hilacopter · 1 month
So I'm assuming a lot of us have seen the "Creators for Palestine" thing plastered on our YouTube homepage. I'd be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt if A. it wasn't giving to PCRF, which isn't a reputable charity and donations to it go into Hamas's pockets B. the literal first person on the list wasn't antisemitic tankie piece of shit Hasan Piker. I'm so heartbroken over so many of my favorite YouTubers on the list.
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secular-jew · 4 months
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Call-out to Jack Black's mom!
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 months
Jewish-Christian Solidarity is Steve and Bucky kicking antisemite asses together since they were children
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sweettomyhoney · 7 months
I have this theory that Quinn is the least talked about because he is the most visibly Jewish. People talk about how they think Jack is the best for the same reason. I’m not saying it’s on purpose like I’m sure some people don’t realize but think about which one falls into the hockey player look very white/ European. I’ve been saying this for months.
Racism/ Antisemitism in Hockey
Yes Quinn is the one that looks the most ethnically Jewish. Jack and Luke are the most Eurocentric white looking. And I want to bring to attention that antisemitism and racism go hand and hand. And hockey is not stranger to both.Quinn is the first Jewish Captain the NHL has had. Jack is the first Jewish person to be a number one pick. The NHL only has a hand full of Jewish players as well as black and poc players. Still in 2023 we have players reporting racist comments.
If you don’t believe me, I want you to think back to how Nazem Kadri was treated after he won the cup with the avalanche. There were all types of racist comments directed towards him.
The NHL and its fans have a diversity problem. This issues goes beyond just the ice. It also goes down to the wife’s and girlfriends of players. Every player in the nhl is married to a white woman except a handful. Even the poc players are married to white women.Mostly the girls the guys are encouraged to date are white women. Preferably blonde. I have yet to see a WAG that is a woman of color or black. It even carries over to fanfics all of the ones on here are centered around whiteness. All the characters are pictured to be white.
Hockey is a very white space and anything out side of being white is not encouraged. I understand that hockey is trying but it’s still not enough. So I am not surprised Quinn is treated the way he is. Even when he has made history it’s still not celebrated as much as other captains.
This is a huge thing for Quinn to make history! And I want to Celebrate him as much as I can.
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thegaycousin-upgrade · 7 months
Welcome to the new game show:
People who you didn’t know were Jewish!
Jack Black
Daniel Radcliffe
Billy Joel
Maya Rudolph
Winona Ryder
Zac Efron
And it’s spin-off:
Goyim you thought were Jewish
Jason Biggs
Seth Meyers
Adam Driver
Zachary Levi
Elijah Wood
Norman Jewison
Stay tuned for the next episodes!
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Why has the American comics industry been so adverse to unionization? I've been reading through the Comics Broke Me hashtag on Twitter and I've realized how difficult it's been to even get meager compensation for work that provides the backbone for billion dollar smash hits.
I would highly recommend Abraham Josephine Riesman's biography of Stan Lee, True Believer, both as an excellent portrait of the man himself and how his industry changed across the decades. (Bell and Vassallo's Secret History of Marvel is also quite good on the early history of the company.)
When the comics industry emerged out of the pulp and magazine industry in the 30s, it was not the "backbone for billion dollar smash hits" that it is today - it was a low-rent, fly-by-night industry that was associated with pornography and organized crime. Notably, it was also an low-cost industry that sold a very cheap product (the original 10-cent comic was about $1.80 in today's money) to children. More on this in a bit.
Even when it suddenly experienced a sudden increase in popularity with Action Comics #1, everyone in the industry thought that it was a passing fad that would be temporary - and so there was less resistance to the work-for-hire system that bosses like Martin Goodman used to keep their costs down. Not no resistance - as Riesman notes, Jack Kirby and Joe Simon got pissed when Goodman started stiffing them on the profit-sharing from Captain America, so they started moonlighting at D.C, Stan Lee found out and snitched on them to his cousin-in-law/boss, and that led to them getting fired - but less.
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However, there was another reason why it was hard to start a union in the comics industry, which is that a lot of comics creators were vaguely ashamed or embarrasse to be associated with it. Even before Wertham and the moral panic of the 1950s, comics were (as I've noted above) seen as a bit scuzzy, a form of disposable crass commercial entertainment aimed at an undiscerning audience of children, and certainly not respectable Real Art. While they were trying for their big break into the more prestigious worlds of fine art or literary fiction, writers and artists viewed their work in the comics industry as a day job that was best kept a bit under wraps - hence why Stanley Lieber only used the nom-de-plume Stan Lee for the comics, because he wanted to keep his then-real name for the career in novel-writing that he wanted to have.
Moreover, there was a particular ethnic angle to this distancing. As I've written a bit about before, there was a tendency among Jewish creators of this generation to keep Judaism subtextual and to change their names to keep their own Judaism subtextual - hence Stanley Lieber taking on a more gentile-sounding name, hence even a proud and pugnacious Jewish man like Jacob Kurtzberg choosing to go by Jack Kirby. Partly, this was done as a means of achieving economic opportunity in a society that wasn't exactly welcoming to creators with Jewish surnames. (Hence the line in the West Wing about Toby Ziegler going by Toby Ritchie when he worked as a telemarketer.) This is another reason why these Jewish creators were working in comics in the first place, because the "Mad Men" who ran the advertizing industry wouldn't hire them.
But partly it was done to avoid becoming a shanda fur die goyim - a Yiddish expression that means "a shame in front of the gentiles" - by associating the Jewish community with a (heavily Jewish) industry that was viewed as little more elevated than the schmatta trade in comparison to the prestigious world of art and literature. It's an old story - literally, it's the plot of The Jazz Singer, the first talkie about a Jewish entertainer (in blackface, unfortunately) and his conflict and eventual reconciliation with his more traditional family.
After comics went through its first big boom in WWII and then survived the crash in the 50s and saw the second big boom in the 60s, a lot of creators realized that the handshake work-for-hire deals that they had started with had screwed them out of a lot of money. This started some very high profile long-running lawsuits, as first Siegel and Shuster and later Kirby and Ditko sought to get a portion of the rights to the characters they had created. (Some of these lawsuits settled only a few days ago, and some are still ongoing.)
As Riesman explains, the Copyright Act of 1976 created an opening for comics creators by requiring that there be a written agreement between a work-for-hire creator and their employer establishing the transfer of copyright. This created an existential crisis for the Big Two comics companies, and the new Marvel Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter immediately tried to get his creators to sign one-page contracts transferring their rights. Hotshot artist Neal Adams urged creators to not sign the contract and invited them to a meeting at his place to discuss forming a union. Shooter retaliated by threatening to black ball anyone who joined Adams' organization - and this blatant violation of U.S labor law cowed comics creators into signing the contracts and signing away their rights and the drive to unionize comics died the same way a lot of union drives die.
Things have gotten a bit better in recent decades - the 90s comics boom and the departure of the Image guys improved the situation for creators' rights somewhat due to competitive pressure, but there are still significant problems when it comes to comics creators' access to health care, pensions, and other benefits. There have been some recent union wins - the Comic Book Workers United organized Image Comics - but these tend to be unions of staff workers rather than creators. There is the Cartoonists' Co-op, which is looking to move in the direction of acting like a union but is a very nascent organization that's a long way away from that yet. And it remains galling that the most that creators see from the billions made by Disney and Warner Brothers Discovery are $5,000 checks dispensed to keep them quiet.
It's not going to get better until writers and artists unionize.
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jack-of-amulets · 6 months
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mylight-png · 3 months
My fancast for if there's ever a Fiddler On The Roof remake (I don't know if there will be one but I want to make a fancast anyway)
Ok so for Tevye, Jack Black. Is this controversial? Maybe. But he's Jewish and he fits and he can sing.
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Ok so for Motel, I want to cast Logan Lerman. He looks soft, he can be awkward if needed, and I just want an excuse to cast him in another Jewish role.
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Golde, Tevye's wife, should be Robin Weigert. Do I need to justify my choice? I don't think I do. It's a good choice.
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Yente could be Rhea Perlman, she just fits the vibes, idk.
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As just the fiddler that symbolically appears in the movie, Timothee Chalamet. He can dance and he isn't actually seen much in the movie so why not. I wouldn't show his face though, just his silhouette as they do for a majority of the original movie anyway. (He can also voice over Miracle of Miracles for Logan Lerman if need be.)
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Perchik can be Milo Manheim because you know what, I need that guy in some Jewish roles and why not.
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Chava can be played by Odeya Rush, Odeya could be good in that role I think.
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Joey King can be Hodel. I have no justification for this other than running out of young Jewish actresses and also she is a good actress when she needs to be.
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Swell Ariel Or can be Tzeitel. She was great in Beauty Queen Of Jerusalem and I think that she would fit the role of Tzeitel well.
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Tanner Buchanan can be Fyedka because he looks like he could be him, I don't actually know much about this actor sorry.
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Please add your own suggestions for other characters or even instead of some of my suggestions! I'm curious to see what you think.
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favroitecrime · 8 months
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The letter is basically as pro-israel as you can get without actually outright saying you support genocide & the incessant bombing of Gaza/Palestine. Nearly 380 people. Only 107 requested a ceasefire in another letter. Obviously celebrities are airheads and don’t matter, but with millions in followings as well as millions in money & no demand for a ceasefire? This is… not good.
It solely discusses (israeli & apparently every other nationality in the world that’s not an Arab nation??) hostages whilst peddling lies that have already been debunked. It makes no mention of a ceasefire, no mention of the bombs israel has dropped (which is now estimated to be equal to that of Hiroshima & has killed nearly 6,000 people), & absolutely does not condemn israel at all.
Most of these names do not come as a shock, but very few are disappointing. Full list of names will be under the cut for those curious. Sorry it’s not properly alphabetized. Will say though, it’s a shame there’s no alternative ways to watch the medias these people are involved in without giving them attention. Such a shame.
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kirain · 9 months
What would your ideal live action cast be for Corpse Bride?
I've think said this before, but I absolutely hate live action remakes. I feel like they're lazy, soulless cash grabs and almost never good. Ideally, I'd like them to leave Corpse Bride alone ... but if they have to remake it, I think this would be an acceptable cast:
Emmy Rossum as Emily
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Tom Hiddleston as Victor
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Anya Taylor-Joy as Victoria
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Terence Stamp as Galswells
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Jack Davenport as Barkis
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The rest of the characters don't really matter because they would likely be rendered in CGI, in which case they could conceivably have the cast from the stop motion film reprise their roles. They could even have Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Emily Watson, and Richard E. Grant voice a few additional lines to pay homage to the original, or they could make live cameos.
Also, if anyone's interested, the story of The Corpse Bride is actually based on a Jewish folklore horror tale called "The Finger". It's not a long read and, if you can believe it, it's even more depressing than the movie, at least from the bride's perspective. I'm not Jewish so I can't be sure if my interpretation is correct, but I came away with the sense that the story is a lesson in ethics, meant to teach children to be careful with their words and not say things they don't mean, as there might be horrible consequences and they could unintentionally hurt someone. I would highly recommend anyone who has an appreciation for the film to check it out!
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spale-vosver · 2 months
jewish po kungfupanda be like kiddush
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romanthroughthefield · 6 months
merry christmas gang! here’s some dumb christmas time newsies tidbits
• jack always forgets that davey is jewish. ALWAYS. even though he spends chanukah with the jacobs’ he, without fail, will wish davey a merry christmas and then immediately smack himself upside the head. davey of course finds this incredibly endearing.
• bro mush and blink are the WORST around this time of year. it’s cold out? they’re kissing there’s mistletoe? they’re kissing. it’s new years eve? of course they’re kissing. everyone pretends to hate it but in reality they’re just happy for them.
• the first time race got a binder was from spot, on christmas no less! spot handed him the gift and grumbled about stopping race’s complaining. race cried. and kissed spot. like profusely. it was a good christmas.
• crutchie gets everyone presents. literally everyone. he gets davey one for every night of chanukah. the other newsies have no idea where he gets the money.
• christmas eve is the one day a year that elmer attends church. he pretends to hate it to save face in front of the other boys but it’s actually a real comfort to him. even though he doesn’t really believe in god he likes the tradition and the thought that there might be something out there. (plus the cups of hot cocoa make it a nice stop for the night)
• mama medda hosts christmas every year for all the newsies. every single year they tell her “absolutely not,” “this is too much,” “you didn’t need to do this” and yet they never seem to complain once they’re inside
anyway yeah just thinking about my boys tn. hope they’re warm in the lodging house.
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The Lower Manhattan Boys (and Spot Conlon) Tell You How They Make Extra Money In the Winter
1. Thievin'
Jack: I will pick a pocket if the opportunity presents itself, but the church collection boxes is easiest, especially at this time of year.
Racetrack: That's a big risk Jack. They's always gonna be lookin' closer at a guy like you. it's just another form of gamblin', really.
Jack: Hey, you stay out of this, pal. You sound like Dave. And it ain't as if Ise stealin' stuff away from the intended recipients. Them funds is supposed to be for the poor and needy, right? Ain't we poor?
Racetrack: You want another card, or is we gonna sit here jawin' all night?
Jack: I fold.
2. Shovelin' walkways
Buttons: We charges two cents to do the stretch of sidewalk in front of your shop or your home, plus an extra penny if you wants your stoop cleared. Railings is free. And we gives a discount if you is old and feeble.
Romeo: Or if you is pretty.
Buttons: We do Jacobi's and the theater for free.
Jojo: But we charges extra if you looks like you can afford it. Miss Katherine taught us this is called bein' an entrepreneur.
Buttons: Hey, dummy, speak for yourself. I don't need no girl to teach me big words. In fact, I already knowed that one.
Jojo: Well I ain't needed to know it to do it. Ise a natural.
3. Encouragin' tips
Crutchie: I gets around all right, generally. Don't let no one tell you different. But ice and snow on cobblestones ain't no picnic for me. And damp weather like this, the leg won't hardly give me no peace. I miss a lot of sellin' days. But I got a compensatory seasonal advantage. Here's what I do: I fumble with the change. More often than not, by the time I gets the coins out of my pocket, they don't even want 'em.
Les: So what? I do that every single day of the year. It doesn't always work, but it can't hurt, right?
Crutchie: Youse real cute, Les. But let's just say someone like me gets more tips in December.
Les: Why?
Crutchie: Look. It ain't my fault some fella wrote a Christmas story about a kid with a crutch. It ain't my fault if i puts folks in mind of that kid. I didn't ask for it.
Les: But you're Jewish, like us. Aren't you?
Crutchie: Shh! Who told you that?
Les: Specs.
Crutchie: Well, keep it under your hat. There's money on the line.
4. Totin' packages and similar errends
Elmer: I'se the only who makes money this way because no one in their right mind would trust most of these boys. But I got a innocent face. And luckily for my regulars, I got a honest disposition to go along with it.
5. Soakin' Midtown kids
Albert: Complain all you like about the short, dark days of winter, but there is some things I happen to like about this time of year. The sight of a wreath of greenery and berries hangin' on someone's door. Hot chestnuts from a cart. The cheery fellow-feeling that is in evidence everywhere you -- hey, ain't that Lefty Petrovitch? What's he doin' south of Fourteenth Street?
Spot: [Cracking her knuckles] Let's get him!
Albert: I appreciate your help, Spot.
Spot: It is my personal pleasure, Al. In fact, this is one of my favorite pastimes of the Christmas season because not only is I doin' you a good turn, but we might also make a tidy profit besides, depenin' on how good he was sellin'.
Albert: Just 'cause we all got a union together don't mean kids should get away with floutin' mutually agreed-upon territorial boundaries.
Spot: Yeah!
Albert: Remind me, why does Race get to sell way across the bridge at Sheepshead?
Spot: [Cracking her knuckles again] I often find myself ponderin' that self-same question.
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
Getting into the well known ones that I just wanna know what you think about them
I did les earlier so I feel like it’s fitting to end today with davey
david jacobs. what an enigma. the middle child of esther and mayer jacobs, brother to sarah and leshem jacobs. he’s a hot mess and a half shoved into someone who looks like they have their shit together, and his anxiety has anxiety. he isn’t the mom friend, but he is the friend who will come to bail you out of jail at 3AM.
he was named after david, who is an important religious figure in all abrahamic religions (sarah’s named after a spiritual woman also named sarah. les’ name isn’t found in the torah, but it means precious gem in hebrew).
when he first realized he was gay, he had the biggest religious crisis. by the time he met jack, he had already swung back and forth from devout religious to atheist TWICE. (he did eventually settle on believing that there was a god, and praying a little bit, but not to the point that he had been previously)
one time, a girl at synagogue told him that he looked nice when he wore blue. it didn’t really occur to him that she was probably trying to flirt with him, but he did learn to wear blue whenever he was trying to impress someone (hint. entire second act of livesies. one francis sullivan never looking away from him.)
he and kath pretend to be in a relationship sometimes. it’s kind of shocking at how well they make it work.
he skipped a grade in school, and so he’s directly behind sarah’s class when they’re both in school. she hates it and pretends she doesn’t know him in the most older sister-ly way possible (anyone else talks any crap about her brother, may the lord have mercy on their souls, because no one’s finding their body).
race gave him a very animated shovel talk when he and jack got together. spot turned right around and gave jack one, because “you’re the goddamn reason brooklyn and ‘hattan ain’t soakin’ each otha right now. ‘course imma make sure kelly don’t mess it up”
davey’s really good at impressions. like, ridiculously good. he can mimic ANYONE. when jack and race find this out, all hell breaks loose. (his pulitzer? spot on)
he gives race his old math work so he can study it.
he would either be a poli sci major (because he feels pressure to have a “real” career) or he would become a high school english teacher. no in betweens.
even if he’s not inherently religious, he still keeps kosher.
he hates planes. hates the altitude, hates the pressure, hates having to go through the security. sir is having NONE of it, thanks. he’ll drive.
sarah forced him to be the one to explain to les how babies were made. he has many regrets about that speech (it was the most medical, scientifically accurate thing ever), and they’re both still traumatized.
he doesn’t like getting drunk or high because he doesn’t like the feeling of not being in total control of himself.
(he is definitely a little bit of a control and clean freak, and I love him for it.)
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military-newsboys · 1 month
Davey: I can't believe I'm stuck here with psycho and a piece of shit!
Spot: Okay... am I the psycho or the piece of shit?
Davey: Both!
Spot: Yeah, that checks.
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legofanguy1999 · 2 months
If you said that you hate Jews, you are saying that you hate Jack Kirby and the movies based on his works since he was Jewish.
If you said that you want to hang Jews, you are saying that you want to hang Batman since his creators were Jewish.
If you said that you want to kill Jews, you are saying that you want to kill Superman since his creators were Jewish.
Many of our favorite superheroes were made by Jews in the time of antisemitism in the 30s and 40s, and these heroes are their creators avatar in a fight against a real evil in Hitler and his Nazi. Please, for Jewish American Heritage Month, stop the hate speech.
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