#i think its so cruel of me for not even letting KJ explode properly
excaive · 2 years
So where IS Jamie when they get separated from KJ? Did Jamie leave on their own? Taken? How does Jamie survive without a host? What happened that was so terrible that they separated? -🐉✨
Well I say KJ is wormless, which they are by all means but Jamie is literally still in their body.
Jamie is a regen parasite by nature and the thing with regen parasites is that they cannot be removed from their host without significantly crippling the host physically and mentally because regen parasites become an essential part of their host's ability to funtion.
KJ got hospitalized because they [DATA EXPUNGED] which was mostly an accident because they were being careless and not paying attention and they were kinda counting on it straight up killing them instead of like. putting them in a coma for a week or so.
And they wake up and really quickly finds out that Jamie isn't there. Which is absolutely terrifying because they've never been alone in their own head their entire life and Jamie was always there for them.
KJ also can't speak properly after waking up, so those two things make them very upset and hysterical because they can't properly communicate what's wrong and they're just getting incredibly overwhelmed.
Eventually doctors come to the conclusion Jamie is still somehow in a coma, but because its an abnormal parasite that has a fungi parasite in it, figuring out a solution to make Jamie wake up again is extremely difficult. Especially because they conclude something happened with the fungi parasite and fungi parasites are not well understood, so KJ is hospitalized for.... a real long time.
like Jamie is still alive but unresponsive and that affects KJ's throat and energy capacity. If you know anything about KJ and generally just their vibes, they do not Shut Up ever about anything, so being literally incapable of making their tongue and mouth move properly to form words is so fucking suffocating. and they can't even be upset about it for long enough for it to feel better to just vent their frustrations because they get fatigued so quickly.
Plus their intrusive thoughts are worse than ever so they literally don't get a break except for when they knock themself out and sleep and even then they don't rest well. Horrid horrid horrid.
And KJ feels extremely guilty because they genuinely love Jamie and they are so devastated about the situation because they just didn't think they'd be around to deal with the repurcussions of their reckless behavior - you wouldn't feel anything if you were dead.
KJ has extreme self-loathing under their funny, eccentric demeanour and genuinely has a lot of care for their friends and Jamie, and they did a scary good job at never letting it show or affect those around them - until it affected Jamie which is the closest thing to them, and things just crumbled from there.
They also did a terribly good job at making sure none of their friends had any ways to check up on or contact them, and none of them really realized because KJ was so active hanging out with them and initiating things until they just suddenly weren't around anymore.
And Roger was practically the only person left who knew what happened and that they were hospitalized. And Roger did his best to be there for them as they have been for him but on god that was so draining and difficult to deal with.
So yeah anyway KJ is wormless by all means and especially emotionally for an unbearable amount of time.
but hey it all works out and KJ and Roger gets to hold hands afterwards :]
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