#i think i needed to not go down ther assumption route andf instead express a need on my part
foolishjellyfish · 2 years
Feelin like i keep saying the Wrong Thing lately and its so exhausting??? How do I keep saying shit that’s so badly articulated that the meaning I communicate is just Not what the original intention is...
#diary#ugh#sad face#this girl yhat im dating#i did the thing of Bad Timing to bring up a thing that was on my mind#like i was about to leave abnd she was stressin out about gettinf to an event on time...#and like I came sO close to stopping myself from ~ saying the thing ~#i begun like 'thias thing i been watching ...oh no actually better save this for another time hey'#and then I convinced myseld that it was much mucxh simple and thwt I was much much overthinking#no bro like the 'no lets have this convo another time' was the responsible part of my brain and I DIDN'T FKN LISTEN TO QWIYGDQUKHDIUQWA#UGHH#so i said the thing and it was badly worded and she was like um no and she looked really hurt and i wads like well fuck#fairly shit way to end whast had beenm a really nice time#only when i got home did i realise#clarity around what woukld have been a better thing to say#ie like#what i said was kind of sitting in silly little assumption land#and was directed at her like i think u might be blah blah blah#but actually what i had to say was more about me than about her and#i think i needed to not go down ther assumption route andf instead express a need on my part#and like also needed to noty try to start that kinda. convo in that moment#ds bhdscjbsdbhjadhjadjbhadjhadbhjade#feelin real mad and dissapointed ag myself now :((((#and like i said some stupid thing to my housemater hr other day too ughfewwkjbewkjqwekjbqdw#eqjhbdxihqwbdhxbqwidxbwqicdniejwn#can i just hide from the world for a minute please#why we like this for jesus
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