#i think im forggeting one
i am,,,once again,,,,,opening a girlie up hang on is this why i get shadowbanned and my blog deleted? I Am Once Again Opening A IMAGINARY Girlie WHO DOESNT EXIST Up in FAKE FICTION
anyway not even using a knife this time its more of a scurvy scars reopening kind of a situation
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obnoxiousarcade · 9 months
would it be um cringe if I started pposting about my homestuck ocs
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depressed-alone · 7 years
Dear Evan Hansen
So I posted this fic on wattpad and ppl liked it a lot (for some reason) so Im posting it here as well. 
tagging people who wanted to be tagged in my other fic (that i still havent started) if you want to be added or removed feel free to message me.
@screamingoutinrage @scaredysanders @evilmuffin @galacticallynonbinary @mythicalquill @pattons-potato
sorry for any mistakes but im on phone and i have no idea what im doing.
Summary: typical soulmate Au where the first words that you hear from your soulmate is tattooed on you since birth etc.. The idea came from tumblr but i dont know who wrote it actually so i cant credit them sorrry Warnings: death mention (dont worry its not mayor), DEAR EVAN HANSEN SPOILERS! Pairings: I think poly i mean idk i never wrote poly/lamp before but i mean enjoy lol Human! Au It was on his arm for so long. And he still didn’t know what it meant. I can’t believe Connor Murphy died. Who is Connor Murphy? Why is he dead? Why is this the first sentence he will hear from his soulmate? Why? Questions were building up in Virgil’s head. He spent the past 19 years of his life asking the same questions over and over again. He surely won’t find his soulmate after 19 long years. But his best, and only friend Patton still pushed him, still believed in him. He didn’t tell anyone, not even Patton what his tattoo said. Patton didn’t find his soulmate either and he was 20. But he never gave up. He went outside as much as he could, in hopes that someone will pass by and say these five words: This doesn’t make any sense. He also had no idea what his tattoo meant, what made sense but he was hopeful. And that is why they were sitting in Patton’s car to go the theathre. Virgil didn’t want to go, of course he didn’t he wasn’t the going outside type but Patton said he feels something is different. He couldn’t explain it but he said this night will change their life. And boy was he right. “C'mon Verge it’s going to be fun! I promise.” Patton beamed with a comforting smile. He loved going outside. Virgil didn’t. “Whatever. I still don’t like this idea. What are we even watching? I hope it’s something not that boring. But who am I kidding theathre is just boring..” Virgil said with a bored tone in his voice. He didn’t like theathre. It was dark, loud and they were sometimes singing. He didn’t like that kind of singing. He was more of the sad emo type. “It’s called Dear Evan Hansen! If I remember right it’s about two boys who go to high school. One of them is Evan Hansen and the other is… What’s his name? Verge check that little prospectus please. I think it’s on the backseat.” Patton said not getting his eyes off of the road. Virgil didn’t say anything just nodded and climbed to the backseat. It was not the easiest to find the little paper in the mess that was in Patton’s car but he succesfully pulled it out from between the two seats. “I found it” He said as he sat back in the front seat. “Check who’s the other boy in the play please. I can’t remember his name and you know I hate forggetting things.” Patton said. He didn’t hate a lot of things but his forgetfulness was one of them.
Virgil’s eyes scanned the paper for a few seconds when he spotted a name on the page. His breath caught up and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “So what is it kiddo?” Patton asked. After a few minutes of silence he turned to look at Virgil who was just staring at the prospectus in front of him. “Connor Murphy” Virgil whispered and let out a shaky breath. “Is everything alright Verge? Do you want me to pull over?” Patton asked worriedly as he looked back at the road. He felt awful. He wanted to support his friend but he was in the middle of driving. Virgil stayed silent for the rest of the ride. He only shook his head when Patton asked if he wants him to pull over for the second time. “We are here Verge. Are you sure you don’t want to go home? You know it’s okay, I didn’t actually wanted to watch this that much, it doesn’t sound that interesting, so we can totally go home, it would be fine.” Patton rambled as an attempt to calm his friend down. Virgil just shook his head and started to walk towards the theathre pulling Patton with him. Virgil didn’t want to admit but he was actually kind of excited to see this musical. From what he knew it sounded interesting, but of course, it had to be ruined by some random person. “Will you tell me why are you so silent?” Patton asked as he was walking next to Virgil. The boy let Patton go when he was sure that he is following him. “No” Was all that Virgil said but it was enough for Patton to know not to push it. They will just enjoy this together and everything will be alright. They sat down in their seats at the front and waited for other people to fill up the theathre. Beacuse of Patton if they ever went somewhere together they were always super early beacuse Patton didn’t want to miss anything. The play didn’t start for another 15 minutes so Virgil decided to listen to music. As he reached in his pockets to grab his headphones he had to realize that they are in fact missing. “Are you searching for your headphones? Sorry kiddo but maybe today is the big day you can’t miss it out just beacuse you were listening to music.” Patton said with an apologetic smile. Roman’s Pov “Logan we have to go! It’s Dear Evan Hansen!” “I am aware Roman. But is it really that important? There’s no reason for me to go.” Logan asserted. “Yes there is silly. You might find your soulmate! But most importantly I might find my own soulmate. My princess. I’m sure she is beautiful and we will be a perfect match.” Roman exagerrated. “You shouldn’t assume Roman. You might be disappointed. What if it’s not even a girl? It can be a boy. Or a non-binary person. And what if you will be polar opposites. You set your bar too high, and that will cause disappointment.” The other boy stated. “You don’t understand Lo. I can feel it. We will be perfect. I can feel it.” The dramatic one said. “That makes no logical sense. And you can’t know for sure that you will meet them tonight. Also if you really want to see the play, we should go now or we will be late.” Logan pointed out. “Oh gosh you are right we need to go right now. C'mon Logan you don’t wanna miss the play do you?” Roman said and hurried out the door. Logan only sighed and went after the other boy. He was stuck with this drama queen till he finds his soulmate so he, secretly of course, also wants Roman to find his soulmate. And he would never admit it, not even to himself but deep down he too wanted to know who his “other half” is. It was stupid and illogical but he had to know. The theathre wasn’t that far away, it was maybe a ten minute walk and with Roman’s fast walking they arrived in less than five minutes. They went in and sat in the front row. Not that far away two boys sat around the same age. The only reason Logan noticed them is beacuse they looked like they are perfect opposites of each other. One of them wore a dark hoodie with purple paches and the other wore a blue t-shirt. The dark boy’s hair was in his face and his eyeshadow seemed to be under his eyes rather than on his eyelids. They looked odd but Logan didn’t think about them for too long. Everyone fell silent as the play started. Time skippity bc im lazyyy and also dont have any fucking time lol The first act has finished and there was a 15 minute break. Almost everyone stood up to go to the bathrooms or to call someone etc.. They passed in front of the two boys when Logan heard it. “I can’t believe it kiddo.” The sentence was followed with a sob which meant the person was crying. Logan grabbed Roman’s arm and pulled the royal boy with him. “Jesus nerd calm down you look like you just saw a ghost or something. What’s up with you? Why do you look so frightened?” Roman bombed the other boy with questions. “I saw him. My soulmate. I saw him. I heard the sentence.” Logan breathed out. “Why are you so weird? I thought you didn’t care. I mean I’m happy for you but you said you don’t care.” “I thought that too.” Was all Logan said before they heard the theathre guy tell them that they have to go back. Logan hurriedly went back to his row not even waiting for Roman. He kept muttering this doesn’t make any sense. Apparently he was too loud as he heard a squeal from next to him. Of course he was standning right im front of the odd boy with the other weird guy. “Virgil, Virgil, Virgil.” The boy shaked the dark one next to him. Logan just stood there looking at what the two were doing. “What happened Patt? Are you hurt? Why do you look so… happy?” The other boy, Virgil as he just learned his name asked. “Look!” He pulled up his cardigan’s sleeves and revealed that his tattoo was fading. Then Virgil noticed Logan standing there. “Oh. Cool. So you are the guy. That’s cool.” Virgil said as he put his headphones on. At least there was an attempt to put them back, when he heard it. “I can’t believe Connor Murphy died.” It was a boy who wore an outfit close to a Prince’s. There was no way that guy was his soulmate. “You! You are the one!” He shouted suddenly. The royal boy froze in his place and the two boys next to him looked in his direction as well. “Roman?” Logan asked. “Wait you know this guy? I don’t even know you. What’s your name anyways?” Virgil asked as he turned to Logan. “Oh apologise. My name is Logan and that right there is my roommate. His name is Roman. And it seems like you said the words that are on his back.” Logan stated. “Well Roman you spoiled the whole fucking play you know that right? You could have said literally anything else that didn’t contain these words but you, you had to say this. Thanks for spoiling this play. It was really great living my life in fear beacuse the word dead was on my arm. So really thank you.” Virgil scuffed. After a few minutes Patton broke the silence. “Verge calm down, it’s not Roman’s fault. It’s no one’s fault in fact.” The fatherly figure tried to calm both of the boys down. “You… you are a boy. And-and you wear all black and you literally just look like an emo nightmare. I’ve waited 20 years for this?” Roman asked as he pointed towards the dark boy. “Woah there. You don’t have to be mean. You don’t even know Virgil. You just critize him by his appearance. And that is not a good thing to do.” Patton said with a serious voice. “Very much so. Roman I told you. If you set your expectation too high you will probably be disappointed. Your soulmate doesn’t have to be a girl that is just plain stupid. Gender shouldn’t matter. Nor appearance. Personality is the one thing that matters.”
 Virgil’s eyes were scanning between the three boys in front of him. They were defending… him. Of course Patton always stood up for him, since he started high school the bubbly boy was always with him. But this new guy. He didn’t even know him. Why can’t the smart and kind boy be his soulmate? As he was thinking about this he felt something burning on his upper arm. It seemed like the three other boy experienced this too so they looked at each other then at their arms. He pulled up his sleeves and saw that the question What? was on his arm. But that’s not all. He also had I don’t understand and This makes no sense all tattooed on both his arms.
 "What?“ Patton suddenly asked. He was as confused as the others but everyone gasped as the word What started to fade from all of their arms. "I don’t understand.” Was the next sentence that started to fade from the boys’ arms. It was Roman who said this in complete confusion. “This makes no sense” Logan stated. The last sentence faded from Virgil’s arm. The other three looked at him. They all had the same sentence on their arm and Virgil said it immideatly. “I’m gonna faint.” He said and he fell to the ground. Or he would have fell if Roman didn’t jump behind him to catch him.
 okay so im ending this here beacuse im shit at endings sorry.
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conflictedrabbit · 7 years
I can’t believe this artist hasn’t deleted yet
[source] aka non-apology put through the crytyper generator for your amusement. though idk, the original writing “transophobic” is pretty glorious in of itself in how up its own ass it is
I really feel leike i need to make ..tihs opst.. SO;;OOoOOoo…..,, first  oof all IMM NOO,T  A CELEBRITY???? ST  OtP ACTTING AS..S IF   I WAS PLEASE IM JJUST THIS;SD UMB GIRL ONN  MEXICO I’MM NOT AA BI GDEA.L second, i apoloogized for the slur, it was AGESe ;ago bbut, well awppareeNty it d.oeesn;’t matter ad il’l aa,pol;;ogizze aagain . thn,, i’m so sorry iif on;ly ,becausse i’m ,,cis itt meaans i’m  transopph,,obic, so sorry really it’’s noot on  purpouse ubt i’m  not trannsophobic wwhhatt  kindwo  f shit humman beeinng ..wouldd be. then againn, i talked to this pE;son and theyy  ss,aid  i need to apollogize for everyThing i’ve ssaid onm y blogg nd i’’m really so sorrry, alreaddy. i can’’t believe i got hate for the f;irst ttim justt,e. i just waNt ot leave thhis pplacei   dont ww ant anyone ;;beeing ON ym  side right  no,,w i..i Juust can’t belieeve the perosn hwo starrted aall t,,he hate aga,instt me  saida   lot of thhings  i hhaavden’’t dOne and people th,ink  i’m  awwful,  liked i’m not;; trying tto makE,, profit out o;f anmi  jjustall  abse???? how does that even  oork??? i love aniim justals and.. i  was abooutt to give ,,up on making tt,he luilddrawings when someone ttlod  me dtheey had kiilled the bear, wheen TTHE REEAAL O;FF,FICER HERE ssaid her c;;orpo'ral told heer it wa  s  ann  other.. bear ooh alsso, wow im jjustso sorrry i  have a white characte..rs?,,?? im jUUst sso sorry he’s quueer cbuut, i ne  ve r;s,,aid he was becaues i w,,anted to ,,keep i ..ta secret??? but hey i. a,lso;; ,h ave other chhas you ,kno,;, one   is half meXican and another ..s ginger and blah blah wwhoo cares l;ets’ forgget that.   i know i ca,N’’t bbee 1  00% right ora nything,, but y,,esterddaayi was so happy taht itt was al;;l so possitive. ddo you really  think i’m not,, human or that this little luck i just. had wi;;ll make me ann aasss[hoLe???? i Haave.. neverr tried tto hur[t anyoen, STILL  i’..m so sorry .if ;;i ever did w,ithout purppouse, HEYY PEOPLE  READ HTIS AGAIN I’M SORRY FFOR EXISTING and pleease don’’t think of me aas thhe victim just,, ujst…. . ..jsut quiettly unnfolllow me if you don’tt like me bt..u  i read thee bad thin,gs i ssee  aboout m;e you  know. and theyy are more powerful  thaan thee nice things. wow ..i on’;;t konnw /inn which voice yyou’’reey gonna rread ,,thiis buut you,, guyss made me cry sso  i’m not an inseesib;;el ppiecee of shit.
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