#i think i just wanted a scene where bitty accidentally uses the apples holster got for apples and honey
coffee-at-annies · 7 years
It’s Bitty’s first year at Samwell and he’s been pretty much given free rein of the kitchen to bake as much as his heart desires. Sometimes the boys even help him outs with ingredients if they want him to make something specific. It’s the middle of the September and he walks into an empty Haus filled with the scent of fresh picked apples. And boy do they smell good. Reminds Bitty of going apple picking with his mother when he was younger. There’s no note saying whether he can or can’t use them but there’s never been an issue with him using what’s in the kitchen for his baking before and these would work perfectly for in his Moomaw’s famous apple pie that he’s just been dying to make. Ransom and Holster come back right as the pie is coming out of the oven. They seem surprised that he’s there and that he used the apples but when he asks they assure him that it was okay. Still, when Holster sees the pie his smile doesn’t fade and his thanks are no less enthusiastic then they’ve been in the past but something goes a little dead in his eyes. Bitty doesn’t understand why until later that evening when looking for Holster to apologize to him again and instead finds Jack up in the attic with Ransom and Holster quietly slicing up the last of the apples and dipping them in a jar of honey while candles flicker in the window frame. Bitty watches for a moment before heading to the reading nook to get an explanation from Shitty.
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