happy to see him ^•^
from the day this show premiered all of us knew they were going to fall for each other spell or not and yet here I am, grinning like a dumbass happy to hear it [except break up with that girl Sin-yu ENOUGH, let me enjoy this blossoming relationship minus the grey area]
that child 💀
wait for me is such a realistic thing to say except it never seems to work itself out in kdrama land 😭😭😭
as of now I guess let me just officially look away from their grey area situation so I can selfishly enjoy
look at her fingers !!!! look at how happy she is !!! her turning back every 3 seconds 🤣
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break up with #that girl already! minus whatever she’s got going on with her other man, and whatever horrible thing she’s planning for my sister ; you have never looked at her with love in your eyes !!!!
lmao her side (piece man?) wore glasses and I didn’t recognise him for a second and thought she was meeting someone new 💀
lmao girl you can’t just walk away from a breakup??? stand up ???
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well she just sat down…
despite everything I still have like zero empathy for her
lmao now the second male lead is here 😭 I got the flower bouquet peaceful moment for 4 seconds….
please let this be a dream sequence
oh thank god 💀🙏
everything about the office scene was awkward but the lift moment was surprisingly sweet (it was like 30 seconds of them being in proximity, my brain just accepts anything 😭)
this mother and younger coworker storyline and the two bosses coworker romance storyline are things that I support (why not!) but confuse me like sister the main plot has not started unfolding yet, can you take this stuff elsewhere 😭🙏
lmao she always has more heat for hongjo than sinyu like sister get your priorities straight 😭
naur he spat his wine 😂
wait he changed her name on his phone!!!
lmao babe you’re about to be surprised
that is an insane amount of beer bottles for one table 😭
the gloves
talk your shit sister! 💅
of course it was the second male lead lmao. just got pepper sprayed 💀
lmao second leads can never waste a single second like if you rejected the girl once, it’s over for you 😂😭 imagine your competition being someone who was engaged like he obviously didn’t think that man was going to win over him
Jang Sinyu get a grip for real bestie! she’s in an emotional and moral pickle because of you!!! 😍 she liked the other guy first and now has to wait for you but also feel all of these feelings lmao like let her chill.
my sister got into this weird love quadrangle spiritual past life mess before she could get one simple boyfriend
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lmao this ‘pure’ talk might be their banter or whatever but it is totally not my vibe 💀
okay secretary Kim chair thing
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and this is why you do not kiss around in your workplace
the way I do not know these office characters enough to root for them
you cannot feel any empathy for Nayeon like deadass bullied my sister into dropping out of school and now she’s scheming with someone terrifyingly creepy 😭🙏 STAAPPPP IT
not only is she conspiring to do voodoo on my sister, she’s getting her transferred as well…
get him Mr Kwon !!!
sister put up a little fight?
would it kill him to be a little honest with the one he claims to love 😍
THE HAND !!!!!
I ruined my life watching a show I cannot binge omg 😭. tell me now !!! lmao @the shot of Mr. Kwon clinging to the wall
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
ooooh, sounds like a fun day! I'll leave you to it......but off the top of your head:
I'll give you one too, promise 😉
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Okay, okay, okay. So my movie taste is a little bit everywhere - so I'm not sure what you like. Let me give you a couple with a brief summary to give you a sense of what I like.
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Suck: 2009 (M)
A struggling troup of musicians travel around Canada and USA. It's only when the bassist of the group is turned into a vampire that they finally meet success. Now they have to deal with the consequences of a rise in fame: hunters, groupies, and an insatiable hunger that they need to satisfy to keep up their success. Dark comedy, gore, cameos from musicians, musical.
I don't know why I like this movie, but I do. I think it's the vampires, the miniature models, the muso references, the makeup, and the gore. Could also be Alice Cooper and Iggy Pop.
Calamity Jane: 1955 (PG)
A firecracker gunslinger with a boisterous attitude seeks out actress Adelaide Adams to bring back to her town of Deadwood to win a bet. She finds a friend in the actress, and finds love along the way. Musical, wild west, angst, comedy, romance.
This was my bisexual awakening. This movie has a special place in my heart. I love Doris Day and Allyn Ann McLerie. Howard Keel's voice is also just 🫠. Costumes 👌👌👌. A man in drag singing 🤌.
Overboard: 1987 (PG)
A spoilt heiress decides to snub a single father, widower carpenter she hired after being "dissatisfied" with his services. She cheats him out of his wage, and he is left to fend for himself with little funds to back him up. When that heiress falls overboard and is diagnosed with amnesia, the carpenter decides to get her back and claim to be her husband: working her to the bone as his "wife" to have her earn back the wage she'd lost him. Comedy, romance, Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell.
THIS IS MY ULTIMATE COMFORT MOVIE. I will watch this movie on repeat. The chemistry between Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell is absolutely gorgeous - and it's before they ended up getting married in real life. I just AAAAAAAAAAA at this movie. It has all of my favourite tropes, and I love it. Amnesia, enemies to lovers, payback, revenge, and it also is so validating for the often unseen role of being the "at home" parent.
Van Helsing: 2004 (M)
The legendary monster hunter travels to Transylvania to aid in the hunt of the vampire responsible for destroying the town. When the princess of an ancient Romani family becomes the vampire's target, he stops at nothing to end her torment. Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, David Wenham, Richard Roxburgh. Horror themes, action, romance, monsters.
This movie copped a lot of hate when it was released, but it's another one of my comfort films. It's got the Aussie Hugh in it, and a vampire masquerade dance scene that I just AAAAAAAAAA each time. I love it. It's romance, and I am a sucker for monsters.
Kill Bill: 1 & 2 (R+)
A woman betrayed seeks out her revenge on those who attempted to kill her on her wedding day. Blood, gore, angst, dark, violence, a beautiful soundtrack, multilingual, Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, fighting.
Another comfort movie. I love this entire plot so much. Tarantino has a few good ones, but this one, Dusk Till Dawn and Planet Terror are my favourites. I love the switch up to Japanese in there.
I am very much enjoying Day 1 of my holiday. Dreamworld is the destination today. Last time I was here was during the night festivals and I may have gotten a little wild and did 'the nutbush' (Australian dance to Tina Turner) with a bunch of children. Reminded me of the good ol' days of being an entertainer 💀. I should do a rollercoaster or a slide POV for you when I'm there 🖤.
Hoping the movies off the top of my head/heart serve you well, my beautiful ♡♡ Anon. I need some more of your gorgeous recs for when I get back home again in 2 weeks.
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justglitter · 5 months
Another failed break up to add to the list.
Another week of mourning what could have been, followed by two weeks of giving up then starting up again because I WILL find someone good for me and it will all be fine. (I wonder if the constant boom and bust is healthy? Although I have a feeling that the more fails, the faster I will get over it/them). I’m also kinda glad bc I learned that whether I do it or not I can’t change whether a guy will like me or not so I shouldn’t feel bad
My main focus should be on the fact that I feel like I’m completely rubbish at my job, not a guy who will be a distant memory this time next month 💀
Just writing this to remind myself that I’ll be fine bc I feel kinda anxious and a bit rubbish at the moment
I just deleted my Hinge and Bumble accounts. I feel free and now I can really reflect on my experience.
-I wonder how many hours I have wasted from looking at the apps, swiping endlessly, engaging in dead end conversations and feeling frustrated / unattractive thanks to my experience on the apps
-Bumble almost felt broken to me because barely anything came out of it. I’ve wasted more time swiping away than actually meeting people from there and everyone that I have met from there was not the type of partner that I am looking for.
-I have been ghosted, and have ghosted others. Nobody is really held accountable. Everyone that you meet on there is ‘disposable’. I haven’t felt physically attracted to most of the guys that I have met on there. I’ve tried dating someone who I didn’t feel physically attracted to and just felt like he was a user in the end. I tried seeing how things would go with someone who I wasn’t completely attracted to and he ended up just being a love bomber who went cold after a few weeks. I’ve met someone who said that he wanted a second date then he ghosted me after. I’ve met someone who liked me and thought I was attractive but wrote me off as someone that he could see a long term relationship with. I have also met nice people but unfortunately felt no physical attraction towards them.
Honestly the whole experience has been a rollercoaster and I don’t think it’s worth it. It’s true that most people on dating apps aren’t going to meet a long term partner because they need people on there to make money.
Dating apps don’t feel fun anymore. They feel frustrating, draining, and disappointing. Even super pretty women seem to be struggling with dating apps so what does that say.
Potentially find a new hobby and maybe get into that mindset of not caring about whether I’m single forever or not!
It’s either I meet someone in person or I live a nice life as a single person because I’ve literally been using dating apps since I was around 19 and nothing long term has ever come out of them. I never even met any potential partners at uni or ever so I think I was prob destined to be alone forever which makes me sad.
It is time to focus on other things, starting with the 75 hard (soft) challenge and lean down a bit.
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muzwoom · 11 months
If you feel comfortable sharing, could you list the >10 obscure isekais you are currently obsessed with?
Yes of course!! With explanations and all!!!!! (Note: i am treating a series as “obscure” when i have 0 friends to talk abt any of them wiht :,) some of these are probably actually populair and im just not aware lol)
1. Lout of the counts family
I want og cale henituse biblically spiritually. i decided i want to get top surgery bc of this series. I am mentally unwell over this man. I would love this man if he was a worm. Literally changed every single pfp i have on anything to this man. I HAVE BEEN RANTING ABOUT THIS MAN FOR A MONTH NOW. MY FRIENDS ARE MAKING FUN OF ME ITS THAT BAD
2. Villains are destined to die
Love my girl penelope! I think her paranoia and the way she interacts with some charas is a little frustrating sometimes but i understand it at the same time, her situation is so scary and she doesnt know everything thats going on 🙏 i wanna go clubbing with her and let her have a moment to just have fun without any worries!!!!! I also like iklies i genuinely think hes just a mentally unstable 17 y old, a very therapy heavy 3 month plan could help him a lot
3. Mobuseka
Classic trash isekai anime but with the twist of it being very funny so i love this series anyway!!!!! Like this guy isnt winning by being kind hes just actively cheating his way through life, beating up nobles with shovels and just being a giant dick. I love this guy 10/10
4. The one with the vending machine
This one isnt obscure at all but i still wanna mention the anime where the guy is so obsessed with vending machines that he dies saving a vending machine from falling off a cliff. And then he wakes up in a fantasy world as a vending machine.
5. I’ve become the heroes rival
6. I favor the villainess
7. The way to protect the female leads older brother
This one is pretty dark compared to the rest on this list but roxana is SO smart and her and her mans are so ❤️❤️❤️ together i hope neither of them dies :,)
8. Beware of the villainess
9. Omniscient readers viewpoint
Again. Not that obscure since its getting a series. And i havent even read it completely yet. But 1 friend of mine told me about it and now my tiktok page is getting bombarded with orv angst and im 💀💀💀 literally crying at every fucking stupid slideshow. HOW IS ONE SERIES THIS SAD. MAN.
10. The empress’ lipstick
Ngl i dropped this after she panicked about finding the lipstick bc i could not handle the stress. Somehow i can handle roxanas crazy plots but i couldnt handle this??? IN ANY CASE its still a really funny manhwa and i think the main character is hilarious while also giving some insight about beauty standards somehow???
Another series’ ive been enjoying is “royal marriage”, its not an isekai but it follows a really smart woman maneuvering through noble life and getting rid of trash and standing up for herself so its the same vibe as some of them villainess isekais :P
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cocksuki2 · 2 years
omg can we talk about gojo’s past for a sec bc it feels like the little insight they gave us during his past arc was pretty much nothing, like they gave us crumbs of bread. I’ve been meaning to chat abt jjk for a hot minute bc gojo’s backstory bothers me SO BAD bc i dont know how he actually came to be nor why he’s a single man clan. “when gojo was born the balance in the world tilted” okay what hospital was he born in so i can look through medical records, talk to the doctor that was there that day, something, anything. like where are his parents now? why doesnt he have any siblings? what happened to them yk? it seems like everyone just kinda brushed that over and don’t talk abt it🫤
i have a theory on why his parents arent in the picture but i feel like it’s probably dumb to even mention💀
PFTTT pls talking about gojo with me is like opening an enormous can of worms u cannot even begin to fathom the depths of. he is so... i have so so many thoughts abt him.
i gonna put this below a cut bc it is LONG and contains jjk manga spoilers
anyway, gege never rly did explain what happened to the rest of the gojo clan, nor how gojo came to be the only living member of it. i think that they were slaughtered, though i'm not sure how. the most likely theory for this is that they died because their limitless technique was powerful and other jujutsu families were threatened by that power. it makes sense, especially since limitless is a technique that is passed down within the clan and belongs to the gojo clan only.
i also think it's likely that people knew that the birth of the six eyes holder, as well as a limitless technique user, would alter the balance of the world, so the gojo clan was killed off in an attempt to avoid the birth of another user like that. essentially, a retaliation for the sole purpose of keeping gojo satoru from being born (take this in context with the fact that the elders of the jujutsu world had been planning to/wanting to seal gojo for a very long time).
that being said, i am always especially intrigued by gojo being the reason the jujutsu world's balance was altered. i think that its a fantastic way to describe just how rigid the power system is, as well as highlight how important satoru is when it comes to the actual lore of the jujutsu kaisen world.
i also think it is incredible foreshadowing bc if there is one thing we know about nature, it is that nature always corrects itself. gojo satoru altered the power system of the very world he existed in and as a result, spurred all curses to become stronger as well. so i don't think it's far-fetched to say that the gojo clan may have been wiped out by jujutsu society itself (as in, those in charge) to prevent his birth altogether and avoid another "age of the six eyes" (referring to someone who uses both the six eyes and limitless technique) in which all curses and sorcerers see their power raised to levels that only exist when a holder of limitless and six eyes exists.
along this same vein of theory, i also think it's likely that kenjaku attempted to wipe out the gojo clan in an attempt to keep another six eyes from being born and preventing his plans (whether it was him directly or him through a surrogate). since the six eyes, master tengen, and the star plasma vessel are linked by fate. it seems likely that kenjaku would try and stop that connection by preventing the birth of another six eyes by eliminating (or attempting to eliminate) the entire clan.
however, fate is unavoidable and inevitable. gojo satoru, destined by fate to be a holder of the six eyes, is an unavoidable force. because he is linked to the jujutsu world by fate, his birth was similarly unavoidable and i don't think it's too unlikely to assume that gojo was born by a miracle that somehow allowed the survival of his mother long enough for him to be born.
i also think that gojo is the LAST of the six eyes to be tied in this particular way because of the birth of toji fushigurou, but i digress.
anyway, those are my thoughts on THAT.
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