#i think im actually just really self concious dont judge me
Dakota being “selfish”
Someone gave me the idea like forever ago of “What if someone turned Dakota’s "selfishness against him” so just because here’s a summary of some of my ideas:
I think the idea would come about because of something cool like an evil time traveler working against some of B.O.T.T’s actions; bc hey a company freely making world altering decisions has to have enemies right?
Maybe villain decides they’ll start with what they think are easy targets: two ‘lowranking’ agents who are bound to spill some company secrets and Just In Case they don’t, the villain digs up a little dirt on them.
The fellow time traveler is not so sure they chose the best targets at first. Cavendish is a novice! He has nothing but weak attempts at unimportant missions that the Time Bureau already knows about. But “Dakota”? Oh he has so many secrets the evil time traveler can almost taste their own soon-to-be success.
So the villain gets the drop on the pair and- dispite Dakota’s expert skill and training- he can’t get away before he is captured.
The villain restrains him, not even bothering to capture Cavendish yet as they realize they could get more info than they even need by breaking Dakota, who they know has been near the heart of the Time Bureau dispite his occasional wrecklessness.
And Cavendish? He’s harmess and probably won’t make it very long without Dakota anyway.
They start gentle, simply prodding Dakota to spill- but of course he won’t. In fact, he only throws back even worse insults. Unfortunately for him, this simply makes his adversary smirk and pull out a picture of The Island. That’s all it takes for Dakota to be at a loss for words.
So he keeps going, trying to break him. And when Dakota only replies that he doesn’t care if the Bureau finds out, the villain pulls out the big guns.
In his research they found some of the personal files the Bureau has on him and it /all but/ gives the villain the key to tearing Dakota down.
“You’re selfish, Dakota. We both know you are. You think you’re saving him but everytime you had to have first /let him die/. You don’t care about him, not like you should at least. You use him as a crutch, the only reason you actually bother to save him is so you can continue using him for stability. You think it’s a balance? That you two can work? It’s not. It won’t. You are simply one half of a relationship doomed to, inevitably, self-destruct. You doesn’t care about Cavendish’s well being, you only care about your own.”
And they never let up, continuing with a confident and perminent melicious smirk,
“Face it! You don’t care about his life! If you did, you’d actually attempt to complete the missions assigned to you both every once in a while! You would help him learn to be wary of the dangers around him! But no. You call him a partner, but he’s wrapped around your finger like an old bit of yarn. He’s a pet to you. You call every shot. You decide if he lives or dies. You LET HIM rely on you because you know he would leave you if he didn’t. And worst of all? You never do a thing to help him /survive on his own/.”
They pause before entering the end game of their agony,
“You think what you’re doing is noble? Self-sacrificing? No. Everything you do is for your own selfish gain. Every step you take at his side is purely onesided. You want him to be yours but you can’t seem to realize that he already is! He’s an old, warn out, and now /fragile/ toy that you still play with every day. You’re selfish, Dakota.”
And it does hurt. So much so that Dakota is near tears by the time his opponent is done with their monolauge.
The villain gives Dakota nearly a full minute to breathe it in, to accept it, embrace it.
But then Dakota refuses. He refuses to break.
“Even if any word of that is true…” He says, choaking back tears that he’s never before yet spill over Cavendish, barely believing he’s starting now. “I don’t care. The secrets of time aren’t mine to give.”
So the villain frowns and makes a step towards the door.
“Let’s see what your partner thinks.”
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pebble-of-gold · 3 years
A psa for people who are self concious about their weight.
This is mostly for people who feel their overweight because I've never felt underweight so I dont know what advice to give you but read through and see if any of these help you!
Look at yourself in the mirror.
You don't like it right? Because you think you look too big or too small so you don't like it. Your feeding your own self concious thoughts.
Now take your clothes off. Including your underwear and look again. And I'm gonna talk you through it okay and I promise it'll be okay. You can choose not to look at any point. Put your clothes on at any time. And don't get too cold.
Turn to your side. So your side profile is in the reflection. You dont have to look yet but you can if you want, I like to look at it, I dont particularly like my side profile to begin with. You might suck in your stomach, don't.
Now straighten up your posture, and drop your shoulders. Hey, look at that, you look different! Maybe you look skinnier, or taller or yoir cellulite is less noticable. Those things happen for me. And hopefully thats step one to feeling better about yourself.
If you don't like the way you look after this then stop and turn or walk away from your mirror. Thats the hard part. Looking away from a body you dont like so you need to turn otherwise you'll feel worse.
Now turn so your front is facing the mirror. Again, you probably dont like it. Now again, stand up straight, and drop your shoulders. Dont suck in. Look! You look different again! You can see all of your body and maybe it looks a little different than you thought! Maybe your actually really curvy? Maybe your skinnier (pos) or chunkier (pos) than you thought!
Now again look away if you dont like it. Feel free too put your clothes on again and just do what you like to do!
So heres what I've found through doing this.
Your clothing is never going to properly fit your body unless its literally skin tight so your never actually seeing the way your body looks. So when you take your clothes off? Hey look! You dont look as bsd as you believe you too.
When you look in the mirror because your judging your weight, and this might not be true for everyone, but im gonna guess a lot of you look at your side profile. You will always look bigger in your side profile. Now realistically think of how many people look at you from side on? More people see you from your front or your back and you look a lot more different than you think you do from different angles!
I hope this can help some people. I started looking in the mirror naked and from the front and it literally changed my life. I hope it can make you feel a little bit better about yourself the way it did for me.
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pfandghoul · 5 years
what the sokovia accords really are
a quick study bc what the fuck guys
(copied from the mcu wiki entry about the accords - all of it and not just parts of it)
here goes:
The currently known regulations established by the Sokovia Accords include:
Any enhanced individuals who agree to sign must register with the United Nations and provide biometric data such as fingerprints and DNA samples.
- Any who AGREE to sign. I dont think this is asking too much. If ur working for a government agency, if ur using force in any way during ur work, I think its fair to ask you to give them biometric data. And if its only so in case there is an investigation afterwards (which their always should be imo) its clear distinguishable who was where and did what.
- Also, what if someone suddenly decides "something happened, im changing sides, imma take revenge" (no matter if its a concious decision or brainwashing 👀)? Would probably be good to have some data and perhaps be able to track them. If its managable or not- hm. But theres no harm in giving that data if ur only goal is working towards a safer world.
Those with secret identities must reveal their legal names and true identities to the United Nations.
- Oh nooo, no unknown vigilantes that might make mistakes while fighting on their own and then cant be held accountable? No one is perfect, OF COURSE, but from a realistic pov I wouldnt feel safe with someone running around fighting whoever-
And I know we love the romantic comic fantasy of "everybody can be a hero", and I swear I love it as much as you! But imagine ur just a normal person while spiderman is swinging above ur head- or even imagine ur spiderman- and then one tiny thing wents wrong. The normal person is crushed, dead or paralysed- Spiderman is in shock because that was Not supposed to happen and he is so so sorry!- But what now?
- If enhanced people were to work under an organisation (that is ideally not as shady and riddled with Hydra as Shield was) then those incidents would be covered. Yes it would still be terrible but Spiderman would get mandatory therapy session to work through it and the normal person... well if theyre dead then i guess the organisation would at least pay for the funeral and compensate the family (like if they were the only one providing for partner and kids), additionally a conversation between both partys if possible.
-Basically: nothing can be swept under the rug. The enhanced people can be protected!!! PLUS they only have to reveal their identity to the UN and not the world.
Those with innate powers must submit to a power analysis, which will categorize their threat level and determine potential health risks.
- This would benefit the person with power too, you realize that, dont you?
You cant possibly know how much power you actually have. Is there gonna be another level-up for you? Are you Jean Grey? We wouldnt want to repeat that specific clusterfuck, right?
But if you submit to an analysis it can help find ways to train you, circle ur weaknesses, etc.
Yes the UN would know ur threat level- and that would be bad why? Are you planning to attack Them? If not then no problem. Instead they would know if they should send you in or not- depending... you dont need a level 5 when there is a cat in a tree. We want to avoid unnecessary damage, thank you. If ur a level 1 you also dont want to be on the front lines against an alien invasion for example- better help evacuate non-powered individuals and not die immediately.
- Also worth mentioning: this is all still part of the "if you agree to sign" paragraph
Those with innate powers must also wear tracking bracelets at all times.
- Yes I admit this one sucks. I could argue the pros but I dont really want to because this one is literally just a "we want to control you" rule and should be scratched.
------- (new paragraph in the accords)----
Any enhanced individuals who sign are prohibited from taking action in any country other than their own, unless they are first given clearance by either that country's government or by a United Nations subcommittee.
- I really want to think I dont have to say anything here but I feel I do.
No I do not want a guy wearing an american flag running around in my country if my government didnt explicitely allow it. Same for a giant tin man or a creepy spiderlady.
- If anything then this paragraph would help improve the communication between countries. Yes people fear that in emergencies this will all take too long but 1) thats not the Accords fault and 2) I think we already have situations like this irl and most times it does work.
Governments are forbidden from deploying enhanced individuals outside of their own national borders, unless those individuals are given clearance as described above. The same rule also applies to non-government organizations that operate on a global scale (including S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers).
- Same reasoning. I really really dont want Shield around with their shady everything.
- And always needing consent before weaking havoc in other countries? nice
--------(new paragraph)-----
Any enhanced individuals who do not sign will not be allowed to take part in any police, military, or espionage activities, or to otherwise participate in any national or international conflict, even in their own country.
- Basically if you dont sign up then you cant be a super-cop. Groundbreaking.
(This is very much explained in the first paragraph already.)
As a corollary, they will not be allowed to participate in any active missions undertaken by private or governmental law enforcement/military/intelligence organizations (such as S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers).
- s a m e t h i n g
--------(new paragraph)-----
Any enhanced individuals who use their powers to break the law (including those who take part in extralegal vigilante activities), or are otherwise deemed to be a threat to the safety of the general public, may be detained indefinitely without trial.
If an enhanced individual violates the Accords, or obstructs the actions of those enforcing the Accords, they may likewise be arrested and detained indefinitely without trial.
- Cancel the without trial part and then Id say its just. This way it stinks and I feel Ross had his hands in this. No, I am not defending this one. Its Not Okay.
------(new paragraph)-------
The use of technology to bestow individuals with innate superhuman capabilities is strictly regulated, as is the use and distribution of highly advanced technology (such as Asgardian and Chitauri weaponry).
- You cant just experient and turn urself into the Hulk anymore??? Where is the fun in that?? //sarcasm//
- I dont need to go deeper into this, do I?
The creation of self-aware artificial intelligences is completely prohibited.
- Here comes a problem. For Tony mostly.
- I can think of a few reasons for this but I dont think many people are even capable of doing this. I think it would bd enough to file a request if you want to try and build an AI.
--------(new paragraph)----
The Avengers will no longer be a private organization and will operate under the supervision of the United Nations.
- See.. all of the above on why this is a good thing?
- The Avengers as a private organisation is actually a super scary thought. And if you arent at least a little freaked out about this (all from the point of looking at this as if it were real) then idk what to tell you.
---------(new paragraph)-------
For the purposes of the Accords, an "enhanced individual" is defined as any person, human or otherwise, with superhuman capabilities. This includes individuals whose powers are an innate function of their biology as well as individuals who utilize highly advanced technology to grant themselves superhuman capabilities. However, individuals with advanced prostheses do not seem to be considered "enhanced", even if their prostheses give them capabilities beyond those of ordinary humans. 
- Basically just explaining what they mean by "enhanced individual": people with powers. Doesnt matter if you are born with ur power or built urself a supersuit.
-If you got leg protheses that are super bouncy you arent considered an "enhanced individual" (to put it as simple as possible).
All members of the Avengers are subject to the same conditions as enhanced individuals, even if they are not enhanced themselves: Black Widow was required to sign so she could continue serving on the Avengers, and Hawkeye was incarcerated on the Raft after violating the Accords.
- I think this is fair because if you consider urself an Avenger and fight with them then you also should be held accountable.
- You wouldnt want a Someone to work in super-person capacity which both gives a great deal of responsibility and allows a high chance of fuck ups and destruction without them having any regulations, okay?
Which is ofc bullshit because the Accords were thick and 117 countries worked on them for idk how long. Do you understand what that takes? The compromises and politic battles thats been fought over this document?
And yes it is still not perfect.
But who in the seven Hells said that this was the final draft? Who??
"I dont wanna sign away my freedom of choice" F you! What about my freedom of choice of having some costumed weirdos run around my town blowing stuff up killing people?
"We cant save everyone" yEAH but maybe just mAyBe if you werent a dumb cunt then mayyybe with some teamwork with the countries respective secrurity personell (as every fucking country does have) then maybe Kyle, Maria and Dembe would still be alive?? Who knows.
So what I hear is "I dont wanna give up my freedom and continue to do as I see fit. Because I think I am a better judge than a UN committee and 117 governments that dont want me breaking into their countries on a semi-regular basis."
and thats why im generally pro-Accords :)
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so i traveled the united states for three years on and off ive been off the streets for 6 months now after being radically touched by my father and having my slavery to drugs alcohol and women broken, i had this chain attached to my soul yearning to find truth and follow in the steps of a brother named Christopher mccandless. alexander supertramp, little did i know this was just a story that the divine master of my life used to get me that much closer to him, i had never been chased or pursued by anyone in the whole world like my father chased me, through sleeping around with women across the country ruining their lives and mine and doing everyday drug possible from meth to weed, and acid and shrooms convincing myself i was my own god and that this reality was mine and i could do what i wanted with it, but death faced off with me every morning in the face of others and in my situation of being stuck in this fleshly prison, the creator thought this through forcing us to stay in this prison cell to truly find a way out only coming to realize in my life he was the way out, i was hiding in drugs day by day hiding at the bottom of a bottle when really all i needed was to hide out in him "he is my refuge" although i walked through the valley of death i felt protectance over me in the scariest ghettos and craziest situations, i lived in hell in a reality of hell for months allowing the god of this world the evil one to blind me and manipulate me through my traumas and wounds of depression rebellion rejection and dysfunctionality, finally he broke through, JESHUAS Love broke through, i was in SLAB CITY when the god of the universe, my papa came to speak to me, he had a messenger waiting there in slabs for me, i was a dirty kid with a dog and a sense and wish for purpose in my life not just wandering forever till i died which was what i was gonna do to prove i was a "man" or a hardcore guy. the hardest man gets broken by this world, nothing of this world is good, this flesh is a hell if your living a life for the flesh, it lives then it dies but i knew there was something eternal in me, my spirit nagged at me daily telling me there was more to this concious reality thn i dare to know. so i searched spiritually through acid and psychadelics, until i started having these awful spiritual attacks about ufos and aliens controlling my reality and a load of garbage all straight from the depths of sheol. someone something was trying to hinder me from finding out who i wtruly was and what im becoming to be and who my "real creator is" see the god of this world the"father of lies" puts blinders on those who are of the world, but when god revealed himself his true self to me everything changed i realized i was being chased and loved by something or someone so much bigger than me, he held my hand while i walked this country and hitched and hopped trains trying to figure out what in gods good name was i here for? an ant on the biggest space rock with a bilion other ants trying to figure out this whole mess too. im telling you it took all my self respect and admitting that i am nothing to finally realize who my daddy is, i hated him and rejected him for years i wanted to live this life my way, not "his" way and thats pepoples problem now adays we dont wanna admit we live sinfully and horribly because we know we'd have to lose all our self respect and our knowledge and everything we worked hard for in this life to get us to where we are in the first place, and to have to ask for forgiveness is our biggest weakness, we think "i dont need your forgiveness" id rather die than ask for it. but is heaven worth a little humiliation? for me yes, i couldnt go a day without his light his touch , paracleto's you are my everything. i made it back to oregon when i had encounter after soup kitchen another one of jehovas messenger of his holy army, his name was brian, he was a tatted up older military vet and he came up to me and my dog taco, i had these georgous dreads down to my shoulders and i looked like a dirty hippie, this false identity and this guy comes up to me and prophecy's my next five months, that id have these divine appoiintments and that id be marked by yawheh which is exactly what happened, that day i was marked for heavenly Purposes and longer the ambitions of the world. I've been sober for two months now and off the streets for 6 with my dog taco, ive been pursuing the lord everyday, i want people to get past their troubles and realize jesus didnt die so you could go to church every sunday and "Act" like you love god, i'd die for my lord i'd die like he died he' says pick up your cross and follow me, jesus means come die so you can actually live, i will live through you! in and through you touching his people and his children who dont know about christ and dont know of kingdom. dont ever let christians who dont actually have an intimate relationship with the king of kings ruin the idea of what a true beleive or baptized in holy spirit person might be like, the majority of the church goes to church to sing hymns and play the part of a goody too shoe christian when they sin every other dya of the week go to church sunday and play with themselves monday through saturday, saturated in the demonic instead of embraced by the king. i got baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT and thats when my life changed, not when i prayed "jesus come into my heart" which still allows the king to come do some work but you HAVE TO BE MADE INTO A NEW CREATION, he needs to touch you, no wonder so many people dont beleive in jesus BECAUSE they have never been touched physically by him becuae CHRISTIANS ARENT DOING THEYRE GOD GIVEN DUTY TO CAST OUT DEMONS AND HEAL THE SICK AND OPRESSED FEED THE HUNGRY not go to church then talk about football and get ready for super bowl sunday. IM HERE TO CAST DEMONS OUT OF PEOPLE AND TO HEAL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND TO GET TO KNOW MY PAPA. how bout you? all creation is evidence that our aftehr created us we have no excuse to say otherwise that this all happened by accident. i asked holy spirit to touch me and to make himself real to me and he did, i walked up to the front of a gathering and this heat and electricity from heaven fell down my arms and i started prophecying in my prayer language emediately broken into tears and laughin uncontrollably . i was touched and hugged by my creator he touched me and told me im not alone through his actions and his electricity. never had i ever realized i was so far from alone in this enormous world. i dare you anyone reading this to call on him" Call on jeshua, the holy spirit to come bring his fire and to touch you and to change your life to forgive you of oyur transgression, to take awyay your pains, tell him to give you an idea of oyur identity he made you for, your destiny. you werent made for you, you were made for him. and the best thing an all consuming god can give you is himself. if he gives you the world he hates you, if he gives you himself he loves you. i love you brothers and sisters thats my story in short. im eternal ill never die and its not by my works or by my deeds is by grace alone that i was lifted out the pit, and i was rescued and enlightened and soon to be in full revelation of who my god truly is. he's more treal than the air you breathe, just dare yourself to knock on that door of calling on jesus holy spirit if he isnt real then you have nothing to worry about, but if he is.. then you have everything to gain. everything in your life to lose to gain everything in him. he's umcomparable to this world you cant compare anything to the life to come after this but whoever your god is here is who youll sever for eternity do you wanna serve an empty beer bottle in hell or do you wanna serve and live and dwell in the heart of your creator? stand with the world and be judged by god or stand with god and judge the whole world. share your testimony with me i'd love to hear from more of my brothers and sisters! god bless you and lets press into him intimately lay it all down and lets get to know our daddy and our big brother. he payed such a price for you to take away eerything you neer wanted, give him your baggage your carrying in life its not yours anymore its his to carry. love love love!
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