coffee-at-annies · 2 years
Love everyone saying “no Holster is hot” in the notes of Ngozi’s post from the official omgcheckplease account saying he’s ugly but it feels a way that the author is saying that the only canonically Jewish character is supposed to be ugly.
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wocrunomgcp · 4 years
I recently saw a post about how those pop up kids castles technically qualify as a sukkah, and I'm just cackling at the thought of Holster folding himself into one on the porch of Haus 2.0. Somehow pumpkin shaped fairy lights are involved and he attempts to rope Ransom into sitting inside with him.
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booboothedude · 7 years
shoutout to n for the lil hanukkiah in the bg for the holster pic
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look at this baby jewish bro i love him
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jewishnursey · 7 years
I'm just thinking about all the round challahs that Bitty is baking rn
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jewishomgcp · 7 years
Sukkot is coming up and I just had this clear mental image about the rickety sukkah Holster gets Ransom to help him build out behind the Haus every year. The thing looks worse than the Haus, like a strong breeze will make it collapse in on itself. His freshman year, Dex takes one look at it and has a fit cause that's not how you build a sukkah. That year and every year after it's much more stable.
!! i love this also jewish!dex thank u for my life
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bitter-bittle · 7 years
Tater doesn’t mention to the team he is Jewish until Jack mentions he is because of the stigma around it in Russia. (For those who don’t know soviet russia was terrible to the Jewish people and many fled in the 1990’s. Today anti-semitism is decreasing and they have the 3rd largest population of Jewish people in Europe but it’s still not a great environment)
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jewishtango · 8 years
alright looks like theres at least some interest in the jewish omgcp network!! if any of y’all have experience w coding/graphics (or with running networks i guess??) and are willing to lend a hand/mod i could definitely use some help running things.
i’m gonna make some tentative steps to get some things set up right now, but please keep spreading the word and letting me know if you’re interested!
right now, i’m thinking the network would be focused on helping people connect with other jewish fans (though i hesitate to make a list of jewish blogs public, so the list of members would likely only be available to other members), and at least one chat, probably on discord (possibly one for general chatting, and another specifically for talking jewish headcanons/other fanwork?) 
if theres anything else you’d like to see from the network, please let me know! i’m definitely open to ideas as this project is definitely still in its infancy!
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wocrunomgcp · 5 years
Okay y'all, I saw this at the target and immediately thought - Shitty definitely got this for Jack. " cause bro, you're my mitzvah moose". And Jack pretends to huff about it , but it's still displayed in his home. When Bob sees it he is absolutely giddy.
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coffee-at-annies · 7 years
So I'm terrible about actually writing fic but in honor of the first night/day of Chanukah here's my headcanon of SMH playing dreidel.
It's a train wreck. The only reason it isn't banned in the Haus like most other games is bc they play it once a year and you can't have a Chanukah party without playing driedel.
Jack and Holster are super competitive and rub it in everyone's faces whenever they get gimmel.
Nursey is that one person who no matter how hard he tries can't seem to get a good spin on the dreidel.
Dex got bored five minutes into the game and started eating his gelt to the horror of Holster.
Bitty straight up abandoned the game to go check on his pie and has to get dragged back into the room every time it's his turn so he can spin.
He doesn't even wait to check what it is after spinning he's just gone. Jack is stuck having to collect his winnings or put one in. He'd prefer to quit and let his boyfriend have his gelt but Holster had a rules hissyfit and so he's stuck playing until he's out of gelt naturally. He keeps hoping for shin but keeps getting nun and hay.
Farmer is one of those people who can spin the dreidel on its head and she proceeds to do it every time it's her turn.
The first time she did it play stopped for a good ten minutes because everyone needed to be taught how to do it. Holster already could and Ransom learned freshman year, but the rest of them are useless at it. Jack tries so hard but he can only get it occasionally and he totally sulks about it.
It was during this interlude that Bitty first tried to leave and was forced to stay.
Chowder has spent the entire game wrapped around Farmer who is almost as competitive as Jack and Holster but keeps getting distracted by how comfy her boyfriend is.
He and Lardo are just watching since they don't want to get caught up in the drama and eventual fight between Holster and Jack.
Plus he doesn't like the way the chocolate tastes/feels in his braces so he's okay not winning any.
Chowder and Farmer are adorable and initially they kept getting fined which was okay since during the game a fine is just putting a coin in the middle. Farmer won it all back on her turn anyway.
They had to stop using that rule however when Bitty tried to exploit it to get out of playing. It was the most sickening and impressive two minutes anyone had ever experienced as Bitty called Jack every pet name in the book while sitting in his lap and staring Holster dead in the eyes and slowly putting coin after coin in the center.
Holster wouldn't let him get out of playing but he did finally relent and let him check on his pies in the kitchen when it wasn't his turn.
Tango spends the entire game asking what the different letters mean every time its his turn. The amount of times he has had it all explained to him is truly frightening. Holster can't tell if he's being trolled and at this point he doesn't want to find out.
Whiskey is doesn't talk throughout the game and spins quickly on his turn and is that person who always seems to get gimmel or hay no matter how badly he spins.
Shitty at some point decided to play strip dreidel without telling anyone he was doing it or letting anyone except Lardo know the rules.
According to her he's doing things correctly but the rest of them can't tell.
Ford is the one who bought everything and she's having fun playing but she's come to realize that she did not buy enough gelt or driedels.
Thank god Lardo showed up with a bag of two dozen plastic driedels and a bag of gelt bigger than both of her fists. Otherwise there would have been an issue when Whiskey got gimmel for the third time in a row and Holster chucked the dreidel across the room and proclaimed it a "bullshit dreidel."
This has happened around half a dozen times by the time they're halfway through the game. Holster is not the sole person responsible for needing a new driedel though. Jack has also thrown driedels and there was that one spin of Nursey's so bad that the driedel went off the table and they're still not sure where it went just that it's gone.
Thank god Lardo talked her into leaving the nice one she brought from home on the kitchen table with Jack's menorah and the leftovers of the obscene amount of latkas Bitty and Holster made for dinner. She rather likes it and it'd suck if it got broken in the scuffle.
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coffee-at-annies · 7 years
It’s Bitty’s first year at Samwell and he’s been pretty much given free rein of the kitchen to bake as much as his heart desires. Sometimes the boys even help him outs with ingredients if they want him to make something specific. It’s the middle of the September and he walks into an empty Haus filled with the scent of fresh picked apples. And boy do they smell good. Reminds Bitty of going apple picking with his mother when he was younger. There’s no note saying whether he can or can’t use them but there’s never been an issue with him using what’s in the kitchen for his baking before and these would work perfectly for in his Moomaw’s famous apple pie that he’s just been dying to make. Ransom and Holster come back right as the pie is coming out of the oven. They seem surprised that he’s there and that he used the apples but when he asks they assure him that it was okay. Still, when Holster sees the pie his smile doesn’t fade and his thanks are no less enthusiastic then they’ve been in the past but something goes a little dead in his eyes. Bitty doesn’t understand why until later that evening when looking for Holster to apologize to him again and instead finds Jack up in the attic with Ransom and Holster quietly slicing up the last of the apples and dipping them in a jar of honey while candles flicker in the window frame. Bitty watches for a moment before heading to the reading nook to get an explanation from Shitty.
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coffee-at-annies · 7 years
Jack did birthright before coming to Samwell.
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jewishomgcp · 7 years
i know people like to imagine Jack going to shul and stuff, but like imagine if you will that the Zimmermanns were really trying to be practicing when Jack is little, like going to service one a week, having big get togethers on the High Holy Days, etc etc. Well, imagine as Jack gets older, with his parents careers and hockey, that once a week becomes once every two weeks, then once a month, then just going for holidays, then just saying “Oh, Alicia, did you know today is Rosh Hashanah?” “Haha, let’s get some Chinese to celebrate and try to be all together tonight then”. So Jack feels like he lost something along the way. He loved the structure of services, how they were always the same but the meaning you can give to different prayers can change the entire experience; how no one asked him about hockey, just school and friends and pinching his cheeks and asking if he wants more food; how calming the music was to him, how singing a certain prayer could help him when having an anxiety attack. He feels like he’s grown up and lost this. So, after the overdose, doctors and his parents ask him what they can do to help him gain structure, some sort of home base, and he just kind of gets embarrassed but says “Take me to Temple?” and so he starts going every week and getting sort of involved with the goings on, maybe teaching the b'nei mitzah kids Torah trope because he remembered he liked the patterns and was good at it (i headcanon hes a good singer dont look at me) and that’s how Jack Zimmermann rediscovers his Jewishness on his own terms, choosing to become more religious as an adult. — broadwayholster
im dead and also cryign bc everytime i think abt jack zimmermann rediscovering his jewishness in the aftermath of his od i get really emotional??? like he doesnt have a lot of time for it at school or w the falconers but he tries to go to shul when he can and sometimes he just sits in the synagogue and he feels more peaceful
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jewishnursey · 7 years
If your reaction to me telling you that all of the check please characters are Jewish is to say that they can't be because there are characters that are poc, son let me tell you about the wild concept that not all Jewish people are white! Lmao don't be dumb!
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booboothedude · 7 years
Weird things goyim do trying to write jewish characters #871:
“he lit up like a menorah”
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jewishnursey · 7 years
A good time to remember that Adam Birkholtz is a nice Jewish boy and I love him 🗣🗣🗣
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coffee-at-annies · 7 years
So its kind of a running joke among my friend group that all jewish mom’s care about is that their child married a nice jewish doctor. They don’t have to be a boy or girl, just a doctor. And I just realized something, Mama Birkholtz might be sad that her son isn’t bringing home someone Jewish but at least her future son-in-law is gonna be a doctor. (Plus there’s always conversion and it doesn’t really matter as long as they raise the kids Jewish)
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